George Russell Lineage Document

Establishment of a parent to child connection between Revolutionary War Patriot
George Russell and his daughter, Mary Russell, spouse of Noah Jarnagin.
Present reasonable family lineage links based on the contents of the following
Family Lineage A – NSDAR Records
The children of George Russell and their spouses are listed under the section titled, “CHILDREN OF
REVOLUTIONARY ANCESTOR” on the following NSDAR Record Copies:
658228 A-660
785889 A-869
dated 28 Aug 1985
dated 05 Feb 2000
dated 09 Mar 2004
dated 26 Jun 2006
NSDAR Nos. 658228 A-660, 796258 and 843432
William Russell
George Russell Jr.
Sarah Russell
Lydia Russell
Mary Russell
Jemima Russell
Elizabeth Russell
Lewis Russell
NSDAR No. 785889 A-869
Agnes and Charity
---Isaac Lane
Col. James Roddy
Noah Jarnagin
George Horner
John Horner
Esther Horner
George Russell
William Russell
Sarah Russell
Lydia Russell
Mary Russell
Elizabeth Russell
Jemima Russell
Lewis Russell
Sarah Witcher
---Isaac Lane
James Roddy
Noah Jarnagin
John Horner
George Horner
Ester Horner
Of the children listed on Page 3 of record copy No. 658228 A-660 none show check marks under
FOR LINEAGE,” the references for Generations 1 thru 7 and Generation 8 show proof of acceptance
check marks. On Page 2 under the heading, “LINEAGE,” all the names listed for Generations 7 and 8
show proof of acceptance check marks. [i.e., John Horner, Sr., Elizabeth Russell, George Russell and
Elizabeth Bean]
Of the children listed on Page 3 of record copies Nos. 796258 and Page 4 of 843432 only William and
his spouse, Agnes, have the NSDAR proof of lineage check marks by their names.
See Family Lineage F.
Of the children listed on Page 3 of record copy No. 785889 A-869 only Lydia and her spouse, James
Roddy, have the NSDAR proof of lineage check marks by their names. See Family Lineage F.
It should be noted that the NSDAR does not always show the proof of lineage check marks for each one
of the patriot’s children, but rather limit them to the child directly linked to the applicant.
Conclusions: The NSDAR Record Copies list all of George Russell’s children and their spouses.
The NSDAR accepted the lineage documentation submitted with these applications.
Therefore, Elizabeth was proven to be the daughter of George Russell by NSDAR record
copy 658228 A-660 and William and Lydia were proven to be the children of George
Russell by the other NSDAR record copies.
William Russell, John Horner and Noah Jarnagin were thus proven to be brothers-in-law.
The marriage of the three Russell children to three members of the Horner family
suggests a very close tie between the Russell and Horner families. See Family
Lineage B.
Family Lineage B – Grainger County, Tennessee Property Records
Grainger County, Tennessee property Indenture records received from the Knox County Public Library
located in Knoxville, Tennessee show the names highlighted in yellow in Family Lineage A above as
Record 68:
Dated 25 Dec 1797 and registered 27 Jan 1799 shows a property Indenture
agreement between William Russell and John Horner.
The document was witnessed by Noah Jarnigin and signed by William Russell.
Record 149: Dated 24 Sep 1799 and registered 06 Dec 1799 shows a property Indenture
agreement between William Russell and Frederich Moires.
On Line 8 of the text a survey line is referred to thus: “thence along a conditional
line between said William Russell and John Horner.”
The document was signed by William Russell.
Conclusions: The property transfer transaction between family members, William Russell and John
Horner and witnessed by Noah Jarnigin (Jarnagin) supports the same strong family
connections shown on the NSDAR records and indicates they lived on adjacent or near
Since William Russell was proven to be the son of George Russell in Family Lineage A,
it is reasonable to assume that the connection between George Russell, Noah Jarnagin and
John Horner has also been proven by these records. They were George Russell’s
sons-in-law. See Proof of Family Lineage on Page 7.
The appearance of the three brother-in-law names on the Indenture documents is an
additional indication of the accuracy of the children’s lists shown on the NSDAR record
Family Lineage C – Grainger County, Tennessee Property Records
Grainger County, Tennessee property Indenture records received from the Knox County Public Library
located in Knoxville, Tennessee shows Noah Jarnigin (Family Lineage A and Family Lineage B) and his
father, Thomas Jarnigin as follows:
Record 92: Dated 10 Apr 1797 and registered 02 Nov 1798 shows a property transfer
agreement between Thomas Jarnigin and Noah Jarnigin.
Starting near the end of Line 2 the text reads in part thus: “Noah Jarnigan of the
County of Grainger & State aforesaid, Son of the said Thomas Jarnigin.”
Reference is made on Line 13 of the text to 3960 acres granted to Thomas Jarnigin
by the State of North Carolina.
