BUTE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Instituted 1806 2014 SUMMER SHOW of Dairy, Highland and Beef Cattle, Clydesdales, Light Horses, Sheep, Poultry, Dogs, Domestic Produce, Crafts Etc. THE SHOWFIELD, HIGH STREET, ROTHESAY On WEDNESDAY 13th AUGUST 2014 ADMISSION TO SHOWGROUND…………………………………… JUVENILES……………………………………………………………. Entries Close Wednesday 6th August Price £3 £5 £1 CONTENTS CATTLE Page Ayrshires Jersey Holstein Friesian Inter Section Competition Highland Prime Stock Juvenile HORSES Clydesdales Donkeys Light Horse SHEEP Blackface Blue-faced Leicester Suffolk Continental Breeding Sheep Any Other Native Pure Breed Prime Sheep Young Handler 9 13 13 17 17 17 21 23 23 23 31 31 33 33 33 33 35 35 2 POULTRY Page Large Fowl Bantam Waterfowl Pigeons DOGS DOMESTIC General SWRI Eggs Floral & Knitting BJAC Children’s Section Pets Corner 35 39 39 39 39 Animal Health Show Rules 48 49 Sponsors 2013 Trophy Winners 50 54 41 43 43 43 45 45 47 OFFICE-BEARERS 2014 Hon President: J. M. McMILLAN, Greenan Mill Hon. Vice-Presidents: W. McMILLAN, Cranslagvourity J. MCALISTER, Bogany President: A. MCFARLANE, Meikle Kilchattan Vice-President: R MCALISTER, Langalbuinoch Treasurer: MATTHEW WILLIAMSON, 17 Argyle Terrace, Rothesay, Bute PA20 0BD Tel: 01700 505116 Secretary; BETTY TAYLOR, 20 Academy Road, Rothesay, Bute, PA20 0BG Tel: 01700 505477 e-mail: bassecretary@gmail.com Committee: I Crawford, Stuck R Currie, Westlands J Lyon, Little Kilchattan G McMillan, Rothesay G Reynolds, Rothesay R. Taylor, Rothesay Y Crawford, Stuck I Dickson, Scalpsie C McAlister, Mid Ascog D Martin, Rothesay J Sprowl, Eastlands Past President: W ROBERTSON, Birgidale Knock JUDGES AYRSHIRES – MR D LAW, Strathaven HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN – MR M ARMOUR, Beattock PRIME STOCK- MR N SLOAN, New Cumnock HIGHLAND – MR A MACKAY, Inveraray CLYDESDALES – MR M CARRICK, Stirling LIGHT HORSES IN HAND – MR R NOBLE, Stewarton LIGHT HORSES UNDER SADDLE – MRS M BARBOUR, Annan BLACK FACE SHEEP- MR I MALCOLM, Dunblane BORDER BLUEFACED LEICESTERS & MULES –MR J HUNTER, Huntly SUFFOLK, CONTINENTAL AND PRIME SHEEP- MR K JOHNSTONE, Crawfordjohn UMPIRE IN ALL LIVESTOCK SECTIONS AND JUDGE IN JUVENILE CLASSES MR S BRAID, Beattock DOGS – MR J LAVERY, Inverkip POULTRY – MR J FINLAYSON Jnr, Dumfries DOMESTICS – MRS S BRAID, Beattock HANDICRAFTS – MRS G TAYLER, Rothesay CHILDREN’S SECTION – MRS L REID, Rothesay VINTAGE TRACTOR JUDGE – MR J MCNAE, Tarbolton 2 PRIZE SCHEDULE ALL JUDGING WILL COMMENCE AT 11.00 a.m. UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED AYRSHIRES Entry Fee £2 Each Entry Prize Money First £5 Second £3 Third £2 Class 1- Quey Stirk under one year old. Special Prize by Genus ABS. 2-Quey Stirk, born on or after 1st January, 2013 3-Two-Year-Old Quey, to calve after 1st October, 2014 Special Prize by Genus ABS. Best Animal in Classes 1, 2, 3 The James Morton Perpetual Trophy, presented by the late James Morton Special prize by Craig Wilson Ltd £10 4-Best Three Females, two years old and under Special Prize by J. McAlister & Sons £10 5-Back Calving Cow, to calve after 1st October, 2014 Special Prize by Harbro 6-Heifer in Calf 7-Heifer in Milk 8-Four-Year-Old Cow in Milk 9-Aged Cow in milk 10-Cow, any age, to calve before 1st October 2014 11-Pair Cows, Calved or Un-calved Special Prize by Genus ABS 12-Best Three Cows or Heifers in Milk The Ian McAlister Memorial Trophy Special Prize by Mr C. McAlister, Mid Ascog, £10 and Rosette by Ayrshire Cattle Society’s main sponsor Cattle Services (Ayr) Ltd. 13-Six Best Ayrshires in Calf or in Milk, bred by Exhibitor The Pilot Officer Robert Alexander McAlister Perpetual Memorial Trophy presented by R. & J. McAlister, Mid Ascog; and Special Prize £10 14-Best Animal to be shown by B.J.A.C. Member. Excluding First, Second and Third Prize-Winners in previous classes . Best Heifer bred in Bute The Hutchinson Grant Memorial Challenge Trophy Presented by Matthew S. Grant, Esq. Special Prize £10 by John MacKirdy, Haulier Best Ayrshire, bred by Exhibitor The James Fisher & Son Trophy and Special Prize by John McMillan, Greenan Mill, £10 Best Ayrshire, bred in Bute The Fifth Marquess of Bute Trophy Presented by the Bute Charitable Trust and Special Prize by John MacKirdy, Haulier of £10 