TRUST MAJOR INCIDENT PLAN Version No: 4.1 Issue Date: January 2010 Purpose of this document The purpose of this document is to provide a framework for managing the response of the Trust to a Major Incident which cannot be dealt with by normal procedures VERSION HISTORY Version Date Issued Brief Summary of Change Owner’s Name 2a 12/03/03 Second Version Philip Bircham, Senior Site Manager 3.1 6/09/06 Third Version Steve Jupp, Head of Emergency Planning 4.0 24/02/09 Steve Jupp, Head of Emergency Planning 4.1 05/01/10 Fourth Version (draft) rewrite following changes to HCT, HIC and MI exercises Fourth Version approved by all groups and consulted upon, comments received back and incorporated Formal Review Steve Jupp, Head of Emergency Planning January 2011 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 1 of 94 Contents Section 1 1. All Staff ...................................................................................................................... 6 Responsibilities for all staff during a Major Incident .................................................................... 6 1.2 Roles for all staff during a Major Incident ....................................................................... 6 1.3 Activities for all Staff ....................................................................................................... 7 1.4 Reporting and Access to the Royal London Hospital ..................................................... 7 1.5 Staff reporting Areas ....................................................................................................... 8 2. Locations and Telephone numbers by Department ............................................... 9 3. Internal Contact Numbers by Individual ................................................................ 10 4. External Telephone Numbers by Organisation ..................................................... 11 5. Major Incident Triage Sieve and Sort and Patient Flow ........................................ 12 6. Major Incident Action Card Structure & Action Cards.......................................... 13 Trust GOLD Commander – Pager reference BTLAC1 .............................................................. 14 Trust SILVER Commander ........................................................................................................ 15 Medical Incident Consultant....................................................................................................... 16 Site Manager.............................................................................................................................. 17 Media Liaison Officer ................................................................................................................. 18 Hospital Support Team Leader .................................................................................................. 19 Administrative Support Team Leader ........................................................................................ 20 Administrative Support Team .................................................................................................... 21 Facilities Co-ordinator ................................................................................................................ 22 Site Coordinator St Bartholomew’s Hospital .............................................................................. 23 Site Coordinator London Chest Hospital ................................................................................... 24 ED Commander (Consultant in Charge of Emergency Department) ........................................ 25 Nurse in Charge (NIC) of Emergency Department .................................................................... 26 Triage Officer ............................................................................................................................. 27 Triage Nurse .............................................................................................................................. 29 Triage Receptionist .................................................................................................................... 31 Resuscitation Room Team Leader ............................................................................................ 32 Theatre Commander .................................................................................................................. 34 Anaesthetics Lead ..................................................................................................................... 35 Majors Team Leader .................................................................................................................. 36 Minors Team Leader .................................................................................................................. 38 Paediatric Team Leader ............................................................................................................ 40 ED Admin Manager / ED Reception Supervisor ........................................................................ 42 Senior ED Porter on Duty or Bleep 1158 out of hours .............................................................. 43 Emergency Department Porter .................................................................................................. 44 Main Receiving Ward (Cambridge Ward) and other Wards ...................................................... 45 Hospital Surgical Officer ............................................................................................................ 46 Hospital Medical Officer ............................................................................................................. 47 Walk In Centre Receptionist ...................................................................................................... 48 Theatre Coordinator ................................................................................................................... 49 ICU Commander ........................................................................................................................ 50 Bearsted Lecture Theatre Leader .............................................................................................. 51 Contents Section 2 Purpose of the Trust Major Incident Plan (MIP) ........................................................ 53 Underlying Principles of the Plan ............................................................................................... 53 Principles of Departmental Sub Plans ....................................................................................... 53 Storage and use of Trust Major Incident Plan ........................................................................... 53 PRINCIPLES OF CARE ............................................................................................... 54 1. Background ............................................................................................................. 55 1.1 1.2 Definition of a Major Incident ........................................................................................ 55 Classification of Major Incidents ................................................................................... 55 2. Alerting Procedure Internal and External Major Incidents ................................... 57 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Sources of an Alert ....................................................................................................... 57 How a Major Incident Is Declared within the Trust ....................................................... 57 Messages that Switchboard Cascade .......................................................................... 57 Receiving Hospitals ...................................................................................................... 57 Internal Major Incident and Major Incident Initial Actions Diagram .............................. 58 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 2 of 94 2.6 2.6 Major Incident Terminology .......................................................................................... 58 Major Incident Terminology .......................................................................................... 59 3. Internal Major Incidents & “A&E Diverts”.............................................................. 60 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Definition ....................................................................................................................... 60 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 60 Principles ...................................................................................................................... 60 Actions for Gold Commander to consider ..................................................................... 61 Actions for Silver Commander to consider ................................................................... 62 Possible Locations for the HCT during an Internal Major Incident ............................... 62 A&E or Blue Light Diverts resulting from capacity issues ............................................. 62 A&E or Blue Light Diverts resulting from infrastructure issues ..................................... 63 4. Hospital Control Team ............................................................................................ 64 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Team Makeup ............................................................................................................... 64 Responsibilities ............................................................................................................. 64 Location ........................................................................................................................ 64 HCT Meetings ............................................................................................................... 65 Others located in the HCR ............................................................................................ 65 5. Summary of Activity Responding to the Major Incident ....................................... 66 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 Hospital Control Team .................................................................................................. 66 Emergency Department ................................................................................................ 66 Theatres ........................................................................................................................ 67 Intensive Care Team .................................................................................................... 67 Hospital Support Team ................................................................................................. 67 Mortuary ........................................................................................................................ 67 Pharmacy ...................................................................................................................... 67 Runners / Loggists / Marshalls / Security ..................................................................... 67 6. Contracted Services ............................................................................................... 69 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 Switchboard (Carillion) .................................................................................................. 69 Porters (Carillion) .......................................................................................................... 69 Security (Carillion) ........................................................................................................ 69 Catering (Carillion) ........................................................................................................ 69 Central Sterile Services Department (CSSD) (Synergy) .............................................. 69 Estates (SFS) ............................................................................................................... 69 Supplies (Receipt and Distribution) (Carillion) .............................................................. 69 Domestic Services (Carillion)........................................................................................ 69 Transport (Carillion) ...................................................................................................... 69 7. Police Documentation Team (PDT) ........................................................................ 70 8. Media........................................................................................................................ 71 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Principles Underlying Press Officer Role ...................................................................... 71 Telephone Enquiries ..................................................................................................... 71 Location For Media ....................................................................................................... 71 Media Briefings ............................................................................................................. 71 9. Children ................................................................................................................... 72 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Application to Children .................................................................................................. 72 Background ................................................................................................................... 72 Differences from Adult MIP ........................................................................................... 72 Equipment ..................................................................................................................... 72 10. Mass Casualty Event ............................................................................................ 73 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 Definition ....................................................................................................................... 73 Hospital Response ........................................................................................................ 73 Clinical Care.................................................................................................................. 73 Priority 3 – Walking Wounded Casualties .................................................................... 73 Priorty 4 – Expectant .................................................................................................... 73 Use of Other Hospitals .................................................................................................. 73 11. St Bartholomew’s Hospital Response ................................................................. 74 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 Background ................................................................................................................... 74 Site Coordinator St Bartholomew’s Hospital ................................................................. 74 Patients ......................................................................................................................... 74 Major Incident Supporting Activities ............................................................................. 75 12. LCH Response ...................................................................................................... 77 12.1 12.2 12.3 Local Cascade of the Major Incident ............................................................................ 77 Site Co-ordinator London Chest Hospital ..................................................................... 77 Prepare the Wards to Receive Patients ....................................................................... 77 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 3 of 94 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.9 12.10 12.11 12.12 Staffing .......................................................................................................................... 77 Patient Flow .................................................................................................................. 77 Receiving wards ........................................................................................................... 78 Outpatients Department (OPD) .................................................................................... 78 Heart Attack Centre (HAC) ........................................................................................... 78 MRI Unit ........................................................................................................................ 78 Communication ............................................................................................................. 78 Media ............................................................................................................................ 78 Updates and Stand down ............................................................................................. 78 13. Documentation and Record Keeping................................................................... 79 13.1 13.2 13.3 Documentation .............................................................................................................. 79 Situation Reports .......................................................................................................... 79 HCT meetings ............................................................................................................... 79 14. Debrief, Reporting, Review, Training and Exercising ......................................... 80 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 Hot and Cold Debrief .................................................................................................... 80 Major Incident Report ................................................................................................... 80 Review Process ............................................................................................................ 80 Training Programme ..................................................................................................... 80 Exercise Programme .................................................................................................... 80 Contents Section 3 1 Trust Resilience Team ........................................................................................ 82 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 82 Team Make Up ............................................................................................................. 82 Role ............................................................................................................................... 82 Press ............................................................................................................................. 82 Security and Police ....................................................................................................... 82 Trust Staffing Continuity ............................................................................................... 82 Equipment and Supplies ............................................................................................... 83 Staff Communications ................................................................................................... 83 THPCT and NHS London ............................................................................................. 83 VIP Visits....................................................................................................................... 83 Relatives ....................................................................................................................... 83 Worried Well and Members of the Public ..................................................................... 83 Trust Activity ................................................................................................................. 83 Contents Section 4 External Situation Report ........................................................................................... 85 Internal Situation Report Major Incident ................................................................... 86 Suggested Draft Agenda for a HCT meeting ............................................................. 87 Generic Debrief Agenda ............................................................................................. 88 Glossary of Terms ...................................................................................................... 89 Responsible organisations covered under the Civil Contingencies Act (2004) ..... 92 Contents Section 5 Local Major Incident Plans ......................................................................................................... 94 Business Continuity Plan ........................................................................................................... 94 Local Business Continuity Plans................................................................................................ 94 HazMat Plan .............................................................................................................................. 94 Pandemic Flu Plan ..................................................................................................................... 94 Hospital Evacuation Plan ........................................................................................................... 94 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 4 of 94 Section 1 This section of the plan includes Action Cards Telephone numbers and other items to be used During a Major Incident Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 5 of 94 1. ALL STAFF Responsibilities for all staff during a Major Incident During a Major Incident both clinical and non-clinical staff may have additional responsibilities to aid the Trust in the coping and recovery processes. Staff should also be aware of necessary actions which need to be taken in the event of a Major Incident. Due to the unpredictable nature of a Major Incident, there is the potential for many of the Trust employees not being at work when the incident occurs. Employees may also learn of the incident through national media rather than directly from the Trust. There are some specific actions which staff should undertake and be aware of when this situation occurs: Communicate with your manager as soon as you are aware of a (potential) Major Incident and identify when/if your services will be required Staff may be asked to work outside of their ‘normal’ hours, this will be agreed by negotiation. Major Incidents are frequently not resolved quickly and ‘odd’ hours of work can be expected during the initial phase of the incident and during the recovery phase of the response. In cases where it is not possible for staff to come directly to work, due to childcare arrangements, staff should inform their manager when they will be available. If staff do not have specific a specific role as outlined in the Major Incident Plan or local Major Incident Plans they should continue with their usual daily tasks. Staff will be notified by their managers if extra responsibilities are required or if volunteers are needed. 1.2 During a Major Incident there may be a requirement to carry out additional activities on a 24/7 approach. This may include some non clinical activities which traditionally only occur during normal working hours. Staff welfare should not be compromised in such situations and appropriate measures will be taken to ensure staff have sufficient rest periods Staff will be compensated for their efforts when the incident has been resolved During a Major Incident the Trust will be running on a higher state of alert than usual, which could result in a lockdown. Levels of security will be increased, it is essential for all staff to ensure that they have staff ID badges and correct tools for access into and out of the hospital. Security will have to conduct best practice at all times and operate at a zero tolerance state to ensure the safety of the hospital and its staff. Additional security staff will be drafted to aid with general security, and there may also be police presence within and around the hospital for specific tasks such as crowd control, or close protection of a suspect, victim or VIP. Roles for all staff during a Major Incident The Major Incident may involve a response where members of staff have a particular skill e.g. language, ICT skills, previous clinical experience. Volunteers with specific skills may be requested by the Hospital Control Team. Additionally members of staff may be required to assist with the Major Incident response as a Marshall, Runner, Security or Loggist. Marshalls Marshalls will be required to help direct relatives friends or patients from one area of the hospital to another ensuring that they are not “lost” enroute through the identified Major Incident care pathways. Runners Runners will be used to transport important decision making data from point to point within the Trust should normal lines of communication become broken during the Major Incident. A runner must have reasonable familiarity of the location that they are providing support to and have a normal level of fitness. Loggists Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 6 of 94 Loggists will be needed in the Hospital Control Room (HCR) and in other locations to log all relevant information going in and out of the hospital and all actions and decisions taken during the Major Incident. (This role is more fully described in Section 2 Part 14 of this plan – Documentation and Record Keeping) Security Staff will be paired with existing security and used to secure the Trust site during an extended period of lockdown. 