Second Nine Weeks Review



Life Science Second Nine Weeks Review



The test on Wednesday, 1/22/14 will cover the following past units:

4.2 Cell Levels of Organization

5.3 Cell Division

4.4 Cell Processes

6 Genetics

9 Changes Over Time

Levels of Organization

The most basic level of organization is the _____________. In multicellular organisms, the proper order for cellular organization (from least complex to most complex) is:


Changes Over Time

Review the following terms:

Fossil _______________________________________________________________________

Adaptation ___________________________________________________________________


Fossils are evidence that creatures lived on Earth millions of years ago. We call it the _________ ___________ because it records a change in the structures so we can compare modern organisms with those of the past.

The case of the English pepper moth is an example of how human actions can affect natural selection. In the late 1700’s pepper moths were _____________ colored to blend in with the bark of light gray trees and were able to avoid predation.

Natural selection favored the light colored moths over the black moths. However, when the Industrial Revolution began soot accumulated and blackened the trunks of the trees. As the result of a mutation, the ________________ colored moths were better camouflaged and were able to avoid predators.

Is this mutation of black colored moths helpful, harmful or neutral? Explain your answer in at least 1 complete sentence.

Cell Processes/Cell Division

Review the following definitions related to cell processes/cell division:

Diffusion ____________________________________________________________________

Osmosis _____________________________________________________________________

Active Transport _____________________________________________________________

Mitosis ______________________________________________________________________

Meiosis ______________________________________________________________________

Write in the proper cell process terms for the following sentences.

________________ The cell is mostly composed of water. The movement of water particles from an area of high concentration to low concentration across a permeable membrane. If too much water enters the cell, it will explode. On the other hand, if too much water leaves the cell, it will wilt. This process does not require energy.

__________ ___________ Some molecules are much too large to move into the cell by themselves. These molecules must be pumped, carried, or brought into the cell using the energy molecule, ATP.

_______________ When a normal cell reaches a certain size, it needs to divide.

Before cell division occurs, the chromosomes must duplicate. At the end of the cell cycle, the daughter cells contain an exact copy of the DNA of the parent cell. In humans, this is 46 chromosomes.

_______________ The movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration across a semi-permeable membrane.

_______________ When the sex cells divide (eggs and sperm) they complete two rounds of the cell cycle. At the end of this process, the chromosome numbers in the eggs and sperm are half the number of the parent cell. In humans, this is 23 chromosomes.

In _________________reproduction, the offspring have identical DNA as the parents.

In ______________ reproduction, the offspring are different from the parents.


Gregor Mendel’s work with pea plants marked the beginning of the study of genetics, the scientific study of heredity. _________________ is the passing of traits from parent to offspring. He knew nothing about genes in 1851. Mendel was curious about why some pea plants had different characteristics, or traits. Some were tall, others were short. Some had yellow pods, others had green pods, etc.

In Mendel’s first experiments, he used purebred plants. He know that the combination of ________________ that control each trait exist in pairs. One could show and mask another. Scientist today call the factors that control traits

___________. Different forms of the genes are called ___________________. Some alleles are dominant and others are recessive.

Review the following terms:

Dominant ____________________________________________________________________

We indicate a dominant allele with a (capital/lower case) letter. Circle one.

Recessive ____________________________________________________________________

We indicate a recessive allele with a (capital/lower case) letter. Circle one.

When Mendel did his genetic studies, the term “gene” was not in use. Mendel used the term ______________ instead.

Genes are carried from parents to their offspring on __________________________.

Only traits such as eye color can be __________________ because they are controlled by genes. ________ carries genetic the code. The shape or structure of the DNA is a

___________ ________________, like a twisted ladder.

Any change in the gene or chromosome is called a ____________________. Mutations may be helpful to an organism, harmful, or neutral.

Probability ___________________________________________________________________

Genotype ____________________________________________________________________

Phenotype ___________________________________________________________________

Homozygous _________________________________________________________________

Heterozygous ________________________________________________________________

Punnett squares show the possible outcomes of a genetic cross.

Complete the following Punnett squares:

Homozygous tall plants (TT) X homozygous short plants (tt)

What is the probability the offspring have the genotype TT_____, tt _____, Tt ______

What is the probability the offspring will have the phenotype tall _____, short _____

Heterozygous parents are mated (Bb)

What is the probability the offspring will be homozygous dominant? _______

What is the probability the offspring will be homozygous recessive? _______

What is the probability the offspring will be heterozygous? _______
