Installation and maintenance manual of CMACast satellite receiving

data broadcast platform
Installation and maintenance manual
of CMACast satellite receiving station
National Meteorological Information Center
China Huayun Technology Development Company
January 2011
Installation and maintenance manual of CMACast satellite receiving station
Directory ........................................................................................................................ 1
1 System operating environment ................................................................................... 3
1.1 Network environment of receive station .................................................. 3
1.2 Hardware configuration of receive station (reference) ............................ 3
1.3 Software environment of receive station ................................................. 4
2 Software installation ................................................................................................... 5
2.1 System quick installation ................................................................................. 5
2.1.1 One key ghost system ........................................................................... 5
2.1.2 One key back-up system ....................................................................... 8
2.2 Normal system installation ............................................................................ 10
2.2.1 Install the operating system ................................................................ 10
2.2.2 Install applications .............................................................................. 14
2.3 Receive station updating system .................................................................... 14
3 System configuration ................................................................................................ 19
3.1 Directory planning ......................................................................................... 19
3.2 Network card configuration ........................................................................... 19
3.2.1 Modify the IP address of network card ............................................... 20
3.2.2 Modify machine name ........................................................................ 20
3.2.3 Modify the size of buffer .................................................................... 20
3.3 Divide the disk ............................................................................................... 21
3.3.1 Disk partition ...................................................................................... 21
3.3.2 Disk Formatting .................................................................................. 21
3.3.3 Disk mount .......................................................................................... 21
3.4 Configuration of the important operating system’s user cmacast .................. 22
3.4.1 Permissions of users and directory ..................................................... 22
3.4.2 System environment variables ............................................................ 23
3.5 Configuration of application software of receive station ............................... 23
3.5.1 The configuration of receiving data of application software
mediarecv.ini ................................................................................................ 24
3.5.2 Count the configuration for Classification class.conf ......................... 27
3.6 The configuration of the satellite receiver ..................................................... 29
4 Start the application software.................................................................................... 30
5 System monitoring and management ........................................................................ 32
5.1 Receive station monitoring and management program ................................. 32
5.2 Disk management........................................................................................... 33
5.2.1 Disk monitoring .................................................................................. 33
5.2.2 Reasons for disk writing failure .......................................................... 34
5.2.3 Log disk maintenance ......................................................................... 34
5.2.4 Disk formatting ................................................................................... 35
5.3 Authorization relevant ................................................................................... 35
5.3.1 Software dog ....................................................................................... 35
5.3.2 Channel / directory authorization........................................................ 36
5.4 Receive station receiving data management .................................................. 38
Installation and maintenance manual of CMACast satellite receiving station
5.4.1 Query and get statistics of the status of receiving data files ............... 38 Checking logs........................................................................... 38 Application software interface ................................................. 39
5.4.2 Receiving and processing of the file data of receive station ............... 40 Processing of file data of station .............................................. 40
5.4.3 The reception and process of streaming media data ........................... 41 Receiving of streaming media data .......................................... 42 Streaming media data forwarding ............................................ 42 Displaying of streaming media data ........................................ 43
5.4.4 Receiving and processing of fast display data .................................... 44 CMACast push setting ............................................................. 44 Ser_U installation and Configuration ...................................... 46 fast display client processing software GeoReceive.exe ......... 48 Satellite cloud picture show .................................................. 49
5.4.5 Maintenance and management of notice information data ................. 49
6 Log ............................................................................................................................ 50
6.1 Log overview ................................................................................................. 50
6.2 Alarm log (alarm) .......................................................................................... 50
6.3 Data reception log (chan) ............................................................................... 51
6.4 Daemon log (daemon).................................................................................... 52
6.5 Receiver log (dvb).......................................................................................... 52
6.6 Log of channels opening and closing operation (operation) .......................... 53
7 Common troubleshooting.......................................................................................... 54
7.1 Abnormal in engine starting........................................................................... 54
7.2 Abnormal in starting interface ....................................................................... 54
7.3 Disk formatting failure and disk writing error ............................................... 54
7.4 Exception in authorization information ......................................................... 55
7.5 Network anomaly, cannot receive any data ................................................... 55
7.6 Serious loss of receive station data ................................................................ 55
8 Receive station application information table........................................................... 57
Module number ............................................................................................................ 57
Installation and maintenance manual of CMACast satellite receiving station
1 System operating environment
1.1 Network environment of receiving station
Figure1-1Diagram of network environment of receiving station
The station is composed with a satellite receiving antenna, a satellite receiver, two
receiving servers;
Data-pushing mainly relies on the data pushing software of receiving station.
1.2 Hardware configuration of receiving station (reference)
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Installation and maintenance manual of CMACast satellite receiving station
Main technology
2U structure, Xeon
E5410 ,2330MHz
The foolproof
server of Lenovo
Xeon E5410 processor ,
L2 12MB
Receiving server of
the receiving station
Satellite media
DVB-S/S2 receiver,
Receive rate :70Mbps,
can receive 32 PID data
Receives mid
frequency signal ;
one for each receive
RF cable
Low attenuation
Connect antenna to
satellite receiver
Satellite receiving
antenna of receive
Huada 1.8m .High
precision fiberglass
Receive satellite
signal; one for each
receive station
Converse high
frequency signal to
mid frequency
signal; one for each
receive station
Data decryption
(Harpertown) raid0
Output 950-1750 MHz
Norsat 8115F
Gain 60db
1.3 Software environment of receive station
Suse Linux
Server 11.1
QT4.5.2 for
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Should install software package as
follows::samba, nfs, ssh, visudo, vnc,
vsftpd , sudo , ethtool, tcpdump,
net-snmp, English package and other
tools and software
Installation and maintenance manual of CMACast satellite receiving station
Gcc 4.2
Library files included in the
lib directory of application package.
Playing the streaming media of receive
station needs third-party tools vlc
2 Software installation
2.1 System quick installation
2.1.1 One key ghost system
Description: one key ghost system is a good way to install linux OS, system
configuration and all application software in one operation, in purpose of making the
system deployment quick and easy. We can do it using the mirror disk distributed
form China Meteorological Administration.
The following in details describes the ghost steps in order:
Start the system using mirror disk
After started through disk, there will be command prompt on the screen, input “rear”
and press Enter.
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Fig.2-1 Diagram of mirror disk boot
 Recover the system by mirror
Wait for a while,there will appear login interface, input “root” and press Enter to
login, then run “rear recover” to recover the system.
Fig.2-2 Diagram of mirror recovery
Reboot system after recovery
Wait for about 4 or 5 minutes, there will be a prompt showing that the recovery has
been done, input “reboot” and press Enter to reboot the system, then take out the disk.
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Fig. 2-3 Diagram of reboot after recovery
Note: after rebooting, installation of operating system and application software is
complete, the rest is to configure IP address, machine name, time of the server.