1.3 Activities for all Staff It can be expected that during a Major Incident that there will be problems with communication. Mobile phone systems are designed to cope with normal levels of traffic. The communication systems necessary to continue to respond to a Major Incident have a number of layers of resilience but these do not extend to every phone system within the Trust. Additionally the Trust can expect the switchboard to be incredibly busy. On 7 July 2005, in response to the London Transport bombing the Trust received 12,500 more phone calls than the day before. Upon joining the Trust staff are therefore asked to: Advise relatives / loved ones that during a Major Incident you will be working in an environment where communication may be difficult and that they should only contact you if urgent. Advise relatives/loved ones that you will be able to communicate to them but that you and the Trust will need to keep communication to a minimum to aid the overall Major Incident response. Advise loved ones that you will be working in a safe environment and that the Trust will look after your well being. During a Major Incident staff must: Keep phone use to a minimum both mobile and Trust land lines. To inform one person that you are safe and ask them to inform all other friends and relatives on your behalf, rather than you contacting everyone yourself. If you are available and do respond out of hours, before you come into the Trust please inform a relative/loved one where and what you are doing. 1.4 Reporting and Access to the Royal London Hospital Responders to the Major Indent call out whether on or off site, must report to the Hospital Main Entrance Reception. All responders must Fill in a colour coded sticky label with their name, grade and normal duty (this should be worn at all times.) The colour coding for the stickers is shown below. Enter their name and time of arrival on the appropriate list. Collect their Action Card (if appropriate). Proceed to their holding area (see section 1.5`). Staff without specified duties should remain at their holding areas until required. Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 7 of 94 1.5 Staff reporting Areas Personnel Holding Area Sticker Colour Board to sign Consultants White Sign white board Other Medical Staff Junior Doctors Emergency Dept Coffee Room Bearsted Lecture Theatre Blue Sign blue board Anaesthetic staff Theatre Rest rooms Orange Sign orange board Theatre Staff Theatre Rest rooms Red Sign red board A&E Staff A&E normal place of work Intensive Care Staff Intensive Care rest room Qualified Nurses Bearsted Lecture Theatre Green Sign green board Managers /Clerical Staff Bearsted Lecture Theatre Grey Sign grey board All other staff Bearsted lecture Theatre Gold Sign gold board Students(all) Bearsted Lecture Theatre Yellow Sign yellow board Volunteers Bearsted Lecture Theatre Pink Sign pink board Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 8 of 94 2. LOCATIONS AND TELEPHONE NUMBERS BY DEPARTMENT Major Incident Area Normal Usage Extension(s) 14 - Priority 1 (Critical injuries) Resuscitation Room 2521 or 2004 Priority 2 (Major injuries) ED Majors (Trolley Area) 2404 / 2325 / 2871 or 3624 Priority 3 (Minor injuries) Minors and streaming 2320 / 3085 / 3050 / 6346 Priority 3 (minors expansion) Orthopaedic Fracture Clinic ED Reception ED Reception 3099 / 7437 / 2321 or 7470 7781 / 3595 or 2323 Hospital Control Team Renal Seminar Room SBH Control Room LCH Control Room Site Managers Office 2nd Floor KGV Discharge Lounge Main Block Fax 020 7943 1400 (14 x 6400) 15 2143 / 15 2396 / 15 2826 / 15 2842 16 2395 – Bleep 1945 Ambulance Liaison Officer Renal Seminar Room As HCT Theatre Control Point Front block theatres reception 7224 or 2396 Emergency Surgery Front Block Theatres 7224 / 2396 Hospital Administrative Support Renal Seminar Room As HCT Media / Press Liaison Point Raised platform in front of Temporary Restaurant, adjacent to Walk In Centre or as directed by the on-call Press Officer 14 3890 External Number 020 7655 4909 Press Officer In the event of holding a press conference the Physicians & Surgeons Room may be used 2226 Renal Seminar Room As HCT Relatives Waiting Area Hospital Dining Room 2711 Patients Dead on Arrival Mortuary Facilities 60190 Patients Dying in Hospital Mortuary Facilities 60190 Police Documentation Area Consultants ED secretaries office ED Coffee room 7728 7161 Fax 7014 Nil Junior Doctors Bearsted Lecture Theatre 2410 Volunteers / Students Awaiting Duties Hospital Support Team Bearsted Lecture Theatre 2410 Catherine Gladstone Lounge and Hospital Dining Room 2088 / 2711 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 9 of 94 3. INTERNAL CONTACT NUMBERS BY INDIVIDUAL Name Contact Details Comments Gold on call 08448 222 888 Pager reference BTLAC1 Gold is the only person within the Trust who can declare an Internal Major Incident. Silver on call 07659 105480 RLH Site Manager Bleep 1111 SBH Co-ordinator Barts Site Manager 0287 LCH Co-ordinator Bleep 1945 Facilities Co-ordinator Available through Switchboard Capital Hospitals Via Facilities co-ordinator Duty ED Consultant Bleep 1115 and Aircall ED Registrar Bleep 1273 ED Senior Nurse Bleep 1612 Duty Security Manager Bleep 1134 or ext. 14-7691 Duty Pharmacist Bleep 1212 or aircall OOH Duty Consultant Microbiologist Aircall Trust Infection Control Doctor Aircall Duty Press Officer Aircall Duty Portering Manager Bleep 1158 or ext. 14-7350 Duty Public Health Doctor Aircall Occupational Health Department Duty Engineer Ext. 15-8070 Office hours only Bleep 1123 If required e.g. decon tent needs to be erected Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 10 of 94 4. EXTERNAL TELEPHONE NUMBERS BY ORGANISATION NAME CONTACT DETAILS COMMENTS London SHA Pager Bureau 0844 822 2888 pager reference NHS 01 To be contacted always where actual or potential major incidents, major incident standbys, adverse or high profile media interest events, or other threats occur. Tower Hamlets PCT Director On call City and Hackney PCT 07779 345652 London Ambulance Service Local Health Protection Unit 020 7827 4555 020 7220 4500 Not for public circulation NE & Central London Guys Poison Centre Via Switchboard or 0870 243 2241 Clinical Advice HPA Chemical Hazards London HPA Chemical Hazards and Poisons Divison (CHAPD) HPA Centre for Infections 0207 639 8999 Incident Reporting 0844 892 0555 24 hour National Hotline for incidents Incident Reporting HPA Radiation Protection 01235 831600 (daytime) 01235 834590 (OOH) 020 7780 2400 (switchboard) London Independent Hospital Pager Bureau 0844 822 2888 pager reference “CHC280” 0208 200 4400 Thames Water 01189256610 (telephone) 0118925661 (fax) E-mail: Environment Agency 0118 953 53 53 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Incident Reporting Switchboard - Ask for on call Director Thames Water Operations Control Duty Manager (OCDM) Page 11 of 94 5. MAJOR INCIDENT TRIAGE SIEVE AND SORT AND PATIENT FLOW MAJOR INCIDENT TRIAGE SIEVE AND SORT MAJOR INCIDENT TRIAGE SIEVE Y WALKING N PRIORITY 3 (Delayed) Patients whose treatment can be delayed MINORS < 10 > 30 CAPILARY REFILL TIME OR HEART RATE Y PRIORITY T1 (Urgent) MAJORS > 2 sec > 120 < 2 sec < 120 MASS CASUALTY EXTENSIVE INJURIES This category can only be used after a decision and order by a HCT Gold Commander N PRIORITY 1 (Immediate) Patients with high priority for immediate life saving emergency care RESUS PRIORITY 2 (Urgent) Less severely injured who need urgent medical care MAJORS PRIORITY 4 (Expectant) Injuries so severe either cannot survive or require excess treatment that would seriously compromise the treatment of large numbers of others TBA by HCC Y PRIORITY T1 (Delayed) MINORS TRTS SCORE 12 MORTUARY Y 10 to 29 N PRIORITY 5 (Dead) After airway opening REPIRATORY RATE PRIORITY T1 (Immediate) RESUS Y TRTS SCORE 1-10 TRTS SCORE 11 N BREATHING MAJOR INCIDENT TRIAGE SORT N Y PRIORITY T5 (Dead) MORTUARY TRTS SCORE 0 MASS CASUALTY EXTENSIVE INJURIES PRIORITY T4 (Expectant) HCT to advise Y This category can only be used after a decision and order by a HCT Gold Commander TRIAGE REVISED TRAUMA SCORING SYSTEM Physiological Variable Measured Variable 10-29 >29 6-9 1-5 0 Score 4 3 2 1 0 Systolic Blood Pressure >90 76-89 50-75 1-49 0 4 3 2 1 0 Glasgow Coma Scale 13-15 9-12 6-8 4-5 3 4 3 2 1 0 Respiratory Rate PATIENT FLOW All Patients arriving in the A&E Department will enter via Ambulance Bay Entrance All Patients being discharged will leave via the main entrance Out Patients Building Cambridge Ward is the designated admitting ward for Adults Children will be admitted to the appropriate children’s wards A&E INSTRUCTION DO NOT check patient’s property or wait for main hospital notes All requests for Medical / Nursing resources via Nurse in Charge A&E to Site Manager Hospital Control Room All requests for further supplies / equipment via the Hospital Control Team Facilities Co-ordinator ESSENTIAL NUMBERS A&E Majors 14-2404 14-2325 RLH Theatres 14-7224 14-2396 Intensive Care Unit 14-7731 14-7732 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 12 of 94 6. MAJOR INCIDENT ACTION CARD STRUCTURE & ACTION CARDS Site Coordinator LCH ED Resus and Theatre Co-ordination Site Coordinator SBH ICU Commander All marked in Yellow Box, as well as Family and Acute, Divisional Director or Divisional Nurse or Divisional General Manager Regional Divisional Director or Divisional Nurse or Divisional General Manager Circulatory Respiratory and Metabolic Sciences, Divisional Director or Divisional Nurse of Divisional General Manager Clinical and Diagnostics Divisional Director or Divisional Nurse or Divisional General Manager Gold Commander Work as a team to review patients within Resus and prioritise the patients for surgery then allocate sugeons and anaesthetists to the patients briefing them on the procedures required. Theatre Commander Hospital Control Team Meeting Attendees All marked in Green Box Theatre Coordinator Anaesthetics Lead ED Commander Resus Team Leader Majors Team Leader Silver Commander Minors Team Leader Triage Receptionist Triage Officer Triage Nurse Paediatric Team Leader Senior ED Porter ED Porter ED Admin Manager Walk In Centre Receptionist Site Manager RLH Admin Support Team Leader Admin Support Team Facilities Co-ordinator Hospital Support Team Leader Media Liaison Officer Main Receiving Ward Nurse In Charge ED Bearsted Lecture Theatre Leader Medical Incident Consultant Hospital Surgical Officer Hospital Medical Officer Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 13 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location On call Director Trust GOLD Commander – Pager reference BTLAC1 Hospital Control Room Action Card 01 ROLE DESCRIPTION To lead the Trusts Strategic response to the Major Incident and support the Silver Commanders Tactical decision making. The Gold Commander is responsible for analysing the overall impact of an incident on staff, patients and services, ensuring that the Trust response is proportionate and planning the return to normality. INCIDENT DECLARED Check details of incident with Silver Commander and ED Commander Report to Hospital Control Room (Renal Seminar Room, Ground Floor, West Wing, RLH) Commence incident log Contact London SHA via pager bureau 0844 822 2888 call sign NHS 01. London SHA should always be contacted where actual or potential Major Incidents, Major Incident stand-bys, adverse or high profile media interest events, or other threats occur. Inform them of the potential duration of the Major Incident or next review period. Contact PCT in event of a Major Incident standby or declared. (contact Director on call by pager 08700 Put on Trust Gold Commander tabard Agree with Silver a written strategy and adopt high level tactics to drive the resolution of the incident Receive regular briefings from Silver Commander Chair the Hospital Control Team meetings After each HCT meeting (or at otherwise agreed times) brief by exception the Trust CEO Support the Silver Commander decision making as necessary during the Major Incident Liaise with Ambulance Liaison Officer. Liaise with Senior Police Officer present. Liaise with PCT Director (should be present in Hospital Control Room) Approve Press releases from Silver Commander and Press Officer. Agree stand down with Silver Commander Lead Trusts resilience planning for the days and weeks immediately following the incident. (Set up the Trust Resilience Team post incident) INTERNAL MAJOR INCIDENT Refer to Internal Major Incident (Section 2 part 3) PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. Incident stand down Agree the stand down with the Silver Commander Lead the hot debrief of the Hospital Control Team essential numbers A&E Majors 14-2404 14-2325 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 RLH Theatres 14-7224 14-2396 Intensive Care Unit 14-7731 14-7732 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 14 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location On call Silver Trust SILVER Commander Hospital Control Room Action Card 02 ROLE DESCRIPTION To lead the Trust’s operational activity and free the On Call Director to take a strategic view as the Trust Gold Commander. The Silver level operation is the supporting operation. INCIDENT DECLARED Check details of incident with Trust Gold Commander and ED Commander Report to Hospital Control Room (Renal Seminar Room, Ground Floor, West Wing, RLH) Put on Trust Silver Commander tabard Commence incident log Contact other on call silver rota personnel and request assistance from the first two available. Appoint one on call Silver rota to London Chest Hospital and one to St Bartholomew’s Hospital as Site Coordinators to support the site Managers and act as direct contacts between the HCT and LCH and SBH. Ensure the magnetic board is ready to track patients and that the additional phones and facsimile machine from the Major Incident Cupboards are plugged in. Establish and open the EPLO email connection, the password for this is in a sealed envelope in the HCT information file. If requested by NHS London / LAS HQ activate the HEMS Major Incident Pager Consider the level of response required / provided by all departments in the light of information received from the incident scene. Consider Site / Trust / local lock down with Facilities Co-ordinator Consider with the Medical Incident Consultant, ED Commander, Theatre Commander and ICU Commander whether it is necessary to cancel elective surgery and out patients clinics For more bed space contact the London Independent Hospital 020 7780 2400 (The London Independent has 6 fully staffed and supported ICU beds) Work with Site Manager on the regular bed states brief Gold Commander on these. Maintain close contact with on call Press Officer (Press releases to be agreed with Gold Commander) Ensure that Trust wide communications explain the Incident and the nature of the Trusts Major Incident response to all staff. Liaise with Facilities Co-ordinator to ensure Trust is supported by support services. When appropriate agree stand down with GOLD, on stand down inform all Major Incident cascade via switchboard. Request that the Media Liaison Officer sends trust wide email informing all staff of stand down Arrange Hot Debrief for all HCT staff and Cold debrief to be held within 48 hours Prepare post Incident Report with Emergency Planning Officer. INTERNAL MAJOR INCIDENT Refer to Internal Major Incident (Section 2 part 3) PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. Incident stand down You will agree the stand down with the Gold Commander Lead the hot debrief of the Hospital Control Team essential numbers A&E Majors 14-2404 14-2325 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 RLH Theatres 14-7224 14-2396 Intensive Care Unit 14-7731 14-7732 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 15 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location ED Consultant (2nd responding ED Consultant once ED Commander Action card filled) Medical Incident Consultant Hospital Control Room Action Card 03 ROLE DESCRIPTION To support the Silver Commander by providing clinical experience to the Major Incident response. This is a hands off role and is based within the Hospital Control Room. INCIDENT DECLARED Check details of incident with Trust Silver Commander and ED Commander Report to Hospital Control Room (Renal Seminar Room, Ground Floor, West Wing, RLH) Put on Trust Medical Incident Consultant tabard Ensure actions and decisions are document within the Major Incident log Provide support to the Silver Commander in all clinical decisions Consider the level of response required / provided by all departments in the light of information received from the incident scene. Consider with the Silver Commander, ED Commander, Theatre Commander and ICU Commander whether it is necessary to cancel elective surgery and out patients clinics Ensure that Cambridge ward implements its local Major Incident Plan. Ensure that the Hospital Medical Officer and Hospital Surgical Officer roles are carried out by the Duty Medical SHO and Duty Surgical SHO. Provide support to them on clinical discharge decisions Ensure that rapid discharge of patients occurs as required within the Royal London Hospital and if necessary at St Bartholomew’s and the London Chest Hospital PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. Incident stand down You will agree the stand down with the Silver Commander Participate in the hot debrief of the Hospital Control Team essential numbers A&E Majors 14-2404 14-2325 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 RLH Theatres 14-7224 14-2396 Intensive Care Unit 14-7731 14-7732 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 16 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location Site Manager RLH Site Manager Hospital Control Room Action Card 04 ROLE DESCRIPTION Support the Silver Commander by providing them with information and support. The Site Manager will oversee the Administrative Support Team (HCT) and the Hospital Support Team INCIDENT DECLARED Collect your Action Card from Hospital Control Room (HCR) in Renal Seminar Room, Ground Floor West Wing RLH. Act as the Silver Commander (following their action card) until relieved by the on call Silver. (Note: you may be able to communicate with the on call Silver whilst they are travelling to the Trust if out of hours) Check incident details with the Silver Commander and the ED Commander. Keep a record of all actions and decisions taken during the incident. Delegate a member of staff to ensure all wards are aware that a Major Incident has been declared and they are in a position to implement their local plan should it become necessary. Ensure that there is documented feedback that this has been achieved. Nominate a senior member of staff from the wards or from Admissions to act as Administrative Support Team Leader. Ensure they pick up their action card from the HCR. Nominate an RGN from the Emergency Mental Health Liaison Service to act as Hospital Support Team Leader. Ensure they collect their action card from the RLH Main Hospital Reception and establish the Support Team in the Discharge Lounge (patients discharge), Outpatients (Relatives and P3 Discharge) area and Chapel. Nominate an available Senior Admin staff to the role of Bearsted Lecture Theatre Leader. (Action Card and pack of items for this role available within the Hospital Control Room) Establish the hospital bed state (including all critical care beds). In conjunction with the Administrative Support Team ensure the bed state is clearly and accurately indicated on the white bed board in the HCR. Assign an administrative member of staff to distribute non clinical information via the Hospital Support Team to relatives in the Restaurant area. Receive information from reception, theatres, wards and the Hospital Support Team Ensure sufficient runners are available to relay information on patient flow. Ensure Hospital Administrative Support Team (located in the HCT) is adequately staffed. PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. Incident stand down You will agree the stand down with the Silver Commander Participate in the hot debrief of the Hospital Control Team Collect local logs from main wards and support team at the end of the incident essential numbers A&E Majors 14-2404 14-2325 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 RLH Theatres 14-7224 14-2396 Intensive Care Unit 14-7731 14-7732 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 17 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location Communications officer Media Liaison Officer Hospital Control Room Action Card 05 ROLE DESCRIPTION Prepare and distribute the Trusts communications to media and the public during a Major Incident INCIDENT DECLARED Contact Head of Media Relations / press team to agree which members of the team take part in emergency response (minimum of 2 needed at all times.) Ensure NHS London Communications On-Call Officer is alerted to incident via 0844 822 2888 pager bureau reference NHS 01 Report to the Hospital Control Room (HCR) to gain an overview of the incident. If there are two or more media liaison officers on site agree roles to ensure there is one ‘information’ contact. The HCT will be based in the Renal Seminar Room, Ground Floor West Wing. Collect ‘Press Officer’ tabard and Dictaphone to record actions and decisions made during the incident Ensure that and all staff PC “Pop Up” message goes out via ICT help desk to all users logged into the BLT network. With Security lead agree location for photographers and film crews. Expected to be the raised forecourt area in front of the temporary staff restaurant/Walk-In Centre (the Whitechapel Road entrance to A&E). All telephone enquires from the media will be directed to the HCR. Ensure this is always staffed by a member of the communications team to receive calls. If only one MLO on site arrange with switchboard for pager number to be given out or calls to be diverted to pager. Prepare a press statement (PC in HCR or A&E Secretaries room opposite). Include: basic details about the incident, the number of casualties received, general nature of injuries, whether HEMS has been involved, and the fact that RLH is a major trauma centre with experienced A&E and critical care teams and that the hospital/organisation has a well rehearsed Major Incident Plan that is put into effect in these situations. Instructions on how to post statement on website in on-call pack. Same statement should be distributed to all staff via email. Use the Restaurant for interviews/press conferences. If the nature of the incident means the temporary staff restaurant forecourt is not appropriate for media, keep reporters in this room. Make yourself known to film crews, photographers and reporters and establish a dialogue. It may be useful to collect details on the ‘signing-in form’ from the on-call pack so you have a record of names and contact details. Identify a spokesperson. This may be the Chief Executive, Medical Director or Director of Nursing in the early stages of a response, followed later by an A&E Consultant. Establish a timetable with spokespeople and the media for regular press reports, and try to stick to it. Make contact with Police, Fire, Ambulance, NHS London, and local authority press officers where able. Keep in regular contact with the Silver Commander in the HCT and Site Coordinators at SBH and LCH. Update press statement regularly to ensure information is as current as possible If appropriate ask a maximum of two patients with minor injuries to talk to the press, ensuring they are happy to do this, complete the media consent form (copies in on-call pack) and ensure security provide escort. Prepare all staff email (instructions in on-call pack) informing staff of response, progress and thanking them for their ongoing efforts. Update the staff intranet with the same information Update the public via BLT switchboard introductory message of the Major Incident, our response and how they should contact the Police Casualty Bureau (including Casualty Bureau telephone number) as soon as it is published. PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. incident stand down You will be informed of STAND DOWN by the Hospital Control Team Inform all A&E based staff and conduct a Hot debrief feeding comments back to the Hospital Control Team essential numbers A&E Majors RLH Theatres Intensive Care Unit 14-2404 14-2325 14-7224 14-2396 14-7731 14-7732 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 18 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location Team leader nominated by the Site Manager, usually from the Emergency Mental Health Liaison Service. Hospital Support Team Leader Discharge Lounge / Restaurant / Out Patients / Chapel Action Card 06 ROLE DESCRIPTION The Support Teams functions are to ensure the safe discharge of Major Incident patients who have been declared medically fit and to support the relatives of those seriously injured or dead. INCIDENT STANDBY INCIDENT DECLARED Assemble the following members of the Hospital Support Team Multi faith chaplaincy team RNs / RMNs Social Worker Duty Psychiatrist Bereavement Officer…. and other available Senior non clinical staff Keep a record of all actions and decisions taken during the incident. Patients should be offered refreshments and reunited with their relatives or friends. Ensure that patients have the means to get home, arranging transport as necessary. The use of ambulances should be avoided. Ensure the patient’s GP has been informed by completing one of the GP proforma letters (available from the ED reception) Patients not registered with a GP should be given the telephone number of “Findadoc” 020 8223 8455 / 8220 or email Ensure all patients that are ready for discharge have been interviewed by the PDT. Maintain a log of patients who have been discharged from the hospital handing a copy to