Don Hoskins (Hon. PA) Chair

(The dates following names are the termination dates for the assignment unless noted, “appointed in 19__” or” 20__”.
All appointments normally end on June 30 of the indicated year, unless noted “CY_____” for calendar year,
in which case the appointment ends December 31.)
Revised 9/15/05
Past President*
President Elect*
Vice President*
Honorary Members' Representative*+
Editor-Pub Manager
Peter Scholle
Bob Marvinney
Scott Tinker
Chacko John
Ron Teissere
Nick Tew
Don Haney
Walt Schmidt
Jim Cobb
Karl Muessig
Telephone No.
(505) 835-5294
(207) 287-2801
(512) 471-1534
(225) 388-5320
(360) 902-1440
(205) 349-2852
(606) 257-5500
(850) 488-4191
(859) 257-5500
(609) 292-1185
(505) 835-5752
Tom Berg (OH) will assist the Editor in publication management
Associates Representative
L. Greer Price
*Executive Committee members
Chosen by the Honorary Members at each National Meeting and serves for the following AASG year.
Selected by Associate Members, yearly, at annual meeting
National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (NCGMP) Advisory Committee - provides advice to the
National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program of the USGS. (Note: effective starting date of the Advisory
Committee under the NGMA ‘92 was in 1995. These are actually appointments by the Secretary of Interior, term length
is typically 3 years; AASG makes recommendations for membership - two from AASG. The committee generally meets
in the fall.)
Jamie Robertson (WI) (CY 2006)
Jon Price (NV) (CY 2006)
National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (NCGMP) STATEMAP Peer Review Panel - serves on the
review panel that meets in late November or early December. The USGS does most of the legwork. Term length is
typically three years.
Mark Kuzila (NE) (2006) (Central Region)
Roy Breckenridge (ID) (2007) (Western Region)
David Wunsch (NH) (2007) (at large)
Jim Cobb (KY) (2005) (Eastern Region)???
Bob Marvinney (ME) (Past President)
National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (NCGMP) EDMAP Review Panel - serves on the review
panel that meets in December or January. The USGS does most of the legwork.
AASG Committee Assignments, 2004-2005
Ed Deal (VT) (2008)
Steve Mabee (MA) (2006)
Lead Contacts for USGS Clusters - work with USGS Regional Geologists to develop agendas for cluster meetings
Western States - Roy Breckenridge (ID) (2006)
Central States – Bekki White (AR) (2006)
Eastern States – Jay Parrish (PA) (2005)???
Panel on Proposals to the National Science Foundation-AASG-USGS Field-Mentoring Program - serves on
the review panel that meets in the Spring to select field projects. The Chair, with input from the other committee
members, prepares and sends out the request for proposals, receives the proposals, and distributes them to the Committee
members. The Chair also arranges for the one-day peer-review panel meeting and communicates to the applicants
regarding the fate of their proposals. The Chair relays information about awards and progress on funded projects to the
Principal Investigator for the NSF Program (currently Jim Cobb) and to the AASG Treasurer (currently Nick Tew).
Terms are on a three-year rotating cycle.
Jim Cobb (KY) Chair
Chacko John (LA) (2005) (Central Region)???
Karl Muessig (NJ) (2006) (Eastern Region)
Rick Allis (UT) (2007) (Western Region)
Western States Seismic Policy Council (WSSPC), Board of Directors - report periodically to AASG on activities
of WSSPC. The seven members of the WSSPC Board of Directors include three state geologists and three state
emergency management directors plus one at-large state geologist or state emergency management director. Generally
the at-large member represents the group that does not chair the Board; because a state geologist currently chairs the
Board, there are only three state geologists on the Board. Members of the Board are elected by the full WSSPC
membership and serve two-year terms. The Board of Directors makes nominations for Board membership after
consultation with members. The state geologists in the WSSPC states (AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, MT, NM, NV, OR,
UT, WA, WY) should discuss the nominations.
Ed Deal (MT)
Rick Allis (UT)
Ron Teissere (WA)
STANDING COMMITTEES - with no expiration dates to terms, subject to annual reappointment
Honorary Members Committee - establishes guidelines for Honorary Membership, screens nominations for Honorary
Member status, solicits nominations for individuals who meet the qualifications for Honorary Member status as
stipulated in the AASG Constitution, and evaluates possible Honorary Membership of any Association member retiring
or leaving office after at least seven years of service to the Association. The Committee keeps records on honorary
membership and service to AASG as officers; copies of the records should be submitted to the Historian. The
Committee also keeps an AASG necrology and reports during the annual and mid-year meetings about any deaths of
members, honorary members, other past members, and associates to the AASG.
Bob Jordan (Hon. DE) Chair
Phil LaMoreaux (Hon. AL)
Larry Fellows (AZ)
John Rold (Hon. CO)
Walt Schmidt (FL)
Morris Leighton (Hon. IL)
AASG Committee Assignments, 2004-2005
Ken Weaver (Hon. MD)
Walt Anderson (Hon. ME)
Stephen Conrad (Hon. NC)
Haig Kasebach (Hon. NJ)
Don Hull (Hon. OR)
Art Socolow (Hon. PA)
Bill Fisher (Hon. TX)
Subcommittee on the Ian Campbell Medal – educates, publicizes and promotes the Ian Campbell Award within
AASG and other professional organizations. Each year, the Subcommittee will solicit nominations in August, and then
submit the nomination, with appropriate documentation, to the Executive Committee during the last quarter of the
calendar year. After the Executive Committee’s approval, the Subcommittee will facilitate the submittal of the AASG
nomination for the Award from the Executive Committee to the AGI in February. The Subcommittee will also provide
background information about the Award and the life and values of Ian Campbell for publication in the AASG Journal
and the AASG website.
