Severn Estuary Climate Change Citations

Severn Estuary Climate Change Citations Database
Version 4 April 2009
Compiled by Cardiff University and Severn Estuary Partnership
also available as ENDNOTE Database Software File
1 Climate Change
1.1 Climate Change: Regional/Local (13)
2. Climate Change Impacts: Sea Level (92)
3. Climate Change Impacts: Storminess, Hydrodynamics and Sediments (310)
4. Climate Change Impacts: Species, Habitats and Ecosystems (60)
4.1 Climate Change Impacts: Species (126)
4.2 Climate Change Impacts: Habitats (49)
4.3 Climate Change Impacts: Ecosystems, Services and Functions (12)
5. Climate Change Impacts: Environmental Systems (-)
5.1 Climate Change Impacts: Environmental Systems: Nutrients and Contaminants (124)
5.2 Climate Change Impacts: Environmental Systems: Fisheries (70)
6.1 Climate Change Impacts: Amenities (17)
6.2 Climate Change Impacts: Engineering and Built Structures (15)
6.3 Climate Change Impacts: Settlement, Landuse, Industry (28)
6.4 Climate Change Impacts: Cultural/Archaeological heritage (119)
7. Adaptation
7.1 Adaptation: Shoreline Management (33)
7.2 Adaptation: Coast Defence and Managed Realignment (30)
7.3 Adaptation: Strategic Policy & Planning (28)
7.4 Adaptation: Cost Benefit Analysis/Environmental Economics (8)
7.5 Adaptation: Infrastructure and Engineering (9)
7.6 Adaptation: Institutional Capacity (10)
8. Mitigation
8a Mitigation: Renewables (1)
8.1 Mitigation: Renewables- Tidal (82)
8.2 Mitigation: Renewables- Wave (1)
8.3 Mitigation: Renewables- Wind (1)
8.4 Mitigation: Renewables- Current (1)
9. Integrated Assessment (6)
Page 1 of 54
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Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 144 (1-2):175-181.
Barber, K. E., and G. R. Coope, eds. 1987. Climatic history of the Severn Valley during the last 18,000 years. Edited by
K. J. Gregory, J. Lewin and J. B. Thornes, Palaeohydrology in Practice. Wiley, Chichester.
Brown, A. G. 1991. Hydrogeomorphological changes in the Severn Basin during the 15,000 years; orders of change in a
maritime catchment. In Temperate palaeohydrology; fluvial processes in the temperate zone during the last 15
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Cole, J. A., D. B. Oakes, S. Slade, and K. J. Clark. 1994. Potential impacts of climatic change and of sea-level rise on
the yields of aquifer, river and reservoir sources. Journal of the Institution of Water and Environmental
Management 8 (6):591-606.
Department of Energy. 1981. The Severn Estuary Wave Climate study: Wind wave correlation: waves April 1978 March 1981 winds April 1960 - March 1981: Department of Energy, London.
Henderson, P. A. 2005. Predicting the effects of climate change on the community structure of the Bristol Channel. In
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Holman, I. P., M. D. A. Rounsevell, S. Shackley, P. A. Harrison, R. J. Nicholls, P. M. Berry, and E. Audsley. 2005. A
regional, multi-sectoral and integrated assessment of the impacts of climate and socio-economic change in the
UK: Part I. Methodology. Climatic Change 71 (1-2):9-41.
Holmes, R. H. A., and P. A. Henderson. 1990. High fish recruitment in the Severn Estuary: The effect of a warm year?
. Journal of Fish Biology 36 (6):961-963.
Mayes, J. 1998. Orographic influences on local weather: a Bristol Channel case study Geography 83 (4):322-330.
Prudhomme, C., N. Reynard, and S. Crooks. 2002. Downscaling of global climate models for flood frequency analysis:
where are we now? Hydrological Processes 16 (6):1137-1150.
Reynard, N. S., C. Prudhomme, and S. M. Crooks. 1998. The potential impacts of climate change on the flood
characteristics of a large catchment in the UK. In Second International Conference on Climate and Water.
Helsinki, Finland.
———. 2001. The flood characteristics of large UK Rivers: Potential effects of changing climate and land use. Climatic
Change 48 (2-3):343-359.
Saye, S. E., and K. Pye. 2007. Implications of sea level rise for coastal dune habitat conservation in Wales, UK. Journal
of Coastal Conservation 11 (1):31-52.
Southall, E. J., A. J. Southward, P. A. Henderson, and S. J. Hawkins. 2004. Regional climatic warming drives long-term
community changes of British marine fish. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B - Biological
Sciences 271 (1539):655-661.
Wood, R., and J. Widdows. 2003. Modelling intertidal sediment transport for nutrient change and climate change
scenarios. Science of the Total Environment 314:637-649.
Page 2 of 54
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Environmental Research Ltd, Report No. R1225. Southampton: ABP Marine Environmental Research Ltd.
Alcock, G. A., and D. T. Pugh. 1980. Observations of Tides in the Severn Estuary and Bristol Channel. A report
prepared for the Department of Energy eds. Bradbury L.J.S., Durst F., Launder B.E., Schmidt F. and
Whitelaw J.H., 63. Wormley, UK: Institute of Oceanographic Studies.
