Sabine Parish Office of Homeland Security And Emergency Preparedness Emergency Support Function 14 Community Recovery I. PURPOSE ESF 14 is concerned with long-term policies and programs for community recovery, mitigation, and economic stabilization. This ESF provides for the recovery of the Parish from the long-term impacts and consequences of emergencies and disasters. The ESF addresses the stabilization of the Parish and local economies, as well as, measures taken to reduce or eliminate risk from future emergencies and disasters. II. SCOPE: This Annex provides for the recovery of the Sabine Parish and its affected area(s) from the long- term impacts and consequences of emergencies and disasters. III. CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS: The Police Jury has primary responsibility for Community Recovery and Economic Stabilization. This Annex addresses the actions required by the various Parish and municipal departments to assess long-term recovery needs and to develop an appropriate plan for recovery. A. Preparedness 1. The Police Jury through the HSEP Director will develop, maintain, and update plans, procedures, arrangements, and agreements to identify and deal with the issues and concerns related to the Parish’s ESF-14 Community Recovery ESF-14-1 2/12/2016 recovery from the effects of emergencies and disasters. This includes the infrastructure, provision of essential utilities, and stabilization of the economy. B. 2. The HSEP Director will develop and maintain listings of those resource agencies and organizations at the parish, state and federal government levels, as well as, private industry and volunteer organizations that could furnish assistance during and after an emergency or disaster. 3. Sabine Parish has and maintains a Hazard Mitigation Plan. 4. Parish and Municipal leaders will attend training on Disaster Recovery periodically. 5. The HSEP Director will keep current a copy of the Louisiana Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness’, Disaster Recovery Manual also know as the “Red Book”. Response 1. As an emergency develops and upon activation of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC), the HSEP Director will coordinate an assessment of the impact of the event that will include the identification of needs related to the Parish’s potential recovery effort. 2. The HSEP Director in close coordination with each EOC Staff Officer will assess the impact of the event(s) on the Parish’s capability to restore and provide essential utility services to the residents and businesses, including the identification of potential recovery issues. 3. Based on these assessments, the HSEP Director and EOC staff will alert, activate, and mobilize those resource agencies whose capabilities would best be suited to responding to the emergency. 4. The Police Jury may establish a Sabine Parish Recovery Authority to guide and administer recovery efforts within Sabine Parish. ESF-14 Community Recovery ESF-14-2 2/12/2016 6. C. D. Once established the Sabine Parish Recovery Authority shall work closely with the Louisiana Recovery Authority and make such applications for disaster recovery assistance and/ or the Federal Emergency Management Agency on behalf of Sabine Parish and its municipalities. Recovery 1. The Police Jury President, HSEP Director, Municipal Administrators and Parish Directors will conduct a comprehensive assessment of the long-term consequences of emergencies and disasters, particularly those disasters that have a catastrophic impact on the Parish’s infrastructure, the provision of essential public utilities, and the economic viability of the parish. 2. The Sabine Parish Recovery Authority, if established, shall coordinate the overall recovery efforts within Sabine Parish and shall appoint an Executive Director who shall administer its activities. 3. A Recovery Coordinator shall be appointed by the Police Jury President, if the Police Jury determines not to establish the Sabine Parish Recovery Authority, it will be the responsibility of this position to coordinate the development of a Long-Term Recovery Operations Plan. Mitigation As part of the recovery planning process, the Police Jury President and HSEP Director will work with Local and State authorities, to include both Sabine Parish Recovery Authority and the Louisiana Recovery Authority to identify mitigation opportunities and develop plans, programs, and initiatives to reduce or eliminate the effects of future emergencies and disasters. Some initiatives include postdisaster zoning and land use ordinances. IV. ORGANIZATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES: ESF-14 Community Recovery ESF-14-3 2/12/2016 V. A. The Police Jury through the HSEP Director is primarily responsible for initiating, organizing and coordinating Community Recovery and Economic Stabilization. B. Parish and Municipal departments are responsible for developing and maintaining plans, procedures and asset inventories to support the recovery initiative. COMMAND AND CONTROL: Command and Control will be exercised as provided in the Basic Plan. VI. CONTINUITY OF GOVERNMENT: Continuity of Government will be as provided in the Basic Plan. VII. ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS: A. If local and state resources are inadequate to the tasks assigned; the HSEP Director will seek additional resources from neighboring Parish, Regional and State support agencies. B. Each Parish and Municipal department, agency or organization providing services will maintain records of the operations, including cost records that can be used after the emergency to obtain reimbursement from state or federal resources. VIII. PLAN MAINTENANCE: Plan Maintenance will be as provided in the Basic Plan. IX. AUTHORITIES AND REFERENCES: Authorities and References are included in the Basic Plan. X. APPENDIX: A. B. C. Organization Chart Responsibility Chart List of economic development organizations ESF-14 Community Recovery ESF-14-4 2/12/2016