the Site Manager at regular intervals. Liaise with the member of the Administrative Support Team (in the HCT) who will pass information for announcement to the relatives in the Out Patients area. Keep contact with all elements of the Hospital Support Team located in the Discharge Lounge / Chapel / Out Patients Department and Restaurant area. PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. Incident stand down You will be informed of the Stand down from the Major Incident by the Hospital Control Team Debrief all members of the Hospital Support Team and the main reception staff, passing comments back to the HCT essential numbers A&E Majors RLH Theatres Intensive Care Unit 14-2404 14-2325 14-7224 14-2396 14-7731 14-7732 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 19 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location Admissions Supervisor (out of hours role assigned by Site Manager) Administrative Support Team Leader Hospital Control Room Action Card 07 ROLE DESCRIPTION To support the Silver Commander and Site Manager by providing an accurate picture of the numbers and locations of patients received from the Major Incident and the Trusts continuously changing bed capacity and resources. And also to document the actions communications and decisions made by the HCT INCIDENT STANDBY INCIDENT DECLARED Maintain detailed logs of all actions, as directed by the Silver and Gold Commander. (log keeper) Assist in the setting up of the control room. (all) Once control room is set up, test fax machine and printers ensuring that printing cartridges are functioning. (Communications support) Create an issues log as well as main event and information timeline. (log support) Using printed communications message pads record all incoming and outgoing messages from email, telephone calls, faxes and runners and pass a copy top copy to Director on call or the appropriate decision maker for their action, middle copy to the log keeper for notation on the log and bottom copy to retain within Communications message pads. (Communications support) Update maps and diagrams as the incident develops. (log support) Ensure that the ED Secretaries room is open for the use of the Police Documentation Team Off duty admissions staff should be called in to help manage the information flow. (Contact telephone numbers listed in Red Major Incident folder in Head of Admissions office). During office hours Monday to Friday telephone PALS office to inform that there is a Major Incident, and liaise where necessary with the advocacy service, telephone extension 7495 or 6335 or 2232. Receive information from reception, theatres, wards and the Hospital Support Team. Ensure the bed state is clearly and accurately indicated on the white bed board. Plot patient movement on the magnetic board (using Incident Patient Numbers). Ensure this information is available to the Silver Commander. Allocate runners to visit the Emergency Department, and Major Incident admitting wards to collect patient information. Pass photocopies of the admissions register to the Police Documentation Team (in the ED secretaries room). Check accuracy of information before making it available to the Silver Commander, Press Officer, Patient Affairs Office and relatives. Assign administrative staff to distribute information to relatives in the Out Patients Department via the Hospital Support Team NB: The role of the log keeper is particularly onerous and where possible this role should be rotated amongst admin support personnel. PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. Incident stand down You will be informed of the Stand down from the Major Incident by the Hospital Control Team either directly or via the ED Commander Join the Emergency Department hot debrief essential numbers A&E Majors RLH Theatres Intensive Care Unit 14-2404 14-2325 14-7224 14-2396 14-7731 14-7732 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 20 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location Admissions staff / administrative staff / ED Clerical staff (if available) Administrative Support Team Hospital Control Room Action Card 08 ROLE DESCRIPTION The most senior admin person present manages the Admin Support Group, this role initiates the Log for the HCT and reports to the Director on call. The support to the Hospital Control Team should ideally be fulfilled by 4 people. The most senior administrative person present should take the lead (or nomination from the Site Manager) and organise for the following roles: log keeper, log support and two communications support personnel. INCIDENT STANDBY INCIDENT DECLARED Go to the Hospital Control Team Gather Information from:ED Reception Theatres Wards Site Manager ITU Hospital Support Team – Patients discharged (incident patients) Information will be given out to:Silver Commander (HCT) Police Documentation Team Media Liaison Officer Hospital Support Team (Relatives and staff) Information coming in must be disseminated to all relevant parties. Do not stand down until specifically instructed by the HCT. Keep a record of all actions and decisions taken during the incident. PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. Incident stand down You will be informed of the Stand down from the Major Incident by the Hospital Control Team either directly or via the ED Commander Join the Emergency Department hot debrief essential numbers A&E Majors RLH Theatres Intensive Care Unit 14-2404 14-2325 14-7224 14-2396 14-7731 14-7732 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 21 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location Soft FM Performance Manager / Trust Security Manager / Hard FM Performance Manager / Head of Performance Monitoring Facilities Co-ordinator Hospital Control Room Action Card 09 ROLE DESCRIPTION Coordinates the functions of Portering / CSSD / Catering / Security / Switchboard / Engineers / Transport and Accommodation during a Major Incident to ensure that these functions support the hospitals Major Incident response both during and following the incident INCIDENT STANDBY INCIDENT DECLARED Report to HCT (Renal Seminar Room, Ground Floor, West Wing RLH) for briefing of type and scale of incident. Pick up action card from Hospital Control Team. Contact Capital Hospitals team and other partners when possible to appraise them of the incident and the need for the Trust to direct their services. Ensure that Security open the Out Patients Department for the use by the Police Documentation Team (PDT) and ED Secretaries Office. Make contact with all FM Support Services under span of control Base with the HCT responding to requests as needed. Ensure that essential services are maintained to the rest of the hospital. Escalate any issues, requests or resources to the Silver Commander HCT Keep a record of all actions and decisions taken during the incident. Liaise with the Site Coordinators at LCH and SBH on a regular basis to ensure that their facilities needs are catered for. PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. Incident stand down You will be informed of the Stand down from the Major Incident by the Hospital Control Team Join the HCT hot debrief and ensure that a debrief occurs within all managed services. Ensure that the debrief for all managed services is reported through to the HCT and Capital Hospitals Ltd. essential numbers A&E Majors RLH Theatres Intensive Care Unit 14-2404 14-2325 14-7224 14-2396 14-7731 14-7732 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 22 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location 0287 Bleep holder until replaced by Silver on call rota Site Coordinator St Bartholomew’s Hospital Site Managers Office SBH Action Card 10 ROLE DESCRIPTION Site Coordinator SBH will support the Silver Commander by coordinating all activity at St Bartholomew’s Hospital. They will be the single point of contact for the Silver Commander. They will lead the Major Incident response at SBH. This role will be carried out by other Silver on call rota’d staff as available on the day INCIDENT STANDBY INCIDENT DECLARED Report to the Site Managers Office SBH (2nd Floor KGV). Collect your Action Card and tabard from there. Keep a record of all actions and decisions taken during the incident. Obtain a briefing from the SBH Site Manager / out of hours equivalent. Obtain a briefing from the Silver Commander or Site Manager RLH. Mobilise a team of runners to transfer messages / marshal patients. Ensure that a Log of all activities is started and continues throughout the Major Incident. Mobilise resources / personnel to be transferred to RLH where required. Resources may include surgical equipment packs blood supplies or drugs. Ensure that the MIU is equipped with additional supplies during the Major Incident. Check incident details with the Silver Commander and the ED Commander. Delegate a member of staff to ensure all wards are aware that a Major Incident has been declared and they are in a position to implement their local plan should it become necessary. Ensure that there is documented feedback that this has been achieved. Nominate a senior member of staff from the wards or from an administrative area to provide Admin / Logging service. Ensure that this role and others as necessary at SBH can be covered on a 24/7 basis if necessitated by the Gold Commander. Liaise with the Media Liaison Officer and the Facilities Coordinator on a regular basis to ensure that they are aware of necessary information and requirements at your site. Channel all resources, information or exception reporting direct to the Silver Commander. PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. Incident stand down You will agree the stand down with the Silver Commander Lead the debrief for St Bartholomew’s Hospital Staff. Ensure that this debrief information is communicated to the Gold Commander Collect any local logs from main wards and SBH support team at the end of the incident essential numbers A&E Majors RLH Theatres Intensive Care Unit 14-2404 14-2325 14-7224 14-2396 14-7731 14-7732 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 23 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location 1945 Bleep holder until replaced by Silver on call rota Site Coordinator London Chest Hospital Discharge Lounge, Front Block, LCH Action Card 11 ROLE DESCRIPTION Site Coordinator LCH will support the Silver Commander by coordinating all activity at The London Chest Hospital. They will be the single point of contact for the Silver Commander. They will lead the Major Incident response at LCH. This role will be carried out by other Silver on call rota’d staff as available on the day INCIDENT STANDBY INCIDENT DECLARED Report to the Security Office, collect the local MI Box, then move to the Discharge Lounge (LCH Control Room). The Local MI Box will contain your Action Card and tabard. Contact the Hospital Control Room and obtain a briefing from the Silver Commander or Site Manager RLH. Mobilise a team of runners to transfer messages / marshal patients. Ensure that a Log of all activities is started and continues throughout the Major Incident. Use the whiteboard for communication. Mobilise resources / personnel to be transferred to RLH where required. Resources may include surgical equipment packs blood supplies or drugs. Ensure that the London Chest remains open for as long as feasible for Heart Attack cases. Should it not be possible to continue the HAC service ensure that LAS are immediately informed as per local policy. Check incident details with the Silver Commander and the ED Commander. Delegate a member of staff to ensure all wards are aware that a Major Incident has been declared and they are in a position to implement their local plan should it become necessary. Ensure that there is documented feedback that this has been achieved. Nominate a senior member of staff from the wards or from an administrative area to provide Admin / Logging service. Ensure that this role and others as necessary at LCH can be covered on a 24/7 basis if necessitated by the Gold Commander. Liaise with the Media Liaison Officer and the Facilities Coordinator on a regular basis to ensure that they are aware of necessary information and requirements at your site. Channel all resources, information or exception reporting direct to the Silver Commander. Keep a record of all actions and decisions taken during the incident. PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room RLH) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. Incident stand down You will agree the stand down with the Silver Commander With the 1945 Bleep holder lead the debrief for the London Chest Hospital Staff. Ensure that this debrief information is communicated to the Gold Commander Collect any local logs from main wards and LCH support team at the end of the incident essential numbers A&E Majors RLH Theatres Intensive Care Unit 14-2404 14-2325 14-7224 14-2396 14-7731 14-7732 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 24 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location ED Consultant ED Commander (Consultant in Charge of Emergency Department) ED Department Action Card 12 ROLE DESCRIPTION Lead the Emergency Departments response to the Major Incident, (this is a hands off role) INCIDENT STANDBY INCIDENT DECLARED Lead the Emergency Departments response to the Major Incident. Collect the megaphone ED Commander Tabard and log book from the ED Reception. Work with Nurse in Charge of Emergency Department to effectively manage the ED response to the incident. At an appropriate time (given available resources) assign a member of staff to record all actions and decisions taken by you and the NIC during the incident in the log book. Ensure that a senior Emergency Department doctor is allocated the Triage Officer Action card and is in place to receive casualties with the Triage Nurse. Ensure that a Team Leader designated for: ED Resus ED Majors ED Minors ED Paediatrics (These roles report to you and should escalate problems and resources requests for you to action) Assess whether further ED registrars are required, detail a member of medical staff to call in more if necessary. Brief Team Leaders and Triage Doctor on type of incident and casualty information as available Provide updates to Team Leaders and Triage Doctor when more information becomes available, ensure that this is cascaded through their respective teams. Inform Hospital Control Team when the ED is fully manned and ready to respond to Major Incident Provide regular updates to HCT Silver Commander throughout the Major Incident. Ensure that capacity for treating minors patients is assessed throughout the Major Incident. Where necessary expand minors treatment into WIC and Outpatients. Ensure clinical teams and equipment and supplies are allocated to these spaces as necessary. And inform the Silver Commander if expansion of Minors is required. Assist HCT with providing Situation Reports to NHS London Request that Theatres ICU and other Bronze Commanders are provided with regular updates PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. incident stand down You will be informed of STAND DOWN by the Hospital Control Team Inform all A&E based staff and conduct a Hot debrief feeding comments back to the Hospital Control Team essential numbers A&E Majors 14-2404 14-2325 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 RLH Theatres 14-7224 14-2396 Intensive Care Unit 14-7731 14-7732 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 25 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location Senior Nurse ED Nurse in Charge (NIC) of Emergency Department ED Department Action Card 13 ROLE DESCRIPTION Work with the ED Commander (Consultant in charge) to respond to the Major Incident INCIDENT STANDBY INCIDENT DECLARED Document incident details using set proforma next to MI Phone. Instruct switchboard to activate Major Incident Plan (dial 2222). Make Contact with the ED Commander (you will work as a single unit) Ensure that all actions of yourself and the ED Commander are recorded. Collect the Nurse in Charge tabard from the ED Reception Initiate cascade system of call out for ED nursing staff. Designate a nurse as Triage Nurse, give them the Triage Nurse Action Card for them to follow. Organise the clearance of patients from the Emergency Department. Ensure those in waiting area given clear instructions to attend alternative health care facilities. Alert porters to collect equipment and documentation from the MI Clerical cupboard outside reception and the MI equipment cupboard in the basement. Alert and ensure the following have their action cards found in the MI Documentation Boxes: ED Doctor – Triage Officer ED Receptionists Walk In Centre Receptionists Clear Orthopaedic Fracture Clinic. Equip it to act as an additional minors area Designate nursing staff to the treatment areas - nominating a lead for the Resuscitation Room, Trolley Area and Minors). Undertake role of the ED Admin / Service Manager until they arrive. Keep a record of all actions and decisions taken during the incident in the log kept by the ED Commander. PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. incident stand down You will be informed of STAND DOWN by the Hospital Control Team Inform all A&E based staff and work with the ED Commander to conduct a Hot debrief feeding comments back to the Hospital Control Team essential numbers A&E Majors 14-2404 14-2325 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 RLH Theatres 14-7224 14-2396 Intensive Care Unit 14-7731 14-7732 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 26 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location ED Registrar (initially to be replaced by ED Consultant as soon as available) Triage Officer ED Ambulance Bay entrance Action Card 14 ROLE DESCRIPTION Triage all patients arriving at the Hospital through Ambulance Bay entrance. INCIDENT STANDBY INCIDENT DECLARED Work directly to the ED Commander and provide them with regular updates Collect from ED Reception and put on the “Triage Officer” tabard. If possible assist the senior nurse in the preparation of the department before patients arrive. Go to the ED ambulance entrance with the Triage Nurse and set up the Triage Point. Assess the severity of casualties on their arrival at the ED entrance using Triage Sieve and Sort cards available from A&E reception. Direct them to the appropriate treatment area. Where possible assign a medical student to accompany each “Priority One” or “Priority Two” casualty. One medical student may accompany five Priority Three patients. Check that the receptionist has completed two wrist bands for each patient, and completed magnetic strips for the HCT. Attach the wrist bands to each patient. Ensure that the Triage Receptionist keeps a record of all actions and decisions taken during the incident. If this proves difficult because of work flow ensure that this is given to another member of staff to perform. Only stand down when instructed to do so by the HCT. Category Priority One (P1) Priority Two (P2) Priority Three (P3) Clinical Need Immediate Serious Walking wounded Priority Five (P5) Dead Location Resuscitation Room Majors Orthopaedic Fracture Clinic Mortuary Priority Four (P4) Expectant To be agreed with HCT P4 – Expectant, can only under extreme circumstances and approved by Silver / Gold Commander. (Please refer to Triage Sieve Card) PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. Incident stand down You will be informed of the Stand down from the Major Incident by the Hospital Control Team either directly or via the ED Commander Join the Emergency Department hot debrief essential numbers A&E Majors RLH Theatres Intensive Care Unit 14-2404 14-2325 14-7224 14-2396 14-7731 14-7732 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 27 of 94 MAJOR INCIDENT TRIAGE SEIVE Y WALKING N N PRIORITY 5 (Dead) After airway opening Y REPIRATORY RATE 10 to 29 PRIORITY 3 (Delayed) Patients whose treatment can be delayed MINORS < 10 > 30 > 2 sec > 120 MORTUARY PRIORITY 1 (Immediate) Patients with high priority for immediate life saving emergency care RESUS CAPILARY REFILL TIME OR HEART RATE PRIORITY 2 (Urgent) Less severely injured who need urgent medical care MAJORS MASS CASUALTY EXTENSIVE INJURIES This category can only be used after a decision and order by a HCT Gold Commander PRIORITY 4 (Expectant) Injuries so severe either cannot survive or require excess treatment that would seriously compromise the treatment of large numbers of others TBA by HCT Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 28 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location ED Nurse Triage Nurse ED Ambulance Bay entrance Action Card 15 ROLE DESCRIPTION Work with the Triage Officer to triage all patients arriving at the Hospital through Ambulance Bay entrance. This role is assigned by the Nurse in Charge of Emergency Department INCIDENT STANDBY INCIDENT DECLARED Collect Triage Nurse Tabbard from ED Reception. Immediately go to the ED ambulance entrance with the Triage doctor and set up the Triage Point. Assess the severity of casualties on their arrival at the ED entrance. Direct them to the appropriate treatment area. Where possible assign a medical student to accompany each “Priority One” or “Priority Two” casualty. One medical student may accompany five Priority Three patients. Check that the receptionist has completed two wrist bands for each patient, and completed magnetic strips for the HCT. Attach the wrist bands to each patient. Only stand down when instructed to do so by the HCT. Category Priority One (P1) Priority Two (P2) Priority Three (P3) Priority Five (P5) Clinical Need Immediate Serious Walking wounded Dead Location Resuscitation Room Majors Orthopaedic Fracture Clinic Mortuary Priority Four (P4) Expectant To be agreed with HCT P4 – Expectant, can only under extreme circumstances and approved by Silver / Gold Commander. (Please refer to Triage Cards) PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. Incident stand down You will be informed of the Stand down from the Major Incident by the Hospital Control Team either directly or via the ED Commander Join the Emergency Department hot debrief essential numbers A&E Majors 14-2404 14-2325 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 RLH Theatres 14-7224 14-2396 Intensive Care Unit 14-7731 14-7732 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 29 of 94 MAJOR INCIDENT TRIAGE SEIVE Y N N BREATHING PRIORITY 5 (Dead) After airway opening Y REPIRATORY RATE 10 to 29 CAPILARY REFILL TIME OR HEART RATE MASS CASUALTY EXTENSIVE INJURIES This category can only be used after a decision and order by a HCT Gold Commander Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 PRIORITY 3 (Delayed) Patients whose treatment can be delayed MINORS < 10 > 30 > 2 sec > 120 < 2 sec < 120 MORTUARY PRIORITY 1 (Immediate) Patients with high priority for immediate life saving emergency care RESUS PRIORITY 2 (Urgent) Less severely injured who need urgent medical care MAJORS PRIORITY 4 (Expectant) Injuries so severe either cannot survive or require excess treatment that would seriously compromise the treatment of large numbers of others TBA by HCT Page 30 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location ED Receptionist Triage Receptionist ED Ambulance Bay entrance Action Card 16 ROLE DESCRIPTION Cascade the Major Incident Alert to the Walk In Centre and then record patient details as they enter the hospital. INCIDENT STANDBY INCIDENT DECLARED Telephone WALK IN CENTRE Receptionist on extension 7031, and request them to activate their role in the Trust Major Incident Plan. Open the Major Incident (Clerical) cupboard outside reception, collect the patient documentation boxes and take these to the Ambulance Bay entrance Go to the ED reception area to collect your tabard. Move to the area outside Resus where together with the triage nurse and doctor you will receive and register patients. Documents must be issued in numerical order. Each patient is given: Two numbered wrist bands A set of prepared documents Bodies must be documented in the same way and have a wrist band attached. If time and the clinical state of the patient allows take the details of each patient at the front door. Write these on the allocated casualty card. Do not let the collection of personal details interfere with clinical assessment. If time is short note the sex of the patient and their allocated MI number. This is the minimum data set to be collected. The Sex, MI Number and Location of patient in ED should be marked on two magnetic strips. These should be passed to the HCT Admin Support Group Team Leader in the HCR On your board note the minimum data set and pass it to the other ED receptionist to complete the ED register. Any cards from the scene must be kept with the patient’s documents. Any routine patients that arrive during the Major Incident should be documented using the same procedure. Record these patients as ‘routine’. Do not stand down until directed by the Hospital Control Team. PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. Incident stand down You will be informed of the Stand down from the Major Incident by the Hospital Control Team either directly or via the ED Commander Join the Emergency Department hot debrief essential numbers A&E Majors RLH Theatres Intensive Care Unit 14-2404 14-2325 14-7224 14-2396 14-7731 14-7732 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 31 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location ED Consultant / Registrar Resuscitation Room Team Leader ED Resus Action Card 17 ROLE DESCRIPTION Co-ordinate the clinical care of all patients within the ED Resus. Work with the Theatre Commander and Anaesthetics Lead to review and prioritise all Resus Patients for Surgery. Report directly to the ED Commander and provide them with regular updates on care and capacity. This role is assigned by the ED Commander INCIDENT STANDBY INCIDENT DECLARED Collect Resus Room Team Leader tabard and log from the ED reception