2010 Graduation Awards - Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School

2016 Holy Trinity Graduation Awards
Altruists Club of Oakville Award is presented to a graduating student who is
pursuing post-secondary education and has made a significant contribution to
the Oakville community through volunteer service.
Aramark Spirit Awards are presented to graduating students who have
contributed to the spirit of Holy Trinity through involvement in school activities.
Chaplaincy Award is given to a graduating student who demonstrates one or
more of the Gospel values of inclusion, moral living, and social action.
The Christine Jones School Council Award honours the memory of Christine
Jones, a member of the Holy Trinity School Council, who had an unending desire
to serve her community and who inspired others to serve with a willing spirit.
The award is presented to a graduating student exhibiting extraordinary selfless
leadership, humility, a strong commitment to the Catholic faith and responds to
the needs of the community without hesitation.
Civitan Chuck Shallhorn Memorial Service Award is awarded to a graduating
student who is actively involved in the school & Oakville community. Award is
sponsored by Canadian General Electric Company.
Croatian Catholic Mission of Holy Trinity Faith in Action Award student who
is an active member of the parish and who tries to live an exemplary Christian
and Catholic life and shows care for others. The recipient is chosen by the
Don Grant Award is given to a graduating student who demonstrates
leadership, modesty, humility and enthusiastic school spirit.
Father Patrick Fogarty Award is given to a student who demonstrates academic
excellence and a commitment to Christian living.
The Diocese of Hamilton Award recognizes a student in the graduating class
who has attained high academic proficiency and exemplifies Catholic leadership
qualities, Christian values and a commitment to service in the community. The
recipient realizes his/her social responsibility to bring the gospel values to the
world in which they live.
Holy Trinity Pursuit of Excellence Award is awarded to a graduating student
who demonstrates academic improvement & personal growth.
Holy Trinity Faculty Award is awarded to a graduating student who contributes
significantly to school life.
Holy Trinity Faculty Award is given to a graduating student who through
perseverance has obtained success in academics.
James D. Hogan Memorial Award is presented to a student who has
exemplified the qualities of loyalty, perseverance, and integrity during his/her
school years.
Knight’s of Columbus Christian Leadership Award is given to a student who is
involved in parish and community life.
Knight’s of Columbus Valedictorian Award is given to the student who was
selected by his/her peers to represent the graduating class.
Lieutenant Governor’s Community Volunteer Award is given to a student who
has shown exemplary community contribution or outstanding achievement
through volunteer experience.
Mary Mother of God Parish C.W.L. Award is given to a student who is a
member of the parish and who through their Catholic values contributes to the
well being of their school and greater community. The recipient is chosen by
the parish.
Oakville Italian Club Award is awarded to a student who has pursued Italian
studies throughout secondary school and has demonstrated academic excellence.
Professor Gianrenzo P. Clivio Memorial Award honours the memory of
Gianrenzo P. Clivio, professor of Italian Linguistics at the University of Toronto.
The award is presented to a student who has pursued Italian studies throughout
secondary school and has demonstrated academic excellence.
Oakville Trafalgar Lion’s Club (Robert Quinn Memorial Scholarship) Award
is presented to a student who shows overall academic improvement in final year.
Pathways Apprenticeship Award is given to a graduating student who is
pursuing apprenticeship studies.
Principal’s Award is presented to a student for academic excellence and student
R.J. McCarthy Award is given to graduating students whose acts and deeds
reflect the mission of the school.
St. Michael’s Parish C.W.L. Award is given to a student who is a member of the
parish and who through his/her Catholic values has contributed to the well
being of his/her school and greater community. The recipient is chosen by the
St. Michael’s Parish Christian Faith in Action Award is given to a graduating
student who attempts to live an exemplary Christian and Catholic life, who is an
active member of the St. Michael’s parish, and who demonstrates his/her love of
neighbour by being a caring person. The recipient is chosen by the parish.
Student Council Award is presented to a student who has made a consistent
contribution to school life through leadership and dedication on student council.
Student Award of Excellence is presented by the Halton Catholic District School
Board to a student who has displayed strong Catholic leadership, involved in
school affairs and community activities.
The John Beraldo Award is awarded to a student who, in the opinion of the
Principal, combines excellence in athletics with integrity, a tireless work ethic,
and service to the school community.
Year book Award is given to a student who has made a significant contribution
to school life through leadership and dedication in the production of the school’s
The Thomas P. Jasinski Memorial Award honours the memory of Thomas P.
Jasinski, a grade 12 student at Holy Trinity, who had a love of learning, a passion
for business and technology, and an unending desire to help others. The award
is presented to a graduating student pursuing post-secondary education
in business studies, demonstrates academic excellence and exemplifies an
entrepreneurial vision in starting a business. The award is sponsored by the
Thomas P. Jasinski Scholarship Fund for Business Students. Students are to
apply for this award and the recipient is selected by the TPJ Scholarship Board
of Directors.
The Charles Babbage: Father of Computing Computer Studies Award is
awarded to a grade 12 student who has demonstrated past academic excellence
in the fields of computer science and/or engineering, and has declared their
intention to pursue a computer science and/or computer engineering postsecondary pathway.
The Holy Trinity Alumni Memorial Award – Established in 2011, by Holy
Trinity Student Services, commemorates the memory of passed staff and
students. Four awards are given to students bound for apprenticeship, college or
university, who are in financial need.
The Trinity Robotics Award is awarded to a graduating student who has
demonstrated leadership, integrity, initiative and commitment to the Holy
Trinity Robotics Team, The Tronic Titans Team 3161.
University of Toronto Book Award is presented to the student who attains
excellence in academics and demonstrates school and community involvement
as selected by the University of Toronto.
The Holy Trinity Award for Musical Study is presented to a graduating student
who will be pursuing musical studies at a post-secondary level, has
demonstrated consistent growth on their major instrument over a four year
period, and has lead through their example of disciplined and diligent practice.
The Colin McGillicuddy Award is awarded to a graduating student who quietly
leads, demonstrating organizational skill and continued perseverance, guided by
their faith to make Holy Trinity a more engaged Catholic Community.
Titans Technology Award is given to a graduating student who has
demonstrated initiative, Catholic leadership, dedication, commitment, and
personal growth through their involvement with our Technology Program, and
is also pursuing a post-secondary pathway in a technology area.
Holy Trinity Business Studies Award is given to a graduating student who has
demonstrated commitment, involvement, leadership and success in the Business
Studies program at Holy Trinity.