pp empirical

Iuliia N. Naidenova
E-mail: naidenovayn@gmail.com
2013 – present – National Research University Higher School of Economics, 08.00.10
"Finance, monetary circulation and credit", PhD student
2005-2010 – National Research University Higher School of Economics, Faculty of
economics, speciality «Finance and Credit».
Work experience
April 2014 – present – Junior Researcher of International Laboratory of Intangibledriven Economy (HSE Campus in Perm)
September 2013 – April 2014 – Junior Researcher of Laboratory of Interdisciplinary
Empirical Studies (Perm)
December 2011 – September 2013 – Junior Researcher of Laboratory of Investment
Analysis (Perm branch);
September 2010 – present – Assistant professor, Department of Financial
Management, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Perm
October 2008 – January 2011 – Researcher, Center of Applied Economics.
Fields of research
Corporate finance
R&D activity and its influence of company performance
Sport Finance
Value-based management
Value creation by intellectual capital
Evaluation of intellectual capital
Fundamentals of evaluation (2010 – present);
Short-term financial policy and budgeting (2012 – present);
Research workshop (2013 – present)
Strategic Financial Management (2011 – 2013);
Fundamental analysis of securities (2010);
2010: The Scientific and Practical Course in Game Theory (NES);
2010-2011: Language courses BEC Vantage (June 2011 – exam in order to get
2011: Basic course of organization and running of training courses in LMS eFront
(training of tutors);
2011: Course in Advanced Econometrics (NES);
2011: Course in Labor economics (NES);
2011: Course in Empirical Industrial Organization (NES);
2011: Course «Master class Academic Writing», Huizingh Academic Development;
2011: Course in Advanced Econometrics (M.A. Isakin, University of Calgary);
2012: Course in Academic writing and relevant competencies (NRU HSE);
2012: Course «Analysis of the economic behavior of households based on a database
2012: Course «Fundamentals of applied economic analysis package STATA»;
2012: Course «Empirical Industrial Organization: assessment of production capacity
and cost function» (NES);
2012: Summer School The Barcelona GSE «Dynamic and Non-linear Panel Data
Models» (S. Jimenez).
2012: Course «Financial econometrics» (NES).
2013: Course NRU HSE “Basics in database management systems”
2013: IELTS CEMFI (Madrid, Spain) "Behavioral Finance" (Harrison Hong)
2013: 2nd International Summer School on Intellectual capital (Perm, Russia)
2013: Summer school CEMFI (Madrid, Spain) "Behavioral Finance" (Harrison Hong)
2014: Course NRU HSE “Bayesian estimation methods”
Research projects
2009 - Municipal certificate of educational services of additional vocational training of
adults (workers in the sector "Education").
2009 - September 2009 – Economic expertise of water service tariffs for consumers,
Dobryanka, Perm region.
2009 – December 2009 – Preparing of report about results and development trends of
Federal Migration Service of Perm region for the next financial year.
2009 – Comparative analyses of higher education quality in global knowledge
economy, research project of Higher School of Economics and University of Stanford;
Main papers
Oskolkova M. A., Tomé E., Naidenova I. N. Personal welfare and intellectual capital: the case
of football coaches // Journal of Intellectual Capital. 2014. Vol. 15. No. 1. P. 189-202.
Naidenova I. N., Parshakov P., Chmykhov A. Soccer Sponsor: Fan Or Businessman? /
Working papers by NRU Higher School of Economics. Series FE "Financial Economics".
2014. No. WP BRP 28/FE/2014.
Naidenova I. N., Parshakov P.. Intellectual capital investments: evidence from panel VAR
analysis // Journal of Intellectual Capital. 2013. Vol. 14. No. 4. P. 634-660.
Naidenova I. N., Oskolkova M. A., Tomé E. Millionaires and Intellectual Capital: An
Empirical Study , in: Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Intellectual Capital.
Reading : Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, 2013. P. 436-444.
Naidenova I.N., Oskolkova M.A.Impact of Intellectual Resources on the Value Growth of
Companies // Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Intellectual Capital, 2012. pp.
355 – 362
Naidenova I.N., Oskolkova M.A.Interaction Effects of Intellectual Capital in Company’s
Value Creation Process // Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Intellectual Capital,
2012. pp. 314 - 322
Naidenova I.N., Oskolkova M.A. Company value creation: does the structure of intellectual
capital matter? // EBES conference Program CD, Zagreb, 2011.
Naidenova I.N., Oskolkova M.A. Intellectual capital: the key value driver in knowledge
economy // EBES conference Program CD, Zagreb, 2011.
Naidenova I.N., Oskolkova M.A. Intellectual resources: key determinants of company value in
the new economy // Governance in the XXI Century: Traditions and Innovations. Proceedings
of 9th International Conference of the Faculty of Public Administration Lomonosov Moscow
State University: Moscow University Publishing House, 2011.
Blinov S.S., Naidenova I.N. Comparison of the relationship degree of economic profit
indicators and market value of shares // Electronic Journal of Corporate Finance, 2011. №
4(20). pp. 12 - 23
Blinov S.S., Naidenova I.N. Comparison of the relationship degree of economic profit
indicators and market value of shares // Proceedings of the Conference “Sustainable
development of Russian regions: a man and modernization”, Yekaterinburg: Ural University,
Naidenova I.N., Oskolkova M.A. Transformation of intellectual capital in the company's value
in the knowledge economy // Electronic Journal of Corporate Finance, 2011. № 2 (18). pp.
Naidenova I.N., Oskolkova M.A. An empirical analysis of the transformation of intellectual
resources in company's value // Finance and credit, 2011. № 47 (479). pp. 58—69
Ilyina A.A., Naidenova I.N. The effectiveness of using company’s economic value added //
Economics and Property Management, 2011. № 1. pp. 14—23
Naidenova I.N. Company’s value management on the basis of EVA decomposition // The
Student Conference on Economics and Management, conference proceedings, Perm, Russia,
2010. pp. 136 - 144