Programme Specification: MSc China in Comparative Perspective 1. Awarding Body 2. Details of accreditation by a professional/statutory body, e.g. ESRC; BPS etc 3. Name of final award 4. Programme Title 5. Duration of the course 6. Based in the Department/Institute: 7. Relevant QAA subject benchmark statements 8. Application Code 9. First written/last amended LSE N/A MSc China in Comparative Perspective Full-time 12 months Anthropology N/A L6U2 March 2006 / December 2010 10. The programme aims to: Provide knowledge of China within the context of an LSE social science training; Help students place China in a comparative framework, historically, analytically, and within international and global relations; Prepare students with a well-informed, conceptually sound and critical analytic basis for professional, consultancy, media, INGO, diplomatic and business work concerning China; Enable students to pursue research degrees in the social science of their first degree, with a focus on China; Serve as a gateway for students and scholars from “both sides” to understand and engage with each other’s countries; Familiarise students with the approaches to China of students using other social science disciplines than their own. 11. Programme outcomes: knowledge and understanding; skills and other attributes A well-rehearsed negotiation of conceptual issues in the history, politics, economics and anthropology of China; Knowledge of at least one other comparator and how to relate China to other appropriate comparators; The conduct of sustained comparative research and analysis. 12. Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated Teaching strategies: Students take a compulsory core course of 24 lectures and accompanying seminars on China in comparative perspective. During the seminars they are expected to discuss the issues raised in the lectures and examine the content of the lecture and the required reading critically. To enable them to practice what they are learning, they also have 10 compulsory tutorial classes for which they write non-assessed essays and discuss them with their tutor To prepare them for research, students attend a series of ten further seminars in the second term, during which they present dissertation proposals for comparisons with China jointly with other students. Each student must plan, present the plan, and then carry out their own comparative research and analysis for a 10,000 dissertation. To further the social science discipline in which they are already qualified, or to sample other disciplines, students take two further course units, chosen from a list of options in addition to the compulsory core course and the dissertation. Assessment strategies: The three course units are examined entirely by written and invigilated examination. Each counts for 25% of the total. This will test students’ ability to think and write quickly on subjects about which they have read. The dissertation makes up the remaining 25%. See information relating to careers. 13. Programme structures and requirements, levels, modules and awards See the MSc China in Comparative Perspective programme regulations. Additional information 14. Criteria for admission to the programme A first degree in a social science, graded 1st or upper 2nd or their equivalents. Students for whom English is a second language must provide evidence of competence in English for higher education. 15. Indicators of quality This is a new programme, starting in October 2006. The rate of applications has been very high and consequently the quality of the students to whom offers have been made is very high. The variety and range of the interests and experiences drawing them to take this course is great and promises to be very stimulating. The LSE Careers Centre website provides data on career destinations of LSE Anthropology graduates. 16. Methods for evaluating and improving the quality and standard of teaching and learning Student feedback during seminars and tutorials; Course teaching surveys; MSc student representative meetings with the director of the course; Postgraduate teaching review; School quality assurance processes include: regular staff appraisal and review; improvements in teaching technique are effected by the Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC) through observations, advice and further training; induction programme and mentoring scheme for new members of staff; Staff/student liaison committee; centrally administered student satisfaction questionnaires by the Teaching Quality Assurance and Review Office; an improved system for ensuring that External Examiner’s comments/recommendations are fed through to Departments and acted upon; the School’s Teaching, Learning and Assessment Committee (TLAC) which regulates all aspects of teaching quality; annual monitoring of courses and periodic reviews every 3-5 years. The outcomes of the annual reviews are presented to TLAC; the School’s Undergraduate Studies Sub Committee and Graduate Studies Sub Committee which oversee all taught programmes and ensure that significant changes to programmes and courses pass through a sequence of formal stages to ensure that curricular changes are appropriate and compatible with other developments.