The European virtual institute for gas turbine instrumentation
Network proposals are requested for this topic which is in conformity with objective
1.1.3-7.2 "Setting up of Virtual Institutes" section of the activity "Support to Research
Infrastructure" within the GROWTH programme, for which Expressions of Interest
have been called. The topic is also relevant to Key Action 4: New Perspectives in
Aeronautics, Distributed Systems, Instrumentation, Networks, Sensors, Sensor
Technology, Transport, Gas-Turbines, Scientific Instruments, Manufacturing, Energy,
SME’s, Universities, Advanced Studentships and Training.
In the US the Propulsion Instrumentation Working Group (PIWG) was formed some
four years ago to co-operatively address critical propulsion engine development test
instrumentation and sensor issues. Members are the US Air Force Arnold Engineering
and Development Centre, the Air Force Wright Laboratory, Allied Signals Engines,
Allison Engine Company, General Electric Aircraft Engines, NASA Lewis Research
Centre and Pratt and Whitney. Importantly, the Ohio Aerospace Institute acts as an
administrator to this group (see Anderson et al (1998)). The confidence of this Group in
their collaborative work in the US has been such that the Group action is now
financially self-supporting with Network support from Industry, and Research support
from contracts won competitively from both Industry and Government.
The EU aerospace community significantly lags its US counterpart in this initiative.
Whilst it can be clearly argued that individually the EU community members are the
match of the US competition for increased engine sales and technical leadership, the
collective action in Gas-Turbine Instrumentation is lacking. It is widely and correctly
recognised that the US Sensor and Sensor Systems market dominates and will limit the
profits of those companies not selling in the US.
If the EU Gas Turbine Instrumentation sector does not establish structurally as
proposed, then given the market need, EU engine manufacturers could relatively easily
use the US PIWG to resource their requirements. The infrastructure loss to the EU Gas
Turbine Instrumentation sector would be considerable and could not be regained. Given
the US lead and market dominance, learning from the US PIWG initiative and
developing similar technology initiatives (where appropriate), will allow the EU to
catch up quickly. The business case for eventual self funding for EVI-GTI is best
demonstrated at this early stage by the US experience. There is clearly a market
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requirement for this EVI-GTI initiative, and for the eventual research work that will be
There is a demonstrated need for action across the EU in the specialism of Gas Turbine
Instrumentation, This need is recognised by the annual International Gas Turbine
Institute meeting in Stockholm, the Bi-Annual European Symposium on Measuring
Techniques in Turbomachines in Limerick, and a Rolls-Royce sponsored
Instrumentation meeting of all the UK Gas Turbine University Technology Centres
This need is in part a response to a well-established similar US initiative, and in part
recognition of the fact that the market for Sensors and Sensor Technology is significant
and, at present, dominated by US sales and US co-ordinated Research. The EU must
respond quickly to secure even the current Gas Turbine Instrumentation infrastructure in
Europe, let alone to initiate growth in this area
The industrial strength in sensors has been identified as a major factor in the market for
aerospace products contributing some 2000 MECU to total export sales of EU defence
products. For example estimated potential sales of wall mounted unsteady pressure
sensors and unsteady pressure and temperature measuring probes are 60 MECU and 150
MECU, respectively (see the UK Foresight Defence and Aerospace technology panel
working party report.). In these areas as in others there are significant markets for GasTurbine Instrumentation, which in total for civil applications are estimated to be worth
over 1350 MECU.
A new aircraft engine today will cost some 1500 MECU to develop and will require
expensive rig tests to demonstrate component performance and several even more
expensive full engine tests to demonstrate certification targets. The time cycle for such a
development has been recently reduced to some 36 months and is required to go lower
to 30 months to match the aspirations of the world’s major aircraft manufacturers.
Given the demands placed upon manufacturers to meet these time scales as a condition
of engine sale, the pressure on rig and engine testing to reveal flow physics and overall
characteristics on time and within budget has never been greater.
Expertise in the EU Gas Turbine Instrumentation community is located across the Gas
Turbine Industry itself, within several specialist University departments often as part of
a more general research programme in Gas Turbine Research, and commercially
available from numerous national and EU based international supply chain companies.
