Supplemental Information for Manuscript NANO5443 1 Contact Please feel free to contact us and discuss this paper and our research with us anytime. Martin Rudolph Institute of Mechanical Process Engineering and Mineral Processing TU Bergakademie Freiberg Agricolastraße 1 09599 Freiberg / Sachsen Germany phone: +49 3731 39 3450 fax: +49 3731 39 2947 E-mail: Martin Rudolph Helmholtz-Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf Halsbrücker Str. 34 09599 Freiberg / Sachsen Germany phone: +49 351 260 4410 E-Mail: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Urs A. Peuker Institut of Mechanical Process Engineering and Mineral Processing TU Bergakademie Freiberg Agricolastraße 1 09599 Freiberg / Sachsen Germany phone: +49 3731 39 2916 fax: +49 3731 39 2947 E-mail: 2 Dynamic Light Scattering in Dispersions Containing Primary Particles and Agglomerates Certainly dynamic light scattering is a straight forward method when it comes to determining the size of nanoparticles. Yet we would like to emphasize, based on numerous experiences with different nanoparticulate systems, that this method is not reliable for dispersions with small primary particles and large agglomerates which tend to settle rapidly. Generally, for a broad particle size distribution the volume or number weighted particle size distribution cannot be assessed quantitatively, i.e. the fractions of the sizes are difficult to be determined. A certain fraction of agglomerated nanoparticles can even make it impossible to identify the primary particles. In the following graphs in Figure 1 we present correlation coefficient of a single dynamic light scattering experiment at different time steps of ricinoleic acid transferred particles containing agglomerates. Furthermore we depict the intensity weighted frequency distributions. Figure 1: (left) correlation coefficient and (right) frequency distribution intensity weighted of one single DLS experiment for ricinoleic acid transferred particles containing agglomerates at time steps t1 through t4 which are 2 minutes apart each; additionally the result for the sample after centrifugation containing only primary particles There are three fractions found where the smallest clearly represents the primary particles. Two larger fractions appear at about 100 nm and between 400 nm and 1 µm. The quantity of the fractions changes with measurement time. This is even more obvious for the correlation coefficient which can be regarded as the data of DLS which has the least impact of mathematical artifacts. The correlation coefficient for longer correlation times (plotted on the abscissa) which correspond to the larger particles (agglomerates) decreases with increasing measuring time. This concludes that the sample is “losing” larger particles due to sedimentation. For the purpose of a statistically reliable sample the measurement time should even be longer when larger particles occur, due to longer correlation times. Finally there are at least two reasons why DLS should not be used for such samples. First of all the size range is too broad and secondly and most importantly the sample is not stable due to sedimentation of the agglomerates. 3 Calculation of Hansen Solubility Parameters of the Fatty Acids (FA) in Dichloromethane (DCM) Details on the theory and usage of Hansen Solubility Parameters (HSP) can be found in (Hansen 2007). For the fatty acids capped onto the magnetite nanoparticle surface we apply Hoy’s method as described in (Brandrup et al. 1999) with the input parameters Ft,i, Fp,i, Vi, ΔT,i(P), B = 277 of the groups i which are defined as follows (Brandrup et al. 1999). The parameter ni stands for the number of each group i within the substance (capped fatty acid) Ft ni Ft,i (1) i Fp ni Fp,i (2) i V ni Vi (3) i (TP ) ni (TP,)i (4) i The Hildebrandt parameter δt, which is a more general solubility parameter, is defined with the three HSPs δd, δp and δh and the Hoy parameters. F B n~ t d2 p2 h2 t (5) V The polar contribution is δp: 1 Fp 2 1 p t ( P ) Ft B n~ The contribution due to hydrogen bonding δh is. (6) 1 ( P) 1 2 h t ( P ) , (7) with ( P) 777 (Tp ) V . (8) Consequently the disperse term of the HSPs is: d t2 p2 h2 (9) . The solubility distance between the fatty acid capped particles (FA) and dichloromethane (DCM) DFA-DCM is defined as follows (Hansen 2007). DFADCM 4 d,FA d,DCM p,FA p,DCM h,FA h,DCM 2 2 2 (10) The smaller this value the more soluble the fatty acid in the solvent DCM. In the following table we list the Hoy parameters of the chemical groups found in the fatty acids discussed. Table 1: Hoy parameters as defined in eqs. (1) - (4) of the chemical groups relevant for the fatty acids used, taken from (Brandrup et al. 1999) group -CH3 -CH2=CH-CHOH-COOH Ft,i in (J∙cm3)1/2/mol 303.5 269.0 249.0 591.0 565.0 Fp,i in (J∙cm3)1/2/mol 0 0 59.5 591 415 ΔT,i(P) Vi cm3/mol 21.55 15.55 13.18 12.45 17.30 0.0220 0.0200 0.0185 0.0490 0.0400 The next table lists the number of the aforementioned groups in the individual fatty acids, which are capped to the particle surface, therefore the number of carboxylic groups –COOH is 0 in each case, when assuming chemisorption of the fatty acids. Table 2: number of chemical groups within each fatty acid, when chemisorbed on the magnetite surface Fatty Acid Rinoleic Acid (RA) Linoleic Acid (LA) Oleic Acid (OA) Myristic Acid (MA) Caprylic Acid (CA) -CH3 1 1 1 1 1 -CH213 12 14 12 6 =CH2 4 2 0 0 -CHOH1 0 0 0 0 -COOH 0 0 0 0 0 Using eqs. (1) - (10) as well as the information given in Table 1 and Table 2 one can calculate the HSP and the solubility distances. Table 3: Hildebrandt and Hansen solubility parameters of the adsorbed FAs (calculated) as well as for DCM (taken from literature) with the solubility distance of the FA-Fe3O4 in DCM Fatty Acid capped Fe3O4 RA-Fe3O4 LA-Fe3O4 δt in MPa1/2 19.40 18.07 δd in MPa1/2 17.27 17.61 δp in MPa1/2 6.89 4.02 δh in MPa1/2 5.55 0.50 DFA-DCM in MPa1/2 2.03 6.16 OA-Fe3O4 MA-Fe3O4 CA-Fe3O4 DCM1 1 17.90 17.66 17.38 20.20 17.68 17.66 17.38 18.20 2.81 0 0 6.30 0 0 0 6.10 7.11 8.83 8.92 n/a (Brandrup et al. 1999) It is to notice that the best solubility of the C18 fatty acids is given for ricinoleic acid mainly due to the polar and hydrogen bonding parameters. 4 Determination of the intrinsic viscosity for PMMA in DCM Figure 2: Determination of the intrinsic viscosity by plotting the specific viscosity on the ordinate versus the concentration on the abscissa and linear fitting to obtain the y-intercept For determination of the viscosity we plot the specific viscosity as a function of the polymer concentration and the ordinate-intercept of a linear fit leads to the intrinsic viscosity. [ ] lim c 0 0 c We obtain the value: [η] = (0.03643±0.00576) l/g And thus the critical concentration of overlap is: c* = (27.45±4.34) g/l 5 Particle Size Distributions of the Spray Dried Composite Microparticles Figure 3: Particle size distributions of the spray dried composite microparticles for the PMMA composites (left) and the PVB composites (right) with the different fatty acids. Determined with Laser Diffraction. 6 References Brandrup J, Immergut EH, Grulke EA, Abe A, Bloch DR (1999) Polymer Handbook (4th Edition). John Wiley & Sons, Hansen CM (2007) Hansen Solubility Parameters. A User’s Handbook. 2nd edn. CRC Press, Boca Raton