 For receiving station, there is A machine and B machine, one is data receiving
server, the other is data storage server. The two machines should run ghost
operation before being used in order to support latest receiving station software,
the way of ghost is all the same as described.
 System configuration after booting
Enter cmacast account while booting, modify the IP address of the server. For
receiving station, there are two machines, and these two machines are in the same
network segment, so modification of machine name and IP address is required, about
modification method, see 3.2.1 and 3.2.2. Modification of time in every machine is
also required.
Configuration requirement as follows:
 A machine (data receiving server)---eth0(data receiving network card) IP address
is, subnet mask is, machine name is cmacast-recv.
 A machine (data receiving server)--- eth1(data pushing network card) IP address
for the local network address, allocated by user.
 B machine (data storage server) ---eth0 (store data of pushed data from A
machine) IP address is in the same network segment of that of eth1 (to pushftp)
of A machine.
Modify time and date of linux OS
For receiving stations, time and date must be modified after ghost, to synchronize it
with time of center station. Adjust the time and date of operating system, set the time
according to international time as restrictive as possible.
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Note: after above-mentioned configuration, you can connect the satellite receiver with
data receiving network card of receiving server, then you can receive data.
2.1.2 One key back-up system
Note: back-up system is for saving a latest mirror for user. If the system has been
updated, only after back-up, can the program roll back to latest version in case of
machine or software failure.
 Relax & Recover has been installed in the receiving station mirror disk, user
don’t need installing it under normal conditions.
 Installation and running of Rear should be under root account. (password:123456)
 All receiving stations need to back-up only after normal running after updating,
for the case of system crash.
 Produce of mirror file of one key ghost
After executing rear mkbackup under root account, the program will automatically
produce mirror file, after produce, there will be text prompt.
Fig. 2-4 Diagram of produce of mirror file
 Copy mirror file
After produce, there will be a ReaR.iso under tmp directory, user can execute cd /tmp
to enter the directory, copy ReaR.iso out and burn it into a disk to make a mirror disk
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recording information of the machine, this disk can be used recovering the native, and
also can be used installing the system to other machines of the same model.
Fig. 2-5 Diagram of directory saving mirror files
 Native recovery(with disks)
While producing mirror disk, ReaR software can automatically configure the required
configuration for user, and copy backup.tar.gz file under tmp directory to /dev/sda3
directory, for users to use recovering native hard disk.
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Fig. 2-6 Diagram of native recovery
2.2 Normal system installation
Note: normal system installation is only for learning and reference for people familiar
with computer, to understand the installation and configuration process in details, and
that’s good for system maintenance. Not recommend to computer non-skilled people.
2.2.1 Install the operating system
Refer to environment requirement of receiving station software, install operating
system. "1.3 Software environment of receive station".
Installing operating system, in spite of some steps needs to choose specific options, in
most cases just use default options to install.
Now, describe the options which need selection in order.
 Resolution
As shown in Fig. 2-8(Screenshot of operating system installation—choose resolution),
choose “Installation” on installation interface, press F3 to configure resolution, not
lower than 1024*768.
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Fig. 2-7 Screenshot of operating system installation—choose resolution
 Time
As shown in Fig. 2-8(Screenshot of operating system installation—choose time zone),
choose “Greenwich” time, and check “Hardware clock set to UTC”.
Fig. 2-8 Screenshot of operating system installation—choose time zone
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 Disk partition, Software and Language selection
As shown in Fig. 2-9(Diagram of disk partition, software and language selection),
complete disk partition, software and language selection.
Special note:
1. Disk partitioning, refer to “3.3 Divide the disk”.
2. Software needs to install gcc++, you can choose to install other package such as ssh,
vnc, tcpdump, vsftpd at this time, or install using yast2—softeware Install to find
corresponding packages after installation. For requirement of software packages, refer
to "1.3 Software environment of receiving station".
3. For language, first choice is English(US) package.
Fig.2-9 Diagram of disk partition, software and language selection
 Network configuration
As shown in Fig. 2-10(Screenshot of operating system—network configuration), in
network configuration, you need to close ipv6, open VNC remote, close firewall.
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Fig. 2-10 Screenshot of operating system—network configuration
 Cmacast system account
As shown in Fig. 2-11(Screenshot of operating system installation—create cmacast
system account), except for root, create system account: cmacast, and set it as default
login user.
Fig. 2-11Screenshot of operating system installation—create cmacast system account
For other settings in operating system installation, use default options.
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2.2.2 Install applications
Applications installation process as shown:
1. Use cmacast account to login Linux OS to the desktop, use right key of the mouse
to open a bash terminal.
2. Switch to root user, su - root, password:123456.
3. Enter /home/cmacast directory.
4. Copy application software packages mediarecv.tgz and rootinstall, cmacastinstall
script to /home/cmacast directory.
5. Run install script. /rootinstall under Root user terminal, configure system
6. Switch back to cmacast user, enter /home/cmacast directory.
7. Run script. /cmacastinstall
mediarecv.tgz under cmacast user to install
8. Insert usb softwaredog.
9. Run test program: /usbdog, the status as shown below.
Fig.2-12 Diagram of testing software dog
10. Record card number. As shown above, “88220008” is the card number.
11. Enter /home/cmacast/etc directory.
12. Configure mediarecv.ini file, such as local IP, cccc code and so on.
13. Click the shortcut “CMACast” on desktop, to start all receiving programs
(including receiving engine mediarecv, pushing program fileftp and receiving station
monitoring program CMACast).
2.3 Receiving station’ software updating
Note: please don’t casually update without special cases. If it needs to update, center
station will transmit updating notice information, update packs and update instruction,
receiving station can update only after receiving update notice and update instruction.
 Automatically update
 In the service process, there can be new requirements and new errors which
require to update the system. The process is as follows:
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 Center station broadcast update notice, there will be a notice information
informing user the time of update.
 Center station broadcast update packs, broadcast three times, in case of some
receiving station cannot receive the complete packs.
 Center station broadcast update instruction.
 After receiving update instruction, user can update the program. Because the
updating will exit automatically receiving process, it will not update while the
station is busy, user can choose not to update temporarily.
 If user choose not to update temporarily, it needs to bear the version of update
packs shown in update instruction in mind, to find the corresponding update
packs to update by hand in idle time.
 After updating, the program runs automatically, if update successfully it will run
the latest program, if update failed, the program will automatically roll back to
the version of last trouble-free running.
 User of receiving station should check the version number on the top of receive
station monitoring interface to confirm if the updating is successful or not.
Fig. 2-13 Diagram of update instruction
 After receiving instruction, whether update immediately or not, the received
program packs will be saved in the background, if not update immediately, you
can update by hand later. As shown above v0.04 edition will list as following
Fig. 2-14 Diagram of list of update packs
 Update by hand
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Note: In process of automatically update, if user do not update after receiving update
packs and update instruction, it can update by hand in idle time.
Updating process as follows:
 Click “help” on receiving station monitoring interface, choose “update”.
 Input password, it will pop up “Software update” selecting form, as shown in Fig.
