Press Notes 06-06-14 - Whitehirst Park Primary School

Whitehirst Park Primary School
School News – 6th June 2014
Primary 1A have been looking after our caterpillars very well and we are now waiting for
our butterflies to emerge from the chrysalis. We are also very excited because we have 8
chicks in our school and are waiting for 2 eggs hatching. We have enjoyed watching the
chicks grow and seeing the feathers become soft and fluffy. We are looking forward to
holding them next week. Our Science topic all about life cycles has been great fun and very
Primary 1B have been busy this week planting Sunflower seeds for Eco Week. We are also
excited because we have 8 chicks in our school and we have loved watching them hatch and
seeing their feathers change colour and go all fluffy.
Primary 2A have been busy during Eco Week. They drew super pictures of our playground
with and without litter, scattered poppy seeds and learned about biodegradable objects.
They also looked amazing on Tuesday when they came to school dressed as animals.
Primary 2B have been learning about what happens to the litter we produce. We did a litter
pick around the school grounds and sorted the packing from our snacks. We then made
posters on the countryside code and drew pictures of what our school would look like with
and without litter.
Primary 3A have been enjoying Eco week. They have been helping the environment by
cycling, walking & scootering to school. They dressed up as an animal to raise awareness of
endangered animals. They have made posters and scattered poppy seeds. On Friday they
took part in an Eco-Showcase.
Primary 3B have been very busy during Eco Week. They discussed how to solve litter
problems, learned about windmills generating electricity and investigated animals in danger
of extinction. They wrote fabulous stories about aliens coming to Planet Blueball to save it
form pollution and displayed them at the Eco showcase.
Primary 3/4 have enjoyed lots of special challenges during Eco week. They have
investigated ways to save energy at home and in school.
Primary 4 have enjoyed finding out about energy saving. They made posters, leaflets and
stickers to promote energy saving at home and in school. They enjoyed dressing up as
animals on Tuesday. The pupils loved the newly – hatched chicks. They made cartouches
in hieroglyphics.
Primary 5A have enjoyed visiting the newly hatched chicks in P1. We have also been
learning how to retell a story, using our own words. In maths, the Circles and Squares have
been learning about percentages and the Triangles have been ordering and comparing
Primary 5B have been learning about water and how much of it we use as part of out Eco
Week. We have calculated how much our whole class would use in a week, a month and a
year and also found out ways to save water and use less. We have loved watching the
progress of the chicks and can’t wait to hold them. In PE we have loved playing team
games. Miss MacDonald took our class out to the field to scatter Poppy seeds.
Primary 6 have started rehearsals for our Primary 6 Cyber Bullying Showcase. We are
looking forward to sharing our learning and understanding. Lots of excellent class talks
about the Solar Systems and also fantastic displays.
Primary 6/7 have been learning about Global warming this week as part of Eco week. On
Tuesday we all dressed as animals and donated money which will be used to adopt an
animal. Primary 7s attended a transition event at Kilwinning Academy on Wednesday.
Primary 7 have been doing posters for the eco Showcase. 6 pupils from Science Club along
with Mrs Curlewis and Mrs Manning attended a Science competition in Edinburgh it was a
great day and gave us great ideas for next year. We also had a transition event at
Kilwinning Academy on Wednesday and found out our classes.