Best Ayrshire Sons of Bute Trophy and The Royal Burgh of Rothesay Provost's Quaich Special Prize £10 by John MacKirdy, Haulier Reserve Special Prize by The Co-operative 3 JERSEY Entry Fee £2 Each Entry Prize Money: First £5; Second £3; Third £2 (Ayrshire Judge) 20- Best Jersey or First Cross Cow, any age S.C.W.S. Rosebowl and Special Prize by John McMillan, Greenan Mill HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN Entry Fee £2 Each Entry Prize Money: First £5; Second £3; Third £2 Class 21-Heifer Stirk under one year old Special Prize by Genus ABS 22-Heifer Stirk, free of Bull Special Prize by Harbro 23-Two-Year-Old Heifer, to Calve after 1st October, 2014 Special Prize by Genus ABS 24-Two-Year-Old Heifer, to Calve before 1st October, 2014 Class 24 Sponsored by Soil Fertility Dunns Best Animal in Classes 21-24 The Alister Lyon Memorial Trophy and special prize by Mount Stuart Trust 25-Back Calving Cow to Calve after 1st October, 2014 Sponsored by Soil Fertility Dunns 26-Cow in Calf, to Calve before 1st October, 2014 27-Cow in Milk, four years old or under Prizes by D Nairn, Kerrycroy 28-Cow in Milk, five years old and over Special prize by Harbro 29-Heifer in Milk 30-Best Heifer bred in Bute The Robert Duncan Memorial Trophy presented by Mrs M. Lamont Sponsored by R. MacIntyre, Dunallan and special prize by Genus ABS 31-Best Animal to be shown by B.J.A.C. Member - excluding First, Second and Third Prize-Winners in previous classes 32-Best Pair Friesians pecial Prize by D.M. Whitelaw, Langalchorad, £10 33-Best Three Friesians Special Prize by A. Robertson, Ballycurrie, £10 Best Holstein bred in Bute – Special Prize £5 by Mrs E Taylor, Rothesay Best Holstein Friesian Bred by Exhibitor The Royal and Victoria Hotel Trophy Special Prize by The Co-operative Best Animal in Classes 21-30 The William Watson Memorial Challenge Trophy Special Prize £10 by John MacKirdy, Haulier Reserve Special Prize by Genus ABS 34-Animal with highest Quantity Butter Fat and Protein over last 305 day Lactation Period (must be completed during preceding year). Certificate from Milk Recorder to be submitted. Inspection points will be awarded out of 200 for cows and 250 for heifers, class judged by Ayrshire judge The Lord Rhidian Crichton-Stuart Silver Platter Prizes by Mrs M McDougall, Rothesay. First £5; Second £3; Third £2 Special Prize by Hutchinsons Show will commence with this class Best Dairy Animal Bred in Bute Special Prize £10 by John MacKirdy, Haulier 4 Best Dairy Animal: confined to Champions of each breed The George Lyon Memorial Challenge Trophy and Reserve Champion Special Prize by J Martin, Campbeltown INTER SECTION COMPETITION Entry Fee £5.To be judged by Umpire Prize Vouchers First £50, Second £30, Third £20 40-Best Group of 3 cattle, any breed or type. Restricted to one entry per exhibitor. Sponsored by Davidson Brothers (Shotts) Ltd HIGHLAND CATTLE Entry Fee £2 Each Entry Prize Money; First £3; Second £2; Third £1 Cattle can be shown in halter or pen BUT only haltered cattle eligible for Champion of Champions Class 41 - Highland Cow in calf or with calf at foot Special Prize of £20 by Ronald McMillan 42 - Highland Calf born in 2014 43 - Highland Heifer 1 year old 44 - Highland Heifer 2 years old 45 - Highland Heifer 3 years old 46 - Junior Bull born in 2013 47 - Senior Bull born before 1/01/2013 48- Best Group 2 Highland Cattle 49- Best Group 3 Highland Cattle Best Highland Exhibit Bred in Bute - The Bor Taurus Challenge Quaich and £50 presented by the Kilpatrick Family and Special Prize by Genus ABS Best Highland Exhibit Greenan Mill Trophy presented by J McMillan and Special Prize of £40 Sponsored by Duncan Lyon Champion Highland Bull Froach of Alba Trophy presented by R McDougall and special prize £40 by Wylie & Bisset Reserve Highland Exhibit Special Prize of £20 by Ronald McMillan Class 41 Sponsored by QMS Classes 42 and 43 Sponsored by Soil Fertility Dunns Classes 44 – 49 Sponsored by Wylie and Bisset PRIME STOCK COMMERCIAL AND PURE BRED CATTLE Entry Fee £2 Each Entry Prize Money; First £3; Second £2; Third £1 All stock to be shown in halter (bulls lead by a ring) 51- Beef Cow with Calf at Foot Special prize by Harbro 52- Beef Calf (any cross) Male or Female, born after 1st Feb. 2014 (Not eligible for Juvenile