Appendix VI Research VI.1 Sponsored Research As of June 30, 2005 Sponsored Research Key to Funding Agencies AAA American Automobile Association BAYLOR Baylor University AAHP American Association of Health Plans BC Baltimore County AAP American Academy of Pediatrics BCBSA Blue Cross Blue Shield of America ABELL Abell Foundation BCCP Bangladesh Center for Community Programs ABT Abbott Laboratories BCHD Baltimore City Health Department ACS American Cancer Society BCHO Battelle Chapel Hill Operations ADH Arkansas Department of Health BCPH Battelle Centers for Public Health AHA American Heart Association BDC Becton Dickinson and Company AHCPR Agency for Health Care Policy and Research BECHTEL Bechtel AHRQ Agency for Health Care Research and Quality BERNA Berna Biotech Ltd. AIR American Institute for Research BIDMC Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center ALA American Lung Association BRT Battelle Research Triangle ALS Amyotropyhic Lateral Sclerosis Association BTEP Biotech Engagement Program AMERLF American Legacy Foundation BVAMC Baltimore VA Medical Center AMERSCN American Society for Clinical Nutrition CARE Care, International AMSCO American Society of clinical Oncology CASEY Annie E Casey Foundation ANTHC Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium CAWF California Wellness Foundation APSERV Atlantic Philanthropic Society CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ASM American Society for Microbiology CDMGRP The CDM Group ASPB Public Health Agency for Municipality of Barcelona, Spain CF Commonwealth Foundation ASPH Association of Schools of Public Health CFEC Commission for Environmental Cooperation ATS American Trauma Society CFSC Community Food Security Coalition AUAC American University of Armenia Corporation CHA Cambridge Health Alliance AVEPAS Aventis Pasteur CHIRON Chiron BALT City of Baltimore CIDRZ Center for Infectious Disease Research, Zambia BAXTER Baxter Healthcare Corporation COLUMBIA Columbia University CONRAD Contraceptive Research and Development Project CORNELL Cornell University Appendix VI.1 i Sponsored Research Key to Funding Agencies CRDF US Civilian Research and Development Foundation FOSMA Families of Spinal Muscular Atrophy CTUPR Center for Tobacco Use Prevention and Research FTC Federal Trade Commission CYGNUS Cygnus Corp FUTURES Futures Group DANA Charles A Dana Foundation GATES Gates Foundation DCDH Washington, DC Department of Health GAVI Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization DDCF Doris Duke Charitable Foundation GFHR Global Forum for Health Research DDHHS Delaware Department of Health and Social Services GSK GlaxoSmithKline DELDHSS Delaware Department of Health and Social Services GWF Greenwall Foundation DOD Department of Defense GWU George Washington University DOE Department of Energy HARVARD Harvard University DRR National Center for Research Resources HAWAII University of Hawaii DTI Dilon Technologies, Inc. HHMI Howard Hughes Medical Institute DUKE Duke University HILTON Conrad Hilton Foundation DYSON Dyson Foundation HLSPC HLSP Consulting ECEN Ecology and Environment Inc. HMJF Henry M Jackson Foundation EGPAF Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation HRSA Health Resources and Services Administration ELLISON Ellison Medical Foundation IAVI International AIDS Vaccine Initiative END Environmental Defense Inc. IBM IBM EPA Environmental Protection Agency ICDDR International Center for Diarrheal Disease Research, Bangladesh ERICKSON Erickson Foundation IH Ingalls Hospital FAMRI Flight Attendants Medical Research ISFK Internet Solutions 4 Kids FHCRC Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center IVI International Vaccine Institute FHI Family Health International JHBFI Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Foundation FIA Foundation for Automobile and Society (UK) JHF John A Hartford Foundation FINCA Finca International Inc. JOYCEF Joyce Foundation FOGARTY Fogarty International JP Janssen Pharmaceuticals FORDFDNA Ford Foundation JSI John Snow International Appendix VI.1 ii Sponsored Research Key to Funding Agencies KASCT Kenneth A Scott Charitable Trust MHFW Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (India) KFC Kidney Foundation of Canada MICHIGAN Michigan State University KFF Kaiser Family Foundation MILDVA Milwaukee Department of Veterans Affairs KIHC Kennedy Krieger Institute MJFFPR Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research KIMMEL Sidney Kimmel Foundation for Cancer Research MMCTR Montefiore Medical Center LANG Jacob and Valeria Langeloth Foundation MMF Minnesota Medical Foundation LEVI Levi Strauss Foundation MOD March of Dimes LHH Lenox Hill Hospital MOHAFG Ministry of Health, Afghanistan LIBO Life Biomedical MOSU Morgan State University MACHO Maryland Association of County Health Officials MSH Management Sciences for Health MACRO Macro International MWFDN Mary Wohlford Foundation MALAWI Malawi College of Medicine NAAR National Alliance for Autism Research MANILA Manila Consulting Group NARSAD National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression MASBHC Maryland Assembly on School Based Health Care NASA National Aeronautics and Space Agency MCGILL McGill University NCI National Cancer Institute MCIN Mercy Corps International NCMHHD National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities MD State of Maryland NEI National Eye Institute MDA Muscular Dystrophy Association NEMC New England Medical Center MDDLI Maryland Department of Labor and Industry NEMOURS Nemours Children’s Clinic MDDOT Maryland Department of Transportation NFLYFF NFL Youth Football Fund MDHMH Maryland Department of Health and Mental Health NGS National Geographic Society MEDIFAST Medifast NHGRI National Human Genome Research Institute MEDIMMUN Medimmune Inc. NHLBI National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute MEDSTAT Medstat Group NHTSA National Highway Traffic Safety Administration MEMA Maryland Emergency Management Agency NIA National Institute on Aging MERCK Merck NIAAA National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism MF Macarthur Foundation NIAID National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Appendix VI.1 iii Sponsored Research Key to Funding Agencies NICHD National Institute of Child Health and Human Development PG Proctor and Gamble NIDA National Institute on Drug Abuse PURDPHAR Purdue Pharma LP NIDDK National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases RITAALEN Rita Allen Foundation Scholar Program NIDR National Institute on Dental Research RKMC Robins, Kaplan, Miller, and Ciresi, Atttorneys at Law NIEHS National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences RWJF Robert Wood Johnson Foundation NIGMS National Institute of General Medical Sciences SALIX Salix Pharmaceuticals NIH National Institutes of Health SAMHSA Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration NIMBLE Nimble Systems, Inc. SEYA Southeast Youth Academy NIMH National Institute of Mental Health