2-15 below.
Fig.2-15 Diagram of selecting update type
 Choose “Update” to next step, there will be a page showing list of update packs,
as shown in Fig. 2-16.
Fig. 2-16 Diagram of list of update packs
 Choose a update pack to update, during the updating process the interface will
exit automatically, and reboot after dozens of seconds.
Note: check version information carefully when update by hand, there will be 5 latest
received update packs, ensure that the version of the pack is higher than that of
CMACast interface before updating, or maybe you will update to an older version.
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Rolls back
Installation and maintenance manual of CMACast satellite receiving station
Note: if receiving station updating failed, it cannot run, then updating program will
automatically roll back to previous edition. If updating successfully, but new
problems occurs running the process, and affects the service, it needs to roll back to
older edition, you can choose roll back.
Roll back process is as follows:
 Click “help” on receiving station monitoring interface, choose “update”.
 Input password, it will pop up “Software update” selecting form, as shown in Fig.
2-17 below.
Fig. 2-17 Diagram of selecting update type
 Choose “rollback” to next step, there will be a page showing the list of roll back
packs, as shown in Fig. 2-18.
Fig. 2-18 Diagram of list of roll back packs
 Roll back pack is named and distinguished by date and time, these packs are
back-up of current program before every time updating, it is generated
automatically by receiving station updating program, for rolling back in cast of
problems after updating.
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 After rolling back, there will be prompting message showing success or failure,
user should check version information.
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3 System configuration
3.1 Directory planning
The directory related to the application system is divided mainly into two parts:
application-related directory, storage directory of data file.
Applications related directory
Applications related directory include:
Used to store executable programs
Used to store application-related configuration files
Used to store the dynamic library file used in application
Used to store softwaredog driver and testing program
Storage directory of data file
The storage directory of data file is configurable, and the recommended configuration
is as follows:
 Three receiving data partitions, they are mounted to the corresponding directory,
as follows:
 A log file partition is mounted to a directory:
Among them, the receiving data partition is for storing data received and managed by
the application software; log file partition is used for storing log files.
The configuration of mounting directory in every partition refers to "3.3.1 Disk
partition" section, and the "receiving date partition and the corresponding names
mounted" item and "receiving log directory" item in the "3.5 Configuration of
application software of receiving station" section;
About log directory, please refer to "6.1 Log overview" section.
3.2 Network card configuration
Systems need to receive data of high-speed transmission through network card, so we
need to configure network cards specially.
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3.2.1 Modify the IP address of network card
First method: ifconfig
Enter the command under the Bash terminal: ifconfig. it can check the name of
network card and the IP address after installing and running.
If eth0 has not configured IP address, and then: ifconfig eth0 up can
If eth1 can’t start after installing the driver, then: ifconfig eth1 up is ok; and you can
close the card using ifconfig eth1. But this is a dynamic way, and you need to
reconfigure after rebooting the system, and it is proposed to use the second method.
The second method: yast2
Click 'computer - yast' at left lower quarter or enter the command under the Bash
terminal: yast2, and you can start the Suse Linux system application manager; and
then click on 'network device-network setting' to pop up a window of network
interface management. If you can’t find the card you want to configure, enter the IP
and start the card.
3.2.2 Modify machine name
Click “computer—yast” in the left lower corner, or input command yast2 in Bash
terminal to start Suse Linux system application manager, then click “network
device—network setting” to pop up a network interface management window, find
the option to modify machine address, and input the new machine name.
3.2.3 Modify the size of buffer
Increase the cache of network card to inhibit the network fluctuate and fluctuate of the
software processing capacity and improve the success rate of receiving data of the
network card, and it will give full play to the ability of receiving data of network card.
Command: ethtool eth0 can view the eth0 network card's speed, if it is 100m / s, the
cache should be increased. Installation process should run: ./rootinstall under the root
user to write-in the configuration permanently.
 The command of increasing cache:
echo 131071000 >/proc/sys/net/core/rmem_default
echo 100000 >/proc/sys/net/core/netdev_max_backlog
echo 131071000 >/proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max
 The command of viewing cache parameters:
cat /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_default
cat /proc/sys/net/core/netdev_max_backlog
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cat /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max
After increasing the cache, and reviewing ethtool, if the network card's rate reaches to
1000m / s, it means that it has been set up successfully and come into force real-time.
 Modify the cache parameters of network card permanently
vi /etc/sysctl.conf Add the following three sentences
3.3 Divide the disk
3.3.1 Disk partition
Disk partition should observe the following rules:
(1) The root partition / divide 20G and formatted to ext3, disk sda1, primary partition
(2) Swap partition /divide 2G/ disk sda2, primary partition
(3) Create a primary partition sda3, and the size of it is 10G, and it is formatted to
ext3 for Ghost and a key recovery for linux system
(4) The rest of the disk is divided into sda4: divide the rest disk to sda4 by fdisk after
starting the system,
(5) Then, divide the extended partition into four disk by fdisk, such as sda5, sda6,
sda7, sda8, among which, the size of sda8 should be more than 60G at least for
storing log files, and the remaining space is divided equally into sda5, sda6, sda7.
The four partitions are all the logical partitions.
3.3.2 Disk Formatting
The four partitions, sda5, sda6, sda7, sda8, are all formatted to reiserfs file system.
Enter the disk formatting commands under the terminal in the bash,:
mkfs.reiserfs -f /dev/sda5
mkfs.reiserfs -f /dev/sda6
mkfs.reiserfs -f /dev/sda7
mkfs.reiserfs -f /dev/sda8
3.3.3 Disk mount
Establish the four directories, sdb1, sdb2, sdb3 and sdb4 under / dvbs, and then use
the mount command.
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mount /dev/sda5 /dvbs2/sdb1
mount /dev/sda6 /dvbs2/sdb2
mount /dev/sda7 /dvbs2/sdb3
mount /dev/sda8 /dvbs2/sdb4
Use 'df-h' command under the bash terminal to view the mount path and the usage of
these disks.
Configuration of mounting the file automatically when disk starting up
Edit / etc / fstab file, configure to start the disk and mount automatically, the process
is as follows:
1. Run under the Bash terminal:
vi /etc/fstab;
2. Add the following content in the fstab file:
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
Save the file and exit vi.
3.4 Configuration of the important operating system’s user
3.4.1 Permissions of users and directory
In order to communicate and manage conveniently, the account used to manage
receiving program set up uniformly: cmacast.
Start the receiving program Mediarecv under cmacast user, and it must have the
permissions of reading the disk, writing the disk and managing the disk. Actual
installation process should run : . / Rootinstall script under the root user to configure.
1. Run the command under Bash terminal: visudo
Add the following two statements in the configuration file:
cmacast ALL=(ALL) ALL
Save and exit.
2. Run the command under Bash terminal:
chown -R cmacast
chgrp –R users
Change the user properties of dvbs2 directory to cmacast, and change the group to
users. In this way, the cmacast users can read and write and delete the disk mounted
under the / dvbs2/sdb * directory (sda5, sda6, sda7, sda8).
