Some non-English words or phrases you might find in Philosophy texts

Some non-English words or phrases you might find in Philosophy texts
(I seem to recall grabbing this from the Internet somewhere)
ab initio (L): from the beginning
acte gratuit (F): free action
actio (L): action
ab extra (L): from outside
abgeschmackt (Ger): in bad taste, lit. away from tasting
ab ibidem (L): from the same place
ab ovo (L): from the beginning, lit. from the egg
abstractum (L): drawn off, seperated from
actus (L): motion, performance
ad absurdum (L): to absurdity
ad acta (L): to public acts
ad finem (L): to the end
ad hominem (homines) (L): to the man
ad infinitum (L): to the unlimited, endlessly
ad oculus (L): to the eyes, visibly
aêr (G): the lower air that surrounds the earth; the
aesthêsis (G): perception by the senses; senseimpression
aethêr (G): the pure upper air
affirmo (L): I affirm
a fortiori (L): even more so; from the stronger
agape (G): selfless love
agens (L): to set in motion; driving force, acting entity
agere sequitur esse (L): action follows from being,
action is determined by being
aletheia (G): unconcealedness
aletheuein (G): to speak truth, to be truthful
a limine (L): refute something from the outset
aliquid (L): in some degree, to some extent
alogon (G): non-rational; without language
amor fati (L): willing acceptance of whatever fate
amour de soi (F): self-love
amour propre (F): vanity
analogon rationis (L): similar to reason
ananke (G): necessity
ancien régime (F): former system
aneu logou (G): without reason
anima mundi (L): world-soul
animaux domestiques (F): domestic animals
animal laborans (L): working animal
animal metaphysicum (L): metaphysical animal
animal rationale (L): rational animal
animal socialis (L): social animal
animus sive mens (L): whether soul or mind; impulse
or design
an sich (Ger): in itself
antecedens--consequens (L): antecedent--consequent
anthropophyeis (G): of or through man's nature
aperçus (F): general surveys
apeiron (G): the boundless, the infinite, the indeterminate
apoliteia (G): apolitical
apologia pro vita sua (L): defense for his life
a posteriori (L): from the latter
apprehensio bruta (L): brute apprehension
apprehensio simplex (L): simple apprehension
a prima facia (L): at first sight
a priori (L): from the former
arbitrum liberum (L): a free decision, freedom of the will
archê (arkhê) (G): first-principle
aretê (G): specific excellence, the proper virtue of a
person or thing as determined by its nature
argumenta ponderantur, non numerantur (L): the force of
the argument lies in their weight, not number
argumentum ad baculum (L): argument to the club
argumentum ad hominem (L): an argument appealing to
the emotions of the opponent, lit. argument against the
argumentum ad ignorantiam (L): argument to ignorance
argumentum ad judicium (L): argument to legal authority
argumentum ad misericordiam (L): argument to pity
argumentum ad populum (L): argument to the people
argumentum ad rem (L): an argument based on the facts
of the matter
argumentum ad verecundiam (L): argument to reverence
argumentum ad veritatem (L): objective proof
argumentum baculinum (L): tangible proof, lit. the
argument of the cudgel
argumentum consensus gentium (L): argument from the
consensus of the nation
argumentum ex contrario (L): proof from the contrary
argumentum ex silentio (L): an argument based on
suppressing something
ars gratia artis (L): art for the sake of art
ars nova (L): new skill, unusual art
ars vetus (L): long standing skill or art
askholia (G): unquiet
assertio (L): assertion
a tempo (L): simultaneously
Aufklärung (Ger): enlightenment
au fond (F): at bottom
Augenblick (Ger): moment, instant, lit. eye-glance
banausos (G): one who engages in handicraft; low,
vulgar, illiberal
beau idéal (F): ideal or perfect beauty
beau rôle (F): cherished or beautiful role
Bedeutung (Ger): reference, meaning
bellum omnium contra omnes (L): war of all against all
bene fundata (L): well-founded
bestehende Sachverhalt (Ger): existing state of affairs
bête noire (F): object of obsessive aversion, detested
person, lit. black creature
Bildung (Ger): formation, creation, development
bios (G): life
bios politikos (G): life devoted to political matters, lit.