SFHMC Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center NINDS National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke SGKF Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health SMRTN Samaritan’s Purse NLM National Library of Medicine SNL Saving Newborn Lives NMRC National Medical Research Corp. STAMED Stanley Medical Research Institute NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration STCF Save the Children Federation NRSA NIH National Research Service TBCRF The Breast Cancer Research Foundation NSF National Science Foundation THRASHER Thrasher Foundation NZDB New Zealand Dairy Board TNC-ASIA The Nature Conservancy OPA Office of Population Affairs TROWE T Rowe Price OPHS Office of Public Health and Science TUMC Tulane University Medical Center ORTHOMCN Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals TWB The World Bank OSEL Osel, Inc. Biopharmaceutical UA University of Arizona PACINST Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation UCAL University of California PACKARD David and Lucile Packard Foundation UCUOA Court of the University of Aberdeen PAHO Pan American Health Organization UF University of Florida PBA Prevent Blindness America UI Urban Institute PCF Prostate Cancer Foundation UM University of Maryland Appendix VI.1 iv Sponsored Research Key to Funding Agencies PFIZERF Pfizer, Inc. UMAB University of Maryland at Baltimore UMASS University of Massachusetts VAXGEN Vaxgen, Inc. UMICH University of Michigan VITAL Vital Corp UNC University of North Carolina VMRF Veterans Medical Research Foundation UNICEF UNICEF VOLVO Volvo Research and Educational Foundation UNIVWASH University of Washington WAL Wyeth-Ayerst Labs UOI University of Illinois WBG World Bank Group UOP University of Pennsylvania WCRFI World Cancer Research Foundation International UOT University of Toronto WELLCOME Wellcome Trust UP University of Pittsburgh WFHF William and Flora Hewlett Foundation USAID US Agency for International Development WHO World Health Organization USAMRMC US Army Medical Research and Material Command WMAT White Mountain Apache Tribe USDA US Department of Agriculture WORLDVIS World Vision USIP US Institute of Peace WR World Relief USU Utah State University WTGRANT W T Grant Foundation UT University of Tennessee WU Washington University UTSWMC University Texas Southwestern Medical Center WYETH Wyeth UTX University of Texas Appendix VI.1 v Sponsored Research Key Department Project Type Grant/Contracts Biostat Biostatistics O Other C Contract BMB Biochemistry and Molecular Biology R Research CA Co-operative Agreement CCP Center for Communication Programs T Training G Grant Dean Dean’s Office S Sub-award EHS Environmental Health Sciences New/Renewal U Unknown Epi Epidemiology A Allocation HBS Health, Behavior and Society NP New Proposal HPM Health Policy and Management RN Renewal ID Interdepartmental RV Revision IH International Health S Supplement MH Mental Health MMI Molecular Microbiology and Immunology PFHS Population and Family Health Sciences Appendix VI.1 vi Principal Investigator Project Starting Date Department Funding Agency or Organization Project Type Grant/Contract New/Renewal Sponsored Research Broman, Karl Portable Software For Mapping Quantitative Traits 9/24/2004 Biostat UT R G NP 9,298 5,904 15,202 Broman, Karl Statistical Methods And Software For Qtl Mapping 6/1/2005 Biostat NIGMS R G RV 937,000 311,627 1,248,627 Brookmeyer, Ronald T. Rowe Price Mph Fellowship 7/1/2004 Biostat TROWE T G NP 160,000 - 160,000 Dominici, Francesca Statistical Methods For Environmental Epi 5/26/2003 Biostat NIH R G NP 1,400,404 728,687 2,129,091 Frangakis, Constantine Statistical Methods For Partially Controlled Studies 5/1/2002 Biostat NEI R G RV 700,000 275,484 975,484 Irizarry, Rafael Nimblegen 10/1/2004 Biostat NIMBLE R G NP 16,000 - 16,000 Liang, Kung-Yee Statistical Methods For Genetic Epi 12/1/2001 Biostat NIGMS R G RN 614,250 390,048 1,004,298 Louis, Thomas Hierarchical Models In Health Services Research 9/26/2002 Biostat NIDDK R G NP 369,000 107,011 476,011 Louis, Thomas The 'Oversight Committee' For The Evaluation Of The Metabolic Complications Of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (Haart) Project 6/1/2004 Biostat VMRF R G NP 97,737 62,063 159,800 Louis, Thomas Pre-Doctoral Training In Environmental Biostatistics 7/12/2004 Biostat NIEHS T G NP 739,797 31,890 771,687 Louis, Thomas Statistical Methods For The U.S. Renal Data System Ruczinski, Ingo Adaptive Function Estimation For Genomic Data Scharfstein, Daniel Direct Costs Indirect Costs Total Amount 7/1/2003 Biostat MMF R S NP 115,489 71,591 187,080 9/30/2003 Biostat FHCRC R S NP 64,666 40,952 105,618 Bayesian Methods For Longitudinal Studies With Drop-Out 3/1/2004 Biostat UF R S NP 23,074 14,651 37,725 Zeger, Scott Mental Retardation Research Center 8/1/2003 Biostat KIHC R S RN 118,141 60,735 178,876 Zeger, Scott Biostatistics MH/Psychiatry Training Program 7/1/2004 Biostat NIMH T G RV 665,120 29,245 694,365 Bender, Judith Functional Genomics Of Chromatin: Global Control Of Plant Gene Expression 9/1/1999 BMB UA R S RV 580,498 369,851 950,349 Brown, Terry Effects Of Aging On Prostate Structure And Function 5/1/2003 BMB NIA R G NP 1,125,000 714,375 1,839,375 Cooper, Eric Regulation And Proteomics Of Polyubiquitin Signaling 8/1/2005 BMB NRSA R G NP 42,068 - 42,068 Evans, Janice Cell Adhesion Molecules Of Mammalian Fertilization Evans, Janice The Membrane Block To Polyspermy In Mammalian Eggs Evans, Janice Grote, Eric 2/1/2004 BMB NICHD R G RN 1,125,000 714,375 1,839,375 4/20/2005 BMB NIH R G RV 837,500 532,441 1,369,941 Egg Activation And Prevention Of Polyspermy In Normal And Post-Ovulatory Aged Eggs 6/1/2004 BMB MOD R G NP 214,310 21,431 235,741 Cell Fusion Of Mating Yeast 7/1/2005 BMB ACS R G RV 600,000 120,000 720,000 Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 1 Department Funding Agency or Organization Project Type Grant/Contract New/Renewal Sponsored Research Direct Costs 7/1/2004 BMB NIGMS R G NP 408,419 232,168 640,587 10/1/2003 BMB RITAALEN R G NP 100,000 - 100,000 Undergraduate Biological Sciences Education Program 9/1/2004 BMB HHMI O G A 500 - 500 Kielkopf, Clara Molecular Recognition During Pre-Mrna Splicing 7/1/2004 BMB NIGMS R G NP 907,694 561,440 1,469,134 Kielkopf, Clara Structural Mechanisms Of Small Molecule Mbd2-Antagonists For Prostate Cancer Therapy 1/1/2005 BMB PCF R G NP 100,000 - 100,000 Kielkopf, Clara Structural Basis Of Normal And Aberrant Pre-Mrna Splice Site Recognition During Carcinogenesis 7/1/2004 BMB KIMMEL R G NP 173,913 26,087 200,000 Kielkopf, Clara RNA Splice Site Control By U2af 2/1/2004 BMB MOD R G NP 136,364 13,636 150,000 Krag, Sharon Improved Electronic Work Process/Data Systems 9/1/2003 BMB NIH R G A 83,333 - 83,333 Krag, Sharon Graduate Fellowship Support For Carmen Carrillo 9/1/2004 BMB NSF T G A 40,500 - 40,500 Krag, Sharon Graduate Fellowship Support For Ani Manichaikul Under Dr. Karen Bandeen-Roche 9/1/2004 BMB NSF T G A 40,500 - 40,500 Levin, David Rin1, A Novel Ras-Inhibitory Protein In