classes) 53- Beef Calf (any cross) Male or Female, born after 1st Sept. 2013 and before 1st Feb 2014 Best Animal in Classes 52-53- Special Prize by QMS The John McMillan Memorial Trophy Special prize by Genus ABS 54- Prime Bullock or Heifer any cross, born before 1st Sept 2013 Classes 52-54 sponsored by Mr & Mrs J Reynolds Best Butcher's Beast in Class 54 The Wm. McIntyre Memorial Trophy Special prize by Genus ABS 5 55-Bullock or Heifer any cross shown by B.J.A.C. Member, excluding Prize-Winners of previous classes 56-Best Pair Commercial Cattle any cross – Special Prize by QMS 57-Pure Heifer – Any Other Native Breed (excluding Highland) 58-Pure Cow – Any Other Native Breed (excluding Highland) Best Registered Aberdeen Angus (Male or Female) The Eastlands Trophy Presented by M. and G. Sprowl, Eastlands and Special Prize by Wylie + Bisset Best Native Beef Breeds (excluding Highland) The Ardmory House Hotel and Restaurant Trophy and Special Prize by The Co-operative Classes 55 and 56 Sponsored by Soil Fertility Dunns Classes 57 and 58 Sponsored by Wylie + Bisset 59- Pure Cow - Continental Breed 60- Pure Heifer - Continental Breed, under one year old 61- Pure Heifer - Continental Breed, over one year old 62- Beef Bull (Continental or Native excluding Highland) sponsored by R Wilson &Son, Beith 63- Best Group of Three Pure Bred Animals (excluding Highland) sponsored by QMS Best Entry in Prime Stock Section Bred by Exhibitor Crawford Memorial Trophy Special Prize £10 by Wylie & Bisset Best Entry in Prime Stock Section Bred in Bute The Day & Sons Trophy Special Prize by Craig Wilson Champion in Prime Stock Section The McLennan Perpetual Trophy Special Prize £10 by Wylie & Bisset Best Entry in Prime Stock Section of opposite type to Champion The Craig Wilson Trophy, presented by Craig Wilson Ltd, Ayr and special prize £10 by Craig Wilson Ltd Best Continental Breed Exhibit United Auctions Trophy, presented by United Auctions, Stirling. Special Prize by John McMillan Best Animal in B.J.A.C. Classes. 14 Ayrshire, 31 Friesians & 55 Fatstock will be judged by Umpire for overall winner The William C. Hunter Memorial Challenge Trophy & special prize £10 John MacKirdy, Haulier JUVENILE CLASSES 14 YEARS AND UNDER; ALL ENTRANTS MUST BE SUPERVISED BY AN ADULT Entry Fee £2 Each Entry Prize Money: First £3; Second £2; Third £1 Class 71-Best Ayrshire Calf, not over six months 72-Best Friesian Calf, not over six months 73-Best Beef Calf, not over six months 74-Best Highland Calf, not over 6 months Best Ayrshire Calf The Una McAllister Perpetual Rosebowl and Special Prize of £5 presented by Mrs Una Dingwall, Best Dairy Calf The Lord Colum Crichton Stuart Challenge Trophy Special Prize by R Taylor £5 Best Shown Calf, not over six months The Meikle Kilmory Trophy presented by J. McMillan,Esq, Afton Lodge Special Prize by A. E. & R. MacIntyre, Dunallan, £5 Class 71 sponsored by D McAlister, Nether Adroscadale and Classes 72-74 by H Kennedy, Largievrechtan 6 Classes 71-74 to be judged at 12 o’clock approx by Breed Judges in respective rings. Please enter under child’s name Trophies to be judged by Umpire CLYDESDALES Entry Fee £2 Each Entry Prize Money: First £5, Second £3; Third £2 Class 101-Mare, three years old or over 102-Foal 103-Best one or two year old, Colt or Filly 104-Gelding 2 years or over 105-Best Pair to be shown by one or more exhibitors 106-Mare or Gelding Shown in Harness 107- Young Handler (12-16) Judged on the handlers ability to show a Clydesdale Royal Highland Show 2015 qualifying event, Medal by Clydesdale Horse Society Best Yearling or Two Year Old Colt or Filly (Animal must be registered or eligible for registration with Clydesdale Society, not having won Shield in its lifetime) Exhibitor must be current member of Clydesdale Horse Society Shield by Clydesdale Horse Society Best Clydesdale Foal Dugald Keith Memorial Trophy Presented by Duncan Keith, Esq. Special prize £10 by Wylie + Bisset Best Animal Bred by Exhibitor Special prize £5 by The Co-operative Champion Clydesdale The Robert Duncan Memorial Trophy, presented by Mrs M. Lamont Special prize: Champion £20; Reserve £10 by Wylie + Bisset Classes 101& 103 Sponsored by Mr M Williamson Classes 102 & 104 Sponsored by Soil Fertility Dunns DONKEYS Entry Fee £2 Each