Revised Apr 5
Tentative Schedule
ZOOL 711/811
Spring 2006
Rooms: Spaulding 150, 116 and 141 (Seminars)
Tuesday & Thursday 1-5pm
Prof. James Haney
Graduate Assistant Sonya Carlson
Office: Rudman 102 (2-4814)
Office: Spaulding 116 (2-2105)
Limnoecology (Lampert & Sommer) (recommended)
Freshwater Invertebrates (Pennak) (recommended)
Course Projects:
1. Genetic barcoding of zooplankton
2. Production and transfer of the biotoxin microcystin in lake food webs
3. Expansion of the Image-based zooplankton key
Class Members:
Allan, Elisha
Beagen, Wendy
Hall, Virginia
Hogan, Bryan
Lathrop, Marcus
Lubicky, Matt
Murby, Amanda
Schier, Linda
Sweetman, CJ
Jan 17
Introduction to course; Course Objectives and class projects; Introduction to
zooplankton taxonomy
Jan 19
Identification of zooplankton: coping with copepods
Seminar: Genetic barcoding. The concept, its promise and limitations.
Jan 24
Phytoplankton: Zooplankton Interactions
Introduction to Zooplankton Grazing
1. Observations of the Daphnia feeding mechanism
2. Feeding response (TB, PAR) to food concentration: Nanochloropsis vs
Reading Assignments: a. Chapter 3 in Lampert & Sommer
b. Peters 1984 (reference paper)
c. McMahon & Rigler 1963
Jan 26
Lab: 1. Evaluation of TB, PAR experiment
2. Measuring feeding with the Optical Bioassay Method
Jan 31
Analysis and graphing (Sigma Plot) of data from TB/PAR experiment
Lecture: Introduction to Neuston and Zooplankton
Seminar: McMahon & Rigler 1963
Assignment: 1) Read: Peters: methods for measurement of feeding rates
2)Report (1) on TB/PAR experiment (due Feb 14)
Feb 2
Measurement of clearance and feeding rates of Daphnia: comparison of differential
cell count and fluorometry methods
Assignment: 1) Read: ? Plankton sampling methods
2) Report (2) on the clearance and feeding rate study (due Feb 21)
Feb 7
Data analysis: Clearance and Feeding Rates experiment
Seminar: Discussion of results of two experiments
Feb 9
Zooplankton Identification: Rotifers, Copepods, Cladocera and Chaoborus
Zooplankton ID Pretest (1 h)
Discussion: Zooplankton Key Project Assignments (Ecology Page & Videos)
Selection of Project Species (list top 3 in each category)
Assignments: Ecology Page (due March 9) & Videos (due April 25)
Feb 14
Field Trip: 1) Comparison of plankton sampling methods: Integrated tube, water
bottle, vertical plankton tow 2) collections of live copepods for barcoding study
Report (1) on TB/PAR experiment due
Feb 16
Zooplankton enumeration: subsampling and counting methods
Counting samples from Feb 7 field trip and analysis of data (Graphics & Analysis of
Seminar: Genetic Barcoding of freshwater copepods: Dr. Kate Rawlinson
Assignment: 1) Read papers on cyanotoxins for Feb 23 Seminar
2) Report (3) on comparision of sampling methods due Feb 28
Feb 21
Field Trip: Movement of microcystin through the pelagic food web I. Field sampling
of zooplankton, phytoplankton and biotoxins. Collection of live copepods for
barcoding study;
Feb 23
Examination of plankton samples; preparation of toxin samples (lyophilization, tissue
Begin Copepod culturing for Barcode Experiment (student
Lecture: Biotoxins in lakes
Seminar: Effects of toxic cyanobacteria on zooplankton
Feb 28
Field Trip: Movement of microcystin through the pelagic food web II. Experiments
and sampling.
Report (2) on the clearance and feeding rate study due
Mar 2
Microcystin analysis: Final sample preparation and running the ELISA
Seminar: Cyanotoxin paper (Lauren-Maatta 1997)
Mar 7
Microcystin data analysis and graphics.
