Situation Report: Monsoon depression during 16 to 18 June 2011, Bangladesh Disaster overview A depression which formed over the Bay of Bengal on 16 June 2011 made landfall in the southwestern districts of Bangladesh and West Bengal on 18 June triggering a tidal surge that damaged houses, crop lands and embankments, caused electricity outages and disrupted communication in the region. The tide rose about 6-7 feet higher than normal levels, damaging embankments and flooding several areas with salt water. Monsoon depression caused huge rainfall across the coastal areas specially South , South-Eastern Districts specially FFWC recorded rainfall last 72 hours 145 mm1 in Cox’s bazaar District, 60 mm Patuakhali and Barguna District respectively (see rain fall map here). Latest situation (as of 20 June’11): According to Bangladesh Metrological Department (BMD) the land depression over West Bengal and adjoining South-western part of Bangladesh moved West-north-west wards and now lies over West Bengal and adjoining area. It is likely to move in a West-Northwesterly direction further inland and weaken gradually. Under its influence steep pressure gradient persists over North Bay. Sea will remain rough. Monsoon is active over Bangladesh and strong over North Bay. The following is a brief assessment, based on preliminary reports by regional NGOs and the media, of the impacts on people of the tidal surge in the southwestern coastal areas of Bangladesh. Highlights Most affected Districts: Rain fall map last 72 hours Source: Several coastal Districts affected most by this monsoon depression considering no. of people marooned by tidal and rain water, no. of village inundated by tidal and rain water, crops , livestock , fisheries and house damaged, embankment broken etc. Teknaf of Cox’s bazaar District, Amtoli and Barguna Sadar of Barguna district, Koira and dacope in Khulna district , ShoronKhola and Morelgonj of Bagerhat District, Daulatkhan of Bhola district. Displaced people are living in marooned situation. It has been estimated that about 150,000 people have been displaced due to water logging caused by the tidal surge and onrush water in Cox’s bazaar, Bhola , Barguna , and Khulna districts and now living in marooned situation. Some of them lost their household belongings during the tidal surge and on rush water from hill. Hundred and thousand of kaccha houses damaged and collapsed. Most people living continue in marooned situation and some of them shifted to high land and temporary shelter such as school, cyclone shelter. 1 Monthly cumulative rainfall in Cox,s bazaar District 332 mm out of which 145 mm only on 19 June 2011. 1 Embankment damaged Significant damage made to embankments in several coastal districts. Embankments were broken or damaged in at least 50 places in Bhola, Barguna, Bagerhat and Khulna districts. It cause salt water entrance into crops land and villages , damaged hundred and thousand hectors crops land and more than 50 villages become marooned. Damage to crops, fisheries and livestock Large areas of paddy fields were damaged and vegetable gardens and fish enclosures were also damaged. In Koyra upazila of Khulna, even higher grounds where crops were planted are under water. In Burirchar union of Barguna district, embankment damage caused water to overflow into 10 villages destroying paddy fields and prepared agricultural land. Casualties There have been no reports of deaths as of the evening of 19 June. Future threats There is a possibility of the damaged embankments breaking and flooding several areas of Dakop and Koyra upazilas of Khulna district. Koyra and Dakop residents fear that if fast action to repair damaged embankments is not taken, the area may get submerged yet again. Current response activities from Govt : Ministry of Food and Disaster management (MOFDM) have compiled the overall situation and request from respective Deputy commissioner of affected District; Summery of the Govt. response , current food stock and potential requirement food need are as follows; Districts Barguna Already distributed 12.5 mt GR rice, 150,000 BDT cash, 60 pcs Sharee /Lungi Bhola 20 mt GR roice and 200,000 BDT GR cash (allocated) Cox,s bazar Patuakhali Khulna Pirojpur Bagerhat Chittagong 27.5 mt GR rice and 70,000 BDT GR cash Current Stock GR rice- 43 mt GR cash-50,000 BDT House building grant200,000 BDT CI sheet- 10 bundle GR rice- 87 mt GR cash-35,000 BDT House building grant100,000 BDT GR rice- 273 mt GR cash-87,000 BDT House building grant100,000 