3. Run the command under Bash terminal:
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chmod -R 755 /home/cmacast
Endue the / home / cmacast directory permission to execute applications under the
cmacast user. In normal condition, / home / cmacast directory is the main directory of
cmacast user, and it has permissions of writing and reading and executing.
If the corresponding configuration is abnormal, it may cause that the software cannot
run or cannot output file and other anomalies.
3.4.2 System environment variables
By configuring the system environment of the cmacast users, it provides the necessary
support of System environment variables for executing system commands and
applications. The actual installation process is executed under the cmacast user, and it
will complete the configuration by the application installation script install under /
home / cmacast directory.
Use the following command to edit the environment variables file.
su - cmacast
/bin/vi /home/cmacast/.bashrc
Add the following content in ". Bashrc":
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/cmacast/lib
Save and exit
Make the configuration take effect
It needs to run the commands under the cmacast user to make it effective
source /home/cmacast/.bashrc
3.5 Configuration of application software of receiving station
There are two configuration files related to application software of receiving station:
 /home/cmacast/etc/mediarecv.ini
Used to configure the related
parameters of the receiving data of the application software;
 /home/cmacast/bin/pub255/class.conf
Used to configure the parameters of
classified statistics of Monitoring and management program of the receiving
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3.5.1 The configuration of receiving application software -mediarecv.ini
The parameter’s configuration file -mediarecv.ini of the receiving engine is placed
under the / home / cmacast / etc / directory, and you can open it to configurate by
vi,gedit and other tools.
Note: It is recommended not to use the editing program under windows to modify the
configuration, if you can only use the program under windows to edit the
configuration file, pay attention that it should be saved as linux / unix file format.
If you edit the configuration file under the windows, enter the follows under the linux
bash terminal:
dos2unix mediarecv.ini
The mediarecv.ini sample files are as follows:
#The maximum cache size of the main station data(packets (1400 Byts per packets))
time*60/8/1024 default is 8000*30(packets)
# Remaining space It will change over to the next data partition if the available
space of data partitioning exceed the setting percent.
# The receiving data partition’s name and the corresponding mounted name, and it ive
to the percent of the ion application software8, the system can be set up several
receiving data partitions. Please mount well before start it.
# Directory of receiving log partition
# The host IP and port
# Multicast address and port of receiving data of main station
# Multicast address and port of receiving other receive station or interface data
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# Multicast address and port of sending to other receive station or interface data
#The type of receive station authorization macadd is mac address authorization for the
network card, and usbdog is hardware softdog authorization, put the authorization
type specified behind the equal sign.
# The manufacturers of receiver is HTD (Huayun), 503 (503 station)
# This receive station as the role of main receive station, and the other station as the
role of secondary receive station
#The receiving channel range of receive station, the receiving range of multiple
receive station of China Meteorological Administration of one unit should not be
MinorSegment=[1 ... 255; 255]
# Log push directory
#partitions to be watched,separated by semicolon.
M-Partition-Name = /;/dvbs2/sdb1;/dvbs2/sdb2;/dvbs2/sdb3;/dvbs2/sdb4
#process to be watched,separated by semicolon.
M-Process-Name = /home/cmacast/bin/mediarecv; /home/cmacast/fileftp;
#Multi-media transfer set
Receiving distriction and the corresponding name mounted
The name of receiving data partition and the corresponding names mounted, you can
set several receiving data partition, and please mount well before you start it.
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Receiving log directory
Receiving station host IP address and port
Multicast address and port of main station data
The destination address of streaming media forward
The receiving subsystem of receiving station decode the streaming media received,
and then forward to other computers for playback. When forwarding, configurate the
destination address rely on this parameters; the destination address can be configured
to multicast IP address.
The multicast address and port of receiving interface data
The multicast address and port of sending to interface data
Push log directory
Push the log directory that contains the receiving, sending incremental log and
authorization table. The function of producing and pushing incremental log of
receiving station will be closed after commented.
 Monitor disk
Separated the disk need to be monitored by “/”.
M-Partition-Name = /; /dvbs2/sdb1; /dvbs2/sdb2; /dvbs2/sdb3; /dvbs2/sdb4;
 Daemon
Daemon needs to start; If more than one process needs to start, use “;” to separated
and list in a row.
M-Process-Name = /home/cmacast/bin/mediarecv;/home/cmacast/fileftp;
Remaining space
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Installation and maintenance manual of CMACast satellite receiving station
It will change to the next data partition if the free space of data partition exceeds the
set percentage
The range of receiving channel
Use "..." to show the channel section received and use ";" to separate paragraphs.
MinorSegment=[1 ... 255; 255]
The generation time of incremental log
Configurate the time of the generating incremental log, unit: second; if MIN5 = 300,
generate automatically a new incremental log file for each 300 seconds. This
parameter defaults to 5 minutes (300 seconds).
3.5.2 Count the configuration for Classification class.conf
The class.conf file is configurated by the main station and then update the receive
station through the radio system; the receive station update the local configuration
automatically after receiving the new class.conf.
As figure (Figure 3-1 the sample screenshot of receiving data status of receive station
classified statistics) shows that the receive station monitoring and management
procedures show the status of receiving data in accordance with class.conf statistics. If
the data has not classified into any category, count it to the OTHER category.
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Figure 3-1 The sample screenshot of receiving data status of receive station classified
The content of class.conf is as follows:
Emergency = 1-3;4
Alarm and warning = 5;6-7
Traditional data = 8;
Internal self-defining = 9;
Numerical forecast = 10;11;12-15;
Weather radar = 16-47;
Satellite information = 48-50;51-58;
Weather forecast = 59-64;
Other information = 65;
Province channel group = 66-95;
Outside the department = ;
Abroad = ;
Notification of business = 96;
Contents of the file format is:
“type name”= “channel list”
Each type is a line and line breaks (ASCII 0AH) is seen as termination.
Among which:
 "Type name" can be any string can be displayed;
 "Channel list" is composed by a group of numbers, and use ";" as a separate
paragraph; and "-" indicates the range of the channel number section.
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Such as:
"Numerical forecast = 10; 11; 12-15;" the meaning is as follows:
Type name: numerical forecast
Channel list: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
3.6 The configuration of the satellite receiver
System maintenance personnel do their work by to the "System Settings" menu item
of monitoring interface of the receive station. The interface is as follows (Figure 3-2
Screenshot of interface of receiver parameter settings).
Figure 3-2 Screenshot of interface of receiver parameter settings
Reference parameters are as follows:
 Input frequency(MHz):1310
 Symbol Rate(ksps):30000
 Band switch settings: Open
 LNB Power setting: On
 PID setting:100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107
Please refer to the the appropriate instructions provided by corresponding satellite
receiver manufacturers to know the specific meaning and configuration values of the
parameters of satellite receiver.