As presently constituted this industry lacks focus, and more significantly, given the
current investment lacks sufficient penetration to assist the launch of new engine
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Technical Relevance.
Two specific measurement categories serve to illustrate key objectives for
instrumentation development. Firstly, the behaviour of unsteady flow in turbomachines
accounts for some 20% of all the remaining turbomachinery losses. Secondly, accurate
life prediction for HP turbine blades remains highly problematical and very important to
engine manufacturers given the revenue derived from the engine overhaul and repair
market. Both of these categories require novel and difficult measurement in fully
representative or actual engine conditions.
Increasingly with time the full engine test will be seen as the only perfect simulation of
itself: that is to say it is only in the engine where the mix of chemical gas species, blade
forces, component vibration, flow leakage, rotational stress and levels of temperature
and pressures is realised. It is the engine that will become the test facility of the future,
ultimately replacing the currently valuable component test as it becomes relatively too
expensive and as a consequence lags behind the rapidly reducing engine development
The commercial necessity to address this shortfall in engine instrumentation has been
accepted by three different technology forums. The annual International Gas Turbine
Institute meeting in Stockholm, the Bi-Annual European Symposium on Measuring
Techniques in Turbomachines in Limerick, and a Rolls-Royce sponsored
Instrumentation meeting of all the UK Gas Turbine University Technology Centres
(UTC’s) have all identified this necessity. (See in particular the keynote contributions to
the Limerick conference by Rose, M (1998) and by Weigand, B (1998), and the IGTI
PWIG paper by Anderson et al (1998).) The scope of this instrumentation shortfall
includes engine monitoring, control and development and is more extensive than the
definition of sensors alone.
Relevance to Beneficiaries.
There are three market sectors for the participants in EVI-GTI. Firstly, the development
and sale of advanced instrumentation for Gas Turbine Engines is primarily the concerns
for the SME’s and larger (sometimes International) European instrumentation vendors;
the EU Gas Turbine Industry itself also has a stake in this market.
Secondly through the application of advanced instrumentation, diagnostics and sensors
to engine products, securing increased market share of engines in the EU defence and
aerospace sector is a clear objective of Industry.
Thirdly, the training element, whether by Continuing Professional Development,
specialist M.Sc or Diploma studies, or more in depth Doctoral studies is a clear
deliverable by the EU Universities. All can be realised, and indeed for the wider
objectives of EVI-GTI to succeed, must be realised (or be close to realisation) within
the time frame of any initial period of funding.
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After the setting up period, the Institute should be self-financing through, for example
providing services and consultancy for European customers – industry, including
SME’s, and governmental bodies - on a commercial basis. The access threshold should
be kept as low as possible, to stimulate customers to profit from the facilities, knowhow, and technologies available in the European Virtual Institute for Gas Turbine
Proposers should provide details of the expected revenue against a time scale for the
The proposers’ consortium should clearly demonstrate the proficiency of all partners,
and should preferably have experience in collaboration on the European level in the
field, e.g. by participation in relevant international programmes.
Proposers must specify in detail the activities that they consider to be relevant for the
Virtual Institute and possibly provide examples of typical requests that they are able to
provide solution for.
Proposers should note that submissions must follow the network modality and the
allowable cost structure.
Proposers must provide detailed information in the form of business plan of how their
network will become self-supporting at the end of the network contract. The envisaged
future legal structures (not required at the launch) should be described.
In addition the proposal should contain a prioritised list of the initial target sectors
1. Rose, M. 1998 ‘What Should We Measure? The Aero-Engine Turbine Aerodynamic
Perspective’ Measuring Techniques in Turbomachines Conference. Limerick.
2. Weigand, B. 1998 ‘What Should We Measure? The Industrial Engine Turbine Heat
Transfer Perspective‘, Measuring Techniques in Turbomachines Conference.
3. Anderson, R.C., Bonsett, T., Atkinson, W. and Osani, J 1998 ‘A Government /
Industry Collaboration for Turbine Instrumentation Development, ASME paper 98GT-491, Stockholm.
4. ‘Defence and Aerospace Sensors and Sensor Systems.’ The report of the UK
Foresight Defence and Aerospace Technology Panel Working Party . Institute of
Physics, 76 Portland Place, London, W1N 4DH