Section 14 Manual of the South African Human Rights Commission (prepared in terms of the Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) of 2000) 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 4 1.1. Establishment of the SAHRC 1.2. Objectives of the SAHRC 2. Structure of the SAHRC 5 3. Organogram 6 4. Key Contact Details for Queries 7 5. Contact Details for the Regional Offices 8 6. Guide on how to use the Access to Information Legislation: Section 14 (1) (c). 9 7. Categories of records 10 8. Core operational programmes 11 9. Thematic programmes. 12 10. Categories of records automatically available 13 11. Categories of records not automatically available. 17 12. Public involvement in the formulation of policy and exercise of power: Section 14 (1) (g). 18 13. 19 Request procedure 13.1 Telephonic request 13.2 Voluntary access 13.3 Formal request: Section 14 (1) (d). 2 3 14. Payment method 20 15. Remedies for non compliance 20 16. Updating of the manual 21 17. Availability of the manual 21 18. Request to Minister for compilation of one manual 21 19. Exemptions from the Minister 21 20. Missing Records 21 21. Disposal of Records 21 22. Schedule of fees 22 23. Request Form A 23 1. Introduction The South African Human Rights Commission (Commission) is committed to the observance of and compliance with the directives of the Constitution and national legislation like the Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA). It eschews the key principles of good governance, transparency and accountability. In the pursuit of its objectives the Commission encourages the sharing of information with requesters and members of the public as optimally as is possible. Informed public scrutiny can only strengthen the democratic ideals the Commission advances. The information in this manual provides a roadmap to the Commission which clearly demonstrates the services the Commission provides together with the information necessary to ensure that the processes of information sharing are expeditious and affirming. 1.1 Establishment of the Commission The South African Human Rights Commission was established pursuant to Section 181 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act 108 of 1996. The legislative powers of the Commission are given force through the Human Rights Commission Act 54 of 1994. 1.2 Objectives of the Commission The Commission’s primary objective is to provide support to a constitutional democracy. Section 184 (1) of the Constitution provides the broad primary functions of the Commission in the execution of this mandate. The key functions are: 4 Promoting respect for human rights and a culture of human rights; Promoting the protection, development and attainment of human rights; and Monitoring and assessing the observance of human rights in the country. 2. Structure of the Commission The Commission consists of a national office situated in Gauteng and regional offices in each of the 9 provinces. Eastern Cape: East London Free State: Bloemfontein Gauteng: Johannesburg Kwa Zulu Natal: Durban Limpopo: Polokwane Mpumalanga: Nelspruit Northern Cape: Upington North West: Rustenburg Western Cape: Cape Town The Commission is served by six Commissioners appointed by the President of the country. Adv. L Mushwana and Ms P Govender serve respectively as the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Commission. Commissioners L Mokate and B Malatji are full time Commissioners and, Commissioners D Titus and J Love and serve as part-time Commissioners of the Commission. The secretariat performs its functions through various departments and is headed by the Chief Executive Officer, Kayum Ahmed and the Chief Operations Officer responsible for programme support, Lindiwe Khumalo and the Chief Financial Officer, Petrus Makaneta. 5 3. Organogram of the South African Human Rights Commission 4. Key Contact Details for Access to Information Queries Information Officer: Mr. Kayum Ahmed PA: Ms J Hollenbach Tel: 011 877 3600 Email: Deputy Information Officer: Mr. Fola Adeleke Tel: 011 877 3810 Email: Access to information general contacts: PAIA Helpdesk: National Head Office Postal Address: The South African Human Rights Commission 33 Hoofd Street 2nd Floor Forum III, Braampark Braamfontein, Gauteng 2041 Physical Address: The South African Human Rights Commission 33 Hoofd Street 2nd Floor Forum III, Braampark Braamfontein, Gauteng 2041 7 Telephone (011) 877 3600 Fax (011) 403 0625 Email;; Website 5. Contact Details for Regional Offices of the Commission North West Province Northern Cape Province 170 Klopper Street 45 PO Box 9586 Ancorley Rustenburg PO Box 1816 0300 Upington Tel: 014 592 0694 8800 Fax:014 594 1069 Tel: 054 332 3993 Mark and Scot Building, Road, Upington Fax:054 332 7750 8 Western Cape Province Mpumalanga Province ABSA Building 7th Floor 4th Floor Carltex Building 132 Adderley