Allen, J., J. Rae, G. Longworth, S. Hasler, and M. Ivanovich. 1991. A comparison of the super(210)Pb dating technique
with three other independent dating methods in an oxic estuarine salt-marsh sequence (conference
presentation) In Eleventh Biennial International Estuarine Research Conference San Francisco, CA.
Allen, J. R. L. 1986. Late Flandrian coastal change and tidal palaeochannel development at Hills Flats, Severn Estuary
(SW Britain). Journal of the Geological Society of London 50:1-23.
———. 1987. Late Flandrian shoreline oscillations in the Severn Estuary: the Rumney Formation at its typesite
(Cardiff area). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 315:157-74.
———. 1990. Late Flandrian shoreline oscillations in the Severn Estuary: change and reclamation at Arlingham,
Gloucestershire. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A 1613.
———. 1990. The Severn Estuary in southwest Britain: Its retreat under marine transgression, and fine-sediment
regime. Sedimentary Geology 66 (1-2):13-28.
———. 1991. Salt-marsh accretion and sea-level movement in the inner Severn Estuary, southwest Britain:
archaeological and historical contribution. Journal of the Geological Society 148 (3):485-494.
———. 1993. Muddy alluvial coasts of Britain: Field criteria for shoreline position and movement in the recent past
Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, London 104 (4):241-262.
———. 1995. Salt-marsh growth and fluctuating sea level: Implications of a simulation model for Flandrian coastal
stratigraphy and peat-based sea-level curves Sedimentary Geology 100 (1-4):21-45.
———. 1996. Shoreline movement and vertical textural patterns in salt marsh deposits; implications of a simple model
for flow and sedimentation over tidal marshes. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 107 (1):15-23.
———. 2000. Late Flandrian (Holocene) tidal palaeochannels, Gwent Levels (Severn Estuary), SW Britain: character,
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———. 2000. Morphodynamics of Holocene Salt Marshes: a review sketch from the Atlantic and Southern North Sea
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———. 2003. An eclectic morphostratigraphic model for the sedimentary response to Holocene sea-level rise in
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———. 2004. Annual textural banding in Holocene estuarine silts, Severn Estuary Levels (SW Britain): Patterns, cause
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Allen, J. R. L., and M. J. Duffy. 1998. Medium-term sedimentation on high intertidal mudflats and salt marshes in the
Severn Estuary, SW Britain: The role of wind and tide. Marine Geology; 150 (1-4):1-27.
Allen, J. R. L., and M. G. Fulford. 1996. Late Flandrian coastal change and tidal palaeochannel development at Hills
Flats, Severn Estuary (SW Britain). Journal of the Geological Society of London 153 (1):151-162.
Allen, J. R. L., and S. K. Haslett. 2002. Buried salt-marsh edges and tide-level cycles in the mid-Holocene of the
Caldicot Level (Gwent), South Wales, UK. Holocene 12 (3):303-324.
———. 2006. Granulometric characterization and evaluation of annually banded mid-Holocene estuarine silts, Welsh
Severn Estuary (UK): coastal change, sea level and climate. Quaternary Science Reviews 25 (13-14):14181446.
Allen, J. R. L., and J. E. Rae. 1987. Late Flandrian shoreline oscillations in the Severn Estuary: a geomorpholocial and
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Amin, M., and R. A. Flather. 1996. Investigation into the possibilities of using Bristol Channel models for tidal
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Andrews, J. T., D. D. Gilbertson, and A. B. Hawkins. 1984. The Pleistocene succession of the Severn Estuary; a revised
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Page 3 of 54
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Bryant, E. A., and S. K. Haslett. 2003. Was the AD 1607 coastal flooding event inthe Severn Estuary and Bristol
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Cooper, B., and R. Dun. 1995. Swansea Bay Coastline Response Study. In Directions in European Coastal
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Haslett, S. K., P. Davies, R. H. F. Curr, C. F. C. Davies, K. Kennington, C. P. King, and A. J. Margetts. 1998.
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UK Hydrographic Office. 2002. Chart 1160 Harbours in Somerset and North Devon, Panel Name A Lynmouth
Natural Scale
North Limit
East Limit
South Limit
West Limit
51° 15'.73N
3° 47'.07W
51° 13'.67N
3° 50'.68W
Panel Name
B Porlock
Natural Scale
North Limit
East Limit
South Limit
West Limit
51° 14'.48N
3° 34'.60W
51° 12'.42N
3° 38'.50W
Panel Name
C Minehead
Natural Scale
North Limit
East Limit
South Limit
West Limit
51° 14'.08N
3° 26'.40W
51° 11'.10N
3° 30'.00W
Panel Name
D Watchet
Natural Scale
North Limit
East Limit
South Limit
West Limit
51° 13'.28N
3° 18'.00W
51° 10'.30N
3° 21'.36W
Panel Name
F Barnstaple and Bideford
Natural Scale
North Limit
East Limit
South Limit
West Limit
51° 07'.80N
4° 03'.43W
51° 00'.90N
4° 16'.90W
Panel Name
G Ilfracombe
Natural Scale
North Limit
East Limit
South Limit
West Limit
51° 13'.43N
4° 05'.61W
51° 12'.27N
4° 07'.67W
Panel Name
E Lundy
Natural Scale
North Limit
East Limit
South Limit
West Limit
51° 12'.75N
4° 37'.24W
51° 09'.02N
4° 41'.57W. Taunton: UKHO.