mode of political life
bona fide (L): in good faith, with sincerity; honest,
bon sens (F): good sense
bons mots (F): good words
bonum (L): good
bonum consummatum (L): complete or perfect good
bonum supremum (L): final good
bürgerlische Gesellschaft (Ger): civil society
casus belli (L): occasion for war
cauchmar (F): nightmare
causa activa (L): an acting cause
causa cognoscendi (L): cause of ascertainment or
knowing; inducement to find out or ascertain
causa corporalis (L): a physical cause
causa efficiens (L): an efficient cause
causa essendi (L): cause of being or existence
causa finalis (L): a final cause
causa formalis (L): a formal cause
causa materialis (L): a cause acting in substance,
matter; material cause; a substratum of action
causa movens (motiva) (L): a motive cause
causa occasionalis (L): an accidental cause
causa sui (L): cause of itself, its own cause
ceteris paribus (L): other things being equal
chansons réalistes (F): realistic song or story
characteristica universalis (L): universal language
chrêmata (G): goods, merchandise, inanimate things
chthôn (G): earth
circulus vitiosus (L): vicious circle, giving as proof that
which has to be proved
citoyen (F): citizen
cogitatio (L): reflection, meditation
cogito (L): I think
coincidentia oppositorum (L): coincidence of opposites
commercium (L): commerce
commune bonum (L): the common good
communio (L): community, communion
compagnon (F): companion
compositum (L): composed
conatus (L): striving
conatus sese presurvandi (L): impulse to self
conceptus communis (L): common or shared
concretum (L): concretized
concursus dei (L): god's concurrence
condition et situation humaine (F): human condition
and situation
condition humaine (F): human condition
conditio sine qua non (L): an indispensable condition
confrèrie (F): brotherhood
coniunctio (L): combination
conjunctio (L): union, conjunction
consensus gentium (consensus omnium) (L): consent of
the nations, general consent
consequentia (L): consequence, natural succession
consequentiae immediatae (L): immediate consequence
contradictio in adjecto (L): contradiction in terms or in
contrat social (F): social contract
contretemps (F): adverse occurrence, unexpected
dilemma, sudden accident or confusion, lit. against-time
coup de grâce (F): finishing stroke
coup d'état (F): blow to the state
credo ut intelligam (L): I beleive so that I may understand
crux metaphysicorum (L): metaphysical torment or
torture; cross-roads or serious difficulty of metaphysics
cum principia negante non est disputandum (L): it is
impossible to conduct a dispute unless there is a
consensus regarding the basic premises
curiosum (L): curious
Da (Ger): There
daemôn (G): spirit, demigod
Dasein (Ger): presence, lit. there-being
de dicto (L): of words, of what is said
déclassé (F): placed into an inferior category, fallen into
de facto (L): in fact, actually
definitio essentialis (L): an essential definition
de jure (L): legitimately, by law, lawful, by right
dementia praecox (L): dementia of adolescence
de omnibus dubitandum est (L): everything must be
de re (L): of things
de rigueur (F): indispensable, absolutely necessary
desideratum (L): something wanted
desuetudo (L): disuse
de trop (F): not wanted, unwelcome, lit. excessive
Deus est suum esse (L): God is his being
deus ex machine (L): an unexpected and fortunate
occurance, lit. a god from a machine
Deus sive natura (L): God or nature
devenir réel (F): to become real
diakrisis (G): separation
dianoia (G): discursive thought
dictum de omni et nullo (L): said of all and of none
différance (F): differing-deferal
differentia specifica (L): a generic distinction, a
characteristic featureDing-an-sich (Ger): thing-in-itself
disjecta (disiecta) membra (L): scattered remains
docta ignorantia (L): learned ignorance
dominus (L): master, owner, ruler
Doppelgänger (Ger): look-alike, alter-ego, lit. doublegoer
doxa (G): opinion, belief
dramatis personae (L): list of characters in a play; the
participants in an event, lit. persons of the drama
droit du seigneur (F): right of the lord
durée (F): duration
dynamis (G): power; potentiality
ecstasis (L): ecstasy, trance, rapture
ego agens (L): I will
ego cogitans (L): I think
eidos (G): form
ekstasis (G): displacement
elan vital (F): life force, vital impetus
embarras de richesses (F): problem or obstacle of
abundance; embarrassment of riches
émigré (F): emigrant, expatriate
en bloc (F): as a unit
en détail (F): in detail
energeia (G): activity, actuality
energia (L): energy, efficiency
enfant terrible (F): young terror; precocious youngster
en masse (L): all together
en route (F): on the way