Don Haney (Hon. KY) (CY2003) Chair
Ernie Mancini (Hon. AL) (CY 2003) Secretary
Charles Mankin (OK)
Philip LaMoreaux (Hon. AL)
Charles Groat (Hon. LA)
Ken Weaver (Hon. MD)
Stephen Conrad (Hon. NC)
Bill Fisher (Hon. TX)
Peter Flawn (Hon. TX)
Liaison Committee - meets with representatives of federal agencies, Congressional committees, non-governmental
organizations, trade associations, and others in Washington, D.C. twice each year (September and March); meetings are
arranged and written reports are produced by the President-Elect, who serves as the Chair of the Committee; Committee
members are responsible for leading discussions and taking notes, which are relayed quickly to the President-Elect for
compilation into the written reports.
Scott Tinker (TX) Chair (as President-Elect)
All other Executive Committee members, including the Honorary Members' Representative
Vince Matthews (CO) (2008)
John Talley (DE) (2006)
Carl Smith (WV) (2006)
Harvey Thorleifson (MN) (2007)
David Wunsch (NH) (2007)
Larry Becker (VT)
Tyler Clark (Associate, NC)
Mark Myers (AK)
Nominations Committee (ex officio, most recent three past presidents who are still active as state geologists)
- at least one month before the AASG annual meeting, the Committee presents a slate of officers to the membership for
voting by secret ballot, according to the AASG Constitution. As affirmed by the membership in 2000, only one individual is
nominated for each office; however, spaces for write-in candidates are also listed on the ballot. The Committee Chair mails
out the ballots to the 51 voting members of the Association, receives the ballots from those who vote, then presents the
ballots to the Balloting Committee for confirmation of the final count.
Bob Marvinney (ME) Chair
John Steinmetz (IN)
AASG Committee Assignments, 2004-2005
Emery Cleaves (MD)
(3-year terms)
American Geological Institute - The Member Society Council typically meets twice a year (once at GSA and once at
AAPG; substitutes are welcome if you can't make a particular meeting). The Government Affairs Program usually has
one meeting in Washington, D.C. during the late winter or early spring.
Member Society Council – Peter Scholle (NM) (2006)
Government Affairs Program – Emery Cleaves (MD) (2006)
Ian Campbell Award Committee – Don Haney (Hon. KY)
Earth Science Outreach Advisory Committee – Steve Mabee (MA) (2006)
Environmental Geoscience Advisory Committee – (vacant)
Future Meetings – membership: 3 most recent Past-Presidents and 3 most recent meeting hosts. The most recent Annual
Meeting host will act as Chair. Responsibilities:
1) Reconfirms commitments for future AASG annual meetings and fills gaps as needed by encouraging states to volunteer.
2) Provides guidance to the next several Annual meeting hosts as to venue, costs, registration fees, and social activities.
3) Offers guidance to the President and Executive Committee concerning structure of the meeting with regard to length of
meeting, open vs. structured time, breakouts vs. general sessions, etc. The President and Executive Committee will
consider this guidance when developing the detailed agenda for the meeting.
2006 - New Mexico (98th annual meeting)
2007 - Florida (99th annual meeting)
2008 - Washington, D.C. (Commitment is still being discussed among neighboring states. 100th annual meeting, to
commemorate the organizational meeting of the Association of American State Geologists, May 12, 1908, also
in Washington, D.C.)
2009 - Utah (101st annual meeting)
2010 - New Jersey (102nd annual meeting)
2011 - Iowa (103rd annual meeting)
2012 - Texas (104th annual meeting)
North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature - this involves a half-day Commission meeting at
GSA and perhaps some discussion between meetings.
Nick Tew (AL) (2007)
Bob Fakundiny (Hon. NY) (2007)
Ernie Mancini (Hon. AL) (2008)
(normally 3 year terms)
Advisory Committee (FACA) on Water Information - represent AASG concerns; report to AASG membership
annually in writing.
Emery Cleaves (MD) (continuing, appointed in 1998)
AASG Committee Assignments, 2004-2005
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) - monitor AAAS activities; alert AASG Executive
Committee concerning the AAAS Washington, D.C. fly-ins and other related activities in political affairs and report to
the AASG membership annually in writing.
John Steinmetz (IN) (2007)
Art Socolow (Hon. PA), alternate
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) - monitor AAPG activities, particularly in the policy arena
and report to the Executive Committee as needed and to the AASG membership annually in writing.
Chacko John (LA) (2007)
American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG) - monitor AIPG activities; alert AASG Executive Committee
and all AASG Members who are also AIPG Members about the AIPG Washington, D.C. fly-in.
John Talley (DE) (2006)
EarthScope Education and Outreach Committee - provide representation to this committee that will prepare a
proposal to NSF for EarthScope Education and Outreach. This is a sub-group of the IRIS-based effort that will provide
both technical information and help with State contacts, permitting, etc. for an EarthScope effort.
Geological Society of America (GSA) - monitor GSA activities; report to AASG membership annually in writing.
Affiliated Societies - AASG President; other AASG Executive Committee, alternates
Committee on Geology & Public Policy - Jamie Robertson (WI) (2006)
National Association of State Boards of Geology (ASBOG) - represent AASG concerns; report to AASG
membership annually in writing.
Ron Teissere (WA) (2007)
National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC) - interface with NASULGC's
Mineral and Energy Resources Section and other sections, boards, and commissions to find areas of mutual interest; help
formulate NASULGC policy statements and testimony for Congressional budget and other hearings. Possibly develop an
MOU between AASG and NASULGC, if appropriate.
Jon Price (NV)
Jamie Robertson (WI)
Ernie Mancini (Hon. AL) - current chair of the NASULGC Mineral and Energy Resources Section
Don Haney (Hon. KY)
Allen Agnew (Hon SD)
National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC) - represent AASG concerns; report to AASG
membership annually in writing; monitor progress under existing MOU; see
Nick Tew (AL) (2006)
Jay Parrish (PA) (2007) - alternate
AASG Committee Assignments, 2004-2005
USGS/EPA National Water Quality Monitoring Council - alert AASG Executive Committee of relevant activities of
the Council and report to the AASG membership annually in writing.