Yeast 6/1/2003 BMB NIGMS R G NP 661,496 404,489 1,065,985 Levin, David The Role Of Protein Kinase C In Yeast Growth Control 9/1/2000 BMB NIGMS R G RN 800,000 508,833 1,308,833 Matunis, Michael Regulation And Function Of Sumo-1 Protein Modification 3/1/2000 BMB NIGMS R G NP 792,000 489,977 1,281,977 Matunis, Michael Molecular Basis In Triple A Syndrome: The Role Of Nucleocytoplasmic Transport 6/1/2004 BMB MOD R G NP 184,731 18,474 203,205 Mcmacken, Roger Training In Areas Fundamental To Cancer Research 9/1/1999 BMB NCI T G RN 2,555,678 130,316 2,685,994 Mcmacken, Roger Mechanisms Of Action Of Pre-Replicative Complexes 7/1/2005 BMB NIGMS R G RV 187,500 118,125 305,625 Miller, Paul Repair Of Interstrand Cross-Linked Synthetic DNA 3/1/2003 BMB NCI R G RN 1,586,401 522,098 2,108,499 Miller, Paul Antihiv Oligonucleotides With Reactive Functional Groups 7/1/2004 BMB NIGMS R G RV 715,500 424,455 1,139,955 Miller, Paul Orthogonal Strategies For Specific Knockout Production 3/1/2003 BMB MMCTR R C NP 163,302 103,698 267,000 Miller, Paul Mechanism Of Action Of G3139 4/1/2004 BMB MMCTR R S NP 117,972 74,912 192,884 Pickart, Cecile Proteolytic Signaling By Polyubiquitin Chains 1/1/2003 BMB NIDDK R G RN 871,380 358,140 1,229,520 Pickart, Cecile DNA Repair Signaling By Novel Polyubiquintin Chains 4/1/2004 BMB NIGMS R G RN 840,000 533,400 1,373,400 Principal Investigator Project Hanakahi, Leslyn Molecular Mechanisms Of Nhej In Mamalian Cells Hanakahi, Leslyn Rita Allen Foundation Scholarship Award Hanakahi, Leslyn Starting Date Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 Indirect Costs Total Amount 2 BMB DOD T New/Renewal 3/22/2004 Grant/Contract Starting Date Project Type Project Funding Agency or Organization Principal Investigator Department Sponsored Research Direct Costs Indirect Costs Total Amount G NP 83,334 6,666 90,000 Pledgie, Allison Role Of Polyamine Oxidase (Paoh1/Smo) In Human Breast Cancer Salerno, Brenda Minority Pre-Doctoral Fellowship Program 9/1/2004 BMB NCI R G NP 87,072 - 87,072 Wright, William Stage-Specific Germ Cell-Sertoli Cell Interactions 4/1/2003 BMB NICHD R G NP 1,012,500 642,940 1,655,440 Zirkin, Barry Intratesticular Testosterone And Spermatogenesis In Man 2/1/2004 BMB NICHD R G NP 1,039,265 659,933 1,699,198 Zirkin, Barry Undergraduate Biological Sciences Education Program 9/1/2003 BMB HHMI O G A Zirkin, Barry Aging And Leydig Cell Function 9/1/2002 BMB NIA R G NP Zirkin, Barry Multidisciplinary Training In The Reproductive Sciences 7/21/2000 BMB NICHD T G RN 714,464 40,320 754,784 Bertrand, Jane Healthy Russia 2020 10/1/2002 CCP USAID O CA NP 7,323,992 2,355,865 9,679,857 Bertrand, Jane Information And Knowledge For Optimal Health (Info) Project 9/23/2002 CCP USAID O CA NP 7,973,600 4,493,400 2,467,000 Bertrand, Jane Global Communication Project (Renamed Global Communication Partnership) 7/26/2002 CCP USAID O CA NP 48,251,381 20,570,229 68,821,610 Bertrand, Jane Nepal Family Health Program (Nfhp) 12/12/2001 CCP JSI O S RV 1,483,100 477,051 1,960,151 Bertrand, Jane Communities Responding To The HIV/AUDS Epidemic (Core) Initiative 11/15/2002 CCP CARE O CA NP 880,312 283,434 1,163,746 Bertrand, Jane Ta For Ifps Ii In India 5/31/2005 CCP FUTURES O C NP 10,000 - 10,000 Bertrand, Jane Community-Based Intervention 2/1/2004 CCP BCHD O S NP 188,000 18,800 206,800 Bertrand, Jane Basic Human Services Safe Water Systems- Indonesia 2/17/2005 CCP USAID O CA NP 2,033,898 366,102 2,400,000 Bertrand, Jane Bangladesh Ngo Service Delivery Program 10/1/2003 CCP BCCP O CA NP 151,496 48,479 199,975 Bertrand, Jane Reclaiming Water Use And Recycling For Industry, Agriculture And Landscaping 10/15/2004 CCP CDMGRP O S NP 256,844 46,232 303,076 Bertrand, Jane Supporting Zambia’s Multi-Sectoral Response To HIV/AIDS 5/1/2004 CCP HLSPC O S NP 384,245 72,237 456,482 Bertrand, Jane In Support Of The Baltimore Aids Video Project 12/19/2003 CCP ZIKF O G NP 10,000 - 10,000 Bertrand, Jane Nigeria/Packard/Listen Up! Phase Ii 10/2/2003 CCP PACKARD O G RN 391,304 58,696 450,000 Bertrand, Jane Measure Phase Ii Dhst 9/30/2003 CCP MACRO O S NP 4,973,880 593,521 5,567,401 Bertrand, Jane Percmon Training At Seacmpa (Tnc) 11/25/2004 CCP TNC-ASIA O C NP 11,645 2,189 13,834 Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 1,000 - 1,000 985,744 625,947 1,611,691 3 New/Renewal Total Amount CA NP 7,343,235 1,104,582 8,447,817 NP 410,247 30,044 440,291 G NP 80,000 4,000 84,000 O CA NP 4,125,344 1,269,851 5,395,195 O S NP 1,633,522 201,341 1,834,863 MSH O S NP 1,599,768 271,866 1,871,634 WFHF O G NP 159,394 60,605 219,999 CCP JSI O C RV 2,872,037 593,268 3,465,305 CCP WORLDVIS O S NP 70,481 13,250 83,731 10/1/2004 CCP CIDRZ O C NP 37,815 7,109 44,924 Improved Health Status For All Jordanians 7/1/2004 CCP USAID O C RV 0,457,767 1,174,572 1,632,339 National Youth Reproductive And Sexual Health/Behavior Change Communication 7/1/2004 CCP USAID O C NP 2,328,701 171,299 2,500,000 Bertrand, Jane Life Savings Partnership: Increasing Access To HIV/Aids Prevention Services Through Village Banking 3/1/2005 CCP FINCA O S NP 4,545 455 5,000 Bertrand, Jane Haiti Healthier Families Of Desired Size (Hhfds) Project 10/1/2004 CCP MSH O CA NP 662,076 79,449 741,525 Bertrand, Jane Zambia Associate Award 8/25/2004 CCP USAID O CA NP 6,936,312 1,283,688 8,220,000 Bertrand, Jane HIV/Aids Prevention Through Abstinence And Health Choices For Youth (Ark) 2/4/2005 CCP WORLDVIS O CA NP 254,873 45,127 300,000 Piotrow, Phyllis Perinatal HIV Prevention Communication Campaign 4/1/2000 CCP UMAB O S NP 1,480,480 476,715 1,957,195 Piotrow, Phyllis Sustaining Technical Achievement In Reproductive Health/Family Planning 8/22/2000 CCP USAID O CA NP 8,224,067 7,125,933 5,350,000 Piotrow, Phyllis Partnership For Transforming Health Services (Paths) - Nigeria 1/1/2002 CCP HLSPC O S NP 1,721,737 411,730 2,133,467 Sommer, Alfred Advancing Blindness Prevention 1/1/2003 Dean HILTON O G NP 246,249 - 246,249 Adkinson, Franklin Graduate Training Program In Clinical Investigation 9/15/2003 EHS DRR T G NP 3,357,854 114,279 3,472,133 Starting Date Project Type Indirect Costs Project Funding Agency or Organization Direct Costs Principal Investigator Department Grant/Contract Sponsored Research Bertrand, Jane Communication For Healthy Living - Egypt 7/15/2003 CCP USAID O Bertrand, Jane USAID/Mali Increased Utilization Of High Impact Services 10/1/2003 CCP ABT O CA Bertrand, Jane Baltimore Aids Video Project 7/1/2003 CCP MWFDN O Bertrand, Jane Reducing High Risk Among Malawians 7/1/2003 CCP USAID Bertrand, Jane Cercle Level Health Program In Mali 8/1/2003 CCP CARE Bertrand, Jane Prism Family Planning And Health Activities in Guinea-Phase II 1/1/2003 CCP Bertrand, Jane Hewlett Advocacy And Media Relations 1/1/2003 CCP Bertrand, Jane Nepal Family Health Program (Nfhp) 12/12/2001 Bertrand, Jane Increased Use Of Child Survival And Reproductive Health Services In Target Areas Of Mozambique 2/1/2005 Bertrand, Jane Technical Assistance On Strategic Behavior Change Communication Bertrand, Jane