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4 Start the application software
Application software should start the four program totally, as the table shown below:
Number Program
The directory
/home/cmacast/bin cmacast
/home/cmacast/bin cmacast
/home/cmacast/bin cmacast
/home/cmacast/bin Cmacast
Page 30
Start the system account of Start a command Remark
Data receiving program; it can be started by
daemons automatically.
Receive station monitoring and management
FTP data push program; started by the
daemon automatically.
When configruating daemon parameters,
only need to configure the "/ home / cmacast
/ bin / fileftp".
Installation and maintenance manual of CMACast satellite receiving station
Note: If the daemon corresponding parameter (M-Process-Name) is configured in the
parameters of the application software, the application will be started by the daemon
automatically; otherwise, it needs to be started manually. Refer to "daemon" items in
"3.5 Configuring station applications" chapter.
Daemon process is used to monitor the operational status of each progress. If a
program is included in the daemon, the daemon will ensure that the program is
running; if the program exits for some reason, the daemon will restart the program
automatically, even if the program is dropped out by the system administrator
Therefore, if the system administrator wants to shut down applications, you need to
turn off daemon first.
When the system administrator starting the application software, the process is as
Use cmacast log system;
Run the daemon program: / home / cmacast / bin / recv_daemon;
If it is not configured the daemon corresponding parameters, or parameters
configurated has not contained all of the 2-4 items listed in above table, you should
run the missing program manually.
Note: In the above table, the third item CMACast program is receive station
monitoring and management program, instead of the program needed to start when
receiving data; recommend that you have no need to add to the daemon, and start it
manually. System administrator can decide application methods by himself in
according to the system status.
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5 System monitoring and management
5.1 Receive station monitoring and management program
The receive station monitoring and management program is “CMACast”, saved in
“/home/cmacast/bin” directory, “/home/cmacast/bin” is working directory of
CMACast in receive station, it cannot be changed.
Receive station monitoring and management program should be started by user
cmacast, the main interface after a normal start as shown below:
Figure 5-1 Screenshot of the main interface of receive station monitoring and management
Under unusual circumstances, the monitoring interface fail to start, you will have to
check several places as:
 The current user is cmacast, interface monitoring program is in "/ home / cmacast
/ bin" directory.
 Environment variable "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" should be: "/ home / cmacast /
 Lib library files in / home / cmacast / lib directory, check all the library files
required by monitoring interface.
 If you are prompted the error "... cannot connect to x server ...", then run the
xhost + local.
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 Check the "/ tmp" directory, find the temporary file "cmacast_mui", delete it.
 Check the correctness of configuration in daemon invoked in configuration file "/
home / cmacast / etc / mediarecv.ini".
 Program properties, execute permissions, directory as well as the attributes and
permissions of configuration file, etc.
Note: the starting of receive station monitoring program should not be invoked by
daemon, or it will not have the function of managing manual stop-start businesses of
other processes.
5.2 Disk management
5.2.1 Disk monitoring
Application software system provides the function of monitoring system resources,
including disk monitoring.
Figure 5-2 system resource information in main interface
Receive station disk is divided into: / root partition system disk sda1, swap disk sda2,
mirrored disk sda3, data receiving tray (sda5, sda6, sda7), and the log disk sda8.
Configuration file default monitors: system disk, data receiving tray, the log disk, a
total of five disks.
The disks monitored by applications can be configured, as shown below (Figure 5-3
disk monitoring screenshot), only four disks are configured to be monitored.
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Figure 5-3 disk monitoring screenshot
5.2.2 Reasons for disk writing failure
When the number of disk writing failure exceeds the number set in the program, the
program will alarm. There will be alarm information in the alarm scroll bar on the
monitoring interface. Administrator determines the cause of the malfunction
according to the alarm information.
Possible causes include:
 Disk corruption
 No read and write permissions
 The disk is full and no autoformat
5.2.3 Log disk maintenance
In log disk, log files are stored in different kinds of log directories.
Log maintenance script will automatically delete the log files which exceeds the set
number of days to save the log.
The logs of this system, because of the high frequncyof logging, the huge amount of
data, the long time and high requency of updating and daeleting operations, should
produce a larg amount of disk fragments, which slows down the disk read-write speed,
so that affect the properly operation of the software. So, it requires regular
maintenance on the log disk, which is to manually format. For maintenance methods,
see the following "5.2.4 Disk formatting" section.
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5.2.4 Disk formatting
The receiving engine will automatically format the data disk (sda5, sda6, sda7) in a
loop. In case of failure, the formatting process may fail, at this time it needs manually
formatting. Log disk maintenance also need to manually format at some point, the
steps are as follows:
as: umount /dvbs2/sdb4
Format as: mkfs.reiserfs -f /dev/sda8
Mount as: mount /dev/sda8 /dvbs2/sdb4
Note, check the disk number and mount directory before formatting. Command: df
Figure 5-4 Screenshot of checking the disk number and the corresponding directory
5.3 Authorization relevant
5.3.1 Software dog
Software dog is the unique sign of a receive station, one receive station
correspondences to one software dog. Receiving subsystem relies on the software dog
to identify authorization and get the key.
Started, the receiving program of server in receive station checks the existence and
effectiveness of the authority card (software dog), then receive files according to the
main-station-authorized channels and directories.
On the main interface of receive station software, you can scan the number and status
of the software dog.
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Figure5-5 Screenshot of the location of the software dog information on the main
When the software dog is abnormal, displays the corresponding information.
Dog abnormal
dog normal
Figure 5-6 The comparison between screenshots of a software dog in different status
5.3.2 Channel / directory authorization
Channel authorization, top level directory and second level directory as shown below,
only authorized channels and directories appear in the authorization list.
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Figure5-7 the list of authorized channels and directories
 If this card / software dog is invalid, expired or failed, it cannot receive any data,
and there will be alarm and tips on the CMACast interface. You’d better contact
the support center of national meteorological information department without
 If the receiving card works properly, but cannot receive any data or some data in
some channels and directories, you should check the authorization list to check if
the channels and directories have been authorized, if they are not authorized but
you must receive data from these channels and directories, contact the support
center of national meteorological information department without delay.
 If the receiving card and authorization information are both normal, but cannot
receive any data, you should check if there is data stream in the receiver (if the
data indicator light flashes, if there is the bit rate on the interface of the receiver),
check the network status, check and analysis exception alerts.
 If the receiver and data network are connected, but cannot receive data, you
should use packet capture program to capture packets under linux OS, input the
command: “tcpdump port 8668” in bash terminal. If it cannot capture UDP
packets, turn off the fire wall (yast2security and usersfirewall), if it can
capture UDP packets, but the engine cannot receive data, nor do the CMACast
interface show receiving data, you’d better contact the support center of national
meteorological information department without delay.
