iGroup (Australasia) Pty. Ltd. 22000033 C Coonnssoorrttiiuum mP Prrooppoossaall ffoorr M MIITT P Prreessss’’ss E Elleeccttrroonniicc JJoouurrnnaallss (effective 1 September 2002) 1. Applicable Country Australia and New Zealand 2. Product Package Access to electronic journals listed in Appendix I for 2003 issues and archives 3. Subscription Model: Standard e-only List Price for: STM Package (11 Journals) Architecture and Design Package (3 Journals) Arts Package (7 Journals) Current Affairs and Social Sciences Package (11 Journals) Complete Package (32 Journals) US$3,031 US$482 US$877 US$1,681 US$6,071 Special Consortium Price at 15% off Standard List Price: STM Package (11 Journals) Architecture and Design Package (3 Journals) Arts Package (7 Journals) Current Affairs and Social Sciences Package (11 Journals) Complete Package (32 Journals) US$2,576 US$410 US$745 US$1,429 US$5,160 4. Terms and Conditions Price is in US Dollars and does not include GST Licence period is calendar year based. Regardless of the actual start date of the licence, the expiry date is always December 31. 5. Archival Policy If a subscribing member cancels their subscription in 2004, perpetual access will be granted only to the volume years paid for. 6. Usage Reports MIT provides usage reports via CatchWord Ltd. (http://www.catchword.com) iGroup (Australasia) Pty. Ltd. 7. Trials Sample copies are available on http://www.catchword.com Or contact your iGroup representative. For customers in VIC, TAS, SA QLD and Sth Island, NZ- Vicki O’Neill vicki@igroupnet.com For customers in NSW, ACT, WA, NT and Nth island, NZ – Audrey Braun audrey@mail.igroupnet.com iGroup (Australasia) Pty. Ltd. APPENDIX I The following electronic journals are included in this Consortium Proposal: Science/Technology/Medicine 1. The American Journal of Bioethics 2. Artificial Life 3. Computational Linguistics 4. Evolutionary Computation 5. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 6. Journal of Industrial Ecology 7. Journal of Machine Learning Research 8. Linguistic Inquiry 9. Molecular Imaging 10. Neural Computation 11. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments Architecture and Design 1. Design Issues 2. Grey Room 3. Journal of Architectural Education The Arts 1. Computer Music Journal 2. Leonardo 3. Leonardo Electronic Alamanac 4. Leonardo Music Journal 5. October 6. TDR/The Drama Review 7. PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art Current Affairs & Social Sciences 1. Asian Economic Papers 2. Global Environmental Politics 3. International Security 4. Journal of Cold War Studies 5. Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 6. The Journal of Interdisciplinary History 7. Perspectives on Science 8. The Quarterly Journal of Economics 9. Reflections: The SoL Journal on Knowledge, Learning, and Change 10. The Review of Economics and Statistics 11. The Washington Quarterly