Bertrand, Jane Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 4 New/Renewal Total Amount G NP 280,854 5,574,237 5,855,091 RN 7,562,889 397,020 7,959,909 G RV 536,204 336,886 873,090 R G NP 400,000 34,000 434,000 R G NP 1,250,000 796,250 2,046,250 BCHO O S NP 129,403 15,597 145,000 EHS NIEHS T G RN 129,684 10,374 140,058 EHS NIOSH R G NP 20,000 5,000 25,000 10/4/2003 EHS BRT R C NP 70,503 27,389 97,892 12/5/2002 EHS NIEHS R G RN 875,000 555,625 1,430,625 Genetic Determinants Of Oxygen Toxicity 8/1/2005 EHS NIGMS R G RN 210,000 132,388 342,388 Intracellular Pathways Of Copper Trafficking 8/1/1997 EHS NIEHS R G NP 1,167,502 705,431 1,872,933 9/30/2003 EHS NHLBI R G RN 1,250,000 793,750 2,043,750 7/1/1997 EHS NHLBI T G RN 4,997,536 322,672 5,320,208 1/1/2003 EHS KASCT O G NP 28,200 2,820 31,020 2/23/2005 EHS DDHHS O C RN 18,636 1,364 20,000 Contract For Consultant Services 3/1/2005 EHS CFEC O C NP 6,479 518 6,997 Johns Hopkins Center In Urban Environmental Health 4/3/1998 EHS NIEHS R G RV 9,083,746 5,500,361 4,584,107 Peripheral Benzodiazephine Receptor: An In vivo Biomarker Of Parkinson's Disease 12/1/2002 EHS MJFFPR R G NP 463,000 - 463,000 Guilarte, Tomas Nmda Receptors For Function In Lead Neurotoxicity 9/12/2003 EHS NIEHS R G RN 1,325,369 750,162 2,075,531 Guilarte, Tomas Molecular & Behavioral Effects Of Low Level Mn Exposure 2/18/2002 EHS NIEHS R G NP 4,079,867 1,350,719 5,430,586 Howley, Janna Regional Organizing Initiatives For Community Food Security 12/1/2004 EHS CFSC O S NP 50,000 - 50,000 Project Type Indirect Costs Funding Agency or Organization Direct Costs Starting Date Department Grant/Contract Sponsored Research A Prospective Study Of Stress In Army Reservists 6/1/2000 EHS DOD R Occupational Health Education And Research Center 7/1/2002 EHS NIOSH T G Baidoo, Kwamena Bombesin Analogues For Cancer Diagnosis And Therapy 3/1/2003 EHS NCI R Biswal, Shyam Lung Cancer Susceptibility And Chemoprevention 7/1/2002 EHS FAMRI Biswal, Shyam Modifier Role Of Nrf2 In Lung Injury And Emphysema 7/1/2005 EHS NHLBI Breysse, Patrick Viability Of Erwinia And Generation And Analysis Methods Of Viruses 7/1/2005 EHS Buckley, Timothy Short-Term Research Training For Minority Students 4/1/2001 Buckley, Timothy Field Survey To Assess The Performance Of Chemical Protective Clothing 8/25/2004 Buckley, Timothy Identify Methods To Assess Viability Of Pantoea Aggiomerans (Pa)& Possible Recovery From Non-Culturable To Culturability Culotta, Valeria Intracellular Pathways Of Manganese Trafficking Culotta, Valeria Culotta, Valeria Fitzgerald, Robert Chemotransduction In The Carotid Body Garcia, Joe Multidisciplinary Training Program In Lung Disease Goldberg, Alan Johns Hopkins Center For Alternatives To Animal Testing: Altweb, The Alternatives To Animal Testing Web Site Goldman, Lynn Midatlantic Health Leadership Institute Goldman, Lynn Groopman, John Guilarte, Tomas Principal Investigator Project Agnew, Jacqueline Agnew, Jacqueline Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 5 Department Funding Agency or Organization Project Type Grant/Contract New/Renewal Sponsored Research Direct Costs Jacangelo, Joe Natural Organic Matter Fouling Of Low Pressure Membrane Systems 1/15/2004 EHS CH2MH R C NP 72,000 18,000 90,000 Kensler, Thomas Chemopreventive Efficacy Of Broccoli Sprouts 6/13/2003 EHS NCI R G NP 450,000 256,902 706,902 Kensler, Thomas Molecular Mechanisms Of Chemoprevention:Dithiolethiones Kensler, Thomas Role Of Enzyme Induction In Cancer Chemoprevention Kwak, Mi-Kyoung Protection By Induction Of Libiquitin-Proteasome Systems Lees, Peter Exposure And Medical Surveillance Program For The Pentagon In The Aftermath Of 9-11-01 Lees, Peter Antineoplastic Drug Exposure: Effectiveness Of Guidelines Lein, Pamela Retrograde Dystophic Influences Of Ifn On Neurons Links, Jonathan Links, Jonathan Principal Investigator Project Starting Date Indirect Costs Total Amount 2/1/2004 EHS NCI R G RN 2,109,604 519,456 2,629,060 12/21/2001 EHS NCI R G NP 1,250,000 793,750 2,043,750 9/1/2004 EHS NIDDK R G NP 222,750 136,303 359,053 5/15/2002 EHS DOD O G RV 1,109,003 377,393 1,486,396 9/24/2001 EHS UM R S NP 182,469 87,662 270,131 7/16/2003 EHS UOP R S NP 805,071 - 805,071 Comprehensive Validation Of Cardiac Spect Reconstruction 2/1/2002 EHS NHLBI R G NP 1,112,040 449,118 1,561,158 Johns Hopkins Center For Public Health Preparedness 9/1/2004 EHS ASPH T G NP 1,126,079 - 1,126,079 Mitchell, Clifford Medical Support Services 7/1/1999 EHS MDDLI O C NP 256,017 - 256,017 Mitzner, Wayne Mechanism Of Inflammation-Induced Airway Hyperreactivity 9/1/1999 EHS NHLBI R G RN 4,889,008 2,926,765 7,815,773 Mitzner, Wayne Pathophysiologic Consequences Of Lung Distension 4/1/2005 EHS NHLBI R G RV 1,111,086 693,166 1,804,252 Mitzner, Wayne New Approach For The Treatment Of Asthma 9/30/2001 EHS NHLBI R G RV 3,176,662 849,624 4,026,286 Pothireddy, Sekhar The Role And Biology Of Fra-1 In Lung Injury And Repair 9/15/2002 EHS NIEHS R G NP 980,719 599,897 1,580,616 Pothireddy, Sekhar A Genetic Model Of Hyperoxic Lung Injury: Role Of Nrf2 2/1/2001 EHS NHLBI R G NP 900,000 554,941 1,454,941 Schwab, Kellogg Assessment Of Calcivirus Survival In Surface Water And Subsurface Water 4/1/2004 EHS EPA O C NP 344,603 55,397 400,000 Schwartz, Brian Development Of A Medical Surveillance Program For Former Los Alamos National Laboratory Workers 12/15/1997 EHS DOE R CA RV 3,729,591 850,295 4,579,886 Shirahata, Machiko Modulation Of Voltage - Gated K Channels In Glomus Cells 9/1/2003 EHS NHLBI R G RV 600,000 381,000 981,000 Silbergeld, Ellen Inter-Institutional Agreement With Environmental Defense 1/1/2002 EHS END O C NP 96,280 - 96,280 Spannhake, Ernst Bronchial Epithelial Cell Costimulation Of Cd4+T Cells 4/1/2004 EHS NIAID R G NP 400,000 254,000 654,000 Tankersley, Clarke Particle - Induced Cardiac Effects In Snescent Mice 1/1/2004 EHS NIH R G NP 1,000,000 630,238 1,630,238 Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 6 Starting Date Department Funding Agency or Organization Project Type Grant/Contract New/Renewal Sponsored Research Elmer A. Henderson Elementary School Garden Project 9/1/2000 EHS ABELL O G NP 5,000 - 5,000 Toxicant-Induced Nuclear Translocation Of Thioredoxin 9/8/2003 EHS NIEHS R G NP 300,000 23,520 323,520 Environmental And Genetic Risk Factors For Renal Function Decline 7/24/2003 EHS NIEHS R G RV 1,708,279 877,306 2,585,585 Weaver, Virginia Renal Effects Of Lead 5/18/2005 EHS EPA O C NP 29,274 9,426 38,700 Yager, James Training Program In EHS 7/1/2003 EHS NIEHS T G RN 5,397,511 307,681 5,705,192 Yager, James Public Health Traineeship 7/1/2002 EHS HRSA T G NP 594,607 - 594,607 Yager, James Open Courseware Yager, James Catchol-O-Methyltransferase And Breast Cancer Yang, Mei Metal Selectivity Of Manganese Superoxide Dismutase Alberg, Anthony Diet And Cancer Review Center Alberg, Anthony DNA Repair, Skin Cancer, And Overall Cancer Risk Alexander, Miriam Johns Hopkins University Public Health Training Center: An Alliance To Train The Public Health Workforce