Lafontaine Symbolism Project Part I: In class practice Concept Bank Symbolism = The use of symbols to represent deeper or more complex ideas, concepts, feelings, etc. Symbolism is NOT the LITERAL meaning. Instead, it IS the SYMBOLIC meaning. A SYMBOL is a person, place, thing, image, or event that stands for itself and for something beyond itself as well. It has a deeper meaning. There are PRIVATE and PUBLIC symbols. Private Symbols = Symbols that mean something to your personally. Public (universal) Symbols = Symbols that have a deeper meaning to most people in a specific community, country, etc. (flags, roses, four leaf clover, etc.) Literally = The literal meaning of something; the real thing; the facts; what something ACTUALLY is… Example: Look at the picture of our school’s mascot: This is literally a picture of _____________________________________________(symbol). It has the following characteristics: ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _____ (identify or describe its traits) As a result, its SYMBOLIC or FIGURATIVE MEANING is: ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ (give a theme, message or motif--a central idea or dominant theme--Ex: the bonds of family, the enduring love of a mother for her child, etc.) Analysis 1) Explain how the characteristics lead to the symbolic meaning 2) Is it a public or private symbol? How do you know? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Lafontaine Part II: Brainstorm & Research 1. Discuss the symbol you were given with your partner. List your symbol’s literal CHARACTERISTICS OR TRAITS below: o o o o o o 2. Brainstorm ideas about its SYMBOLIC or FIGURATIVE MEANING below: o o o o o o HOMEWORK 3. Tonight, BOTH of you are to research your symbol. Your job is to find out the following: What does your symbol symbolize? Is it a public or private symbol? **You MUST PRINT your sources** (print the internet pages where you found information about your symbol) Before you leave today, work with your partner to come up with some search phrases (Ex: “oak tree symbols”) AND divide up the work! o o o o o Lafontaine Part III: Evaluate & Summarize your Research Review your research with your partner. Choose the most helpful and reliable information. Then, write two GISTs to summarize the research you will use in your presentation. Go to your GIST Template Part IV: Present your Research Organize for your presentation. You must include: The symbol The literal characteristics or traits The symbolic or figurative meaning Analysis (1. Explain how the characteristics lead to the symbolic meaning; include the history or origin of the symbol if necessary or available 2. Is it a public or private symbol? How do you know?) Who will do and say what? When? Get the logistics of your presentation organized. Prepare and organize in the space provided below and use the back as needed: Lafontaine Group Members _________________________________________ Symbol _____________________________ Symbolism Presentation Rubric Descriptor Content requirements The symbol The literal characteristics or traits The symbolic or figurative meaning Analysis 1. 2. 10 Clearly and thoroughly presents ALL required aspects of the symbol with expertise. 9-8 7-6 5-3 2-0 Presents MOST required aspects of the symbol but some areas lack clarity and elaboration. Presents SOME required aspects of the symbol but some areas lack clarity and elaboration. Presents ONE or ZERO required aspects of the symbol. 4 3 2 N/A Both students participated but it was not equal Speakers make eye contact with most of the class throughout the presentation Speakers make eye contact with some of the class for ½ of the presentation Clearly and thoroughly presents MOST required aspects of the symbol. Explain how the characteristics lead to the symbolic meaning; include the history or origin of the symbol if necessary or available Is it a public or private symbol? How do you know? Descriptor Participation Eye Contact Projection Stance 5 Both students participated equally during the presentation Speakers make eye contact with the entire class throughout the presentation Speakers project voices throughout the presentation so that all can hear him/her Speakers assume a strong stance and does not engage in any nervous movements N/A N/A One thing you did well in your presentation… One thing you need to work on for the future is Speakers can be heard throughout presentation with minor lapses Speakers assume a strong stance and engages in a minor nervous movement N/A Speakers make minor eye contact with some of the class 1 One student participated (the whole time or the majority of the time) Speakers make no eye contact with the class N/A Speakers hard to hear throughout presentation N/A Speakers do not assume a strong stance and engages in nervous movement throughout Total Score: _____ / 30