David Wunsch (NH) (2007)
Bob Libra (IA) (2007) - alternate
USGS National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (NCGMP) FEDMAP Review Panel - monitor
activities; represent AASG concerns; report to AASG membership annually in writing.
Ron Teissere (WA)
U.S. Potential Gas Committee - monitor activities; represent AASG concerns; report to AASG membership annually in
writing. The Committee maintains an assessment of natural gas in the U.S. (an estimate of the U.S. gas resource base every
two years) and operates from the Colorado School of Mines (303-273-3886). John Curtis is the Director of the Potential Gas
Committee (, which is supported by natural gas suppliers.
Scott Tinker (TX) (2006) Chair
Auditing Committee - reviews the records of the AASG Treasurer; checks the balance on the AASG checking
account and checks the appropriateness of individual expenditures; reports to the AASG membership during the annual
For the 2006 annual meeting in New Mexico:
Awards Committee – collects nominations for awards, and drafts and presents the awards for the miscellaneous activities
during the annual meeting.
For the 2006 annual meeting in New Mexico:
Balloting Committee - counts or double checks the count of the ballots for election of AASG officers, as presented by the
Nominations Committee; reports on the results of the elections. The Committee also counts and reports on any other
secret or written ballots undertaken by AASG at either the annual or mid-year meeting.
For the 2006 annual meeting in New Mexico:
Resolutions Committee - collects, coordinates, and helps prepare the resolutions on which the AASG membership votes
during the annual and mid-year meetings; keeps written records of resolutions passed by the AASG membership during
the annual and mid-year business meetings; provides electronic copies of the passed resolutions to all AASG members;
provides written copies of the passed resolutions to the AASG Historian and to the AASG Secretary for inclusion with
the minutes of the meeting; provides copies of the resolutions to appropriate individuals for distribution (for example,
ones to the host of the annual meeting and ones to the AASG President to pass on to the appropriate agencies and
individuals). All AASG committees and AASG members, including Honorary Members, are encouraged to suggest
resolutions to be adopted by the AASG membership during the annual or mid-year meetings or by e-mail ballot between
meetings. Committee Chair should bring blank resolution templates to the Annual meeting, confirm the availability of
AASG Committee Assignments, 2004-2005
word processing, and ensure that the next year’s Committee Chair has a copy of all resolutions and the blank templates.
For the 2006 annual meeting in New Mexico:
Mike Jess (Associate, NE)
OTHER SPECIAL APPOINTMENT COMMITTEES - These committees have responsibilities to
present items for action to the Executive Committee and to propose resolutions (to the Resolutions Committee) for adoption
by the AASG membership.
Awards Committee - provides for recognition of AASG members by the professional community for outstanding
accomplishment or contributions and reports to the membership at the annual and mid-year meeting about awards
received and offices held by AASG members. The Committee also generates, coordinates, and prepares the awards to be
read at the annual meeting of the Association. Included for consideration should be awards for AASG Associates and
other members of state geological survey staffs who have made significant contributions to AASG; the Awards
Committee should develop and document criteria and a selection process for these awards, then follow through with
selecting awardees and preparing the awards. In addition, three subcommittees have more specific responsibilities with
respect to the John C. Frye Award in Environmental Geology, the Pick and Gavel Awards, and the identification of
external leadership and recognition opportunities for Association members.
Walt Schmidt (FL) Chair
Bill Shilts (IL)
Jim Cobb (KY)
Bob Marvinney (ME)
Charlie Mankin (OK)
Don Haney (Hon. KY)
Larry Fellows (Hon., AZ)
Ken Weaver (Hon. MD)
Bill Fisher (Hon. TX)
AASG President (ex-officio)
President-elect (ex-officio)
Vice-President (ex-officio)
John C. Frye Award Subcommittee - annually identifies, in collaboration with the GSA, a suitable recipient (or
recipients) for the John C. Frye Award in Environmental Geology. The GSA appointee will serve for 3 years beginning
2003. The 2 AASG appointees have no term limit. The chair writes to the GSA executive director/CEO, who makes the
cash award ($1,000) and plaque.
Walt Schmidt (FL) Chair
Vince Matthews (CO)
External Service and Awards Subcommittee - identifies and puts forward to the Executive Committee names of
Association members, both active and Honorary, other members of the staffs of state geological surveys, who might be
nominated to leadership positions in various geoscience associations, societies, etc., and/or for various
national/international geoscience medals, awards, etc., including the Ian Campbell Medal. The Subcommittee also
considers nominating individuals who, although not working for state geological surveys, have made significant
contributions to the efforts of AASG and/or individual state geological surveys. The Subcommittee helps identify
opportunities for state geological survey personnel to participate in the award-selection process of other organizations.
The Subcommittee also helps identify names of potential Federal political appointees that the Association may offer up
and endorse.
AASG Committee Assignments, 2004-2005
Don Haney (Hon. KY) Chair
Pick and Gavel Award Subcommittee - annually identifies and puts forward to the Executive Committee names of
potential Pick and Gavel Awardees. The Pick and Gavel award was commissioned in 1999 by the membership of AASG
to recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to advancing the role of geoscience in public policy
and have supported AASG's mission in government affairs. The image etched into the award symbolizes its meaning:
the geologist's pick, a trademark of geological enterprise; the gavel, signifying deliberative process; and the nation's
Capitol, where the two come together in formulating national public policy. The message of the award is completed by a
mounted, one-of-a-kind mineral, fossil, or rock symbolizing the Earth, of which we must all be responsible stewards.
The President is responsible for getting the rock and designing the physical award. The award has been presented at a
banquet at the Cosmos Club during the Spring Liaison Committee meeting. Final decisions on how many Pick and
Gavel Awards to present (generally two) and to whom they will be given rest with the Executive Committee.
