NimbleGen 1-8 Gene Expression Analysis Synthesis of Double-Stranded cDNA Outline: This protocol describes the process for hybridization of gene expression samples to NimbleGen DNA microarrays. The first step of this process is creating cDNA from Eukaryotic Total RNA or Poly A+ RNA and cDNA from Prokaryotic Total RNA using Invitrogen’s SuperScriptTM Double-Stranded cDNA Synthesis Kit. The second step of the process labels the cDNA and hybridizes to a NimbleGen expression array using the MAUI Hybridization System. The array is stringently washed, dried, and scanned. Protocol Information & Safety: Wear gloves to avoid sample contamination of degradation. RNA should be kept on ice at all times. Phenol:chloroform:isoamyl alcohol is dangerous and should be handled with caution. Wear the correct personal protective equipment when handling this chemical. Required Apparatus & Labware: Thermocycler Microcentrifuge with 14,000 x g capability Gel apparatus Vortexer Spectrophotometer Vacuum Centrifuge Step 1. Spectrophotometric QC of RNA: Prior to creating cDNA, it is necessary to verify that the RNA samples are of sufficient purity to proceed with cDNA synthesis. 1. Blank the spectrophotomer. 2. Take readings for each RNA sample. 3. Verify that all samples meet the following requirements A260/A280 greater than or equal to 1.7 A260/A230 greater than or equal to 1.5 Step 2. Bioanalyzer QC of RNA: It is also necessary to verify that the RNA samples are of sufficient molecular weight prior to creating cDNA. 1. Transfer 25 – 500ng Total RNA of 25-250ng Poly A+ RNA to a sterile microcentrifuge tube. Store the remainder of your sample on ice or at -80oC. 2. If using a denaturing agarose gel, a possible source for reagents is Ambion’s NorthernMax reagents for northern blotting. The first section of this kit includes reagents and instructions for running denaturing agarose gels. 3. Review the Bioanalyzer tracer or denaturing gel or gel images in comparison to those displayed below. Degraded samples appear as significantly lower intensity tracer with the main peak area shifted to the left and typically exhibit much more noise in the trace. NimbleGen 2-8 Samples exhibiting degradation should no be carried through labeling and hybridization, because there is an unacceptable risk of poor results. Step 3. First Strand cDNA Synthesis: Use the Invitrogen SuperscriptTM Double-Stranded cDNA Synthesis Kit or another preferred kit to synthesize double-stranded cDNA. For Invitrogen Kit 1. Thaw and maintain the following components on ice. Combine components in an RNase-free 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tube according to the tables below. Eukaryotic Source of RNA Volume 10 ug Total RNA oligo dT Primer 1ul DEPC-Water To volume Total 11ul 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Prokaryotic Source of RNA Volume 10 ug Total RNA Random Primer 1ul DEPC-Water To volume Total 11ul Heat sample(s) to 70˚C for 10 minutes. Briefly spin tubes in a microcentrifuge, and place the reaction(s) in an ice water slurry. Add the following to each reaction (a master mix may be used): Volume Reaction volume from Step 3.2 11ul 5X First Strand Buffer 4ul 0.1M DTT 2ul 20mM dNTP mix 1ul Cumulative Total 18ul Mix gently (avoid vortexing). Briefly spin the tube(s) in a microcentrifuge. Place the sample(s) in a thermocycler set at 42oC for 2 minutes. Add 2 ul of SuperScript II and mix gently (avoid vortexing). Incubate the sample(s) at 42oC for 60 minutes. Briefly spin the tube(s) in a microcentrifuge. Place the sample(s) on ice until the second strand synthesis. Sample(s) may be stored at -20oC overnight. Good stop point if needed Step 4. Second Strand cDNA Synthesis: 1. Add the following components to the first strand reaction(s) in the indicated order (a master mix may be used). Keep tube(s) on ice or in a PCR tube chiller rack. Volume Reaction from Step 3.8 20ul DEPC-Water 91ul NimbleGen 3-8 5X Second Strand Buffer 30ul 10mM dNTP mix 3ul 10U/ul DNA Ligase 1ul 10U/ul DNA Polymerase I 4ul 2U/ul RNase 1ul Cumulative Total 150ul 2. Mix gently (avoid vortexing). Briefly spin the tube(s) in a microcentrifuge. Incubate at 16oC for two hours. 