Common themes suggested by the critical learning

Common themes suggested by the critical learning issues and focal outcomes
identified by CRC instructional programs at the Fall 2008 convocation.
The Outcomes Assessment forms completed by instructional program faculty during the Fall 2008 convocation
included the identification of critical learning issues and outcomes that align with those issues. A review of
those forms indicates that several common themes reoccur:
 Critical thinking and analysis skills
 Reading, writing, and communication skills
 Importance of the profession/discipline in the larger society
 Specific professional and/or technical skills
 Study skills, academic wellness, and skills for classroom learning
 Professional and personal ethics
 Calculation and numerical skills
Brief paraphrases of program responses related to these themes are shown below; both the issue and an example
of a related outcome are given (Issue – outcome). Not all issues have associated outcomes listed as some
programs chose to focus assessment reporting on one of several issues that were affecting their students and
outcomes were only listed for those issues for which outcomes assessment is being reported this year. A number
of issues/outcomes appear in more than one list as they bridge two different themes.
A Critical thinking and analysis skills
1 Medical Assisting/Allied Health: Critical thinking – analyze the etiology of disease
2 Architecture: Critical thinking an problem solving skills - identify, articulate and solve problems
pertaining to the built environment.
3 Business: critical thinking/analysis
4 ECE: Integrate and apply research and theory –apply research and theory to principle and practice.
5 Media Studies (RTVF, PR, Digital Media, etc.): Critical thinking analyses of media messages –
write in clear concise English.
6 Math: Thinking quantitatively and abstractly – quantitative reasoning and analytical thinking.
7 Engineering: Problem solving skills,– solve engineering problems
8 Physics: Development of problem solving skills –solve conceptual and numerical problems.
9 Biology: Seeing the implications of information, drawing conclusions and making connections
between ideas – see course and program outcomes and GE outcomes.
10 Psychology: Approaching psychology as an empirical science – development of an empirical
orientation to the study of human behavior.
11 Sociology: Analyze everyday experience form a sociological perspective – understand who social
forces influence others.
12 English: Critical analysis - Responding critically to source material
13 Library: Evaluating information – selecting information tools, evaluating information.
14 Music: Critical listening skills – see course and program outcomes.
15 Art: Application of concepts and skills – analytical skills and a conceptual framework for working
independently with concepts/skills learned, applying them to multiple situations.
B Reading, writing and communication skills
1 Automotive Technology: Reading the assigned text – participation via text reading.
2 Architecture: Using reading sources to augment learning – perform tasks required in the profession.
3 Business: Writing skills/abilities – professional writing, SCANS and communication skills
4 Communication: Writing skills, essay composition, and/or outline format – compose ideas clearly in
effective, appropriate and well organized messages.
5 Media Studies (RTVF, PR, Digital Media, etc.): Critical thinking analyses of media messages –
write in clear concise English.
6 Art: Being able to assess, write and verbalize their understanding –
7 Humanities: Writing skills in a research format – write critical and interpretive analysis.
8 Anthropology: Writing clearly using anthropological terms – no outcome listed.
9 Reading: Knowledge of basic English language structure and the ability to express comprehension of
reading through writing.
10 English: Accurate placement of students into English classes – no outcome listed
11 Spanish: Grammar skills, connect written to oral language, and manipulate language skills –
understand materials presented in written or oral forms.
12 Math: (1) Word problems –interpret and present quantitative information in sentence form. (2)
Effective communication of results – effectively organize, present, interpret, and summarize
quantitative information.
13 Chemistry: Follow written and verbal instructions – acquiring and employing l safety information.
C Importance or application of the profession/discipline in the larger society
1 Psychology: Approaching psychology as an empirical science – development of an empirical
orientation to the study of human behavior.
2 Vietnamese: Exposure to language outside of the classroom environment – application of grammar
and vocabulary skills in a non-classroom environment.