AASG President, Chair
President-Elect (ex-officio)
Vice President (ex-officio)
Booth Committee – Manages the materials, scheduling and staffing of the AASG booth at events such as the annual GSA
and National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). The AASG Vice President chairs the Committee. AASG
Members and Associates of the states holding the conferences serve on the Committee. The Committee will keep track
of supplies for the booth (postcards, etc.) and provide maintenance of the booth or new booth materials as needed. The
Committee will assist the Vice President in shipping, holding, set up and take down of the booth. Likewise, they will
assist the Vice President in arranging for staffing schedules of the booth.
Schedules of the next few meetings are as follows:
October 7-10, 2005
Salt Lake City, UT
August 15-19, 2006
Nashville, TN
October 22-25, 2006
Philadelphia, PA
Chacko John (LA) Chair
Vince Matthews (CO)
John Talley (DE)
John Hill (Associate IN)
Jay Raney (Associate TX)
John Kiefer (Associate KY)
Coastal Processes - The mission of the Coastal Processes Committee is to provide guidance to the Federal government as
appropriate, and to develop vehicles for State Geological Surveys to foster geoscience input for policy and decision
makers regarding Coastal zone issues. The Committee will provide Federal agencies with counsel that reflects the
variety of seriousness of coastal erosion and flood hazards that are experienced by the coastal and Great Lakes states.
The Committee also will provide input as requested to insure geoscience is adequately included in various coastal zone
environmental, geologic hazards, and natural resource conservation issues.
Walt Schmidt (FL) Chair
Nick Tew (AL)
John Parrish (CA)
John Talley (DE)
Glenn Bauer (HI)
Chacko John (LA)
Cragin Knox (MS)
Karl Muessig (NJ)
Jim Simons (NC)
Tom Berg (OH)
AASG Committee Assignments, 2004-2005
Jon Boothroyd (RI)
Bill Clendenin (SC)
Don Oltz (Honorary AL)
Rob Finley (Associate IL)
Jay Raney (Associate TX)
Continental Margins - monitors environmental and resources issues of interest to coastal states emanating at the Federal
level; to facilitate exchange of information on activities on the shelf and continental margins; and to seek opportunities
for collaborative research on topics of mutual interest to coastal states. The Committee should report to the Association
any new developments in the OCS and keep appraised of the Federal administrations organizational jurisdictions
regarding OCS issues.
Chacko John (LA) Chair
Nick Tew (AL)
John Talley (DE)
Walt Schmidt (FL)
William McLemore (GA)
Cragin Knox (MS)
Karl Muessig (NJ)
Jim Simons (NC)
Jon Boothroyd (RI)
Lesli Wood (TX Staff)
Digital Geologic Mapping - represents AASG in establishing and constructing the National Geologic Map Database as
required by the National Geologic Mapping Act of 1992. The committee will cooperate with the U.S. Geological Survey
(USGS), the agency with ultimate responsibility for the national database. The committee shall (with the approval of the
Executive Committee) establish subcommittees to deal with digital mapping issues such as metadata, attribution, costs,
and topographic mapping. It will also report on activities of the Federal Geographic Data Committee, the National
Academy of Science/National Research Council Mapping Science Committee, and others from government, private
industry, and academia that are involved with digital mapping standards.
Tom Berg (OH) Chair
Nick Tew (AL)
John Parrish (CA)
Bill Shilts (IL)
Jim Cobb (KY)
Harvey Thorleifson (MN)
Vicki McConnell (OR)
Jay Parrish (PA)
Rick Allis (UT)
Larry Becker (VT)
Rich Lively (MN Associate)
Ian Duncan (TX Associate)
Don McKay (IL Associate)
Earth Science Education - provides liaison with NAS/NRC, AGI, Coalition for Earth Science Education, and other
organizations regarding earth science education initiatives. Complete the draft “source book” of educational materials
available from state geological surveys. Review options to maintain the Source Book/Fact Book on INTERNET,
possibly through a Homepage at an AGI address. Make recommendations for implementation to the membership.
Larry Becker (VT) Chair
Roy Breckenridge (ID)
AASG Committee Assignments, 2004-2005
Bob Marvinney (ME)
Harold Fitch (MI)
David Wunsch (NH)
Peter Scholle (NM)
Jon Price (NV)
Derric Iles (SD)
Scott Tinker (TX)
Carl Smith (WV)
Don Hoskins (Hon. PA)
Rob Finley (IL Associate)
Energy and Mineral Policy - This Committee shall track, comment on, and provide input into federal legislation and
regulations relating to the nation’s energy and mineral resources. This includes issues involving federal lands and
international policies. Provide the Association with updates as appropriate regarding the federal administration's and
Congressional proposed consolidation or reorganization of Mineral leasing, royalty stream management, and operational
oversight. Pursue further talks regarding possible cooperation between the Association and OSM involving sharing of
databases, and potential computer systems and technical training for non-primacy states.
Scott Tinker (TX) Chair
Nick Tew (AL)
Robert Swenson (AK Associate)
John Parrish (CA)
Jim Cobb (KY)
Chacko John (LA)
Ed Deal (MT)
Jon Price (NV)
Charlie Mankin (OK)
Vicki McConnell (OR)
Rick Allis (UT)
Ron Teissere (WA)
Carl Smith (WV)
Don Oltz (Honorary AL)
Rob Finley (IL Associate)
Mike Ed. Hohn (WV Associate)
Subcommittee on AASG Energy/Oil & Gas Legislation - The charge to the subcommittee is to develop legislation
and an implementation plan for legislation as suggested in the "Draft AASG Oil & Gas Proposal - 5 March 2001."
Charlie Mankin (OK) Chair
Scott Tinker (TX)
Members of Executive Committee
Environmental Affairs - The Environmental Affairs Committee develops definitions, scientific reviews, policy
statements, position papers, Congressional testimony, etc. on a variety of environmental earth science issues and
problems. The President or Executive Committee typically initiates such activity, commonly in response to a request
from federal executive or legislative committees, departments, agencies, or individuals. Less commonly, requests may
come from professional organizations, state government, the private sector, or the AASG membership itself. Committee
members may asked to represent the association on various committees of other professional earth science societies. The
activities of the former “Radioactive Waste Committee” are incorporated into this committee.
