Meeting held at the Penwortham Community Centre at 4.30pm on Tuesday 18
December 2012
Councillor Mrs J R Hothersall (in the chair)
Councillors Hancock and Nicholson.
In attendance:
Steve Caswell - Town Manager
Michael Cronin - Democratic Services Manager
Election of Chairman for the Meeting
RESOLVED: that Councillor Mrs J R Hothersall be elected chairman
for the meeting.
Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Ms Prynn, Read, Mrs
M Robinson and D Wooldridge
Minutes of the Last Meeting
RESOLVED: that the minutes of the last meeting held on 25
September 2012 be approved as a correct record and
signed by the chairman.
Cemetery Gates
The condition of the gates to Hill Road Cemetery had deteriorated over the
years and holes had appeared in the central panels.
There were a number of options, including repairing the individual holes. It
was felt however that this would not be cost-effective and would not
significantly improve the appearance of the gates. In order to cover the holes
from both side two panels per gate would be required
The cost of the various options was considered, including placing a plain
metal panel or a panel containing the words “Hill Road Cemetery” over the
entire length of the gates.
Councillor Nicholson agreed that the appearance of the gates had worsened
significantly over recent years. Councillor Hancock proposed that two
replacement panels should be introduced.
RESOLVED: that metal panels on the front (bearing the legend
“Hill Road Cemetery”) and on the rear (plain), at a cost of
£1226.50 plus VAT be placed on the cemetery gates.
The Caring Council – Putting People First
Woodland Burial Ground – Diamond Jubilee Woods
A report was presented on the possible dedication of the woodland area to
the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.
The area had been planted with the help of Global Renewables and
Lancashire County Council, at no cost to the Town Council, using the
“Woodlands from Waste” funding.
The County Council had now requested the Town Council to allow it to
nominate the area as a Diamond Jubilee Wood. This would include the
introduction of a diamond-shaped monument (with a bronze plaque) within
the site, on the edge of the planted area. The County Council would fund
The County Council had indicated that, in return, it might be able to pay for a
sign at the main entrance gate to the site with the legend: “Penwortham
Woodland Burial Site”.
There had also been suggestions regarding the naming of the wooded area
from the Woodlands from Waste Development Officer employing the following
“The component Penn from Penwortham means 'Hill'. This is of Celtic
origin. (We also have Hill Road). The Viking word lundr – which, in UK
place names is slightly shortened to lund or land means 'grove of trees
given over to peace', which perfectly describes the purpose that you
have in mind for the wood. So I propose Penlund Copse or Penland
Copse ('Hill with a peaceful grove').”
At its meeting on 12 March 2012 the committee had discussed the naming of
the site and had resolved that the area be known as “Penwortham Woodland
Burial Ground”
In response to a query from Councillor Nicholson it was confirmed that this
was land owned by the Town Council and open to the public. He expressed
some reservations about the suggested name of “Penlund Copse” but was in
favour of the proposed quid pro quo relating to the installation of the Council’s
own sign.
The chairman suggested that the name on the bronze plaque should be
simply “Penwortham” beneath the Lancashire Jubilee Woodlands” legend.
that agreement be given to the Woodland Burial
site being nominated a Diamond Jubilee
Woodland and to the introduction of the monument
as described within the site on the edge of the
planted area on condition that the name on the
bronze plaque be “Penwortham” and that the
county council fund a sign at the entrance with the
The Caring Council – Putting People First
“Penwortham Woodland Burial Ground”;
that if the above is unacceptable the name on the
brass plaque be “Penwortham Copse”.
(The meeting finished at 4.55pm)
The Caring Council – Putting People First