Locate yourself in the Resuscitation Room. Do not get involved in patient management, but maintain an overview of the room. Work with the Theatre Commander and Anaesthetics Lead to review and prioritise all patients for surgery Keep a log of all actions and decisions taken during the incident. Allocate a medical student to scribe. Keep noise to an absolute minimum. Assemble as many resuscitation teams as possible from available medical / nursing staff. Consultants Emergency Department coffee room. Medical staff Bearsted lecture theatre. Ext. 2410. Anaesthetic Staff Theatre Control. Ext. 7224 / 2396 Allocate a leader for each Resus team. Only anaesthetists should wear lead aprons. As staff arrive allocate them to the various teams. Use Cluster Points outside of Resus for assembling of teams so that there aren’t too many people in a confined space. Ensure that only required people are located in Resus. Ensure all blood samples are marked “Major Incident”. Allocate resources flow to each team as requested. Liaise with the Anaesthetic Co-ordinator within Theatre Coordination Team (Ext. 7224/2396) and CT (Ext. 2440) re onward movement of patients to Theatre. Inform ED Commander of ALL patient movements. Escalate all problems and requests to the ED Commander. Only stand down when asked to do so by the HCT. PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. Incident stand down You will be informed of the Stand down from the Major Incident by the Hospital Control Team either directly or via the ED Commander Join the Emergency Department hot debrief essential numbers A&E Majors RLH Theatres Intensive Care Unit 14-2404 14-2325 14-7224 14-2396 14-7731 14-7732 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 32 of 94 On reverse MAJOR INCIDENT TRIAGE SEIVE Y N N BREATHING PRIORITY 5 (Dead) After airway opening Y REPIRATORY RATE 10 to 29 CAPILARY REFILL TIME OR HEART RATE MASS CASUALTY EXTENSIVE INJURIES This category can only be used after a decision and order by a HCT Gold Commander Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 PRIORITY 3 (Delayed) Patients whose treatment can be delayed MINORS < 10 > 30 > 2 sec > 120 < 2 sec < 120 MORTUARY PRIORITY 1 (Immediate) Patients with high priority for immediate life saving emergency care RESUS PRIORITY 2 (Urgent) Less severely injured who need urgent medical care MAJORS PRIORITY 4 (Expectant) Injuries so severe either cannot survive or require excess treatment that would seriously compromise the treatment of large numbers of others TBA by HCT Page 33 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location Most Senior Surgeon on Site Theatre Commander ED Resus Action Card 18 ROLE DESCRIPTION Work with the Resus Team Leader and Anaesthetics Lead to review and prioritise all Resus patients for surgery. Work with the Theatre Co-ordinator to lead the Theatres response to the Major Incident. Provide effective communications link with the Silver Commander and the ED and ICU Commander. INCIDENT STANDBY Receive information on the number of Theatres working from the Theatres Coordinator and communicate this to the Silver on call. Await further instructions INCIDENT DECLARED Collect Theatre Commander Tabbard from the Major Incident Cupboard located in the 3rd Floor Front Block Theatre Reception. Work with the Theatre Commander and Anaesthetics Lead to review and prioritise all Resus patients for surgery. Assemble suitable Surgical teams for each patient requiring surgery Brief the teams on the procedures required for each patient. Ensure that resources are rationed in until it is confirmed that no further casualties are enroute to the Trust. Inform Theatre Co-ordinator of patients requiring surgery so that theatres and teams can be allocated. Request administrative support from the Hospital Control Team to assist with logging Obtain information from Silver Commander on the scale and type of Major Incident and anticipated number of casualties that the RLH will be receiving. When advised by Silver Commander, cancel elective surgery, communicate this to the Theatre Co-ordinator. Allocate anaesthetic staff to A&E and ensure adequate and appropriate staff to theatre. Any surplus staff should remain in the Anaesthetics library until requested. Prioritise existing emergency patients who require surgery On receipt of information from the ED Commander, cases to be assigned to specific theatres (in conjunction with Theatre Co-ordinator). Assign anaesthetists accordingly. Theatre Commander to log and record all cases assigned. Throughout the Major Incident the Theatre Commander should regularly review patient flow with ED Commander and ICU Commander. This should be communicated to the Theatre Coordinator. in house alert PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. Incident stand down You will be informed of the Stand down from the Major Incident by the Hospital Control Team Inform all Theatre staff and anaesthetists and conduct a Hot debrief feeding comments back to the Hospital Control Team essential numbers A&E Majors 14-2404 14-2325 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 RLH Theatres 14-7224 14-2396 Intensive Care Unit 14-7731 14-7732 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 34 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location On call Anaesthetic Consultant (Bleep 1220) Anaesthetics Lead ED Resus Action Card 19 ROLE DESCRIPTION Work with the Resus Team Leader and Theatre Commander to review and prioritise all Resus patients for surgery. Work with the Theatre Co-ordinator to lead the Theatres response to the Major Incident. INCIDENT STANDBY INCIDENT DECLARED Collect Aneaesthetics Lead tabbard from the Major Incident Cupboard located in the 3rd Floor Front Block Theatre Reception. Work with the Resus Team Leader and Theatre Commander to review and prioritise all Resus patients for surgery. Assemble suitable Anaesthetic teams for each patient requiring surgery Brief the teams on the procedures required for each patient. Ensure that resources are rationed in until it is confirmed that no further casualties are enroute to the Trust. Assist the Theatre Commander with informing Theatre Co-ordinator of patients requiring surgery so that theatres and teams can be allocated. Allocate anaesthetic staff to A&E and ensure adequate and appropriate staff to theatre. Any surplus staff should remain in the Anaesthetics library until requested. On receipt of information from the ED Commander, cases to be assigned to specific theatres (in conjunction with Theatre Co-ordinator). Assign anaesthetists accordingly. in house alert PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. Incident stand down You will be informed of the Stand down from the Major Incident by the Hospital Control Team Inform all Theatre staff and anaesthetists and conduct a Hot debrief feeding comments back to the Hospital Control Team essential numbers A&E Majors 14-2404 14-2325 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 RLH Theatres 14-7224 14-2396 Intensive Care Unit 14-7731 14-7732 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 35 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location ED Consultant / Registrar Majors Team Leader ED Majors Action Card 20 ROLE DESCRIPTION Lead the clinical care of all patients within ED Majors area. Work directly to the ED Commander and provide them with regular updates on care and capacity. This role is assigned by the ED Commander INCIDENT STANDBY INCIDENT DECLARED Collect Majors Team Leader tabard and log from the ED Reception Locate yourself in the Majors Area. Do not get involved in patient management, but maintain an overview of the area. Keep a log of all actions and decisions taken during the incident. A medical student may be allocated to help. Keep noise to an absolute minimum. Allocate medical and nursing staff. Consultants Emergency Department coffee room Medical staff Bearsted lecture theatre. Ext. 2410 Nursing Staff Bearsted lecture theatre. Ext. 2410 Ensure all blood samples are marked “Major Incident”. Ensure that resources flow to the area as required. Liaise with Theatre Coordination Team (Ext. 7224/2396) and CT (Ext. 2440) and the Site Manager re onward movement of patients. Ensure the HCT Admin Support Team Leader is informed of all patients’ movements. Escalate all problems and requests to the ED Commander Only stand down when asked to do so by the HCT PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. Incident stand down You will be informed of the Stand down from the Major Incident by the Hospital Control Team either directly or via the ED Commander Join the Emergency Department hot debrief essential numbers A&E Majors 14-2404 14-2325 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 RLH Theatres 14-7224 14-2396 Intensive Care Unit 14-7731 14-7732 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 36 of 94 On reverse MAJOR INCIDENT TRIAGE SEIVE Y N N BREATHING PRIORITY 5 (Dead) After airway opening Y REPIRATORY RATE 10 to 29 CAPILARY REFILL TIME OR HEART RATE MASS CASUALTY EXTENSIVE INJURIES This category can only be used after a decision and order by a HCT Gold Commander Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 PRIORITY 3 (Delayed) Patients whose treatment can be delayed MINORS < 10 > 30 > 2 sec > 120 < 2 sec < 120 MORTUARY PRIORITY 1 (Immediate) Patients with high priority for immediate life saving emergency care RESUS PRIORITY 2 (Urgent) Less severely injured who need urgent medical care MAJORS PRIORITY 4 (Expectant) Injuries so severe either cannot survive or require excess treatment that would seriously compromise the treatment of large numbers of others TBA by HCT Page 37 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location ED Consultant / Registrar Minors Team Leader ED Minors & Fracture Clinic Action Card 21 ROLE DESCRIPTION Lead the clinical care of all patients within ED Minors area. Work directly to the ED Commander and provide them with regular updates on care and capacity. This role is assigned by the ED Commander INCIDENT STANDBY INCIDENT DECLARED Collect the Minors Team Leader tabard and log from the ED reception Locate yourself in the Minors Area. Keep a log of all actions and decisions taken during the incident. A medical student may be allocated to help. Working with the ED Commander, consider the need to expand Minors into the Fracture clinic, Walk in Centre and Out Patients Department (Ground Floor) as necessary (depending upon patient volume and flow.) Communicate regularly with the Walk In Centre Lead Clinician / Manager to ensure a synchronised approach to treatment of P3 casualties. Ensure that the Walk In Centre are provided with additional supplies to treat the patients being sent to this area Do not get involved in patient management, but maintain an overview of the area. Keep noise to an absolute minimum. Allocate medical and nursing staff. Consultants Emergency Department coffee room Medical staff Bearsted lecture theatre. Ext. 2410 Nursing Staff Bearsted lecture theatre. Ext. 2410 Ensure all blood samples are marked “Major Incident”. Ensure that resources flow to the area as required. Liaise with Theatre Coordination Team (Ext. 7224/2396) and CT (Ext. 2440), and Site Manager re onward movement of patients. Ensure that all patients that are suitable for discharge are first sent to be interviewed by the Police Documentation Team located in Outpatients Ground floor before being passed to the Hospital Support Team for discharge. Ensure the HCT Admin Support Team Leader is informed of all patients’ movements. Escalate all problems and requests to the ED Commander Only stand down when asked to do so by the HCT PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. Incident stand down You will be informed of the Stand down from the Major Incident by the Hospital Control Team either directly or via the ED Commander Join the Emergency Department hot debrief essential numbers A&E Majors 14-2404 14-2325 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 RLH Theatres 14-7224 14-2396 Intensive Care Unit 14-7731 14-7732 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 38 of 94 On reverse MAJOR INCIDENT TRIAGE SEIVE Y N N BREATHING PRIORITY 5 (Dead) After airway opening Y REPIRATORY RATE 10 to 29 CAPILARY REFILL TIME OR HEART RATE MASS CASUALTY EXTENSIVE INJURIES This category can only be used after a decision and order by a HCT Gold Commander Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 PRIORITY 3 (Delayed) Patients whose treatment can be delayed MINORS < 10 > 30 > 2 sec > 120 < 2 sec < 120 MORTUARY PRIORITY 1 (Immediate) Patients with high priority for immediate life saving emergency care RESUS PRIORITY 2 (Urgent) Less severely injured who need urgent medical care MAJORS PRIORITY 4 (Expectant) Injuries so severe either cannot survive or require excess treatment that would seriously compromise the treatment of large numbers of others TBA by HCT Page 39 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location Paediatric On Call Registrar Paediatric Team Leader ED Paediatrics Action Card 22 ROLE DESCRIPTION Lead the clinical care of all patients within ED paediatrics area. Work directly to the ED Commander and provide them with regular updates on care and capacity. INCIDENT STANDBY INCIDENT DECLARED Collect the Paediatric Team Leader tabard and log from the ED reception Locate yourself in the Paediatric Area. Assemble a clinical team in the Paediatrics area of the Emergency Department Keep a record of all actions and decisions taken during the incident within a log book If Paediatric ED is overwhelmed discuss with ED Commander the use of adult area and staff Keep noise to an absolute minimum. Allocate medical and nursing staff. Consultants Emergency Department coffee room Medical staff Bearsted lecture theatre. Ext. 2410 Nursing Staff Bearsted lecture theatre. Ext. 2410 Ensure all blood samples are marked “Major Incident”. Ensure that resources flow to the area as required. Liaise with Theatre Coordination Team (Ext. 7224/2396) and CT (Ext. 2440), and Site Manager re onward movement of patients. Ensure that all patients that are suitable for discharge are first sent to be interviewed by the Police Documentation Team located in Outpatients Ground floor before being passed to the Hospital Support Team for discharge. Ensure that ED Commander is informed of all patient movements After treating paediatric casualties, wait until told to stand down by the Silver Commander. Escalate all problems and requirements to the ED Commander Ensure that every paediatric patient that you treat and discharge, leaves the hospital with full documentation, having seen a social worker and been booked out, with parent / guardians, to a prepared community. PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. Incident stand down You will be informed of the Stand down from the Major Incident by the Hospital Control Team either directly or via the ED Commander Join the Emergency Department hot debrief essential numbers A&E Majors 14-2404 14-2325 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 RLH Theatres 14-7224 14-2396 Intensive Care Unit 14-7731 14-7732 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 40 of 94 On reverse MAJOR INCIDENT TRIAGE SEIVE Y N N BREATHING PRIORITY 5 (Dead) After airway opening Y REPIRATORY RATE 10 to 29 CAPILARY REFILL TIME OR HEART RATE MASS CASUALTY EXTENSIVE INJURIES This category can only be used after a decision and order by a HCT Gold Commander Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 PRIORITY 3 (Delayed) Patients whose treatment can be delayed MINORS < 10 > 30 > 2 sec > 120 < 2 sec < 120 MORTUARY PRIORITY 1 (Immediate) Patients with high priority for immediate life saving emergency care RESUS PRIORITY 2 (Urgent) Less severely injured who need urgent medical care MAJORS PRIORITY 4 (Expectant) Injuries so severe either cannot survive or require excess treatment that would seriously compromise the treatment of large numbers of others TBA by HCT Page 41 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location ED Service Manager / ED Reception Supervisor ED Admin Manager / ED Reception Supervisor ED Ambulance Bay entrance Action Card 23 ROLE DESCRIPTION Cascade the Major Incident Alert to off duty ED reception staff and lead the admin response to the Major incident within the ED. INCIDENT STANDBY INCIDENT DECLARED Liaise with Nurse in Charge of Emergency Department to determine the size and scale of the incident Call in any off duty staff as required Nominate a member of staff to coordinate the ED patient register. Receive patient’s details from the Triage Receptionist. If detailed by the Triage receptionist use the runner nominated by the HCT to gather further patient ID / details. Nominate a runner to take a photocopy of the register to the HCT at regular intervals (about every 10 patients) Ensure that extra notes are made up as required. Allocate one member of staff to take all incoming calls in the A&E Secretaries room. As extra members of staff report for duty allocate them to Major Minors and Resus to update patient personal information on their notes and allocate a runner to communicate all information back to the ED Admin Manager. Ensure that the welfare of staff is appropriately taken care of with rotated breaks. Keep a record of all actions and decisions taken during the incident. PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. Incident stand down You will be informed of the Stand down from the Major Incident by the Hospital Control Team either directly or via the ED Commander Join the Emergency Department hot debrief essential numbers A&E Majors 14-2404 14-2325 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 RLH Theatres 14-7224 14-2396 Intensive Care Unit 14-7731 14-7732 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 42 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location A&E Porter Senior ED Porter on Duty or Bleep 1158 out of hours A&E Porters Desk at all times Action Card 24 ROLE DESCRIPTION Lead the Portering teams response to a Major Incident. Liaise with the facilities co-ordinator and the ED Commander for information and instruction. INCIDENT STANDBY INCIDENT DECLARED Appoint a member of the team to work to the action card of “ED Porter”. Call in additional hospital portering staff once the scale of the incident is known (these are to be directly managed by the Senior ED Porter). Request the most experienced porters and instruct them to bring with them their personal radios and spares for existing ED porters. Instruct all portering staff to remain under the direction of the Senior Porter until Major Incident Stand down when their assistance will still be required to reopen the Emergency Department. Receive confirmation that HCT equipment has been delivered from the ED Porter. If not received within 15 minutes ensure that this action is carried out as an immediate priority. Ensure ED has sufficient wheelchairs, trolleys and oxygen cylinders. Report to the Facilities Coordinator or in their absence the Site Manager with the HCT. State any additional staffing or equipment needs. Ensure other portering staff are allocated to Cambridge ward and ED Majors, Minors and other areas to help decant patients. Ensure a safe service is maintained to the rest of the hospital. Keep a record of all actions and decisions taken during the incident PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. Incident stand down You will be informed of the Stand down from the Major Incident by the Hospital Control Team either directly or via the ED Commander Join the Emergency Department hot debrief essential numbers A&E Majors 14-2404 14-2325 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 RLH Theatres 14-7224 14-2396 Intensive Care Unit 14-7731 14-7732 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 43 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location Emergency Department Porter Emergency Department Porter Emergency Department Action Card 25 ROLE DESCRIPTION Provide Portering service to Emergency Department as required by the Major Incident and under the direction of the A&E Senior Porter INCIDENT STANDBY INCIDENT DECLARED Report to Senior ED Porter Collect MI key set from MI key cupboard in Resus (located on the wall beneath the Resus CD cupboard). Key for MI Key Cupboard is on Resus key set. Spare MI key sets are available from ED reception (1) and security (1) Open MI Equipment Cupboard in basement. Move the two clear boxes with blue lids (labelled Major Incident – Hospital Control Team) to Hospital Control Room / Renal Seminar Room (opposite A&E Secretaries Office) Confirm to the Senior ED Porter when the Major Incident Equipment has been delivered to the HCR Liaise with the Senior Nurse on duty in A&E to receive instructions on preparing the department to receive casualties. Keep a record of all actions and decisions taken during the incident. PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. Incident stand down You will be informed of the Stand down from the Major Incident by the Hospital Control Team either directly or via the ED Commander Join the Emergency Department hot debrief essential numbers A&E Majors 14-2404 14-2325 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 RLH Theatres 14-7224 14-2396 Intensive Care Unit 14-7731 14-7732 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 44 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location Ward Sister Main Receiving Ward (Cambridge Ward) and other Wards Cambridge Ward Action Card 26 ROLE DESCRIPTION Lead the clinical care of all patients within ED Minors area. Work directly to the ED Commander and provide them with regular updates on care and capacity. This role is assigned by the ED Commander INCIDENT STANDBY INCIDENT DECLARED Prepare to receive admissions from ED/Theatres. With the Site Manager arrange to transfer existing in-patients to other wards. Request additional staff as required. Inform the Site Manager and the HCT when ready to receive patients. Inform the Hospital Support Team (via the HCT or distributed contact number) when the incident patients are ready to receive visitors. Generic Example for General Wards Prepare to receive internal hospital transfers as directed. These patients must be accepted immediately on request and a nurse should be sent to Cambridge or other receiving ward to collect them. Consider which patients may be suitable for discharge or transfer. Call in extra staff as required but ensure that subsequent shifts are not compromised. Contact on-call medical registrar to authorize discharge of identified patients. Keep a record of all actions and decisions taken during the incident. Keep a log of all patients transferred or discharged and pass this to the Site Manager in house alert PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. Incident stand down You will be informed of the Stand down from the Major Incident by the Hospital Control Team either directly or via the ED Commander Join the Emergency Department hot debrief essential numbers A&E Majors 14-2404 14-2325 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 RLH Theatres 14-7224 14-2396 Intensive Care Unit 14-7731 14-7732 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 45 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location Duty Surgical SHO Hospital Surgical Officer Discharge Lounge / Restaurant / Out Patients Action Card 27 ROLE DESCRIPTION To provide first on call ward cover for all surgical specialties (except neurosurgery) INCIDENT STANDBY INCIDENT DECLARED Provide first on-call ward cover for all surgical specialities (except neurosurgery) Inform each ward of your bleep number. Should you require medical / surgical support discuss with the Silver Commander within the HCT Keep a written log of any management changes to hand over to the teams concerned after the incident and note the destinations of all patients. Keep a record of all actions and decisions taken during the incident. Do not stand down until told to do so by the HCT. in house alert PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. Incident stand down You will be informed of the Stand down from the Major Incident by the Hospital Control Team Join the Hospital Control Team Debrief essential numbers A&E Majors 14-2404 14-2325 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 RLH Theatres 14-7224 14-2396 Intensive Care Unit 14-7731 14-7732 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 46 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location Duty Medical SHO Hospital Medical Officer Discharge Lounge / Restaurant / Out Patients Action Card 28 ROLE DESCRIPTION To provide first on call ward cover for all medical specialties (except neurosurgery) INCIDENT STANDBY INCIDENT DECLARED Collect your action card from Front Reception. You will provide first on-call ward cover for all medical specialities. Inform each medical ward of your bleep number. Should you require medical / surgical support discuss with a member of the HCT. Keep a written log of any management changes to hand over to the teams concerned after the incident and note the destinations of all patients. Keep a record of all actions and decisions taken during the incident. Do not stand down until told to do so by the HCT. in house alert PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. Incident stand down You will be informed of the Stand down from the Major Incident by the Hospital Control Team Join the Hospital Control Team hot debrief essential numbers A&E Majors 14-2404 14-2325 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 RLH Theatres 14-7224 14-2396 Intensive Care Unit 14-7731 14-7732 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 47 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location Walk In Centre Receptionist Walk In Centre Receptionist RLH Main Reception Action Card 29 ROLE DESCRIPTION To assist in directing all staff responding to the Major Incident cascade. INCIDENT STANDBY INCIDENT DECLARED Make your way to the reception area at the Front Entrance