Experimente mit dem Schülerversuchskasten:



 optical bench

 rod, 10 cm

 lamp

 several riders

 convex lens,

Material needed: f= 50mm

 convex lens, f= 100mm

 aperture with a hole


 2 polarizing filters

 screen

 power supply

1. Label the sketch of your experimental setup.

2. At first, the two polarizing filters should be equally oriented. Then turn the analyzer slowly around 360° and describe your observations.

3. At what angle of rotation does maximum/minimum brightness occur?

4. Explain the result including some theoretical facts about polarization (You can use the internet – e.g. http://www.colorado.edu/physics/2000/polarization/index.html).


Material needed:

 optical bench

 rod, 10 cm

 lamp

 several riders

 convex lens,

 f= 50mm convex lens, f= 100mm aperture with a hole


1. Label the sketch of your experimental setup.

2 polarizing filters screen power supply

2. At first, the two polarizing filters should be equally oriented. Then turn the analyzer slowly around 360° and describe your observations.

3. At what angle of rotation does maximum/minimum brightness occur?

4. Explain the result including some theoretical facts about polarization (You can use the internet – e.g. http://www.colorado.edu/physics/2000/polarization/index.html).