Appel, Lawrence Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (Cric) Study Appel, Lawrence Armenian, Haroutune Principal Investigator Project Walker, Polly Watson, Walter Weaver, Virginia Direct Costs Indirect Costs Total Amount 9/1/2004 EHS WFHF T G NP 377,685 37,768 415,453 9/21/2004 EHS NCI R G RN 600,604 209,352 809,956 4/1/2005 EHS NIH R G NP 48,296 - 48,296 1/1/2004 Epi WCRFI R C NP 301,972 45,296 347,268 5/25/2005 Epi NCI R G RV 1,568,553 544,895 2,113,448 9/30/2001 Epi HRSA T CA NP 1,502,694 130,094 1,632,788 9/28/2001 Epi NIDDK R G NP 4,281,187 611,808 4,892,995 Lennox Hill Aask Transfer Agreement 7/1/2002 Epi LHH R C NP 256,386 25,639 282,025 Technical Assistance Agreement 1/1/1997 Epi AUAC O C NP 1,208,804 - 1,208,804 Armenian, Haroutune Development Of Graduate Program Of Public Health 9/1/1994 Epi AUAC O C NP 611,679 - 611,679 Astor, Brad Prospective Study Of Atherosclerosis, Clinical Cardiovascular Disease, And Long-Term Exposure To Ambient Matter And Other Air Pollutants 8/1/2004 Epi UNIVWASH R S NP 398,982 203,165 602,147 Bass, Eric Epc Report: Recruitment Of Medically Underserved Populations To Clinical Trials 12/5/2003 Epi AHRQ R C NP 189,380 60,602 249,982 Beaty, Terri Nutrient Biomarkers, Genes And Orofacial Clefts 6/23/2000 Epi USU R S NP 83,840 53,340 137,180 Beaty, Terri International Genetic Epi Of Oral Clefts 3/3/2004 Epi NIDR R G RV 1,995,708 714,462 2,710,170 Beaty, Terri Genetic Control Of Susceptibility To Schistosomiasis And Its Potential Modulation Of Asthma Severity In Bahia, Brazil 8/1/2002 Epi GSK R C NP 24,000 3,120 27,120 Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 7 New/Renewal Total Amount G RV 1,113,229 244,267 1,357,496 RN 5,776,397 387,689 6,164,086 G NP 59,000 - 59,000 O C RV 128,207 74,913 203,120 FOGARTY T G RN 4,522,989 298,949 4,821,938 MERCK R C NP 1,141,164 228,233 1,369,397 Epi NIMH R G NP 5,032,827 1,048,515 6,081,342 9/30/2004 Epi NIMH R G RN 4,170,570 1,309,838 5,480,408 10/1/2000 Epi FHI R C NP 1,959,490 901,902 2,861,392 4/1/2002 Epi MERCK R C NP 161,450 27,400 188,850 9/30/2001 Epi NIDA R G NP 2,833,942 618,129 3,452,071 7/1/2003 Epi BAXTER R G NP 130,434 19,566 150,000 7/1/2005 Epi NHLBI R G RN 2,554,907 138,972 2,693,879 9/15/2004 Epi UTX R S RV 974,107 225,774 1,199,881 5/15/2004 Epi NIDDK R G NP 359,556 196,148 555,704 1/1/2000 Epi NHLBI R C RV 1,939,280 1,048,074 2,987,354 Risk Factors For Cardiovascular Disease In A Dialysis Cohort 9/1/2000 Epi NHLBI R G RV 1,571,430 792,900 2,364,330 Coresh, Josef Candidate Genes For Cardiovascular Disease Incidence In A Cohort Of Dialysis Patients 1/1/2001 Epi AHA R G NP 272,728 27,272 300,000 Crum, Rosa A Prospective Study Of Alcohol Intake, Genetic Susceptibility And Breast Cancer Overall Health Risks 5/1/2005 Epi SGKF R G NP 99,909 24,977 124,886 Starting Date Project Type Indirect Costs Project Funding Agency or Organization Direct Costs Principal Investigator Department Grant/Contract Sponsored Research Beyrer, Christopher Risk For HIV And STIs Among Moscow Sex Workers 9/30/2002 Epi NIDA R Beyrer, Christopher Fogarty Aids International Training & Research Program (Aitrp) 9/23/2003 Epi FOGARTY T G Beyrer, Christopher Center For Public Health And Human Rights-Aizhixing Institute Of Health Education 1/1/2005 Epi LEVI O Beyrer, Christopher Aids And Cancer Specimen Bank 12/1/2002 Epi GWU Beyrer, Christopher International Training Grants In Epi Of Aids 9/21/1993 Epi Celentano, David Incidence And Prevalence Of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Grades 2 And 3 Or Invasive Cervical Cancer (Cin 2/3) And Hpv ... (Prospective) 7/30/2002 Epi Celentano, David Community-Based VCT: Thailand 9/30/2003 Celentano, David NIMH Collaborative HIV/STD Prevention Trial -- India Celentano, David Hormonal Contraception And The Risk Of HIV Acquisition Celentano, David Incidence And Prevalence Of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Grades 2 And 3 Or Invasive Cervical Cancer (Cin 2/3) And Hpv ... (Retrospective) Celentano, David Reducing Youth Drug-Related HIV/Std Risk In Thailand Coresh, Josef Prospective Study Of Inflammatory Markers And Genes As Predictors Of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease In Dialysis Patients Coresh, Josef Cardiovascular Epi Institutional Training Coresh, Josef Atherosclerosis, Plaque And CVD in Communities ARIC visit 5 Coresh, Josef Refining Estimates Of Kidney Function In The U.S. Coresh, Josef Atherosclerosis Risk In Communities (ARIC) Study Morbidity/Mortality Follow-Up - Field Center Coresh, Josef Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 8 New/Renewal G RV 180,000 113,400 293,400 RV 4,198,295 831,851 5,030,146 G NP 893,198 377,002 1,270,200 R G NP 1,702,215 431,545 2,133,760 NHLBI R C RV 905,595 578,788 1,484,383 Starting Date Project Type Indirect Costs Project Funding Agency or Organization Direct Costs Principal Investigator Department Grant/Contract Sponsored Research Crum, Rosa Internalizing Symptoms And Alcohol Involvement 7/15/2005 Epi NIAAA R Fallin, Margaret Genetic Risk Factors For Alzheimer’s Disease Among African Americans 9/16/2003 Epi NIA R G Farzadegan, Homayoon Epi Of HIV Resistance 9/30/2000 Epi NIDA R Ford, Jean Baltimore Asthma Severity Study (Bass) 9/30/2002 Epi NHLBI Fried, Linda The Cardiovascular Health Study, Morbidity & Mortality FollowUp Field Center 6/1/1999 Epi Fried, Linda Epi And Biostatistics Of Aging Gange, Stephen Women’s Interagency HIV Study Iii Gary, Tiffany CDC IPA Go, Vivian HIV/STD Network Prevention Trial In Northern Vietnam Gordis, Leon Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program- Cohort 20042006 Gravitt, Patti Sexually Transmitted Infections And HPV Epi Guadamuz, Thomas Minority Predoctoral Fellowship Guallar, Eliseo Guallar, Eliseo Guallar, Eliseo Mercury, Arsenic And Carotid Atherosclerosis Guallar, Eliseo Mercury, Fish Oils And Risk Of Myocardial Infarction Holbrook, Janet Total Amount 7/1/2001 Epi NIA T G RN 2,029,230 110,984 2,140,214 3/15/2003 Epi NIAID R CA RN 6,054,750 3,627,201 9,681,951 12/17/2003 Epi CDC O IPA RN 45,696 - 45,696 9/30/2001 Epi NIMH R G NP 1,262,443 568,099 1,830,542 7/1/2004 Epi RWJF R G RN 756,881 68,119 825,000 9/23/2004 Epi UTX R S NP 15,098 9,587 24,685 5/3/2005 Epi NIAID T G NP 155,489 - 155,489 Heavy Metals, Obesity And Cardiovascular Risk 9/30/2001 Epi NHLBI R G NP 890,309 565,346 1,455,655 Heavy Metals, Obesity And Cardiovascular Risk 9/1/2003 Epi NIDDK R G NP 531,485 336,581 868,066 9/13/2004 Epi NHLBI R G NP 971,684 513,885 1,485,569 1/1/2002 Epi AHA R G NP 236,364 23,636 260,000 Multi-Center Uveitis Steroid Treatment (Must) Trial 7/15/2004 Epi NEI R G RV 1,185,802 2,554,672 3,740,474 Jacobson, Lisa Cytotoxic T Cell Responses To Hhv-8 1/16/2003 Epi UP R S NP 60,786 37,322 98,108 Jacobson, Lisa Center For Coordination, Analysis And Management Of Macs 4/15/2004 Epi NIAID R CA RN 8,824,062 4,792,085 3,616,147 Kanchanaraksa, Sukon Development Of A Professional Epi Training Program In Spanish 6/1/2001 Epi PAHO T G NP 368,000 - 368,000 Kao, Wen Genetic Epi Of Nafld And T2dm 3/15/2005 Epi NIDDK