David Wunsch (NH) Chair
AASG Committee Assignments, 2004-2005
Walt Schmidt (FL)
Bill Shilts (IL)
Harold Fitch (MI)
Karl Muessig (NJ)
Peter Scholle (NM)
Jon Boothroyd (RI)
Larry Becker (VT)
Ron Teissere (WA)
James Robertson (WI)
Art Socolow (Hon. PA)
Mark Myers (AK)
Geologic Hazards Policy - maintains contact with the NEHRP agencies (FEMA, USGS, NSF, NIST) and other programs
and agencies designed to identify earth hazards and to reduce the impact of those hazards on the public. Report to the
Association any new initiatives or significant activities of these groups. Develop a position statement regarding geologic
hazards cost to the public in dollars, property, and lives, and how geologic mapping products can effectively contribute
to saving the same.
Jon Price (NV) Chair
Bekki White (AR)
John Parrish (CA)
Vince Matthews (CO)
Glenn Bauer (HI)
Roy Breckenridge (ID)
Bill Shilts (IL)
Mimi Garstang (MO)
Jim Simons (NC)
Karl Muessig (NJ)
Rick Allis (UT)
Larry Becker (VT)
Ron Teissere (WA)
Jim Davis (Hon. CA)
Don McKay (IL Associate)
Rod Combellick (AK Associate)
National Geologic Mapping Act Committee - assist, advise, and represent the President of AASG (at his or her
discretion) in developing the strategies associated with passing legislation to reauthorize the NGMA and the annual
appropriation for the NCGMP.
AASG President, Chair
All members of the Executive Committee
All members of the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (NCGMP) Advisory Committee
All members of the Subcommittees listed below. Membership will vary from year to year, depending on the needs of
the reauthorization or appropriation efforts, and the availability of AASG members to participate in the legislative
Subcommittee on Reauthorization for 2005 - Responsibilities include:
Negotiate with USGS about bill language and overhead
Work with USGS NCGMP Coordinator to complete report for Congress
Develop AASG's participation in upcoming hearings on Reauthorization
AASG Committee Assignments, 2004-2005
Robert Marvinney (ME) Chair
Jon Price (NV)
Charlie Mankin (OK)
Subcommittee on Annual Appropriations - Responsibilities include:
Create annual federal budget FactSheets, ensure Individual State FactSheets are updated (by June), and
distribute FactSheets annually to Committee staffers and others
Communicate to Congress via letters & testimony (includes encouraging other - AIPG, AAPG, AGI, GSA,
etc. - to send letters on behalf of NCGMP)
Distribute documents that support geologic mapping, such as the Illinois study of Kentucky or the AGI
Environmental Awareness Series booklet on geologic mapping
Develop new NCGMP FactSheet that portrays decisions made from maps and distribute (include DOI Lynn
Scarlett & Bob Lamb)
Jamie Robertson (WI) Chair
John Steinmetz (IN)
Robert Marvinney (ME)
Tom Berg (OH)
Professional Affairs - The Professional Affairs Committee has principal responsibility to monitor and to influence, where possible,
actions by others that could affect the working conditions of geologists. Issues of concern include registration activities, professional
work ethics that have broad implications, and interstate working freedom for qualified professionals. The committee also may assist
where possible with difficulties that may arise at a professional level with other professional organizations or as caused by political
actions such as legislation or rule making. Finally the committee has the responsibility to maintain a current status of registration in
states and other major actions that could or do affect the work of professional geologists. The committee compiles and distributes the
Association “Fact Book.”
Tom Berg (OH) Chair, Fact Book Editor
Walt Schmidt (FL)
William McLemore (GA)
Bob Libra (IA)
Bill Shilts (IL)
Bob Marvinney (ME)
Mimi Garstang (MO)
Karl Muessig (NJ)
Ron Zurawski (TN)
Jim Williams (Hon. MO)
J. Allen Cain (RI Staff)
Topographic Mapping - represents AASG on issues of digital topographic mapping products and updates of topographic
maps by the USGS (including paper copies and digital products); report on activities of NMD. Build ties with NSGIC.
Jim Cobb (KY) Chair
Nick Tew (AL)
John Talley (DE)
John Steinmetz (IN)
Mimi Garstang (MO)
Ed Deal (MT)
Jim Simons (NC)
Tom Berg (OH)
Charlie Mankin (OK)
Vicki McConnell (OR)
AASG Committee Assignments, 2004-2005
Jay Parrish (PA)
Ron Teissere (WA)
James Robertson (WI)
Water Policy - The Water Policy Committee tracks, comments, and provides input into Federal legislation and regulations
relating to the Nation’s surface and ground water resources. The Committee also shall act as a liaison between the
Association and EPA, and USGS-WRD and other Federal agencies on water policy concerns.
Karl Muessig (NJ) Chair
Nick Tew (AL)
John Talley (DE)
Walt Schmidt (FL)
William McLemore (GA)
Glenn Bauer (HI)
Jim Cobb (KY)
Chacko John (LA)
Emery Cleaves (MD)
Robert Marvinney (ME)
Mimi Garstang (MO)
Ed Deal (MT)
Mark Kuzila (NE)
David Wunsch (NH)
Peter Scholle (NM)
Derric Iles (SD)
Larry Becker (VT)
Mike Jess (NE Associate)
Don McKay (IL Associate)
Committee on History of AASG - The charge to the Committee is to write a history of AASG. Information for the
history will be gathered from individual state geological surveys, AASG honorary members and Honorary Members
Committee, the AASG Historian, and other available sources. The chair will need to meet in person with the AASG
Historian and perhaps others to compile the information needed; AASG will reimburse the chair for reasonable travel
expenses, but the chair should check with the AASG Executive Committee prior to traveling on AASG expenses to
make sure that sufficient funds are available. The Committee should consider various formats for the publication,
including electronic (CD or DVD), Web, and hard copy. More than one format may be acceptable; for example a CD or
DVD may be able to incorporate more photographs that we can afford to print. Phil LaMoreaux has donated slides and
photographs; the Committee is free to use these and others in the document(s). The Committee should present a budget
proposal to the AASG Treasurer and Executive Committee for consideration and report to the membership periodically
about the progress of the project. The document(s) should be published well before the 100th meeting of AASG in 2008,
and the Committee should strive to complete the work by the end of 2004.
