Chapter 2 List of Input/Output Files

Chapter 2 List of Input and Output Files
2.1 File naming scheme
Files generated while processing are named uniquely according to the AVHRR source data. A series of files
generated by processing the source data are named according to the date that the source data was created. Processing
different source data with different dates on results in the output files with different names. Also included in the file
names are 4 characters describing the file contents, and this will help you identify the AVHRR data processed as well
as the file contents by looking at the file names.
2.1.1 Basic structure of file names
File name length – 13 characters
File name structure –Source data identifier + File identifier
Source data identifier – First 9 characters; Snyymddhh
File identifier – Last 4 characters; IXYZ
2.1.2 Source data identifiers
S/One character/Satellite and sensor identifier/’N’: NOAA-AVHRR
n/One decimal number/NOAA space craft number/6~9 (6-9), 10~ (0)
yy/Two decimal numbers/AVHRR image observed year/UT (Universal Time)
m/One hexadecimal number/AVHRR image observed month/UT
dd/Two decimal numbers/AVHRR image observed date/UT
hh/Two decimal numbers/AVHRR image observed time/UT
N00331613: March 16, 1993, 13:00 NOAA 9 AVHRR data
2.1.3 File identifiers
(1) Image file: XYZ are in uppercase
(2) Non-image file: XYZ are in lowercase
(3) Identification code I: I = H: header file
I = O: external exchange data
I = .: others
2.2 Image file identifiers
2.2.1 Preprocessed image identification codes XYZ
XY: Image type identification code
XY = OG:
original image
XY = OT:
external exchange format image
XY = FM:
internal format image
XY = SB:
partial internal format image
Z: Receiving location and format identification code
Z = 0:
Z = 1:
Z = 2:
Z = 3:
Z = 4:
Z = 5: NOAA (LAC)
Z = 6: others
Z = 9: Note: Z = 9 is the Z = 0 format with the image data pixel positions in BIL instead of BIP.
2.2.2 Identification codes for post-processed images
X: Projection method identification code
X = N: no transformation
X = M: Mercator projection
X = P: Polar Stereo projection
X = Q: Plate Caree projection
YZ: Post-processed image identification code
YZ = NN:
no transformation
YZ = RA:
image with radiometric correction (temperature and albedo conversions)
YZ = AT:
image with atmospheric correction
YZ = CM:
cloud cover image
YZ = LL:
image overlaid with latitude longitude lines
YZ = CO:
image overlaid with coastlines
YZ = CL:
image overlaid with latitude longitude lines and coastlines
YZ = MG:
image generated by merging images with radiometric and atmospheric corrections
2.2.3 Line image file identification code
coastline image file for the original image (raster type)
latitude longitude line image file for the original image (raster type)
coastline image file for the map image (raster type)
latitude longitude line image file for the map image (raster type)
2.2.4. Other image file identification code
image for GCP matching
2.3 ASCII file identifiers
IXYZ = .cnt:
IXYZ = .err:
IXYZ = .gcp:
IXYZ = .lpx:
IXYZ = .hst:
IXYZ = .mca:
IXYZ = .mla:
IXYZ = .mot:
IXYZ = .obt:
IXYZ = .oca:
parameter file (with default values) required for the execution of processes
error information file
file containing the result of GCP matching
file containing GCP line and pixel data
file containing processing histories (program name, execution date and time, and parameter file
file containing vector data (ASCII type) for mapping image coastlines
file containing vector data (ASCII type) for mapping image latitude longitude lines
file containing corrected orbital elements and attitude information
file containing orbital elements
file containing vector data (ASCII type) for original image coastlines
IXYZ = .ola:
IXYZ = .pam:
file containing vector data (ASCII type) for original image latitude longitude lines
file containing external input parameters for the execution of processes
2.4 Binary file (non-image) identifiers
IXYZ = .cef:
file containing temperature conversion coefficients (per line coefficient, time, flag etc.)