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South Limit
West Limit
51° 25'.07N
2° 52'.86W
51° 07'.53N
3° 34'.88W. Taunton: UKHO.
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Natural Scale
North Limit
East Limit
South Limit
West Limit
51° 33'.62N
2° 39'.13W
51° 20'.02N
3° 12'.88W
Panel Name
Natural Scale
North Limit
East Limit
South Limit
West Limit
51° 35'.48N
2° 57'.52W
51° 31'.42N
3° 00'.08W. Taunton: UKHO.
———. 2009. Chart 1859 Port of Bristol, Panel Name
A King Road
Natural Scale
North Limit
East Limit
South Limit
West Limit
51° 31'.83N
2° 41'.42W
51° 29'.16N
2° 47'.13W
Panel Name
B River Avon
Natural Scale
North Limit
East Limit
South Limit
West Limit
51° 29'.53N
2° 37'.07W
51° 26'.86N
2° 42'.78W
Panel Name
C City Docks
Natural Scale
North Limit
East Limit
South Limit
West Limit
51° 27'.24N
2° 35'.42W
51° 26'.69N
2° 37'.63W
Panel Name
D City Docks to Saint Anne's Bridge
Natural Scale
North Limit
East Limit
South Limit
West Limit
51° 27'.73N
2° 32'.78W
51° 26'.22N
2° 35'.64W. Taunton: UKHO.
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Natural Scale
North Limit
East Limit
South Limit
West Limit
51° 15'.73N
3° 47'.07W
51° 13'.67N
3° 50'.68W
Panel Name
B Porlock
Natural Scale
North Limit
East Limit
South Limit
West Limit
Page 16 of 54
51° 14'.48N
3° 34'.60W
51° 12'.42N
3° 38'.50W
Panel Name
C Minehead
Natural Scale
North Limit
East Limit
South Limit
West Limit
51° 14'.08N
3° 26'.40W
51° 11'.10N
3° 30'.00W
Panel Name
D Watchet
Natural Scale
North Limit
East Limit
South Limit
West Limit
51° 13'.28N
3° 18'.00W
51° 10'.30N
3° 21'.36W
Panel Name
F Barnstaple and Bideford
Natural Scale
North Limit
East Limit
South Limit
West Limit
51° 07'.80N
4° 03'.43W
51° 00'.90N
4° 16'.90W
Panel Name
G Ilfracombe
Natural Scale
North Limit
East Limit
South Limit
West Limit
51° 13'.43N
4° 05'.61W
51° 12'.27N
4° 07'.67W
Panel Name
E Lundy
Natural Scale
North Limit
East Limit
South Limit
West Limit
51° 12'.75N
4° 37'.24W
51° 09'.02N
4° 41'.57W. Taunton: UKHO.
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Natural Scale
North Limit
East Limit
South Limit
West Limit
51° 37'.83N
2° 36'.10W
51° 29'.32N
2° 44'.40W
Panel Name
B Severn Bridge to Sharpness
Natural Scale
North Limit
East Limit
South Limit
West Limit
51° 44'.33N
2° 25'.89W
51° 35'.82N
2° 40'.73W
Panel Name
C Sharpness to Hock Cliff
Natural Scale
North Limit
East Limit
South Limit
West Limit
51° 47'.26N
2° 22'.56W
51° 42'.93N
2° 30'.19W
Panel Name
D Sharpness Docks
Natural Scale
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51° 25'.07N
2° 52'.86W
51° 07'.53N
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Natural Scale
North Limit
East Limit
South Limit
West Limit
51° 33'.62N
2° 39'.13W
51° 20'.02N
3° 12'.88W
Panel Name
Natural Scale
North Limit
East Limit
South Limit
West Limit
51° 35'.48N
2° 57'.52W
51° 31'.42N
3° 00'.08W. Taunton: UKHO.
———. 2009. Chart 1859 Port of Bristol, Panel Name
A King Road
Natural Scale
North Limit
East Limit
South Limit
West Limit
51° 31'.83N
2° 41'.42W
51° 29'.16N
2° 47'.13W
Panel Name
B River Avon
Natural Scale
North Limit
East Limit
South Limit
West Limit
51° 29'.53N
2° 37'.07W
51° 26'.86N
2° 42'.78W
Panel Name
C City Docks
Natural Scale
North Limit
East Limit
South Limit
West Limit
51° 27'.24N
2° 35'.42W
51° 26'.69N
2° 37'.63W
Panel Name
D City Docks to Saint Anne's Bridge
Natural Scale
Page 17 of 54
East Limit
South Limit
Severn Estuary Steep Holm to
North Limit
East Limit
South Limit
West Limit
51° 27'.73N
2° 32'.78W
51° 26'.22N
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