Street 32 Bell Street PO Box 3563 PO Box 6574 Cape Town Nelspruit 8001 1200 Tel: 021 426 22 77 Tel: 013 752 5870/8292 Fax: 021 426 28 75 Fax: 013 752 6890 Eastern Cape Province Limpopo Province 1st floor Oxford House 1st Floor, Office 102 Library 86 Oxford Street Garden Square East London Corner of 5200 Grobler Streets, Tel:043 722 7828 Tel: 015 291 3500 Fax: 043 722 7830 Fax: 015 291 3505 Gauteng Province Kwa - Zulu Natal 2nd Floor, Braampark Forum 3, First Floor, Schoeman and Polokwane 136 33 Hoofd Street, Mncadi, Braamfontein Durban Tel: 011 877 3750 Tel: 031 304 7323/4/5 Fax 011 403 0668 Fax: 031 304 7323 Margaret Free State Province 50 East Burger Street st 1 floor TAB building Bloemfontein 9300 T: 051 447 1130 F: 051 447 1128 6. Guide on use of the Access to Information Legislation. Section 14(1) (c) The Commission launched a Guide on the 01 March 2005. The Guide, which is available in eleven official languages, has been distributed to public bodies. Members of the public can inspect or make copies of the Guide from the offices of these public bodies. The Guide can also be obtained from the website of the Commission (see link on pg5 above). 9 7. Categories of Records Records held by the Commission are generated through each of its programs, through the core operations processes and through the Commissioners. Each program of the Commission generates substantive records which relate specifically to the outputs of the program and operational records in the course of organizational operations. The categories of records generated in the Commission are classified in the manner listed below: According to the file plan for correspondence files on strategic support, core functions, and operational processes of the Commission; The Records Control Schedule for Other records including publications and audio-visual records and the electronic information systems of the Commission. Certain records are acquired in the course of work of the Commission and in certain instances records are received from multiple levels of government in accordance with legislation like PAIA. The Commission reserves the right to transfer requests for records to relevant bodies where these bodies were the primary holders or generators of the information requested, or where the Commission no longer has possession of such record and to create new categories of records where this is necessary. This manual will be updated to reflect changes in categories of records accordingly. 10 ANNEXURE 1: LIST OF COMPONENTS/ PROGRAMMES AND SUMMARY OF FUNCTIONS/ OPERATIONS 8. Category A – Strategic and Support 11 COM COMMISSIONERS CP CHAIRPERSON DCP DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON CEO CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER COO CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER CFO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER IAA INTERNAL AUDIT AND RISK MANAGEMENT STR STRATEGIC SUPPORT AND GOVERNANCE COMP COMMUNICATIONS AND PUBLICATIONS ICT INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES MED MEDIA CORP CORPORATE SERVICES HR HUMAN RESOURCES ADM ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT 9. Category B – Programs of the Commission Services to the public and stakeholders are primarily provided through the work of the programs listed below. 12 HURAP HUMAN RIGHTS AND ADVOCACY PROGRAMME COMOUT COMMUNITY OUTREACH EL E-LEARNING NE NATIONAL EVENTS PAC PUBLIC AWARENESS CAMPAIGNS LSP LEGAL SERVICES PROGRAMME CPM COMPLAINTS AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT LIT LITIGATION LAW LAW CLINIC PLC PROVINCIAL LEGAL COORDINATION PAIA PROMOTION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION (PAIA) RM RECORDS MANAGEMENT RES RESEARCH BUS BUSINESS AND HUMAN RIGHTS ESR SOCIO-ECONOMIC RIGHTS CRI CRIME LIB LIBRARY AND DOCUMENTATION CENTRE ERP EQUALITY RIGHTS PROGRAMME (PEPUDA) RAC RACISM CHI CHILDREN’S RIGHTS DIS DISABILITIES HIV HIV/AIDS NN NON-NATIONALS OLD OLDER PERSONS ENV ENVIRONMENT PLLM PARLIAMEMTARY LIAISON AND LEGISLATION MONITORING ITBM INTERNATIONAL TREATY BODY MONITORING PLM PROVINCIAL LEGISLATION MONITORING 10. Automatically Available Records The access to information legislation provides for records which are automatically available from the Commission. Such automatically available records usually do not have information which can reasonably be said to be of a sensitive nature. Most records which fall into this category of information are available from the documentation centre of the Commission at its Head Office or on the Commission’s website: Records Automatically Available CATEGORY DOCUMENT AVAILABILITY WEBSITE TYPE Strategic Establishment Documents Legislation Plans Charters Proposals Funding √ Proposals Risk WSP HR SDIP Contingency Operational Protocols Policies/ Plans/ Agreements √ Procedures/ Frameworks/ Supply Chain Management: 13 √ √ Procurement