ens (L): being, existence, essence, entity
ens a se (L): being as such
ens cogitans (L): the thinking being
ens entium (L): the essence of essences
ens imaginarium (L): imaginary thing
ens increatum (L): uncreated thing
ens nonsuccessivum (L): nonsuccessive entity
ens originarium (L): original being
en-soi (F): in-itself
ens perfectissimum (L): most perfect being
ens rationis (L): an abstract logical entity; being or
existence as conceived by the intellect
ens reale (L): being which is independent of the mind
ens realissimum (L): most real being
ens successivum (L): successive entity
Entstehung (Ger): emergence, development, forming
Entstehungsherd (Ger): center or source of
eo ipso (L): that from itself, precisely thereby
erectioris ingenii (L): nobility of nature
ergo (L): therefore
ergon (G): characteristic activity
Erklärung (Ger): explanation
eruditio et institutio in bonas artes (L): scholarship and
training in good conduct
esse (L): essence
esse essentia (L): essentiality of essence
esse extentia (L): actuality of essence
essentia (L): essence, essentiality
ethos (G): custom or habit
être-en-soi (F): being-in-itself
être-pour-soi (F): being-for-itself
et sic deinceps (L): and so on
étudiant en belles lettres (F): a student in letters
eudaimonia (G): happiness, well-being
ex cathedra (L): authoritative, official, lit. from the chair
exclusi tertii principium (L): the law of excluded middle
ex hypothesi (L): according to the supposition that is the
basis of an inquiry
existentia (L): exist, appear, emerge
ex nihilo (L): from nothing
ex nihilo nihil fit (L): nothing can be made out of nothing
ex parte (L): on one side only, by or for one party, lit. out
of part or faction
experimentia est optima rerum magistra (L): experience is
the best teacher
experimentia (experimentum) crucis (L): a crucial test, lit.
the experiment of the cross
explicite (L): explicit
ex post facto (L): after the deed is done, after the fact
expressio verbis (L): in express terms, expressly
extentia (L): actuality
extra dictionem (L): outside the wording; not arising from
the words used in its expression
façon de parler (F): way or manner of speaking
facultas (L): faculty
fascio (I): bundle
felix culpa (L): fortunate crime; fruitful failure or defect;
happy sin
fiat justitia, ruat coelum (L): let justice be done, though
heavens fall
fin-de-siècle (F): end-of-century
finus ultimus (L): farthest limit, most remote border
flâneur (F): stroller, idler, loafer
flatus vocis (L): empty sound
fleurs du mal (F): flowers of evil
foi (F): faith
folie de doute (F): obsessive self-doubt, lit. madness of
fons et origo (L): source and origin
force noire (F): black force, dark force
fraus pia (L): a pious fraud
fortune des armes (L): fortune of arms or weapons
fundamentum divisionis (L): the basis of division
Geist (Ger): spirit
Geistesgeschichte (Ger): intellectual history
Geisteswissenschaften (Ger): humanistic disciplines,
cultural or socio-historical sciences
Gemeinschaft (Ger): ordinary community
generalisatio (L): generalization
gens (L): race or clan
genus generalissimum (L): most general genus
genus proximum (L): the nearest genus, i.e., a broader
class of objects embracing the species under discussion
Gewissheit (Ger): certainty
gnôsis (G): knowledge
gnothi seauton (G): know yourself
grosso modo (I): grand manner
groupe en fusion (F): tightly-knit group, lit. group in
hacceitas (L): thisness
haine (F): hatred
haute couture (F): high culture
Herkunft (Ger): stock, descent
Herkunfthypothesen (Ger): hypotheses of descent
hexis (L): disposition
hic et nunc (L): here and now
homines religiosi (L): sacred people
homo (L): human being
homo animalis (L): animate or living man; aërial man
homo economicus (L): economic man
homo faber (L): ingenious or artificial man; workman
homo humanus (L): humane, learned or mortal man
homo natura (L): natural man
homo romanus (L): Roman man
homo sapiens (L): rational man
horrendum pudendum (L): shameful shudder
horror religiosus (L): sacred dread
humanitas (L): human nature, humanity
hyle (G): matter
hypokeimenon (G): that which underlies; underlying
hypotheses non fingo (L): I frame no hypotheses; I deal
entirely with facts
ideale (I): ideal
idem (L): the same; likewise
idem per idem (L): the same through the same;
definition by what is to be defined
id quo maius cogitari nequit (L): that than which
nothing greater can be thought
ignoramus et ignorabimus (L): we do not know and
will never know
ignorantia non est argumentum (L): ignorance is no
ignoratio elenchi (L): ignoring the argument; fallacy of
refuting a proposition different from that set forth by
