border collies report MM

By: Meredith Moore
The Border collie’s history is amazing! Did you know that the border collies got its name
because it originated on the border between England and Scotland? Also border collies are from
Great Brittan. Old Hemp is one of the most famous Border Collies because he won the first
sheep dog trial ever by eyeing the sheep which is like using body language with your eyes. Isn’t
Border Collies history cool?
If you want to have a healthy, happy border collie you must feed it fresh water and give it
food every day. Give your border fresh water every day. Did you know that crunchy food helps
Border collie’s teeth cleaner? If you need to train tour Border collie here is a tip, they will train
much easier for treats. When border collies are little you should add a bit of water to their food,
but NEVER under any circumstances add milk.
Here are some commonly asked questions:
Me: How loyal are border collies?
Miss Heather: They are loyal to their owners but not as loyal as Golden retrievers. They
prefer owners but they are still friendly to others.
Me: How big are Border collies?
Miss Heather: Their size range is 30-50 lbs. Females are always smaller than males.
Me: Are Border Collies good with kids?
Miss Heather: Yes, very.
Me: Are they good with kids?
Miss Heather: Yes they are easy to train and very smart. They are very energetic and
need lots of exercise.
Me: It says in a book that their “AKC ranking is 60”. What does that mean?
Miss Heather: AKC stands for American Kennel Club. If border collies ranking is 60 that
means they are a fairly new breed
Me: What is the difference between a sheepdog and a border collie? They both herd
Miss Heather: It is true they both herd sheep and they are two very distinct breeds. But
border collies are better at herding than a Sheepdog. A Sheepdog is larger and has a larger coat.
Also there is a better temperament on a Border collie.
Me: Are they good in snow or water?
Miss Heather: They are fine in snow. Border collies are very rarely okay in water.
Me: What do you like most about Border collies?
Miss Heather: I like that they are very keen to work, they have high energy, they’re very
intelligent, good companions, and lastly they are a very healthy breed.
Me: What is there estimated life span?
Miss Heather: They live to be about 15 to 17 years.
Me: Do they have good eye contact?
Miss Heather: Yes, they have very good eye contact because when they herd, they have
very good eye contact!
Me: Do they make good pets?
Miss Heather: Yes, but only if they have a family that will give them lots of exercise.
They need a great deal of activity such as agility exercises and/or obedience.
Me: Is there anything else you might want to add?
Miss Heather: No I think you covered everything!