The Draft Sugar General Regulations 2015reviewed (AUGUST 2015)

The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 40 of the Crops
Act, 2013, the Cabinet Secretary for Agriculture, Livestock and
Fisheries in consultation with the Authority and County
Governments, makes the following Regulations—
(No.16 of 2013)
These Regulations may be cited as the Crops (Sugar Crop)
Regulations, 2015.
2. In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires“agreements” means the agreements specifying the standard
provisions governing the rights and obligations of growers, millers,
outgrower institutions, harvesters and transporters;
“Authority” means The Agriculture Fisheries and Food Authority
established under Section 3 of the Agriculture Fisheries and Food
Authority Act, 2013;
“Board” means the Board of the Authority constituted pursuant to
Section 5 of the AFFA Act No. 2013;
“Co-operative society” means a co-operative society registered
under the Co-operative societies Act;
“County Governments” means the County Government provided for
under Article 176 of the constitution;
Directorate” means the Sugar Directorate as established under the
Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Authority Act, Section 11;
“extraneous matter” means any matter other than sugar crop
delivered with and weighed as sugarcane;
“factory” means a mill or other processing plant for the purpose of
production of sugar and other related products;
“farm-gate” means a site designated as such by the Authority and
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
where sugar crop weighing and quality testing facilities have been
set up;
“grower” means a person or a group of persons who produces sugar
crop in Kenya but does not include an Outgrower institution;
“independent grower” is a sugar crop grower who is not a member
of any Outgrower institution, does not depend on the miller for any
assistance but depends solely on his own resources to develop and
supply sugar crop directly to any miller under contract;
“interested parties” means the stakeholders in the sugar industry
including but not limited to Government, millers, growers and
Outgrower institutions;
“letter of comfort” means a letter provided by the authority to the
applicant investor permitting to continue with intended plans for
registration of the project;
“licence” means a licence issued by the Authority to a sugar miller,
importers or exporter;
“miller” means a person licensed to operate a sugar crop mill in
Kenya for the production of sugar including refined sugar, jaggery
and other by-products;
“outgrower institution” means an institution formed by growers and
registered under the Companies Act, the Cooperative Societies Act
or any other relevant law that may be approved by the Authority;
“registered miller” means a person who has been registered by the
Authority to conduct the business of a sugar crop processor;
“seedcane nursery” means parcels of land in which cane varieties
are progressively multiplied under strictly controlled agronomic
conditions for eventual establishment of the sugarcane crop; the
nurseries are categorized as A-nursery, B-nursery and C-nursery
depending on the stringency of the conditions applied to preserve
seed cane specifications, with conditions loosening with progression
from A- to C-nursery;
“sugar” means crystalline or liquid sucrose in any of its recognized
commercial forms which complies with the standard specifications
and intended for human consumption;
“Sugar Cane Growers Apex Body” means a national sugar crop
farmers organization as may be Gazetted by the Minister from time
to time;
“sugar crop” shall be equated to mean sugar cane (Saccharum) and
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
sugar beet (beta vulgaris) grown for the extraction of sugar;
“Sugar crop Millers Apex Body” is a sugar crop millers
organization as may be Gazetted by the Minister from time to time;
“Sugar industry Schedule” means the forms, contract templates and
Schedule developed and published as part of these Regulations;
“sugar inspector” means a person appointed as an inspector under
Section 28;
“working day” means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public
holiday; and
“zone” means specific geographical area assigned to a miller by the
Authority base on milling capacity and crop productivity for the
purpose of development and procurement of the sugar crop.
Objects and
functions of
3. The Sugar Directorate in consultation with County Governments
(a) Regulate, develop and promote the Kenya Sugar Industry;
(b) Co-ordinate the activities of individuals and organizations
within the industry;
(c) Formulate and implement overall policies and plans for the
development of the industry;
(d) Promote and encourage the use of environment friendly
technologies in the industry;
(e) Collect collate and analyze industry statistics and maintain a
database for the industry;
(f) Act as an intermediary between the Government and the
(g) Support agricultural research and promote technology
delivery ;
(h) Participate in Resource mobilization for agricultural
(i) Monitor the domestic market and to identify and advice on
any distortions in the sugar market;
(j) Promote arbitration and mediation of disputes among
interested parties;
(k) Regulate the export and import of sugar and by products
(l) Facilitate capacity building for county Government officers
and other relevant stakeholders
(m) Promote linkage and coordination with international
research agencies and regional organizations
(n) Formulate and review agricultural policies
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
(o) Provide advisory services to grower institutions and millers;
(p) Provide Schedule for the pricing of sugar-cane and
appropriation of proceeds from the disposal of the byproducts of sugar production between growers and millers;
(q) Represent the industry in other organizations that are
relevant to the promotion of the industry;
(r) Oversee the formulation of standard provisions governing
the mutual rights and obligations of growers and millers;
(s) Promote the efficiency and development of the industry
through the establishment of appropriate institutional
(t) Set standards for acquisition of high quality planting
material in consultation with relevant Government agencies
(u) Perform such other functions as may, from time to time, be
assigned by the Cabinet Secretary or the Authority.
Setting up
of sugar
3. (1) A person who intends to set up a sugar crop processing
factory shall apply to the Authority by filling the application Form
A1 provided for in the Sugar Industry Schedule and such application
shall be processed in accordance with the Schedule in consultation
with County Governments.
(2) The Authority shall acknowledge receipt of the application
and upon verification and due process issue a letter of comfort in
the name of the applicant as set out in Form A2.
(3) The holder of a letter of comfort shall have the authority to
proceed with the project to the registration stage as directed by the
of letter of
4. (1) The Authority may revoke a letter of comfort if it is
proved that—
(a) the applicant made material misrepresentation or
false declaration in the application;
(b) the document was otherwise obtained by corruption
or fraud; or
(c) Any condition of the letter of comfort has been
breached and no remedial measures have been made.
(2) Only persons who, in the opinion of the Authority and
County Governments, have satisfied the conditions in the letter of
comfort shall be eligible to apply for registration of a sugar cropprocessing factory.
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
on of
5. (1) A person shall not establish a sugar crop
processing factory without registration by the Authority.
(2) An applicant for registration shall satisfy the conditions set
out in Sugar industry Schedule and such application shall be made
out in the miller registration Form in the Schedule.
(3) The Authority shall issue a successful applicant with
Registration certificates in the name of applicant as set out in Form
(4) The holder of a registration certificate shall have the
authority to proceed with the implementation of the milling project
to the operations stage as directed by the Authority.
(5) A registered miller shall notify the Authority of all changes
in its ownership and shareholding.
(6) In appointing principal officers and directors, registered
millers shall satisfy themselves that eligible persons are fit and
proper to serve as provided for in the Sugar Industry Schedule.
(7) Every registered miller shall notify the Authority and
County Governments of the appointment of a principal officer or a
director within thirty days of the making of such appointment.
(8) Provided that where the Authority is not satisfied that the
person so appointed is fit and proper to serve as such principal
officer or director it shall notify the registered millers who shall be
required to replace such appointee.
(9) A registration certificate shall not be transferable.
(10) The Authority may revoke the registration if it is proved
(a) the applicant made material misrepresentation or
false declaration in the application;
(b) the document was otherwise obtained by
corruption or fraud; or
(c) a condition of the registration has, in the opinion
of the Authority, been breached.
(11) A registered miller whose implementation plan lapses by
two years without reasonable cause shall be deregistered.
(12) Any person who contravenes the provisions of this
regulation commits an offence and shall on conviction be liable to a
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
penalty prescribed in section 37 of the Crops Act, 2013.
(13) In addition to the provision of the Crops Act and these
Regulations, all other applicable laws shall apply.
(14) Nothing in these Regulations shall be construed to mean
derogation of any applicable laws, including laws governing public
health, environment, traffic, safety, weights and measures.
of millers.
The Authority shall issue a registered
sugar crop processor or miller with an annual operating
license on satisfying the conditions prescribed under
section 18 of the Crops Act 2013 and set out in the Sugar
Industry Schedule and
(2) The initial license application shall be as set out in the
Sugar Industry Schedule.
(3) Applications for License renewal shall be made as set out
in the Sugar Industry Schedule.
(4) Successful applicants shall be issued with miller licenses
as set out in Form A4
(5) Every licence shall, unless earlier revoked, expire on 30th
June following the date of issue.
(6) The Authority shall revoke the license of a registered miller
whose conformity to the licensing conditions falls below the 50 %
mark as assessed by the Authority provided that the licence may be
reinstated to a miller who subsequently satisfies the licensing
(7) A person applying for the renewal of a miller licence
shall do so in the application from set out in the Sugar Industry
Schedule, indicating details of changes in material particulars
against which the first licence was issued in addition to copies of
other supporting documents notwithstanding prior notification to
the Authority of the said changes.
(8) A miller’s licence shall not be transferable.
(9) Any person who contravenes the provisions of this Part
of the Regulations commits an offence, and shall be liable upon
conviction to the penalty as prescribed under section 19 (1) of the
Crops Act, 2013.
2. (1) Within ninety working days after an application is
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
licensing of
received, the Authority shall prepare a written evaluation report on
the application.
(2) Where an incomplete application has been submitted it shall
be deemed to have been received when any clarifications or
additional information required is submitted.
(3) After the report on the application is prepared in
consultation with the County Government(s) and other relevant
stakeholders, the Authority shall make its decision at the next sitting
of the Board of Directors, with respect to the application.
(4) Within twenty-one working days after the decision, the
Board shall give the applicant a written notice of the decision.
(5) If the Authority declines to issue any sugar crop project
license, it shall—
(a) prepare written reasons; and
(b) include in the notice to the applicant, a copy of the reasons
and a copy of the report prepared.
(6) If an applicant does not receive a notice of the Authority’s
decision within reasonable time after the completed application was
submitted, the applicant may appeal to the Cabinet Secretary within
30 days as prescribed under Section 25 of the Crops Act 2013.
(7) Where an application raises an issue that is not covered by
these regulations, the Authority shall refer the issue to the
appropriate person or body and shall inform the applicant of that
(8) The Authority shall liaise with the appropriate authorities
for the purposes of determining whether applicants for sugar crop
project licenses are legally entitled to other related licenses.
3. (1) A sugar crop project investor may apply for an
Investment Certificate from Kenya Investment Authority in
accordance with Investment Promotion Act, 2004; however such
certificates are not mandatory in order to implement sugar crop
(2) There shall be precise descriptions of the business and
ownership of Sugarcrop Projects and Businesses defining the role of
foreign investors, local and national government involvement.
(3) The proponents shall prepare business and marketing plans
or feasibility study reports for such projects containing(a)
the intention of the project to target—
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
foreign currency generation and savings,
import substitution,
creation of employment opportunities,
linkage benefits,
transfer of technology, and
expansion of production of goods and services.
clear statement of the project objectives;
information regarding the investor(s) (profile);
details of investment costs (foreign and local
expected capital expenditure);
how the proposed investment will be financed;
specific source(s) of finance for the project;
terms and conditions of loan(s) if applicable;
sources of technology if applicable;
project financial and economic analysis;
market study;
project capacity;
production process if applicable;
environmental impact assessment;
expected employment generation; and
proposed implementation schedule.
New project proposals shall
diversification components where applicable.
Project plans may include incentives as provided for
by the Investment Promotion Act 2004. In particular, the project
may exploit, where relevant(a)
Investment and Capital allowances;
Remission for Taxes;
Manufacturing under bond status;
Export Processing Zones status;
Double taxation agreement;
Protection and promotion of investment agreements;
Relevant bilateral investment treaties; and
Relevant trade agreements.
All projects shall demonstrate the ability to take
advantage of investment promotion services as provided for by the
Investment Promotion Act, 2004.
Foreign investors shall be protected in accordance
with expropriation guarantees as enshrined in the Kenyan
Constitution, the Foreign Investment Protection Act, Cap 518 and
other guarantees under the Multilateral Investment Guarantee
Agency, a World-bank affiliate and the Africa Trade Insurance
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
Agency and any other relevant institutions.
4. (1) The project shall request specific geographical zones to
be assigned by the Authority in consultation with the County
Government(s) for the purpose of development and procurement of
sugar crop. Such zones, within the command area of applicant
projects shall be recorded on certified maps of sugarcane
development according to—
(a) sugar crop processing capacity, measured as tonnes of sugar
crop per year;
(b) general climate suitability (temperature, rainfall, altitude,
relative humidity and length of growing period);
(c) soil characteristics, physiographic, Agro ecological system;
(d) infrastructure development;
(e) land use policy or system;
(f) water resources; and
(g) sugar crop productivity.
(2) All sugar processing shall demonstrate the capability to
utilize the full potential of its assigned command area
(3) New sugar projects shall not be allowed in designated mill
command areas.
10 (1) The Authority shall maintain a register of all sugar crop
Registration for an
out grower
1. (1) Pursuant to section 15(c) of the Crops Act, 2013 a person
shall not carry on the business of an outgrower institution without
registration by the Authority in accordance with these Regulations.
(2) A registered out grower institution may :(a)
Promote and represent the interests of growers;
Negotiate, arrange, on behalf of grower members, the
terms of supply of sugar crop to the miller and the coordination of the production, harvesting and transport
Provide financial credit or otherwise arranges finance
for grower members in connection with the production
of their sugar crop, including land clearance and
preparation, planting, cultivation and tending,
harvesting, transport and the supply of goods and
services relating thereto;
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
Provide or procure services, advice and assistance for
grower members as may be required, to carry out or
procure the carrying out of such operations for grower
Provide or procure accounting services and books or
records for members in respect of their individual
Purchase, sell or otherwise deal in, securing or
providing such goods, materials, supplies and services
as may be required by members;
Negotiate sugar crop prices with millers through the
apex body for growers; and
Participate in lobbying for favorable Government
policies in the industry through growers apex body.
(3) An applicant for registration as an outgrower institution
shall satisfy the conditions set out in the Sugar Industry Schedule
and such applications shall be made out in relevant application form
in the Schedule.
(4) The Authority after consultations with County
Governments shall issue a successful applicant with registration
certificate in the name of applicant in the manner.
(5) An outgrower institution shall notify the Authority of all
changes in its ownership and shareholding.
(6) In appointing principal officers and directors registered
outgrower shall satisfy themselves that eligible persons are fit and
proper to serve as provided for in the Sugar Industry Schedule.
(7) Every registered outgrower institution shall notify the
Authority and County Government of the appointment of a principal
officer or a Director within 30 days of the making of such
appointment. Where the Authority after consultation with the
County Governments is not satisfied that the person so appointed is
fit and proper, the Authority shall notify the registered out growers
who shall be required to replace such appointee.
(8) A registration certificate issued to an outgrower institution
shall not be transferable.
(9) The Authority may revoke the registration of an outgrower
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
institution if it is proved that—
misrepresentation or false declaration in the
the document was otherwise obtained
by corruption or fraud;
a condition(s) of the registration has
been breached; or
it has not complied with the
requirements of this Part.
(10) Any person who contravenes the provisions of this Part of
the Regulations commits an offence and shall be liable upon
conviction to the penalty prescribed under section 37 of the Crops
Act 2013.
2. (1) Growers of sugar crop shall be registered by the millers
n of sugar or Outgrower institutions and any other organization representing
interests of sugar crop growers as provided for in the section 14(1) of
the Crops Act 2013.
Every sugar crop Outgrower who cultivates sugar
crop with the assistance of a miller shall enter into an agreement
directly with the miller or through an Outgrower institution for sugar
crop farming and supply and such agreement shall be as set out in the
Sugar Industry Schedule.
Every registered Outgrower institution which
supplies sugar crop to the miller shall enter into an agreement with
the miller for sugar crop supply and the agreement shall be as set out
in the Sugar Industry Schedule.
Every farmer who joins an Outgrower institution for
the purposes of facilitating sugar crop production and marketing shall
enter into a sugar crop supply agreement with the outgrower
institution as set out in the Sugar Industry Schedule.
Every independent grower who cultivates a sugar
crop shall enter into an agreement with the miller for sugar crop
supply and such agreement shall be as set out in the Sugar Industry
Every grower who wishes to appoint an agent or a
representative in respect of matters concerning sugar crop growing
may do so in the Appointment Form set out in Sugar Industry
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
Every miller shall maintain a register of the
Outgrower institutions, miller dependent and independent growers
who have entered into agreement for sugar crop farming and supply,
providing particulars of the Outgrower institution and growers
including the particulars of zone, location, land registration number,
identity number, contract number, sugar crop harvester and
transporter, acreage, variety, crop cycle and yield.