3 Sociology: Analyze everyday experience form a sociological perspective – understand social forces.
4 Pharmacy Tech: Appreciation of the role of a pharmacy technician – see outcomes from Pharm 300.
5 Construction: Green/global construction – global understanding of construction career opportunities.
6 ECE: Embody an anti-bias perspective – integrate and apply research and theory into principles and
7 Theater Arts: Theater as an artistic platform – develop a greater appreciation of theater in society.
8 Art: The universality of the arts and chronological and geographic influences – See course outcomes.
9 Music: Historical, geographic, and chronological contexts of music – see course and program
10 Earth Sciences: Understanding the relevance of human impacts on the environment – understanding
specific human impact that is important today.
11 ESL: Working with people of other cultures – see program outcomes.
D Specific professional and/or technical skills (including the use of technology in the
1 Reading: Technology skills and how to use technology as a learning tool – use of technology to
produce assignments, assist in writing, research, and reading of course/program materials, and to
demonstrate skill proficiency.
2 Horticulture: Plant identification – outcome not listed.
3 Nutrition: Knowledge of micronutrient function, steps in metabolism – explain principles of nutrition.
4 Vet Tech: AVMA skills such as setting catheters, suturing, drug calculations – perform nursing and
technician duties.
5 Welding: GMAW and FCAW skills – master gas metal arc welding and core manipulation skills.
6 EMT: Patient assessment skills –see outcomes from EMT 100.
7 ADT: merging drawing documents and plotting the project – utilize specific methods in Paper Space to
develop proper plotting (printing) drawing documents.
8 CIS: File management – file and folder organization.
9 Accounting: Financial statements – see Accounting 301 outcomes.
10 ECE: observation techniques, ways of assessing learning - integrate and apply research and theory into
principles and practices
11 Music: Aural awareness/ensemble skills – see course and program outcomes.
12 Art: Physical execution/skill comprehension – physical skills and dexterity used for ceramic art.
13 Photography: Visual styles - Develop a personal visual style.
E Study skills, academic wellness, and skills for classroom learning
1 Vietnamese: Study skills, especially for new freshmen.
2 Reading: Understanding of college expectations, time management.
3 Fire Technology: Overall student class success rate – no outcome listed.
4 Work Experience: Balancing work/school/family obligations – develop skills and competencies for
effective workforce performance.
5 Construction: individual versus group assessment in lab, group work – no outcomes listed.
6 Math: Organizational skills, time management, etc.- see college-wide SLOs (4a,d,e).
7 Earth Sciences: How to learn both individually and collectively – no outcome listed.
8 ESL: Understanding and using error correction feedback – see program SLOs.
9 PE, Health, Athletics: Self-regulatory behaviors, balancing other commitments, organizational skills –
Personal discipline (commitment to preparation; i.e. organizational skills, time management).
10 Library: Self-efficacy in use of library information resources – the ability to select and effectively use
information tools.
11 Art: Self analysis – use of self analysis and external analysis through the activity of “critiques”.
F Professional and personal ethics
1 HIT: apply policies and procedures for access and disclosure of personal health information – apply
ethical standards of practice to privacy issues.
2 Accounting: Professional ethics – see Accounting Program outcomes and GE outcomes.
3 ECE: Embody an anti-bias perspective – integrate and apply research and theory into principles and
4 Philosophy: Academic integrity (ethical reasoning) – see GE SLO III, College-wide SLO 5D and
Program SLOs.
5 ESL: Understanding the concept of cheating – see program SLOs.
6 Anthropology: Ethical implications of research (fieldwork)– understand the ethical implications of
anthropological fieldwork.
G Calculation and numerical skills
1 Ag Business: Math skills in Ag Economics – understanding production functions
2 Nutrition: Calculations – explain the principles of nutrition.
3 Vet Tech: Drug calculations – perform drug calculations
4 Math: Numeracy skills and basic computations - basic computational skills and number sense.
5 Physics: Applying math to physics problems – use of math skills from algebra, trigonometry and/or
calculus as appropriate