Entry Prize Money: First £3; Second £2; Third £1 JUDGING WILL COMMENCE AT 10.00am 109 – Donkey, Male any size 110 - Donkey, Female any size Best Entry in Donkey Section Bred in Bute The 200th Anniversary Trophy and special prize £10 by W Robertson (Best overall Donkey eligible for Champion of Champions) Class 109 & 110 Sponsored by Mr M. Williamson LIGHT HORSE Entry Fee £2 Each Entry Prize Money: First £3; Second £2; Third £1 JUDGING WILL COMMENCE AT 10.00am **Running order subject to change** CLASSES IN HAND Classes 115-129: excludes animals three years old and under Class 111-Mountain & Moorland Pony 7 The ILPH Mignonette Memorial Trophy, presented by Misses Lisa, Laura, Lynsey McFarlane 112- Mare with Foal at Foot 113-Foal 114-Filly, Colt or Gelding, one, two or three years old 115-Yeld Mare or Gelding, 12.2 hh and under 116-Yeld Mare or Gelding, over 12.2 hh but not exceeding 13.2hh 117-Yeld Mare or Gelding, over 13.2hh but not exceeding 14.2hh Prizes by Mrs J. McMillan, Afton Lodge 118-Yeld Mare or Gelding, over 14.2hh Class 111 sponsored by Soil Fertility Dunns Class 112 sponsored by R Wilson & Sons Classes 113 – 116 sponsored by Mrs M Hunter CLASSES UNDER SADDLE Class 121-Veteran Horse (16 years and over) 122-Veteran Pony (16 years and over) 123-Mountain and Moorland Pony The ILPH Bramble Trophy, presented by Miss S Kerr. 124-Mare or Gelding, over 14.2hh 125-Mare or Gelding, over 13.2hh but not exceeding 14.2hh 126- Best Combination Pony and Rider (confined to Island of Bute) Child 16 Years and under; Pony over 13.2hh but not exceeding 14.2hh The Quogach Cup, presented by the late Mrs J. Reid 127-Mare or Gelding, over 12.2hh but not exceeding 13.2hh 128-Mare or Gelding 12.2hh and under (not a leading rein class) 129-Driving Turnout (Not eligible for Championship) Trophy awards Best horse or pony shown in hand (classes 111-118) owned by Bute resident The J & E Currie Memorial Trophy presented by Mr and Mrs J Currie Best Animal, 12.2hh and under, ridden by Child 12 years and under (confined to Bute) The Robert Duncan Memorial Trophy presented by the late Mrs M. Lamont Best Animal over 12.2hh and not exceeding 13.2hh, four years and over (in Hand or Saddle) (confined to Island of Bute) The Oaklea Challenge Trophy, presented by Mr and Mrs W Andrews Best Animal Bred in Bute by Owner (in Hand or Saddle) The James Renfrew Memorial Trophy, presented by Mrs S. Renfrew Best Animal, over 13.2hh not exceeding 14.2hh (in Hand or Saddle) The Jean Reid Memorial Salver and Special Prize presented by the Reid family, Quogach Best Animal over 14.2hh (shown in Saddle) The Cranslagvourity Trophy presented by W. & M. McMillan, Cranslagvourity Best Animal over 14.2hh (in Hand or Saddle) The Marion McMillan Memorial Trophy and Special Prize £20 presented by the McMillan family, Cranslagvourity Best Driving Turnout The Golfers Bar Trophy, presented by Golfers Bar Best Animal in Light Horse Section Bred in Bute Special Prize by The Co-operative Best Animal in Light Horse Section The Dr. D. J. Penny Memorial Challenge Trophy - Special Prizes presented by the family of the late H Duncan, Esq., Past President Champion £20 and Reserve £10 Classes 124 sponsored by R Wilson & Son, Beith. Classes 126-128 sponsored by Mrs A Williamson WILL ALL HORSE COMPETITORS PLEASE COLLECT ALL DROPPINGS MADE BY THEIR HORSES AND DEPOSIT IN THE CONTAINER PROVIDED 8 SHEEP SCRAPIE APPROVED SHOW - OPEN TO MV ACCREDITED AND NON ACCREDITED FLOCKS - ALL SHEEP MUST BE CLIPPED AND HAVE RECEIVED APPROVED SCAB CONTROL TREATMENT ALL SHEEP BORN FROM 1/01/2010 REQUIRE EID TO COMPLY WITH REGULATIONS Entry Fee £2 Each Entry Prize Money: First £2: Second £1.50; Third £1 (unless otherwise stated) BLACKFACE Prize Money: First £4; Second £3.50; Third £3 Class 201-Tup over one Shear 202-Ewe, with Lamb at Foot 203-One Crop Ewe, with Lamb at Foot 204-Shearling 205-Gimmer 206-Ewe Lamb Best Ewe Lamb Confined to Bute Frank Canning Trophy and Special Prize by Tom & Ellen Cromack 207-Tup Lamb Ewe and Tup Lamb as Pair Special Prize by Harbro Best Blackface Sheep Confined to Bute Maitland Trophy and special prize £10 Tom & Ellen Cromack Reserve Best Confined to Bute: Duncan Keith Memorial Trophy presented by Miss A MacDougall and Special Prize £10. Best Blackface Sheep The Strathclyde