ECC 70300 Integrated Curriculum

Final Project: Integrated Curriculum Portfolio
The integrated curriculum portfolio is a curriculum plan for a school year. The purpose of the assessment is to
assess candidates’ proficiency in planning. This is a revised key assessment that addresses NAEYC’s revision
of the Standards (2010). A completed Portfolio will demonstrate an understanding of the following NAEYC
standards and integration of particular standards throughout the integrated curriculum plan:
NAEYC Standards Assessed
Standard 1 Promoting Child Development and Learning
1a: Knowing and understanding young children’s characteristics and needs, from birth through age 8
1b: Knowing and understanding the multiple influences on early development and learning
1c: Using developmental knowledge to create healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging learning
environments for young children.
Standard 2 Building Family and Community Relationships
2a: Knowing about and understanding diverse family and community characteristics
2b: Supporting and empowering families and communities through respectful, reciprocal
2c: Involving families and communities in young children’s development and learning
Standard 3 Observing, Documenting, and Assessing to Support Young Children and Families
3a: Understanding the goals, benefits and uses of assessment including its use in development of appropriate
goals, curriculum and teaching strategies for young children.
3b: Knowing about assessment partnerships with families and with professional colleagues to build effective
learning environments.
3c: Knowing about and using observation, documentation, and other appropriate assessment tools and
approaches, including the use of technology in documentation, assessment and data collection.
Standard 4 Using Developmentally Effective Approaches
4a: Understanding positive relationships and supportive interactions as the foundation of their work with young
4b: Knowing, understanding effective strategies and tools for early education, including appropriate uses of
4c: Using a broad repertoire of developmentally appropriate teaching/learning approaches
Standard 5 Using Content Knowledge to Build Meaningful Curriculum
5a: Understanding content knowledge and resources in academic disciplines: language and literacy; the artsmusic, creative movement, dance, drama, visual arts; mathematics; science, physical activity, physical
education, health and safety; and social studies
5b: Knowing and using the central concepts, inquiry tools, and structures of content areas or academic
5c: Using own knowledge, appropriate early learning standards, and other resources to design, implement, and
evaluate developmentally meaningful and challenging curriculum for each child
Key Assessment Task and Alignment with Standards
The final project is to create an integrated curriculum plan for a school year. Your curriculum plan will be
presented in the form of a portfolio. Portfolios come in many forms, the most common being a notebook
presentation or an electronic portfolio. You may, however, come up with a unique publication model or power
point presentation or other creative way to share the portfolio content. The portfolio will be an integrated
curriculum for one school year for the group you teach or will teach. The portfolio must include:
Your own educational philosophy--beliefs about what constitutes appropriate education for meeting the
needs the particular age group you choose--supported by research-based evidence that demonstrates your
understanding of young children’s characteristics and needs (Std 1a). In addition, describe the group of
children you are planning for including their age(s), sex, race/ethnicity, significant social/emotional,
physical, cognitive, and language characteristics that affect their development and learning (Std 1b).
Description of the families, primary guardians, socioeconomic status, location of house/apartment,
neighborhood, primary language spoken at home (Std 2a) and an analysis of the multiple influences on early
development and learning (Std 1b).
The topics, themes or projects for the year including the goals/objectives for the year (organized by domains
of development: social/emotional, physical, cognitive, language, creative and by integration of subject
disciplines such as language and literacy; the arts, music, creative movement, dance, drama, visual arts,
mathematics, science, physical activity, health and safety and social studies) (Std 5a)
The environmental plan—an explanation of how to design and create healthy, respectful, supportive, and
challenging learning environments, supported by developmental research-based evidence (Std 1c)
Teaching/learning methods—apply knowledge of developmentally effective strategies and tools for early
education, including appropriate uses of technology (Std 4b) and using a broad repertoire of
developmentally appropriate teaching/learning approaches (Std 4c)
Content, activities and materials to build meaningful curriculum —use of manipulatives, story books, songs,
dramatic play materials, blocks, science and mathematics materials and supplies (including use of
technology) should be shown in the plan (Std 5a). Include a planning web or steps to achieving integrated
coverage of central concepts of content in the domains (Std 5b). Demonstrate ability to use your own
knowledge to design, implement and evaluate developmentally appropriate curriculum for each child (Std
A plan for assessing curriculum and teaching strategies for young children, given specific early learning
standards and outcome goals ,to demonstrate mastery of a variety of teaching strategies, including use of
technology (Note: this revised language comes directly from the rubric.) (Std 3a). Include a plan to assess
individual and group learning, using observation, documentation and other appropriate assessment tools and
approaches, including the use of technology in documentation, assessment and data collection. (Std 3c)
Also, develop a plan for assessment of partnerships with families and professional colleagues to build
effective learning environments (Std 3b). Be explicit in explaining how the plan meets the needs of children
with exceptionalities and those of diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds.