3. Add 2ul of 5U/ul T4 DNA polymerase to each reaction. Incubate at 16oC for an additional 5 minutes. Do not allow the reaction temperature to exceed 16oC during this step. 4. Place the sample(s) on ice or PCR tube chiller rack, and add 10ul of 0.5M EDTA. Samples may be stored at -20oC overnight. Good stop point if needed Step 5. RNase A Clean-up: 1. Ad 1 ul of 10 mg/ml RNase A solution to the tubes. 2. Mix gently (avoid vortexing). Briefly spin the tube(s) in a microcentrifuge. 3. Incubate sample(s) at 37oC for 10 minutes. 4. During incubation, centrifuge Phase Lock tube(s) for two minutes at maximum speed. Label the phase lot tube(s) and two sets of 1.5 mL centrifuge tubes with sample names. 5. Add 63 ul of Phenol: Chloroform: Isoamyl Alcohol to one set of 1.5mL centrifuge tubes. 6. Transfer the sample(s) to the tubes containing Phenol: Chloroform: Isoamyl Alcohol. 7. Mix. Transfer samples with the Phenol: Chloroform: Isoamyl Alcohol to Phase lock Tubes. 8. Centrifuge at maximum speed for five minutes. 9. Transfer the upper, aqueous layer to a clean 1.5 mL tube. Step 6. cDNA Precipitation: 1. Add 6 ul of 7.5 M Ammonium Acetate to the samples. Mix by repeated inversion. Briefly spin the tube(s) in a microcentrifuge. 2. Add 7 ul of 5mg/ml Glycogen to the samples. Mix by repeated inversion. Briefly spin the tube(s) in microcentrifuge. 3. Add 326 ul of ice-cold absolute Ethanol to the samples. Mix by repeated inversion. 4. Centrifuge at maximum speed for 20 minutes. 5. Remove supernatant. Take care not to disturb the pellet. 6. Add 500 ul of ice-cold 80% Ethanol (v/v). Mix by repeated inversion. 7. Centrifuge tubes at maximum speed for five minutes. 8. Remove the supernatant. Take care not to disturb the pellet. 9. Repeat steps 6,7,and 8. 10. Dry Pellet in SpeedVac. 11. Rehydrate samples with 20 ul of DI water (VWR) NimbleGen 4-8 Step 7. Spectrophotometric QC of cDNA: 1. Blank the spectrophotometer. 2. Measure each cDNA sample. 3. Verify that all samples meet the following requirements: Concentration ≥ to 100 ng/ ul A260/A280 ≥1.7 A260/A230≥1.5 Step 8. Bioanalyzer/Gel QC of cDNA: 1. Transfer 100-250ng cDNA to a sterile microcentrifuge tube. Store the remainder of your samples on ice or at -20oC. 2. Analyze the samples using the Agilent Bioanalyzer or Agarose Gel. 3. Compare the Bioanalyzer traces or gel images, to those displayed below. Verify that all the samples meet the following requirements for acceptance: Median size ≥ 400 bp when compared to DNA ladder. Look similar to the examples of good cDNA sample traces or gels listed below. Samples exhibiting degradation should not be carried through labeling and hybridization, because there is an unacceptable risk of poor results. Step 9. Labeling of cDNA: 1. Prepare the following three solutions: 50 Dnpt Mix Volume Aliquot 50x dNTP mix into single-use VWR deionized water 250 ul amounts. Avoid freeze-thaw cycles, 10X TE Buffer 50 ul which can result in diminished yields. 100 mM dATP 50 ul 100 mM dGTP 50 ul 100 mM dTTP 50 ul 100 mM dCTP 50 ul Total 500ul Random 9mer Buffer VWR deionized water 1M Tris-HCL, Ph7.4 1M MgCl2 Β-Mercaptoethanol Total Volume Make fresh each time primers are 8.6ml diluted. 1.25ml 125ul 17.5ul 10ml 10X TE Buffer Volume Mix and Store at room temperature. 1M Tris-HCL, PH7.4 1.5 ml 0.5M EDTA 300ul VWR deionized water 13.2 ml Total 15ml 2. Dilute Cy3 dye-labeled 9mers to 1 O.D./42 ul Random 9mer Buffer. Aliquot 40 ul in 0.2 ml thin-wa;;ed PCR tubes and store at -20oC. 3. Assemble the following components in separate 0.2ml thin-walled PCR tubes. NimbleGen 5-8 Volume 1 ug cDNA Cy3-9mer Primers 40ul VWR Water To Volume Total 80 ul o 4. Heat denature samples in thermocycler at 98 C for 10 min. Quick Chill the samples in an ice water bath. Add the following ( a master mix may be used): Volume Reaction Volume from step 2.3 80 ul 50X nNTP mix 10 ul VWR deionized water 8 ul Klenow (50 U/ ul) 2 ul Cumulative Total 100 ul 5. Mix well by pipetting up and down ten times, do not vortex. 