Don Hoskins (Hon. PA) Chair
Jim Cobb (KY)
John Bluemle (ND)
Tom Berg (OH)
Don Haney (Hon. KY)
Walt Anderson (Hon. ME)
AASG Committee Assignments, 2004-2005
Allen Agnew (Hon. SD)
Art Socolow (Hon. PA)
Geoscience Data Preservation Committee - represents AASG in the establishment of federal policy related to the
preservation, archiving, access, and use of geological, geochemical, and geophysical samples and data. The committee
shall monitor developments related, but not limited, to data preservation in state geological surveys, industry,
professional societies, federal government, and academia. It also makes recommendations to its members that will
facilitate data archival, access, and exchange.
John Steinmetz (IN) Chair
Vince Matthews (CO)
Peter Scholle (NM)
Charlie Mankin (OK)
Rick Allis (UT)
Jamie Robertson (WI)
Rob Finley (IL Associate)
International Relations Committee - recommends actions by the Executive Committee regarding international
relations, including invitations to the AASG annual meeting and mid-year breakfast at the Geological Society of
America; also makes sure that AASG is adequately represented at appropriate meetings of foreign and international
Bill Shilts (IL) Chair
Harvey Thorleifson (MN)
Larry Becker (VT)
MOU Implementation Committees Responsibilities – Monitor implementation of MOU between State Surveys and
federal agency. At Liaison Meetings, meet with Agency and review status of activities (At national level this is the
primary coordination and collaboration activity). Develop and maintain list of State Survey activities with federal agency
at the state level. As requested assist State Surveys develop contacts utilizing National level and other relevant contacts.
For AASG Annual Meetings recommend and help facilitate breakout sessions related to MOU activities (or potential
Committee to Implement AASG/FEMA MOU - develop an MOU that works to the benefit of both
Jon Price (NV) Chair
Walt Schmidt (FL)
Committee to Develop Proposed AASG/USFS MOU - develop an MOU that works to the benefit of both
(on hold)
Committee to Implement the AASG/NASA Letter of Agreement - follow through with the existing LOA
and explore new opportunities for collaboration between NASA and AASG.
Jay Parrish (PA) Chair
Mark Kuzila (NE)
Committee to Implement the AASG/NRCS MOU - follow through with the existing MOU that works to the
benefit of both organizations.
AASG Committee Assignments, 2004-2005
Mark Kuzila (NE) Chair
Bob Libra (IA)
Committee to Implement the AASG/OSM MOU - follow through with the existing MOA and explore new
opportunities for collaboration between OSM and AASG.
Jim Cobb (KY) Chair
Charlie Mankin (OK)
Committee to Implement the AASG/USGS MOU - follows through with the existing MOA and explores new
opportunities for collaboration between the USGS and AASG.
Executive Committee; President is lead contact.
Committee to draft MOU with NSF – develop an MOU to explore new opportunities in geoinformatics.
Jim Cobb (KY) Chair
Bob Marvinney (ME)
Steve Mabee (MA)
National Association of Geoscience Teachers - U.S. Geological Survey - AASG Cooperative Summer
Geosciences Internship Program Committee. This is an NAGT Committee that oversees efforts to place students
who have taken field camps as interns at the USGS and with state geological surveys. (Subject to annual approval by the
AASG Executive Committee, AASG also has donated $1,000 per year for two scholarships made through the NAGT
Summer Field Course Scholarship Program.) Beth and Tim Lincoln (, are
the Co-Executive Secretaries for the committee and make arrangements for the meetings, which are typically held
Monday afternoons during the GSA meeting. Others involved as committee members are:
NAGT: Steve Semken, Phil Astwood, Bob Christman
USGS: Pat Leahy, Laure Wallace
AASG: Don Hoskins (Hon. PA), Jon Price (NV)
Field Camp Directors: Ed Evenson, Tim and Beth Lincoln, Dave McConnell, Penny Morton
AASG Committee Assignments, 2004-2005
Items in bold are ones for which you have major responsibility.