A plan for involving parents (or other family members/guardians) in the positive development of their child.
Design supplemental curricular activities (including use of technology) for parents to engage in with their
children at home; explain how you will communicate the activities to the parents (Std. 2c). Design ways to
update parents on student performance; explain how you will communicate the assessment information to
the parents (Std 2c). Identify supplemental community resources available to the family; explain how you
will disseminate the information to the family (Std 2b).
Explain strategies to build respectful, reciprocal relationships and maintain regular and ongoing channels of
communication with parents (or other family members/guardians) about their child’s growth and areas for
improvement (Std 2b). Suggest ways for dealing with communities of diverse linguistic and social
backgrounds (Std 2a).
Appendices should include illustrations, resources, websites, and use of technology.
At Standard
Exceeds Standard
(21-35 points)
(36-50 points)
(0-20 points)
Educational philosophy –
beliefs about what
constitutes appropriate
education for particular
age groups, supported by
research-based evidence
of children’s
characteristics and needs
(Std 1a)
The portfolio section
displays limited
understanding of
children’s characteristics
and needs; insufficiently
describes children in
terms of their
demographic and
The portfolio section
displays adequate
understanding of
children’s characteristics
and needs, as supported
by research-based
evidence; clearly and
accurately describes
children in terms of their
demographic and
The portfolio section
displays exceptional
understanding of children’s
characteristics and needs as
supported by research
evidence; clearly,
accurately and
comprehensively describes
children in terms of their
demographic and
Description of children in
terms of their
backgrounds and social,
emotional, cognitive and
language characteristics
that affect their
development and learning
(Std 1b)
Section shows limited or
no understanding of the
multiple influences on
children’s early learning
and development and how
factors such as family
background affect
children’s social,
emotional, cognitive and
language characteristics
Clear and accurate
description demonstrates
adequate understanding of
how children’s family
backgrounds and their
social, emotional,
cognitive and language
characteristics affect their
development and
learning, some research
evidence is provided
Clear, accurate, and
comprehensive description
demonstrates superior
knowledge and
understanding of the
multiple influences on
children’s learning and
development; research
evidence of the factors that
impact social, emotional,
cognitive and language
development is extensive
and accurate
Description of the
families, their socioeconomic status, location
of house/apartment,
neighborhood, primary
language spoken at home
and analysis of diversity
of family influences on
early development and
learning (Std 2a)
Section shows limited
understanding of the role
of families in early
development and
learning; insufficiently
describes socio-economic
status, language and
diversity issues as they
impact early learning and
development; does not
include relevant resources
such as websites, books
or materials that enable
families to assist their
Section includes a clear
and accurate description
of the diversity of
families served; cites
evidence to show
understanding that
families socio-economic
status, language and
diversity issues impact
early learning and
development; includes
relevant resources such as
websites, books and
materials that enable
families to assist their
Section includes a clear,
accurate, and
comprehensive description
of families and their
backgrounds along with a
detailed analysis of
diversity of family
background influences
(e.g., socio-economic
status, language,
neighborhood, etc) on early
development and learning;
carefully grounded in
research evidence that
shows family influences on
early development and
learning; includes a range
of relevant websites, books
and materials that enable
families to assist their
At Standard
Exceeds Standard
(21-35 points)
(36-50 points)
(0-20 points)
Topics, themes and
projects for the year are
organized by domains of
physical, cognitive,
language, creative
development) and
integration of disciplines
(such as language and
literacy, the arts, music,
creative movement,
dance, drama, visual arts,
mathematics, science,
health and safety and
social studies) (Std 5a)
Topics and themes or
projects are developed
minimally and include
little evidence of
candidate understanding
of the inter-connectedness
of the principles of how
children learn and
therefore how to organize
the curriculum for success
of children in a
appropriate manner.
Topics and themes or
projects are adequately
developed and include
adequate evidence of
candidate understanding
of the inter-connectedness
of the principles of how
children learn and
therefore how to organize
the curriculum for success
of children in a
appropriate manner.
Topics and themes or
projects are exceptionally
well developed and include
compelling evidence of
candidate understanding of
the inter-connectedness of
the principles of how
children learn and learn
and therefore how to
organize the curriculum for
success of children in a
appropriate manner.
