FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: MONDAY 11 DECEMBER 2006 APPOINTMENT AS QUEEN’S COUNSEL: 2007 COMPETITION ANNOUNCED The independent Selection Panel for appointing Queen’s Counsel has announced today that it is inviting applications from barristers and solicitors with Higher Courts advocacy rights for appointment as Queen’s Counsel from Tuesday 12 December 2006. From Tuesday 12 December, the application form and guidance for applicants will be available on the Selection Panel's website The deadline for receipt of applications is 2 pm on Monday 15 January 2007. On current expectations the outcome of the applications is likely to be announced around the end of 2007. The Selection Panel will be looking for essentially the same skills and attributes as in the 2005-06 competition. However, the competency framework against which applicants will be considered has been simplified: A. Understanding and using the law B. Oral and written advocacy C. Working with others D. Diversity E. Integrity To be appointed an applicant must demonstrate the competencies to a standard of excellence. Applicants are required to provide a self assessment as to how they meet the competencies and the names of referees who have recently encountered them at work – judges or arbitrators, fellow practitioners and professional clients or client proxies. Applicants who appear to the Selection Panel credible candidates for appointment on the strength of the references and the self-assessment will be interyiewed. Under the Scheme developed by the Bar Council and the Law Society, and approved by the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs (Lord Falconer), the Queen’s Counsel Selection Panel will make recommendations for appointment as Queen’s Counsel to Lord Falconer. The Selection Panel, chaired by Sir Duncan Nichol CBE, is independent of the legal professions and of Government. . The Selection Panel includes a substantial lay (ie non-lawyer) membership and a retired senior judge (Baroness Butler-Sloss). Their recommendations will be passed to Lord Falconer who will put the recommendations to The Queen. Lord Falconer has no power to veto names or to add names of his own. The Scheme is funded entirely by fees from applicants. Ends Notes to Editors 1. Further information from David Watts, Head of QC Appointments Secretariat 020 7831 0020. 2. Members of the QC Selection Panel are: Sir Duncan Nichol CBE (Chairman) Roy Amlot QC Baroness Elizabeth Butler-Sloss, GBE Ruth Evans Professor Joan Higgins Jean Ritchie QC Lucy Scott-Moncrieff Karamjit Singh, CBE Christopher Woolley. 3. The document setting out the principles and mechanics of the new process has been agreed by the Bar and the Law Society. It has been slightly modified in the light of the last competition for appointment as Queen’s Counsel, the first to be conducted by the Selection Panel. 4. The Scheme is entirely self-financing. To cover the costs of the process applicants have to pay an application fee of £2500 (+VAT). There will be a further appointment fee of £3000 (+ VAT) paid by successful applicants only.