(2) Every Outgrower institution shall maintain a register of all
Outgrower members with whom it has entered into agreement for
sugar crop farming and supply, with particulars of the Outgrower
members as in sub-paragraph (1).
(3) Millers and Outgrower institutions shall submit to the
Authority and County Government(s), annual returns of the records
containing the particulars mentioned in paragraph (1) before 31st
January of the year following the data collection period in the format
prescribed by the Authority.
4. (1) Outgrower Institutions registered under the Companies
Act shall be—
(a) limited liability companies by shareholding;
(b) have a register of members who are shareholders with
statutory rights and obligations.
(2) Outgrower Institutions registered under any other Act must
have a status equivalent to paragraph (a) in as far as such status does
not contravene the law under which the institution is registered.
Board of
t of an
5. (1) Election and appointment of Board of Directors or
Management Committee in the case of Co-operative Societies
must be on the basis of one share, one vote.
(2)Directors or members of Management Committee as the
case may be must themselves be shareholders with minimum
shareholding as agreed on at the Annual General Meeting.
(3) Directors or members of Management Committees as the
case may be must-(a) have attained minimum education of ‘O’ Levels with passes
in Mathematics and English;
(b) not be an undischarged bankrupt;
(c) have no criminal record;
(d) be of sound mind;
(e) be above 18 years of age; and
(f) not be an elected Member of Parliament or County
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
and capacity.
An out grower institution shall have a proper match
between Debt and Equity as may be determined by the Authority.
7. (1) Other than the Chief Executive Officer or General
Manager, the outgrower institution shall have capacity in financial
management, human resource, cane development, equipment
maintenance and fleet management.
(2) The minimum educational level for the Chief Executive
Officer or the General Manager shall be a first degree with at least
seven years experience in management in a commercial
(3) The Head of Finance shall be a fully qualified accountant
with at least five years experience in a commercial environment.
(4) All other Heads of Department must be Diploma holders in
their areas of responsibility with at least five years relevant
experience in a commercial environment.
(5) The number of departments within the outgrower
institutions shall be pegged to the following functional areas bearing
in mind the financial ability of the institution.
Finance and Accounting;
Human Resource and Administration;
(6) No recognition or facilitation of any form will be availed by
the Authority to any Outgrower institution that does not meet this
minimum threshold.
tal impact
8. (1) All sugar crop projects and institutions shall
continuously demonstrate their ability to satisfy cultural and
socio-economic needs of its local community, in particular,
positively influence—
population dynamics;
Kenya’s economy;
agriculture sector institutions;
health; and
the status of food and cash crops.
(2) Projects shall have a benign impact on the local and global
environment in accordance with the Environmental Management
and Coordination Act No. 8 of 1999.
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
Development of plans.
Every miller and Outgrower institution shall plan
sugar crop development for its growers in suitably large farm clusters
of similar maturity period to facilitate economic harvesting and
transport and shall submit such plans to the Authority.
The miller shall develop and maintain adequate
milling capacity for sugar crop grown on the basis of agreed sugar
crop development plans with the growers and shall mill sugar crop
efficiently so as to realize maximum returns for both parties by
achieving the standards set out in the Sugar Industry Schedule.
A registered miller shall maintain and operate her
project strictly in accordance with the registered capacity, in terms
of mean ton sugar crop processed per day, mean annual sugar
recovery percent and tons sugar crop processed per annum. Any
major unauthorized change in installed capacity (+/- 20%) of
registered capacity shall constitute an offense punishable by
Report of
changes to
Every grower or Outgrower member who changes
the name of his farm or estate, land reference number or any
particulars registered with the miller or the Outgrower institution
whether on subdivision of the farm or estate or otherwise, shall
report such change to the miller or the Outgrower institution in
accordance with the agreement between the two parties
13. (1) The Authority in consultation with County Governments
shall, from time to time, develop, publish and publicize Sugar
Industry Rules to facilitate stakeholders’ conformity with these
(2) The rules may include directions and forms and shall provide
of issuances
of certified
application processing procedures and forms;
conditions for registration and licensing of millers,
contracts between stakeholders;
The criteria for assessing the suitability of persons to
serve as directors or principal officers of industry
institutions; and such other matters as may be
deemed necessary for effecting these Regulations.
(3) No person, other than the body responsible for the sugar
crop research and its authorized agents operating under its
supervision, shall issue or supply certified seed for
multiplication in any nursery.
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
No grower shall be registered to operate B-nursery without prior
approval of the body responsible for sugar research working in
collaboration with the miller or Outgrower institution with
which he has an agreement for sugar crop farming and supply.
(1) Every stakeholder intending to initiate a contract
under these Regulations shall first have their contract form
approved and registered by the Authority.
(2) Any contract form not registered by the Authority shall be
null and void.
Measures to
threats to
sugar crop.
(1) Whenever it appears to the Cabinet Secretary that
there is a threat to sugar crop through disease or insect pests, to an
extent that endangers any sugar crop zone, the Cabinet Secretary
may, by order published in the Gazette, prescribe such measures as
are necessary to contain such threat.
Whenever it appears to the body responsible for
Research that there is threat to sugar crop through disease or insect
pests, to an extent that endangers neighboring sugar crop farms or
that is likely to seriously affect the crop thereon, the body may,
prescribe and undertake such measures as are necessary to contain
such threat.
by millers.
Every miller shall issue growers and Outgrower
institutions payment statements showing sugar crop delivered, price,
deductions and recoveries as agreed with the grower and or
Outgrower institution and in accordance with the agreement between
the parties.
Every out-grower institution shall issue Outgrower
members’ payment’s statements showing sugar crop delivered, price,
deductions and recoveries as agreed with the members in accordance
with the agreement between the parties.
thirty days.
(1) The miller shall pay the grower within thirty
days of sugar crop delivery.
(2) If a miller fails to pay the grower as specified under the
provisions of these Regulations, the miller shall be liable to pay
interest charges at market rates on the sum due and an additional
penalty of 1.5% per month on late payment.
default of
19. (1) The outgrower institution shall work with the
Miller to ensure that the grower is paid as stipulated in regulation
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
(2) If an outgrower institution fails to pay the grower as
specified under paragraph (1) for any reason other than delay in
payment by the miller as specified under regulation 20(1), the
institution shall be liable to pay interest charges at market rates on
the sum due and an additional penalty of 3% per month on late
The harvesting and transportation of sugar crop shall
be carried out in accordance with the terms set out in the Sugar
Industry Schedule.
Every Outgrower who wishes to harvest and
transport sugar crop with the assistance of a miller or Outgrower
institution for purposes of supply to the miller shall, prior to doing
so, enter into an agreement with either the miller or the Outgrower
institution for sugar crop harvesting and transportation to the miller
and the agreement shall be as prescribed in the Sugar Industry
t plan.
(1) All sugar crop harvested, weighed and
transported at maturity by the miller shall be in accordance with the
sugar crop development plan and supply agreement.
(2) All harvested sugar crop shall be weighed at the farm-gate.
(3) Where a contracted miller, outgrower institutions, contracted
harvester or transporter fails to either harvest, weigh or transport in
accordance with the sugar crop development plan and supply
agreement, the miller, outgrower, contracted harvester or
transporter shall compensate the grower for the losses incurred
within the sugarcane development plan period as shall be
prescribed in the Sugar Industry Schedule.
All sugar crop harvesters, Transporters and primary
distributors of sugar crop products shall be registered by the
Authority and or its consultation with County Government
(1) No person shall move or cause to move sugar
crop across miller zones without a crop movement permit
administered by the Authority or its agents in the various Counties
on the basis of negotiated agreements between the interested parties
in each zone as provided for in the Sugar Industry Schedule.
25. A movement permit issued under sub-paragraph (1) shall
be as set out in Form E.
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
Millers shall provide growers and grower institutions
with monthly sugar crop harvesting programs which shall conform to
the sugar crop maturity periods.
27. Sugarcrop shall only be supplied to millers by registered
growers through registered transporters.
28. There shall be a Sugarcrop pricing Committee (hereinafter
referred to as “the Committee”) comprising representatives from
the Authority, 2 representatives of Sugarcrop Growers Apex Body,
2 representatives of Sugarcrop Millers Apex Body and 1
representative of County Government from the Sugar crop growing
The main objectives of the Committee shall be to review
sugar crop prices which shall be determined on the basis of
sucrose content plus any other measurable sugar crop quality
parameter that may be deemed useful by the Pricing Committee.
The following formula shall be adopted in payment of
sugar crop.
Pol % sugar crop x KR x
Farmers’ share x monthly
Price of sugar crop =
average net price of sugar
1+ E%
Plus % of value of by products,
where KR = Expected Mill Extraction x Expected Boiling House
Recovery and E% = Extraneous matter % cane
burnt sugar.
The formula set out in subparagraph (3) shall be subject to
change as agreed upon by the Committee. For now until the
stated formula is fully operationalized, the industry shall use and
comply with the existing formula previously issued by the Sugar
Cane Pricing Committee established in the repealed Sugar Act.
The exercise of determining sucrose content of sugar crop
for the purpose of sugar crop pricing shall be carried out by a
sugar crop testing unit to be set up by the Committee.
33. A miller may decline to accept burnt sugarcane but where
such sugarcane is accepted, the following Schedule shall be adhered
to –
(a) the grower shall sign an authority to harvest his burnt
sugarcane prior to commencement of cutting which
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
authority shall be different from any sugar crop
farming contract and shall set out conditions under
which the miller may accept the burnt sugarcane;
(b) sugarcane shall be delivered to the mill weighbridge
within a period of up to seven days, inclusive of the day
of burning, according to specific factory zones;
(c) only sugarcane of an acceptable quality shall be
harvested; and
(d) a payment for burnt sugarcane shall be made one month
from the date of the scheduled harvest of sugar crop.
(1) Sugarcrop shall be tested, analyzed and priced in
accordance with recommendations of the Sugarcrop Pricing
(2) The sugar crop price payable by any party shall be based
on the formula provided by the regulations and Schedule or as
modified from time to time by the Sugarcrop Pricing Committee.
(3) The Sugarcrop Pricing Committee shall determine the crop
transport tariffs/rate.
(4) Data presented at committee meetings shall be verified by
the Authority or other certified professionals or their bodies.
(5) Recommendations from the Sugarcrop Pricing Committee
shall be ratified by the Authority before communicating to the
Cabinet Secretary for gazettement.
35. The Authority, through the Sugar Directorate shall encourage
and support the formation, growth and regulation of a vibrant
membership-based sugar technologists association that shall
provide professional leadership in developing sugar technology
and other relevant technical/professional knowledge and their
application in enhancing the capabilities of those who are
involved in management, education, training, research or
development of the sugar industry.
36. 1.A sugar development levy of 4% of the ex-factory price
and imports shall be charged on all sugar sales. This levy shall be
collected by the Kenya Revenue Authority on behalf of the
2.fifteen per cent of the gross levy shall be kept as reserve
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
3. The percent balance shall be shared as follows:
a) AFFA – Sugar Directorate Administration - 1.4/4 of 85% .
b) Research & Extension
- 0.94/4 of 85%
c) Roads and infrastructure
- 0.29/4 of 85%
d) Cane Development
- 0.66/4 of 85%
e) Factory rehabilitation
- 0.0.71/4 of 85%
All sugar and by products from a licensed sugar
factory shall be manufactured, packaged, transported and stored in
warehouses in accordance with the standards approved by the
Authority under the Act, these Regulations. All brand packages
must be registered with the Authority inclusive of those to be
repackaged for sale by distributor’s, failure to which it will be an
offence and it will attract an offence under section 35 of the crops
Act and shall be liable upon conviction to a fine not exceeding five
million shillings or imprisonment for a period not exceeding one
Stay of
37. Any person against whom an order to revoke any kind of
approval, registration, license or permit has been made shall be
entitled to stay of the order for 30 days within which he may effect
remedial action.
Where an appeal to the Authority fails, an afflicted
entity shall appeal to the Crops Arbitration Tribunal to review such
revocations by the Authority.
Any person who contravenes the provisions of these
Regulations to which no express penalty has been prescribed,
commits an offence and shall be liable, upon conviction to a fine of
not less than fifty thousand and not exceeding one Million shillings
or imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or to both.
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
(No.16 of 2013)
The Director General,
1. I/We
…………………. (Name of business enterprise) apply for
registration/letter of comfort(Delete where not applicable) for
……… ……….. …………… .……… ………….. (Name of
sugar project) under section 13(2)…of the Sugar Act, 2001.
2. The registered office of the company will be situated
……………………Copies of the following documents are
attached to this application:
(i) The Memorandum and Articles of Association/or
partnership agreement,
(ii) Certificate of Incorporation/Registration,
(iii) Profiles of the investor(s), Directors and principal
(iv) A copy of the Project Profile or Feasibility Study
showing the implementation period, program of
implementation and operation dates,
(v) Evidence of financing and land ownership for the
3. The Head Office of the Company will be situated at
4. The Principal Officers of the Company are
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
5. Auditors of the Company are
6. The authorized share capital of the Company is Kshs./US$:
7. The intended capital investment of the Company is
8. The month and day of the financial year-end
I, …………………………………………….. of Post Office Box
Number …………… …………..……………………….. do
solemnly and sincerely declare that I am a director/duly authorized
agent of …………………………………….……………..
AND that all the requirements of the Crops Act, 2013 in respect of
matters precedent to the registration of this sugar project and the
business enterprise under other Acts and incidental thereto have
been complied with, AND I make this solemn declaration
conscientiously believing the same to be true.
Declared at …………………………}
The ……day of ……………… 20…}
Before me:
Commissioner for Oaths/Notary Public
Attach certified copies of documents only where applicable,
otherwise indicate “N/A”
APPLICATION SUMMARY (for official use only)
Company Name:
Certificate of Incorporation (COI) Number: ……………. Status:
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
COI Date: …………… ………
Post Box Number: ………………..
Town: ………………..
Investment Financing Plan in Million US$/Kshs:
Foreign Equity
Local Equity Foreign Loan Local Loan
……………… …
…………. ……
………. ………
Capacity: ……………………………(turnover or production p.a.)
Foreign: ………
Local: ………….
Total: …………
Implementation Period: …………
Estimated life of project:………….
Project Location
Site/Plot/Block No.: …………………..
Street: ……………… District: …………….. Region: ………...
(Attach sketch map showing project location)
………………………….. ……
………………………….. ……
………………………….. ……
………………………….. ……
………………………….. ……
Investment Breakdown
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
Plant and equipment
Furniture & Fittings
Working Capital
Contact Details:
Name: ……………………………………
Email: …………………………………….
(No.16 of 2013)
FORM A2. Letter of Comfort (r. 6(2))
(Authority Letterhead)
(Current Date)
(Applicant’s /Company (address))
Dear Sir,
1. ………………………………………………………………
(name of applicant entity) has demonstrated its commitment to
the implementation of a sugar project in Kenya by preparing
Pre-Feasibility study report.
2. The applicant has further demonstrated commitment to taking
advantage of the Kenyan Investment Policies that will facilitate
the easy access to investment incentives and guarantees. The
Company has been temporarily assigned a sugar development
zone in ………………….. district, …………… location(s).
Their factory development may be located on plot number(s)
……………on ………………….. street, ……………..
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
3. The Authority is satisfied that applicant will:
(a) Carry out a detailed project study to facilitate
Environmental Impact Assessment,
(b) Organize and contract sugar crop growers for cane supply,
(c) Participate in sugarcane land and seed crop development,
(d) Install process equipment that will march current Kenyan
(e) Successfully apply for a millers operating license at the
appropriate stage,
(f) Execute the project within the next 3 years after which this
letter of intent/comfort shall be invalid.
The Authority is satisfied with the intentions of ……………..
company in implementing the proposed sugar project.
Yours sincerely,
(No.16 of 2013)
(r. 8 (3))
THIS IS TO CERTIFY that………………….. of postal address
……………… having a sugar/jaggery mill at ……………LR No.
.…….has been duly registered by the Authority in accordance with
section ….. of the Crops Act 2013.
Dated this …… day of ………… 2013.
Director General
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
(r.9 (4))
Licence No. ………………. Province…………………. District
LICENCE is hereby given to the above mentioned to manufacture
white sugar/jaggery, and by-products at the factory specified in this
This licence shall, unless earlier suspended/revoked, expire on 30
June next following the date of issue but shall be subject to
conditions imposed by the Authority.
Fee paid Kshs………………
Date of issue…………………
(No.16 of 2013)
(r.6 (6))
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
The grower hereby appoints Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms/Dr.
______________________ as agent(s)/representative(s) on any
occasion when he is absent from his farm/ in matters of advocacy
for sugar crop development. Such agent(s)/ representative(s) may
commit the grower in respect of commitments entered into by the
Outgrower institution/miller/ growers association(s)/ other parties
on his behalf.