This document was signed by Thomas Jarnigin and witnessed by Major Lea and
Lovina Lea.
Record 18: Dated 02 Apr 1798 and registered 07 Jul 1798 shows a property Indenture
agreement between Noah Jarnigin and Robert Dumvill.
On line 8 of the text a line is referred to thus: “the closing line of Thomas Jarnigin
3960 acre tract.”
This document was signed by Noah Jonagin and witnessed by Major Lea and Enoch
Conclusions: The property transfer of Record 92 establishes the father and son relationship between
Thomas Jarnigin and his son Noah Jarnigin.
Record 18 refers to the closing line on the 3960 acre parcel that is common to property
that was owned by both men.
The witnesses Lovina Lea and Major Lea that are shown on Record 92 are Thomas
Jarnigin’s daughter and son-in-law. See Family Linkage D.
Record 18 links Noah Jarnigin with his brother-in-law and witness Major Lea. See
Family Lineage D.
Family Lineage D – NSDAR Record Copy, NSSAR Record Copy and NSSAR Patriot Index
NSDAR Record Copy 341195 dated 22 Oct 1943 lists all of Thomas Jarnagin’s children and their
spouses under the section titled, “CHILDREN OF REVOLUTIONARY ANCESTOR.” Generation 4
spouses on this approved application are shown as Noah Jarnagin and his wife Mary Russell.
NSDAR No. 341195
Mary Russell
Major Lea
Samuel Carson
Martha Barton
Elizabeth Conway and Betty Shields
Susan Lea
Daniel Coans
Major Lea*
Mary Clark and others
Mary Smith
* Nephew of sister’s husband
NSSAR Record Copy 161394, ACN 32281 dated 05 Aug 2008 shows lineage to Thomas Jarnagin.
Generation 8 spouses on this approved application are shown as Noah Jarnagin and his wife Mary
Russell. It is noted that all names in the genealogy lineage on the first page bear the NSSAR check
NSSAR Patriot Index: Family Group Record for Thomas (Jonakin) (Jarnagain) Jarnagin show child
number 2 as Lavinia (Jarnagain) Jarnagin and her spouse, Major Lea, and child number 4 as Noah
(Jarnagain) Jarnagin and his spouse, Mary Russell.
Conclusions: The NSDAR Record Copy and Patriot Index establishes the relationship of Noah and
Lavinia to their father, Thomas Jarnagin and also establishes the identity of their
Spouses: i.e. Mary Russell and Major Lea
Similarly, the NSSAR record copy establishes the relationship between Noah and
Thomas just as does the Indenture Records in Family Lineage C.
These records, therefore, indicate tacit approval of Mary Russell as Noah’s wife.
See Proof of Lineage on Page 7 of this document.
Family Lineage E – Pension and Bounty Land Request of Sarah Russell Lane
A declaration document filed in McMinn County, Tennessee on April 14, 1855 and signed by Sarah
Lane declared that she was the widow of Isaac Lane who died on November 9, 1851. The purpose of
the document was to obtain a pension in the name of her deceased husband under a Federal Law enacted
on February 3, 1848. Also include in the document was a request to obtain bounty land under another
Federal Law passed on March 3, 1855.
Reference is made near the bottom of Page 1 of the document to an 1853 or 1853 declaration for pension
for Sarah Lane by her agent, James Hickey. Proof of her marriage and the death of Isaac Lane are
included in a statement on Page 2.
An affidavit type document signed by Sarah (Russell) Lane’s sister, Mary (Russell) Jarnagin, is also part
of the pension, bounty land request file. Mary Jarnagin is identified as the widow of Noah Jarnagin,
deceased. In her oath Mary indicated that she knew Sarah Russell and Isaac Lane prior to their marriage
and was present at their wedding.
Conclusions: Sarah Russell’s name appears in both the declaration document and in Mary Jarnagin’s
affidavit. She is identified as Issac Lane’s widow in both records.
The NSDAR Record copies in Family Lineage A list Sarah Russell and her spouse,
Isaac Lane. Mary Russell and Noah Jarnagin are also listed.
The information in Family Lineage E agrees with that in Family Lineage A and F.
Mary Jarnagin’s statement suggests strongly that it was prepared in order to assist her
sister with the pension, bounty land request.
Sarah Russell and Isaac Lane are shown is all three Tennessee records in Family
Lineage F. Mary Russell and Noah Jarnagin are shown in the two of the Tennessee
It can be assumed that the family relationship between sisters, Mary and Sarah, has
been established by these records.