Plans; Specific Tenders & Contracts Donations Funds Supplies Revenue Statements, Reports and Returns Risk Management Audit IT Finance Management Human Resources Marketing and Branding Records Management SLAs Manuals Public Bodies √ Private Bodies Publicity Marketing & Publications, √ √ Reports etc Material CATEGORY DOCUMENT AVAILABILITY WEBSITE TYPE Publications Booklets Books Periodicals 14 √ √ Journals Reports √ √ releases √ √ Newsletters Bulletins Magazines Pamphlets E- Publications Media Press Radio & TV Interviews, Statements Participation details Official Speeches √ and Messages Gifts & Awards √ √ Events Presentations Functions Discussions Subject Seminars, documents availability and Conferences timelines to of event Registers √ Internal Directories File Plan, Records Control Schedule Reports/ Conferences Minutes/ Research Decisions Findings √ & Subpoena based hearings HR Interventions Public Hearings Plenary reports Annual Reports 15 √ Subject availability to Monitoring & Evaluation Statistics Surveys Supply Chain Tender Matters √ documents Levy Returns Quotations: Tenders Leases Finances Estimates √ Statements Budgets Reports Audit Records Audio-Visual Slides Recordings Photographs Films Videos 16 √ 11. Categories of Records Not Automatically Available Category B (These records must be formally requested by lodging a request form* see form on page 23 below) CATEGORY OF RECORD ON REQUEST ONLY Commissioner service assessment reports √ Commissioner internal communiqués √ Executive Management internal sensitive √ communication Security related information √ Records held by Legal Services Department Research conducted by service providers √ for the organization or programs subject to contractual exemptions on disclosure Confidential client communications to √ programs Privileged information: held in the course √ of closed hearings, attorney client information, national security based information, third party information; Specific Human Resource Personnel information, including files relating to 17 √ discipline, medical information etc Asset disclosures and asset protection √ procedures Certain Service Level Agreements √ Certain Tender Documentation √ Agendas and Minutes of Meetings and √ correspondence Draft reports, policies and discussions √ documents *The records listed in the categories above may be formally requested, but access to parts of these records or the whole record may be refused on legal grounds. The Commission further reserves the right to refuse access to records were the processing of the record will result in a substantial and unreasonable diversion of its resources. Access will also be refused where requests are clearly frivolous and or vexatious. 12. Public Involvement in the Formulation of Policy and the Exercise of Power. Section 14 (1) (g) A substantial degree of public participation informs policy formulation at the Commission. Traditionally participation is integrated through the general thematic work of the programs in the form of hearings and workshops, campaigns, through committees which include civil society actors and members of the public and through development programs. The platform for public participation and involvement is extended to the ‘walk 18 in’ policy observed at the Commission. The policy allows for robust engagement with the Commission which is unhindered by challenges of access. The inputs and submissions of members of the public are considered intensively during the formulation of the Commissions strategy planning at the end and commencement of each new financial year. 13. Request Procedure 13.1 Telephonic Requests Telephonic requests are permitted to the Commission. Such requests may be directed to the deputy information officer or to the PAIA help-desk on the contact information stated in this manual. Requesters may be directed to lodge formal requests where this is established from the nature of the verbal request. 13.2 Voluntary Access Information that is automatically available can be obtained from the website of the Commission, or through its documentation centre. In certain instances a reproduction fee may be imposed. Transcription and copying of records in other media attract reproduction fees. The manner of access to these documents is not limited to inspection and perusal. 