R G NP 593,928 47,512 641,440 Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 9 New/Renewal G NP 394,999 248,849 643,848 RV 2,429,478 684,178 3,113,656 G NP 1,140,905 241,633 1,382,538 R G NP 250,000 106,872 356,872 R G NP 1,326,829 792,835 2,119,664 Project Type Indirect Costs Funding Agency or Organization Direct Costs Starting Date Department Grant/Contract Sponsored Research Identification Of Genes For Esrd In African Americans 8/1/2005 Epi NIH R HIV, Cocaine And Regional Lv Dysfunction 8/1/2002 Epi NIDA R G Lai, Shenghan HIV, Cocaine And Regional Lv Dysfunction 7/1/2005 Epi NIDA R Lai, Shenghan Subclinical Atherosclerosis In HIV And Black Cocaine Users 9/1/2003 Epi NIDA Lai, Shenghan Subclinical Atherosclerosis In HIV And Black Cocaine Users 9/1/1999 Epi NIDA Martin, Barbara Depression In Alzheimer’s Disease - Ii Matanoski, Genevieve The Operation And Management Of The District Of Columbia Cancer Registry Data Management System Matson, Pamela Mehta, Shruti Principal Investigator Project Kao, Wen Lai, Shenghan Total Amount 6/5/2003 Epi NIMH R G NP 979,127 621,746 1,600,873 10/14/2004 Epi DCDH O C NP 224,657 22,466 247,123 Marijuana Use And HIV Risk In African American Girls 7/1/2005 Epi NIDA T G NP 109,342 - 109,342 Incidence Of HIV Infection In A Cohort Of Iv Drug Users 9/1/2002 Epi NIDA R G RN 2,372,906 779,374 3,152,280 Meinert, Curtis Prevention Of Alzheimer Dementia And Cognitive Decline 3/1/2002 Epi UNIVWASH R S NP 1,800,972 1,137,860 2,938,832 Meinert, Curtis Ocular Complication Of Aids 8/1/2003 Epi NEI R G RN 0,309,116 4,242,319 4,551,435 Meinert, Curtis Clinical Trials Training Program In Vision Research 7/1/2001 Epi NEI T G RN 3,116,039 206,279 3,322,318 Miller, Edgar Aask Cohort Study 7/1/2003 Epi NIDDK R G NP 734,557 280,638 1,015,195 Min, Yuan-I Quality Assurance And Data Integrity In Clinical Trials 9/20/2001 Epi NINDS R G NP 150,000 95,250 245,250 Munoz, Alvaro Kidney Disease In Children Data Management And Analysis Center (Kidmac) 9/30/2003 Epi NIDDK R CA NP 2,725,560 1,262,819 3,988,379 Munoz, Alvaro Biostatistics/Epi Center For The Ultram Surveillance Program Munoz, Alvaro Epi/Biostatistics Center For The Analysis Of Data From Radars Nelson, Kenrad The Epi Of Hepatitis C Infection In Thailand Nelson, Kenrad Survival Of Hiv-1 Infected Male Blood Donors & Their Infected Partners In Northern Thailand Nelson, Kenrad Nelson, Kenrad Newschaffer, Craig Center Of Excellence For Autism And Other Developmental Disabilities Epi 1/1/2003 Epi ORTHOMCN R C NP 97,806 22,383 120,189 12/10/2003 Epi PURDPHAR R C NP 186,861 34,511 221,372 9/20/1999 Epi NIAID R G NP 1,263,801 475,450 1,739,251 1/1/2000 Epi CONRAD R S NP 657,906 42,005 699,911 Epi Of Hepatitis C Infection In Georgia 6/1/2004 Epi BTEP R G NP 59,923 11,985 71,908 Epi Of Hep E Virus Infections In Bangladesh 9/1/2002 Epi NIAID R G NP 350,000 72,858 422,858 9/30/2001 Epi CDC O CA NP 3,491,304 964,302 4,455,606 Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 10 Epi CDC O 7/1/2003 Epi NAAR O New/Renewal 9/30/2000 Grant/Contract Starting Date Project Type Project Funding Agency or Organization Principal Investigator Department Sponsored Research Direct Costs Indirect Costs Total Amount CA NP 794,317 98,515 892,832 G NP 46,000 - 46,000 Newschaffer, Craig Population Based Surveillance Of Autism Spectrum Disorders And Other Developmental Disabilities Newschaffer, Craig Naar Predoctoral Fellowship Newschaffer, Craig Epidemiological Research On Autism In China 9/28/2003 Epi FOGARTY R G NP 239,347 134,951 374,298 Newschaffer, Craig Delaware Cancer Registry 5/1/2005 Epi DELDHSS O C NP 163,435 7,511 170,946 Panchanadeswaran, Subadra Post Doctoral Fellow W/The Social Intervention Group 7/1/2005 Epi COLUMBIA O C NP 38,570 - 38,570 Piantadosi, Steven Clinical Coordinating Center For Lung Volume Reduction Surgery For Emphysema: A Multi-Center Assessment And Prospective Patient Registry 12/20/1996 Epi NHLBI R C RV 7,241,460 4,413,184 11,654,644 Platz, Elizabeth Genes Involved In Oxidation And Prostate Cancer Progression 4/1/2003 Epi USAMRMC R G NP 222,195 97,787 319,982 Platz, Elizabeth Telomere Length As A Predictor Of Aggressive Prostate Cancer 11/1/2004 Epi DOD R G NP 360,357 228,828 589,185 Platz, Elizabeth Institutional Research Cancer Epi Fellowship 4/22/1999 Epi NCI T G RN 2,062,049 114,565 2,176,614 Poundstone, Katharine A Dynamic Multilevel Analysis Of Substance Use And HIV 6/5/2003 Epi NIDA T G NP 100,000 8,000 108,000 Powe, Neil Kidney Transplantation Fellowship 7/1/2004 Epi KFC O G NP 166,500 - 166,500 Punjabi, Naresh The Sleep Heart Health Study 9/24/2004 Epi NHLBI R G RN 324,507 69,958 394,465 Samet, Jonathan Epi And Intervention Research For Tobacco Control 9/30/2002 Epi NHLBI R G NP 1,751,296 785,078 2,536,374 Samet, Jonathan Surgeon General’s Report On Passive Smoking And Health 11/1/2001 Epi CYGNUS O C NP 96,347 30,832 127,179 Samet, Jonathan Nci Task Order: Global Tobacco Research Network 1/13/2003 Epi BCPH O S RV 295,715 94,628 390,343 Samet, Jonathan Nsaid Database Investigation Samet, Jonathan Deposition And Trial Testimony Analysis (Datta) Project Samet, Jonathan Bards Fellowship Application To Merck Foundation Samet, Jonathan Biomarkers Of Endocrine Disruption In Humans And Wildlife Samet, Jonathan Coordinating Center For Sleep Heart Health Samet, Jonathan Federal Trade Commission Consulting Samet, Jonathan Saudi Health Claim 7/1/2005 Epi RKMC O C NP 39,032 12,568 51,600 7/20/2004 Epi CTUPR R S NP 393 127 520 9/1/2004 Epi MERCK T G NP 105,000 - 105,000 4/15/2004 Epi EPA O CA NP 65,899 5,272 71,171 9/30/2004 Epi NHLBI R G RN 1,070,747 656,693 1,727,440 7/1/2003 Epi FTC O C NP 7,500 - 7,500 12/1/2002 Epi ECEN R G RV 1,544,640 308,928 1,853,568 Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 11 Epi EPA R New/Renewal 2/1/2003 Grant/Contract Starting Date Project Type Project Funding Agency or Organization Principal Investigator Department Sponsored Research Direct Costs Indirect Costs Total Amount G RV 847,975 185,671 1,033,646 131,300 Samet, Jonathan Chronic And Acute Exposure To Ambient Fine Particulate Matter And Other Air Pollutants: National Cohort Studies Of Mortality And Morbidity Samet, Jonathan Radon & Health: Evidence, Policy & Politics 9/30/2001 Epi NLM R G NP 99,470 31,830 Sifakis, Frangiscos The Samhsa Study 1/1/2005 Epi MD R C NP 55,477 4,523 60,000 Stillman, Frances Vietnam Tobacco Control Surveillance And Training Program 1/1/2005 Epi APSERV R C RV 1,478,260 221,740 1,700,000 Strathdee, Steffanie Reduce Transmission Risks & Improve Hcv Treatment Access 9/15/2001 Epi NIDA R G NP 3,428,317 407,802 3,836,119 Strathdee, Steffanie Baltimore Needle Exchange Program Evaluation 4/1/2003 Epi NIDA R G RV 772,998 228,516 1,001,514 Szklo, Moyses Subclinical Cardiovascular Disease Study-Field Center 1/15/1999 Epi NHLBI R C NP 3,791,628 1,748,668 5,540,296 Szklo, Moyses Multi-Ethnic Study Of Atherosclerosis (Mesa) Carotid Imt Study 6/15/2003 Epi NEMC R G NP 108,300 27,075 135,375 Taha, Taha HIV Preventions Trials Unit Taha, Taha Zidovudine