UW Oshkosh Unclassified Staff Appointment Form Completed by: Phone: Email: All hiring units must use this form for the initial appointment of unclassified staff. The original copy will be filed in the employee's permanent personnel file (Human Resources Office) with all credentials. The following original documents should accompany this hiring form: ( Letter of Application, Vita or Resume (with complete employment record), Official Transcripts (for most recent degree and studies; copies of other transcripts), Three (3) Recent Letters of Recommendation (if applicable), Position Announcement/Authorization to Recruit Form, Completed and signed Waiver of Open Recruitment (if applicable), Completion of Criminal Background Check, and Part 7 – Interview and Hiring Form) Part One - Background Information (Please Complete all Items) 1. Hiring unit (department or equivalent): 2. Position Announcement/Recruitment Number: Does this need to be removed from HR web-site: Yes (always include position announcement/recruitment number No Incumbent name (if applicable): 3. Candidate's name: 4. S.S.#: 5. DOB: 6. Candidate’s future campus phone number (needed for Directory) : 7. E-mail address for contract: 8. Immigration or visa status (if applicable): 9. Address: 10. Deadline (date or number of day) for return of signed contract: 11. Highest degree earned: Degree awarded by: 12. If the doctorate is necessary for the position and the candidate has not received it, state any requirements and the completion date: 13. Highest position/title and/or rank previously held: 14. Please provide an explanation, as necessary, for the following items years of full-time university-level teaching experience. years of full-time university-level administrative experience. years of full-time university-level professional experience. 15. (CCDET and Head Start Only) Begin WRS immediately. This appointment is expected to be extended to 12 months or longer. Yes No 1 Part Two - Type of Contract (Please Complete the Appropriate Sections) For Faculty Appointments Only 1. Type of appointment: A. tenure track (as follows): 1. years credit toward probationary period: 2. expected year of tenure review (normally six years after the initial appointment): B. appointment with tenure 2. Contract type and contract length: A. Duration of appointment: 1. one year 2. two years 3. other B. Contract Period: 1. 12 month 2. 9 month 3. Rank upon appointment: A. Instructor B. Assistant Professor C. Associate Professor D. Full Professor For Academic Staff Appointments Only 1. Type of appointment and contract: A. fixed term renewable: B. fixed term terminal (as follows): 1. one semester only 2. one year only 2. Contract Period: A. one semester B. 9 month C. 12 month 3. This appointment is expected to last 12 months or longer. Yes No Academic staff title: Formal title: Working title (if different): For Limited Appointments Only (i.e., those appointments that serve "at the pleasure of" the appointing authority), (chancellor, vice chancellor, associate chancellor, assistant to the chancellor, associate vice chancellor, assistant vice chancellor). State the position title: Working title (if different): Person appointed to position: 1. held an existing UW System faculty or academic staff position: yes 2. held a tenured faculty position outside of UW System: yes 3. was recruited with a requirement or expectation for tenure, and was recommended for tenure by the appropriate dept.: yes 2 no no no If yes to any of the above, concurrent appointment (rank or title) is: 3 Part Three -- Other Contract Terms (For All Appointments) 1. Initial contract period: Actual Starting Date: Actual Ending Date: 2. Briefly describe the initial position responsibilities (instructional academic staff): 3. Compensation and Budget Information (complete following table): Compensation and budget information. Complete multiple lines if this is a split position. State the total compensation to be received during the initial contract period: $ . FTE 9 Month 12 Month Base OR Base Salary Salary (if applic.) Account Number (Note: 1.00 FTE is full-time annual or academic year.) 4. Identify any contingencies that should be specifically stated in the contract (e.g., availability of funding; visa clearance; completion of terminal degree; receipt of official transcripts; etc.): 5. Absence/Time Approver Information: Who will be the employee’s absence approver? Primary: Will the new employee be an absence/time approver? yes Back up: no If yes, please attach an additional sheet of everyone that they will be time/absence approvers for. (Students, University Staff and Academic Staff) 4 Signatures - Required for All Appointments Please sign this form in the space provided. Department Chair or Equivalent Appointment Recommended: Date: For copy of contract, include your e-mail: Dean or Equivalent Appointment Recommended: Date: For copy of contract, include your e-mail: (HR Office Only) Verification of Required Items Letter of Application Vita or Resume (with complete employment record) Official Transcripts (for most recent degree and studies; copies of other transcripts) Three (3) Recent Letters of Recommendation (if applicable) Position Announcement/Authorization to Recruit Form Completed and signed Waiver of Open Recruitment (if applicable) Completion of Criminal Background Check Date: Part 7 – Interview and Hiring Form Human Resources Office Reviewed: Date: Budget Office Reviewed: Date: Equity & Affirmative Action Office Reviewed: Date: Approval to Appoint Vice Chancellor Approved: Date: Chancellor (if applicable) Approved: Date: shared/unclassified/forms/unclassifiedapptform.doc Revised: 02/2009 5