Study on Ephesians – The Mystery of the Gospel October 20-21, 2011 I. WELCOME, 15 mins. Plan one to two icebreakers for the purpose of mixing around and getting group participation or getting acquainted. II. WORSHIP, 20 mins. Prayerfully choose a few songs to lead people into God’s presence. During this time, cell leaders will encourage cell members to listen to the Holy Spirit and release the words of strengthening, encouragement, and comfort they have received for the cell group, the church and nations. Upon each word shared, the cell leader will lead members by thanking and praising God for His promise and/or praying aloud together for the needs, etc. III. WORKS, 20 mins. During this time, the cell will break into groups of 3 to pray for the followings: (1) the mission organization or daughter church adopted by the cell (2) the church ministry needs as printed on Sunday bulletin (3) individual’s needs, new comers, the sick, and blessings for one another. IV. WORD, 35 mins. Use the format of sharing & discussion to apply God’s word in our daily lives. Discussion Topic: “The mystery of the Gospel” Scriptures: Ephesians 3:1-13 (Please take turns to read the passage verse by verse and reflect upon it for 5 minutes.) Memory Verse: In Him and through faith in Him we may approach God with freedom and confidence (Ephesians 3:12 NIV). Reflection on the Words 1. Paul’s attitude on sharing the Gospel: Paul faced jealousy, persecutions, false accusations, and imprisonment for sharing the Gospel with the Gentiles. He did not have any complaints or lamentations despite of these circumstances but rather considered them to be glorious because his attitude for the Gospel was: 1. He had a mission mindset for the Gospel (Ephesians 3:2,7): He considered himself as a minister/servant of the Gospel and an envoy of caring for the church. God had also bestowed the gift of evangelization on him. His ministry was effective through the might of His power working in him. 2. He had assurance for the Gospel (Ephesians 3:6): He was determined that what he preached was the only way (2 Timothy 1:12) because he knew the one he believed in is Christ Jesus. He also believed that the Lord can guard him to complete the mission for Gospel that was entrusted to him. 3. He had a bold attitude for the Gospel (Ephesians 3:13): He was fearless regardless of the tribulations. He even exhorted the brothers and sisters that the tribulations he faced are their glory. Discussion 1: What are you most pertinacious on currently? How has it affected you? Discussion 2: What was Paul most pertinacious on? How do you know? 2. God revealed the mystery of the Gospel to Paul (Ephesians 3:5-7): God selected Paul as the apostle to the Gentiles and revealed the mystery of the Gospel to him so that Paul understands that the Gentiles are sharers in the promise: 1. The mystery of the Gospel is fully revealed: a. Because in the past (Old Testament era) no one knew nor understood God’s plan (Ephesians 3:5,9). b. Mystery of the Gospel does not mean the sudden appearance of something that wasn’t there before. In reality, all of this was planned in the salvation plan of God and it’s being fulfilled step by step (Ephesians 3:5). c. This mystery of the Gospel does not mean that it is currently still a mystery. In fact, this mystery is fully revealed. 2. The content of the mystery of the Gospel: a. Heirs together: In Christ, there is no distinction between the Jews and the Gentiles. Both inherit the inheritance bestowed by God. Such is the mystery of the Gospel (Ephesians 3:6). b. One body: In Christ, the Gentiles and the Jews are the same body of Christ Jesus—the church. c. Sharers together in the promise: In Christ, the Gentiles are sharers in the promise. As mentioned in Ephesians 2:11-12 on the work of Christ, Paul emphasized here that this was the plan of God since the Creation. “To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27 NIV).” Discussion 3: What did the mystery of the Gospel included? How did they affect us the Gentiles? 3. The minister/servant of the mystery of the Gospel: 1. Characteristics of the minister (Ephesians 3:7-8): a. It’s a gift of God: This was bestowed upon Paul by God. It was not selfclaimed. Pastors, prophets, and apostles are also not self-claimed. They must be through the approval that the church received from God. b. It’s the might of God: It is not Paul’s own abilities but rather from God. c. It’s the grace of God: Paul said that he was smaller than the smallest among the saints. He was not saying this just to be courteous. It was because God called him to be the minister of the Gospel and the apostle to the Gentiles. 2. Duties of the minister (Ephesians 3:8-13): a. Preach about the abundance of Christ to all. b. Help people understand the mystery of the Gospel: What this is referring to is Christ and the church (Ephesians 5:32). Church is the will of God. God selected the church to manifest His glory. c. Exhort the believers not to be afraid but fully believe: All the attacks of the world are temporary. When faced with attacks, one needs to remain in the Lord and overcome through trust in God. Discussion 4: Why did God give us the task of sharing the Gospel? How are we to share it? Discussion 5: In the mission month, please pray for each one of the pastors of daughter churches, missionaries, and their family members. Our Response Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for revealing the mystery of the Gospel to Apostle Paul so that we can be share the promise with the Israelites. May us be humble and obedient vessels for you and rely on you to share the Gospel so that both nations far away and friends and relatives close by will all hear the Gospel so that they can also share in the promise. We are also willing to pay the price and participate in real activities. Please use our participation so that others will be blessed.