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5.4 Receive station receiving data management
5.4.1 Query and get statistics of the status of receiving data files
You can effectively check the working status of the system by checking the receiving
status. Two ways of checking status of data files: using application software,
analyzing logs. Checking logs
Check logs of everyday, there is “chan” directory in “/dvbs2/sdb4/log” path, the
directory contains completely received and not completely received logs of every
channel, and completely received and not completely received logs of the channels as
a whole.
Figure 5-8 the list of channel receiving logs
Use command “cat chan+channel number+date.log | wc -|” to count the number of
documents successfully received by the specified channel. In the command,
“chan+channel number+date.log” means the specified channel number and log file of
the log successfully received;
Use command “cat chan+channel number+date.err | wc -|” to count the number of
documents unsuccessfully received by the specified channel. In the command,
“chan+channel number+date.err” means the specified channel number and log file of
the log unsuccessfully received;
Using the same method, you can count the number of files successfully /
unsuccessfully received.
Refer to “6.3 Data reception log (chan)”.
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Installation and maintenance manual of CMACast satellite receiving station Application software interface
Fig 5-9 Sample screenshot of channel receiving status
As shown in Fig 5-9 Sample screenshot of NWP_CHs receiving status, the number of
completely received files is 210696, that of lost files is 2.
Figure 5-10 Sample screenshot of total reception
As shown in Figure 5-10 Sample screenshot of total reception, total 531090 files
received successfully, 4 files fail to receive.
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5.4.2 Receiving and processing of the file data of receive station Processing of file data of station
 Processing of the file data of station use the mode of A machine receiving data
and B machine storing data. The receive station receiving program runs on A
machine for handling the data spitted out from multimedia satellite receiver, and
push to the B machine through ftp after receiving completely. The data received
by A machine is stored below the / dvbs2/sdb1 ~ sdb3. Since the ftp push
program of receive station is take the mode of replication to push the file to B
machine, the original file is still saved on the A machine after pushing the file.
Delete these files by the way of loop form after the disk is full. The disk size of
prefecture-level A machine is as shown below:
Figure 5-11 Sample screenshot of A machine disk size of the station
 B machine is assigned a 200G hard disk to store the program pushed from A
machine, while the business system also call data from the B machine. Since the
disk capacity is limited, B machine must be maintained to ensure to store the
latest data normally. The disk size of prefecture-level B machine is as shown
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Figure 5-12 Sample screenshot of B machine disk size of the station
 B machine has a program delfile of data maintenance running in the background
all the day, constantly scanning the file on the B machine, and delete the files
which has exceeded a certain time to ensure that the big disk of B machine has
enough space to store the file pushed from the A machine. The storage directory
of delfile executing program and configuration file is as shown below
Figure 5-13 Sample screenshot of the running and configuration directory of B machine
maintenance program delfile of the station
 The storage time of the data file can be set by the user according to their own data
and data using cycle, for instance, you want store the data a day for business
transferring, and the amount of data you receive in one day is not more than 200G
(assuming the size of the large hard disk of storing data is 200G, and you can
view the actual size of disk space), then you can set the maintenance period of
file to 24h, which means the files stored for more than a day will be deleted
automatically. The delfile.ini configuration is as shown below:
Figure 5-14 Sample screenshot of delfile configuration of B machine
Description: Filepath is the files directory for storing data by B machine.
Cycletimes is the holding time of the file, and the user needs to configure
it according the amount of data and disk size.
Sleepmin is the time interval of scanning the file directory by delfile
5.4.3 The reception and process of streaming media data
The main station has encrypted streaming media data and media files data, therefore,
in receive station, the data should be decrypted to display.
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Installation and maintenance manual of CMACast satellite receiving station Receiving of streaming media data
Fig 5-15 the location displayed of the received streaming media data information
Figure 5-16 displaying received streaming media data information
Displays the channel number, the source multicast address and receiving rate. If the
information displayed more than one line, just move your mouse to the scroll bar to
display all the detailed information of channels receiving streaming media, user can
choose to watch.
Notice: if there is any warning messages in the alarm scroll bar, then give priority to
displaying warning messages, instead of displaying streaming media information. Streaming media data forwarding
Principles of forwarding streaming media:
1. Can forward to another network card in the receiving server, the receiving server
must have 2 network cards or more.
2. The network card which forwarded to must connect to the network.
3. Not allowed to forward to data receiving card or port of receiving server to avoid
data loop.
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Choose the corresponding IP address of the network card you want to forward to, the
default setting is the settings of the last time.
Fig 5-17 setting streaming media data forwarding address
If not to forward, just uncheck the”media stream retransmission” option, then click
“ok” to exit. Displaying of streaming media data
Displaying streaming media, you need a media player software such as VLC, and
do corresponding setting.
Take VLC software as an example; describe the related configuration parameters, as
Figure 5-18 configuration of VLC to receive streaming media software
Set VLC software as "capture the network stream";
Real-time streaming media data: UDP
Multimedia file data: UDP
If VLC software cannot play the streaming media data sent from main station, you
should follow the following steps to find the reasons.
Check the connectivity of the network, using the ping command; check every existing
address in the network connecting to the streaming media forward network card.
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Catch packages on receive station receiving server to check if the system forwards
successfully. Command: tcpdump port 7000 or tcpdump port 7001
If it can get data through catching packages, means that the server forwards
successfully, if VLC cannot display, check whether the settings are right or not.
Pay attention to close all firewalls, to prevent filtering out UDP packets of streaming
media which leads to unplayable.
5.4.4 Receiving and processing of fast display data
Description: The data receiving server can’t display Fengyun satellite images
until push the fast display data received to fast display client software and deal
with it.