one's opponent
il faut tuer les passions (F): one must kill the passions
imperium (L): command, order; sovereignty, dominion
im werden (Ger): in the process of emergence, of
coming into being
implicite (L): implied
imprimatur (L): license, formal mark of approvalin
absentia (L): in absence
in abstracto (L): in the abstract, out of contact with
in actu (L): in actuality
in articulo mortis (L): in the moment of death
in casu (L): in this case
in concreto (L): in reality, in actual fact, in a definite case
indée fixe (F): fixed idea
in dictione (L): in relation to the wording; arising from the
words used in its expression
in esse (L): in being, in actual existence
in extenso (L): in extended form, in full
infima species (L): the lowest species, the final species
in menta (L ): in mind
in natura (L): in nature
in perpetuum (L): forever, in perpetuity
in posse (L): in the possibility, potentially
in propria natura (L): in special or peculiar nature
in rebus (L): in things
in rem (L): in the thing
in statu nascendi (L): in the state of inception, at the
moment of emergence
intellectus (L): intellect
intellectus archetypi (L): original meaning
intellectus ectypi (L): embossed meaning
inter alia (L): among other things
internationale (F): international
inter se (L): between or among themselves
in toto (L): on the whole, entirely
intuitus derivativus (L): derivative intuition
intuitus originarius (L): original intuition
in verbo (L): in brief
in vitro (L): in glass
ipissima verba (I): the very words
ipso facto (L): by that very fact
ius (L): law, legal right
jeun d'esprit (F): fasting of the mind
joie de vivre (F): joy of living
jus talionis (L): right of retaliation
kalos (G): beautiful, excellent
katharsis, katharmos (G): cleansing, purification
kinesis (G): motion, change
kosmos (G): order; jewelled ornament
la carrière ouverte aux talents (F): career open to the
laisser-aller (F): casualness, carelessness
laissez-faire (L): let things go (as they may), lit. leave-do
lapsus linguae (L): a slip of the tongue
lapsus pennae (L): a slip of the pen
la ronda (I): rounds, patrol, beat
Lebensform (Ger): sphere of social activity; style or aspect
of life, lit. life-form
Lebensraum (Ger): living space; habitat
Lebenswelt (Ger): world of life
l'engagement (F): engagement
l'engagement dans l'action (F): engagement in action
l'engagement par l'Être pour l'Être (F): engagement by
Being for Being
levée en masse (F): general uprising or conscription
lex continui in natura (L): law unbroken in nature
lex non scripta (L): law not written, unwritten law
lex talionis (L): law of retaliation
l'homme moyen sensuel (F): the average sensual man
liberum arbitrium (L): free judgment
Liebestod (Ger): one who dies for love
l'infinita vanità di tutto (I): the infinite vanity of all
literati (I): men of letters, the educated class
locus classicus (L): classical source
logoi (G): meanings
logos (G): word, proposition, meaning, account
lucus a non lucendo (F): grove where no light
lumen naturale (L): natural light
lumen naturale intellectus (L): the natural light of
made mecum (L): go with me
malin génie (F): evil spirit
materia individualis (L): individual matter
materia prima (L): prime matter
materia sensibilis communis (L): generel or shared
sensible matter
mathêma (G): learning, what is learnt
mathêmatikos (G): disposed to learn; a scientist, a
mauvaise foi (F): bad faith; self desception
medias res (L): the gist of the matter
medicina mentis (L): the medicine of the mind
medio tutissimus ibis (L): you will travel with greatest
safety in the middle
meditatio (L): reflection, meditation
memoria technica (L): aids to memory; artificial
mens rea (L): guilty mind; criminal intent
metabasis eis allo genos (L): shifting from one genus
to another
metaphysica naturalis (L): natural metaphysics
methexis (G): participation
metron (G): a measuring instrument; proper measure,
mimêsis (G): imitation, representation
modus operandi (L): manner of operating
modus ponens (L): affirming mode
modus probandi (L): a mode of proof
modus tollens (L): denying mode
modus vivendi (L): a manner of living, coexistence; an
arrangement between two sides that effects a temporary
compromise on issues in dispute
monstrueuse hypothèse (F): monstrous hypothesis
mundus intelligibilis (L): the world of reason perceived
by the intellect
monstrum (L): omen, monster
mot juste (F): the precise word
mundus sensibilis (L): the world of things perceived by
human senses
mutatis mutandis (L): the necessary changes being made
natura naturans (L): creative nature
natura naturata (L): created nature