Mineral Challenge Trophy Special Prize £10 by Wylie & Bisset and Rosette by Blackface Sheep Association Reserve same sex as Champion Tankard and Special Prize by The Co-operative Best Blackface Opposite Sex to the Champion Kilmichael Perpetual Cup Special Prize by H. McCulloch, Kilmichael £10 Reserve Opposite Sex to Champion Kilmichael Tankard and Special Prize by H. McCulloch, Kilmichael £5 Classes 201 & 202 sponsored by Soil Fertility Dunns BLUE-FACED LEICESTER 211-Tup over one Shear 212- Shearling 213-Ewe 214-Gimmer 215-Ewe Lamb 216-Tup Lamb 217-Best Group of Four (2 Males & 2 Females) Best Ewe Lamb, and Best Tup Lamb, Special Prize by John MacKirdy, Haulier £5 Best Blue-Faced Leicester Bred in Bute - Special Prize by Agri-Lloyd International Best Blue-Faced Leicester The Live Stock Marts Challenge Trophy and 9 Special prize £10 by Mackie’s Potato Merchant Reserve Special prize £5 by Mackie’s Potato Merchants Classes 221-222 sponsored by Soil Fertility Dunns SUFFOLK Class 221 - Tup, one shear and over 222 - Ewe 223 - Gimmer 224 - Ewe Lamb 225 - Tup Lamb Best Suffolk Sheep Bred in Bute Special Prize by W. & M. McMillan, Cranslagvourity £10 Best Suffolk Sheep The A. & J. Wilson Challenge Trophy Special Prize by Craig Wilson Ltd. £10 Reserve Special prize by Mackie Potato Merchants £5 CONTINENTAL BREEDS 231-Tup, over one shear 232-Ewe 233-Shearling 234-Gimmer 235-Ewe Lamb 236-Tup Lamb Best Continental Sheep Bred in Bute - Special prize by Mackie Potato Merchants, Paisley Best Continental Breed Sheep The Little Kilchattan Trophy presented by James Lyon Special Prize £10 by R. McAlister, Langalbuinoch Reserve Special prize £5 Section sponsored by Robert Currie, Westlands BREEDING SHEEP Entries to be shown in one class only 241-Two Mule Ewes 242-Two Mule Gimmers 243-Three Mule Ewe Lambs 244-Mule Ewe 245-Mule Gimmer 246 - Mule Ewe Lamb Classes 241-246 sponsored by QMS Best Exhibit in Mule Sheep Section Clydesdale Bank Trophy - Special Prize by John MacKirdy, Haulier £15 Reserve - Opposite Group Size to Champion in Mule Sheep Section Buteman Trophy Special Prize W. Robertson, Birgidale Knock, £10 Best Sheep Bred in Bute and Special Prize by Mount Stuart Trust ANY OTHER NATIVE PURE BREED 251-Tup, one Shear and over 252-Ewe 253-Gimmer 254-Ewe Lamb 10 255-Tup Lamb Classes 251-253 sponsored by R Wilson & Son, Beith Classes 254 -255 sponsored by Hutchinsons Champion Sheep, Any Breed (Judged by Umpire) The Garrochty Cup and Special Prize by Rhona and Ninian McAlister £20 Reserve Special Prize by Rhona and Ninian McAlister £10 PRIME SHEEP SHEEP ENTERED IN THIS SECTION CAN ONLY BE SHOWN IN THIS SECTION 261-Pen of Three Prime Lambs, Leicester Cross 262- Pen of Three Prime Lambs, Blackface Sheep 263-Pen of Three Prime Lambs, any other Cross 264-Pen of Three Pure Bred Prime Lambs 265-Pen of Three Prime Ewes 266-Pen of Three Blackface Ewes Classes 261-266 Sponsored by QMS Best Pen of Prime Lambs bred by Exhibitor The Murray Trophy presented by A. Murray, Esq., Quochag Special Prize by Ayrshire Country Lamb, £10 Most Points in Prime Sheep Section The David Murray Memorial Trophy presented by Mrs E Murray, Rothesay and special prize £5 by Tom & Ellen Cromack Best Pen of Prime Sheep - B.O.C.M. PAULS Pewter Tankard YOUNG HANDLER (To be judged by Umpire) 270 Young Handler (16 and under) The Kilmichael Trophy and special prize £5 by Tom & Ellen Cromack Demonstrate ability to handle and show allocated sheep POULTRY Entry Fee £1 Each Entry Prize Money: First £1; Second 75p, Third 50p LARGE FOWL Class 301- Leghorn Cock or Hen (any colour) 302- Plymouth Rock Cock 303- Plymouth Rock Hen 304 -Any Other Variety Cock 305- Any Other Variety Hen 306- Cross Bred Cock 307- Cross Bred Hen 308 – Rhode Island Red Cock 309 – Rhode Island Red Hen 310 – Indian Game Cock 311 – Indian Game Hen Best Large Fowl, Special Prize, £2 Best Opposite Sex, Special Prize, £2 11 BANTAMS 321 - Leghorn (any colour) Cock 322 - Leghorn (any colour) Hen 323 - Plymouth Rock (any colour) Cock 324 - Plymouth Rock (any colour) Hen 325 - Minorca Cock 326 - Minorca Hen 327 - Any Other Variety Bantam Cock 328 - Any Other Variety Bantam Hen 329 - Australorp (any colour) Cock 330 - Australorp (any colour) Hen 331 - Ornamental (any variety) Cock 332 - Ornamental (any variety) Hen 