JOB 97-83 ARCHIVES MARS PROJECT Yukon Territory Placer Dome Canada This document describes the contents of the CD ROM in terms of: 1) 2) 3) 1) the subdirectory structure of the CD ROM the line profile archive structure the grid file structure and parameters. CD ROM Subdirectory Structure The CD ROM has the following subdirectories: \doc \profiles \grids 3) contains this document (README.DOC) contains the Geosoft .XYZ line profile archives contains the Geosoft .GRD files (grid files) Line Profile Archive Structure The profile archive contain the easting (X) coordinate and northing (Y) coordinates which are standard UTMs in ground metres in the NAD83 (North American Datum - 1983) using the standard UTM Zone #8 (central meridian of 135 degrees west longitude). The profile archives are as follows: PROF.XYZ - MAG, altimeter and radiometric profile archives Also, in the profile subdirectory is a summary file called PROF.SUM. This is a summary file of the .XYZ file and includes the line number, the number of data points on the line and the minimum and maximum X, Y and time values for the line. The following is a detailed description of the line profile archive which has been archived at a sample rate of 0.2 seconds (i.e. 5 readings per second): XYZ COLUMN 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 FORMAT f10.1 f10.1 f10.2 f10.1 f10.1 f10.1 f10.1 UNITS metres metres nanoteslas metres metres metres cps DESCRIPTION X = easting (NAD83, Zone 8) Y = northing (NAD83, Zone 8) final processed total field magnetics radar altimeter barometric altimeter digital elevation model total count 8 9 10 11 12 13 f10.1 f10.1 f10.1 f10.2 f10.3 I6 cps potassium cps uranium cps thorium second after midnight time units manual fiducials units flight number Calculated Record Length 3) : 126 Grid File Structure and Parameters. All grids have been written to CD ROM as standard Geosoft grids (.GRD) and have the following characteristics: X origin Y origin grid cell size # columns (X) # rows (Y) 500,650 metres east 6,782,550 north 25 metres 857 920 The following grids have archived: MAG.GRD CVG.GRD TC.GRD K.GRD U.GRD TH.GRD DEM.GRD - total field magnetics (nT) - calculated vertical gradient magnetics (nT/M) - total count (cps) - potassium (cps) - uranium (cps) - thorium (cps) - digital elevation model (M)