The detail steps of fast display data receiving and processing are as follows:
1. Configure a network card used to push fast display data in the data receiving
2. Set push parameters in ‘system setting –push processing’ of the system
interface of receive station receiving and monitoring program CMACast;
3. Find a windows machine and configure network address in local area network,
which should be the same network segment to the IP address of fast display
data pushing network card setted in data receiving server;
4. Install Serv_u software in the windows machine and configure the ftp server
for receiving fast display data transferred from the data receiving server;
5. Install the fast display data processing client software GeoReceive.exe on the
windows machine;
6. Install two client software GeoReceive.exe and rename the two software to
GeoReceive-FY2D.exe and GeoReceive-FY2E.exe; CMACast push setting
Receive station push setting interface is in 'system settings - file push setting' of
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Figure5-19 Sample screenshot of system setting
The file push settings contains fast display file push and data file push, and the
parameters setting depends on the client's plan in terms of specific applications
network, and the address must be set as the address of ftp server, but the user name
must be FY2D and FY2E, and password should be consonance with the password of
the ftp server, the default password take 123456. As shown below:
Figure 5-20 Sample screenshot of fast display push setting
Page 45
Installation and maintenance manual of CMACast satellite receiving station Ser_U installation and Configuration
Install Serv-U FTP server software on the offered Windows machine, and make the
corresponding setting, (Serv-U installation package is in the data CD-ROM)
 Carry out the installer of Serv-U, and finishing installation, copy the
ServUDaemon.ini configuration files sent with the package to the Serv-U
installation directory (the default installation directory is c: / Program files / / ServU) ;
 After installation, the start icon Serv-U will appear on the desktop, click and start
 Expand LocalServer, click on the Enter Key button in the license, and enter the
the license key provided in text file of installation package, and determine to
complete the software registration;
Figure 5-21 Sample screenshot of Serv_U registration setting
 Click LocalServer, and click ‘stop ftpserver’ in the right window, then click on
"start ftpserver", and restart the FTP service to take effect the configuration in the
configuration file;
 Expand LocalServer, then expand Domains, the following will be the domain
name of the host. Click on the domain, the configuration window will appear in
the right area. Change the following configuration according to the host's IP
address and the station's cccc code, and click the Apply to apply the changes
made before, as shown below:
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(Note: Here, the IP address is the Windows machine's IP address, and it is the IP of
local business network segment)
Figure 5-22 Sample screenshot of Serv_U server address setting
 Expand the domain name, and then expand Users, and view the ftp user settings:
Figure5-23 Sample screenshot of ZServ_U complete setting
In the default configuration, pre-set two users, respectively is fy2d and fy2e user
(password is 123456), and push data to fast display software FY2D and FY2E
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respectively (if the computer is only installed one software, you can remove a user),
pay attention that the user's home directory need to be set as the disk's root directory
in where the fast display software is installed(click the directory button at the right
area to select the directory);
 Click the "Dir Access" icon and view the user's read and write permissions, and
make sure that users have the permission of "read, write" to the file, and the
permission of "view, create" to directory;
Figure 5-24 Sample screenshot of read and write permissions setting of Serv_U main directory
After modification, click the Apply button to apply the configuration;
The ftp server configuration is completed at this time, and you can close the window
and the ftp Server will run automatically in the background; fast display client processing software GeoReceive.exe
 Install fast display front-end processing program FY-2D and FY-2E on the
provided windows machine,(the package of fast display front-end processing
program is in the data disk sent out)
Attention: Carry out the SETUP.exe file of the “DVBS refined system front-end”
directory and install it;
 The program should be installed under the disk’s root directory, and the default
name of installation directory is CeoReceive, and suggesting that change the
names to FY2D and FY2E individually (attention capitalization here), and the
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installation directory’s name are related with the configuration file of receive file
push of station. If it is not set as FY2D and FY2E here, it is needed to change the
configuration file of file push of receive station;
 Finishing installation, cover the CeoRecevie.exe file under the directory of the
package to program installation directory, and replace the available file;
 The FY-2D and FY-2E fast display front-end processing program can run on the
same machine, but the name of the CeoReceive.exe file should be changed,(For
instance, change Ceoreceive.exe of FY2D to GeoReceive - FY2D.exe, and
change GeoReceive.exe of FY2E to GeoReceive-FY2E.exe), otherwise, they
can not run at the same time; the quit password of the fast display program is
shinetek; Satellite cloud picture show
 Right-click and set up shortcut for GeoReceive-FY2D.exe and GeoReceive-FY2E
to the desktop and name them to FY2D and FY2E.
 Click FY2D and FY2E on the desktop, run background when it is acquiescent,
and click to pop up and then you can view the satellite cloud picture.
5.4.5 Maintenance and management of notice information data
Notice information are stored in the form of files in receiving server of receive station,
main station sends notice information and other related management information
through public information channel 255.
Storage directory: /home/cmacast/resourcefile/notice/;
Name of storage files:
save last received information
Figure notice message independently pops up a window to show to the user, showing
only once; the file is also stored in the /home/cmacast/resourcefile/notice/ directory.
Notice messages that beyond the date of announcement are not displayed on the
User can scan last and next notice information on the interface of receive station, to
view a total of 500 historical news.
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6 Log
6.1 Log overview
Logs are divided into eight types:
 Alarm log (alarm)
 Data reception log (chan)
 Daemon log (daemon)
 Receiver log (dvb)
 Channels open and close operations log (operation)
 Pushing log (PushDir)
 Receive station receiving incremental log (reclog)
 Main station broadcasting incremental log (sendlog)
Among which, PushDir,reclog,sendlog are in provincial receive stations only, used
by new generation national communication system when data transfer completeding.
Receive station log files are unitedly stroed in “/ dvbs2/sdb4/log” directory; take the
name of the log file as the directory name. For example: data reception log (chan) is
stored in "/ dvbs2/sdb4/log/chan" directory.
According to the system's default configuration, "/ dvbs2/sdb4 /" directory stores logs,
log and all receive engine directory under log are automatically generated when the
system first run. If in cycle of usage record of log files, it needs to restart to generate
them automatically.
Note: do not delete log files which is being used.
Unit of log files is day, recording the corresponding event between 00:00:00 and
24:00:00. Log file name contains date information, the format is: YYYYMMDD.
6.2 Alarm log (alarm)
Alarm log is for recording alarm information occurred in the system.
Figure 6-1 Sample screenshot of alarm log files
Alarm log file name: alarm.log,
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The content is in text format, using three space-separated data segments, three
segments are:
 Date
YYYY-MM-DD format
 Time
HH: MM: SS format
 Alarm content
6.3 Data reception log (chan)
 Naming rule
Single channel: chan+channel number+recv+date.err/log
All channels (The total data reception log): recv+date+.err/log
Among them, err files record the data files which are not successfully received, log
files record the data files which are successfully received.
Figure 6-2 the list of data receiving log files
This directory contains: logs completely or incompletely received every day by every
channel, Total logs completely or incompletely received every day. For example:
 Content of channel data receiving log files
Figure 6-1 Example screenshot of channel successfully receiving log files
Figure 6-4 Example screenshot of the log file contents of channel data (failure)
The format of contents of the log of data (success / failure) receiving is as follows:
 Receive Time HH: MM: SS format
 File size unit: Byte
 Channel Name
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 File name
Paragraphs separated by a space.
 The contents of the log file of total data reception
Figure 6-5 Example screenshot of the content of total data (success) receiving log file
Figure 6-6 Example screenshot of the content of total data (failure) receiving log file
As to “total data receiving log” file, no matter successfully receiving or not, is the
same as channel data receiving log files.
6.4 Daemon log (daemon)
Daemon log records the records of daemon calling each application.
Figure 6-7 Sample screenshot of contents of the daemon log (daemon)
The contents of daemon log: alarm content, date, time, the process of being alert.
6.5 Receiver log (dvb)
Receiver log (dvb) is used to record the working status of satellite receiver.
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Figure 6-8 Sample screenshot of contents of receiver log (dvb) files
In receiver logs, each line is a record, which contains six fields, as:
 Time
format: HH: MM: SS
 Lock status
Y means locked N means unlock
 Signal strength
 Eb/No
 Bit error rate
 Receive rate
6.6 Log of channels opening and closing operation
Operation is used to record the opening/closing operations the users of receive station
have done to channels.
