description of volunteer`s role

Post Title:
Reports To:
Accountable To:
SLaM BME Volunteer
Peckham Befrienders
Wayne Amiel, Service Manager
Joseph Kiguwa, BME Volunteer Coordinator
Peckham and Elephant and Castle
To support BME service users who access the service in the Peckham Befrienders
This will be achieved by attending Peckham Befrienders after agreeing the arranged time
with Joseph Kiguwa at least a week before hand. To help in all aspects of the Peckham
Befrienders service as is appropriate by volunteering.
BME Service Development Manager
BME Volunteer Coordinator
Project worker
Session Workers
The overall aim of the role is to act as a befriender to support to the service users. This will not
include advocacy or counselling. Volunteers will be responsible for creating an welcoming
environment where service users feel supported.
The fundamental principle behind the Peckham Befrienders project is that people with mental
health problems, like others, need friends in their community with whom they can have an
informal relationship based on mutual interest, equality and respect. You will play key a role in
achieving this through supporting the delivery of the twice-weekly drop-in sessions. Linking
Service Users with Befriender Volunteers, carrying out ward visits, and supporting a range of
other activities. To support the project’s growth (by acting as spokesperson) rising its profile
within the local and wider communities.
Communications and Working Relationships:
The BME Volunteer Coordinator, Service Users, Peckham Befrienders staff, other volunteers
and BME Service Development Manager, SIMBA and/or Maroons.
Facts and Figures:
Peckham Befrienders sits within the Psychosis CAG and Peckham Befrienders operates within
the borough of Southwark. Southwark stands out is its cultural diversity. The 2001 census
shows that 37% of the population of Southwark came from non-white groups (90,600). Whilst
the largest minority communities originate from West Africa (16.1%) and the Caribbean, there
are also significant Bangladeshi and Chinese communities (18%). BME people are overrepresented in every index of social deprivation. This project is firmly linked to the Government
objectives expressed in Delivering Race Equality (DRE) in Mental Health.
Key Responsibilities:
2) To support Peckham Befrienders staff and service users via a group befriending role that
sits within the code of conduct for befriending relationships
4) Assist with organising the twice weekly Drop-in sessions, including the practical tasks (e.g.
shopping, helping with meals, ensuring refreshment are available, checking equipment is in
working order, clearing up at the end of the sessions.
5) Ensure Drop-in sessions atmosphere are welcoming, respectful that creates an atmosphere
that is welcoming and safe. This means working within the established procedures to ensure
safety of staff and users, systems will be reviewed in supervision, and re-evaluated regularly
7) Publicise the service by being an ambassador for Peckham Befrienders by linking into other
statutory providers, independent organisations, community organisations, local faith and
community agencies
8) Liaise with community organisations in order to widen potential social networks for clients
using our service.
9) Promote social inclusion and recovery by engaging with services users and other teams (both
internal and external)
10) To protect the good reputation of the project by carrying out all tasks professionally
An induction to the service and access to relevant training
Opportunities for review and feedback about involvement
Group facilitation and support
Access to help with audit and analysis of data
Travel expenses, meeting rooms and refreshment
Supervision and debriefing opportunities
Volunteers confirm availability at least a week before hand. They arrive at the session at
2.15 pm Tuesday and 2.30pm Thursday and stay until clearing up time. On the last Thursday of
each month , volunteers are required to attend at 2.30pm
Support and Accountability
Your first line of support and accountability in the service will be the BME services development
manager. However when he is not available there will be a nominated Project worker who you
make contact with.
Whilst we are sure your involvement with the service will be a pleasant, productive and
interesting experience, we are here to support however, if you find any aspect of your time with
you the service is difficult and or changeling then please discuss this (immediately) with the
service manager.
If you have anything you wish to discuss in private then please bring this to the attention of the
volunteer manager, who will either discuss it there and then, or if that is not convenient will
arrange a mutually convenient time.
There maybe times when you may have to
communicate/liaise with health/social care professionals.
Who will I come in contact with?
Your contacts will involve service users, their family members, friends, neighbours, member of
the public and other services.
Volunteer involvement with Peckham Befrienders is imperative to the success of the service
depends on the impute of volunteers
Tuesdays Session: Attend 2.30pm – 6.15pm
St Mathews Church at the Elephant
Meadow Row, London SE1 6RG
0207 357 8532
Attend 2.30pm – 6.00pm
Thursdays Session: Attend: 2.30pm – 7.30pm on the last Thursday of each month 2.30pm –
Sojourner Truth Community Centre
161 Sumner Road, London SE15 6JL
Volunteers are expected to comply with statutory requirements and the Trust’s employment
policies while carrying out their work. Volunteers are expected to arrive and discuss any
initiatives or plans for the session with project staff. Volunteers are also expected to come with
a range of ideas so that they can interact with service users at the session. Project workers may
ask volunteers to assist with kitchen duties but this is not the main duty of the volunteer. At the
end of the session volunteers are there to help staff clear up the community centre. N.B some of
the service users will want to help clear up and they should be given a chance to participate
Equal Opportunities
All volunteers must carry out his/her responsibilities with due regard to the Trust’s Equal
Opportunities Policy.
Performance Review
Overall performance will be formally assessed and reviewed, with additional informal
assessment taking place as necessary.
Health & Safety
All Volunteers are subject to the Health and Safety at Work Act. The post holder is required to
pro-actively comply with their duties as described by the Trust Policy and objectives for health
and Safety.
All Volunteers are required to work in a confidential manner in all aspects of their work.