In order to help everyone make their posters for the event, we have provided
a PowerPoint template that specifies the main categories of the poster, as
well as a few notes on what should go into each one.
All groups should have a their posters completed by Monday, April 21st,
2008. To do so, begin by completing the PowerPoint template (instructions
Those groups who are also giving an oral presentation can use the
PowerPoint file for their talks. For all posters, we will simply print out all
PowerPoint slides and we will tape them together to form a simple poster.
Your PowerPoint file should be sent as an attachment to as attachments NO LATER THAN Monday April 21st.
Can you make a more complicated or elaborate presentation? Of course! We
ask that you start by making the PowerPoint version (a total of nine 8X11
pages) for the poster. If you want to make a more elaborate graphic, or any
other format - you may do so. The printing and preparation of any additional
material will be left to you. Also, feel free to e-mail us with any questions at We would be happy to help you in any way we can.
Try to use short, bulleted phrases rather than long paragraphs. If you want
to have one 50-100 word abstract for your poster, that is okay, but avoid
any other long text segments since those don't translate well to posters. If
you want to have any graphics printed on your page, you can upload those
as "attachments" to this page. Then you can paste them into the PowerPoint
slides when you get to that stage later on.
Also: feel free to consult with us about this.
1. Title:
Names of team members and community organizations:
Project Number:
2. Introduction/Overview
Here, you can put a few lines providing an overview of your project:
What is the basic description, project goals, etc.
3. Background and Rationale
Background can describe any background work, research, etc - and
description of WHY this project was important. You might focus on "the
need" (for this project) or "the challenges" or "the opportunities" -- or all
of the above!
4. Project Methodology
Here, describe how you went about achieving your basic goals and
5. Role and Participation of Community Partners
Here, describe how the community partners were involved in the project.
6. Main Findings/Deliverables So Far
Here, you should describe the outcomes of your efforts. What has
resulted so far?
7. Implications for the Social Economy
Here, describe the implications of your project for the social economy, or
for policies relating to the social economy.
8. How Students Benefited from this Research Project
Here, you can describe how this project influenced students: their
program of studies, career objectives, skills development, social
networks, etc. Why was this a beneficial process for them?
9. Conclusions and Next Steps
Here, please offer any conclusions you have, based on your efforts, as
well as the next steps for this project.
Here is a link [] to the PowerPoint
template file for your oral presentations, as well as for your posters. As
mentioned in the instructions, you can also use your own creative format
for posters. We just wanted to be sure to provide an easy format that we
would volunteer to print for you and provide at the event. If you choose
another format, please make sure to e-mail us about your plans.
Remember even if you cannot present you would still like you to send us
these documents so we can make a poster for you.
We look forward to seeing your efforts. We expect this poster preparation
will take approximately 1 or 2 hours.