natura non facit saltus (L): nature does not make leaps
Natürlich Bewusstsein (Ger): natural consciousness
Naturphilosophen (Ger): natural philosophers
Naturwissenschaften (Ger): natural sciences
néant (F): nothingness, nullity
necessitas vita (L): necessary life
nego (L): I deny
neikos (G): strife
ne plus ultra (L): no more beyond, the utmost perfection
nervus probandi (L): the crux of the argument; the most
conclusive and decisive proof
niaiserie (F): trifle, piece of nonsense; foolishness
nihil est in intellectu, quod non prius fuerit in sensu (L):
there is nothing in the intellect which was not first in the
noêma (G): thought
nomos (G): custom, convention
non causa pro causa (L): false cause, lit. no cause for
non est (L): it is not, it is non-existent
non possibile (L): not possible
non sequitur (L): a fallacy in which the conclusion does
not follow from the premises, lit. it does not follow
nosce teipsum (L): know yourself
nota notae est nota rei ipsius (L): a sign of a sign is a sign
of the thing itself
notiones communes (L): common notions
notum per se (L): known through itself
nous (G): mind, intelligence
nous energeiai (G): intellect in act
nous pathetikos (G): passive mind
nous poietikos (G): active mind
nous theos (G): divine intellect
nouveau riche (F): wealth recently acquired, the person of
new wealth, lit. new rich
novo ordo seclorum (L): unusual order or rank
obiectum quo (L): the object by which (an object is
obiectum quod (L): the object that is known
obiter dictum (dicta) (L): said in passing, incidental
object mort (F): dead object
obscurum per obscurius (L): an attempt to explain
something obscure by reference to something even more
odium theologicum (L): theological hatred; doctrinal
omne verum omni vero consonat (L): every truth agrees
with every (other) truth
omnis determinatio est negatio (L): every
determination is negation
onus probandi (L): the burden of proving,
responsibility for proof
oratio obliqua (L): indirect discourse
ordo ordinans (L): the organising principle, the
organising universal reason
orexis (G): appetite
otium (L ): leisure
ousia (G): essence; substance
paideia (G): cultural education
par excellence (F): excellent, to a superlative degree
pari passu (L): without preference; by an equal
progress, equally
pars pro toto (L): part for the whole
partie honteuse (F): shameful part
parti pris (L): preconceived opinion, prejudice
passante (F): passers-by, pedestrains
passio (L): event, occurance; an enduring; disease
paterfamilias (L): head of a family, father of the family
pathos (G): feeling, emotion
patria potestas (L): father's power
pavor nocturnus (L): nightly dread
penser, c'est l'engagement de l'Être (F): thinking is the
engagement of Being
pensiero pensato (I): dead thought, lit. thought about
pensiero pensante (I): pure thought, lit. thought
per accidens (L): by accident; in logic, not following
from the nature of a thing, but from external
per analogiam (L): through analogy
per capita (L): by the head, by the person
percipere (L): to perceive
percipi (L): to be perceived
per contra (L): on the contrary
per eminentiam (L): through prominence or excellence
per fidum (L): by my faith
per genus et differentiam (L): by genus and difference
per genus et subjectum (L): through genus and subject
per genus et subjectum et causam (L): through genus,
subject and cause
per impossibile (L): through the impossible
per notas communes (L): through common sign
per saltum (L): suddenly, all at once
per se (L): in itself, in its own power, through itself,
per se nota (L): through his sign
persona non grata (L): an unacceptable or
objectionable person
petit bonheur (F): little joy
petitio principii (L): begging the question
petit morti (F): orgasm, lit. little death
phaos (G): light
philia (G): friendship, love
philosophia perennis (L): perennial philosophy
philosophia prima (L): first philosophy
philosophicum (L): philosophical
phratria (G): brotherhood or clan; a political division of
the tribes in Athens
phronesis (G): prudence, practical intelligence
phthora (G): destruction; annihilation, ceasing-to-be
phyla (L): tribe; primary division of the animal kingdom
physei (G): by nature
physica pura (L): pure science or natural philosophy
physis (phusis) (G): nature
pistis (G): faith
poiesis (G): making, creating
polemos (G): battle, war
polis (G): city-state
possibilitas (L): ability to do something, power;
post eventum (L): after outcome or result
post factum (L): after the deed
post hoc, ergo propter hoc (L): later than that, therefore,
because of that (The statement of the common fallacy that
succession in time implies a causal relationship.)