AS WITNESS WHEREOF the grower or his authorized
representative has hereon set his hand and seal the day of the year
written below.
and Signature(s)
1. ………….……………………
……………………………………… 2.
3. ……………………………..
Name of
For and on behalf of the Grower in the presence of the
Assistant Chief of the Sub-Location mentioned on the first
page of this agreement.
Name of organization
Official Stamp……………………..
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
(No.16 of 2013)
(r.6 (6))
The grower hereby appoints Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms/Dr.
______________________ as agent(s)/representative(s) on any
occasion when he is absent from his farm/ in matters of advocacy
for sugar crop development. Such agent(s)/ representative(s) may
commit the grower in respect of commitments entered into by the
Outgrower institution/miller/ growers association(s)/ other parties
on his behalf.
AS WITNESS WHEREOF the grower or his authorized
representative has hereon set his hand and seal the day of the year
written below.
and Signature(s)
1. ………….……………………
2. ……………………..…………
3. ……………………………..
Name of
For and on behalf of the Grower in the presence of the
Assistant Chief of the Sub-Location mentioned on the first
page of this agreement.
Name of organization
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
Official Stamp……………………..
(No.16 of 2013)
Start date……………………………………….……
Permit expiry date………………....
DESTINATION ………………………………………
TRUCK REG. No………………………..
TRAILER Reg. No…………………………
........ (specify destination)
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
COLLECTED BY …………ID NO……………………..….
ISSUED BY ………………………………….
SIGNATURE ………………………….
The Agriculture (Sugarcane Marketing) Rules, (L.N. Nos.
250/ 1971, 59/ 1973, 228/ 1977, 199/ 1976, and 227/ 1977);
the Agriculture (Sugar settlement organization) Rules, 1968
(L.N. Nos.101/ 1968, 354/1968) and the crop production and
Livestock (Sugar Factory) Rules, 1967 (L. N. Nos.101/
1967,125 1967 and 186/1993) are revoked.
The Director General,
(Manager/ director(s)/agent of
ame of Company)
Physical Address:………….Market.…………...…Location
………….. Division ……………. District …………... Province
Land Ref. No……………..………………………………
Tel:…………… Fax: ……………E-mail ………………..
………………………………………………….. (Name of
business enterprise) apply for registration/for ……… ………..
…………… .……… ………….. (Name of Outgrower
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
institution) under Part II, Section 15
Crops Act, 2013.
5. The registered office of the institution/ company will be at
6. Copies of the following documents are attached to this
(vi) The Memorandum and Articles of Association/or
partnership agreement,
(vii) Certificate of Incorporation/Registration,
(viii) Profiles of the investor(s) and Directors,
(ix) A copy of the Project Profile or Feasibility Study
showing the implementation period, program of
implementation and operation dates,
(x) Evidence of financing and land ownership for the
(xi) Register of members.
7. The Head Office of the institution /Company will be situated at
8. The Principal Officers of the Company and their qualifications
9. The month and day of the financial year-end is
10. Auditors of the Company are
11. The authorized share capital of the Company is Kshs./US$:
12. The intended capital investment of the Company is Kshs./US$
13. Affiliated
14. Milling sector(s)/zone(s)…………………………………………
………… …
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
15. Mill acceptance:
Miller) confirms that acceptable arrangements have been concluded
for delivery and acceptance of cane to be supplied by the applicant
under contract No………………………………..
Mill Authorizing
Signature and Mill
16. Applicant’s Declaration
I, …………………………………………….. of P O Box Number
…………… …………..……………………….. do solemnly and
sincerely declare that I am a manager/director/duly authorized agent
of ……………………………
AND that all the requirements of the Crops Acts, 2013 in respect of
matters precedent to the registration of this Outgrower institution
and the business enterprise under other Acts and incidental thereto
have been complied with, AND I make this solemn declaration
conscientiously believing the same to be true.
Declared at ………………………… }
The ……day of ……………… 20…}
Authorized officer
Before me:
Commissioner for Oaths/Notary Public
Attach certified copies of documents only where applicable,
otherwise indicate “N/A”
APPLICATION SUMMARY (for official use only)
Company Name:
And or
Outgrower Institution Name:
…………………………………………… ………
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
Certificate(s) of Incorporation (COI)/ Business Reg. Number(s):
…………… Company Status: …………………………………
COI/ Registration Date: …………… ………
Post Box Number:
Town: ………………..
Investment Financing Plan in Million US$/Kshs:
Foreign Equity
Local Equity Foreign Loan Local Loan
……………… …
…………. ……
………. ………
Capacity: ……………………………(turnover or production p.a.)
Foreign: ………
Local: ………….
Total: …………
Implementation Period: …………
Estimated life of project:………….
Project Location
Site/Plot/Block No.: …………………..
Street: ……………… District: …………….. Region: ………...
(Attach sketch map showing project location)
………………………….. ……
………………………….. ……
………………………….. ……
………………………….. ……
………………………….. ……
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
Investment Breakdown
Plant and equipment
Furniture & Fittings
Working Capital
Contact Details:
Name: ……………………………………
Email: …………………………………….
1. The Miller shall participate in all the stages of sugar crop
development, including variety selection, seed cane propagation,
treatment and bulking, disease and pest prevention and control,
crop maintenance, harvesting and transportation.
2. Cane development technology shall satisfy the needs of specific
project stakeholders by demonstrating attributes of
transferability and sustenance in accordance with the Industrial
Properties Act, Cap 509 and any other relevant laws.
3. The Miller may develop its own sugar crop estate (nucleus) or
contract large and small-scale sugar crop growers to develop
and supply cane to the mill in accordance with sugar crop
contract regulations; furthermore:
(a) Green sugar crop projects shall be encouraged to
develop block farming schemes for small-scale
(b) The miller shall be required to develop large-scale
crop estate(s) or block farms to provide 30% of its
annual crop supply, seed cane development and
(c) Where large numbers of small-scale growers exist,
the project shall cause them to be organized into
groups (Outgrower institutions) for ease of
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
administration and provision of services,
(d) Where marginal sugar crop growth conditions exist,
the project may develop irrigation schemes to match
the available water resources.
4. All growers shall be members of an umbrella association for the
purpose of advocacy of their interests.
5. (1) All sugar crop harvester and transporters shall conform to
the Schedule issued by the board.
(2) Sugarcrop shall be harvested in an efficient manner.
Harvesting and stacking of green and accidentally burnt
cane in the estate and growers cane plots within miller zones
for which the harvesting contractor undertakes to provide a
sufficient number of cutters daily and to work under the
direction of the company shall be done according to
(3) Sugarcrop shall be harvested from the programmed plots or
fields only when a valid work order has been issued, with
work in hand completed before being allocated new work;
otherwise the contractor shall be held responsible for any
unauthorized harvesting by cane cutters registered under his
6. (1) Sugarcrop shall be transported efficiently and expeditiously
from wherever directed to the sugarcane Factory at such
times as the company in its sole discretion shall decide and
(2) The sugar crop transporter shall at all times, provide a fast
transportation means, avoid sugar crop spillage and carry
high payload to reduce costs and both parties shall ensure a
short turn round time with transport costs being charged on
the basis of tonnes sugar crop per kilometer;
(3) The transporter shall comply with all national standards and
regulation, now or hereafter in force regarding the
specifications of the haulage vehicles or the transport of
sugar crop and any such modifications, as from time to time
may be required shall be carried out at the transporters’
7. The price of sugar crop shall be based on the formulae
recommended by the SPC as follows:
Cane price
= Net price of sugar per unit weight X
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
Growers’ share
per unit
by weight
Cane/sugar conversion ratio
Where: 1. Net price of sugar per unit weight is the
average price of sugar per tonnes in the
previous month preceding cane delivery.
2. Growers’ share is the agreed equitable
sharing ratio based on the verified costs of
cane and sugar respectively. This ratio is set
at 50:50.
3. Cane/sugar conversion ratio or TC/TS is the
fraction obtained by dividing the weight of
sugar produced from a given weight of cane
in tones. This has been set at 10.
8. This formula shall be subject to reviews in keeping with
continuous improvements in cane testing and revenue sharing
9. (1) Sugarcrop processing factories shall be set up in accordance
with the industrial and labour chapters of the laws of
(2) The processing technology shall satisfy the needs of
specific projects within the requirements of the Public
Health, and Food, Drug and Poisonous substances laws and
the Kenyan food Hygiene and cane processing standard
specifications for sugarcane equipment and products.
(3) The processing technology shall meet all the requirements
of transferability within the Industrial Properties Act, Cap
(4) All processors shall be members of an umbrella association
for advocacy of their interests.
Every person wishing to set up a sugar factory shall, before
doing so, be required to register with the Authority.
Every application for a licence or renewal of a licence shall
be accompanied with the following: (a) list of all growers with sugar crop farming and
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
supply contracts as proof of availability and
adequacy of sugar crop supply; or
(b) state the nature of supply of sugar cane such as
nucleus estate or independent non-contracted
sugar crop growers;
(c) details of the geographical area of production of
sugar crop;
(d) a declaration with undertaking that the quality of
sugar and other products manufactured by the
applicant shall meet the standards set by the
Kenya Bureau of Standards in accordance with
the Standards Act, Cap. 496;
The holder of a licence issued by the Authority under
Regulation 14 shall conduct all operations of the factory to
the satisfaction of the Directorate/Authority
The Authority shall register every licensed miller in Form C
set out in the First Schedule.
(e) A certificate from Public Health Officer and
licence as proof that applicant’s operations and
premises satisfy safety and health standards stipulated
by the Medical Officer of Health responsible for
public health in accordance with the Public Health
Act, Cap. 242;
(f) Environmental impact assessment licence as proof
that applicant’s operations comply with
environmental standards set by the National
Environmental Management Authority in accordance
with the Environment Management and Co-ordination
Act, 1999;
(g) Factory licence as proof that applicant’s operations
comply with the provisions of the labour laws.
14. The Authority may impose conditions from time to time and
any conditions so imposed after the grant of a licence may
be either by endorsement of the condition served by post on
the licensee, and any condition of licence may be varied or
extended in the same manner as conditions imposed after the
grant of the licence provided that a condition shall not be
imposed after the grant of licence, which may frustrate the
purpose, for which the licence was granted.
15. There shall be payable in respect of the grant of a licence a
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
fee of one million Kenya shillings (kshs1,000,000=00), in
case of large scale white sugar mill, and fifty thousand
Kenya shillings(kshs50,000=00, in case of small scale
jaggery mill.
16. (1) The Authority may, at its discretion, refuse to grant or
renew a licence on any of the following grounds: a. that a sufficient number of millers already exist;
b. that the applicant has not conducted his mill
according to these Regulations or any other
legislation in force or required standards;
c. that the miller has failed to honour industry
agreements entered into with other parties and
related programmes;
d. that the miller has failed to remit any levies
lawfully imposed on the industry payable to the
Board or any other designated or authorized party
or agent; or
e. any other ground which appears to the Authority
to be reasonable in the interest of the sugar
industry as a whole.
(2) The Authority may suspend or revoke a licence in the event
of the licensee contravening these Regulations or any
condition of a licence whether original or amended.
(3) Where the Authority revokes a licence under sub-regulation
(2) the mill to which the licence relates shall, for the
purpose of this regulation, be deemed to have ceased to
operate forthwith.
17. Sugar and related co products shall be handled in accordance
with the existing hygiene, health, safety and commercial
18. Where appropriate product management shall be guided by
sector specific regulations such as in the case of electric
power for export, power alcohol, agrochemicals and
19. All project finances shall be subject to the Banking Act, Cap
488, the central bank Act, Cap 491, the Capital Market Act,
and Financial Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act, the
Foreign exchange Act, Custom and excise Act, Accountants
Act and other laws which govern finances, banking, taxes,
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
public accounting and auditing.
1. Name of the Applicant
2. Physical Address……………… Land Reference Number
3. Postal Address………………………………………….
4. Location…………………………………Division………….
5. Tel:………………….. Fax ……………E-mail ……………
6. Registration No. …………………. Trade Licence No.
7. I hereby apply for a sugar mill licence. The following are
my/our particulars:
8. Name(s) of ownership/ shareholders
9. Names of directors of the company and their profiles
10. Director……………………………………………..
11. Legal status of the applicant/ public company/ cooperative society/ partnerships/private
12. Date of establishment/ incorporation, …………
registration certificate number…………………
13. Name of nearest commercial centre ……………………..
14. Source of water ……………… source of electricity
15. Attached is a copy of memorandum and articles of
association for the Company/ co-operative society/
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
partnerships/private firm is attached.
16. The types and quantities of products and by-products to be
manufactured and for each product the quality must meet
the minimum or maximum values as provided for under
the Kenya Bureau of Standards specifications
The type of technology employed in manufacturing
the products specified in sub paragraph (15) shall be
adequately illustrated byflow diagrams of the process;
list of major equipment;
A brief description of the manufacturing process and
production plan indicating the operational parameters of the
factory and qualities of the end products
Profile of all key personnel proposed for the mill in
the management and technical areas, numbers of permanent
and casual employees:
number of key personnel
………………..(attach personnel profiles);
number of the permanent
number of casual employees
Source and availability of sugar crop supply:
nucleus estate acreage ……………projected
yield ………..;
area of available contracted cane in 12
months …………… and projected yield
area of sugar crop from independent growers
..……. and projected yield ……..………;
total available area from (b), (c), (d) and (e)
..…… and total projected tonnage of cane per
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
year …..;
daily capacity of the mill in tonnes of sugar
crop per day ……………; and
capacity of weighbridge(s)……………………
Economic and technical viability parameters
including the following:
the yield per tonne of
rendement or tc:ts ratio for the last three
production cost(s) per unit of
Gross profit/loss in the last three
Projected costs per production unit for the
next twelve months…………………..;
Gross profit/loss in the last three
I hereby declare that:
(a) All the statements and supporting materials are
complete and true;
(b) I have authorized the Board to make further
inquiries and receive information in connection
with this application to the extent permitted by
(c) We have complied with the requirements of the
Factories Act, Cap. 514, the Public Health Act,
Cap. 242, the Standards Act, Cap. 496 and the
Environmental Management and Co-ordination
Act, 1999.
Signed by applicant
Principle Officer ……………………..…
Name ……………………….. Signature …………………
Date …………………………
Witnessed by (Full name and address)………………. Signature
………………… Designation …………….
Date ……………..
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
All information regarding this application shall be treated as
confidential but the Board reserves the right to share the
information with other approving agencies of the Kenya
Government to the extent required by law or by the policy of the
For Official Use Only
Date of receipt of application …………………
Licensing approved/ not approved …………………
The Director General
Name of Company………..……………………………
Physical Address: ………………………………………
Land Ref. No……………..………………………
Postal Address:……..…….Tel:……………Fax:
……………E-mail ……..
Location ………….. Division ……………. District
…………... Province ……
Mill Registration No. ………………………………...
Registered Owner/s: …………………………………
Names of Directors: ……………………………………
Legal status of the applicant / public company / co-operative
society / partnership / private firm /
Date of establishment / incorporation ………….
Registration No. …………….…
Name of nearest commercial centre ……………………
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
2. Type of Products and Co-products Manufactured
For each product the quality must meet the minimum or
maximum values as provided for under by Kenya Bureau of
Standard specifications or their equivalent.
3. Source and availability of sugar cane supply
Geographical area(s)…………….. …………;
Nucleus estate acreage ……projected yield …..;
Area of available contracted cane 12
months…… and projected yield ……….;
Area of sugar crop from independent
growers..……. and projected yield ……;
Total available area from (b), (c), (d) and (e)
… and total projected tonnage of cane per
year …..;
Daily capacity of the mill in tonnes of sugar
crop per day ……………; and
Capacity of weighbridge(s)………………
4. Economic and technical viability parameters
Yield per tonne of cane…………….,
Rendement or tc:ts ratio for the last three
Production cost(s) per unit of
Gross profit/loss in the last three
Projected costs per production unit for the
next twelve months…………………..;
Gross profit/loss in the last three
Indicate changes in material particulars (If any)
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
14. Applicant’s declaration
I hereby declare that:
all the statements and supporting materials
are complete and true;
I have authorized the Board to make further
inquiries and receive information in
connection with this application to the extent
permitted by law.
Our operations are economically and
technically viable and all contractual
obligations to the grower or outgrower
institutions will be met as provided in the
regulations and Schedule for the sugar crop.
We have complied with the requirements of
the Factories Act, Cap. 514, the Public Health
Act, Cap. 242, the Standards Act, Cap. 496
and the Environmental Management and Coordination Act, 1999.