6. Centrifuge at low RPM to collect the contents to the bottom of the tube. 7. Incubate at 37oC for 2 hours in thermocycler. Protect from light. 8. Stop the reaction by addition of EDTA: Volume Reaction Volume from step 2.4 100 ul 0.5M EDTA 10 ul Cumulative Total 110 ul 9. Transfer the reaction to a 1.5 ml tube. Precipitate by adding NaCl indicted and vortex briefly. Then add isopropanol to each tube as indicated. Volume Reaction volume from step 2.7 110 ul 5M NaCl 11.5 ul Isopropanol 110 ul Cumulative Total 231.5 ul 10. Vortex. Incubate at room temperature for ten minutes. Protect from light. 11. Centrifuge at maximum speed for ten minutes. Remove supernatant with pipette. 12. Rinse pellet with 500 ul 80% ice-cold ethanol. Dislodge pellet from tube wall. 13. Centrifuge at maximum speed for 2 minutes. Remove supernatant with pipette. 14. Vacuum centrifuge on low heat for five minutes until dry. Protect from light. 15. Store labeled samples at -20oC. Protect from light. 16. Briefly spindown tubes if stored at - 20oC. Re-hydrate dried pellets in 25 ul VWR deionized water. 17. Vortex for 30 seconds. Briefly spin the tube(s) in a microcentrifuge. Continue to vortex or let sit in the dark at room temperature until the pellet is completely rehydrated, then vortex again and quickly spin. 18. Determine the concentration of each sample. The concentration can be determined using the following formula. Concentration (ul/ml)=A260 X 50 X Dilution Factor Step 10. Hybridization of Cy-labeled DNA: NimbleGen 6-8 IMPORTANT!- Protect tube from light during handling to prevent photo bleaching of the Cy dyes. 1. Set MAUI Hybridization System to 42oC and allow the temperature to stabilize. 2. Based on the concentration determined in step 9.18 and the table below, calculate the amount of sample required. Place sample into 1.5ml tubes. \ Sample Requirements Amount Eukaryotic Sample 13ug Prokaryotic Sample 1.5ug 3. If the volume is larger than 11.2 ul, dry the contents in a vacuum centrifuge on low heat. Resuspend the sample in 11.2ul VWR water and vortex to dissolve. Briefly spin the tube(s) in a microcentrifuge. 4. If the volume is smaller than 11.2ul, bring the volume up to 11.2ul with water (VWR). Briefly spin the tube(s) in a microcentrifuge. 5. Using the NimbleGen Hybridization Kit, add the following to the suspended sample: Hybridization Solution Volume Cy labeled sample 11.2 ul 2X Hybridization Buffer 19.5 ul Hybridization Component A 7.8 ul Cy3 CPK6 48mer Oligo, 50nM 0.5 ul Total 39 ul IMPORANT!- CPK6 48mer Oligos are included in the hybridization as controls that hybridize to alignment features on NimbleGen arrays. They are required for proper extraction of the array data from the scanned image. 6. Mix. Briefly spin the tube(s) in a microcentrifuge. Place at 95oC for 5 minutes. 7. Immediately transfer the tube to the MAUI 42oC sample block and hold at this temperature until you are ready for sample loading. 8. Place the MAUI Mixer SL Hybridization Chamber on the array using the provided assembly/disassembly jig and carefully follow MAUI setup instructions. Use the braying tool to remove all air bubbles from the adhesive gasket around the outside of the hybridization chamber. 9. Put the array and Hybridization Chamber on the MAUI and allow 30 seconds for the chips to come up to temperature. IMPORANT!- Hybridization chambers have a finite shelf life. Check the expiration date. Use the chambers within 30 minutes of opening the package. 10. Load the sample using the pipette supplied with the MAUI Station; follow the manufacturer’s instructions. During loading, a small amount of (3-7 ul) of the sample may flow out of the outlet port. 11. Confirm that there are no bubbles in the chamber. If present, very gently, message any bubbles to either of the ends, away from the center of the array. Avoid applying too much pressure because this will force liquid out of the ports. 