Draft paper 5 Most found diseases and lesions Denmark, H. Knudsen Slaughter pigs Post Mortem 1. lung infections if possible differentiated in Pneumonia caused by infection with Mycoplasma spp. Pneumonia caused by infection with Actinobacillus pleuropnumoniae Pneumonia caused by infection with viruses (Influenza PRRS) 2. Tail bite lesions 3. Scab 4. Atrophic Rhinitis France, T. Chambon Slaughter poultry Post Mortem 1. emaciation: 42% 2. congestion: 22% 3. infected cutaneous lesions: 11% 4. ecchymosis: 10% 5. Arthritis-Polyarthritis: 6% 6. Abnormalities, and abnormal colour or smell: 6% 7. Ascites: 3% Ireland, F. O’ Sullivan Slaughter Sheep Ante Mortem 1. Lameness = VI (very important) major flock health issue / animal welfare / exotic viral (BT / FMD) 2. Pneumonia (pleurisy) = VI major flock health issue /animal welfare / 3. Body condition = VI Post mortem 1. Fluke (live, immature, fluke damage) = VI Major flock health issue / fluikicide resistance (triclabendazole) 2. Pneumonia (pleurisy) = VI major flock health issue/ animal welfare / 1 Major flock health issue / animal welfare / cla/ cpa / scrapie / wheelbarrow tests 4. Fleece cleanliness = Important animal welfare 5. Skin lesions (Scab etc) = VI major flock health issue/ animal welfare / scrapie / orf / zoonosis / oral orf historicalissues with fmd diagnosis 6. Abnormal CNS signs (e.g. Listeria spp.) = I flock health 7. Eye lesions (conjunctivitis) = I Major flock health issue /animal welfare 8. Lymph nodes - caseous lymphadenitis lungworm / CAP / SPA 3. Hydronephrosis (magnesium crystals) = VI urolithiasis / condemnation / uremic carcase / meat hygiene 4. Arthritis/Polyarthritis = VI major flock health issue / animal welfare / 5. Subcutaneous abscess (injection sites) = VI /management / meat hygiene 6. Pregnancy = I welfare issue / Mediastinal / lung abscesses / notifiable disease Romania, L. Tudor Slaughter Horse Ante mortem Anthrax (Febris carbunculosa, infect. Disease through meat) Fever, faster breathing, "heart whacking" mucosal congestion, muscle tremor. Lameness is often noted no obvious cause. Localized swelling are found in the ventral region of the abdomen and thorax, neck times, along the jugular veins and thoracic cavity, the limbs, as well as the perianal region. Post mortem Connective tissue edema; Renal box associated with accumulation of significant amounts of reddish exudates in the abdominal cavity. Edema pasty, soft, yellowish or reddish. Spleen may be normal or, often, is the seat of outbreaks prominent red - purple appearance infarctiform (carbuncles). In rare cases, the spleen may be enlarged, soft, red - blackish, semi fluid the section. Abdominal/chest lymph nodes enlarged and red - black. Major organs (liver, kidney, heart) are congested and dystrophic and lungs congested and edematous. Blood clots and has no red - blackish Leptospiroses (Leptospiroses) Liver, jaundice generalized lesions Glanders (Malleus) Nasal discharge usually unilateral, initial mucosal then lactescent slightly yellowish and sometimes purulent; Ulcerative nodules; presence of previous respiratory tract and skin (chancre glanders) and inflammation of submaxillary lymphnodes and lymph vessels in the affected region Skin lesions (abscesses and ulcers associated with swollen glands and inflammation of the lymphatic vessels, the path which glanders ulcers occur in various stages of training and covered with a 2 yellowish liquid called "oil farcine") nodular laryngotracheitis and colitis (ulcers crateriform aspect, the form of withdrawal stars of mucosal scars); Lungs lesions that externalize or by nodular form (isolated or compact granulomas that may undergo the phenomenon of "melting" purulent and its deleted content bronchial lumen, creating caves) or by lobular foci of exudative bronchopneumonia. Metastatic liver (lumps in different developmental stages), Spleen (nodules and ulcers which open into the abdominal cavity, causing purulent peritonitis), Salmonellosis Enteric septicemia - frank salmonellosis or abortion. Clinical septicemic salmonellosis can evolve into hyperacute, acute septicemic or into prevalence and subacute or chronic digestive disorders with general symptoms poorly expressed but localized inflammatory processes necroticopurulente (arthritis, tenosynovitis, abscess, etc.). Tetanus Skeletal muscle contractions. These start normally, the muscles of the head and rapidly goes into other body regions. Can be found highlighting the third eyelid (the first clinical symptom equine), impaired swallowing, saliva leaking in corners, trismus, stiff ears, nostrils " the trumpet", "sardonic laughter" curved neck ortotonus, opistotonus , emprostotonus, belly sucking, flank rope obvious, rigid limbs removed ("buck"), walking "like needles" hyperexcitability to external factors (light, noise touch, drafts), rapid and violent contraction of a muscle or group of muscles throughout that acquires hardness of the wood ("tetanus crisis"), cyanotic mucous membranes, sweating, colic, cessation of rumination, flatulence . High temperature (during the first 3-4 hours after death can reach 42-45 ° C), so that the meat is very slow cooling, and early muscle rigidity and high installed. Decubitus wounds, while the tetanigene are sometimes very small, insignificant or being healing. The areas are degenerative muscle rupture and haemorrhage fascicular (giving meat congestive aspect) in heart, liver and kidneys - dystrophic lesions, hemorrhages on serous and heart, intestinal bleeding, and lungs - congestion, edema or pneumonia bodies foreigners. In the CNS, especially in the spinal cord are found hyperemia, hemorrhage and serous infiltration of the meninges Spain, M. Alvaros Amann Slaughter cattle LUNG Pneumonia (bacterial o viral) LIVER Distomatosis Hydatidosis Inflammatory processes Abscesses Inflammatory processes HEART Inflammatory processes. Pericarditis traumatic Abscesses Degenerative processes 3 Abscesses Emphysema Tuberculosis Tumours Degenerative processes. Fatty liver degeneration Hydatidosis Tuberculosis Tumours and malformations Jaundice Cisticercosis Other parasitic diseases Tumours OTHERS Cachexia Arthritis Mastitis Parasites in the skin Laminitis Ruminitis Peritonitis Bruising, injuries Febrile carcasses Switzerland, M. Laszlo Slaughtered pigs/calves/sheep Lesions/findings (Abattoir BELL, Basel, Switzerland)1 Type of animals Pigs Sheep Calves Cattle older > 6 Mt. Post Mortem - Top 5 lesions Pleuritis / Pericarditis / Pneumonia, Endocarditis. Abscesses Connective tissue inflammations Cannibalism Ascaridiosis Liver fluke Lungworm Pleuritis / Pneumonie Nephritides Abscesses Pleuritis / Pneumonie White spotted kidney Kidney cysts Liver degeneration Umbilical chord abscesses Liver Fluke Pleuritis / Pneumonia Nephritis Peritonitis Connective tissue inflammations / Abscesses 1 Juliane Funke, 2009- Vetsuisse-Fakultät Universität Zürich, Departement für Nutztiere, Abteilung für Schweinemedizin Contact: bgaeble@vetclinics.uzh.ch 4 5