Our Lady of the Rosary CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL, THE ENTRANCE SHELLY BEACH ROAD, SHELLY BEACH NSW 2261 – P.O. BOX 210, THE ENTRANCE 2261 __________ _______________________________________________________________________________ “Celebrating Community” Ph: 4332 5594 Fax: 4334 5599 POLICY No:C1 1. Religious Education Policy 2. Purpose: The school will provide a variety of learning experiences within the Diocesan RE Modules and participate in the implementation of the K – 6 Curriculum. OLR aims to provide ongoing Catechesis and Religious Education through its Religious Culture and the Religious Dimension within each Key Learning Area. Our Lady of the Rosary is a Catholic School that celebrates the uniqueness of all in an atmosphere of respect, cooperation, caring and joy. We strive for high academic standards in Religious Education that will encourage students to: *Ensure that the students participate in high-quality and distinctly Catholic Religious Education programs that will encourage them to develop appropriate knowledge, skills, understandings and attitudes to become disciples of Jesus. * Provide guidelines that will assist in the development of a celebratory and hope-filled Catholic culture throughout the school. * Provide guidelines for Religious Education Programs that will permeate the school and parish community and assist the partnership of home and school in the child’s developing faith journey. * Ensure that Diocesan guidelines in Religious Education are met. 3. Policy Framework: 3.1: AIM: At Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School , in the teaching of Religious Education we aim to: Immerse the students in the stories and traditions of our Catholic faith; Assist students to make meaningful connections between their faith and their experiences of life, and between their faith and the surrounding culture; Assist students to learn the teachings of the Gospel, to understand how the Christian life is led and to explore the religious meaning in their own lives. Encourage students to make a faith commitment to be disciples of Jesus. 3.2: BELIEFS ABOUT TEACHING AND LEARNING We believe that all students can learn and therefore: We work together to proclaim and make real the Word of God. It is essential that the teacher knows the learner. All students construct their own meaning and understanding. Learning is a lifelong process. An active partnership is essential to active learning. All environmental factors impact on the students’ learning. All students are different and have different needs, abilities and learning styles. RELIGIOUS DIMENSION At Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School the Religious Education Curriculum and Catholic Life and Mission permeates every Key Learning Area of the curriculum. Catholic values are highlighted in all key learning areas and activities. The liturgical life of our school is highly valued as a way of providing experiences that are rich in symbol, mystery, ritual and celebration. 3.3: OUTCOMES: Through the implementation of the Religious Education policy students will grow in faith, knowledge, love, hope, joy, justice and respect. Students will demonstrate an awareness of the wider world while continuing on their journey of faith. Teachers will provide opportunities for the students to participate in the life of the school and the parish, through participation in religious education, masses, prayer, liturgies and other celebrations. A shared partnership with parents will be developed and parents will be supported and valued in their role as the primary educators of their children. 4. Policy Content: At Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School: Quality time will be dedicated to the teaching of Religious Education, with Kindergarten to Yr 2 classes having approximately two hours per week and Years 3 to 6 having approximately two and a half hours per week. When possible, Religious Education should be integrated with other Key Learning Areas, but maintaining the integrity of both KLA’s. Prayer life is valued and encouraged and should occur daily, at least before school, before meals and after school. Our school song will be well known and regularly used in assemblies and celebrations. Eucharistic celebrations and liturgies will be an important part of school life, and full participation by students, staff and parents will be encouraged. At least two Masses will be held each term – one Parish Mass at the Church and one Mass in the Chapel. Each classroom will have a sacred space that reflects the prayer and religious life of the students. This space could reflect the current Religious Education module, world or current happenings, feast days, special events or school focus areas. One area of the classroom will be devoted to a display of work associated with the Religious Education Module being taught at the time. Religious symbols will be evident throughout the classrooms and the school. Resources will be regularly updated in line with current needs, professional learning and RE modules. Professional learning opportunities will be available for staff, and will support staff needs, diocesan and school goals, spirituality, quality teaching and learning and Religious Education teaching. Opportunities for parent education, prayer, liturgy and spirituality will be available. An awareness of Social Justice issues and initiatives will be developed. Our Vision and Mission Statement and our Beliefs about Teaching and Learning will underpin this policy and our practices. All staff have a shared responsibility for religious leadership, and will model catholic discipleship and a commitment to Catholic Education. 5. Policy Responsibility: The implementation and review of this policy is the responsibility of the school’s Religious Education team in consultation with the whole school staff. 6. Links to other Policies and Support Documents: Our Lady of Rosary Catholic School Mission and Vision Statement Diocesan Religious Education Scope and Sequence Our Lady of Rosary Catholic School Scope and Sequence K – 6 Religious Education Module Overviews Liturgical Year Units Liturgical Preparation Sheets. Mass Preparation Sheet Overview of Prayers to be learnt.