12. Place the loaded array into one of the four MAUI bays and let equilibrate for 30 seconds. Wipe off any sample leakage at the ports, and adhere the MAUI stickers to both ports. 13. Close the bay clamp and select mix mode B. Hold down the mix button to start mixing. Confirm that the mixing is in progress before closing the cover. NimbleGen 7-8 14. Hybridize the sample overnight (16-20 hours). Step 11. Washing of Arrays: 1. Prior to removing the array from the MAUI Hybridization station, prepare the following solutions. You will need two 250 ml dishes of Wash I, and one for each for Wash II and Wash III. One dish for Wash I should be shallow and wide enough to accommodate the array and mixer loaded in the MAUI assembly/disassembly jig. The lid from a 1000 ul pipette tip box works well. Also, the buffer in the first Wash I dish should be heated to 42oC to help soften the adhesive on the hybridization chamber; this will help prevent braking the array. Place the remaining three wash solutions in 300ml Tissue-Tek slide staining dishes. Wash I X 2 Wash II Wash III VWR water 225ml 225ml 225ml 10X Wash Buffer I,II, or III 25ml 25ml 25ml 1 M DTT 25 ul 25 ul 25 ul Total 250ml 250ml 250ml 2. Remove the chip from MAUI Hybridization Station and load it back to the MAUI assembly/disassembly jig. Immerse in the shallow 250ml Wash I at 42oC. While the chip is submerged, carefully, peel off the mixer hybridization chamber. IMPORANT!-Peel the hybridization chamber off very slowly to prevent the slide from cracking. Do not let the surface of the slide dry out at any point during washing. 3. Transfer the slide into a slide rack in the second dish of Wash I. Incubate 2 minutes with agitation. 4. Transfer slide rack into dish Wash II. Incubate for 15 sec with agitation. Rock the dish to move the wash over the tops of the arrays. 5. Transfer slide rack into dish Wash III. Incubate for 15 sec with agitation. 6. Remove slide rack from Wash III and spin dry in an array-drying unit (NimbleGen Array-Go-Round) for 1 min. 7. Store the dry array in a dark desiccator. Proceed immediately to the protocol for One-color Scanning of NimlbeGen Arrays. Component and Supplier List: Component Superscript™ DoubleStranded cDNA synthesis kit Superscript™ DoubleStranded cDNA synthesis kit RNase A Solution Phenol:Chloroform:isoamyl alcohol 7.5 M Ammonium Acetate 5mg/ml Glycogen Phase Lock Tubes (light 1.5 mL) Oligo dT Primer Vendor Invitrogen Package Size 10 reactions Item Number 11917-010 Invitrogen 50 reactions 11917-020 Novagen Ambion 1ml 100mL 70856-3 9730 Sigma Aldrich Ambion Fisher Scientific 1L 5 X 1ml 200 tubes A-2706 9510 E0032 007 961 NimbleGen does not recommend a supplier; the customer is NimbleGen 8-8 Random Primer 0.5 M EDTA Absolute Ethanol Water, Reagent Grade, ACS, Nonsterile Type1 100mM dNTP’s iM Tris HCL pH7.4 1M MgCl2 Β-Mercatoethanol Klenow Fragment 3’-5’exo5M NaCl Isopropanol Cy3 9mer Wobble Cy3 CPK6 48MER(see below) MAUI mixer SL NimbleGen Hybridization kit 40-CGH, ChIP, & Expresison NimbleGen Hybridization Kit 40 Refill-CGH, ChIP, & Expression. encouraged to use a vendor that they are comfortable with. NimbleGen does not recommend a supplier; the customer is encouraged to use a vendor that they are comfortable with. Sigma Aldrich 100ml E7889 Sigma Aldrich 500ml E7023 VWR 2.5 gal RC915025 Invitrogen Sigma Aldrich Sigma Aldrich Sigma Aldrich NEB Sigma Aldrich Sigma Aldrich TriLink Biotechnologies IDT 4 X 25umole 1L 100ml 25ml 50,000u/ml 250ml 500ml 50 O.D. 200 O.D 250nmole Biomicro NimbleGen 12 Lids 40Rxn 10287-018 T2663 M1028 M3148 M0212M 71386 I9516 N46-0001-50 N46-0001-200 Custom Oligo synthesis 02-A008-03 KIT002-2 Nimble Gen 40Rxn KIT005-2 Oligo Ordering Information: Source: Integrated DNA Technologies (800-328-2661) Scale: 250 nmole, HPLC purified 3’ Cy3 CPK6-48MER: 5’ TTC CTC TCG CTG TAA CCT TGA ATA ATC CTA TCA AAC AAC TCA 3’