BDT GR rice- 54 mt GR cash-100,000 BDT House building grant100,000 BDT GR rice- 387 mt GR cash-147,000 BDT House building grant10,000 BDT GR rice- 14 mt GR cash-35,000 BDT House building grant15,000 BDT GR rice- 100 mt GR cash-205,000 BDT House building grant165,000 BDT GR rice- 100 mt GR cash-150,000 BDT Potential demand GR rice- 200 mt GR cash-500,000 BDT House building grant300,000 BDT CI sheet- 100 bundle GR cash-200,000 BDT Sharee- 700 pcs Lungi 700 pcs CI sheet 200 bundle GR rice- 300 mt GR cash-10,00,000 2 (allocated) House building grant50,000 BDT BDT House building grant10,00,000 BDT Source: SitRep prepared by MoFDM The Director General, Directorate of Relief and Rehabilitation has been advised to allocate the required GR rice, GR cash, house building grant, sweet drinking water and other relief materials on the basis of the requisition placed by the affected district. The Deputy Commissioners’ have been advised to submit consolidated loss and damage reports after getting the required information from the concerned upazilas. Current response activities from Oxfam and other NGO’s : Local NGO’s including Oxfam partner are keeping close contact with the local Govt in respective most affected Districts, watching situation closely, specially assessing any significant unmet needs where NGO’s can respond. Support needed: Affected people living in temporary places and marooned situation need temporary shelter materials, safe drinking water and sanitation facilities immediately. Many people lost their household belongings including household small food stock. On other hand apart from loosing houses, crops and other livelihood assets such as livestock’s, fisheries etc daily income also disrupted of affected people. Therefore they need food and income support so that they could re-fix their essential facilities and back to their normal life as quickly possible. Summary of impacts in most affected districts District and subDistrict Amtoli and Barguna Sadar of Barguna District Dacope and Koira of Khulna Impact overview Patuakhali Shoronkhola , Morelgonj of Bagerhat Teknaf of Cox’s bazar Tides rose up to 4 feet higher than normal tide 2000-3000 hectares crops including rice paddy damaged About 100 households inundated in more than 4 feet of water. About 300 households under 1-2 feet of water 5.5 km of embankment damaged in 19 places 10 villages inundated Dakop and Koyra upazila are the most affected areas in the Khulna district Several cracks have emerged in the newly constructed embankment Over 9000 people living in waterlogged situation. Exact number of households damaged is yet to be assessed 17 villages inundated by saltwater which has affected about 21000 people. 18 points identified are most vulnerable of newly built embankment Vast areas of the seven upazila’s of the district got flooded but exact area of damage is unknown. Two launches got beached with passengers but no deaths reported. Movement of all launches of the area were suspended. All ferry terminals went under water disrupting communication. Fisheries worth over Tk 15 crore lost as enclosures washed away 4500 hector cropland under water 6000 shrimp and sweet water fish enclosure washed away 18 points of two embankments damaged and high risk of breaking in future disaster 25,000 HHs in 47 villages marooned People lost their household belongings including food and cloths Crops and fisheries damaged House damaged 3 Daulatkhan of Bhola Hundred and thousand people now living in temporary places on high land and embankments 5000 houses washed away in Bhabanipur, Saidpur union Many marooned house inside the embankment started to collapse Many homeless people have taken shelter in school and cyclone shelter Source : The Daily Prothom Alo, Daily Star, reports from Oxfam partner office, DC and UNO office of respective districts Conclusion The preliminary assessment of the situation after the tidal surge of 18 June in coastal areas of Bangladesh shows that the extent of damage is huge particularly in few Districts due to over flowing of the tidal water and on rush water from hilly areas. Though there is no casualty reported but many people displaced and now living in either marooned condition or shifted to temporary places. Many houses, crops land damaged , embankment broken in several places. In this situation affected people need support immediately. Please contact for query or further information Sanjana Islam , Programme Officer , Oxfam : Kaiser Rejve, Humanitarian Programme coordinator , Oxfam : 4