Figure6-9 Sample Screenshot of file contents of log of channels opening and closing operation
Name of the log: operation.log
Content of the log: date, time, content operated number of channel operated, number
of top level directory, and number of second level directory.
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7 Common troubleshooting
7.1 Abnormal in engine starting
Process is as follows:
 Under terminal environment use top command to check if the engine has been
started, ps -ef |grep recv_daemon to check daemon.
 Check
/home/cmacast/etc/mediarecv.ini. Refer to “5.5 Configuration of application
software of receive station” and “6 Start the application software” sections.
 Check if the environment variable is /home/cmacast/lib and the lib library is
complete and correct.
 Check if the current user is cmacast, parameters of program and environment
directory, execute permission.
 Check Disk properties, whether the engine can create directories, write logs and
data or not.
7.2 Abnormal in starting interface
Process is as follows:
 Check if the current user is cmacast, and monitoring interface program CMACast
is under CMACast home/cmacast/bin directory.
 Check if export $LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable is
 Check if lib library files are under /home/cmacast/lib directory, check lib library
files required by every monitoring interface.
 If prompted “…cannot connect to x server…” or “connect x server failed” failure,
run xhost +local, or exit current terminal and user, use cmacast user and newly
opened terminal.
 Check /tmp directory, find the temporary file cmacast_mui, delete it.
 Check the program’s property, execute permission, and the property and
permission of the directory and configuration files.
7.3 Disk formatting failure and disk writing error
Process is as follows:
 Use df -h to check if the disk is totally mounted under /dvbs2 directory.
 Enter /dvbs2 directory, use ll command to check disk property and permission.
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Installation and maintenance manual of CMACast satellite receiving station
 Check if the disk is occupied, if there is failure formatting it. Exit the terminal of
the directory of enter the disk, exit other program using data disk. Under normal
condition, mediarecv program will force formatting the disk.
 Check disk usage, whether full without automatically format or not.
 Check if there are bad tracks or damages on the disk.
7.4 Exception in authorization information
 Check whether the software dog exists, use read-dog-testing-program to test the
card number, if cannot read, reinstall dog driver.
 Check whether doginfo.ini file exists in /home/cmacast/bin directory, if change
software dog you need to delete the reset engine of the file to read the card
number. If the file do not exist, automatically regenerate is after resetting engine.
 Check whether myLicensedFile.ini and (authorization information) and
mySKFile.ini (decryption library) file exist. If not, you need to request CMA
information center to re-send channel parameter information, directory parameter
information and authorization information to the receive station.
 Check if the pid used to receive authorization information has been set, and if it is
 Check the validity of multicast address and port of receiving and authorizing
information of configuration files.
 RecvData_Destipaddr_Destport=
7.5 Network anomaly, cannot receive any data
Process is as follows:
 Use ifconfig command to check if all the network cards are properly configured.
 Check if the received IP is in the same network segment of the IP of receiving
 Check the name of data receiving network card and configured IP address match,
if insert in a wrong network interface, pay attention when there are more than one
network interfaces.
7.6 Serious loss of receive station data
Process is as follows:
 Check whether the disk is full without automatically formatting.
 Check property and authorization of the disk, at the same time check if the disk is
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Installation and maintenance manual of CMACast satellite receiving station
 Check if the network environment is using cable and device of poor quality,
require to use super five type kilometga network line and Gigabit switch
 Check if the settings of network catch work, if the speed of network is 1000M/s.
 Check if the signal and Eb/No of receiver are weak, if the bit error rate is high,
and ensure that the antenna has a good signal reception.
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Installation and maintenance manual of CMACast satellite receiving station
8 Receive station application information
 Description of information number
Module number
Allocate a number to each module:
Main station broadcast: 50
Daemon: 51
Receive station interface: 52
Error level
Alarm: 1
Error: 2
Normal: 3
Error code
Error code of each error level begins from 01, grow upward.
Alarm code
Made up of module number, error level and error code.
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Installation and maintenance manual of CMACast satellite receiving station
 List of information in receive station application software
Error Error
Number of files not completely
received by channel
System summary number of
files not completely received
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Processing method
Provincial station should make transfer completed, if
loss serious refer to 9.6 section
Provincial station should make transfer completed, if
loss serious refer to 9.6 section
Check authorization information (refer to 9.4 section),
Do not receive data broadcast
software dog status, receiver status, network status and
from main station
so on
Check all configuration, network and device related to
Receive station receiving
receiving program, then feedback to national
program stop
meteorological information technology support center
Failed obtaining system CPU
Check status of operating system and receive station
monitoring interface, restart the interface
Failed obtaining system
Check status of operating system and receive station
memory information
monitoring interface, restart the interface
Check the system environment variable and check if
Failed obtaining system current
current user is cmacast, if current path is
The directory property is cmacast, with read and write
Failed opening file
Check parent directory, disk properties, permission, disk
Failed creating directory
free space
Installation and maintenance manual of CMACast satellite receiving station
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Failed obtaining disk geometry
Failed reading configuration
file information
Failed binding udp socket
Failed opening file directory
Failed modifying file name
Failed writing data into file
Failed obtaining file
Failed executing system
Quantity of files completely
received by channel
System summary quantity of
files completely received
Size of file received by channel
System summary size of file
System CPU occupancy
Check configuration files and configuration of daemon
monitoring disk, disk successfully mounted
The format of configuration files is typical unix format,
path is executing user ~/etc
Check if the IP of data receiving network card and
configuration file fit
Check if the directory property is cmacast, with read
and write permissions
Check if the file property is cmacast, with read and
write permissions
Check program executing permission
Check if the file property is cmacast, with read and
write permissions
Check if the file property is cmacast, with read and
write permissions
Normally display information
Normally display information
Normally display information
Normally display information
Normally display information
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System memory usage
System disk space occupancy
reaches alarm value
Process of which the state is
not guarded
Disk which is not displayed
monitored in system resource
Exception in guardian process
Process status normal
Disk status monitored
Stop receiving files
Receiver exception, unlocked,
no device
Failed writing data into disk
Normally display information
Normally display information
Check the configuration file monitoring process, the
starting of daemon and guardian process, and feedback
to the national meteorological information technology
support center
Check disk monitoring items of configuration files, and
check if the disk mounted successfully, if daemon starts
Check the starting of daemon and configuration,
network, device related to guardian process, then
feedback to national meteorological information
technology support center
Normally display information
Normally display information
Check status of receiving process, receiver and data
receiving network
Check program configuration files, receiver device,
network, signals received by antenna, and check if the
interface is running
Check disk properties, permission, disabled tracks,
remaining space, mount and automatically formatting
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Software exception
FTP pushing network status
Receiving data
Receiving streaming media
Check the hardware of software dog, receiving engine
starting, if the interface is normal, reinstall software dog
Check ftp server, pushing server, pushing program and
pushing network status, then feedback to national
meteorological information technology support center
Normally display information
Normally display information