Environmental plan
shows knowledge of how
to design and created
healthy, respectful,
supportive and
challenging learning
environments, supported
by developmental
research-based evidence
(Std 1c)
Environmental plan
shows little or no
knowledge of how to
design and create healthy,
respectful, supportive and
challenging learning
environments; little or no
grounding in theories and
current research evidence
is shown; limited use of
technology to illustrate
and amplify
Environmental plan
shows adequate
knowledge and
understanding of how to
design and create healthy,
respectful, supportive and
challenging learning
environments; reflects
grounding in theories and
current research evidence;
uses technology to
illustrate and amplify
Environmental plan shows
sophisticated knowledge
and understanding of how
to design and create
healthy, respectful,
supportive and challenging
learning environments; is
carefully grounded in
theories and current
research evidence; uses
technology very skillfully
to illustrate and amplify
methods include
technology (Std 4b)
methods do not including
appropriate uses of
Teaching/learning methods
methods appropriately use appropriately and skillfully
use technology
At Standard
Exceeds Standard
(21-35 points)
(36-50 points)
(0-20 points)
methods use
approaches (Std 4c)
methods do not clearly
align with the topics,
themes or projects as
outlined, shows little
understanding of the role
of the environment in
appropriate practice,
shows little or no
grounding in
developmentally effective
strategies and tools for
early education, including
broad range of
methods align with the
topics, themes or projects
as outlined; shows an
adequate understanding of
the role of the
environment in
appropriate practice,
shows evidence of
grounding in
developmentally effective
strategies and tools for
early education, including
Teaching/learning methods
clearly and closely align
with the topics, themes or
projects as outlined; shows
superior understanding of
the role of the environment
in appropriate practice,
shows strong evidence of
grounding in
developmentally effective
strategies and tools for
early education, including a
broad range of
Content, activities and
materials are appropriate,
and include use of content
knowledge and resources
in academic disciplines
such as language and
literacy, the arts, science,
social studies and others);
shows a planning web, or
steps to achieve
integrated coverage of
central concepts in the
domains (Std 5a)
Portfolio section shows
little or no evidence of
appropriate content,
activities; early learning
standards are not clearly
aligned with content; the
design of the curriculum
content, activities and
materials do not result in
appropriate or meaningful
and challenging
curriculum for each child
Portfolio section shows
adequate evidence of
appropriate content,
activities; early learning
standards are aligned with
content; the design of the
curriculum content,
activities and materials do
result in developmentally
appropriate and
meaningful curriculum
for each child
Portfolio section shows
compelling evidence of
appropriate content,
activities; early learning
standards are clearly and
closely aligned; the design
of the curriculum content,
activities and materials
result in developmentally
appropriate, meaningful,
and challenging curriculum
for each child
Content shows use of
inquiry tools and
structures of content areas
and academic disciplines
to achieve child learning
(Std 5b)
Portfolio section shows
little or no evidence of a
plan to inquiry tools and
structures of content areas
and academic disciplines
to achieve appropriate
outcomes for each child’s
growth and learning
Portfolio section shows
adequate evidence of a
plan to use inquiry tools
and structures of content
areas and academic
disciplines to achieve
appropriate outcomes for
each child’s learning
Portfolio section shows
compelling evidence of a
plan to use inquiry tools
and structures of content
areas and academic
disciplines to achieve
appropriate outcomes for
each child’s learning
At Standard
Exceeds Standard
(21-35 points)
(36-50 points)
(0-20 points)
Candidate uses own
knowledge, early learning
standards to demonstrate
design, implement and
evaluate developmentally
meaningful and
challenging curriculum
for each child; uses
technology appropriately
to achieve early learning
goals for each child (Std
Portfolio section shows
very little evidence of the
use of candidate
knowledge to demonstrate
appropriate knowledge of
curriculum design; does
not show evidence of
ability to implement and
evaluate meaningful and
challenging curriculum
for each child; is limited
in using technology
appropriately to achieve
early learning goals for
each child
Portfolio section shows
adequate evidence of the
use of candidate
knowledge to demonstrate
appropriate knowledge of
curriculum design; shows
adequate evidence of
ability to implement and
evaluate meaningful and
challenging curriculum
for each child;
demonstrates use of
technology to
appropriately achieve
meaningful early learning
goals for each child
Portfolio section shows
compelling evidence of the
use of candidate
knowledge to demonstrate
appropriate knowledge of
curriculum design; shows
compelling evidence of
ability to implement and
evaluate meaningful and
challenging curriculum for
each child; demonstrates
skillful use of technology
to appropriately and
thoroughly achieve
meaningful and
challenging early learning
goals for each child
Plan for assessing
curriculum and teaching
strategies for young
children, given specific
early learning standards
and outcome goals; use of
technology to
demonstrate mastery of a
variety of teaching
strategies (Std 3a)
The section shows little or
no evidence of
understanding of the ways
to assess curriculum and
teaching strategies for
young children; use of
technology to
demonstrate mastery of a
