Grave Goods Essay

What Would You Bring If You Were Egyptian?
As you know, the Egyptians believed in the afterlife. People spent a great deal of time making
grave goods. Grave goods were all of the things they wanted to bring with them to the land of the
Two Fields. Nearly everybody made little statues as part of their grave goods. People in ancient
Egypt fully expected to be assigned jobs to do in their afterlife, just as they were assigned jobs to
do in their daily life. To the ancient Egyptians, it made perfect sense to create little statues that
would do the work for them. It was believed that when the deceased was called on to do their
share of the work in the afterlife, they could send their little workers instead. That would leave
them free to sail the heavenly Nile or visit with friends who had entered the afterlife. They also
made toys. They made beautiful clothing. They made jewelry, and anything else they might need
in the land of the Two Fields. Surprisingly they also collected food, drink, furniture, boats, and
anything else sentimental to them for their journey to the afterlife. Once made, their grave goods
were packed carefully away in big urns. After they died, the grave goods they had spent a lifetime
preparing were buried with their mummified body. They ancient Egyptians had a great deal of fun
preparing for their afterlife.
Your task is to write a short essay explaining what items you would include as your grave goods
if you were an Ancient Egyptian and what job you would make a statue for to continue your job
in the afterlife.