333- Trio (any variety Fowl or Bantam) Best Bantam Special Prize, £2. Best Opposite Sex Special Prize, £2 WATERFOWL 341- Duck (any variety) 342- Drake (any variety) 343- Gander or Goose (any variety) Best Water Fowl Special Prize, £2 PIGEON 351-Pigeon Male (any variety) 352- Pigeon Young Male (any variety) 353-Pigeon Female (any variety) 354- Pigeon Young Female (any variety) Best Pigeon Special Prize £2 All classes sponsored by D. MacIntyre, M.R.C.V.S. Best Bird in Show The Ian Crawford Memorial Trophy and Special Prize by D MacIntyre M.R.C.V.S Best Opposite Sex to Champion The Tom Crawford Memorial Trophy and Special Prize by D MacIntyre M.R.C.V.S. COMPANION DOG SHOW (Held under Scottish Kennel Club Rules and Regulations) JUDGING COMMENCES 1.00pm. First Entry per Dog £2, subsequent entries with same dog 50p All proceeds in aid of the Isle of Bute Parkinson’s Support Group Prizes: Rosettes 1st to 3rd in all Classes Special Rosettes for Best Dog in Show, Reserve Best Dog in Show and Best Puppy in Show Trophies (for annual competition) J. & A. Richardson Cup for Best Dog in Show William Grant Cup for Best Gundog A. & J. Stewart (Pet Supplies) Cup for Best Working Dog ENTRIES TAKEN ON FIELD FROM 11.30 a.m. PEDIGREE CLASSES 1-Any Variety Puppy (6-12 months) 2-Any Variety Sporting Dogs (Hounds, Gundogs, Terriers) 3-Any Variety Non-Sporting (Utility, Working, Pastoral, Toys) 4-Any Variety Open 12 NOVELTY CLASSES 5-Any Variety Cross Bred 6-Dog Most Like its Handler 7-Tails (a) Longest (b) Shortest (c) Waggiest 8-Best Six Legs (A) Ladies (B) Gents 9-Most Appealing Expression 10-Best Groomed/Conditioned Dog 11-Children's Handling Class (A) 6-11 years (B) 12-16 years Enquiries to Organiser: Mr Jim Richardson, North Lodge, Greenock Road, Wemyss Bay Tel: 01475 520989 LIVESTOCK SECTION POINTS TROPHIES 150th Anniversary Trophy (for annual competition) presented by the Marquess of Bute for Most Points in Livestock Section (numbered classes) The Royal Bank of Scotland Trophy for Most Points in Sheep Section 3 Points will be awarded for First Prize; 2 for Second Prize; 1 for Third Prize CHAMPION YOUNG LIVESTOCK HANDLER The RHASS Trophy presented by RHASS To be Judged by Mr William Gill, Chairman Designate, RHASS CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS The Andrew Crozier Memorial Trophy presented by Mr and Mrs R. Crozier Special Prizes by Hamilton Bros, £25 and Mount Stuart Trust £25 DOMESTIC SECTION All exhibits must be the work of the entrant, have been produced during last year and not previously exhibited. All entries to be tabled in Domestic Tent by 10.00am prompt. Judging starts at 10.30am Entry Fee 50p Each Entry Prize Money: First £1; Second 75p; Third 50p (Classes sponsored by The Co-operative unless otherwise stated) 1. Double Egg Sponge (not sandwiched - not decorated). In memory of Mrs. E McDougall, Late of Birgidale Crieff, £10 2. Four Shortbread Fingers. In memory of Mrs. E Robertson, Late of East Colmac, £10 3. Sultana Cake. In memory of Mrs. M Crawford, Late of Langalbuinoch, £10 4. Fruit Loaf (2lb loaf tin) 5. Custard Creams (4) 6. Almond Slice (4 fingers) 7. 2 Macaroon Bars 8. Sausage Rolls (4) 9. Mint Jelly (1 jar) 10. Lemon Curd (1 jar) 11- Jar of Orange Marmalade. In Memory of Hunter Duncan, £20 Most Points in classes 1-11 (First 3 points; Second 2 points; Third 1 point) Dunlop Trophy and Special Prize by The Co-operative 13 S.W.R.I. Teamwork Competition Theme “Harvest Supper” (Display on a tray) Embroidered Tray Cloth Barley Water Floral Arrangement Oatcakes (2) Harvest Thanksgiving Card Additional marks will be for display and presentation. Prize Money: First £15; Second £10; Third £5 Class sponsored by Batemans Catering EGGS Entry Fee 50p Each Entry 21-Half-Dozen Hen Eggs (Brown) 22-Half-Dozen Hen Eggs (White) 23-Half-Dozen Duck Eggs Most Points in Egg Section; (First 3 points; Second 2 points; Third 1 point) Note; In the Event of equality brown eggs will have preference. Special Prize, £1 FLORAL AND KNITTING Entry Fee 50p Each Entry Prize Money: First £1; Second 75p; Third 50p (Classes sponsored by The Co-operative unless otherwise stated) 31- Floral Table Arrangement in Unusual Container 32- Floral Arrangement in a Soup Ladle. 