Signed by applicant
Principal Officer ……………………..…
Name ……………………….. Signature …………………
Date …………………………
Witnessed by (Full name and address)………………. Signature
………………… Designation …………….
Date ……………..
All information regarding this application shall be
treated as confidential. However, the Board reserves
the right to share the information with other
approving agencies of the Kenya Government to the
extent required by law or Government Policy.
For Official Use Only
Date of receipt of application …………………
Rating of licence conformance in the last period …………………..
Licensing approved / not approved
The Director General,
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
1. Name of applicant: ………………………………….
2. Address: ……………………………………………….
3. Telephone Number: ……………………………….. …
4. Physical Location: …………………………………..
5. L.R. No./Nos: ……………………………………….
6. Names of Directors and addresses
Name/Address: ………………………………. Signature:
Name/Address: …………… Signature: ……………
Name/Addresss:…………. Signature: ……………
7. Warehouse Capacity: ….. ………. Metric Tonnes
Physical Address: ………………………………….
L.R. No.: ……………………………………………
Previous Experience: ………………………………
Quantity of sugar imported in the last 12 months……..…
Type of sugar (specify) …………………………….
Country of origin ……………………………………
CIF Value: …………………………………………….
Dates of importation ……………………………….
Last registration number by the Board or its predecessor
Source of Sugar/Country of origin in respect of this
12. Intended use of sugar/by-products:
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
Human Consumption ……………..
Industrial Manufacturing ………………….
Further processing ……………..
Transit ………………
13. I certify that the information given in this application is true and
correct to the best of my belief.
Name of signatory: …………………………………..
Signature:……….. Date: …………………………….
Decision of AFFA:
Approved/Not Approved/Deferred
Name: ……………………………………………
Signature…………… Date: ……………………
The Director General
Name of applicant: ………………………………….
Address: ……………………………………………
Telephone Number: …………………………………
Physical Location: …………………………………
L.R. No./Nos: ………………………………………
Names of Directors and addresses
Name/Address:……………. Signature: …………….
Name/ Address: …………… Signature: ……………
Name/Address…………………….Signature: ……
Warehouse Capacity:…………..………. Metric Tonnes
Physical Address: ……………………………….
L.R.No.: ………………………………………………
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
Previous Experience: …………………………………
Quantity of sugar exported in the last 12
Type of sugar (specify) …………………………….
Country of destination ……….………………………
Value (USD/metric tonnes) ………………………….
Dates of exportation ………………………………….
Country of destination in respect of this application
I/We hereby apply for registration as a sugar exporter in
accordance with the terms of the regulations made under the
Sugar Act, 2001.
I certify that the information given in this application is true
and correct to the best of my belief.
Name of signatory: …………………………………..
Signature:……………..Date: …………….
Decision of Board:
Approved/Not Approved/Deferred
Name: ………………………………………
Signature: ………… Date: …………………………
The Director General,
1. Name of applicant: …………………………………….
2. Address: ………………………………………
3. Telephone Number: …………………….. …
4. Physical Location: ……………………………..
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
5. For Importers: Source of Sugar/Country of origin in
respect of this application……….……………………
6. Physical Address of the Seller of the Sugar in the country of
7. Telephone Number of the Seller of the
8. Intended Port of Entry..............................................
9. Expected Date of Entry.................................................
For Exporters: Destination of the Sugar in respect of this
Physical Address of the buyer of the sugar at the
Intended Port of Exit......................................................
Intended date of Exit......................................................
14. Intended use of sugar/by-products:
Human Consumption …………….. Industrial
Manufacturing …………………. Further processing
……………..Transit ………………
15. Quantity (Metric Tonnes) to be
16. Value of Sugar – CIF/FOB (USD/metric
17. I certify that the information given in this application is
true and correct to the best of my belief.
Name of signatory: …………………………………..
Signature: ………………
Date: …………………
Decision of the Board:
Approved/Not Approved/Deferred
Name: ………………………………………
Signature: ………… Date: …………………
The Director General,
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
AGREEMENT made the ________ (day) of __________ (month)
two thousand and _______BETWEEN --------------------- (names in
full) Identity No. ------------- of P.O. Box…………(Town/City)
hereinafter referred to as the “grower”, which expression shall
where the context so admits, include his successors and assignees of
the first Part whose farm/plot L.R No -------------------------------Soil
type(s)………………. and is situated in Sub-location ---------------Location……………. Zone ………………….
Division…………….. District…………. Province…………. AND
…………………………………… (name in full) of P.O.
Box…………….. (Town/City) hereinafter referred to as the
“miller” which expression shall where the context so admits include
its successors and assignees of the Second Part whose company was
incorporated/registered in the Republic of Kenya and having its
registered office at ___________________;
WHEREAS the grower is the registered owner/ lessee and wishes
to grow sugarcane under this agreement in the aforesaid
plot/field whose total area planted with sugar crop
covering…………….hectares and supply the total harvested
sugarcane to the miller;
WHEREAS the grower is not a member of any outgrower
institution and wishes to enter into direct agreement to grow and
supply sugar crop to the miller;
WHEREAS the miller is willing to enter into agreement and accept
all sugarcane grown under this agreement in the aforesaid
plot/field and mill the total harvested sugar crop;
1. The term of this agreement shall commence on the date it is
signed and shall, unless sooner determined under the provisions
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
hereof, continue until the grower has harvested one plant and
two ratoon crops, which is a period of up to twenty four months
for plant crop and up to twenty two months for each ratoon crop
provided that for early maturing varieties, the crop may be
harvested earlier as appropriate, and that by mutual consent the
said term maybe extended to include the harvesting of one or
more ratoon crops as long as the crops meet agreed quality
standards, with or without modifications of the terms and
conditions herein contained, by a memorandum of extension
endorsed hereon not less than three months before the date of
the anticipated commencement of harvesting of what would
otherwise have been the last ratoon crop under the contract.
2. This agreement shall cover sugarcane development services
such as seed sugar crop supply, land preparation, supply of
fertilizers, supply of herbicides and pesticides, extension/
advisory services, financing of sugar crop cultivation and supply
by either party in cash or through provision of services as
outlined under sugar crop development; negotiating for
affordable credit, maintaining proper bookkeeping, transport/
distribution of farm inputs, timely transport of seed crop,
provision of educational programmes for farmers, supporting
crop diversification programmes for food security and provision
of advances to farmers on hypothecation of their crops.
3. Any party may harvest, transport and weigh sugar crop on
behalf of the grower or the miller within the terms and
conditions agreed between the miller and grower.
4. Sugarcrop transportation shall be fast, avoid sugar crop spillage
and carry high payload to reduce costs; the miller and cane
transporters shall ensure a short turn round time at all times; and
transport costs shall be charged on the basis of the weight of
delivered sugarcane at zonal rates.
5. Sugarcrop shall be transported efficiently in stack units (6
tonnes) or their multiples such as two stacks ((12) tonnes) or
three stacks (eighteen (18) tonnes) to avoid field and transport
6. The sugar crop transporter shall be included in the harvesting
programme indicating specific assignment and area of operation
and shall be held responsible, by either party, for sugar crop
spillage during transportation.
7. Sugarcrop shall be weighed at the farm gate provided that the
weighbridge shall be serviced, inspected and stamped by the
Weights and Measures department in accordance with the
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
Weights and Measures Act, Cap. 513.
8. The sugar crop price payable by any party shall be the price
derived through the payment formula provided by the sugar crop
Pricing Committee.
9. The parties to this agreement shall at all times undertake to
conduct their business above board with the aim of ensuring
integrity, transparency and accountability and the miller shall
ensure sugar products conform to the specifications of the
Kenyan Bureau of Standards and also strive to pack sugar
directly for retail in the market.
10. The miller shall, before the start of each financial year, prepare
cultivation and planting programme covering all growers and
showing acreage, approximate timings and production quantities
anticipated from each grower.
11. The miller shall notify the grower in advance of any planned
closure of the mill for any reason, and notification shall be
through a detailed annual time account and the provided annual
milling programme.
12. The miller shall prepare a cultivation and planting programme to
include the area under sugar crop: by crop cycle for farmer; by
each variety showing the name(s) of farmer(s), plot number(s);
age of sugarcane, area under fallow; anticipated tonnage of
sugar crop and yields; expected time of maturity and harvesting
per area; expected inputs and their timings; record of growers
loan(s) to farmer(s); payment records in respect of sugar crop
sales proceeds; record(s) for land preparation and harvesting
13. Where the miller is not the primary provider of crop seed, he
shall provide requirements for seed cane as part of long-term
sugar crop requirements provided an integrated approach to seed
cane development shall be worked out by the body responsible
for research in the seed crop development programme
14. The miller shall, at the appropriate time, prepare a harvesting
programme showing the approximate expected time of
harvesting the crop of each grower and furnish the grower with
copies of such programmes as soon as they are completed, and
consult with the growers regarding any significant changes
therein that the miller may subsequently consider necessary to
make; and a list of all plots showing the acreage of each
grower’s sugarcane area as specified in his sugar crop supply
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
contract provided that the programmes referred to herein shall
be tentative and their implementation shall be subject to the
exigencies of subsequent operation and circumstances.
15. The lead time in harvesting sugar crop shall not be more than
twenty-four (24) hours and all the lead sugarcane harvested
within the lead- time shall be under the responsibility of the
miller, who may arrange to offer the sugar crop to another miller
or bear the cost of wastage.
16. In the case of sugarcane the miller shall buy all sugarcane of
requisite quality harvested from the area specified in this supply
contract in accordance with the programme provided for herein
and the requisite quality of sugarcane shall be as specified by
the Board in respect of the specified sugarcane variety whose
harvest-to-mill time for green sugarcane shall ideally not exceed
seventy-two (72) hours, and in case of accidentally burnt
sugarcane harvest-to-mill time shall ideally not exceed fortyeight (48) hours; with extraneous matter of less than three per
cent (3%); of Pol % cane of twelve percent (12%) or above and
fibre content of 15% but not more than 17.5% at maturity.
17. The miller may reject any sugarcane found not to be of the
requisite quality based on parameters established by the Board
and as specified in this agreement; and sugarcane rejection
parameters shall include:
(a) extraneous matter of more than 10%;
(b) harvest-to-mill time of green sugarcane of three (3)
or more days;
(c) two (2) or more days for burnt sugarcane with zero
day being the day of cutting or burning, as the case
may be and mill time shall be the time recorded on
entry at the weighbridge;
(d) 82% or less absolute juice purity;
(e) fibre content outside the range of 15.0 to 17.5%;
(f) Pol % cane of less than 12%;or
(g) sugarcane of a variety not specified in this agreement
and not recommended by the body responsible for
18. The miller shall pay the grower within thirty days of sugar crop
delivery provided that the sugar crop will be harvested not later
than twenty-four months for plant crops and not later than
twenty-two months for subsequent rations.
19. If a miller fails to pay the grower as specified by the regulations
and Schedule for the sugar crop, the miller shall be liable to pay
a penalty of 1.5% per month on the outstanding grower dues of
the affected growers up to the time it completes payment so as
to safeguard the growers’ ability to repay the funds to finance
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
sugar crop production.
20. The miller shall maintain and develop adequate milling capacity
for sugar crop planted on the basis of agreed planting plans with
the growers and further strive to mill sugar crop efficiently so as
to realize maximum returns for both parties by achieving the
following standards:
(a) In the case of sugar cane, tonne cane/tonne sugar ratio
of 9 or rendement of 11%;
(b) mill extraction of 96%;
(c) preparation index of 92%;
(d) boiling house recovery of 90%;
(e) factory time efficiency of 92%;
(f) overall time efficiency of 80 %; and
(g) overall time utilization of 75%.
21. The miller shall off-load sugar crop quickly and efficiently by
applying the principle of first in first out (FIFO) and no sugar
crop shall be stored in the yard for more than 12 hours from
mill-time, provided that during the handling of sugar crop in the
yard vehicles shall not be used in such a manner as to destroy
sugar crop.
22. The miller shall ensure that high impact extraneous matter such
as stones, boulders, tree stumps, etc do not damage equipment
by putting a system in place so as to exclude them and any
identified culprit shall be penalized.
23. The miller may harvest, transport and weigh sugar crop on
behalf of the grower within the terms and conditions agreed
between miller and grower.
24. The miller shall advise the grower of any change in planned
activities as soon as the need for such change becomes apparent
and he shall issue notices to stop further harvesting of sugar
crop in the event of mill breakdowns.
25. The miller shall list charges for all goods and services to be
provided in the agreement as shown hereafter to allow the
grower to make a choice and such chargeable goods and
services shall include, pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, land
development, crop maintenance, harvesting, weighing,
transportation and any other specified hereof.
26. The miller shall do anything necessary for either party in terms
hereof provided that, if the grower fails to facilitate the
harvesting of his sugarcane at the appointed time, the miller
shall refer the matter to the Crops Arbitration Tribunal.
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
Accessibility of sugar crop plot
27. The grower shall offer for sugar crop development only land,
which is accessible in case of supply of goods and services
throughout the term of contract.
28. The grower shall at all times allow the miller to enter upon his
land together with any vehicles, machinery or livestock which
the miller may require to inspect the land and the sugar crop
growing thereon without causing damage to property, sample
the sugar crop, gain access to other grower’s land, including
such construction of access tracks as may be required for the
transport of sugar crop produced by the grower or others
provided that any damage to property by miller or his agents
shall be borne by the miller.
Sugarcrop varieties
29. The grower shall plant or cultivate the most suitable variety of
sugar crop recommended by the body responsible for sugar
research;, which shall avail the sugarcane varieties and expected
characteristics, which relate to the various soil types in the zone.
Crop husbandry
30. The grower shall maintain his sugar crop cultivation to enhance
a satisfactory yield by:
(a) maintaining the sugar crop weed-free;
(b) applying, at the commended time and in the
recommended amounts, all fertilizers and other material
recommended by the outgrower institution and the
body responsible for research;
(c) undertaking the planting and gapping of sugar crop area
at the times recommended by the miller in order to
ensure a high plant population;
(d) applying all services and goods, which he may have
obtained from the miller for the benefit of his sugar
crop crop solely for that purpose;
(e) undertaking stubble shaving, inter-row cultivation and
trash lining within one month after harvesting provided
that the cost of stubble shaving shall be borne by the
party undertaking the harvesting;
(f) inspecting sugar crop for pests and diseases
periodically and removing diseased or infested sugar
crop and disposing them off in the manner prescribed
by extension agents according to the list of pests,
diseases and methods of eradication as recommended
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
by the body responsible for research; and
(g) except for seed cane production, planting the sugar crop
inter-row, one row only of common beans, soybeans,
potatoes, tomatoes, onions, cabbages or carrots and any
other crop maturing within four (4) months and
recommended by body responsible for research.
(h) maintaining suitable permanent boundary marks and
cleared firebreaks for his sugar crop crops.
31. The grower shall be responsible for maintaining suitable
permanent boundary marks and cleared firebreaks for his
sugarcane crop; take other precautions against fire according to
the advice of the extension agents; be liable to pay the cost of
any damage suffered by other growers as a result of failure to
comply with the terms hereof.
32. The grower shall attend meetings and field days convened by
the miller for the purpose of learning the proper sugar crop
husbandry, operation and application of goods and services
obtained from the miller for the satisfactory yield of sugar crop.
33. The grower shall grow and supply sugar crop of requisite
quality harvested from the area specified in the sugar crop
farming and supply contract in accordance with the programme
provided for herein by the miller.
Seed cane
34. The grower shall allow the cultivation of seed cane nurseries, if
the millers’ extension agents’ desires for the multiplication of
seed cane material to be supplied to other growers provided
such sugar crop may be used for milling when it is no longer
required for seed cane.
35. Where sugar crop is to be used as seed cane the cost for
purposes of paying the grower or selling to recipient grower
shall be determined in accordance with guide notes provided by
the Sugarcrop Pricing Committee.
36. Where a grower has been identified to grow seed cane using the
agronomical practices recommended by body responsible for
research the price per tonne of the seed shall be determined
separately from the commercial sugar crop provided breeder or
basic seed shall be provided by body responsible for research on
specific terms to the miller or any bulking institution or grower
who will establish A-nurseries and in turn shall supply other
growers with seeds for B-nurseries in grower zones. A list of
approved nurseries and bulking institutions or growers shall be
maintained by body responsible for research.
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
37. The grower shall allow the cutting of good quality commercial
sugar crop of plant and first ratoon crops to supply seed cane to
other growers, only in the absence of suitable nurseries provided
that the age of the seed cane shall not be less than seven but not
more than fourteen months depending on cane variety and cane
growing zone.