At Birth To Reduce Perinatal HIV Transmission Taha, Taha Vaccine Trials Network (Vtn) - Malawi Taha, Taha Interventional Epidemiologic Research Studies To Reduce Mother-To-Child Hiv-1 Transmission And Improve Infant Survival In Resource -Limited Countries Of High HIV-1 Seroprevalence Taha, Taha International Adult Aids Clinical Trials Technical Assistance/Capacity Building Project Tonascia, James Clinical Research Network In Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (Nash) Tonascia, James Tonascia, James 7/1/2000 Epi NIAID R G NP 7,351,631 3,093,409 0,445,040 9/24/2002 Epi FOGARTY R G NP 96,000 24,000 120,000 9/1/2002 Epi FHCRC R S NP 1,601,719 241,005 1,842,724 9/30/2003 Epi MALAWI R S NP 418,410 - 418,410 12/1/2002 Epi UNC R S NP 469,814 43,217 513,031 5/1/2002 Epi NIDDK R G NP 4,900,800 2,327,814 7,228,614 Camp Continuation Study/Phase 2 9/30/2003 Epi NHLBI R G NP 1,530,249 803,626 2,333,875 Childhood Asthma Management Program (Camp) Continuing Study 11/1/1999 Epi NHLBI R C RV 2,541,933 1,623,941 4,165,874 Visvanathan, Kala The Evaluation Of Broccoli Sprouts Tea As A Chemopreventive Agent For Breast Cancer 10/1/2004 Epi TBCRF R G NP 187,500 37,500 225,000 Visvanathan, Kala Evaluating The Efficacy Of Broccoli Sprouts Extract In Breast Cancer Chemoprevention Trials 7/1/2005 Epi AMSCO R G NP 52,500 4,200 56,700 Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 12 Department Funding Agency or Organization Project Type Grant/Contract New/Renewal Sponsored Research Direct Costs Vlahov, David Natural History Of HIV Infection In Injection Drug Users (Alive 1) 3/1/2002 Epi NIDA R G RN 4,902,024 1,684,159 6,586,183 Wise, Robert Clinical Trial Of Acid Reflux Therapy In Asthma 9/1/2003 Epi NHLBI R G NP 2,325,730 1,474,897 3,800,627 Wise, Robert The Placebo Effect In Asthma 9/27/2002 Epi NHLBI R G NP 1,765,101 917,640 2,682,741 Wise, Robert Sirna - American Lung Association Asthma Clinical Research Center’s Rhinitis And Sinusitis In Asthma 4/1/2005 Epi ALA R G NP 54,100 - 54,100 Wise, Robert Acrc - Asthma Clinical Research Center- Data Coordinating Center 7/1/2004 Epi ALA R G NP 1,500,000 - 1,500,000 Wise, Robert Pharmacogenetics Of Asthma Monotherappy 10/1/2003 Epi NEMOURS R S NP 31,517 20,013 51,530 Wise, Robert Ala - Acrc Leukotriene Modifier Of Corticosteroid Trial (Locs) 10/1/2002 Epi ALA R G NP 1,476,328 - 1,476,328 Wise, Robert Multidisciplinary Training Program In Lung Diseases 7/2/2001 Epi NHLBI T G RN 5,180,761 336,741 5,517,502 Wolfe, Nathan Retroviral Emergence Among Hunters In Central Africa 9/5/2003 Epi FOGARTY R G RN 352,275 28,182 380,457 Wolfe, Nathan Cameroon Site Development 6/1/2004 Epi HMJF O C RV 8,236,504 553,187 8,789,691 Wolfe, Nathan The Impact Of Deforestation On The Ecology Of Viral Emergence 11/15/2004 Epi NGS O G NP 19,000 - 19,000 Yao, Yin Human Epilepsy Genetics Neuronal Migration Disorders 3/15/2002 Epi BIDMC R S NP 62,830 39,708 102,538 Yao, Yin Assessing Gene-Gene Interaction Involved In Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 9/24/2004 Epi NCI R G NP 89,276 53,637 142,913 Yao, Yin Defining Common Haplotypes At Capn10, Ppar (20 And Fabp2 In 1200 Healthy Mexicans In Cuernavaca, Morelos 3/1/2004 Epi GSK R C NP 23,867 4,773 28,640 Sommer, Alfred Micronutrient Deficiency Study 8/1/2000 GSA GATES O G A 3,195,088 439,018 3,634,106 Anderson, Gerard Cross- National Comparisons Of Health Systems Quality Data, 2004 1/1/2004 HPM CF R G NP 115,341 9,687 125,028 Anderson, Gerard Cross National Comparisons Of Health Systems Quality Data, 2005 1/1/2005 HPM CF R G NP 45,872 4,128 50,000 Baker, Susan Interdisciplinary Training: Alcohol, Injury & Violence 3/5/2001 HPM NIAAA T G NP 1,328,952 65,121 1,394,073 Bass, Eric Multivitamins/Mineral Supplements And Prevention Of Chronic Disease 4/1/2005 HPM AHRQ R C NP 251,958 81,130 333,088 Principal Investigator Project Starting Date Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 Indirect Costs Total Amount 13 Principal Investigator Project Department Funding Agency or Organization Project Type Grant/Contract New/Renewal Sponsored Research Boult, Charles Training In Gerontological Health Services Research 5/1/2004 HPM NIA T G NP 453,390 18,980 472,370 Boult, Charles Guided Care: Integrating High Tech And High Touch 7/1/2005 HPM AHRQ R G NP 1,963,585 457,511 2,421,096 Boult, Charles Efficacy Of Interdisciplinary Primary Care For CommunityDwelling Seniors 1/1/2004 HPM BAYLOR R C NP 42,734 6,410 49,144 Boult, Charles Guided Care: Combined Randomized Trial & Diffusion Planning 1/1/2005 HPM JHF R G NP 516,283 49,588 565,871 Bowie, Janice Can A Faith-Based Participatory Intervention Study Increase Breast Health Care Participation In African American Women? A Randomized Comparison 5/1/2004 HPM SGKF R G NP 255,503 44,497 300,000 Brown, Jonathan Recognition And Management Of Youth MH Needs In Primary Care 7/25/2005 HPM NIMH R G NP 43,536 - 43,536 Burke, Thomas Center Of Excellence In Community Health Practice 10/1/2001 HPM ASPH O G NP 663,918 225,847 889,765 Burke, Thomas The Johns Hopkins Regional Academic Environmental Public Health Center 9/1/2004 HPM CDC T G RN 284,393 92,275 376,668 Burke, Thomas Centers Of Excellence For Environmental Public Health Tracking 9/30/2002 HPM CDC O G NP 1,588,710 508,389 2,097,099 Chen, Li-Hui Nationwide Evaluation Of Graduated Driver Licensing Systems: What Works And How? 4/1/2004 HPM AAA R G NP 130,937 83,144 214,081 Curbow, Barbara Local Ipa Agreement 10/1/2004 HPM BVAMC R IPA NP 13,456 - 13,456 Dy, Sydney Artificial Nutrition In Terminally Ill Cancer Patients 9/27/2002 HPM NCI R G NP 633,750 50,700 684,450 Ensminger, Margaret A High Risk Prospective Study Of Drug Use And Crime 9/30/2001 HPM NIDA R G RN 1,854,209 668,926 2,523,135 Ensminger, Margaret A High Risk Prospective Study Of Drug Use And Crime 9/5/1998 HPM NIDA R G RN 487,461 304,788 792,249 Faden, Ruth Greenwall Fellowship Program In Bioethics And Health Policy Farfel, Mark Ethical Challenges In Lead Poisoning Prevention Research Forrest, Christopher Starting Date Direct Costs Indirect Costs Total Amount 7/1/2003 HPM GWF T G RN 1,689,083 - 1,689,083 9/30/2002 HPM NIEHS O G NP 799,740 37,027 836,767 Clinical Performance And Financial Evaluation Of A Physician Reminder Quality Improvement Demonstration Project 5/3/2004 HPM BCBSA O C NP 37,879 12,121 50,000 Forrest, Christopher Core Competencies In Health Services Research Conference 6/1/2005 HPM AHRQ R G NP 26,810 - 26,810 Forrest, Christopher Health And School Performance Among Youth Ages 3/1/2005 HPM R G NP 2,924,518 218,211 3,142,729 Fowler, Carolyn Injury Prevention Services: Salary Assignment 1/22/2001 HPM O IPA NP 193,500 - 193,500 Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 BC 14 HPM PACKARD R New/Renewal 10/1/2001 Grant/Contract Starting Date Project Type Project Funding Agency or Organization Principal Investigator Department Sponsored Research Direct Costs Indirect Costs Total Amount G NP 259,957 38,994 298,951 Frattaroli, Shannon Separating Kids And Guns: A Program Of The Johns Hopkins Center