Nick Tew
Coastal Processes
Committee to Implement the AASG/USGS MOU
Continental Margins
Digital Geologic Mapping
Energy and Mineral Policy
Executive Committee
Geological Society of America (GSA) Affiliated Societies (alternate)
Liaison Committee
National Geologic Mapping Act Committee
National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC)
North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature
Subcommittee on AASG Energy/Oil & Gas Legislation
Topographic Mapping
Water Policy
Mark Myers
Environmental Affairs
Liaison Committee
Rod Combellick (Associate)
Geologic Hazards Policy
Robert Swenson (Associate)
Energy and Mineral Policy
Larry Fellows
Awards Committee
Honorary Members Committee
Bekki White
Geologic Hazards Policy
Lead Contacts for USSGS Clusters
AASG Committee Assignments, 2004-2005
Robert Swenson (Associate)
Energy and Mineral Policy
John Parrish
Coastal Processes
Digital Geologic Mapping
Energy and Mineral Policy
Geologic Hazards Policy
Vince Matthews
Booth Committee
Geoscience Data Preservation Committee
Geologic Hazards Policy
John C Frye Award Subcommittee
Liaison Committee
John Talley
American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG)
Booth Committee
Coastal Processes
Continental Margins
Liaison Committee
Topographic Mapping
Water Policy
Walt Schmidt
Awards Committee
Coastal Processes
Committee to Implement AASG/FEMA MOU
Continental Margins
Environmental Affairs
Honorary Members Committee
John C. Frye Award Subcommittee
Professional Affairs
Water Policy
AASG Committee Assignments, 2004-2005
William McLemore
Continental Margins
Professional Affairs
Water Policy
Glenn Bauer
Coastal Processes
Geologic Hazards Policy
Water Policy
Roy Breckenridge
Earth Science Education
Geologic Hazards Policy
Lead Contacs for USGS Clusters
National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (NCGMP) STATEMAP Peer Review Panel
National Geologic Mapping Act Commission
Bill Shilts
Awards Committee
Digital Geologic Mapping
Environmental Affairs
Future Meetings
Geologic Hazards Policy
International Relations Committee
Professional Affairs
Rob Finley (Associate)
Coastal Processes
Earth Science Education
Energy and Mineral Policy
Geoscience Data Preservation Committee
Don McKay (Associate)
Digital Geologic Mapping
Geologic Hazards Policy
Water Policy
John Steinmetz
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
Future Meetings
AASG Committee Assignments, 2004-2005
Geoscience Data Preservation Committee
National Geologic Mapping Act Committee
National Geologic Mapping Act Committee Subcommittee on Annual Appropriations
Nominations Committee
Topographic Mapping
John Hill (Associate)
Booth Committee
Bob Libra
Committee to Implement the AASG/NRCS MOU
Professional Affairs
USGS/EPA National Water Quality Monitoring Council (alternate)
Jim Cobb
Awards Committee
Committee on History of AASG
Committee to draft MOU with NSF
Committee to Implement the AASG/OSM MOU
Digital Geologic Mapping
Energy and Mineral Policy
National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (NCGMP) STATEMAP Peer Review Panel
National Geologic Mapping Act Committee
Panel on Proposals to the National Science Foundation-AASG-USGS Field-Mentoring Program
Topographic Mapping
Water Policy
Jim Barker (Associate)
Associates Representative to the Executive Committee
John Kiefer (Associate)
Booth Committee
Chacko John
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
Awards Committee
Booth Committee
Coastal Processes
Committee to Implement the AASG/USGS MOU
AASG Committee Assignments, 2004-2005
Continental Margins
Energy and Mineral Policy
Executive Committee
Geological Society of America (GSA) Affiliated Society (alternative)
Liaison Committee
National Geologic Mapping Act Committee
Panel on Proposals to the National Science Foundation-AASG-USGS Field-Mentoring Program
Pick and Gavel Award Subcommittee
Subcommittee on AASG Energy/Oil and Gas Legislation
Water Policy
Bob Marvinney
Awards Committee
Committee to draft MOU with NSF
Committee to Implement the AASG/USGS MOU
Earth Science Education
Executive Committee
Future Meetings
Geological Society of America (GSA) Affiliated Societies (alternate)
Liaison Committee
National Geologic Mapping Act Committee
National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (NCGMP) STATEMAP Peer Review Panel
National Geologic Mapping Act Committee Subcommittee on Annual Appropriations
National Geologic Mapping Act Committee Subcommittee on Reauthorization for 2005
Nominations Committee
Past President
Professional Affairs
Subcommittee on AASG Energy/Oil & Gas Legislation
Water Policy
Emery Cleaves
Advisory Committee (FACA) on Water Information
American Geological Institute Government Affairs Program
Future Meetings
Nominations Committee
Past President
Water Policy
Steve Mabee
American Geological Institute Earth Science Outreach Advisory Committee
Committee to draft MOU with NSF
National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (NCGMP) EDMAP Review Panel
AASG Committee Assignments, 2004-2005
Harold Fitch
Earth Science Education
Environmental Affairs
Harvey Thorleifson
Digital Geologic Mapping
International Relations Committee
Liaison Committee
Rich Lively (Associate)
Digital Geologic Mapping
Cragin Knox
Coastal Processes
Continental Margins
Mimi Garstang
Geologic Hazards Policy
Professional Affairs
Topographic Mapping
USGS/EPA National Water Quality Monitoring Council
Water Policy
Ed Deal
Energy and Mineral Policy
National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (NCGMP) EDMAP Review Panel
Topographic Mapping
Water Policy
Western States Seismic Policy Council (WSSPC), Board of Directors
Mark Kuzila
Committee to Implement the AASG/NASA Letter of Agreement
Committee to Implement the AASG/NRCS MOU
Future Meetings
National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (NCGMP) STATEMAP Peer Review Panel
AASG Committee Assignments, 2004-2005
National Geologic Mapping Act Committee
Water Policy
Mike Jess (Associate)
Resolution Committee
Water Policy
Jon Price
Committee to Implement AASG/FEMA MOU
Earth Science Education
Energy and Mineral Policy
Geologic Hazards Policy
National Association of Geoscience Teachers - U.S. Geological Survey - AASG Cooperative Summer
Geosciences Internship Program Committee.