of Hospital. All the equipment you need is stored behind the desk at Front reception in a designated draw. It consist of: 6 Signing in boards with pens 6 Sets of coloured stickers Laminated action cards Put out “Signing-In” boards and pens. There is one board for each group of staff. As staff arrive they should declare their normal role and sign the appropriate board. They should then put their name on an appropriate coloured sticker and use the sticker as a name tag. Each member of staff should then review the action card list to ascertain if they have a dedicated action card. If they don’t they should be instructed to make their way to the Bearsted lecture theatre or the area nominated below. Ensure that any patients arriving from the Major Incident are redirected to the Emergency Department Ambulance bay entrance. All patients arriving for elective surgery should report to Admissions for further direction. Direct any media arriving to the Restaurant in house alert PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. Incident stand down You will be informed of the Stand down from the Major Incident by the Hospital Control Team either directly or via the ED Commander Join the Hospital Support Team Hot Debrief essential numbers A&E Majors 14-2404 14-2325 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 RLH Theatres 14-7224 14-2396 Intensive Care Unit 14-7731 14-7732 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 48 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location Bleep Holder 1490 Theatre Coordinator 3rd Floor Front Block Theatre Reception Action Card 30 ROLE DESCRIPTION Working with the Theatre Commander, coordinate all Theatre activity in response to a Major Incident. INCIDENT STANDBY Establish how many theatres are working, document this and communicate it to the Theatre Commander. Await further instructions. INCIDENT DECLARED Collect Theatre Coordinator Tabbard from the Major Incident Cupboard located in the 3rd Floor Front Block Theatre Reception. If advised by the Theatre Commander, cancel all elective Theatre (including obstetric theatre) at RLH Advise teams with cases in progress to stop on completion of that case and await further instructions. Prioritise existing emergency patients who require surgery Ensure appropriate level of staffing, include allocation of 5 Anaesthetic support staff to ED Resus. Call in additional staff through emergency cascade if required. Ensure that Theatres remain adequately staffed and request staff support from SBH and LCH as needed Allocate a Senior member of staff to liaise with the SBH and LCH Theatres Allocate a second member of staff to check stock levels and availability of instrument trays sterile gowns drapes Theatres scrub suits liaise with Facilities co-ordinator for additional items required. Obtain additional IV fluids from pharmacy. Prepare all theatres to receive casualties. Inform Theatre Staff to remain the Theatre rest areas to await further allocation instructions. On receipt of information from Theatre Commander, assign theatres and appropriate theatre staff to cases. As incident progresses ensure continual check of all stock and equipment levels. Identify any shortage to the Facilities Co-ordinator for urgent action. Escalate all problems and issues to the Theatre Commander in house alert PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. Incident stand down You will be informed of the Stand down from the Major Incident by the Hospital Control Team Inform all Theatre staff and participate in a Hot debrief conducted by the Theatre Commander essential numbers A&E Majors 14-2404 14-2325 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 RLH Theatres 14-7224 14-2396 Intensive Care Unit 14-7731 14-7732 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 49 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location Senior Sister / Senior Charge Nurse ICU ICU Commander Senior Sister / Charge Nurse Office ICU RLH Action Card 31 ROLE DESCRIPTION Lead the Intensive Care Unit (RLH) response to a Major Incident, coordinating with the ED Commander and Theatres Commanders and the Silver Commander INCIDENT STANDBY INCIDENT DECLARED Collect ICU Commander Tabbard and log book from the Charge Nurse Office Contact the HCT to establish the basic fact of the incident from the Silver Commander (nature of the incident, anticipated number of casualties etc) Communicate with all staff on the unit and the nurses in charge of the ICUs at SBH and LCH St. Bartholomew’s ICU 15-7112 or 7728 London Chest ICU 16-2209 or 3228 Begin ward rounds with the most senior ICU Anaesthetist on site to identify number of empty ICU beds, number of beds that can be transferred to HDU or a ward, number of staff on duty that shift and the number of staff on duty for the following shift. Agree with the medical staff a plan of action for all ICU patients Arrange for all empty / vacated beds to be prepared and checked for patient admission. Assess staffing levels, liaise with other units about transfer of staff and equipment. Call in extra staff if this appears necessary. On arrival all ICU staff must report to the ICU Commander. Contact the ICU Technicians if out of hours Delegate a senior member of staff (usually Resource Nurse) to check stock levels of ICU equipment Pharmacy Stock Consumables CSSD Items Once the unit is ready to accept patients assess the staff available and assign an experienced member of staff to each vacant bed area. Maintain contact with the Sister / Charge Nurse of SBH and LCH ICU’s to ensure planning of staff, equipment and bed space can be coordinated. Ensure regular communication with ED Commander and Theatre Commander to ensure patient flow is monitored within the hospital. Advise Silver Commander of any issues problems or resourcing implications within the Department. PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. Incident stand down You will be informed of the Stand down from the Major Incident by the Hospital Control Team Inform all Theatre staff and conduct a Hot debrief for the ICU team essential numbers A&E Majors 14-2404 14-2325 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 RLH Theatres 14-7224 14-2396 Intensive Care Unit 14-7731 14-7732 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 50 of 94 Job Title Incident Role Location Senior Admin Member of staff Bearsted Lecture Theatre Leader Bearsted Lecture Theatre Action Card 32 ROLE DESCRIPTION Nominated by the Site Manager, this role co-ordinates all requests for staff from around the Hospital. INCIDENT STANDBY INCIDENT DECLARED Go to the Bearsted Lecture Theatre Keep a log of all staff that arrive Staff arriving should be have been allocated a sticky label by Main reception Junior Doctors / Medical staff - Blue sticky labels Qualified Nurses - Green sticky labels All other staff - Gold Labels Students - Yellow Volunteers – Pink Should staff not have registered at Main reception ensure that they do so before being reallocated. Upon requests for additional clinical and non clinical staff allocated them to the respective area within the hospital Note when and where staff are allocated. Keep staff noise to a minimum Provide staff with a regular update of events as available from the Site Manager Ensure that staff remain within the lecture theatre and do not randomly volunteer their services. If additional administrative staff are required contact a senior member of staff at Prescot Street in hours or Site Manager Hospital Control Team out of hours. PUBLIC ENQUIRIES The Trust Media Liaison Officer (based in the Hospital Control Room) will be the primary point of contact for all media enquiries. They will provide updates to the media and the public via the Trust Internet. Additionally they may also update the Trust switchboard message with further information for the public. All enquiries by the Press should be directed to the Media Liaison Officer. A public information hotline may be set up in response to the Incident this will be co-ordinated through the Hospital Support Team. If this is done the telephone number will be distributed across the Trust. Incident stand down You will be informed of the Stand down from the Major Incident by the Hospital Control Team Inform all staff and conduct participate in the Hospital Control Team hot debrief. essential numbers A&E Majors 14-2404 14-2325 Hospital Control Room 14-3890 or 020 7655 4909 Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 RLH Theatres 14-7224 14-2396 Intensive Care Unit 14-7731 14-7732 SBH Control Room 15-2143 15-2396 15-2826 15-2842 LCH Control Room 16-2395 Bleep 1945 Page 51 of 94 Section 2 This section of the plan describes the processes that are adopted during the Major Incident. This section should be read and understood in advance of a Major Incident and should NOT be read when response is required Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 52 of 94 PURPOSE OF THE TRUST MAJOR INCIDENT PLAN (MIP) Working along side other agencies it is the purpose of the plan to: Save life. Relieve suffering. Minimise long-term effects on health. Protect health and safety of staff. Safeguard the environment. Maintain core hospital functions to the community wherever possible. This plan will operate in conjunction with other blue light services and other Category 1 responders under the Civil Contingencies Act (2004). Underlying Principles of the Plan The Trust Major Incident Plan (MIP) is the responsibility of the Trust Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the Chief Nurse (Executive Director with board level responsibility for Emergency Planning.) The Trust has a nominated Emergency Planning Officer (EPO) who is responsible through the CEO and the Emergency Planning Steering Group (EPSG) for the plan. The MIP exists as a core document that aims to provide the Hospital’s initial response. It is supported by local Departmental sub plans that remain the responsibility of the individual Clinical Divisions and Corporate Directorates and their Boards. Any modifications to the MIP or local plans must be agreed by the EPO and the EPSG and where necessary ratified by the Trust Management Executive and Trust Board. The details of the plan are part of the induction process for all BLT staff. The plan can be implemented any time, 24 hours a day 365 days a year. The MIP or local plans do not rely on named individuals but permanent roles that are present on a 24 hour basis. The MIP is scalable and can cope with both Major Incidents and Mass Casualty Incidents as was experienced on 7 July 2005. This plan is therefore also the Mass Casualty plan for the Trust. The MIP is shared with other Category 1 and 2 responders under the Civil Contingencies Act (2004). Principles of Departmental Sub Plans Each Clinical Division and Corporate Directorate and their Boards are responsible for local plans. Local plans must subscribe to and integrate with the principles and operational details laid down in the core MIP. Each directorate should ensure every member of their staff is aware of their role or potential role in the local plan through its Clinical Governance Programme and induction process. Each local plan must have a cascade system for calling in extra staff. Each Clinical Division or Corporate Directorate should nominate a responsible officer to annually update and review the local plan and regularly ensure details in the cascade system are current. Storage and use of Trust Major Incident Plan This document is stored and available to all staff on the Trust Intranet. All areas should hold a hard copy of this document. All Action Cards as required by staff area should be laminated and available 24/7 for staff to use. Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 53 of 94 PRINCIPLES OF CARE Following the Trusts response to the 7 July 2005 London Transport Bombings and other Major Incidents lessons best practice has been identified and lessons learned as to the principles under which to operate during the initial confusing hours of a Major Incident event. Whilst every event is different it can be expected that future mass casualty events result in rapid casualty clearance from scene, and resulting over triage of casualties and a significant surge in casualties to receiving hospitals. It can also be expected to have communication problems between scene and between organisations. Consequently the following principles of care should be considered by all clinical areas within the Trust. Surge capacity can be improved by increasing resource availability or reducing resource utilization Re-assessment reprioritization and redirection of patients at each stage and should occur anywhere in the system where resources are constrained. The principles of damage control should be applied to all aspects of the Major Incident response e.g. access to CT scanner reduced by delaying all non urgent scans, requests for blood typing and cross match limited to the most severely injured and significantly limiting other laboratory tests. Application of damage control principles should continue in the absence of on scene information and further casualty numbers. Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 54 of 94 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 Definition of a Major Incident A Major Incident is defined as “Any occurrence which presents a serious threat to the health of the community, disruption to the service, or causes (or is likely to cause) such numbers of casualties as to require special arrangements to be implemented by hospitals, ambulance services or Health Authorities”. The National Health Service requires hospital trusts to be able to mount an effective response to any Major Incident. 1.2 Classification of Major Incidents Major Incidents can be classified in several ways. By the number of victims. By the severity of injuries. By the ability of the local hospitals to cope with the patient load. By the degree of disruption to local communications (a simple disaster has little or no communication breakdown. A compound disaster has complete communication breakdown). By the nature of the incident e.g. earthquake, tanker explosion etc. By the nature and extent of the hazard(s) e.g. chemical, radioactive contamination, gases - either as a cloud or introduced into an enclosed space. Terrorist/civil disobedience/war casualties. Major Incidents start in a number of ways sometimes beginning in one category and evolving into another. The response must also evolve appropriately. ‘Big Bang’ Most health service Major Incidents are triggered by a sudden major transport or industrial accident. The ambulance service and receiving hospitals will be the first responders. Wider health implications may not be immediately obvious, so the Strategic Health Authority (SHA) must be notified of all Major Incidents. Some incidents begin as a small bang, but escalate into an everlarger series of incidents, as might occur with a crash on a fog bound motorway. ‘The Rising Tide’ Here the problem creeps up gradually. An example might be a developing infectious disease epidemic or a winter bed crisis. There is no clear starting point for the Major Incident and the point at which the outbreak becomes ‘major’ may only be clear in retrospect. Influenza pandemics have occurred at intervals varying between 11 and 42 years. In 1957 the ‘Asian flu’ took six to seven months from first being isolated in China to the peak of the pandemic in the UK where there were an estimated nine million cases. Because of increased international travel, global spread of the next pandemic could reasonably be expected to be faster. The World Health Organisation (WHO) suggest that plans should be in place against a pandemic causing illness in 50% of the population. A medical Major Incident almost resulted from a sudden release of allergens after a summer thunderstorm, causing hundreds of patients with asthma to present to ill-prepared hospitals without enough nebulisers. 'Cloud on the horizon’ An incident in one place may cause an incident “at a distance”. Preparatory action is needed in response to an evolving threat elsewhere, even overseas. For example, a major chemical or nuclear release, a dangerous epidemic or an armed conflict involving British troops. Extensive planning for casualties for the 1991 and 2003 Gulf Wars took place because there was a real possibility that the NHS would have to mount an exceptional response. ‘Headline news’ A wave of public or media alarm over a health issue (or a reaction to a perceived threat) may create a Major Incident for the health service even when fears are unfounded. The issue may be minor in terms of health risk (e.g. the side effects of the contraceptive pill) but can cause huge public alarm. If well handled with clear instructions and accurate information, no Major Incident will accrue; if mishandled, it probably will. Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 55 of 94 Internal incidents The hospital itself may be affected by an internal Major Incident or by an external incident that impairs its ability to work normally. A fire, breakdown of utilities, major equipment failure, hospital acquired infections or violent crime may paralyse the provision of services and jeopardise safety arrangements in the short term and erode staff morale and public confidence in the longer term. Terrorism Chief constables (usually the Commissioners of the Metropolitan Police) are required to consult health authorities as soon as they become aware of a deliberate threat to the health of the public. In the past, this has involved the deliberate release of chemical, biological radiological or nuclear materials (CBRN). This may come from terrorist or dissident groups or disaffected individuals. The threat could be real or a hoax. Directors of Public Health are responsible for informing the hospital, although in practice, the hospital may already be affected by the incident. Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 56 of 94 2. ALERTING PROCEDURE INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL MAJOR INCIDENTS 2.1 Sources of an Alert The London Ambulance Service will alert the Emergency Department through the designated Major Incident Line (located in A&E Majors next to Resus). This is routed through one of two separate exchanges and is monitored and recorded by switchboard. The most Senior Nurse on duty should answer the telephone. All messages should be recorded on the appropriate form, dated, timed, and signed by the recipient; they will be used for debriefing purposes later. Only LAS and NHS London can declare a Health Major Incident. 2.2 How a Major Incident Is Declared within the Trust The Trust can self declare both an Internal Major Incident or a Major Incident. An Internal Major Incident should be declared if the impact of an internal incident is of significant proportions to the Trust to require the Trust to put in place special arrangements. Additionally the Trust also has the ability to declare a Major Incident. This would be an incident of significant proportions as to affect not just the Trust but the wider health community or other Category 1 responders under the Civil Contingencies Act. In this instance the Trust should declare the Major Incident by contacting the SHA on call Director. (see diagram on next page for more details) To declare an Internal Major Incident: Either in or out of hours the RLH Site Manager is initially contacted (bleep 1111) who escalate to the Silver on call manager (pager bureau number 07659 105481) who if necessary escalate to the Gold on call Director (pager bureau 0844 822 2888 call sign BTLAC1). The on call Director is the only person able to declare an Internal or Major Incident for the Trust. They would contact switchboard and instigate the Major Incident on call cascade 2.3 Messages that Switchboard Cascade To ensure clarity during a Major Incident four standardised messages are available for Switchboard to send out on the Major Incident cascade. These are as follows: 1. Major Incident Standby (cause xxxxxxxxxx): stand by for more information 2. Major Incident Declared: Please report to RLH Main reception 3. Internal Major Incident Standby (cause xxxxxxxxxx): standby for more information 4. Internal Major Incident Declared (cause xxxxxxxxx): Please report to RLH Main reception Irrespective of the cause of an Internal or Major Incident the full Major Incident Plan should be activated. 2.4 Receiving Hospitals At the time the LAS advise the Trust that they should declare a Major Incident the hospital cannot decline to be included as a “receiving hospital”, regardless of its bed state. (Subsequently, the Hospital Control Team may request the Medical Incident Commander (MIC) at scene to direct patients to other “receiving hospitals” if the patient load is too heavy.) Once a Major Incident has been declared by the LAS they will contact a minimum of two hospitals near the incident. They will be asked to activate their Major Incident Plan. At this point the hospitals are known as receiving hospitals. Further receiving hospitals may be asked to declare their plans by the MIC or Ambulance Incident Commander (AIC) at the scene when more information on the number and type of casualties is available. Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 57 of 94 2.5 Internal Major Incident and Major Incident Initial Actions Diagram Internal Major Incident Significant Incident who’s affect is contained within the Trust Major Incident Significant Incident which will have a significant affect on other health organisations or other Category 1 Responders under the CCA* Consider Internal Major Incident Standby If not suitable Declare a Major Incident within the Trust Declare a Major Incident within the Trust If not requiring a clinical response immediately contact A&E / Main Reception and Theatres so that clinical teams are not called in.** Send runners into these areas to explain the reason and necessary actions Follow the Action cards as noted within the Major incident Plan Inform the SHA that an Internal Major Incident has been declared Inform NHS London that the Trust is declaring a full Major Incident*** Respond to the Major Incident * Category 1 responders under the Civil Contingencies Act includes: Police, Fire, Ambulance Services, Acute Trusts, Primary Care Trusts, Local Authorities, Environment Agency and others. ** There is only one way of declaring a Major Incident (Internal or external) in the Trust. For internal non clinical incidents the Major Incident cascade which needs to be used will still be the same as for a clinical incident. *** In cases where an internal Major Incident is declared, and the hospital is unable to keep its ED open, then the hospital will need to inform the LAS and NHS London Gold via NHS01. The ED will be considered as closed and no further ambulance bourn patients will be brought to that ED until LAS is notified that the crisis has passed. The on-call hospital director MUST then inform the LAS of the expected timescale of the closure/next review Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 58 of 94 2.6 Major Incident Terminology Major Incident Standby In addition to being asked to declare a Major Incident the Trust may be asked to activate a Major Incident Standby alert. The standby message allows Trust staff to prepare to respond. Further information from the emergency services (or the hospital itself) allows the plan to be formally declared or cancelled following a standby. It is the responsibility of the person receiving the alerting call (either Gold on call if via NHS London or ED Senior Nurse if via LAS) to ensure that the relevant form is completed and to inform switchboard that the hospital is on “Major Incident Standby”. The switchboard operator will then contact the relevant personnel as directed by the switchboard operator's action card. Major Incident Cancelled In the event that a Major Incident response is not required, the “Major Incident Standby Message” will be superseded by a “Major Incident Cancelled Message”. This should be taken by the Senior Nurse in ED on the appropriate form. The message is then conveyed to switchboard who contact the relevant people who were originally given notification of the standby message. Major Incident Declared Further information from the Emergency Services may state that a Major Incident has been declared or this may be the original call. Once again a Senior Nurse should take the call and complete the appropriate form. Switchboard should then be contacted and asked to activate the Major Incident Plan. Major Incident Messages Messages from the emergency services may be passed through the Major Incident phone before the Ambulance Liaison Officer is in post in the HCT. The Senior Nurse should take the call and write the message on the appropriate form. This should then be passed to a member of the HCT. All the forms relating to information passed via the Major Incident phone should be held by the HCT as they will constitute a formal part of the debriefing procedure after the event. Major Incident Stand down Once it has been determined by the Hospital Control Team that the response to the Major Incident has finished the Hospital Control Team declare a Major Incident Stand down. This informs all appropriate staff that they will be returning to their usual clinical and non clinical practices and procedures. This stand down phase is described in more detail later within this document. Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 59 of 94 3. INTERNAL MAJOR INCIDENTS & “A&E DIVERTS” 3.1 Definition An incident which causes serious disruption to the normal function of the hospital, such that patients and /or staff are at risk of morbidity and/or mortality as a result of the disruption. This may prevent part or all of the hospital from performing its normal function. A full Major Incident could be declared as a result of an Internal Major Incident. For example, an Internal Major Incident may be declared as a result of the forced evacuation of a hospital building. However should the evacuation be on a larger scale such as the full evacuation of a site then the implications for other NHS Trusts and the LAS would be significant and therefore the evacuation would warrant being declared as a full Major Incident. 