Leadership meeting, July 13, 2008 minutes

Minutes for OSU Leadership Meeting
July 13, 2008
12 people attended the meeting
Treasurer’s Report- Bill S.
The club has about $5,000 on hand in the bank. There is about $21,000 in the endowed
scholarship fund and the club needs to have the fund up to $25,000 within the next 2 years to meet
the endowment timeline. The club has paid for the alumni club and President’s club football
tickets, which the club will recoup the cost of these tickets in the near future. Once we recoup the
cost of the football tickets, the club will purchase another short term CD in the fall.
Secretary’s Report- Kara
a. Kara will prepare the minutes from the meeting to send to the University in addition to placing
the meeting minutes on the website so the members are informed.
Scholarship Report- Steve
a. College Fairs: The club has been asked to participate in 3 college fairs, which include—
Rockwood, CBC and Parkway. The fairs are as follows:
i. Rockwood Monday, Sept 15
ii. CBC Wednesday Sept 10
iii. Parkway Tuesday Sept 16
b. Krystal Cannon—Krystal is our scholarship winner from this past year. Steve will
prepare a paragraph about Krystal to place on the website.
c. Steve plans to conduct the scholarship interviews in the same manner as last year. The
applications will be due the beginning of February with the interviews at the end of
February. The club appreciated that Steve Drake let us use his office to conduct the
interviews this past year.
Membership Report- Josh
a. It was discussed on how to increase the club membership this year. The club decided that
we would place information sheets on the tables at the game watches and try to increase
b. Josh will send out an email to individuals on the email list reminding them it is that time
again to pay dues.
c. Josh was not sure if he had the names of those that paid at the annual meeting. Kara and
Bill S. to get him the list of those who had paid.
Website Report- Bill N.
a. It was discussed that the site needs to be updated with the following items:
i. President club tickets information and applications
ii. Alumni club football ticket information
iii. Change the contact person for the lapel pins to Betsey
iv. Place a link on the website to the OSU Alumni Association membership page
v. Place a report form the leaders when needed (i.e. minutes, scholarship winner…)
vi. Add the Nutshell newsletter that that some of the leaders receive to the website
b. It was also discussed to increase awareness of our website for our members so we can
keep them up to date.
Fundraising Report- Betsey
a. Peanut Brittle
i. It was decided that we will sell the peanut brittle this fall. We will sell them for
$11/pound (including shipping)
ii. Betsey will create a write up about Ray Miller and how he got started making
peanut brittle and that he is an OSU Alumni.
iii. Betsey has already gotten an order for some and will have to check with Ray
since he stated this is not a great time of the year to make it.
iv. The club will have samples available at the watch parties
v. Betsey will make an order form and have it at the watch parties and on the
website. The money will be due up front when ordering.
vi. It comes in a plastic deli container and we will place a tag/card on it stating that
“when purchased, you are supporting our scholarship fund”
Lapel Pins
i. The club has quite a few lapel pins left and will continue to sell them at watch
parties for $5/each.
ii. The club has paid for all of the pins, but has not broken even yet.
c. Shirts
i. Judy received a request for shirts. Based upon the small amount we make on the
shirts and the number of other items we are selling, it was decided to not pursue
selling shirts at this time.
d. Mini football helmet
i. Steve Drake received a mini football helmet and wondered if it could be a
fundraiser. Betsey to contact the company to see how much they cost, but will
probably hold off on using this fundraiser while we have the other fundraisers
on going.
e. Football Raffle for President Club tickets
i. It was decided that you will need to be a member of the club, in addition to the
OSU AA, to take part in the raffle for the opportunity to buy the President Club
ii. The club has 2 season tickets to each home game in addition to 4 tickets to the
Northwestern game and 4 tickets to the Illinois game. (the NW and Ill games
will be split into 2 winners with the ability to by 2 tickets each)
iii. Betsey is to revise the raffle form and update the dates that the raffle tickets are
iv. The drawings will be held 4 weeks prior to the game. Mail in forms will be due
to Betsey the Thursday, prior to the drawing on Saturday, but the club will
accept raffle tickets the day of the game.
8. Activities
a. Ohio University Football tickets—the club has 20 tickets for the OU game.
i. To be able to purchase the tickets, you need to be a member of the St. Louis
Club and be a member of the OSU AA before March 1, 2008.
ii. If someone is a member of the club, but not an OSU Alumni, they can join the
AA as an associate member.
iii. The club needs to submit a list of those who will be using the tickets to the
university by August 1.
b. Scott is going to look into the availability of Illinois tickets by contacting the Illinois
ticket office
c. Buffalo Wild Wings
i. Kara was contacted by Christine, the new marketing manager, about our interest
in having a tailgate in the parking lot prior to one of the games. The club replied
that we were interested and Kara is waiting to hear back from Christine for more
ii. Kara is to contact Erik at BWW to touch base about the upcoming season.
d. OU club expressed interest in watching the game with our club at BWW. Josh and Laura
to get the contact person’s information to Judy.
e. Community Project
i. It was discussed about having a food drive at one of the upcoming game
watches, especially since food banks have been low because of the flooding.
ii. The leaders stated we would participate in a blood drive again if the Big Ten
groups ask for our participation.
9. Vice President
The club is still searching for a VP for this year.
10. Notes to new freshman
Based on the previous Freshman Send off events that were not well attended, the club decided to
again mail out notes from the club with a personal message to the new incoming freshman.
11. Outstanding Club Award
The club received the new requirements to be eligible for the award. The club decided to continue
to try to reach the number of points needed to win the award. Judy will go through the list to
determine what we already do and do not document in addition on what we could be doing to
achieve the needed points.
12. Leadership Conference- Sept 19
Kara will attend the Leadership conference. She will then do a summary of the conference to put
on the website.
13. Mentoring Program
It was discussed about starting a mentoring program for our club. Bill S. has been mentoring a
former OSU graduate and thought it would be helpful for the club as a whole. He will prepare an
overview of our first mentee. Bill N. is to place information about the mentoring program on the
website and to contact one of the leaders for more information. Once someone is contacted, if
someone in the area of interest is not known from the leadership members, an email to the
membership will be done.
14. Other