38. The grower shall plant seed cane at the onset of rains and stop
two months before the onset of dry season, but in irrigated sugar
crop shall be planted at any time.
Grower fails to maintain sugar crop husbandry
39. The miller shall, upon notice, be entitled, in the event that the
grower does not prepare, plant and maintain his land and sugar
crop in accordance with the agreement, to carry out all and any
such operations on the outgrower member’s land which the
outgrower institution shall consider necessary to ensure that the
outgrower member’s quota of sugar crop of satisfactory quality
will be delivered on the due date, in which case the outgrower
institution shall be further entitled to deduct the cost, including a
penalty for these operations from the payment to be made for
the outgrower member’s sugar crop.
40. In case of a default, the grower, upon notice, shall allow all or
any such work to be carried out at his cost by the miller and its
agents or employees working in conjunction with the grower.
41. Within seven days of receipt of a written notification from the
miller that such operations are necessary to achieve a
satisfactory yield of sugar crop, allow unimpeded access by the
miller and his equipment for the purpose of carrying out any or
all operations which the grower has failed to carry out and that
notification shall have either been served to the grower or his
representative and acknowledged, or shall have been posted to
the grower by registered mail of work carried out.
42. The miller shall give notice for the work to be undertaken on
behalf of the grower, detailing work description, costs and
penalties involved; and on completion of the said work, a job
completion certificate shall be prepared and issued to the grower
who shall acknowledged receipt by signing thereof; indirect
costs shall be agreed by the parties at time of entering into this
Costs and recovery
43. The grower shall bear all direct and indirect costs of the works,
goods and services and interest accruing thereto supplied by the
miller in accordance with the miller schedule of charges from in
force at the date the agreement is signed and unless the same is
paid earlier allow such costs to be deducted from payment for
sugar crop supplied by the grower.
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
Provided that:
(a) the said charges shall at all times be as agreed with the
(b) the miller shall consult with the grower regarding any
proposed changes in the said charges before such
charges are proposed to take effect and shall maintain
such records as are necessary to show the grower that he
charges from time to time are as agreed in (a) above.
(c) the miller shall notify all charges to the grower in
reasonable time before the charges are due to take effect;
(d) where a grower ends up with a debit balance the miller
shall immediately write to the grower for arrangement of
recovery of the said debt.
44. The grower shall bear all direct and indirect costs of the works,
goods and services supplied by the miller as specified in the
agreement and unless the same are paid earlier allow such costs
to be deducted from payment for sugar crop supplied by the
grower provided indirect costs, shall have been discussed and
agreed at the time of the contract.
Sugarcrop harvesting, transport, weighing and selling
45. The grower shall offer, for harvest, transport and weighing all
such sugar crop as is derived from his contracted sugar crop plot
and no other for use either as seed cane or mill cane; sugar crop
which shall be harvested green, cut at ground level de-trashed
and topped just below the meristem as specified by body
responsible for research; a job completion certificate shall be
promptly signed where harvesting has been done satisfactorily.
46. The grower shall not sell his sugar crop through a middleman
nor dispose of it or any interest therein to any other parties
without the written permission of the miller specifying the
tonnage of sugar crop which may be sold, the date on which the
sale may take place and destination of the sugar crop.
Grower representatives
47. The grower shall appoint a representative in all matters of
advocacy for sugar crop development, financing of sugar crop
supply services, costs of farm inputs and related services.
48. The grower shall either attend himself or send an authorized
representative to the buying point to witness the condition of the
sugar crop at the time of delivery and to obtain a ticket showing
the weight or value of the sugar crop.
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
49. The grower shall not assign his land or any interest therein or
any of his rights or obligations under the agreement without the
written consent of the miller.
50. Where the miller offers services at the wrong time, the farmer
shall have the option of arranging for his services upon notice to
the miller.
51. Where the sugar mill ceases to exist, the grower may deliver the
sugarcane to another party without the approval of the miller.
52. If any party decides to discontinue the production of sugar crop
or terminate the relationship with the other party, he shall give a
three months notice of his intention to do so and shall pay all his
dues before the expected time of harvest and the miller or the
grower will then harvest sugar crop in the normal manner
provided that such notice shall only be effective if the grower
shall, within the period of notice, repay in full all loans received
by him from the miller. Any such termination of the contract
shall be without prejudice to all rights accrued and obligations
incurred to or by either party prior to the date of termination and
shall not prejudice claim for damages for such breach of
53. Neither the grower nor the miller shall be obliged to perform
their respective obligations under this agreement if and to the
extent that they or either one of them may be hindered or
prevented from so doing directly or indirectly by an event of
force majeure.
54. The affected party shall report any event of force majeure within
seven days from the date of its occurrence and the competent
authorities of both parties shall certify the said event.
55. The obligations of the parties under the specified agreement
shall remain suspended for the period during which the said
event of force majeure persists.
Any question or dispute as to the responsibility to fulfill the terms
of this agreement shall be referred to the Crops Arbitration
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
1st Ploughing
2nd Ploughing
1st Harrowing
2nd Harrowing
Inter-row cultivation
Loading/Off loading
Atranet combination
Gesapax combination
Actril DS.
Round up
Groover/Lysol/water man
NSSF Contribution
Public Holidays
Transport of
Zones 0 – 4km
4.1 – 8
8.1 – 12
12.1 – 16
16.1 – 20
20.1 – 24
24.1 – 28
28.1 – 32
50 kg bag
50 kg bag
50 kg bag
50 kg bag
50 kg bag
50 kg bag
50 kg bag
50 kg bag
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
32.1 – 36
36.1 – 40
Over 40 km
Zone A. 0 – 10 km
B. 10.1 – 16
C. 16.1 – 24
D. 24.1 – 32
E. 32.1 – 40
Over 40 km
Other charges (specify)
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have
executed this Agreement on the day and date first
hereinbefore mentioned.
SIGNED for or on behalf of the
in presence of:…………………………………………….
SIGNED for or behalf of the
In presence of:…………………………………………..
AGREEMENT made the ________ (day) of __________(month)
two thousand and _______BETWEEN --------------------------(names in full) Business registration No. ------------- of P.O.
Box………………… hereinafter referred to as the “outgrower
institution”, which expression shall, where the context so admits
include its successors and assignees whose and is situated in Sublocation ---------------- Location……….…………
Division…………….. District…………. Province………….. of the
First Part AND ……………………………………(name in full) of
P.O. Box…………….. (Town/City) hereinafter referred to as the
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
“miller” which expression shall, where the context so admits
include its successors and assignees of the Second Part, whose
company was incorporated/registered in the Republic of Kenya and
having its registered office at ____________ being a company/cooperative society incorporated/registered in the Republic of Kenya
and having its registered office at ______________________
(a) WHEREAS the outgrower institution wishes to contract sugar
crop farming with outgrower members in pursuit of its functions
and generally:
promotes and represents the interests of growers;
negotiates, arranges, on behalf of grower members, the terms
of supply of sugar crop to the miller and the coordination of the production, harvesting and transport
provides financial credit or otherwise arranges finance for
grower members in connection with the production of
their sugar crop, including land clearance and
preparation, planting, cultivation and tending,
harvesting, transport and the supply of goods and
services relating thereto;
provides or procures services, advice and assistance for
grower members as maybe required, to carry out or
procure the carrying out of such operations for grower
purchases, sells or otherwise deals in, securing or providing
such goods, materials, supplies and services as may be
required by members;
provides or procures services and books or records for
members in respect of their individual operations;
negotiates sugar crop prices with millers through the Apex
Body of the sugar crop growers
participates in lobbying for favorable Government policies in
the industry through the Apex Body of the sugar crop
(b) WHEREAS the outgrower institution has entered into sugar
crop supply contract with the miller in respect of sugar crop
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
grown by the outgrower members of the out growers institution.
(c) WHEREAS the outgrower members are willing to grow sugar
crop with the assistance of the outgrower institution under
specific agreements signed between outgrower members and the
outgrower institution;
(d) WHEREAS the miller is willing to buy all sugar crop of
requisite quality from the outgrower institution specified in this
The term of this agreement shall commence on the date it is
signed and shall, unless sooner determined under the
provisions hereof, continue until the outgrower institution
has supplied one plant and two ratoon crops, which is a
period of up to twenty four months for plant crop and up to
twenty two months for each ratoon crop provided that for
early maturing varieties, the crop may be harvested earlier
as appropriate, and that by mutual consent the said term
maybe extended to include the harvesting of one or more
ratoon crops as long as the crops meet agreed quality
standards, with or without modifications of the terms and
conditions herein contained, by a memorandum of extension
endorsed hereon not less than three months before the date
of the anticipated commencement of harvesting of what
would otherwise have been the last ratoon crop under the
Any party may harvest, transport and weigh sugar crop on
behalf of the outgrower institution or the miller within the
terms and conditions agreed between the miller and
outgrower institution.
Sugarcrop transportation shall be fast, avoid sugar crop
spillage and carry high payload to reduce costs; the miller
and cane transporters shall ensure a short turn round time at
all times; and transport costs shall be charged on the basis of
the weight of delivered sugar crop at zonal rates.
Other responsible parties shall maintain sugar crop transport
roads to allow transport units to efficiently carry sugarcane
in stack units (6 tonnes) or their multiples such as two stacks
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
((12) tonnes) or three stacks (eighteen (18) tonnes) to avoid
field and transport losses.
The sugar crop transporter shall be included in the
harvesting programme indicating specific assignment and
area of operation and shall be held responsible, by either
party, for sugar crop spillage during transportation.
Sugarcrop shall normally be weighed at the milling factory
under the supervision of the Sugarcane Testing Unit who
shall manage all sugarcane weighbridges.
Any party approved by the Board may weigh sugar crop at
any agreed location provided that the weighbridge, possibly
automated, shall be serviced, inspected and stamped by the
Weights and Measures department in accordance with the
Weights and Measures Act, Cap. 513.
The sugar crop price payable by any party shall be the price
derived through the payment formula provided by the
Sugarcrop Pricing Committee.
The parties to this agreement shall at all times undertake to
conduct their business above Authority with the aim of
ensuring integrity, transparency and accountability and the
miller shall ensure sugar products conform to the
specifications of the Kenyan Bureau of Standards and also
strive to pack sugar directly for retail in the market.
The outgrower institution shall specify sugar crop growing
areas by using identity of fields such as location, zone, land
reference numbers, size, out grower members’
identifications, soil types, etc.
The outgrower institution shall, before the start of each
financial year, prepare cultivation and planting programme
covering all growers and showing acreage, approximate
timings and production quantities anticipated from each
The cultivation and planting programme shall include: the
area under sugar crop by crop cycle for each farmer; by each
variety showing the name(s) of farmer(s), plot number(s);
age of sugar crop, area under fallow; anticipated tonnages of
sugarcane and yields; expected time of maturity and
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
harvesting per area; expected inputs and their timings;
record of loan(s) to farmer(s); payment records in respect of
sugar crop sales proceeds; record(s) for land preparation and
harvesting equipment.
At the appropriate time, the outgrower institution shall
prepare a harvesting programme showing the approximate
expected time of harvesting the crop of each grower and
furnish the miller with copies of such programmes as soon
as they are completed, and consult with the miller regarding
any significant changes therein that the outgrower institution
may subsequently consider necessary to make; and a list of
all growers showing the acreage of each grower’s sugarcane
area as specified in his sugar crop supply contract provided
that the programmes referred to herein shall be tentative and
their implementation shall be subject to the exigencies of
subsequent operations and circumstances.
The miller shall buy all sugar crop of requisite quality
harvested from the area specified in this supply contract in
accordance with the programme provided for herein and the
requisite quality of sugar crop shall be as specified by the
Board in respect of the sugar crop variety(s) ------------------whose harvest-to-mill time for green sugar crop shall ideally
not exceed seventy-two (72) hours, and in case of
accidentally burnt sugar crop harvest-to-mill time shall
ideally not exceed forty-eight (48) hours; with extraneous
matter of less than three per cent (3%); of Pol % cane of
twelve percent (12%) or above and fibre content of 15% but
not more than 17.5% at maturity.
The miller shall notify the outgrower institution in advance
of any planned closure of the mill for any reason, and
notification shall be through a detailed annual time account
and the provided annual milling programme.
The miller shall advise the outgrower institution of any
change in planned activities as soon as the need for such
change becomes apparent and he shall issue notices to stop
further harvesting of sugar crop in the event of mill
The lead time in harvesting sugar crop shall not be more
than twenty-four (24) hours and all the lead sugar crop
harvested within the lead- time shall be under responsibility
of the miller, who may arrange to offer the sugar crop to
another miller or bear the cost of wastage.
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
The miller may reject any sugarcane found not to be of the
requisite quality based on parameters established by the
Board and as specified in this agreement and sugarcane
rejection parameters shall include:
(a) extraneous matter of more than 10 %;
(b) harvest-to-mill time of green sugarcane of three (3) or
more days;
(c) two (2) or more days for burnt sugarcane with zero day
being the day of cutting or burning , as the case may be,
where mill time shall be the time recorded on entry at
the weighbridge;
(d) 82 % or less absolute juice purity; fibre content outside
the range of 15.0 to 17.5 %;
(e) Pol % cane of less than 12 % or sugarcane of a variety
not specified in this agreement and not recommended by
the body responsible for research.
The miller shall pay the outgrower institution within thirty
days of sugar crop delivery provided that the sugar crop will
be harvested not later than twenty-four months for plant
crops and not later than twenty-two months for subsequent
If a miller fails to pay the outgrower institution as specified
by these regulations and Schedule, the miller shall be liable
to pay interest charges at market rates and a penalty of
1.5% per month on the outstanding grower loan accounts of
the affected growers up to the time it completes payment so
as to safeguard the growers’ ability to repay the funds to
finance sugarcane production.
The miller shall maintain and develop adequate milling
capacity for sugar crop planted on the basis of agreed
planting plans with the growers and further strive to mill
sugar crop efficiently so as to realize maximum returns for
both parties by achieving the following standards:
(a) In the case of sugar cane, tonne cane/tonne sugar ratio of
9 or rendement of 11%;
(b) mill extraction of 96%;
(c) preparation index of 92%;
(d) boiling house recovery of 90%;
(e) factory time efficiency of 92%;
(f) overall time efficiency of 80 %; and
(g) overall time utilization of 75%.
The Miller shall off-load sugarcane quickly and efficiently
by applying the principle of first-in-first-out and no
sugarcane shall be stored in the yard for more than 12 hours
from mill-time, provided that during the handling of
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
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sugarcane in the yard vehicles shall not be used in such a
manner as to destroy sugarcane.
The miller shall ensure that high impact extraneous matter
such as stones, boulders, tree stumps, etc do not damage
equipment by putting a system in place so as to exclude
them and any identified culprit is penalized.
The outgrower institution shall make arrangements to
harvest, transport and weigh all such sugarcane as is derived
from its outgrower members’ contracted sugar crop plots
and no other for use either as seed cane or mill cane;
sugarcane which shall be harvested green, cut at ground
level, de-trashed and topped just below the meristem as
specified by the body responsible for research.
The outgrower institution shall not sell its members sugar
crop nor dispose of it or any interest therein to any other
parties, other than through this agreement, without the
written permission of the miller specifying the tonnage of
sugar crop which may be sold, the date on which the sale
may take place and destination of the sugar crop.
The charges for all goods and services to be provided by
either party shall remain as listed in the agreement.
The outgrower institution shall bear, on behalf of the
outgrower members all direct and indirect costs of the
works, goods and services supplied by the miller or other
parties as specified in their agreements and unless the same
are paid earlier allow such costs to be deducted from
payment for sugar crop supplied by the outgrower member
provided indirect costs, shall have been discussed and
agreed at the time of the contract.
The outgrower institution shall appoint a representative in
all matters of advocacy for sugarcane development,
financing of sugar crop supply, costs of farm inputs and
related services.
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
The outgrower institution shall send an authorized
representative or its employee to the buying point to witness
the condition of the sugarcane at the time of delivery and to
obtain a ticket showing the weight or value of the sugar crop
The outgrower institution shall not assign any interest
therein or any of his rights or obligations under the
agreement without the written consent of the miller.
Where the miller offers services at the wrong time, the
outgrower institution shall have the option of arranging for
alternative services upon notice to the miller.
Where the sugar mill ceases to exist, the outgrower
institution may deliver the sugarcane to another party
without the approval of the miller.
Where the outgrower institution ceases to exist, the miller
may harvest, transport and mill the sugar crop without
further reference to the outgrower institution.