IXYZ = .pre:
file containing per line correction data (extracted from pre-data section)
IXYZ = .fnc:
file containing coefficients for scan function and pixel function
IXYZ = .loc:
file containing the satellite’s *** nadir point/position***, every 16 lines and 32 pixels (latitude and
longitude), and sun position (AZ, EL)
IXYZ = .mcb:
file containing vector data (binary type) for mapping image coastlines
IXYZ = .mlb:
file containing vector data (binary type) for mapping image latitude and longitude lines
IXYZ = .ocb:
file containing vector data (binary type) for original image coastlines
IXYZ = .olb:
file containing vector data (binary type) for original image latitude and longitude lines
IXYZ = .res:
file containing the results of GCP residuals and convergence
IXYZ = .tbl:
file containing a temperature conversion table
IXYZ = .tip:
file containing the TIP data extracted from the pre-data part
2.5 Other files
Files containing the NOAA satellite orbital information etc. other than the data intended for processing (that files
contain constant values) are not named according to the naming scheme described above. The followings are the
input output file list (scheduler)
file containing radiometric correction coefficients
file containing atmospheric correction coefficients
NOAA satellite orbital information
GCP location data of Japan and the surrounding regions (latitude longitude)
GCP data in the Asian region (latitude longitude)
coastline data (latitude longitude)
XYZ = jpn
Japan Islands and the surrounding regions
XYZ = aza
Japan Islands and the Asian region
XYZ = wld
the world
XYZ = gcp
2.6 List of input and output files for each processing program
(1) PaNDA control files and interactive input parameter files
Directory specified files – PaNDA control program – Control file
Input parameter default values
Parameter file
Input output file list
Input parameter default values – Interactive parameter input etc. – Parameter file
(2) Format conversion
Source file – Convert to the internal standard format – Internal standard image file, Image header file, pre-data file,
tip data file
Control file
Parameter file
Internal standard image file – Convert to the xv format – xv format image file
Image header file
Parameter file
(3) Image clipping
Internal standard image file – Compute the image clipping area – Clipping regional information file
Image header file
Parameter file
Pre-data file
Orbital element file
Clipping area information file – Image clipping – Clipped image file, Clipped image header file
Internal standard image file
Image header file
(4) Radiometric corrections
Pre-data file – Compute the brightness temperature transformation coefficients and reference blackbody temperatures
– Binary file
Parameter file (binary)
Correction coefficient file
Binary file – Create a temperature conversion table – A temperature conversion table
Parameter file
Control file
Correction coefficient file
Internal standard image file – Albedo and brightness temperature conversions – image with Albedo and brightness
temperature transformations, header file
Header file
Parameter file
Control file
Parameter file
Correction coefficient file
Temperature conversion table (binary)
Image with Albedo/brightness temperature transformation – Atmospheric correction – atmospherically corrected
image, header file
Header file
Parameter file
Atmospheric correction coefficient file
Control file
Image with Albedo and brightness temperature transformations – Image generated by merging an image with albedo
and brightness temperature transformations and an atmospherically corrected image–Merged image, header file
Header file
Atmospherically corrected image
Header file
Parameter file
(5) Geometric corrections
Parameter file – GCP matching – File with GCP matching results
Control file
Pre-data file
Orbital element file
GCP matching image file
Header file
Coastline data file
GCP location data file
Orbital element information database file – Extraction of orbital elements – Orbital element file
Control file for computing orientations – Estimation of the satellite’s position and attitude – Final orientation
element file, Ground coordinates file
Unknown variable control file
Temporary file
Ground control point file
Image point data file
Orbital element file
Pre-data file
Control file
Parameter file
Input output file list
Final orientation element file – Interpolation process upon geometric transformation – Geometrically corrected
image file
Ground coordinate file
Image data file
Pre-data file
Control file
Parameter file
Input output file list
(6) Coastlines and latitude longitude lines
Parameter file – Create coastline image/latitude longitude line image– Coastline image file, latitude longitude line
image file
Parameter file
Control file
Coastline data file
Parameter file – Overlay a coastline image/latitude longitude line image with a geometrically transformed image –
Overlaid image file, overlaid image header file
Control file
Coastline image file
Latitude longitude line image file
Image file after resampling
Header file
2.7 Structure of the PaNDA systems directories
PaNDA systems will be installed in the child directory called “PaNDA” created under specified directory. The
directory structures created upon the completion of installation and the files the user installed are shown below.
Shaded area indicates directories.
Environment variable set up list file
Directory list file
Operating environment set up list file
Coastline data file directory
Coastlines in the Asian region
Japan Islands and the surroundings
World wide
GCP file directory
Latitude longitude of GCPs around Japan
Latitude longitude of GCPs in the Asian region
Latitude longitude of GCPs
Orbital information file directory
Orbital information
Operating environment set up list file
Channel number identification file
Brightness temperature conversion parameter file directory
NOAA10 correction parameters
Various atmospheric correction formulas
Ground control file
Information about NOAA satellites
Various atmospheric correction formulas
Geometric transformation parameter file directory
Unknown variable control file (calibration data)
Unknown variable control file
Orientation parameters
Demonstration directory
Executable program directory
Commands for installation
Commands for radiometric corrections etc.
Commands for geometric transformation etc.
Commands for generating clipped images etc.
Main program
Interactive program
Commands for generating line images etc.
Commands for executing programs
Commands for generating standard images etc.
Commands for display file conversion
Directory containing source programs
Temporary file directory
Directory storing image files
Working directory
Directory for temporary storage of unwanted files