Seminar: Copepod vs Cladocera Grazing (Sommer et al 2003)
Report (3) on comparision of sampling methods due
Mar 9
Guest Lecture: Tests of Ideal Free and Ideal Dominance Distribution Hypotheses with
Daphnia (Sonya Carlson)
Revised draft of first Ecology Page due (will be instructor/peer reviewed and returned
21 March)
Seminar: Bar Coding Update
Mar 13-17
Mar 21
Analysis of Zooplankton with the FlowCam
Seminar: Peer reviewed Ecology Pages returned; revised Ecology Pages will be
presented May 4
Lab:Preparation of powerpoint outline
Mar 23
Lab: Working on ecology pages or video taping
Seminar: Brooks & Dodson 1965
Mar 28
Lab: Experiment: Fecal pellet production by Calanoid copepods feeding on
Microcystis and Nannochloropsis (part 1, set up and begin 48 h experiment).
Collection of live samples from local lakes/ponds
Seminar: Kreutzer & Lampert 1999: Competition in different sized Daphnia
Mar 30
Lab: Experiment: Fecal pellet production by Calanoid copepods feeding on
Microcystis and Nannochloropsis (part 2. collection and measurement of fecal pellets).
Lecture : Use of Zooplankton for Lake Monitoring (J. Haney)
Apr 4
Lab: Friendly Taxonomy Quiz: non-Daphnia cladocerans
Guest Lecture: Effect of food level on Daphnia filtering area (Travis Godkin)
Seminar: Presentation of the fecal pellet study
Apr 6
Lecture: Diel vertical migration—Bryan
Seminar: Biotoxins in Great Bay Estuary (J. Haney)
Lab: Design of & preparation for Great Bay study
Apr 11
Field Trip (12:30-5 pm): Microcystins in Great Bay Estuary: a preliminary analysis of
cyanotoxins in pelagic food web
Apr 13
Lab: Analysis of Great Bay study data & identification of Great Bay plankton
Lecture: Kairomones: what are they and how do they influence zooplankton?—Matt
Apr 18
Lecture: Reproductive strategies of zooplankton: --Wendy
Lecture: Effects fish and invertebrate predation on zoop- and phytoplankton--CJ
Seminar: Presentation of Great Bay Results
Apr 20
Lecture: Interactions between cyanobacteria and zooplankton—Murby
Lab: Friendly Taxonomy Quiz: rotifers
Lecture: Feeding ecology of zooplankton—Marcus
Apr 25
Lecture: Comparative ecology of arctic, temperate and tropical zooplankton—Elisha
Lab: Working on ecology pages/video taping
Seminar: In situ video of zooplankton: Gorsky 2003; Strickler
First Drafts of 2nd & 3rd Ecology Pages Due
Apr 27
Lecture 8: Genomics studies of zooplankton—Virginia
Lab: Working on ecology pages/video taping
Lecture: Effects fish and invertebrate predation on zoop- and phytoplankton--CJ
May 2
Isles of Shoals Trip (leave 8 am Portsmouth)
First Drafts of 4th & 5th Ecology Pages Due
May 4
Lecture 9: Seasonal Succession of Plankton Communities—Linda
Seminar: Final report on copepod barcoding experiment - Elisha
Seminar: Presentation of student videos
May 18
Zooplankton Identification 2-h Performance:
Seminar: PowerPoint presentation of revised Ecology Pages and “bonus” videos
Course evaluations
Summary of Grading:
Zooplankton Identification
Zooplankton Key Expansion1
Student Lecture
Reports (3 @ 10 pts ea)
Class & field trip participation
1. Ecology pages (50 pts, 5 @ 10 pts ea) & Video clip (5 pts); “bonus” video clips (1 pt ea, 5 pt max)
Student Lectures
April 4
Diel vertical migration: What is it and what are its proximal and ultimate causes?—Bryan
April 13
Kairomones: what are they and how do they influence zooplankton?—Matt
April 18
Reproductive Strategies of Zooplankton: Evolutionary response to Food & Predators: Wendy
April 20
Feeding behavior of rotifers, cladocera and copepods—Marcus
Comparative ecology of arctic, temperate and tropical zooplankton—Elisha
Interactions between Cyanobacteria and Zooplankton –Murby
April 25
April 27
Genomics studies of zooplankton –Virginia
Effects fish and invertebrate predation on zoo- and phytoplankton communities by Fish—CJ
May 4
Seasonal Succession of Plankton Communities: Role of biotic and abiotic factors—Linda