If any party decides to discontinue the supply of sugar crop
or terminate the relationship with the other party, he shall
give a three months notice of his intention to do so and shall
pay all his dues before the expected time of supply; any
such termination of the contract shall be without prejudice
to all rights accrued and obligations incurred to or by either
party prior to the date of termination and shall not prejudice
claim for damages for such breach of contract.
Neither the outgrower institution nor the miller shall be
obliged to perform their respective obligations under this
agreement if and to the extent that they or either one of them
may be hindered or prevented from so doing directly or
indirectly by an event of force majeure.
The affected party shall report any event of force majeure
within seven (7) days from the date of its occurrence and the
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
competent authorities of both parties shall certify the said
The obligations of the parties under the specified agreement
shall remain suspended for the period during which the said
event of force majeure persists.
Any question or dispute as to the responsibility to fulfill the
terms of this agreement shall be referred to the Crops
Arbitration Tribunal.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have
executed this Agreement on the day and date first
hereinbefore mentioned.
SIGNED for or on behalf of the
in presence of:…………………………………………….
SIGNED for or behalf of the
In presence of:……………………………………………..
AGREEMENT made the ________ (day) of __________ (month)
two thousand and _______BETWEEN --------------------- (names in
full) business registration No. ------------- of P.O.
Box…………(Town/City) hereinafter referred to as the “outgrower
member”, which expression shall, where the context so admits
include his successors and assignees whose plot L.R No-----------Soil type(s)………………… and is situated in Sub-location---------------------- Location …………………. Division …………….. Zone
…………… District…………. Province………….. of the First Part
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
AND ……………………………………(name in full) of P.O
Box……………..(Town/City) hereinafter referred to as the
“outgrower institution” which expression shall, where the context so
admits include its successors and assignees of the Second Part
whose institution was incorporated/registered in the Republic of
Kenya and having its registered office at _____________________
being a company/co-operative society incorporated/registered in the
Republic of Kenya
(a) WHEREAS the Outgrower institution wishes to contract
sugarcane farming in pursuit of its functions and generallyi) promotes and represents the interests of growers;
ii) negotiates, arranges, on behalf of grower
members, the terms of supply of sugar crop to the
miller and the co-ordination of the production,
harvesting and transport thereof;
provides financial credit or otherwise arranges
finance for grower members in connection with
the production of their sugarcane, including land
clearance and preparation, planting, cultivation
and tending, harvesting, transport and the supply
of goods and services relating thereto;
iv) provides or procures services, advice and
assistance for grower members as may be
required, to carry out or procure the carrying out
of such operations for grower members;
v) provides or procures accounting services and
books or records for members in respect of their
individual operations;
vi) purchases, sells or otherwise deals in, securing or
providing such goods, materials, supplies and
services as may be required by members;
vii) negotiates sugar crop prices with millers through
the Apex body for sugar crop growers;
viii) participates in lobbying for favorable
Government policies in the industry through apex
body for sugar crop growers;
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
(b) WHEREAS the outgrower institution has entered into sugar
crop supply contract with the miller in respect of sugarcane
grown by the outgrower members of the out growers institution.
(c) WHEREAS the outgrower members are willing to grow sugar
crop with the assistance of the outgrower institution under
specific agreements signed between outgrower members and the
outgrower institution;
The term of this agreement shall commence on the date it is
signed and shall, unless sooner determined under the
provisions hereof, continue until the grower has harvested
one plant and two ratoon crops, which is a period of up to
twenty four months for plant crop and up to twenty two
months for each ratoon crop provided that for early
maturing varieties, the crop may be harvested earlier as
appropriate, and that by mutual consent the said term maybe
extended to include the harvesting of one or more ratoon
crops as long as the crops meets agreed quality standards,
with or without modifications of the terms and conditions
herein contained, by a memorandum of extension endorsed
hereon not less than three months before the date of the
anticipated commencement of harvesting of what would
otherwise have been the last ratoon crop under the contract.
The agreement shall cover sugarcane development services
such as seed sugar crop supply, land preparation, supply of
fertilizers, supply of herbicides and pesticides, extension/
advisory services, financing of sugar crop supply by
borrowing funds and lending to out growers either in cash or
through provision of services as outlined under sugarcane
development; negotiating for affordable credit, maintaining
proper bookkeeping, transport/ distribution of farm inputs,
timely transport of seed cane, provision of educational
programmes for farmers, supporting crop diversification
programmes for food security and provision of advances to
farmers on hypothecation of their crops.
Any parties may harvest, transport and weigh sugar crop on
behalf of the outgrower or the outgrower institution within
the terms and conditions agreed between the miller and
outgrower institution.
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
Sugar crop transportation shall be fast, avoid sugarcane
spillage and carry high payload to reduce costs; the miller
and sugar crop transporters shall ensure a short turn round
time; and transport costs shall be charged on the basis of the
weight of delivered sugarcane at zonal rates.
Other responsible parties shall maintain sugarcane transport
roads to allow transport units to efficiently carry sugarcane
in stack units (6 tonnes) or their multiples such as two stacks
(12 tonnes) or three stacks (18 tonnes) to avoid field and
transport losses.
The sugar crop transporter shall be included in the
harvesting programme indicating specific assignment and
area of operation and shall be held responsible for sugar
crop spillages during transportation.
Sugar crop shall normally be weighed at the factory under
the supervision of the sugar crop testing unit who manages
all sugar crop weigh bridges.
Any party may weigh sugar crop at any agreed location
provided the weighbridge, possibly automated, shall be
serviced, inspected and stamped by the Weights and
Measures department in accordance with the Weights and
Measures Act, Cap. 513.
An outgrower institution or outgrower member may install a
weighbridge at the farm gate at his own expense for the
purpose of weighing sugar crop provided that the
weighbridge shall be subjected to tests and inspection by the
weights and measures department in accordance with the
The sugar crop price payable by any party shall be the price
derived through the payment formula provided by the Sugar
crop Pricing Committee.
The parties to this agreement shall at all times undertake to
conduct their business above board with the aim of ensuring
integrity, transparency and accountability and the miller
shall ensure sugar products conform to the specifications of
the Kenyan Bureau of Standards and also strive to pack
sugar directly for retail in the market.
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
The outgrower institution shall list charges for all goods and
services to be provided in the agreement as shown hereafter
to allow the outgrower member to make a choice and such
chargeable goods and services shall include, pesticides,
herbicides, fertilizers, land development, crop maintenance,
harvesting, weighing, transportation and any other specified
The outgrower institution shall bear the responsibility of the
sugar crop harvesting, loading and transportation to the mill
for weighing and milling at the factory.
If an outgrower institution fails to pay the grower as
specified under subparagraph (1) for any reason other than
delay in payment by the miller as specified under paragraph
17(1), the institution shall be liable to pay interest charges
at market rates on the sum due and an additional penalty of
3% per month on late payment;
The outgrower institution shall prepare a schedule of all
payments to the farmers on weekly basis showing dates of
harvest, delivery to the miller and of payment to outgrower
members, and such schedule of payment shall be open to
scrutiny by the outgrower members, apex body for
sugarcane farmers and the Board
The outgrower institution may require to do anything
required to be done for either party in terms hereof provided
that, if the outgrower member fails to facilitate the
harvesting of his sugar crop at the appointed time, the
outgrower institution shall refer the matter to the Crops
Arbitration Tribunal.
The outgrower institution shall, during each harvest period,
deliver to the miller from the outgrower member, sugar crop
in the quantities and on the dates agreed upon between the
miller and the outgrower institution.
The outgrower institution may, within the limits imposed by
the condition of the roads, provide and operate an efficient
system of transport from the field to the mill.
The outgrower institution shall cause the outgrower
members’ sugar crop to be weighed and tested on arrival at
the buying point, allow the grower or his representative
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
access to the weighbridge to check the weight, maintain in
duplicate a written or printed record of the value of each
load of sugarcane delivered and give to the outgrower
member or his representative on the day of delivery one
copy of such record.
The outgrower institution shall have absolute charge and
control of all equipment machinery, staff and labour
concerned with operations on the outgrower members’ land
provided that the outgrower institution shall exercise due
care to ensure that the operational costs to be charged to the
outgrower member shall be kept at a reasonable level as
The outgrower member shall attend meetings and field days
convened by the outgrower institution for the purpose of
learning the proper sugar crop husbandry, operation and
application of goods and services obtained from the
outgrower institution for the satisfactory yield of sugar crop.
Accessibility of cane plots
The outgrower member shall offer for sugar crop
development only land, which is accessible in case of supply
of goods and services throughout the term of contract
The outgrower member shall at all times allow the
outgrower institution to enter upon his land together with
any vehicles, machinery or livestock which the outgrower
institution may require to inspect the land and the sugar crop
growing thereon, sample the sugar crop, gain access to other
grower’s land, including such construction of access tracks
as may be required for the transport of sugarcane produced
by the outgrower members or others provided that any
damage to farmers’ property by outgrower institution agents
shall be borne by the outgrower institution.
The outgrower member shall not assign his land or any
interest therein or any of his rights or obligations under the
agreement to another party without the written consent of
the out growers institution.
Sugar crop varieties
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
The grower shall plant or cultivate the most suitable variety
of sugarcane recommended by the body responsible for
research, which shall avail the sugarcane varieties and
expected characteristics, which relate to the various soil
types in the zone.
Sugar crop husbandry
The outgrower members shall plant or cultivate the most
suitable variety of sugarcane recommended by the body
responsible for research, which shall avail the sugar crop
varieties and expected characteristics, which relates to the
various soil types in the zone.
The outgrower member shall maintain his sugar crop
cultivation to enhance a satisfactory yield by:
ï‚· maintaining the sugar crop c weed-free;
ï‚· applying, at the recommended time and in the
recommended amounts, all fertilizers and
other material recommended by the
outgrower institution and the body
responsible for research;
ï‚· undertaking the planting and gapping of
sugar crop area at the times recommended by
the outgrower institution in order to ensure a
high plant population;
ï‚· applying all services and goods, which he
may have obtained from the outgrower
institution for the benefit of his sugar crop
solely for that purpose;
ï‚· undertaking stubble shaving, inter-row
cultivation and trash lining within one month
after harvesting provided that the cost of
stubble shaving shall be borne by the
outgrower institution or the party undertaking
the harvesting;
ï‚· inspecting sugar crop for pests and diseases
periodically and removing diseased or
infested sugar crop and disposing them off in
the manner prescribed by extension agents
according to the list of pests, diseases and
methods of eradication as recommended by
the body responsible for research; and
ï‚· except for seed cane production, planting the
sugarcane inter-row, one row only of
common beans, soybeans, potatoes,
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
tomatoes, onions, cabbages or carrots and
any other crop maturing within four (4)
months and recommended by the body
responsible for research
maintaining suitable permanent boundary
marks and cleared firebreaks for his sugar
The outgrower member shall be responsible for maintaining
suitable permanent boundary marks and cleared firebreaks
for his sugar crop; take other precautions against fire
according to the advice of the outgrower institutions; be
liable to pay the cost of any damage suffered by other
growers as a result of failure to comply with the terms
The outgrower member shall offer, for harvest and transport
by the outgrower institution, all such sugar crop as is
derived from his contracted sugar crop plot and no other for
use either as crop seed or mill sugar crop; sugarcane which
shall be harvested green, cut at ground level, de-trashed and
topped just below the meristem as specified by the body
responsible for research.
Seed development for sugar crops
The outgrower members shall allow the cultivation of seed
cane nurseries, if the outgrower institution desires for the
multiplication of seed cane material to be supplied to other
outgrower members provided that such sugarcane may be
used for milling when it is no longer required for crop seed.
Where an outgrower member has been identified to grow
seed cane using the agronomical practices recommended by
the body responsible for sugar research the price per tonne
of the seed shall be determined separately from the
commercial sugar crop provided that the breeder or basic
seed shall be provided by the body responsible for sugar
research on specific terms to the miller or any bulking
institution who will establish A nurseries and in turn shall
supply the outgrower members with seeds for B nurseries in
the outgrower zones. A list of approved nurseries and
bulking institutions/farmers shall be maintained by the body
responsible for sugar research.
The outgrower members shall plant seed sugar crop at the
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
onset of rains and stop two months before the onset of dry
season, except under irrigation where sugar crop shall be
planted at any time.
The outgrower members shall allow the cutting of good
quality commercial sugar crop of plant and first ratoon crops
only to supply seed cane to other outgrower members in the
absence of suitable nurseries provided that the age of the
seed cane shall be not less than 7 months but not more than
14 months depending on cane variety and agro ecological
Where sugar crop is to be used as seed cane the cost for
purposes of paying the outgrower members or selling to
recipient outgrower members shall be determined in
accordance with guide notes provided by the Sugarcrop
Pricing Committee.
Where the outgrower institution is not the primary provider
of crop seed, the outgrower institution shall provide
requirements for crop seed as part of long-term sugar crop
requirements provided an integrated approach to crop seed
development shall be worked out by body responsible for
The outgrower institution shall establish seed sugar crop
“B” nurseries on outgrower members’ plot for bulking of
seed sugar crop to be supplied to other outgrower members,
and for this purpose to purchase, harvest and transport such
seed sugar-crop after certification by the outgrower
institution’s agronomist as to its suitability for planting; seed
crop which fails to be used for seed will be used for milling
provided that the grower whose crop is cut for seed will be
paid at the price not less than that of mill crop and will not
be charged the cost of transport.
Sugar crop harvesting, transport, weighing and selling
The grower shall offer, for harvest, transport and weighing
all such sugar crop as is derived from his\her contracted
sugar crop plot and no other for use either as crop seed or
mill crop; sugar crop which shall be harvested green, cut at
ground level de-trashed and topped just below the meristem
as specified by the body responsible for research; a job
completion certificate shall be promptly signed where
harvesting has been done satisfactorily.
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
The grower shall not sell his sugar crop through a
middleman nor dispose of it or any interest therein to any
other parties without the written permission of the miller
specifying the tonnage of sugarcane which may be sold, the
date on which the sale may take place and destination of the
sugar crop.
The outgrower member fails to maintain crop husbandry
The outgrower institution shall, upon notice be entitled, in
the event that the outgrower member does not prepare, plant
and maintain his land and sugar crop in accordance with the
agreement, to carry out all and any such operations on the
outgrower member’s land which the outgrower institution
shall consider necessary to ensure that the outgrower
member’s quota of sugar crop of satisfactory quality will be
delivered on the due date, in which case the outgrower
institution shall be further entitled to deduct the cost,
including a penalty for these operations from the payment to
be made for the outgrower member’s sugar crop.
In case of a default and upon notice by the outgrower
institution, the grower shall allow all or any such work to be
carried out at his cost by the outgrower institution and its
agents or employees working in conjunction with the
Within seven days of receipt of a written notification from
the outgrower institution that such operations are necessary
to achieve a satisfactory yield of sugar crop, the outgrower
member shall allow unimpeded access into his cane plot by
the outgrower institution and his equipment for the purpose
of carrying out any or all operations which the grower has
failed to carry out and that notification shall have either
been served to the grower or his representative and
acknowledged, or shall have been posted to the grower by
registered mail of work carried out.
The outgrower institution shall give notice for the work to
be undertaken on a member’s behalf, detailing work
description, costs and penalties involved; and on completion
of the said work, a job completion certificate shall be
prepared and issued to the outgrower member who shall
acknowledged receipt by signing thereof indirect costs shall
be agreed by the parties at time of entering into this
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
Costs and recoveries
The outgrower member shall bear all direct and indirect
costs of the works, goods and services supplied by the
outgrower institution as specified in the agreement and
unless the same are paid earlier allow such costs to be
deducted from payment for sugarcane supplied by the
outgrower member provided indirect costs, shall have been
discussed and agreed at the time of the contract.
The outgrower institution shall charge interest on any credit
that may be granted by the outgrower institution to the
outgrower member, such credit being only granted in
exceptional circumstances at such rate as may, from time to
time, be notified by the outgrower institution and be entitled
to deduct such interest from the payment due to the
outgrower member in respect of the first sugar crop harvest
from the outgrower member’s land subsequent to the grant
of the credit provided that any interest charges shall have
been agreed upon at the time of entering this agreement.
The outgrower institution shall be entitled to charge the
outgrower member for all works, goods and services
supplied to the outgrower member by the outgrower
institution in accordance with the outgrower institution’s
Schedule of Charges in force at the date the agreement is
signed provided that the said charges shall at all times be as
agreed with the grower; the outgrower institution shall
consult with the outgrower member regarding any proposed
changes in the said charges before such charges are
proposed to take effect and shall maintain such records as
are necessary to show the growers that the charges from
time to time are as agreed under sub-paragraph 43 and 44
The outgrower institution shall notify all changes in the
Schedule of Charges to the outgrower member at least thirty
days before the charges are due to take effect and where an
outgrower member ends up with a debit balance, the
outgrower institution shall immediately write to the member
for arrangement of recovery of the said debt.