33- Arrangement using 3 blooms and foliage 34- Beginners (no previous 1st prize winners) Arrangement in Rose Bowl. Own choice of flowers and foliage. 35 - Flowering Pot Plant 36 - Foliage Pot Plant 37- Child’s Aran Hat & Mits 38- Knitted Ladies Scarf (any ply ) 39- Any Crochet Item (any ply) 40- Any small item Cross Stitch 41. Get Well Card (6” x 4”) 42- Photograph “Scenic View” (No bigger than 7x5 and not framed) 43- Photograph “Transport” (No bigger than 7x5 and not framed) Most Points in Classes 31-43 Special Prize £5 Most Points in Classes 31-36 Special Prize £5 Most points classes 37-41 Special Prize £5 Most points classes 42-43 Special Prize £5 Special Prizes by Mrs E Taylor, Rothesay 14 CONFINED TO MEMBERS OF BUTE JUNIOR AGRICULTURAL CLUB Entry Fee 50p Each Entry Prize Money: First £1; Second 75p; Third 50p 51 – Decorated Cup Cakes (2) 52 – Individual Quiche (own choice) 53 – Truffles (2) 54 – Cheese Scones (2) 55 – Party Invitation Card 56 – Smoothie (own choice flavor) Most Points in B.J.A.C. Section The Jean Bird Rose Bowl Special Prize £10 by Mrs A Currie, Westlands CHILDREN'S SECTION Entry Fee 50p Each Entry [N.B. only one entry per class] Prize Money: First £1; Second 75p; Third 50p 11-l4 years 61 – Decorated Cup Cakes (2) 62 – Mars Bar Tray Bake (2 squares) 63 – Filled Baguette (One) 64 – Item made from recycled material 65 – Photograph – “Animal Antics” (No bigger than 7x5 and not framed) Classes 61 – 65 Sponsored by Mrs A Williamson Most Points in Classes 61-65 MacKirdy Trophy and Special Prize £5 by Mrs. A Williamson 7-10 Years 71- Mars Bar Tray Bake (2 squares) 72- Papier-mâché Animal 73- Painted Wooden Spoon 74- Birthday Card 75- Small Individual Pizza Classes 71 – 75 Sponsored by Mrs S Cowan Most Points in Classes 71-75 Windyhall Trophy presented by Mrs S. Cowan and Special Prize by Mrs S Cowan £5 6 Years and under 81- A4 picture using sea shells 82- Decorated Binoculars using cardboard tubes 83- A4 Bubble print 84- Commonwealth Medal Classes 81 – 84 Sponsored by Mrs G Kennedy Most Points in Classes 81-84 Edinbeg Trophy presented by Mrs G Kennedy and Special Prize by Mrs G Kennedy £5 15 THE CAOL RUADH TROPHY An A4 sized coloured picture, any medium, depicting “The Commonwealth Games”. The competition is open to pupils in Primary 4, 5 and 6. The Caol Ruadh Trophy will be awarded to the Overall Winner from Primary 4, 5 or 6 plus Primary 4- First Prize £5; Second Prize £3; Third Prize £2 Primary 5- First Prize £5; Second Prize £3; Third Prize £2 Primary 6- First Prize £5; Second Prize £3; Third Prize £2 Prizes for Primary 4, 5 & 6 Presented by Mrs M. Reynolds AGGREGATE PRIZE To the Winner of Most Points in Domestic Section (Excluding Classes confined to B.J.A.C. and Children) Rothesay Advertising Association Trophy and Special Prize by Mr M Williamson In the event of equality competitor with most First Prizes will be winner, if still equal competitor with most Second Prizes, and so on. PETS CORNER Entries in advance or up to 11am on the field Entry Fee 50p [Pets ineligible for other competitions] Prize Money: First £3; Second £2; Third £1 Exhibitor 10 Years and under 91- Two or Four legged pet Exhibitor over 10 years 92- Two or four legged pet Best looked after Pet Special prize £5 Best Pet Special Prize, £5 Pet classes sponsored by D. MacIntyre, M.R.C.V.S. 16 ANIMAL HEALTH REGULATIONS SHOW CPH No 72-277-8001 SGRD (The Scottish Government Rural Directorate, formerly SEERAD) Veterinary Service has provided the following guidance to exhibitors 1. All Cattle movement to and from shows must be reported by owner to BCMS within 3 days. All cattle entering showground must be accompanied by passport which must be handed to secretary for recording movement on and off the show ground. . 2. Animals moving to and from a show once in any 13 day period will not need to be isolated on return home and will not trigger a 13 day stand-still for any other animal. 3. The Society is required to maintain a record of all exhibitors, persons handling stock, including Poultry at the show and registration number of transport vehicles; exhibitors must complete a full list of their stock handlers and transport carrier on the entry form. The Transport of Animals (Cleansing and Disinfection) (Scotland) Regulations 2005 applies to vehicles taking stock to and from the Show. 4. All sheep must be individually ear tagged/tattooed and individual numbers reported. Please note two separate notices must be declared BY EXHIBITOR (the movement onto and off the show ground) and be submitted to Scottish Animal Movement Unit (SAMU) Government Buildings, 161 Brooms Road, Dumfries DG1 3ES within 3 days of the show. Only tagged/tattooed Sheep will be permitted to enter the showfield. 