3.2 Introduction Many minor incidents occur on a day-to-day basis. These are common but easily countered. Failures of power supply, steam shutdowns lift failures and the like are examples. They happen commonly enough for the hospital response to be well rehearsed and effective. Some incidents fall between the minor and the catastrophic. These may be predictable or unpredictable. Fire may destroy part of the hospital. Power Failure of all or significant parts of the hospital. Loss of piped oxygen or medical air. Flooding may prevent effective normal function, placing patients at increased risk. Criminal activity may necessitate isolation of parts of the hospital. Chemical, biological or nuclear contamination, which may be partial or complete, may restrict the use of the hospital. ICT failure may severely hamper all computer use. There are an enormous number of possibilities which fall into this “middle” classification and which require special arrangements by the Trust. 3.3 Principles The incident should be managed and controlled by the HCT from a single control centre. The Royal London Hospital Control Room (Renal Seminar Room) would be the usual focus for the control centre unless compromised to the extent that it was unable to function normally. The control centre should normally be within the hospital site, providing disruption to communications does not dictate otherwise. The same members of the team are used in the same roles as if a normal Major Incident had occurred. Patients should be decanted to other areas within the Trust or other Trusts as required by clinical need and the areas of the Trust that are disabled. Should hospital evacuation be needed the Rendezvous Points and Emergency Services Control Points for the other blue light services will be placed as near to the HCT as possible. Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 60 of 94 3.4 Actions for Gold Commander to consider Action for Gold to consider 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Always consider activating Major Incident standby before declaring full Major Incident if unsure whether situation warrants full declaration. Gold to cascade Internal Major Incident alert to all appropriate staff by switchboard. Silver to ensure that staff are available at the Major Incident muster points (ED staff room, ED reception, RLH main reception and Bearsted Lecture theatre) to fully brief staff that arrive in response to the Major Incident cascade. Consider if the Internal Major Incident will have significant implications for other category one responders. If it does, the Trust has the authority to declare a full Major Incident. This should be done by communicating firstly to the SHA and secondly the LAS. Discuss with Silver whether a blue light divert (emergency cases) or full closure of A&E to all LAS traffic is required. * Where other areas of the Trust structure (e.g. ICT) are instrumental in resolving the incident, ensure that they are appropriately staffed and managed to ensure as speedy a resolution as possible. Consider co-locating with them if appropriate or if not ensure that a member of the responding team is located in the HCR as a link person Consider what additional resources could be requested from the SHA or from other Trusts to resolve the situation. Communicate to these organisations as early as possible that their help may be requested. Consider what additional resources could be requested from outside of the NHS, determine lead times for these. Costs should not be considered as a determining factor in the procurement of resources to resolve an Internal Major Incident. Chair regular meetings of the Hospital Control Team, ensure that actions agreed are followed up at the following meeting Ensure that the Internal Major Incident response planning for the next week to 10 days is considered as soon as possible, and not on a day by day basis. Ensure that where ever possible the Major Incident response continues on a 24/7 basis. This should include making allowances for staff returning home to rest before coming back into the Trust out of normal working hours. Consider the timing and any residual risks to the organisation of declaring Major Incident Stand down. Consider what resources will be needed to fully recover from the Internal Major Incident for the period following the Internal Major Incident stand down When appropriate Stand down the Trust from the Internal Major Incident Ensure that appropriate messages of thanks are communicated to every person that responded to the Internal Major Incident Note * Blue light call should only be requested when the hospital is unable to provide Resuscitation facilities due to infrastructure failures, for example flood electrical failure or fire. Closure of an ED should only be considered as a last resort as it may subject the most seriously ill of patients to increased clinical risk as a result of travelling further to receive immediately life-saving treatment. GP calls will be expected to be sent directly to a ward or Admissions Unit rather than via A&E, if practical given the nature of the infrastructure failure. In cases where an internal Major Incident is declared, and the hospital is unable to keep its ED open, then the hospital will need to inform the LAS and NHS London Gold via NHS01. The ED will be considered as closed and no further ambulance bourn patients will be brought to that ED until LAS is notified that the crisis has passed. The on-call hospital director MUST then inform the LAS of the expected timescale of the closure/next review. The Chief Executive, or their nominated deputy, needs to notify the NHS London NHS01 of their intention to close as a result of an internal Major Incident, the reason for this closure, and expected duration. Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 61 of 94 3.5 Actions for Silver Commander to consider Action for Silver to consider 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Gold to Cascade Internal Major Incident alert to all appropriate staff by switchboard. Silver to ensure that that staff are available at the Major Incident Muster points (ED staff room, ED reception, RLH main reception and Bearsted Lecture theatre) to fully brief staff that arrive in response to the Major Incident cascade Determine whether the internal incident requires a direct clinical response. If not consider how best to ensure that the clinical care is continuously risk assessed as part of the internal Major Incident response. (This should be through the Divisional Directors, Divisional Nurses and Heads of Operations.) Discuss with Gold whether a blue light divert (emergency cases) or full closure of A&E to all LAS traffic is required. * Ensure that two members of the Silver on call rota are located at SBH and LCH as the SBH and LCH Site Co-ordinators Ensure that the RLH Site manager, LCH and SBH Site Co-ordinators are briefed immediately following a meeting of the HCT. Ensure that situational reports are gathered from all areas of the hospital throughout the internal Major Incident, an internal situation report is included within Section 4 of this plan) Ensure that staff including Capital Hospitals are communicated with as soon as possible. (This will be organised through the Duty Media Liaison Officer or another member of the Communications Department Note * Blue light call should only be requested when the hospital is unable to provide Resuscitation facilities due to infrastructure failures, for example flood electrical failure or fire. Closure of an ED should only be considered as a last resort as it may subject the most seriously ill of patients to increased clinical risk as a result of travelling further to receive immediately life-saving treatment. GP calls will be expected to be sent directly to a ward or Admissions Unit rather than via A&E, if practical given the nature of the infrastructure failure. In cases where an internal Major Incident is declared, and the hospital is unable to keep its ED open, then the hospital will need to inform the LAS and NHS London Gold via NHS01. The ED will be considered as closed and no further ambulance bourn patients will be brought to that ED until LAS is notified that the crisis has passed. The on-call hospital director MUST then inform the LAS of the expected timescale of the closure/next review. The Chief Executive, or their nominated deputy, needs to notify the NHS London NHS01 of their intention to close as a result of an internal Major Incident, the reason for this closure, and expected duration. 3.6 Possible Locations for the HCT during an Internal Major Incident Dependent upon the nature of the Internal Major Incident the location of the HCR may need to be considered If possible this should remain in the Hospital Control Room (Renal Seminar Room) The First Floor Meeting Room John Harrison House has duplicate lines that are found in the Primary Hospital Control Room (Renal Seminar Room) that would be used in a Major Incident. Additionally locations at Barts and the London Chest have been identified. These are the Site Managers office at Barts and the Education Centre at the London Chest Hospital, these locations have some resilience in telephony and data communications however currently not as good as at the Royal London site. Over the next year this will be improved. Should none of these be suitable a mutual aid arrangement has been agreed with Tower Hamlets PCT and Tower Hamlets Local Authority to make use of their facilities should they not be required at the same time. 3.7 A&E or Blue Light Diverts resulting from capacity issues Acute trusts cannot make a decision themselves to close to blue calls as a result of lack of ITU, HDU, CCU, general or acute bed capacity. If a trust wishes to close its ED due to capacity issues then the trust Chief Executive or Gold on call Director will need to request this personally from Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 62 of 94 NHS London Gold. * NHS01 can be contacted via 0844 822 2888 and ask for NHS01 then leave your contact details. Following agreement from NHS London Gold that a trust may close their ED as a result of capacity issues then NHS Gold will inform LAS Gold. 3.8 A&E or Blue Light Diverts resulting from infrastructure issues Please refer to section 3.4 and 3.5 and the note section within each. Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 63 of 94 4. HOSPITAL CONTROL TEAM 4.1 Team Makeup This team is formed to manage the whole Trust’s response to the incident. The Team consists of: Gold Commander Silver Commander Facilities Co-ordinator Media Liaison Officer Family and Acute Representative (only present for HCT meetings) Regional Representative (only present for HCT meetings) Clinical Diagnostics Representative (only present for HCT meetings) Admin Support Team Leader (for minuting the meetings) The representatives from the Clinical Divisions should be either, the Divisional Director, Divisional Nurse or Divisional General Managers. Only one person should represent each Clinical Division and should only be present during HCT meetings. When an incident occurs out of hours the initial staff taking on the roles as noted above may not be the optimum designated people. As the identified on call members of staff arrive into the hospital they will take over from those that have stood in. Additionally during the initial minutes / hour of the incident on call members of staff may be carrying out their roles remotely as they travel into the hospital site. 4.2 Responsibilities During a Major Incident the Director on call (Gold Commander) will lead the Trusts response to the incident in place of the Chief Executive. Should the Chief Executive wish to lead the response then a change in Gold Commander should be noted within the Major Incident Log. The Gold Commander will have overall responsibility for the Major Incident response but will concentrate on leading the strategic decision making for the Trust and liaising with outside organisations such as the PCT. The Silver Commander will oversee the operational response to the Major Incident. They will be supported by the Gold Commander who has ultimate responsibility. Changes in personnel during a Major Incident can be made at any time with the agreement of the person relinquishing and the person taking over the role. Changes will be necessary for incidents of a protracted nature and where a 24/7 response is required. Changes should be documented within the appropriate Major Incident Log. The ED Commander, Theatre Commander and ICU Commander will lead the Operational response within their respective areas and feedback progress, problems and issues to the Silver Commander. Furthermore the Site Coordinator SBH and Site Coordinator LCH will lead the response at St Bartholomew’s and London Chest respectively and also feedback progress, problems and issues to the Silver Commander. Action cards for the Gold Commander, Silver Commander, Facilities Co-ordinator, Medial Liaison Officer and Admin Support team Leader are noted within Section 1 of this plan. The Clinical Divisional representatives will continue to have responsibilities as noted within their job descriptions and will provide feedback to the other members of the HCT on the Major Incident response recovery and impact. They will not be based within the HCR but will attend all HCT meetings. 4.3 Location The primary location for the team is the Renal Seminar Room, Ground Floor, Alex Wing, Royal London Hospital. Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 64 of 94 The secondary location is the Doctors on call Flat. (Please note this is likely to change by Summer 2009 to the Ground Floor Meeting Room John Harrison House when the room is fully commissioned a revision to this plan will be disseminated) Telephone numbers and contact details for these locations can be found in Section 1 of this plan. 4.4 HCT Meetings The HCT will meet formally to review progress. This meeting should be appropriately minuted, as noted within the Documentation and Record Keeping section of this plan. This should be carried out by the Admin Support Team Leader. During meetings of the HCT the Site Manager and members of the Admin Support Team will continue to run the incident. The Site Manager will have responsibility to make appropriate decisions but will escalate to the Silver Commander if needed. 4.5 Others located in the HCR A small team of staff will be needed to administratively manage the flow of information within the control room. Their responsibilities are noted within the Admin Support Team Action card. Any administrative member of staff should be able to carry out these instructions. In order to best respond to the Major Incident other organisations will send representatives to the Trust. Notably Tower Hamlets PCT will send a Director to the Trust throughout the duration of the Major Incident or as long as necessary. Additionally a senior police and ambulance officer will be present in the Control Room in order to assist with communications to the Police and Ambulance services. The senior police officer will also oversee all the activities of the Police Documentation Team and provide any interface between the Trust and the Central Casualty Bureau. Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 65 of 94 5. SUMMARY OF ACTIVITY RESPONDING TO THE MAJOR INCIDENT 5.1 Hospital Control Team Gold Commander To lead the Trusts Strategic response to the Major Incident and support the Silver Commanders Tactical decision making. The Gold Commander is responsible for analysing the overall impact of an incident on staff, patients and services, ensuring that the Trust response is proportionate and planning the return to normality. Silver Commander To lead the Trust’s operational activity and free the On Call Director to take a strategic view as the Trust Gold Commander. The Silver level operation is the supporting operation. Media Team The Media Liaison Officer will be responsible for managing the media. This will include ensuring that they remain in their designated areas and providing regular statements, which have been agreed by the Hospital Control Team. They will also be responsible for the provision of an on-call service in the days following an incident to monitor and agree press activity, arrange interviews and VIP visits. Facilities Co-ordinator Coordinates the functions of the FM services during a Major Incident to ensure that these functions support the hospitals Major Incident response both during and following the incident the Facilities Co-ordinator is based with the Hospital Control Team. 5.2 Emergency Department Triage Team Consisting of a Doctor a Nurse and a Receptionist, this team will Triage all patients arriving at the Royal London Hospital. Resuscitation Room Team The Theatre Commander Resus Team Leader and Anaesthetics Lead roles work together within the Resus Department to review the care and prioritise the necessary patients for surgery. These roles will identify specific surgeons and anaesthetists to carry out specific procedures for each of the patients. Consequently the roles of Theatre Commander and Anaesthetics Lead should be undertaken by the most senior Surgeon and Anaesthetists available. Where more senior surgeons and anaesthetists respond to the Major Incident call out they may replace the initial action card holders. The Theatre Commander will liaise with the Theatre Co-ordinator (who is based on the Third Floor Theatres reception) on the timings and order of each patient being sent to Theatres. The Resus Team Leader will organise the appropriate ED staff into resuscitation teams that will care for one Resus patient. Each team will be led by a Team Leader, and also contain one anaesthetist that will be organised by the Anaesthetics Lead. ED Majors Team The ED Commander will nominate a senior clinician to oversee the management of patients in this area. This clinician will be the ED Majors Team Leader. ED Minors Team The ED Commander will nominate a senior clinician to oversee the management of patients in this area. This clinician will be the ED Minors Team Leader. They will be responsible for any expansion of the Minors area into the Fracture clinic and Out patients Department, Ground Floor (west side). This expansion will be determined by the scale of the incident as well as the numbers of casualties that are received. Expansion of the Minors area into the Fracture clinic and use of the Walk In Centre should be reviewed and discussed with the ED Commander. Paediatrics Team Located in A&E this team will lead the care of all paediatric patients whilst within the ED. Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 66 of 94 5.3 Theatres Theatre activity is supervised by the Theatre Coordinator in conjunction with the Theatre Commander (who is located in Resus). The Theatre Co-ordinator is located in Theatre Reception 3rd Floor Front Block RLH. The will prepare Theatres and allocate staff to receive patients and allocate Anaesthetic Support Staff to Resus. 5.4 Intensive Care Team The Intensive Care Unit (ITU) will make available as many beds as possible. Satellite ITUs may be set up in areas where patient ventilation is required. The ITU team in liaison with the Anaesthetic coordinator and the duty nurse will assign medical and nursing staff to these areas. The ITUs at St Bartholomew’s Hospital and The London Chest Hospital will be expected to make space and take decanting patients or patients from the Major Incident. The LCH 1945 Bleep Holder has pre identified locations for additional ventilated beds on site with piped oxygen and air, wall suction and monitoring facilities. The ICU Technician will be called in to support this action. 5.5 Hospital Support Team The Support Teams functions are to ensure the safe discharge of patients who have been declared medically fit and to support the relatives of those seriously injured or dead. They are located in the Out Patients Department, Restaurant and the Multi faith Chapel (Front block). 5.6 Mortuary To ensure sufficient space is available in the event that the incident generates a high mortality rate. The Royal London Hospital has capacity for 65 bodies. If necessary transfers can be arranged to St. Bartholomew's Hospital (21 spaces), The London Chest Hospital (6), Mile End Hospital (25), or through the external contractors to the Trust Cribbs, for 30 spaces. There is also space within the grounds of the London Chest Hospital site to place a mobile mortuary (there are two positions on site with external electrical hookup, each has a different electrical output. Note: The Royal London Hospital is not a designated hospital for fatalities at the scene of an incident. (The Chelsea and Westminster Hospital has spaces for 150 bodies) 5.7 Pharmacy Access to stocks of antidotes and vaccines will either be by the Hospital Pharmacist on extension 14-7478, bleep 1441 or facsimile 14-7412 (Drug Information), Monday to Friday during office hours, or by the on-call pharmacists via switchboard out of hours. In certain circumstances dependent on requirements the Hospital Control Team will check that LAS have requested the required antidotes/vaccine from the National Blood Service. 5.8 Runners / Loggists / Marshalls / Security Volunteers or students have an important role to play and will be allocated to key areas by the HCT. They can be used for any of the following roles: Runners Move information physically around the hospital, either to individuals or teams. They should be co-ordinated by the HCT and can be made up of any member of Trust staff that is physically fit and has knowledge of the site to which they are allocated. Runners will wear a Major Incident tabard supplied by the HCT. Loggists Record and document the decisions information and actions of the people within the identified area to which they are allocated within the Trust Marshalls Direct patients from one area of the hospital to another to ensure that the patient flow is maintained during the Major Incident Security Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 67 of 94 Where necessary volunteers can be used to bolster the number of security that the Trust has available. Where this is the case they should be buddied with a fully trained member of the Trust Security Team All volunteers should sign in at the Main Hospital Reception and wait in the Bearsted Lecture Theatre. Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 68 of 94 6. CONTRACTED SERVICES During a Major Incident the Facilities Co-ordinator takes over responsibility for the direct management of the services that are contracted to the Trust through Capital Hospitals, but specifically: 6.1 Switchboard (Carillion) Have a vital role to play in the Major incident Cascade procedure and managing the subsequent influx of calls. Once a Major Incident is over they should send out the Major Incident Stand down or Cancelled cascade. Additionally switchboard have the responsibility to check the accuracy of contact details and regularly test the call out system. 6.2 Porters (Carillion) Portering staff need to provide an immediate response to the ED Department in preparing the department to receive casualties and their subsequent movements around the hospital. They will respond to requests from the Facilities co-ordinator. 6.3 Security (Carillion) Security staff are responsible for controlling the flow of staff, patients and relatives into the hospital as well as the placement of appropriate warning signs and cordons as specified in their action cards for both major and chemical incidents. They will also be responsible for opening in hours only areas of the hospital should a Major Incident occur out of hours and be required (eg Out patients department for the Police Documentation Team. Where security require assistance from the Police this should be arranged through the Facilities Co-ordinator. 6.4 Catering (Carillion) Will ensure refreshments are available for relatives, patients who have been treated and staff in key areas as well as maintaining a normal service for inpatients. 6.5 Central Sterile Services Department (CSSD) (Synergy) Ensure sufficient instrumentation is available for A&E, theatres, ITU, HDU and the receiving wards. 6.6 Estates (SFS) To respond to requests from the Facilities Co-ordinator. 6.7 Supplies (Receipt and Distribution) (Carillion) Stock items can be ordered from NHS Supplies Enfield, this is a 24-hour on-call service. The Trust has its own Procurement Department. 6.8 Domestic Services (Carillion) Will coordinate an appropriate response from the service, and initiate extra services within the Emergency Department where necessary. 6.9 Transport (Carillion) To respond to requests from the HCT. Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 69 of 94 7. POLICE DOCUMENTATION TEAM (PDT) The PDT allocated to The Royal London Hospital will be based on the Ground Floor (West side) Out Patients Department of the Royal London Hospital with an additional desk located in the ED Secretaries Office, Extensions 14-3370 or direct dial, 020 7377 7728 / 7161 Facsimile 020 7377 7014. They will receive information from the HCR and disseminate information to the separate Central Casualty Bureau which is equipped to answer large numbers of enquiries very quickly. Details of casualties must be given to the police quickly and efficiently to allow the Police Information Bureau to respond. The police will help establish the identity of casualties and transmit the information to the Police Casualty Bureau. The police team require dedicated telephone lines, including direct lines for facsimile use. In the event of the death of a patient the Admin Support Team will inform the PDT who will be responsible for collecting the relatives to identify the body. Once identification is confirmed the PDT will ask the HCT to send an appropriate clinician to answer any questions the relative may have about the patient’s treatments and injuries. The team are also responsible for informing the coroner and involving the support team to arrange the appropriate care for the relatives. 