Genetics Unit Test

Genetics and Meiosis Quiz
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Multiple Choice - Choose the best and most complete answer.
A human with the genotype XX is
A. an example of the failure of chromosomes to separate during meiosis.
B. a female.
C. a male.
D. a dwarf.
In humans brown eyes are dominant to blue eyes. A cross between a heterozygous brown
eyed individual and a recessive blue eyed individual would result in a phenotypic ratio of
A. 9:3:3:1.
B. 1:2:1.
C. 3:1.
D. 1:1.
The scientist who first described the principles of dominance, segregation, and independent
assortment was
A. Charles Darwin.
B. Albert Einstein.
C. Louis Pasteur.
D. Gregor Mendel.
The results of crossing a red flowered Japanese four o’clock plant with a white flowered
Japanese four o’clock are all pink offspring. This demonstrates the principle of
A. incomplete dominance.
B. multiple alleles.
C. mutation.
D. crossing over.
A heterozygous individual would have the genotype
A. Hh.
B. hh.
C. HH.
D. hornless.
If a mother has blood type A and a father has blood type B, their children’s blood types
can be
A. A, B, or O only.
B. A, B, O, or AB only.
C. A or B only.
D. O only.
The phenotype of an organism
A. is due to its genotype.
B. is represented with letters.
C. occurs only in homozygous dominant organisms.
D. is also called the organism’s genetic makeup.
A few human traits are believed to be carried by genes on the Y chromosome. A man with a
gene that is carried on the Y chromosome will transmit this gene to
A. half of his male offspring.
B. half of his female offspring.
C. all of his male offspring.
D. all of his female offspring.
Autosomes are
A. special sex chromosomes.
B. found only in vertebrates.
C. mutated genes.
D. all the chromosomes except the sex chromosomes.
10. A woman is heterozygous for widow’s peak, and she has a child with a man who is
homozygous recessive for an even hair-line (no widow’s peak.) What is the probability of
having a child with an even hairline?
A. 75%
B. 50%
C. 25%
D. 0%
11. The male organs which produce the sperm cells are the
A. testes.
B. lungs.
C. kidneys.
D. ovaries.
12. Cells with half the number of chromosomes as the original cell are formed by
A. mitosis only.
B. meiosis only.
C. both mitosis and meiosis.
D. neither mitosis nor meiosis.
13. The _?_ has a “tail” for locomotion.
A. polar body
B. egg
C. sperm
14. What is formed by meiosis?
A. sperm only
B. egg only
C. gametes
D. muscle cells
15. Each body cell of a chimpanzee contains 48 chromosomes. How many chromosomes would
normally be present in a gamete produced by this chimpanzee?
A. 6
B. 12
C. 24
D. 48
16. The joining of the egg and sperm cells is called
A. meiosis.
B. a dihybrid cross.
C. fertilization.
D. diffusion.
17. The female organ which produces the egg is the
A. stomach.
B. ovary.
C. heart.
D. polar body.
18. The human kind has 23 chromosomes. This statement describes
A. the human sperm only.
B. the human egg only.
C. both the human egg and sperm.
D. the human skin cell.
19. Which diagram illustrates fertilization that would most likely lead to the development of a
normal human male?
20. A cell produced by meiosis has the _?_ number of chromosomes.
A. diploid
B. haploid
C. triploid
D. double
21. In plants, meiosis occurs within the special reproductive structures called
A. flowers.
B. gonads.
C. hospitals.
D. Punnett squares.
22. Complex organisms produce sex cells that unite during fertilization, which forms a single cell
known as
A. a gonad.
B. a zygote.
C. an embryo.
D. a gamete.
23. An individual with the genotype BBTt could produce the gametes
A. BB and Tt only.
B. BT and Bt only.
C. BB, Tt, Bt, and BT only.
D. B, T, and t only.
24. In holly trees, red fruit (R) are dominant to white fruit (r), and spiny leaves (L) are dominant
to smooth leaves (l). According to this Punnett square, how many of the new holly trees from
this cross would be expected to have white fruit and smooth leaves?
1 out of 16
3 out of 16
9 out of 16
25. Somatic cells with the normal number of chromosomes are called
A. diploid or n.
B. diploid or 2n.
C. haploid or n.
D. haploid or 2n.
26. The phenotype of a heterozygous brown rabbit is
A. brown.
B. BB.
C. bb.
D. Bb.
27. DNA is replicated
A. before meiosis begins.
B. during meiosis.
C. at the end of meiosis.
D. during cytokinesis.
28. Genetic information is shown in the diagram below.
This type of diagram is called
A. a Punnett square.
B. a karyotype.
C. a pedigree.
D. a blood sample.
29. To visualize Mendel’s experiments, or any cross in genetics, a simple diagram called a
__?__ may be used.
A. graphing calculator
B. Punnett square
C. probability circle
D. genotype
30. The division of the cytoplasm is called
A. crossing over.
B. mitosis.
C. meiosis.
D. cytokinesis.
31. A cross between an individual that is heterozygous for a trait and an individual that is
homozygous recessive for the same trait will probably produce offspring with
A. all the same genotype.
B. two different genotypes.
C. three different genotypes.
D. all of the same characteristics.
32. The variations of the genes for a single trait are called
A. alleles.
B. gametes.
C. sex cells.
D. phenotypes.
33. Recessive alleles are represented with a
A. capital letter.
B. small or lower case letter.
C. word.
D. number.
34. Mr. Sandival has blood type B and Mrs. Sandival has blood type O. They have three children
of their own and one adopted child. Owen has blood type AB, Mary has blood type O,
Susie has blood type B, and Carl has blood type B. Which child is adopted?
A. Carl
B. Mary
C. Owen
D. Susie
35. A organism with the genotype TtRr could produce which of the following gametes?
A. TR, Tt, Rr, tr
B. TR, Tr, tR, tr
C. TR, tr only
D. Tr, tR only
In pea plants, the allele for yellow seeds (Y) is dominant over the allele for green seeds (y). The allele
for axial flowers (A) is dominant over the allele for terminal flowers (a). Axial means that flowers are
produced all along the plant stem and terminal means that flowers are produced only at the top of the
plant stem.
One parent plant is homozygous yellow and produces terminal flowers.
36. What is its genotype?
37. What genotype would its gamete(s) have?
The other parent plant has green seeds and is homozygous axial.
38. What is its genotype?
39. What genotype would its gamete(s) have?
40. What would be the offspring’s genotype?
41. What would be the offspring’s phenotype?
42. What genotype would the offspring’s gamete(s) have?
A tall plant is crossed with a short plant. As a result of incomplete dominance, all of the offspring are
medium height .
43. What is the tall plant’s genotype?
44. What is the short plant’s genotype?
45. On your answer sheet, complete the Punnett square to show the offspring of these two parents.
46. What is the chance of their offspring being tall height?
The chromatids of a tetrad wrap around each other, break, and rejoin resulting in the
exchange of genes. This is called
A. synapsis.
B. mitosis.
C. crossing-over.
D. meiosis.
To separate chromatids of each chromosome into separate cells is the purpose of
A. Meiosis I.
B. Meiosis II.
To separate homologous chromosomes into separate cells is the purpose of
A. Meiosis I.
B. Meiosis II.
During what phase of meiosis do tetrads form, allowing for cross-over between homologous
A. Prophase II
B. Metaphase II
C. Anaphase I
D. Prophase I