Running Head: THE BOOK JACKET: A POWEFUL ASPECT OF THE BOOK The Book Jacket: A Powerful Aspect of the Book Candyce L. Pruitt Southern Connecticut State University ILS 518.S70 Professor Okobi 1 THE BOOK JACKET: A POWERFUL ASPECT OF THE BOOK 2 The Book Jacket: A Powerful Aspect of the Book Introduction and Thesis Books have a very powerful role in society. They serve as a means by which powerful ideas and information are shared throughout society, thus making them powerful objects in and of themselves. Books have the power to not only transform society and inform readers with their contents, but to also significantly impact their reader’s emotions, having the power to make them happy, tearful, angry, embarrassed, and quite often surprised or perplexed. The book jackets that hold these books often contain cover art, plot summaries, and short book reviews that play a vital role in determining whether prospective readers will be exposed to the book’s contents. As a result, book jackets are a very powerful aspect of the book, as they serve as a gateway into the book’s contents, and contribute significantly to the power of the book. Support of Thesis Books are undeniably one of society’s most powerful resources. The majority of books, however, are first looked at before they are read (Parker, 2006). Because of this, the way in which a book jacket depicts the book’s contents has a significant impact on whether readers will take the time to read the book (Parker, 2006). Wendelin and Zinck argue that the three factors that influence students’ book choices are peer recommendations, television and movie tie-ins, and the information provided on the book jacket (1983). Therefore, aside from word of mouth and the students’ previous knowledge of the subject matter, the information presented on the book jacket is the most important factor on which students base their book choices. Similarly, a study conducted by the Book Industry Study Group revealed that 29 percent of American readers claimed that the description on the book jacket was “very important,” and 27 percent indicated that the cover art depicted on the book jacket attracted them to the book (Ross, 1999). THE BOOK JACKET: A POWERFUL ASPECT OF THE BOOK 3 The less information readers know about a new book, the more heavily they rely on clues contained on the book jacket to determine whether or not they will read the book (Ross, 1999). Book jackets contain a significant amount of information about the books they hold. At a study conducted at a library at the University of Kansas, of the 228 book jackets examined, 99.6 percent contained book summaries, 96.1 percent contained subject indicators, 80.3 percent contained evaluative statements, 97.8 percent contained author credentials, and 68.9 percent contained reviews (O’Connor & O’Conner, 1998). Each of these pieces of information contained on the book jacket aids readers in their book selection process. This information presents responses to the questions “what can [they] do with this book?” and “do [they] have reason to trust in its cognitive authority?” (O’Connor & O’Connor, 1998). In this way, book jackets are a very powerful aspect of the book that help determine whether a book’s powerful contents will be further examined by readers. Book jackets are not only an important tool for readers making book choices, but they are also powerful resources for librarians. In most cases, it would be impossible for librarians to read every book on the shelf at their library (Saricks, 2007). Because librarians are often asked for book suggestions, however, taking a few minutes to examine the information contained on book jackets is a helpful practice that will aid librarians in helping readers of all genres make book selections (Saricks, 2007). This is another example of how book jackets are a very powerful aspect of the book. The information contained on book jackets can significantly influence whether or not librarians recommend certain books to library patrons. This, in turn, can significantly influence the number of people who are exposed to a book’s powerful contents. Conclusion The book jacket is a very powerful aspect of the book. Readers often make book choices THE BOOK JACKET: A POWERFUL ASPECT OF THE BOOK based on the information contained on the books’ jackets. Thus book jackets directly affect how well a book’s contents are disseminated throughout society. This in turn directly affects how powerful a book becomes within that society. In a similar fashion, librarians often make book suggestions to library patrons based on the information contained on a book’s jacket. These suggestions then influence how many readers are exposed to the book’s contents, thus also affecting how powerful a book becomes within that society. Book jackets, serving as a window into a book’s contents, influence whether or not the contents of a book will be disseminated throughout society, and as a result, significantly contribute to the power of the book. 4 THE BOOK JACKET: A POWERFUL ASPECT OF THE BOOK 5 References O’Connor, B.C. & O’Connor M.K. (1998, September 7). Book jacket as access mechanism: An attribute rich resource for functional access to academic books. First Monday 3(9). Parker, L. (2006, February 3). Never judge a book by its cover?: A visual argument. Retrieved from Ross, C.S. (1999, November). Finding without seeking: the information encounter in the context of reading for pleasure. Information Processing & Management 35(6) 783-799. Saricks, J. (2007, July). Book Jackets. Booklist. Retrieved from /default.aspx?page=show_product&pid=2055272 Wendelin, K.H. & Zinck, R.A. (1983). How Students Make Book Choices. Reading Horizons 23(2) 84-88).