variety of teaching
strategies is minimal
The section shows
adequate evidence of
understanding of the ways
to assess curriculum and
teaching strategies for
young children; uses
technology to
demonstrate mastery of a
variety of teaching
The section shows strong
evidence of understanding
of the ways to assess
curriculum and teaching
strategies for young
children; uses technology
in an exceptional manner to
demonstrate mastery of a
variety of teaching
Plan for assessing
individual and group
learning using
documentation and other
appropriate tools and
assessment approaches;
including the use of
technology in
assessment and data
collection (Std 3c)
Portfolio section shows
limited plan for assessing
individual and group
learning as stated in the
standard and does not use
appropriate methods of
documentation or
assessment; use of
technology in
assessment and data
collection is limited
Portfolio section shows
adequate plan for
assessing individual and
group learning as stated in
the standard; uses
appropriate methods of
documentation or
assessment; use of
technology in
assessment and data
collection is adequate
Portfolio section shows
exceptional plan for
assessing individual and
group learning as stated in
the standard; uses bestpractice methods of
documentation or
assessment; use of
technology in
documentation, assessment
and data collection is very
At Standard
Exceeds Standard
(21-35 points)
(36-50 points)
(0-20 points)
Plan for assessment
partnerships with families
and professional
colleagues to build
effective learning
environments (Std 3b)
Portfolio section shows
limited plan for
assessment partnerships
with families and
professional colleagues to
build effective learning
environments; there is
little or no evidence that
candidate understands
how to plan in this
Portfolio section shows
adequate plan for
assessment partnerships
with families and
professional colleagues to
build effective learning
environments; there is
adequate evidence that
candidate understands
how to plan in this
Portfolio section shows a
highly engaging and well
thought-out plan for
assessment partnerships
with families and
professional colleagues to
build effective learning
environments; there is
compelling evidence that
candidate understands how
to plan in this manner
Supplemental curricular
activities (including use
of technology) for parents
or guardians to engage in
with children to promote
positive development of
children; indicate how
parents will be helped to
do this (Std 2c)
Supplemental curricular
plan is limited; does not
include use of
technology; is not clear in
indicating how parents
will be helped to promote
positive development of
Supplemental curricular
plan is adequate; includes
a clear plan for use of
technology; provides
clear guidelines for how
parents will be helped to
promote positive
development of children
Supplemental curricular
plan is exceptional in scope
and coverage of activities;
includes a clear and skillful
plan for use of technology;
clearly and thoroughly
indicates how parents will
be helped to promote
positive development of
Plan to update parents or
guardians on children’s
performance; plan for
assessment information to
parents (Std 2c)
Portfolio shows limited
plan to update
parents/guardians on
children’s on-going
performance in schools
and centers; limited
knowledge of how to
communicate assessment
information to parents
and guardians
Portfolio shows clear plan
to update
parents/guardians on
children’s on-going
performance in schools
and centers; there is
adequate evidence of
knowledge of how to
communicate assessment
information to parents
and guardians
Portfolio shows clear and
thoroughly detailed plan to
update parents/guardians
on children’s on-going
performance in schools and
centers; displays strong
evidence of knowledge of
how to communicate
assessment information to
parents and guardians
At Standard
Exceeds Standard
(21-35 points)
(36-50 points)
(0-20 points)
Identification of
supplemental community
resources available to the
family; explanation of
dissemination of this
information to parents
(Std 2b)
Identification of
supplemental community
resources is sparse, is not
accessible to the family in
terms of language and
appropriateness and
shows limited evidence of
a dissemination plan
Identification of
supplemental community
resources is clear and
accurate, accessible to the
family in terms of
language and
appropriateness and
shows evidence of a
dissemination plan
Identification of
supplemental community
resources is accurate, clear
and thorough, is highly
accessible to the family in
terms of language and
appropriateness and shows
superior evidence of a
dissemination plan
Strategies to maintain
regular and ongoing
channels of
communication with
parents (or other family
about child’s growth and
development. Ways to
deal with communities of
diverse linguistic and
social backgrounds (Std
Section shows limited
evidence of knowledge of
how to maintain regular
and ongoing channels of
communication with
parents or guardians
about child’s growth and
development; is limited in
information about dealing
with communities of
diverse linguistic and
social backgrounds
Section shows adequate
evidence of knowledge of
how to build respectful,
reciprocal relationships
and maintain regular and
ongoing channels of
communication with
parents or guardians
about child’s growth and
development; provides
clear and accurate
information about dealing
with communities of
diverse linguistic and
social backgrounds
Section shows strong
evidence of knowledge of
how to build respectful,
reciprocal relationships and
maintain regular and
ongoing channels of
communication with
parents or guardians about
child’s growth and
development; provides
clear, accurate, and
comprehensive and
accurate list of information
about dealing with
communities of diverse
linguistic and social