7.1 Forensic Evidence Forensic evidence includes bandages applied at the scene of an incident, Blast fragments, amputated limbs etc. All of these should be bagged and labelled in evidence bags supplied by the Police Documentation Team and should remain with the patient until correctly claimed by the Police. 7.2 Patients Property Where necessary to remove patients property these should also be bagged and labelled as well as photographed so that ease of return to the patient can be facilitated after the incident. Property should remain with the patient. In the unfortunate circumstances where a patient dies the property should be moved with the body to the mortuary department. 7.3 Disclosure of Information / samples Staff may be contacted by the police for information concerning patients. It is important to remember that the confidentiality of the patient is paramount, and no information should be released without consent from the patient. When a patient is unconscious or incapable of consenting, information should only be released by staff if deemed in the patient’s “best interests” to do so. However release of the information is required by law: Notifiable diseases must be reported under the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 Some road traffic accidents when the identity of the driver must be provided. A request under section 172 of Road Traffic Act 1988 will be required Prevention of Terrorism Act 1989 In response to a court order or request from a Coroner In the public interest: When a serious crime has been committed and the failure to disclose information may expose the patient, or others, to the risk of death or serious harm. Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 70 of 94 8. MEDIA Media handling must be seen as an integral part of emergency planning. relations with the media need to be managed so that the media can do their job effectively and the hospital can concentrate unhindered on its core business. the media are the main - sometimes the only - source of information for the public in an emergency. In the early stages, this will include families of those involved. the media reach millions of people - it is important to ensure they have accurate, timely information. Consequently the role of the Media Liaison Officer is vital, this is undertaken by an on call member of the Communications Department to act as the Media Liaison Officer 8.1 Principles Underlying Press Officer Role Plans are linked into any local multi-agency press briefing arrangements, run by police or local authorities. The on-call Press Officer has up-to date 24-hour contact numbers for Emergency Service press officers, SHA on-call contact, Press Association, and other members of the Communications Team. Has a simple pre-prepared, easily digestible information handout about the hospital (e.g. size, staff numbers, specialties, names and positions of key people). The Press Officer does not have a remit to discuss or speculate how the incident occurred or to comment on other people or agencies involved in the incident. 8.2 Telephone Enquiries Switchboard operators should direct all enquiries through to the HCT. 8.3 Location For Media The press will be located outside the hospital where possible. The location is likely to be the raised walkway between the Walk In Centre and the Temporary Restaurant. This may vary due to building works. Should an internal location be needed for a press conference, the Staff Restaurant will be used. The Media Liaison Officer will give them regular updates and will put appropriate staff up for interview. 8.4 Media Briefings The first statement to the media should give the known casualty figures and confirm any details that are known. Information “on behalf of other NHS bodies, (other receiving hospitals or the ambulance service) must not be given unless authorised to do so. The Media Liaison Officer will not comment on the response of other NHS or non-NHS organisations. Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 71 of 94 9. CHILDREN 9.1 Application to Children The Major Incident Plan applies in general to incidents, which include children, however some incidents may have a high proportion of children or be exclusively children. Children should be treated by paediatric trained anaesthetists, surgeons, orthopaedic doctors, and ED nurses if possible. Bailey ward will be used for admitting Major Incident Paediatric patients. 9.2 Background Differences between Children and Adults require some modifications to the plan: Physiological differences mean that triage must be adjusted, in order to prevent overtriage based on factors such as heart rate or respiratory rate. Psychological differences mean that Priority 2 and 3 children should be nursed whenever possible by children’s trained nurses and protected from distressing scenes. Physical differences mean that sufficient equipment must be available to deal with a large number of children of a similar age (e.g. incident in school classroom or bus). In most instances the general MIP remains appropriate for a paediatric incident. Priority 1 children are treated in the adult resuscitation area, Priority 2 children may be treated in ED Majors (see below), preferably in cubicles with doors as well as in Paediatric ED. Movement to X-ray and transfer to wards should be conducted expeditiously – avoiding unnecessary exposure of children to injured adults. 9.3 Differences from Adult MIP The high-dependency ER room in paediatric ED may be considered an extension of A&E Majors. Priority 3 children are treated in the paediatric ED play area rather than the fracture clinic. The Paediatric Registrar on duty in Paediatric ED will be contacted to move all patients from the Ambulatory Care Unit, as this becomes the admission unit. Grosvenor B Ward will be prepared and utilised. Nursing staff from the paediatric surgical wards and HDU may be recruited to these areas. The paediatric Senior Nurse/Matron must be notified. Initially, children requiring ventilation/PICU will be accommodated on RLH ITU if resources allow, or transferred to Great Ormond Street or Guy’s Hospital. Families of children being treated, if not requiring treatment themselves, should wait in the Ambulatory Care Unit. The main responsibility of medical paediatric staff is to clear ward areas and to back up the paediatric ED staff with Priority 2 and 3 children. Paediatric ED SHOs are responsible for treating Priority 3 children in paediatric ED. 9.4 Equipment Equipment in the MI equipment Cupboard is also capable of dealing with critically ill or injured children. Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 72 of 94 10. MASS CASUALTY EVENT 10.1 Definition The Department of Health defines a Mass Casualty as: A disastrous single or simultaneous event(s) or other circumstances where the normal Major Incident response of several NHS organisations must be augmented by extraordinary measures in order to maintain an effective, suitable and sustainable response 10.2 Hospital Response The hospital response, though similar to the usual Major Incident response, requires the provision of more staff and equipment but most importantly a more pragmatic “no frills” approach to patient management and the utilisation of resources at least in the short term. This Trust MIP is designed to be scaleable and cope with an increasing number of casualties over and above normal Major Incident numbers. Training and exercising is conducted regularly at this scale. 10.3 Clinical Care The approach to the critical care patient must change, as access to sophisticated equipment will be limited for example, infusions should be replaced by longer lasting bolus agents. The normal ratios of doctors and nurses to patients will change, one critical care trained nurse or doctor may over see several critical care ventilated patients. Non-critical care trained personnel may be required to look after critical care patients overseen by a critically care trained member of staff acting as a team leader. Space may have to be used more efficiently, shortages of trolleys may require the management of patients on mattresses on the floor with the doubling up of cubicle spaces in the short term. 10.4 Priority 3 – Walking Wounded Casualties During a Major Incident the numbers of P3 patients is likely to make up the largest proportion of the casualties received. As such the ED Minors department is designed to be expanded into firstly the Fracture clinic, then use the Walk In Centre and then the Out Patients Department. 10.5 Priorty 4 – Expectant During a Mass Casualty event it may be necessary to use the Triage Category of P4. This would be used for casualties whose injuries are so severe that they either cannot survive in the circumstances or would require so much care that their treatment would seriously compromise the treatment of large numbers of other less seriously ill casualties. In this set of circumstances the decision would be made not to initially treat these patients in order that the resources can be better utilised on patients who have a greater chance of survival. The decision to utilise the P4 triage category will always reside solely with the Gold Commander because of the extreme seriousness of the decision. They should be advised by the Silver Commander and ED Commander but the ultimate decision will be made by them alone and should be considered only as a last resort. Patients who have been categorised as P4 expectant will be cared for in the Clinical Decision Unit of Adult A&E. 10.6 Use of Other Hospitals The identified activities noted in Sections 11 and 12 of this plan to receive casualties and provide care for patients at the LCH and SBH site are synonymous with a Mass Casualty event and should not be initially necessary within a normal Major Incident. Additionally the Trust has existing arrangements with private hospitals such as the London Independent and their facilities should also be used during a Mass Casualty event. Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 73 of 94 11. ST BARTHOLOMEW’S HOSPITAL RESPONSE 11.1 Background Whilst the majority of any Major Incident response will take place at the Royal London Hospital, St Bartholomew’s and the London Chest Hospital do have a role to play. 11.2 Site Coordinator St Bartholomew’s Hospital The Site Manager St Bartholomew’s (or out of hours equivalent) will lead the St Bartholomew’s response until an additional on call Silver rota staff is identified by the Silver Commander and arrives to take over the Site Coordinator St Bartholomew’s Hospital role. The role will be based within the Site Managers Office. The Site Coordinator role will assist the Site Manager and provide continuity between the Silver Commander in the Hospital Control Room and the St Bartholomew’s site. 11.3 Patients The Trust’s Emergency Department is based at The Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel. There is no Emergency Department at St Bartholomew’s Hospital. A nurse led Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) is open from 08:00-19:00 hours Monday to Friday. This is a walk-in service only; the London Ambulance Service do not carry 999 patients to this unit. There are no on site decontamination facilities or equipment. In view of the close proximity of St Bartholomew’s Hospital to the City of London there is a likelihood that if there is a Major Incident the “walking wounded” will make their own way to the hospital. This plan aims to ensure that patients are dealt with effectively and staff are not put under unnecessary risk, particularly if the incident involves chemicals, bacteria, radiation or nuclear warfare. If a Major Incident has been declared within the City of London, Emergency Departments within the area will either have declared a Major Incident or have been put on standby. Therefore they will be in a state of preparedness to accept an influx of casualties. Presentation of Casualties to St Bartholomew’s Hospital (non chemical) When the Minor Injuries Unit is open casualties should be directed there. The Emergency Nurse Practitioners will undertake a preliminary assessment and treat those with injuries, which fall within their clinical protocols. Patients whom they are unable to treat will be transferred to the Emergency Department either by taxi, ambulance or Trust transport if available. When the MIU is closed (19.00 – 08.00, weekends and bank holidays) the Site Manager should arrange immediate transfer of presenting patients to the Emergency Department. In some circumstances this may not be possible and will require patients to be treated within the St Bartholomew’s site. If this is the case the St Bartholomew’s Site Co-ordinator and the Silver Commander should review staffing and equipment needs between sites so that alternative arrangements for care can be provided. Presentation of Potentially Contaminated Patients These patients will be self presenting as the London Ambulance Service will not transport contaminated patients to a hospital without an A&E, they should therefore be minor injuries only Containment is the key to any contamination threat. Potentially contaminated patients may walk in via the entrance in Giltspur St. In this case they should be contained in the waiting area of the MIU (ground floor Out Patients). Security should be contacted immediately to man the two doors to stop anyone else entering. The area should then be locked down with both staff and patients remaining in the area and must not leave. They should contact the Site Manger who will dial 999 and request the attendance of the Ambulance Service who if necessary will bring their decontamination unit and erect it in the ambulance bay in Giltspur Street. If patients present at the vehicle entrance security staff should try to keep them at the gate and Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 74 of 94 Immediately contact the Site Manager who will evacuate the MIU and arrange for an escort to take them via the walking entrance to MIU waiting area. The escort must remain in the MIU either to be decontaminated or until the substance has been declared safe. If it is deemed necessary, staff and patients will be escorted via the main entrance for the decontamination process to take place. The Site Coordinator SBH should Request modesty suits and footwear, available from the ED Commander via Silver Commander, which will be sent by taxi or Trust transport. Request the attendance of an ED Doctor via the duty ED Consultant bleep 1115 or registrar bleep 1273. Request the attendance of the on call Public Health Doctor. Once decontaminated, the patients should be taken to the Transport Office lounge. The ED Doctor will prescribe antibiotics as per protocol and either discharge patients or arrange admission to an appropriate bed. If potentially contaminated patients present in another part of the building the area should be sealed and the same process followed. 11.4 Major Incident Supporting Activities In addition to the potential to receive casualties from a local incident, St Bartholomew’s Hospital may also be requested to provide resource assistance. This may be in the form of space, physical resources or staff. Space - Prepare the Wards to Receive Patients After consultation with the Silver Commander the Site Coordinator St Bartholomew’s will liaise with the SBH Site Manager and Senior Sisters / Charge Nurses and on-call medical staff to identify categories of patients: Who are suitable for discharge Who are suitable to be moved to a lower dependency environment Staff will prepare details of the number of potential beds available and if appropriate the Site Coordinator St Bartholomew’s Hospital action card holder will cancel elective admissions for this site. A risk assessment must be carried out on all patients discharged before their procedures have been carried out. All inter-hospital transfers will be put on hold. Staff will be required to: Prepare patients for discharge and transfer to waiting areas Taxis and other forms of transport will be made available to assist the patients in their discharge. All patients will be given a written discharge letter for their General Practitioner and their next of kin informed. Prepare bed areas to receive patients for admission / transfer Continue to care for patients who are unable to be discharged Physical Resources Physical resources can be provided by St Bartholomew’s to the Royal London to aid the Royal London’s response. Items can include: Surgical instrument sets and other Theatre equipment Blood Drugs Oxygen Non clinical supplies Catering. Upon a Major Incident being declared available the Site Manager should request the availability of the above items from the appropriate managers and provide this information proactively to the Silver Commander. If required these items should be moved to the RLH ideally by BLT Transport and where necessary with a Blue light escort which can be arranged by the Silver Commander. Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 75 of 94 Staff Specialist Surgical teams can be relocated upon demand to the Royal London in order to carry out the surgical procedures necessary. A decision to do this rather than relocate the patient to the surgical team should be made by the Theatre Commander in conjunction with the Silver Commander Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 76 of 94 12. LCH RESPONSE Just as St Bartholomew’s hospital has specific actions during a Major Incident, so does the London Chest Hospital. The following local processes and actions will be adopted at the London Chest site so that they can provide support to the Royal London Hospital if required. 12.1 Local Cascade of the Major Incident On receiving the alert the London Chest Hospital on call 1945 Bleep Holder will be contacted, they will then in turn contact the CAU General Manager and relevant Senior Nurses for the Circulatory & Metabolic Sciences CAU (CMS CAU). The CAU General Manager will notify lead consultants as necessary, switchboard will have notified all on call teams. The nurse in charge of the ICU’s at LCH / SBH will notify the on call consultant. 12.2 Site Co-ordinator London Chest Hospital The 1945 Bleep holder / Matron will lead the operational London Chest response. Support will be provided to them through an additional on call Silver rota staff who will provide the co-ordination between hospital sites and will be the single point of contact for the Silver Commander at the London Chest. The Site Coordinator role will be based within the Discharge Lounge. 12.3 Prepare the Wards to Receive Patients After consultation with the Silver Commander the 1945 Bleep holder / Matron will liaise with the Senior Sisters / Charge Nurses and on-call medical staff to identify categories of patients: Who are suitable for discharge Who are suitable to be moved to a lower dependency environment Staff will prepare details of the number of potential beds available and if appropriate the Site Coordinator London Chest Hospital action card holder will cancel elective admissions for this site. Within hours this should be carried out in coordination with the LCH Bed Manager and Service Managers of all areas. A risk assessment must be carried out on all patients discharged before their procedures have been carried out. All inter-hospital transfers will be put on hold. Staff will be required to: Prepare patients for discharge and transfer to waiting areas Discharge areas to be considered for use include – Staff Restaurant or the Outpatients Department Taxis and other forms of transport will be made available to assist the patients in their discharge. All patients to be given a written discharge letter for their General Practitioner and their next of kin informed. Prepare bed areas to receive patients for admission / transfer Continue to care for patients who are unable to be discharged 12.4 Staffing All wards and departments will hold contact details of staff with their Major Incident plan. The contact details will be updated monthly by a designated staff member. If required, off duty staff will be contacted by their managerial; / professional lead and if able to attend the work place will be given clear direction on which site and department they should report to. Staff will be allocated to areas dependant on their appropriate skills. In the first instance staff should report to their normal place of work. It should be noted that the Major Incident may last for several days and therefore it is important to consider a relief pattern and scheduling of staff following the initial declaration of a Major Incident. 12.5 Patient Flow Initially non-acute patients will be transferred from the Royal London Hospital to St. Bartholomew’s Hospital. Once St. Bartholomew’s Hospital is full patients will then be transferred to the London Chest Hospital. Where possible, continuity of care will prevail, matching patient Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 77 of 94 needs with staff skills. If necessary, consideration will be given to increase bed capacity on each ward. 12.6 Receiving wards The first receiving ward for the London Chest Hospital will be Leander Ward and the second would be Riviere Ward. There are action cards for both of these wards. 12.7 Outpatients Department (OPD) Upon notification of a Major Incident the OPD nurse in charge will review the time remaining for the clinic that is taking place and inform the 1945 Bleep holder. It will be the 1945 Bleep holders decision whether to cancel the clinic taking place and any subsequent clinics for that day in order to free up that area. 12.8 Heart Attack Centre (HAC) The two Direct Acute Myocardial Infarction (DAMI) beds on CCU will be ring fenced to ensure that the HAC service is maintained. This will be reviewed on a regular basis to assess any impact on the Intensive Care Units bed capacity and Theatre slots. 12.9 MRI Unit Upon notification of a Major Incident a review of all patients on the daily list will be carried out with the patients consultant, the 1945 Bleep holder will be informed of any patients for whom this procedure is not urgent. The London Chest Hospital Site Coordinator will inform the Silver Commander of the availability of the MRI unit. 12.10 Communication Wherever possible every effort must be made not to use the Hospital Switchboard as it is essential to the Emergency response and will be inundated with calls. Direct dial, home and mobile numbers will be used in the first instance before the Switchboard Aircall system. 12.11 Media This will follow the same process as the rest of the Hospital. All enquiries should be forwarded to the Media Liaison Officer at the Royal London. 12.12 Updates and Stand down The London Chest Hospital Site Coordinator will be provided with updates from each Hospital Control Team meetings for onwards dissemination. This will also be the route for the stand down from the Major Incident or cancellation of the Major Incident Standby. Clinical areas of the London Chest Hospital will only stand down from the Major Incident once the formal stand down has been announced by the London Chest Hospital Site Coordinator Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 78 of 94 13. DOCUMENTATION AND RECORD KEEPING 13.1 Documentation During a Major Incident it is necessary to document the information that is available, the decisions and actions taken. This is to ensure that there is adequate records for decision making hand over and if necessary an auditable record for inquests, enquiries or in defence of legal action. As such a number of tools are used. Major Incident Logs At its simplest a Log is a date and time and action/ information or decision. The Trust uses pre printed Emergency Log Books. Communication Pads Communications Pads are used to document all forms of incoming and outgoing communications. These are triplicate pads with unique identifiable numbers on each set of sheets. Decision Log Sheets In the main these will only be used within the Hospital Control Room by the Silver or Gold Commander, however they are available for any decision maker to document the decisions taken during a Major Incident, the reasoning behind the decision and the options discounted. These three forms of documentation form the majority of the record keeping made during a Major Incident and should be retained along with all records for a minimum of 10 years. 13.2 Situation Reports During the course of a Major Incident the Strategic Health Authority will request Situation Reports to be sent to them. Currently the format for these has yet to be agreed. In the future they will be electronic and will be web based and enable information to be shared both vertically to and from the SHA and horizontally between responding organisations. A sample Situation Report is contained within the Appendices (Section 4) 13.3 HCT meetings The Hospital Control Team will meet formally to review progress at agreed times during the Major Incident (as noted within Section 2 part 4 of this plan). At this time the Administrative Support Team Leader will minute the meeting. They should ensure that: The HCT agree a written strategy and adopt high level tactics to drive the resolution of the incident. HCT meetings are formally convened and work to a published/agreed Agenda (draft contained within Section 4 of this plan) Names of persons attending each meeting are recorded. Minutes taken and published Actions allocated against time-scales Decisions recorded Minutes are to be circulated ASAP in order that nobody should be left unsure of what is required Additionally, in the case of events lasting over a period of several days it is useful to produce a daily resume of progress and this is especially important on those occasions when Gold/Silver roles change. Gold Commander briefs (by exception) the CEO after each meeting (or at alternative agreed times) of the HCT progress. Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 79 of 94 14. DEBRIEF, REPORTING, REVIEW, TRAINING AND EXERCISING 14.1 Hot and Cold Debrief Immediately following a Major Incident stand down a Hot debrief should be conducted by the teams responding to the incident. These should be carried out locally by the Team Leader or Commander within that space and should include as many of the people who participated in the response as possible. The purpose of this debrief is to capture the lessons identified and learning points from the incident. It should not be a finger pointing exercise but rather identify processes to be improved, equipment or kit that may be needed and knowledge that needs to be shared. A format for a debrief is contained within the Appendices in section 3. Once Hot debriefs have been concluded and the salient points captured a wider Cold debrief is needed, to incorporate all the Commanders / team leaders within the Trust who responded to the incident. This should be chaired by the Gold Commander who led the incident and should follow the same format. 14.2 Major Incident Report The detail captured within the Hot and Cold Debriefs should be included within a report which also notes the cause and detail of the Major Incident and a summary of the Trusts response. This will need to be produced by the Gold Commander, with the assistance of the Head of Emergency Planning (if available). This report is likely to be sent to the Trust Board along with an action plan of activities to resolve the lessons identified. 14.3 Review Process The Trust Major Incident Plan will be reviewed every other year or sooner if any significant information becomes available necessitating a full review. Additionally following either activation of the plan for a real incident or an exercise, revisions would be incorporated. The plan will be reviewed through the Emergency Planning Steering Group and the Healthcare Governance Committee and be forwarded to the Trust Management Executive for final approval. Furthermore this plan is also regularly benchmarked against other Major Incident Plans of other Acute Trusts. 14.4 Training Programme The Trust has a full Training Programme for the various roles contained within this plan. This includes specific training for identified parts of the hospital such as the Emergency Department and skills training for individuals carrying out roles within the plan. 14.5 Exercise Programme Regular testing of the Trusts Major Incident Plan is carried out through various exercises. Exercising is carried out both internally and externally with NHS and other organisations. It is a requirement under NHS Emergency Planning Guidance 2005 that all NHS organisations carry out A live exercise every three years A table top exercise every year A test of communications cascades every 6 months Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 80 of 94 Section 3 This section of the plan describes the processes that are adopted after the Major Incident has been stood down and but whilst recovery is still on going. Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 81 of 94 1 TRUST RESILIENCE TEAM 1.1 Introduction Following the initial impact upon the Trust and the initial Major Incident response phases, which includes the ED, Theatres, ITU, imaging, receiving wards, laboratories and support services. Plans should be made to ensure that the Trust recovers to resume a full service as soon as possible. Dependant on the cause of the Major Incident, the following days may be severely disrupted. At the end of the Major Incident initial phase the HCT will handover to the Trust Resilience Team, which will lead and facilitate a Trust full recovery and normal working. 1.2 Team Make Up Initially the team will consist of: Gold Commander Silver Commander (at the direction of the Gold Director other Silver on call may be coopted into the team). Trust Chief Operating Officer Site Manager Facilities Co-ordinator Head of Media Relations (or nominated Press Officer). Trust Security Manager The team membership will be dependent on the actual Major Incident which occurred and the subsequent challenges which were subsequently presented to the Trust. Membership can change at any time. 1.3 Role The team will meet after the initial phase of the Major Incident to draw together what has occurred and the challenges which the Trust will face in the coming days, with the aim to ensure that normality resumes for staff, patients and members of the public. The team will meet in the Hospital Control Room (alternatives may be agreed), times to be agreed by the team based on challenges identified and actions required (e.g. 8am and 5pm). During this phase of recovery the Site Manager or Communications Team (as directed by the Gold Commander) will send out a specific daily report which identifies what has occurred and actions being taken. The report may include updated clinical details of the recovery of admitted patient’s. 1.4 Press At this stage the times at which the media will be briefed are regularised. Because of the tendency for the press to “get lost”, a check should be kept on which press are present. The Trust Press Office will ensure that the information supplied to the press is available for all, with printed copies available from the hospital main reception desk. 1.5 Security and Police Dependent on the nature of the Major Incident and the aftermath it may be necessary to have access to the hospital restricted. The police will when necessary set up a police office in the Royal London Hospital. This will be for security and public order issues, and will work closely with the Trust Security Manager and Security team. This presence would be separate to any police identification team or police family liaison officers present. The Trust Security Manager will advise on specific areas of concern and what actions will be required to maintain a secure and safe environment. 1.6 Trust Staffing Continuity Following the Major Incident it will be necessary to review and ensure that appropriate levels of staff are available across the Trust in all areas of specialty. This will need to take into account the effects the Major Incident may have had upon members of staff. Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 82 of 94 1.7 Equipment and Supplies Once the Major Incident is stood down it will be necessary to review and ensure that appropriate levels of supplies and equipment e.g. disposables, drugs, blood products, and specialist items not normally used, but required subsequent to the Major Incident are available across the Trust in all areas of speciality. 1.8 Staff Communications Communication to staff should continue for some time following the Major Incident to inform staff of the recovery process. This should be organised through the Communications Team. 1.9 THPCT and NHS London Maintain SITREP reports to the SHA as required. Discuss current challenges for the Trust with the PCT ensuring that where possible mutual aid is negotiated and achieved. 1.10 VIP Visits All visits should be coordinated through the Press Office and security, who will liaise with the Recovery Team and appropriate department. This will ensure that all aspects of the Trust Media policies are adhered to at all times. Unscheduled and unauthorised visits must not be allowed to take place. All visits should take place during regular day time hours, unless there are exceptional circumstances. Visits by members of the Government and Royal Family will involve significant planning and protocol counsel. 1.11 Relatives There may be Family Liaison Officers from the Metropolitan Police present in the hospital, who will be supporting relatives. Suitable office accommodation may need to be identified for this purpose. (The PALS office at the hospital main reception was used for this purpose in July 2005). 1.12 Worried Well and Members of the Public Dependent on the type of Major Incident there may be a requirement for a ‘help line/information line’ to be established. How to achieve this is in the Trust core policy, ‘Setting up a Trust Helpline’. The duration of the helpline will be dependent upon the nature of the Major Incident, and may not need to be run 24/7. 1.13 Trust Activity TCIs and out patient clinics will be reinstated as soon as possible following the incident. However, liaison with the Theatre Manager should be undertaken to establish if any theatres are to be out of general use in the coming days. This may occur when significant numbers of patients admitted from the Major Incident require daily visits to theatres for ongoing surgery and treatments. TCIs should be discussed with the speciality groups management and clinicians, to ensure that reinstated patients can be accommodated on proposed theatre lists, and where necessary the availability of ITU and HDU beds. Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 83 of 94 Section 4 This section of the plan contains the Appendices Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 84 of 94 EXTERNAL SITUATION REPORT (to be included once received from SHA) Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 85 of 94 INTERNAL SITUATION REPORT MAJOR INCIDENT Site Date Clinical Area Time Lead Clinician within Area Contact telephone number Is clinical care compromised within your area (detail) Resources available Resources required Issues (short term) Issues Long term Please email / fax to Hospital Control Room RLH or 020 7943 1400. These should be completed at the start of the Major Incident and every other hour on the hour for the duration of the Incident. A nil return is still required. Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 86 of 94 SUGGESTED DRAFT AGENDA FOR A HCT MEETING 1. Any urgent decisions required 2. Minutes of last meeting Matters arising not covered in the rest of this Agenda 3. Update on Actions tasked (at previous HCT meeting) 4. Progress updates (including new or additional risks) a. Lead / Relevant dept first b. Others 5. Re-task outstanding matters to named members of HCT and time scales 6. New tasks to named members of HCT and time scales 7. AOB 8. Review Strategy and Tactics (agree or amend) 9. Time of next meeting Minutes of meeting to be circulated asap Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 87 of 94 GENERIC DEBRIEF AGENDA Part One Headlines of the Incident Part Two Debrief 1. Alerting 2. Command, Control and Co-ordination 3. Roles and responsibilities 4. Resources Staff Shift rota 5. Incident Tempo (Battle rhythm) 6. Forward look 7. Record keeping and documentation 8. Training 9. Security 10. Communication systems 11. Media communications 12. Partners input (listed as those present) 13. AOB Part Three Any Follow up activities to be agreed Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 88 of 94 GLOSSARY OF TERMS A&E AIC ALO Ambulance Control Point Ambulance Liaison Officer (ALO) ATLS Cascade system Casevac [cazIvak] Central Casualty Bureau Casualty label Casualty Receiving Station CCDC COMAH sites CIRS Community Services Cordon (inner) Cordon (outer) CSSD DEFRA Designated Hospital DPH ECV ED Emergency Services EOC EPO Environmental Accident & Emergency (Department) Ambulance Incident Commander – Ambulance officer with overall responsibility for the work of the ambulance service at the scene of major incident Ambulance Liaison Officer An ECV (Emergency Control Vehicle with a green and white checkered dome) is a mobile communication facility, which is placed near the incident scene and is known as the Ambulance Control Point. It is a focal point for NHS/medical and ambulance resources attending the incident. Ideally, the point should be in close proximity to the Police and Fire Service Control Point vehicles (subject to radio interference constraints) At the receiving hospital, this Ambulance Officer is responsible for the provision of mobile radio communications between the hospital and the ambulance service, and for the supervision of Ambulance Service activity. Also responsible for liaison and supervision of ambulance activity at the receiving hospital. Advanced Trauma Life Support - A system of trauma care that follows predetermined protocols, to allow rapid, orderly, and efficient assessment and life saving interventions, prior to patient removal from the ED for definitive care. The RLH will always use these protocols in dealing with any trauma. System whereby one organisation calls out others, who in turn initiate other calls as necessary Military-speak for casualty evacuation Central bureau set up by the police to maintain a list of casualties resulting from a Major Incident, including casualties dealt with at the site but not referred to hospital. They also answer all initial enquiries. All telephone enquiries to the hospital are initially directed to the PCB. The telephone numbers are published by the media. Colour-coded label used by ambulance service and medical teams to identify the priority of a casualty May also be referred to as the ‘Casualty Clearing Area’ or ‘Triage and Treatment Area’. An area designated by the AIC/MIC for ambulance crews and other forage teams to bring casualties. It may be used for the initiation of life saving procedures, but is primarily a central point from which casualties are dispersed to the receiving hospitals. In a complex incident there may be several of these areas. They should be as sheltered as possible. Consultant in Communicable Disease Control Industrial sites which are subject to the Control of Industrial Major Incident Accident Hazards Regulations 1984. From February 1999 these have been replaced by the Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations Chemical Incident Response Service. The range of services, including local authority social services, provided in the community. Surrounds and provides security for the immediate site of the Major Incident Seals off the controlled area to which unauthorised persons are not allowed access -See Controlled Area Central Sterile Supplies Department Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs. A term no longer in use. If used, it refers to the first Receiving Hospital. Director of Public Health (in a SHA or PCT) Emergency Control Vehicle- The ambulance site control vehicle in which the Ambulance and Medical Incident Officers are based. Emergency Department – (Barts and the London NHS Trust) Located on Whitechapel Site The Ambulance, Fire, Police and Coastguard Services. (Military personnel deployed in support of the Civil Authorities are not included in this designation). Emergency Operations Centre – The permanent office which receives all demands for the Ambulance Service in a specified geographical area, co-ordinates and allocates them to stations or vehicles. In London this is situated at Waterloo. Emergency Planning Officer Professional officers responsible for assisting people to attain environmental conditions which are Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 89 of 94 Health Officer (EHO) Evacuation (or rest) centre Gold command GTPS HCT HEMS Hospital Support Team ITU/ICU conducive to good health. Most EHOs work for local authorities and are concerned with administration, inspection, education and law enforcement Building designated by local authority for temporary accommodation of people evacuated from their homes – See also Survivor reception centre Strategic command Government Telephone Preference Scheme Hospital Control Team Helicopter Emergency Medical Service – A service capable of delivering a trained doctor and paramedic to the scene quickly, evacuating seriously ill patients and delivering them to a hospital capable of dealing with the injuries whilst maintaining full monitoring and carrying out advanced medical interventions at all stages of the rescue. It may be used for delivering subsequent MERIT’s to the scene from the RLH or other hospitals. Health Emergency Planning Adviser Hospital Information Centre – obsolete function now carried out by Admin Support Team within HCT. Hospital Medical Officer - A middle grade physician appointed by the Medical Director to problem solves for existing medical inpatients. House officers may assist this doctor when staffing permits. Hospital Surgical Officer - Middle grade surgeons appointed by the Medical Director to problem solve for all existing surgical inpatients. House officers may assist this doctor when staffing levels permit. This team consists of two RGN’s, Social Workers, and a Psychiatric Registrar. All patients medically fit for discharge are seen by this team before leaving the hospital. Intensive treatment unit/Intensive care unit. JHAC Joint Health Advisory Cell. (now referred to as STAC see below) LAS London Ambulance Service - The emergency service responsible to NHS London for the provision of ambulances and paramedical support in a Major Incident, and escorting the MIO and MERITs to and from the scene in London. They will also task HEMS if an incident occurs during operational hours. Department which, in the event of major disaster/emergency, coordinates central government activity. HEPA HIC HMO HSO Lead Government Department Listed Hospitals NBS NHS Direct NPIS OECD Hospitals listed by the Strategic Health Authority as adequately equipped to receive multiple casualties on a 24 hour basis. They may be required to provide a Medical Incident Commander and/or a Medical Emergency Response & Incident Team (MERIT). The Royal London Hospital is a Listed Hospital. Major Incident - Any emergency that requires the implementation of special arrangements by one or more of the emergency services, the NHS or the local authority. For the NHS a major incident is any occurrence which presents a serious threat to the health of the community, disruption to the service, or causes (or is likely to cause) such numbers or types of casualties as to require special arrangements to be implemented by hospitals, ambulance services or health authorities. Medical Evacuation Cell (military) Medical Emergency Response and Incident Team - This is a front line medical team whose role is either to set up a site medical centre for early triage and treatment, or to treat patients who are still trapped. Medical Incident Commander - The medical officer with overall responsibility, in close liaison with the AIC, for the management of the medical resources at the scene of the Major Incident. He/she should not be a member of any MERIT should refrain from treating patients and remain “HANDS OFF”. The appointment of the MIC is the responsibility of the first receiving hospital. (this function will always be carried out by a HEMS consultant and is part of the HEMS Major Incident Plan Media Liaison Officer or Press Officer - A member of the hospital management empowered to speak on behalf of the trust to the media. He/she carries overall responsibility for ensuring that adequate, accurate, and appropriate information is passed to the media, and arranging regular press statements in conjunction with the Silver Commander. National Blood Service. 24-hour health telephone help line, staffed by nurses. National Poisons Information Service. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Operational command Bronze Command, this is at the operational level and led by the ED Commander, Theatres Commander and ICU Commander MI MEC MERIT MIC MLO Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 90 of 94 Paramedic PCB PCT PDT PIC RAMP RAYNET Receiving hospital(s) Rest centre RIMNET RPA SMS Silver Command(er) Strategic command Survivor reception centre Tactical command Temporary mortuary Theatre Commander Triage Triage Point VAS WIC Someone holding a current certificate of proficiency in ambulance paramedical skills issued by or with the approval of the Secretary of State for Health. See Central Casualty Bureau (CCB) Local health commissioner, co-ordinating primary and community health care services Police Documentation Team (hospital) - A police team who collate information from the HCT and pass it on to the CCB. Police Incident Commander Reception Arrangements for Military Patients. Military plan for coping (with NHS help) with military casualties evacuated to the UK from an area of conflict overseas. Radio Amateurs Emergency Network The hospital(s) selected by the Ambulance Service (from those listed by the Regional Health Authority), to receive casualties during a particular Major Incident. The First Receiving Hospital will usually be the nearest, and may be required to nominate the MIC and provide the first MERIT. See Evacuation (or rest) center Radioactive Incident Monitoring Network - The national response system (for overseas nuclear accidents) operated by the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions Radiation Protection Advisor Short Message System/Service in Global Messaging System (GMS) cellular phones Tactical command: Leads the Trusts response to a Major Incident Gold Command(er): Oversees the Silver Commander and reviews the Major Incident Strategic Response. Centre set up by local authority or police where people not requiring acute hospital treatment can be taken for shelter, first aid, interview and documentation. This is normally short-term accommodation (i.e. operating for several hours) - See Evacuation (or rest) centre. Silver command Building accessible from a disaster area and adapted for temporary use as a mortuary in which post mortem examinations can take place Person in overall control of theatre activity, they will work closely with Theatre Co-ordinator Process of assessment and allocation of priorities by medical or ambulance personnel prior to evacuation of the injured. Triage may be repeated at intervals and on arrival at the receiving hospital An area either coincident with or adjacent to the Casualty Receiving Station. A Triage Officer (nominated by the MIO) will attach Triage cards to a patient according to the nature of the injuries. It should be noted that there are minor differences between the system in use at the scene and the system used at the ED triage point. Voluntary Aid Societies - St John Ambulance (St Andrew’s Ambulance in Scotland) and British Red Cross Society Walk In Centre – run by the PCT to provide Primary care to residents on a walk in basis. . Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 91 of 94 RESPONSIBLE ORGANISATIONS COVERED UNDER THE CIVIL CONTINGENCIES ACT (2004) Category 1 Responders Category 2 Responders Local Authorities Emergency Services Metropolitan Police British transport Police River Police London Fire Brigade London Ambulance Services Acute Hospitals Primary Care Trusts Health Protection Agency Port Health Authority Environment Agency Utilities Companies Transport Companies (rail bus etc) Transport for London London Underground Airport Operators Harbour Authority Health and Safety Executive Strategic Health Authorities Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 92 of 94 Section 5 This section Notes other Emergency plans, these are either event specific Major Incident Plans or directly reference the Trust Major Incident Plan Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 93 of 94 Local Major Incident Plans Local Major Incident Plans have been created by each responding part of the Trust to a Major Incident. They describe in detail the actions of a specific area of the hospital and of specific roles. They will contain information that is specific to their response. Business Continuity Plan The purpose of Business Continuity Management (BCM) is to provide for the continuation of critical business functions in the event of disruptions or to minimize their effects if disruptions do occur. The preparation for handling disaster contingencies is generally called business continuity planning or contingency management. Many potential disasters can be averted, or the damage they cause reduced, if appropriate steps are taken early to control the event. Local Business Continuity Plans Local Business Continuity Plans have been created by each responding part of the Trust to a Business Continuity event. They describe in detail the actions of a specific area of the hospital and of specific roles. They will contain information that is specific to their response. HazMat Plan The Hazardous Materials (HazMat) Plan is intended to provide guidance on the management of any incident involving chemical, biological, nuclear or radiological material. Casualties may have been exposed to and/or contaminated with these materials and this presents an extra challenge to the emergency response of the hospital. Casualties may also have significant conventional injuries (combined injury) that will compound the medical management of these cases. The HazMat Plan is intended to augment the Trust Major Incident Plan. In some cases, the Hazmat Plan will be initiated as part of the Major Incident Plan. Pandemic Flu Plan The aim of this contingency plan is to provide a response to an influenza pandemic with clearly described roles and responsibilities across the Trust. It is a specific stand alone plan describing a set of circumstances largely unique within Major Incident response and on a scale larger and more difficult to manage than anything the NHS has had to respond to in the past. Hospital Evacuation Plan The aim of this plan is to provide an operational approach to the management of a large scale hospital evacuation that can be applied for any of the Trusts sites. The Hospital Evacuation Plan does not replace the Trust Major Incident Plan (MIP) rather it acts as an event specific plan which has specific associated actions extending above and beyond those noted within the Trust MIP. However, the Hospital Evacuation Plan should be viewed as a stand alone document. This document accepts that because of the repercussions Hospital Evacuation is seen as the last available option and where possible partial, as opposed to full evacuation, should always be considered. Major Incident Plan v 4.1 January 2010 Page 94 of 94