Family Lineage F – Records of the Tennessee Society, NSDAR
Publications from the Tennessee Society, NSDAR received from the Knox County Public Library
located in Knoxville, Tennessee show the following lineage information:
Pages 1384 and 1385 of the publication titled, “Membership Roster and Soldiers Tennessee State
Society of the National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution 1894 – 1960,” and dated 1961
lists George Russell with the following children: George, William, Sarah, born 1760, died 1857,
married Isaac Lane, born Feb. 14, 1760, died Nov. 9 1851, Lydia married James Roddye. It is noted that
this reference was approved by the NSDAR as proof of the children’s ancestry on NSDAR Record Copy
No. 785889 A-869 dated March 9, 2004.
Page 618 of the publication titled, “Membership Roster and Soldiers Tennessee State Society of the
National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution 1970 – 1984,” and dated 1985 lists the same
information shown in Lineage Link A. [i.e. George Russell with his children William, George Jr.,
Sarah, Lydia, Mary, Jemima, Elizabeth, Lewis and their spouses] This publication also makes reference
to the approved 1961 publication shown in the paragraph above.
Page 548 of the publication titled, “Register of Qualified Soldiers and Patriots of the American
Revolution Buried in Tennessee,” copyrighted in 2000 shows George Russell with his children. The
children are listed as follows: George, William, Sarah Lane, Lydia Roddye, Mary Jarnagin, Jemima
Horner, Agnes Roberson, Elizabeth Horner, Lewis. It should be noted that in this publication George
Russell’s daughters are identified by their married names.
Conclusions: The approval of Elizabeth Russell as George Russell’s daughter on NSDAR Record Copy
No. 658228 A-660 dated 28 Aug 1985 provides supporting evidence of the accuracy of
the children’s names shown on Page 618 of the 1985 Tennessee publication.
This information when combined with the acceptance of the names shown on Page 1385
of the 1961Tennessee publication by the NSDAR, and included in Record Copy No.
785889 A-869, provides sufficient evidence that the NSDAR accepts the accuracy and
quality of historical documents researched and published by the Tennessee Society and
that those documents should be acceptable to the NSSAR as well.
Family Lineage G – History of the First Baptist Church, Whitesburg, Tennessee
This page from files list Charter members, Members for the first five years and Church
minutes of the Bent Creek Baptist Church that was established June 12, 1785.
Charter members: George Russell and his wife, Mrs. George Russell
Members of the first five years: George Russell and wife plus children William, Elizabeth and Jemima
Church minutes: In 1790 both Elizabeth and Jemima were met and received. In 1791 George was cited
on two occasions. Elizabeth Russell was dismissed in January 1800. Jemima Russell, alias Horner, was
also dismissed but no date was recorded. The final entry for the Russell family indicates that George
Russell’s name appeared on a listing of those who had died and his children William, Elizabeth and
Jemima were shown on a list of those who were dismissed.
Conclusions: By showing George Russell and his wife with their children William, Elizabeth and
Jemima, this record adds to the totality of information contained in the assembled records and serves as
an important verification of the children’s names shown in the Family Lineage F documents above. i.e.:
“Membership Roster and Soldiers Tennessee State Society of the National Society, Daughters of the
American Revolution 1970 – 1984,” and “Register of Qualified Soldiers and Patriots of the American
Revolution Buried in Tennessee.”
The Jemima Russell entry includes the alias Horner which suggests she had married George Horner
prior to her dismissal. The Horner name is consistent with the names shown in the Family Lineage A
and Family Lineage F records and again provides additional evidence of the accuracy and quality of the
historical documents researched and published by the Tennessee Society, NSDAR.
With William, Elizabeth and Jemima established as George and Elizabeth’s children by this church
record it can be concluded that another level of proof has been given to the Tennessee Society, NSDAR
records and that Mary Russell and the other Russell children not listed in the church record were indeed
George and Elizabeth Russell’s children.
Proof of Family Lineage
With Noah Jarnagin established as George Russell’s son-in-law in
Family Lineage B; and with Mary Russell established as Noah’s wife in
Family Lineage D and Family Lineage E; and with Mary Russell established
as George Russell’s daughter in Family Lineage F and Family Lineage G, it
can be concluded that these facts, when combined and weighed with the
breath of the included documentation, present a preponderance of
compelling evidence that Mary Russell was in fact the daughter of
Revolutionary War Patriot George Russell.
Application Approval Request
With the proof of family lineage established between George Russell and his
daughter, Mary Russell Jarnagin, it is respectfully requested that the
Supplemental Applications of William A. Welch and John D. Welch in the
name of their Patriot Ancestor, George Russell, be reviewed and approved.
W.D. Welch
20 May 2009
Family Lineage A – NSDAR Records
Family Lineage B – Grainger County, Tennessee Property Records
Family Lineage C – Grainger County, Tennessee Property Records
Family Lineage D – NSDAR Record Copy, NSSAR Record Copy and NSSAR Patriot Index
Family Lineage E – Pension and Bounty Land Request of Sarah Russell Lane
Family Lineage G – History of the First Baptist Church, Whitesburg, Tennessee