National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC)
National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (NCGMP) Advisory Committee
National Geologic Mapping Act Committee
National Geologic Mapping Act Committee Subcommittee on Reauthorization for 2005
David Wunsch
Earth Science Education
Environmental Affairs
Liaison Committee
National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (NCGMP) STATEMAP Peer Review Panel
National Geologic Mapping Act Committee
USGS/EPA National Water Quality Monitoring Council
Water Policy
Karl Muessig
Coastal Processes
Continental Margins
Editor-Pub Manager
Environmental Affairs
Geologic Hazards Policy
Panel on Proposals to the National Science Foundation-AASG-USGS Field-Mentoring Program
Professional Affairs
Water Policy
Peter Scholle
AASG Committee Assignments, 2004-2005
American Geological Institute Member Society Council
Awards Committee
Committee to Implement the AASG/USGS MOU
Earth Science Education
Environmental Affairs
Future Meetings
Geological Society of America (GSA) Affiliated Societies
Geoscience Data Preservation Committee
Liaison Committee
National Geologic Mapping Act Committee
Pick and Gavel Award Subcommittee
Subcommittee on AASG Energy/Oil & Gas Legislation
Water Policy
L. Greer Price
Association Representative
Jim Simons
Coastal Processes
Continental Margins
Geologic Hazards Policy
Topographic Mapping
Tyler Clark, Associate
Liaison Committee
John Bluemle
Committee on History of AASG
Tom Berg
Assist Editor-Pub Manager
Coastal Processes
Committee on History of AASG
Digital Geologic Mapping
National Geologic Mapping Act Committee
National Geologic Mapping Act Committee Subcommittee on Annual Appropriations
Professional Affairs, Chair, Fact Book Editor
Topographic Mapping
Charles Mankin
AASG Committee Assignments, 2004-2005
Awards Committee
Committee to Implement the AASG/OSM MOU
Energy and Mineral Policy
Geoscience Data Preservation Committee
Lead Contacts for USGS Cluster (Central States)
National Geologic Mapping Act Committee
National Geologic Mapping Act Committee Subcommittee on Reauthorization for 2005
Subcommittee on AASG Energy/Oil & Gas Legislation
Subcommittee on the Ian Campbell Medal
Topographic Mapping
Vicki McConnell
Digital Geologic Mapping
Energy and Mineral Policy
Topographic Mapping
Jay Parrish
Committee to Implement the AASG/NASA Letter of Agreement
Digital Geologic Mapping
Lead Contacts for USGS Clusters (Eastern States)
National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC) alternate
Topographic Mapping
Ramon Alonso Harris
Jon Boothroyd
Coastal Processes
Continental Margins
Environmental Affairs
J. Allen Cain (Staff)
Professional Affairs
Bill Clendenin
Coastal Processes
AASG Committee Assignments, 2004-2005
Derric Iles
Earth Science Education
Water Policy
Ron Zurawski
Professional Affairs
Scott Tinker
Awards Committee
Committee to Implement the AASG/USGS MOU
Earth Science Education
Energy and Mineral Policy
Executive Committee
Geological Society of America (GSA) Affiliated Societies (alternate)
Liaison Committee
National Geologic Mapping Act Committee
Pick and Gavel Awards Subcommittee
Subcommittee on AASG Energy/Oil & Gas Legislation
U.S. Potential Gas Committee
Ian Duncan (Associate)
Digital Geologic Mapping
Jay Raney (Associate)
Booth Committee
Coastal Processes
Lesli Wood (Staff)
Continental Margins
Rick Allis
Digital Geologic Mapping
Energy and Mineral Policy
Geologic Hazards Policy
Geoscience Data Preservation Committee
Panel on Proposals to the National Science Foundation-AASG-USGS Field-Mentoring Program
Western States Seismic Policy Council (WSSPC), Board of Directors
AASG Committee Assignments, 2004-2005
Larry Becker
Digital Geologic Mapping
Earth Science Education
Environmental Affairs
Geologic Hazards Policy
International Relations Committee
Liaison Committee
Water Policy
Ron Teissere
Committee to Implement the AASG/USGS MOU
Energy and Mineral Policy
Environmental Affairs
Executive Committee
Future Meetings
Geologic Hazards Policy
Geological Society of America (GSA) Affiliated Societies (alternate)
Liaison Committee
National Association of State Boards of Geology (ASBOG)
National Geologic Mapping Act Committee
Subcommittee on AASG Energy/Oil & Gas Legislation
Topographic Mapping
USGS National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (NCGMP) FEDMAP Review Panel
Western States Seismic Policy Council (WSSPC), Board of Directors
Carl Smith
Earth Science Education
Energy and Mineral Policy
Liaison Committee
Mike Ed. Hohn (Associate)
Energy and Mineral Policy
AASG Committee Assignments, 2004-2005
James Robertson
Environmental Affairs
Geological Society of America (GSA) Committee on Geology and Public Policy
Geoscience Data Preservation Committee
National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC)
National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (NCGMP) Advisory Committee
National Geologic Mapping Act Committee
National Geologic Mapping Act Committee Subcommittee on Annual Appropriations
Topographic Mapping
AASG Committee Assignments, 2004-2005
Philip LaMoreaux
Honorary Members Committee
Subcommittee on the Ian Campbell Medal
Ernie Mancini
National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC)
North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature
Subcommittee on the Ian Campbell Medal, Secretary
Don Oltz
Coastal Processes
Energy and Mineral Policy
Jim Davis
Geologic Hazards Policy
John Rold
Honorary Members Committee
Bob Jordan
Honorary Members Committee
Morris Leighton
Honorary Members Committee
Don Haney
American Geological Institute Ian Campbell Award Committee
Awards Committee
Committee on History of AASG
Commission to Implement the AASG/USGS MOU
Executive Committee
External Service and Awards Subcommittee
Geological Society of America (GSA) Affiliated Society (alternates)
AASG Committee Assignments, 2004-2005
Honorary Members' Representative to the Executive Committee
Liaison Committee
National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC)
National Geologic Mapping Act Commission
Subcommittee on AASG Energy/Oil and Gas Legislation
Subcommittee on the Ian Campbell Medal
Charles Groat
Subcommittee on the Ian Campbell Medal
Walt Anderson
Committee on History of AASG
Honorary Members Committee
Ken Weaver
Awards Committee
Honorary Members Committee
Subcommittee on the Ian Campbell Medal
Jim Williams
Professional Affairs
Haig Kasebach
Honorary Members Committee
Bob Fakundiny
North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature
Stephen Conrad
Honorary Members Committee
Subcommittee on the Ian Campbell Medal
AASG Committee Assignments, 2004-2005
Don Hull
Honorary Members Committee
Art Socolow
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
Committee on History of AASG
Environmental Affairs
Honorary Members Committee
Don Hoskins
Committee on History of AASG
Earth Science Education
Internship Program Committee
National Association of Geoscience Teachers - U.S. Geological Survey - AASG Cooperative Summer
Coastal Processes
Geosciences Internship Program Committee
Allen Agnew
Committee on History of AASG
National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (NASULGC)
Peter Flawn
Subcommittee on the Ian Campbell Medal
Bill Fisher
Awards Committee
Honorary Members Committee
Subcommittee on the Ian Campbell Medal