5. The show is SCRAPIE APPROVED therefore all Sheep exhibitors must confirm on the entry form that their stock are :a. non-pregnant b. have not lambed/kidded within 30 days of 13th August 2014 c. are not subject to procedures which change the seasonal breeding pattern 6. MV Accredited sheep must be accompanied by a valid green certificate of status and must conform to all scheme rules. 7. All sheep exhibitors must confirm that their stock have received an approved Scab control treatment. 8. All horses must be accompanied by a passport 9. All sheep born from 01/01/2010 require EID to comply with regulations. 17 SHOW RULES (to be strictly adhered to) 1. All Entries must be prepaid with completed forms and payment to Secretary by close date 9pm Wednesday 1st August . Late Entries will only be accepted with appropriate fees. 2. Exhibitors must undertake to comply with all SGRD livestock regulations. 3. Exhibitors in Cattle, Horse and Sheep Sections (excluding Juveniles 14 years and under), shall be fully paid up members of the Society, Membership £5. All juvenile competitors in Light Horse and Juvenile Cattle Sections must be supervised by an adult who is a member of the Society 4. All Stock exhibited must at date of showing and for three months prior thereto be the bona fide property of Exhibitor. 5. Entry money (to be paid for each entry in each premium competition, except for Champion Prizes)-For Cattle, Sheep, Horses, £2; Poultry, £1; Domestic, 50p. All trophies presented are perpetual and it is the responsibility of the recipient to care for and return them to the Secretary prior to the 2014 show in the condition they were received . 6. All Stock and other exhibits must be in their places on the Show Ground before 10.30 a.m. (unless otherwise stated) on the Day of the Show. 7. No stock vehicles allowed into show field 8. Bulls must be led with a Ring and Stirks with a Halter. 9. The Show will be under Glasgow Rules, prohibiting tampering, doctoring or bottling. Cattle with Ringworm or any other contagious diseases will not be admitted to the Show. 10. Horses requiring measurement in size classes will be measured by Society Committee Members. Society Committee Members decision is final. 11. All Prize Winners in the Horse and Cattle Sections must parade in the Show Rings immediately after the Judges have completed their awards respectively for the Premium and all other Stock must remain in the Show Ground until after Presentation of Trophies. For infringement of this Rule the Committee may and reserve the right to cancel any prize awarded. No Stock can be removed from the Show Ground before the appointed time without a written permit from the Secretary. 12. Special care will be taken with all exhibits, but the Society will not be held responsible for any losses sustained, or damage done to exhibits or equipment either at or on the way to or from the Show; and all exhibits must be delivered free on the morning of the Show, and not later than 10.30 am. 13.The orders of the Committee must be observed. The Society does not hold itself bound by any error or omission in the description of Show Competitions. Any disputes or complaints shall be dealt with in the terms of the Society's Rule 16, [ all complaints must be made in writing to the Secretary by 5pm on the day of the Show together with a deposit of £10 which will be refunded if the complaint is upheld] . 14. All Exhibitors by entering shall be held to have noticed and accepted all Show Rules. RULES APPLICABLE TO COMPANION DOG SHOW CLASSES Exhibitors and Officials shall be subject to Kennel Club Rules & Regulations and in particular Club Rule A42. Dogs which have won a Challenge Certificate, Reserve Challenge Certificate or Junior Warrant are not eligible for entry into Pedigree Classes. All dogs must be over 6 months of age on show day. 20 Academy Road, Betty Taylor Rothesay Secretary 18