13.3 Formal Requests and Fees Section 14 (1) (d) The requester must complete the form attached to this manual, Form A. Requesters will be assisted in completing the form if required ( see form on pg 18) The requester must indicate the form or manner of access required. The Commission will endeavour to provide information in the form indicated where possible 19 A thirty working day time frame is permitted for a response to the request where this is necessary. These thirty days may further be extended to another 30 working days on notification to the requester. Fee impositions are required in terms of PAIA. A fee schedule is attached to this manual (pg 16). Fees are paid at the inception of a request and thereafter fees are incurred for search processes and reproduction costs. Certain categories of persons are exempt from paying fees. These categories include those who qualify on the basis of their annual income and those who are requesting personal information. Persons who are requesting personal information, about themselves or their minor children do not have to pay a request fee. All other persons have to pay the request fee of R35.00. If a request is granted then a further access or search fee, is required. This fee is calculated in terms of the rates fixed in the regulation attached. Fees are charged for time spent searching for the record preparing and or reproducing the record/s. 14. Payment Method All payments can be made in revenue stamps available from the post offices. Requests for voluminous non personal records will not be accepted without payment. 15. Remedies Available if Provisions of the Act are not complied with The aggrieved party has the right to approach the courts for relief where they are dissatisfied with the imposition of fees; the time frames within which they received a response from the Commission or with a decision to refuse access in part or fully. The aggrieved party can at present only reach the High Courts of South Africa for resolution of their grievances. They will shortly be able to take these matters to the Magistrates Courts in their regions. 20 16. Updating of the Manual This manual will be updated whenever amendments to current information need to be reflected or annually. 17. Availability of the Manual The manual is available in English and will be available in places of legal deposit, at the Commission itself and on the website of the Commission. Translated versions of the manual will also be made available in all 10 official languages. The manual is also electronically available on the website of the Commission at: 18. Request to the Minister for Compilation of One Manual This manual is compiled solely for the Commission and no requests for combined manuals with other constitutional or public bodies have been submitted to the Minister. 19. Exemption from the Minister from any Provision of this Section for a Determined Period The Commission is not exempt from any provision of this section. 20. Missing Records Requestors have the right to receive a response on affidavit for records which cannot reasonably be located, but to which a requestor would have had access had the record been available. 21. Disposal of Records The Commission reserves the right to lawfully dispose of certain records in terms of authorities obtained from the National Archives and Records Service. Requesters will be advised whether a particular record has been disposed of where this is relevant to the records requested. 21 SCHEDULE OF FEES Fees in respect of Public Bodies 1. The fee for a copy of the manual as contemplated in regulation 5(c) is R0, 60 for every photocopy of an A4-size page or part thereof. 2. The fees for reproduction referred to in regulation 7(1) are as follows: (a) For every photocopy of an A4-size page or part thereof R 0, 60 (b) For every printed copy of an A4-size page or part thereof held on a computer or in electronic or machine-readable form 0, 40 (c) For a copy in a computer-readable form on (i) Stiffy disc Compact disc 5, 00 40, 00 (d) (e) (i) (ii) (i) (ii) 3. 4. For a transcription of visual images, for an A4-size page or part thereof 22, 00 For a copy of visual images For a transcription of an audio record, for an A4-size page or part thereof 60, 00 For a copy of an audio record 17, 00 12, 00 The request fee payable by every requester, other than a personal requester, referred to in regulation 7(2) is R35, 00. The access fees payable by a requester referred to in regulation 7(3) are as follows: R (1) (a) For every photocopy of an A4-size page or part thereof 0,60 (b) For every printed copy of an A4-size page or part thereof held on a computer or in electronic or machine- readable form For a copy in a computer-readable form on (i) Stiffy disc (ii) Compact disc (d) (i) For a transcription of visual images, For an A4-size page or part thereof (ii) For a copy of visual images (e) (i) For a transcription of an audio record, For an A4-size page or part thereof (ii) For a copy of an audio record 0,40 (c) (f) 5, 00 40, 00 22, 00 60, 00 12, 00 17, 00 To search for and prepare the record for disclosure R15,00 for each hour or part of an hour, excluding the first hour, reasonably required for such search and preparation. (2) For purposes of section 22(2) of the Act, the following applies: (a) Six hours as the hours to be exceeded before a deposit is payable; and (b) one third of the access fee is payable as a deposit by the requester. (3) The actual postage is payable when a copy of a record must be posted to a requester. 