Outgrower member representatives and agents
An outgrower member may appoint a representative in all
matters of advocacy in sugarcane development and the
financing of sugarcane supply, including negotiations for the
price of sugar crop, costs of farm inputs and related services.
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
The outgrower member shall either attend himself or send
an authorized representative to the buying point to witness
the condition of the sugar cropat the time of delivery and to
obtain a ticket showing its weight or value.
Neither the outgrower institution nor the miller shall be
obliged to perform their respective obligations under an
agreement if and to the extent that they or either one of them
may be hindered or prevented from so doing directly or
indirectly buy an event of force majeure.
Any event of force majeure must be reported by the affected
party to the other party within seven days from the date of
its occurrence and the said even be certified by the
competent authorities of both parties.
The obligations of the parties under an agreement shall
remain suspended for the period during which the said event
of force majeure persists.
Any question or dispute as to the responsibility to fulfill the
terms of the specified agreement due to the reason stated
above shall be referred to the Crops Arbitration Tribunal.
Where the institution is unable to provide the services
within the agreed period for whatever reason, the grower
may harvest and transport sugarcane to the miller within the
outgrower institution-miller agreement upon notice.
Where the institution offers services at the wrong time, the
farmer shall have the option of arranging for alternative
services upon notice to the institution.
Where the institution ceases to exist, the grower may deliver
the sugar crop to the miller with the letter of approval of the
Where an outgrower member decides to discontinue the
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
production of sugarcane or terminate the relationship with
an outgrower institution, he shall give a three months’ notice
of his intension to do so and shall pay all his dues before the
expected time of harvest and the outgrower will then harvest
sugarcane in the normal harvesting manner provided that
such notice shall only be effective if the grower shall, within
the period of notice, repay in full all loans received by him
from the outgrower institution.
Any such termination of the contract shall be without
prejudice to all rights accrued and obligations incurred to or
by either party prior to the date of termination and shall not
prejudice any claim for damages for such breach of contract.
1st Ploughing
2nd Ploughing
1st Harrowing
2nd Harrowing
Inter-row cultivation
Loading/Off loading
Atranet combination
Gesapax combination
Actril DS.
Round up
50 kg bag
50 kg bag
50 kg bag
50 kg bag
50 kg bag
50 kg bag
50 kg bag
50 kg bag
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
Groover/Lysol/water man
NSSF Contribution
Public Holidays
Transport of sugarcane cutters
Zone 0 – 4km
4.1 – 8
8.1 – 12
12.1 – 16
16.1 – 20
20.1 – 24
24.1 – 28
28.1 – 32
32.1 – 36
36.1 – 40
Over 40 km
Zone A. 0 – 10km
B. 10.1 – 16
C. 16.1 – 24
D. 24.1 – 32
E. 32.1 – 40
F. Over 40 Km
Other charges (specify)
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have
executed this Agreement on the day and date first herein
before mentioned.
SIGNED for or on behalf of the
in presence of:…………………………………………….
SIGNED for or behalf of the
In presence of:……………………………………………..
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
AGREEMENT made the ________ (day) of __________(month)
two thousand and _______BETWEEN --------------------- (names in
full) of P. O. Box …………(Town/City) hereinafter referred to as
the “independent sugarcane grower”, which expression shall, where
the context so admits include his successors and assignees whose
plot L.R No------------ soil type(s)…………. and is situated in Sublocation---------------- Location………… Zone…………….
Division…………….. District…………. Province………….. of the
First Part AND …………………………………… (name in full) of
P.O Box……………..(Town/City) hereinafter referred to as the
“miller” which expression shall, where the context so admits
include its successors and assignees of the Second Part, whose
company was incorporated/registered in the Republic of Kenya and
having its registered office at ____________ being a company/cooperative society incorporated/registered in the Republic of Kenya.
(a). WHEREAS the independent sugar crop grower has entered
into sugar crop supply contract with the miller in respect of
sugar crop grown by the independent sugarcane grower;
(b). WHEREAS the independent sugar crop grower is willing to
grow sugar crop without the assistance of the miller under
specific agreement signed between independent sugar crop
grower and the miller;
(c). WHEREAS the miller is willing to buy all sugar crop of
requisite quality from the independent sugar crop grower
specified in this agreement.
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
The term of this agreement shall commence on the date it is
signed and shall, unless sooner determined under the
provision of clauses hereof, continue until the independent
sugar crop grower has supplied one plant and two ratoon
crops, which is a period of up to twenty four months for
plant crop and up to twenty two months for each ratoon crop
provided that for early maturing varieties, the crop may be
harvested earlier as appropriate, and that by mutual consent
the said term maybe extended to include the harvesting of
one or more ratoon crops as long as the crops meet agreed
quality standards, with or without modifications of the terms
and conditions herein contained, by a memorandum of
extension endorsed hereon not less than three months before
the date of the anticipated commencement of harvesting of
what would otherwise have been the last ratoon crop under
the contract.
The independent sugar crop grower shall, before the start of
each financial year, prepare cultivation and planting
programme covering all of his fields and showing acreage,
approximate timings and production quantities anticipated
for each plot.
The cultivation and planting programme shall include: the
area under sugarcane by crop cycle for each plot; by each
variety showing, plot number(s); age of sugarcane, area of
plot, anticipated sugar crop yields and expected time of
At the appropriate time, the independent sugarcane grower
shall prepare a harvesting programme showing the
approximate expected time of harvesting the crop of plot and
furnish the miller with copies of such programmes as soon
as they are completed, and consult with the miller regarding
any significant changes therein that the miller may
subsequently consider necessary to make; and a list of plots
showing the acreage of each sugarcane area as specified in
his sugarcane supply contract provided that the programmes
referred to herein shall be tentative and their implementation
shall be subject to the exigencies of subsequent operations
and circumstances.
The miller may harvest, transport and weigh sugar crop on
behalf of the independent sugar crop grower within the
terms and conditions agreed between both parties
The lead time in harvesting sugar crop shall not be more
than twenty-four (24) hours and all the lead sugarcane
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
harvested within the lead time shall be under responsibility
of the miller, who may arrange to offer the sugar crop to
another miller or bear the cost of wastage.
The miller shall buy all sugar crop of requisite quality
harvested from the area specified in this supply contract in
accordance with the programme provided for herein and the
requisite quality of sugar crop shall be as specified by the
Board in respect of the sugar crop variety(ies)------------whose harvest-to-mill time for green sugar crop shall ideally
not exceed seventy-two (72) hours, and in case of
accidentally burnt sugarcane harvest-to-mill time shall
ideally not exceed forty-eight (48) hours; with extraneous
matter of less than three per cent (3%); Pol % cane of twelve
percent (12%) or above and fibre content of 15% but not
more than 17.5% at maturity.
The miller may reject any sugar crop found not to be of the
requisite quality based on parameters established by the
Board and as specified in this agreement; and sugar crop
rejection parameters shall include:
(a) extraneous matter of more than 10%;
(b) harvest-to-mill time of green sugarcane of three(3) or
more days;
(c) two (2) or more days for burnt sugarcane with zero day
being the day of cutting or burning , as the case may be
and mill time shall be the time recorded on entry at the
(d) 82% or less absolute juice purity;
(e) fibre content outside the range of 15.0 to 17.5%;
(f) Pol% cane of less than 12%; or
(g) Sugarcrop of a variety not specified in this agreement
and not recommended by body responsible for research.
The miller shall off-load sugar crop quickly and efficiently
by applying the principle of first in first out (FIFO) and no
sugar crop shall be stored in the yard for more than 12 hours
from mill-time, provided that during the handling of sugar
crop in the yard vehicles shall not be used in such a manner
as to destroy sugar crop.
The miller shall ensure that high impact extraneous matter
such as stones, boulders, tree stumps, etc do not damage
equipment by putting a system in place so as to exclude
them and any identified culprit shall be penalized.
The miller shall notify the independent sugar crop grower in
advance of any planned closure of the mill for any reason,
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
and notification shall be through a detailed annual time
account and the provided annual milling programme.
The miller shall advise the independent sugar crop grower of
any change in planned activities as soon as the need for such
change becomes apparent and he shall issue notices to stop
further harvesting of sugar crop in the event of mill
The miller shall pay the independent sugar crop grower
within thirty days of sugar crop delivery provided that the
sugar crop will be harvested not later than twenty-four
months for plant crops and not later than twenty-two months
for subsequent ratoons and that the sugar cane price will
have been derived through the payment formula provided by
the Sugar crop Pricing Committee.
If a miller fails to pay the independent sugar crop grower as
specified by these regulations and Schedule, the miller shall
be liable to pay a penalty of 1.5% per month on the
outstanding accounts of the affected independent sugar crop
The miller shall maintain and develop adequate milling
capacity for sugar crop planted on the basis of agreed
planting plans with the independent sugar crop grower and
further strive to mill sugar crop efficiently so as to realize
maximum returns for both parties by achieving the
following standards:
(a) In the case of sugarcane, tonne cane/ tonne sugar
ratio of 9 or rendement of 11%;
mill extraction of 96%;
(b) preparation index of 92%;
(c) boiling house recovery of 90%;
(d) factory time efficiency of 92%;
(e) overall time efficiency of 80 %; and
(f) overall time utilization of 75%.
The independent sugar crop grower shall make arrangements
to harvest, transport and weigh all such sugarcane as is
derived from its outgrower members’ contracted sugar crop
plots and no other for use either as seed cane or mill cane;
sugarcane which shall be harvested green, cut at ground
level, de-trashed and topped just below the meristem as
specified by the body responsible for research.
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
The sugar crop transporter shall be included in the
harvesting programme indicating specific assignments and
areas of operation and may be held responsible for sugar
crop spillages during transportation.
Sugarcrop transportation shall be fast, avoid sugar crop
spillage and carry high payload to reduce costs; the miller
and sugar crop transporters shall ensure a short turn round
time; and transport costs shall be charged on the basis of the
weight of delivered sugar crop at zonal rates.
The miller or other responsible parties shall maintain sugar
crop transport roads to allow transport units to efficiently
carry sugar crop in stack units (6 tonnes) or their multiples
such as twelve (12) tonnes or eighteen (18) tonnes to avoid
field and transport loses.
Sugar crop shall normally be weighed at the factory under
the supervision of the sugar crop testing unit, otherwise any
contracted party shall weigh sugar crop at any agreed
location provided the weighbridge shall be serviced,
inspected and stamped by the Weights and Measures
department in accordance with the Weights and Measures
Act, Cap. 513.
An independent sugar crop grower may install a
weighbridge at the farm gate at his own expense for the
purpose of weighing sugar crop provided that the
weighbridge shall be subjected to tests and inspection by the
weights and measures department in accordance with the
The sugar crop-testing unit shall manage all sugar crop
bridges and where possible the weighbridges shall be
The independent sugar crop grower shall not sell his sugar
crop nor dispose of it or any interest therein to any other
parties, other than through this agreement, without the
written permission of the miller specifying the tonnage of
sugar crop which may be sold, the date on which the sale
may take place and destination of the sugar crop.
The parties to this agreement shall at all times undertake to
conduct their business above board with the aim of ensuring
integrity, transparency and accountability and the miller
shall ensure sugar products conform to the specifications of
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
the Kenyan Bureau of Standards and also strive to pack
sugar directly for retail in the market.
The independent sugar crop grower shall not assign any
interest therein or any of his rights or obligations under this
agreement without the written consent of the miller.
Where the miller offers services at the wrong time, the
independent sugar crop grower shall have the option of
arranging for alternative services upon notice to the miller.
Where the sugar mill ceases to exist, the independent sugar
crop grower may deliver the sugar crop to another party
without the approval of the miller.
If any party decides to discontinue the supply of sugar crop
or terminate the relationship with the other party, he shall
give a three months notice of his intention to do so and shall
pay all his dues before the expected time of supply; any such
termination of the contract shall be without prejudice to all
rights accrued and obligations incurred to or by either party
prior to the date of termination and shall not prejudice claim
for damages for such breach of contract.
Neither the independent sugar crop grower nor the miller
shall be obliged to perform their respective obligations
under this agreement if and to the extent that they or either
one of them may be hindered or prevented from so doing
directly or indirectly by an event of force majeure.
The affected party shall report any event of force majeure
within seven (7) days from the date of its occurrence and the
competent authorities of both parties shall certify the said
The obligations of the parties under the specified agreement
shall remain suspended for the period during which the said
event of force majeure persists.
Any question or dispute as to the responsibility to fulfill the
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
terms of this agreement shall be referred to the Crops
Arbitration Tribunal.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have
executed this Agreement on the day and date first
hereinbefore mentioned.
SIGNED for or on behalf of the miller:
in presence of:
SIGNED for or behalf of the independent sugarcane grower:
In presence of:
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
The grower hereby appoints Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms/Dr.
______________________ as agent(s)/representative(s) on any
occasion when he is absent from his farm/ in matters of advocacy
for sugar cane development. Such agent(s)/ representative(s) may
commit the grower in respect of commitments entered into by the
outgrower institution/miller/ growers association(s)/ other parties on
his behalf.
AS WITNESS WHEREOF the grower or his authorized
representative has hereon set his hand and seal the day of the year
written below.
Name(s) and Signature(s) of Grower’s agent(s)/
1. ………….……………………
2. ……………………..…………
3. ……………………………..
Name of
For and on behalf of the Grower in the presence of the
Assistant Chief of the Sub-Location mentioned on the first
page of this agreement.
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
Name of organization
Official Stamp……………………..
This AGREEMENT is made on the ……………… day
of…………… (month) two thousand and ………….. BETWEEN
……………………………………… of P. O. Box ………………..
Here-in-after referred to as the “Company” which expression shall
where the context so admits include its successors in title and
assignees of the First Part AND ………………………………….
(harvesting contractor’s name) of P. O.
Box……………..(Town/City) hereinafter referred to as the
“contractor” which expression shall, where the context so admits
include his or its successors and assignees of the Second Part,
whose company was incorporated/registered in the Republic of
Kenya and having its registered office at ____________ being a
company/co-operative society incorporated/ registered in the
Republic of Kenya.
(a) WHEREAS the company wishes to engage the services of
the contractor to carry our sugarcrop harvesting operations
in the company’s estate and grower fields within the
company’s zone; and
(b) WHEREAS the contractor wishes to carry out
harvesting services in the company’s estate and grower
areas within or near the zones; and for which he has
proof of capability of undertaking the said services to the
satisfaction of the company at the considerations here-inafter provided;
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
This agreement shall come into force on the date of entering
this agreement (unless previously terminated or extended in
accordance with the provisions herein) and remain in force
for a period of ………………….. (months).
The parties to this agreement shall at all times undertake to
conduct their business above board with the aim of ensuring
integrity, transparency and accountability.
On successful expiry of the contract period hereof parties
herewith may renew this Agreement upon the same terms
and other conditions as the parties may agree in writing.
