English Language Arts, Reading, Writing- Mrs. McCaffrey ELA Materials The majority of the work in ELA will involve grammar, spelling, and writing. Grammar and spelling work/activities will be found in the soft cover Scott Foresman practice books. We may be reading various novels for class as well. All books should be kept in good condition as we will be using them all year. Students will have an ELA/vocabulary composition notebook in which to compile a year-long list of words to enrich their vocabularies. A folder will also be necessary to keep important handouts. Writing utensils are a must as well. All materials need to come to class each day. Homework Homework will be assigned throughout the week in grammar and spelling. Generally the students will start the work in class, but may need additional time at home to complete it. I try not to assign work to be done over the weekend or over vacations, but in some instances it may be necessary. I do not like to give zeroes, so students will generally be asked to complete the work. It’s better late than never. Also, the lowest grade I give is a fifty. Students who are legally absent will have an equal number of days of which they were absent to complete and turn in the missed work. Spelling Tests Spelling tests will be given weekly, except during unit and state testing weeks. The entire year’s spelling lists can be found at the end of each student’s spelling practice book. NYS Exams Fifth and sixth graders are given a NYS ELA exam in the spring. These tests are composed of reading passages, listening passages, multiple choice questions, and short and extended written responses. These tests should show student growth from year to year and are important in determining grouping for AIS and remedial services. Reading Materials Each student will have a hard cover reading book that should stay in the classroom, unless a student is absent and must catch up with the class. Additionally, leveled readers will be used in the classroom in an effort to instruct each child on his or her own reading level. A notebook and folder should be brought to reading class every day. Writing Materials Students will be completing narrative, informational and persuasive writing projects this year. These will vary in complexity and length, and will be completed in school. A notebook or loose leaf paper is needed for writing rough drafts. Most final compositions will be typed. Portfolios Each student will keep a portfolio of their writing pieces, so don’t be alarmed if you do not see many of their writing pieces coming home. These are kept until the end of the year or may be kept for the following year to show progress. We will try to print multiple copies of their final work to send home. * It is important that students feel comfortable seeking my help and asking questions. I will always do my best to ensure that each child feels successful and as confident as possible.