Annual Meeting May 2011 EARL SHILTON TOWN COUNCIL MINUTES of the ANNUAL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING held at 7.30pm on Wednesday 18th May, 2011 at The Methodist Hall, 21 Wood Street, Earl Shilton. AM11/001 ELECTION OF TOWN COUNCIL MAYOR 2011 - 2012 It was proposed by Keith Leman that Denis Bown be Town Mayor for the forthcoming civic year. It was proposed by Richard Allen that Alan Greenwood be Town Mayor for the forthcoming civic year. It was proposed by John Brown that Roger Ellis be Town Mayor for the forthcoming civic year. A first round of voting was called - Denis Bown six votes in favour, Roger Ellis four in favour, Alan Greenwood three in favour. Alan Greenwood stood down. A second round of votes was called – Denis Bown seven in favour, Roger Ellis six in favour It was therefore AGREED that Denis Bown should be appointed Mayor. The Mayor signed the acceptance of office declaration confirming adherence to the Code of Conduct AM11/002 ELECTION OF DEPUTY TOWN MAYOR 2011 – 2012 It was Proposed by Richard Allen that Alan Greenwood be appointed Deputy Town Mayor for the forthcoming Civic Year - AGREED Unanimously The Deputy Mayor signed the acceptance of office declaration confirming adherence to the Code of Conduct AM11/003 REPORT BY OUTGOING MAYOR - Councillor Roger Ellis. The previous Mayor presented his report - copy attached. AM11/004 MEMBERS PRESENT: Denis Bown Town Mayor Councillors Richard Allen, John Bown, John Brown, Colin Ellis, Roger Ellis, Alan Greenwood, Paul Gurney, Koreen Hubbard, Beverley Hutt, Keith Leman, Paul Statham, Leonard Wood. IN ATTENDANCE: 5 member of the public Town Clerk Roger Lomas Assistant Clerk Rachel Atkinson Borough Councillors Chris Ladkin, Janice Richards AM11/005 APOLOGIES There were no apologies. Chairman’s Initials_____________ Minuted page 10/1 Annual Meeting May 2011 AM11/006 DECLARATION OF INTEREST Enduring declarations of interest were made by Koreen Hubbard in relation to the fact that K2Media does the layout and sub-editing of the councils newsletter and by Beverley Hutt in relation to the fact that her Playgroup staff supervise and manage the summer Shilton-by-the-Sea event. There were no other declarations. Members were reminded by the Clerk that new registereable interests forms must be submitted to the Town Clerk to enable the register to be updated AM11/007 CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING It was RESOLVED that the Minutes for the meeting held on 20th April 2011 be confirmed and signed as an accurate record. Proposed John Bown Seconded Richard Allen AM11/008 BRIEFING BY BOROUGH COUNCILLORS REGARDING WORKING RELATIONSHIPS. Cllrs Janice Richards and Chris Ladkin explained how the three levels of local government. County, Borough and Town were interrelated. In particular they emphasised the importance of continuing to press for funding for the continuing redevelopment of the town centre. Cllr Ladkin suggested that it would be helpful if the Borough Councillors met with the Clerk and other Town Councillors every six months to coordinate activities. This offer was accepted by the members and the Clerk will organise it. AM11/009 ELECTION TO COMMITTEES The Mayor asked why there was no listing on the agenda for the formation of a Finance and General Committee and the Clerk responded that because there were momentous decisions needed regarding the allocation and usage of very substantial sums relating to ‘s. 106’ and other funds it was important that full council should be involved in this consideration. The Mayor disagreed that full council should oversee this activity and in his opinion the matter should revert to the committee. It was RESOLVED that the Finance and General Committee be reinstated. Proposed Denis Bown Seconded Richard Allen A vote was called In favour 6 Against 5 Abstained 2 The RESOLUTION was carried. Chairman’s Initials_____________ Minuted page 10/2 Annual Meeting May 2011 Appointed to FINANCE & GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE Richard Allen Koreen Hubbard Denis Bown Beverley Hutt John Bown Paul Statham John Brown Leonard Wood Colin Ellis Roger Ellis LEISURE PARKS CEMETERY AND OPEN SPACES COMMITTEE John Brown Colin Ellis Roger Ellis Alan Greenwood Beverley Hutt Keith Leman Paul Statham PLANNING COMMITTEE Richard Allen Colin Ellis Alan Greenwood Paul Gurney Koreen Hubbard Beverley Hutt Paul Statham STAFFING COMMITTEE Mayor Deputy Mayor Chair F&GP Chair LPCOS Colin Ellis (under the ‘one other councillor’ option) STANDING ORDERS REVIEW COMMITTEE Mayor Deputy Mayor Chair F&GP Chair LPCOS Chair Staffing Committee or nominee PUBLIC EVENTS WORKING GROUP Roger Ellis John Brown Beverley Hutt Paul Gurney Chairman’s Initials_____________ Minuted page 10/3 Annual Meeting May 2011 APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVES TO EXTERNAL BODIES 1. It was AGREED that Roger Ellis Alan Greenwood should represent the Town Council at the following body Community Forum 2. It was AGREED that Keith Leman, Alan Greenwood should represent the Town Council at the following organisation with attendance by John Brown Roger Ellis Earl Shilton Town Centre Partnership 3. It was AGREED that Keith Leman Should represent the Town Council at the following organisation Earl Shilton Business Forum 4. It was AGREED that The Clerk would represent the Town Council at the following organisations HBBC Strategic Officers SUE Executive Board HBBC Earl Shilton & Barwell Scrutiny Committee AM11/10 APPOINTMENT OF CHEQUE SIGNATORIES – any two from John Brown Colin Ellis Koreen Hubbard Keith Leman AM11/11 CO-OPTION OF A MEMBER FOR TOWNLANDS WARD. The Mayor consulted with the Clerk regarding the procedure to be adopted for this item and asked the Clerk to inform the meeting of the outcome. All nominations for co-option had to be accompanied by the candidate’s agreement to nomination either verbally if they were present or in writing otherwise. Nominations without consent were invalid. The Mayor objected to this requirement stating that he was not aware of this condition and as his candidate had not provided a consent he proposed that this agenda item be deferred until the next council meeting. A discussion ensued with a member cautioning that there may be more than just the one candidate, however the Mayor declined to call for nominations and instead called for a vote on deferral. Chairman’s Initials_____________ Minuted page 10/4 Annual Meeting May 2011 It was RESOLVED that item 10 on the agenda be deferred until the next council meeting. Proposed Colin Ellis Seconded John Bown. Carried unanimously. AM11/12 TO APPROVE COMMUNITY GRANTS. It was RESOLVED that the allocation of grants be referred back to the Finance and General Committee. Proposed John Bown Seconded Richard Allen Carried unanimously AM11/13 TO CONFIRM COUNCILOR TRAINING DATE It was confirmed that the councillor training date would be Wednesday 25th May 2011 at the Methodist Hall commencing 7.00pm AM11/014 TIME AND DATE OF NEXT MEETINGS. 7.30pm 22nd June 2011 at The Methodist Hall, 21 Wood Street , Earl Shilton. There being no other business the Town Mayor declared the Meeting closed at 8.25pm Town Mayor’s Signature__________________________ Councillor Denis Bown Date____________________ All relevant legislation was considered in producing the decisions contained within this document Chairman’s Initials_____________ Minuted page 10/5