22 Formal Request Form for Documents not automatically available Form A REQUEST FOR ACCESS TO RECORD OF PUBLIC BODY (Section 18(1) of the Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000 (Act No. 2 of 2000) [Regulation 6] FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE Reference number: Request received by name and surname of information officer/deputy information officer on (date) at (place) Request fee (if any): R……………………… Deposit (if any): R ……………………… Access fee: R……………………… …………………………………………Signature of information officer/deputy Information Officer A Particulars of public body The Information Officer/Deputy Information Officer: B Particulars of person requesting access to the record (a) The particulars of the person who requests access to the record must be given below. (b) The address and/or fax number in the Republic to which the information is to be sent, must be given. (c) Proof of the capacity in which the request is made, if applicable, must be attached. Full names and surname: Identity number: Postal address: Fax number: Telephone number: E-mail address: Capacity in which request is made, when made on behalf of another person: 23 C. Particulars of person on whose behalf request is made This section must be completed ONLY if a request for information is made on behalf of another person. Names and Surname: Identity number: D. Particulars of record (a) Provide full particulars of the record to which access is requested, including the reference number if that is known to you, to enable the record to be located. (b) If the provided space is inadequate, please continue on a separate folio and attach it to this form. The requester must sign all the additional folios. 1 2 3 E. Description of record or relevant part of the record: Reference number, if available: Any further particulars of record: Fees (a) A request for access to a record, other than a record containing personal information about yourself, will be processed only after a request fee has been paid. (b) You will be notified of the amount required to be paid as the request fee. (c) The fee payable for access to a record depends on the form in which access is required and the reasonable time required to search for and prepare a record. (d) If you qualify for exemption of the payment of any fee, please state the reason for exemption. Reason for exemption from payment of fees: ___________________________________________________________________________ F. Form of access to record If you are prevented by a disability to read, view or listen to the record in the form of access provided for in 1 to 4 below, state your disability and indicate in which form the record is required. Disability: 24 Form in which record is required: Mark the appropriate box with an X. NOTES: (a) Compliance with your request for access in the specified form may depend on the form in which the record is available. (b) Access in the form requested may be refused in certain circumstances. In such a case you will be informed if access will be granted in another form. (c) The fee payable for access to the record, if any, will be determined partly by the form in which access is requested. 1. If the record is in written or printed form: copy of record* inspection of record 2. If record consists of visual images (this includes photographs, slides, video recordings, computer-generated images, sketches, etc: transcription of the view the images copy of the images* images* 3. If record consists of recorded words or information which can be reproduced in sound: listen to the soundtrack (audio cassette) transcription of soundtrack* (written or printed document) 4. If record is held on computer or in an electronic or machine -readable form: copy in computer readable form* printed copy of record' (stiffy or compact disc) *If you requested a copy or transcription of a record (above), do you wish the YES copy or transcription to be posted to you? NO Postage is payable. Note that if the record is not available in the language you prefer, access may be granted in the language in which the record is available. printed copy of information derived from the record* In which language would you prefer the record? G. Notice of decision regarding request for access Requesters will be notified whether their request has been approved/denied. If you wish to be informed in another manner, please specify the manner and provide the necessary particulars to enable compliance with your request. How would you prefer to be informed of the decision regarding your request for access to the record? __________________________________________________________________________________ Signed at …………………………….. this ……… of…………20 SIGNATURE OF REQUESTER/ PERSON ON WHOSE BEHALF REQUEST IS MADE 25