pour-soi (F): for-itself
praesentis (L): present, immediate
praxis (G): action
prima facie (L): on the face of it; presumably
primi inter pares (L): first to appear
primum mobile (L): prime mover
primum movens (L): first moving
primus inter pares (L): first among equals
principia conventiae (L): principles of convenience
principio (L): to begin, commence
principium (L): principle; beginning
principium causalitatis (L): principle of causality
principium individuationis (L): principle of individuation
prius (L): preceding, primary
pro et contra (L): for and against
profession de foi (F): profession of faith
pro forma (L): as a matter of form
progressus (L): advance, progress, growth
promesse de bonheur (F): promise of happiness or good
proprietates terminorum (L): properties of terms
pro tanto (L): as far as it goes, to that extent
pudenda origo (L): origin of genitalia
qua (L): in the character or capacity of
qua ipsum (L): in the character or capacity of itself
quanta (L): quantity
quantité négligeable (F): negligible quantity
quantitas (L): quantity
quantum satis (L): sufficient amount
quasi unum corpus (L): as if one substance or flesh
quaternio terminorum(L): introducing a fourth term
qui nimium probat, nihil probat (L): he who proves too
much proves nothing
quid pro quo (L): one thing in exchange for another; a
confusion of notions
quod erat demonstrandum (L): which was to be proved
quodlibet (L): anything
raffinement (F): refinement, sophistication
raison d`être (F): reason for existing
rancune (F): grudge, rancor
ratio (L): reason, intellect, basis
ratio agendi (L): a basis of action
ratio cognoscendi (L): a basis of cognition
ratio essendi (L): the basis of being
ratio et oratio (L): reason and language, calculation
and eloquence
rationalis (L): rational; endowed with or dependent on
Realpolitik (Ger): actual or tangible politics
reductio ad absurdum (L): reduction to absurdity
reductio ad asininum (L): reduction to asininity
reductio ad impossibile (L): reduction to the
referieren (Ger): to report
renascentia romanitatis (L): Roman rebirth, rebirth of
the Roman way
repraesentatio per notas communes (L): representation
through common sign
rerum natura (L): nature of things
res (L): thing, object, being, matter; circumstance,
res cogitans (L): a thinking thing
res extensa (L): an extended thing
res gestae (L): things done; transactions
res publica (L): circumstance or interest of the public;
the public itself
res republica (L): circumstance or interest of the
nation; the nation itself
ressentiment (F): deap-seated resentiment and
rhiza (G): root
romanitas (L): the Roman way
Sachverhalt (Ger): state of affairs
sacrificium intellectus (L): sacrifice of reason
salus aeterna (L): everlasting health or prosperity
salva veritate (L): without loss of truth, with truth
scala naturae (L): natural ladder or stairway
schêma (G): shape, form
Schwartzkünstler (Ger): magician, illicit performer, lit.