The contractor shall;
(a) be a registered employer with the Ministry of Labour
and shall recruit all the cane cutters;
(b) recruit and employ adults in accordance with the Labour
laws of Kenya and regularly bring to the workplace the
appropriate number of cane cutters, fully equipped with
suitable cane knives;
(c) provide transport to cane cutters to and from working
(d) before signing the harvesting contract open an account
with a suitable and acceptable financial institution in
Kenya, the details of which shall be availed to the
company to facilitate payment of his services;
(e) harvest and stack green and accidentally burnt cane in
the estate and growers cane plots within or near the
company zones for which he undertakes to provide a
sufficient number of cutters daily and to work under the
direction of the company;
(f) harvest sugar crop in the programmed plots or fields
only when a valid work order has been issued and shall
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
be required to complete his allocated plots/fields before
being allocated new ones; otherwise he shall be held
responsible for any unauthorized harvesting by sugar
crop cutters registered under his name;
(g) arrange to cut all cane stalks at ground level, de-top at
the first visible dewlap, and remove all dry or green
leaves, water shoots, dead stalks other trash from
sugarcane and while stacking the cane, to clearly
separate the extraneous matter from sugarcane;
(h) motivate sugar crop harvesters to accomplish designated
tasks to enhance harvesting efficiency. For the sugar
cane crop, estimates of tonnages shall be based on
accurate sugar cane stack dimensions of 16x10x7ft, all
the sugar cane shall be cleared from the ground and
remain neatly stacked in the field so as to make a
minimum average of 1.5 tonnes of stacked sugar cane
per cutter per day;
(i) ensure sugar cane crop from each plot is stacked
separately and appropriately tagged;
(j) be responsible for re-stacking, arranging or combining
poorly shaped, sized or low density sugar cane crop
(k) be responsible for the social welfare, upkeep and all
legal obligations pertaining to his employees and
(l) be responsible for damage, injury or losses caused by
his workers agents or tractors/vehicles to third parties
and his workers;
(m) provide a list of cane cutters on his payroll to the
(n) provide accommodation, if the need arises, and safety
gear for his harvesters;
(o) be responsible for payment of wages and other benefits
as agreed;
(p) be responsible for meeting the cost of any inputs or
services given to him on his request by the Company
and will allow the deduction of such charges/expenses
from any payment due to him, unless otherwise agreed
in writing;
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
(q) be responsible for any damage caused to the Company
or farmer’s property and shall be required to make good
such damages out of his dues;
(r) be responsible for any loss to the plot owner through
bad harvesting, unharvested crop or sugar crop covered
by trash;
(s) ensure that his labourers accept and follow all routing
instructions and advice from the field staff of the
Company, and ensure that discipline amongst the cutters
is maintained;
(t) not solicit payment of any kind from the farmers for
services rendered under this agreement;
(u) take insurance to cover his employees, workers, agents,
machinery or third parties;
The company shall;
(a) offer for harvest sugar crop as is derived from its estate
and contracted sugar crop plots and no other, for use
either as seed crop cane or mill crop, sugarcane which
shall be harvested green, cut at ground level, de-trashed
and topped just below the meristem as specified by the
body responsible for research; a job completion
certificate shall be promptly signed where harvesting
has been done satisfactorily;
(b) set the lead time in harvesting sugar crop not more than
twenty-four (24) hours and all the lead sugar crop
harvested within the lead time shall be under the
responsibility of the company, otherwise the harvesting
contractor shall be held responsible for sugar crop
harvested outside the lead time;
(c) accept all sugar crop of requisite harvesting quality
from the area specified in this harvesting contract in
accordance with the programme provided for herein and
the requisite harvesting quality of sugar crop shall be as
specified by the Authority in respect of the sugar crop
variety-------------whose extraneous matter shall be less
than three per cent (3) %;
(d) ensure that, subject to sugar crop yield and weather
conditions, sufficient cane is available to meet the
cutting and stacking requirements of each contractor;
(e) make payments to contractor at an agreed rate and time;
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
(f) make payments every fortnight after the contractor has
presented and verified his bills;
(g) at its discretion take over any work not done in
accordance with this agreement and recover the cost of
such from the Contractor’s payments;
(h) apply strict disciplinary practice and provide formal
notification where the required standards of harvesting
are not being met;
(i) not be liable for any loss, damage or injury done to or
caused by the Contractor to his employees, workers,
agents or machinery or their parties whatsoever;
(j) write delivery notes and any other field records for cane
(k) notify the contractor to remedy the situation within
twenty-four (24) hours where the company is
dissatisfied with the contractor’s performance, failure to
which the contractor shall bear the cost of the damages;
The contractor shall not assign his services or any interest
therein or any of his rights or obligations under this
agreement without the written consent of the company.
Where the contractor offers poor quality services, the
company shall have the option of arranging for alternative
services upon notice to the contractor.
Where the company ceases to exist, the contractor may
deliver the sugar crop to another party without the approval
of the company.
If either party decides to discontinue the harvesting of sugar
crop or terminate the relationship with the other party, he
shall give thirty days notice of his intention to do so and
shall pay all his dues within the period of notice. Any such
termination of the contract shall be without prejudice to all
rights accrued and obligations incurred to or by either party
prior to the date of termination and shall not prejudice claim
for damages for such breach of contract.
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
Neither the grower nor the miller shall be obliged to perform
their respective obligations under this agreement if and to
the extent that they or either one of them may be hindered or
prevented from so doing directly or indirectly by an event of
force majeure if the performance of Agreement or any part
thereof shall become impossible of performance by either
party due to force majeure the party in default shall not be
held responsible to the other party for such non-performance
and without prejudice to the generality to the other terms the
following events shall for all the purposes of the Agreement
fall within the meaning of the term force majeure; fires and
explosions at the factory, floods, earthquake, tempest, war,
civil commotion, riots, arson, sabotage, labour strikes, lockouts, other industrial dispute, breakdown or damage to plant
machinery, transport or equipment, shortage of supplies fuel,
non-availability of shipping space or railway services
inability to effect sale and or delivery of sugar produced or
transported sugar crop or road conditions and any other
causes beyond the control of the parties hereto such that no
reasonable measure or vigilance on the part of the parties
hereto or their agents could have prevented.
The affected party shall report any event of force majeure
within seven days from the date of its occurrence and the
competent authorities of both parties shall certify the said
The obligations of the parties under the specified agreement
shall remain suspended for the period during which the said
event of force majeure persists.
Any question or dispute as to the responsibility to fulfill the
terms of this agreement shall be referred to the Crops
Arbitration Tribunal, or
agreement within fourteen (14) days after service by one of
the parties hereto on the other, notice of the existence of
such dispute, two arbitrators shall be appointed jointly by
the Chairman for the time being of the Law Society of
Kenya and such arbitration shall be conducted in accordance
with and subject to the provision of the Arbitration Act,
Chapter 49 of the Laws of Kenya as may be amended from
time to time.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the above named parties have signed
and executed this agreement on the date and year inscribed herein.
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
SIGNED on behalf of
in the presence of
SIGNED on behalf of
in the presence
I ………………………………………………………,
harvesting contractor for
………………………………………Company is pleased to
register your name as a temporary employee to cut and stack
green or accidentally burnt sugarcane.
You must be a Kenyan citizen with an ID Card or a
foreigner with work permit.
You will be hired for the period of………………months
from ……….. day of ………….(month) two thousand and
The minimum daily task shall be one point five (1.5) tonnes
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
of clean, trashed, ground cut and topped at the last node
sugar crop per cane sugar crop.
You will work in a group with not more than three other
cutters to cut enough cane to make a stack of not less than
six (6) tonnes.
You can elect to work less than four harvesters in a group
provided the group makes a stack of not less than six tonnes.
You will each cut four or more rows of sugar crop, whose
length will vary according to cane yield, as will be allocated
once in the morning by a Supervisor or Field Assistant prior
to commencement of cutting or within the first hour of
You will stack the sugar crop properly according to the field
Assistants directive ensuring grooves are not blocked and
that all stack sides and corners are regular and of uniform
length, width and height all round.
You will also avail yourself to do other tasks related to cane
harvesting namely re-stacking, cutting and slashing poor
cane cutting and carrying cane to a suitable stack site. You
will also avail yourself for transportation to other area than
your own area for the purposes of harvesting cane as
contained in the contract.
Payment will be based on the tonnage of sugarcane cut and
Stacked or on a daily basis for re-stacking, slashing and will
be according on the following rates.
cutting and stacking green cane at kshs………….
per tonnes of cane.
cutting and stacking burnt cane at
kshs……………per tonnes of cane and
carrying cane at kshs…………..per tonnes of
I have read and understood the contents of this agreement to
the best of my ability:
Signed on behalf of the Harvesting Contractor:
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
In the presence of ………………………………………….
This AGREEMENT is made on the ……………… day
of……………(month) two thousand and ………….. BETWEEN
………………………………………of P. O. Box ………………..
here-in-after referred to as the “Company” which expression shall
where the context so admits include its successors in title and
assignees of the First Part AND ………………………………….
(sugarcane transporter’s name) of P. O.
Box……………..(Town/City) hereinafter referred to as the
“transporter” which expression shall, where the context so admits
include its successors and assignees of the Second Part, whose
company was incorporated/registered in the Republic of Kenya and
having its registered office at ____________ being a company/cooperative society incorporated/ registered in the Republic of Kenya.
(a). WHEREAS the transporter would wish to enter into an
agreement with the Company to transport or haul sugarcane
for and on behalf of the Company after proving that he is
capable of the undertaking to the satisfaction of the
(b). WHEREAS the transporter further wishes to place at the
Company’s service, tractors, trailers, cane loading units and
other sugarcane transport maintenance equipment in order to
transport sugar crop from the estates and growers fields to
the factory.
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
(c). WHEREAS the Company wishes to engage the transporter
for sugar crop transportation services from the grower and
estate fields to the factory on behalf of the growers.
This agreement shall come into force on the date of entering this
agreement (unless previously terminated or extended in
accordance with the provisions herein) and remain in force
for a period of ……………(months).
The tonnage carried by the transporter shall be as recorded on the
weighbridge at the factory or as shall be determined by any
other method mutually agreed in writing by the parties
The parties to this agreement shall at all times undertake to conduct
their business above board with the aim of ensuring
integrity, transparency and accountability.
On successful expiry of the contract period parties herewith may
renew this Agreement upon the same terms and other
conditions as the parties may agree in writing.
The transporter shall;
avail a fleet of tractors, trailers, loading units and other
sugarcane transport maintenance equipment in the
minimum numbers described in the attached Schedule
of Equipment and Charges so as to ensure haulage of
sugar crop to the factory;
further keep, maintain and operate the transport
equipment which shall be continuously made available
for loading, winching and transportation during the
period of this agreement and subject to prior approval
by an authorized officer of the Company; at no time
shall the number of machinery offered at the time of
signing this agreement be reduced without the consent
of both parties;
be responsible for repairs, maintenance, upkeep,
security and safety of his equipment and employees
and to bear all the cost for doing so;
load all the harvested sugar crop onto the transport
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
vehicles while in the sugarcane fields and deliver the
same to the factory yard as the Company shall direct or
transport sugarcane efficiently and expeditiously from
wherever directed to the sugarcane Factory at such
times as the company in its sole discretion shall decide
and direct;
At all times, provide a fast means of transportation,
avoid sugarcane spillage and carry high payload to
reduce costs and the both parties shall ensure a short
turn round time with transport costs being charged on
the basis of tonnes sugar crop per kilometer;
comply with any Government and/or the regulation
now or hereafter in force regarding the specifications
of the haulage vehicles or the transport of sugar crop
and any modifications such as from time to time may
be required shall be carried out at the transporters’
provide fuel, tyres and spare parts necessary for the
uninterrupted running of its fleet;
employ only suitably qualified drivers with valid
driving licences for the tractors;
keep the transport equipment (except such of them as
are at any one time being used in accordance with the
terms of this Agreement) at the designated address
unless otherwise agreed in writing between the
company and the transporter;
inspect, licence and insure against third party risks the
tractors and other Units in accordance with any
statutes, regulations or orders now or hereafter in force
and shall produce the documents in support of such as
demanded by the company or its agents or employees;
assume full liability for any loss or damage due to any
act, omission or default by his agents or employees and
indemnify the company against such costs, claims and
demands on account of such loss, damage or
contamination as aforesaid;
(m) not use or cause to be used any of the contracted
transport equipment for any purpose other than for
transporting or hauling of the sugarcane as provided
herein without the prior consent in writing from the
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
not assign or purport to assign this Agreement or any
benefit or burden thereof or make any subcontract in
respect of any of his duties or obligations herein
without the prior consent in writing of the company;
at the end of the calendar month submit a statement of
the amount due under his clause for work done during
such month and the company shall pay the amount due
to the transporter within 30 days of receiving such
statements less any amount in the aggregate properly
deductible by the company for the expenses incurred
by the company on behalf of the transporter for fuel,
lubricants and other such requirements or other
charges authorized or deemed to be authorized by this
be liable for compensation in respect of any damage to
property, growing crops, injury or losses caused by
acts of his workers, agents or his equipment to third
parties while in the execution of this Agreement;
be responsible for the social welfare, upkeep and all
legal obligations pertaining to its employees and
deposit security or provide a guarantee for facilities
provided by the Company;
accept and ensure that his employees accept routine
instructions from the field staff of the company and to
accord such staff maximum possible cooperation as the
situation demands at the time;
The company shall:
specify the particular type of tractor, trailer or other
equipment to be used for such loading and the loading
methods thereof according to distances i.e. zones and
the rate of charge per tonne of the sugarcane by zones;
(b) offer, for transport all such sugar crop as is derived
from its contracted and nucleus sugar crop plots and
no other;
(c) include the transporter in the harvesting programme
indicating specific assignments and areas of operation
and may be held responsible for sugar crop spillages
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
during transportation;
(d) without prejudice to the terms of this Agreement have
the right to engage at any time but with notice to the
transporter, other transporters to transport or haul the
sugar crop;
(e) not be under any obligation to provide any plant, power
or labour which may be required for loading and
transporting of sugar crop;
provide the necessary and suitable off-loading facilities
in its yard to facilitate smooth off loading of loads from
the tractors;
(g) ensure that high impact extraneous matter such as
stones, boulders, tree stumps, etc do not damage
equipment by putting a system in place so as to
exclude them.
(h) provide a parking yard for parking the transport units
while off business to the transporter; which shall not be
sublet or converted to any other purpose of use without
prior knowledge of the Company;
at its absolute discretion supply, if required by the
transporter necessary inputs like spare parts, tyres,
tubes, diesel oil, workshop facilities, electricity and
deduct charges of such inputs from payments to the
keep records of transported on each plot basis in every
location and give copies of such records to the
transporter for all the stacks transported;
(k) not be liable for any loss, damage or injury done to or
caused by the transporter to his employees, workers,
agents or machinery whatsoever;
give to the transporter notice period of one week prior
to the commencement of any scheduled shut-down of
the factory for the purposes of carrying out major
repairs and maintenance;
(m) pay the transporter for his services pursuant to this
Agreement at such rates per ton or equivalent thereof
as is set out in the attached Schedule of Equipment and
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
Charges, which rates shall be subjected to change from
time to time upon the revision of such rates after
negotiations between the Company and the
(n) make payments every fortnight after the transporter has
presented and verified his bills;
(o) ensure that, subject to yield and weather conditions,
sufficient sugar crop is available to meet the transport
requirements of each transporter;
(p) at its discretion take over any work not done in
accordance with this agreement and recover the cost of
such from the transporter’s payments.
(q) apply strict disciplinary practice and provide formal
notification where the required standards of sugar crop
transport are not being met.
notify the transporter to remedy the situation within
twenty-four (24) hours where the company is
dissatisfied with the transporter’s performance, failure
to which the transporter shall bear the cost of the
The transporter shall not reassign his services or any interest
therein or any of his rights or obligations under this
agreement without the written consent of the company.
Where the transporter offers poor quality services, the
company shall have the option of arranging for his services
upon notice to the miller.
Where the company ceases to exist, the transporter may
provide his services to another party without the approval of
the company.
If any party decides to discontinue the transport of sugar
crop or terminate the relationship with the other party, he
shall give thirty days notice of his intention to do so and
shall pay all his dues within the period of notice. Any such
termination of the contract shall be without prejudice to all
rights accrued and obligations incurred to or by either party
prior to the date of termination and shall not prejudice claim
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
for damages for such breach of contract.
Neither the transporter nor the company shall be obliged to
perform their respective obligations under this agreement if
and to the extent that they or either one of them may be
hindered or prevented from so doing directly or indirectly by
an event of force majeure if the performance of Agreement
or any part thereof shall become impossible of performance
by either party due to force majeure the party in default shall
not be held responsible to the other party for such nonperformance and without prejudice to the generality to the
other terms the following events shall for all the purposes of
the Agreement fall within the meaning of the term force
majeure; fires and explosions at the factory, floods,
earthquake, tempest, war, civil commotion, riots, arson,
sabotage, labour strikes, lock-outs, other industrial dispute,
breakdown or damage to plant machinery, transport or
equipment, shortage of supplies fuel, non-availability of
shipping space or railway services inability to effect sale and
or delivery of sugar crop produced or transported
sugarcane or road conditions and any other causes beyond
the control of the parties hereto such that no reasonable
measure or vigilance on the part of the parties hereto or their
agents could have prevented.
The affected party shall report any event of force majeure
within seven days from the date of its occurrence and the
competent authorities of both parties shall certify the said
The obligations of the parties under the specified agreement
shall remain suspended for the period during which the said
event of force majeure persists.
Any question or dispute as to the responsibility to fulfill the
terms of this agreement shall be referred to the Crops
Arbitration Tribunal.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the above named parties have signed
and executed this agreement on the date and year inscribed herein.
SIGNED on behalf of
The Crops Act No 16, 2013
The Crops (Sugar Crop) Regulations, 2015
n the presence of:
SIGNED on behalf of
in the presence
Made on…………………………………………….., 2014.
Cabinet Secretary For Agriculture,
Livestock & Fisheries