Visual Arts : Requires Online posters and photos of the mansion and gardens [Alternate plan—a “trunk” of photos] with a list of the various native plantings in the garden, also titles and artists of sculptures. Skills and Techniques Standard 1: Use photos of the mansion and gardens to create a photo montage or have students create their own flowers to mount on the house photo as a collage. Stress the use of native Florida plants the surround the mansion. Include the “Florida room” and the private gardens in the rear and the sculpture around the gardens—Florida artist. The student understands and applies media, techniques, and processes. (VA.A.1.2) 1. uses and organizes two-dimensional and three dimensional media, techniques, tools, and processes to produce works of art that are derived from personal experience, observation, or imagination. 2. uses control in handling tools and materials in a safe and responsible manner 3. knows the effects and functions of using various organizational elements and principles of design when creating works of art. 4. uses good craftsmanship in a variety of two dimensional and three-dimensional media. Creation and Communication Standard 1: Look at the “Rose Garden at Dusk” in the entry hall and compare the flowers, tone, light and feel of the painting to the collage created by the students. Discuss impressionism, decoupage, collage, and montage as art forms. They give a different feeling to the art work than oil painting. Discuss how they make you feel about the scene. Create a second collage to represent the “Rose Garden” and show them side-by-side. How does the English rose garden compare with the Florida rose garden? Brighter, softer, wetter, drier? Which one does the student prefer? The student creates and communicates a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas using knowledge of structures and functions of visual arts. (VA.B.1.2) 1. understands that subject matter used to create unique works of art can come from personal experience, observation, imagination, and themes. 2. understands what makes different art media, techniques, and processes effective or ineffective in communicating various ideas. 3. knows how to identify the intentions of those creating works of art. 4. uses the elements of art and the principles of design with sufficient manipulative skills, confidence, and sensitivity when communicating ideas. Cultural and Historical Connections Standard 1: The Ringling Collections contains only one impressionist piece, why? Does the Mansion have a rose garden, were they included in the original collage as they are non-native? How is the Ringling Collection involved with the Governor’s Mansion. What other pieces are located in the mansion and are they related to Florida ?--color orange, orange fruit, orange flower, shellfish? The student understands the visual arts in relation to history and culture. (VA.C.1.2) 1. understands the similarities and differences in works of art from a variety of sources. 2. understands how artists have used visual languages and symbol systems through time and across cultures. Aesthetic and Critical Analysis Standard 1: What is it about the Florida mansion and gardens that make them different from the “Rose Garden at Dusk”—the light, the air, the house, the colors? If the artist changed the colors would the viewer still believed it was Florida? What do you think are “Florida colors”?—soft pastels or bright tropicals? The student assesses, evaluates, and responds to the characteristics of works of art. (VA.D.1.2) 1. develops and justifies criteria for the evaluation of visual works of art using appropriate vocabulary. 2. uses different approaches to respond to and to judge various works of art. 3. understands perceived similarities and differences among different genres of art. Applications to Life Standard 1: For the sculptures what subjects were chosen—manatees and children on a log. How are the ‘floridian’ and what would you include if you were design outside art work? Gardens change with the seasons. What colors do the students associate with spring, summer, fall and winter. Are the student collage and Ringling painting depicting certain seasons--which? The student makes connections between the visual arts, other disciplines, and the real world. (VA.E.1.2) 1. understands the influence of artists on the quality of everyday life. 2. knows the types of tasks performed by various artists and some of the required training. 3. understands the similarities and differences and the various contributions of galleries, studios, and museums.