black artist
sciences humaines (F): social disciplines
secundum quid (L): with a qualification
sêma (G): a sign; a grave
sêmaino (G): show by sign, indicate, mean
semper idem (L): always the same
sensu eminetiori (L): in the more eminent sense
sensus communis (L): faculty to which the senses report,
lit. common sense
sensu strictissime (L): in the strictest sense
sic et non (L): so and not so
similitudo (L): likeness, resemblence
simpliciter (L): absolutely, without qualification
simul (L): at the same time, together
sine ira et studio (L): without anger and eagerness
sine qua non (L): without which not; what is essential, an
indespensable condition
Sinn (Ger): sense
situs (L): situation, local position, region
sôma (G): the human body
sophia (G): wisdom
sophrosyne (G): moderation
species (L): a mental image; shape, form
Sprachstreit (Ger): argument, debate, lit. speech quarrel
stare decisis (L): doctrine that preceding court decisions
are law
status quo (L): the existing state of things
stoicheion (G): an elementary part
studium humanitas (L): the study of human nature or
sub iudice (L): before the judge or court
sub ratione boni (L): under good reasoning
sub specie aeternitatis (L): under the aspect of eternity (or
according to an eternal substance)
sub specie durationis (L): under the appearance of time
succès de scandale (F): success due to notoriety or
sui generis (L): belonging to a species, all its own, unique
sui juris (L): of one's own right
summa genera (L): highest genera
summa summarum (L): in the end, all in all, sum total
summum bonum (L): the highest good
summum ens (L): the highest entity, the supreme essence
summum genus (L): highest genus
suppositio (L): a putting or setting under, supposition
suppositio terminorum (L): the doctrine of the different
ways terms may stand for things, lit. setting under limit or
tableau vivant (F): living picture
tabula rasa (L): a blank slate
taedium vitae (L): wearisome or tedious life
Tatsache (Ger): fact
technê (G): art, technique, craft
telos (G): end
temps (F): time
terminus (L): limit, frontier; concept
terminus a quo (L): starting point of some process, lit.
term from which
terminus quem (L): ending point of some process
terra incognita (L): an unknown land
tertium quid (L): third something
thanatos (G): death
theologia naturalis (L): natural theology
theôria (G): rational contemplation
theos (G): god
thespis (G): inspired
tohu-bohu (H): emptiness and desolation; chaos, utter
toto caelo (L): by the whole heavens; diametrically
totum (L): all
totum pro parte (L): the total instead of a part
tour de force (F): feet of strength; accomplishment of
tout prix (L): at any price
tu quoque (L): you-too reply, lit. you also
tychê (G): luck, chance
Übermensch (Ger): overman
ubi (L): when; where; which; with whom
ultima ratio (L): the final argument
ultra vires (L): unauthorized, unwarranted
une passante (F): a pedestrian
unheimlich (Ger): eerie, weird, spooky
unico loco (L): sole position
unicum (L): singularity
unio mystica (L): mystical union
universalia sunt nomina (L): universals are only names
unsere Leute (Ger): our poeple
unum (L): one
unum ac singulum (L): one and individual
Ursprung (Ger): origin
Urstoff (Ger): primary matter
varia lectio (L): a different reading
veritas (L): truth, truthfulness; the true or real nature,
veritas aeternae (L): eternal truths
verité de fait (F): truth of fact
verité de raison (F): truth of reason
verstehen (Ger): to understand
verum (L): truly, certainly, notwithstanding
verum index sui et falsi (L): truth is the touchstone of
itself as well as of falsehood
vice versa (L): the position being reversed
virtu (I): ability, skill, craft
virtus (L): manliness, manhood
virtus dormitiva (L): power of inducing sleep
vis a fronte (L): force from front
vis a tergo (L): force from behind
vis inertia (L): sluggish force
vis viva (L): vital force
vita activa (L): life consisting in action; practical or
effective life
vita contemplativa (L): contemplative life, theoretical life
vita sexualis (L): sexual life
vivere militare est (L): to live means to struggle
Volksgemeinschaft (Ger): national community, nation
Volkswirtschaft (Ger): social economy, collective
Volkswirtschaftslehre (Ger): theory of welfare
volonté generale (F): the general will
volumen (L): a volume or part of a work; alteration,
change, revolution
Wahrheit (Ger): truth
Warencharakter (Ger): characters of merchandise
Weltanshauung (Ger): world-view
Weltgefühl (Ger): world-sense, world-feeling
Wirklichkeit (Ger): reality
Wissenschaft (Ger): science; knowledge
Wissenschaftslehre (Ger): theory of science or knowledge
zoe (G): a living or a means of living
zoon logon echon (G): word- or reason-possessed animal
zoon politikon (G): political animal