For Gun Policy And Research Frattaroli, Shannon Evaluating Madd'S Court Monitoring Program: Informing Advocacy Through Science 1/1/2004 HPM RWJF O G NP 278,083 25,211 303,294 Frick, Kevin United States Cost Of Blindness And Low Vision: Indirect Costs, Direct Costs, State Programs, And Charity 1/1/2005 HPM PBA R C NP 333,333 66,667 400,000 Gielen, Andrea Disseminating Child Safety Products In Urban Communities 9/30/2002 HPM CDC R G NP 502,351 244,548 746,899 Gielen, Andrea Brief Child Safety Intervention In Emergency Departments 8/1/2002 HPM NICHD R G NP 925,075 510,010 1,435,085 Gielen, Andrea Evaluating Child Safety Product Dissemination And Education Gielen, Andrea Central Maryland Regional Safe Communities Program Gielen, Andrea Gostin, Lawrence Haywood, Carlton Sickle Cell Disease & Research Participation Herbert, Robert Trends In Out-Of-Pocket Health Care Spending And Income Among Medicare Beneficiaries, 1997-2003 Hodge, James Hussey, Peter Juon, Hee-Soon Kass, Nancy 9/1/2004 HPM CDC R G RV 348,580 160,158 508,738 10/30/1996 HPM MDDOT R G RV 865,090 89,030 954,120 Safe Community Initiative In Baltimore City 10/1/2003 HPM MDDOT O G NP 171,818 17,182 189,000 Center For Law And The Public’s Health: Legal Analysis 9/30/2003 HPM CDC O CA RN 680,974 110,317 791,291 6/1/2005 HPM NIH R G NP 177,856 - 177,856 12/15/2004 HPM KFF R C NP 7,798 702 8,500 Assessment Of Esar-Vhp 9/16/2004 HPM HRSA R C NP 435,767 139,445 575,212 International Migration Patterns Of Health Professionals 9/15/2004 HPM AHRQ O G NP 30,000 2,176 32,176 Asian Indian Breast Cancer Project 5/1/2004 HPM SGKF R G NP 247,170 52,830 300,000 JHU-Fogarty African Bioethics Training Program 9/1/2004 HPM FOGARTY T G RN 929,648 69,910 999,558 Laird, Shivonne Individual Nrsa -- Minority Predoctoral Fellow Program 1/1/2005 HPM NHLBI T G NP 130,585 - 130,585 Latkin, Carl A Network HIV Prevention Intervention For Drug Users 7/1/2003 HPM NIDA R G NP 1,473,056 419,931 1,892,987 Latkin, Carl Staying Alive Program 2/1/2004 HPM BCHD R C NP 46,296 3,704 50,000 Latkin, Carl Network Outreach Intervention For HIV Prevention 9/30/2002 HPM NIMH R G NP 2,455,143 699,970 3,155,113 Latkin, Carl A Network And Dyad HIV Prevention Intervention For Idus 6/15/2003 HPM NIDA R G NP 2,635,323 736,831 3,372,154 Latkin, Carl Rct Of Russian IDU Peer Network HIV Prevention Intervention 6/15/2003 HPM NIDA R G NP 2,477,611 253,478 2,731,089 Laveist, Thomas Center For Health Disparities Studies 9/30/2002 HPM NCMHHD R G NP 1,868,229 1,184,795 3,053,024 Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 15 New/Renewal Total Amount G RV 253,936 185,490 439,426 NP 146,720 5,310 152,030 G NP 550,000 349,250 899,250 R G RV 4,727,576 2,087,791 6,815,367 R G NP 150,000 8,161 158,161 ATS R CA NP 144,109 46,115 190,224 3,564,849 Starting Date Project Type Indirect Costs Project Funding Agency or Organization Direct Costs Principal Investigator Department Grant/Contract Sponsored Research Laveist, Thomas Analysis Of The Cardiac Access Study 9/30/2002 HPM AHRQ R Locke, Paul Ipa Agreement 1/1/2004 HPM CDC O IPA Mackenzie, Ellen Costs And Effectiveness Of Trauma Care In The Elderly 3/1/2002 HPM NIA R Mackenzie, Ellen Injury Control Research Center 9/1/1999 HPM CDC Mackenzie, Ellen Fogarty International Collaborative Trauma And Injury Research Training Program 5/1/2005 HPM NIH Mackenzie, Ellen Trauma Information Exchange Program (Tiep) 9/30/2004 HPM Mackenzie, Ellen Center For Injury Research Prevention Mackenzie, Ellen Ems System Survey Mackenzie, Ellen Amputee Self-Management Project Mackenzie, Ellen Morlock, Laura Navarro, Vicente Teaching & Consultant Services To Consortium - Institute Of Public Health Of Catalina (Spain) Patel, Vaishali Child MH Agencies Use Of Outcomes (Nrsa) Pollack, Keshia Obesity And Overweight: An Occupational Hazard Riley, Anne A Clinic-Based Program For Families Of Depressed Mothers Roter, Debra Roter, Debra 9/1/2004 HPM CDC R G NP 3,235,609 329,240 9/10/2003 HPM NHTSA R CA NP 133,031 84,473 217,504 8/1/2003 HPM CDC R G NP 1,463,267 348,607 1,811,874 Costs And Effectiveness Of Trauma Center Care 9/30/1999 HPM CDC R G RV 6,771,066 1,477,959 8,249,025 Rural Hospitals: Environment, Strategy, And Viability 9/19/2002 HPM AHRQ R G RV 1,368,260 794,128 2,162,388 7/1/2003 HPM ASPB O C RN 631,063 - 631,063 10/16/2003 HPM NIMH T G NP 105,030 - 105,030 9/1/2004 HPM NIH O G NP 88,306 - 88,306 12/18/2003 HPM NIMH R G RV 337,500 214,313 551,813 University Of Mass - Professional Practice 4/1/2003 HPM UMASS R G NP 15,000 - 15,000 Service Contract Between JHU And Milwaukee Vamc - The Effects Of Telemedicine On Physician Patient Communication 9/1/2004 HPM MILDVA R C NP 22,372 13,238 35,610 Roter, Debra Genetic Counseling Processes And Analogue Client Outcome 9/19/2003 HPM NHGRI R G RV 1,627,216 640,610 2,267,826 Salkever, David Operations Research In MH Economics 7/22/2003 HPM NIMH T G RN 1,375,050 60,377 1,435,427 Salkever, David Guideline Conformance Of Schizophrenia Care: Extent And Implications For Effectiveness And Cost 2/15/2004 HPM MEDSTAT R C NP 30,770 9,230 40,000 Salkever, David Home Health Outcomes Of Expanded Home Health Aid Roles 9/30/2003 HPM AHRQ R S NP 120,666 76,529 197,195 Salkever, David Effects Of Atypical Versus Typical Antipsychotics On Employment Outcomes For Persons With Schizophrenia 2/15/2004 HPM MEDSTAT R C NP 30,770 9,230 40,000 Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 16 New/Renewal Total Amount C NP 209,849 67,151 277,000 NP 361,667 72,333 434,000 G NP 30,000 - 30,000 R G RV 750,000 357,829 1,107,829 R G RV 1,624,788 295,191 1,919,979 PACKARD O G NP 30,435 4,565 35,000 HPM FAMRI R G NP 200,000 17,000 217,000 2/15/2002 HPM MF R G NP 260,000 - 260,000 4/13/2005 HPM JOYCEF R G NP 164,652 16,465 181,117 7/1/2003 HPM AHRQ T G RN 1,204,540 51,457 1,255,997 9/30/2004 HPM SAMHSA T G RV 27,777 2,223 30,000 5/15/2005 HPM NIDA R G NP 43,536 - 43,536 7/1/2002 HPM NIMH R G RV 1,938,688 77,126 2,015,814 Improving MH Care By Pediatric Generalists 9/1/2000 HPM NIMH T G NP 449,079 35,926 485,005 Wissow, Lawrence Trial Of Psychosocial Training For Pediatric Generalists 7/1/2003 HPM NIMH R G NP 1,312,168 237,159 1,549,327 Wolff, Jennifer A Randomized Trial Of Training And Support For Voluntary Caregivers 7/1/2005 HPM LANG R G NP 97,203 11,812 109,015 Wu, Albert A Website For Outpatient Quality Of Life Assessment 4/1/2005 HPM NIH R G NP 64,500 40,393 104,893 Alexander, Miriam Tuberculosis Curriculum Coordinating Center 9/30/2003 ID ADH R S NP 13,019 6,075 19,094 Goldman, Lynn Mid-Atlantic Health Leadership Institute 10/1/2003 ID ASPH T CA NP 91,107 7,290 98,397 Lawrence, Robert Mid-Atlantic Leadership Institute 2/1/2000 ID MDHMH T G NP 277,833 22,167 300,000 Starting Date Project Type Indirect Costs Project Funding Agency or Organization Direct Costs Principal Investigator Department Grant/Contract Sponsored Research Shi, Leiyu Bphc Program Performance Analysis Contract 9/27/2004 HPM HRSA R Smith, Katherine The Relationship Between Media Advocacy And Tobacco Attitudes And Use 7/1/2004 HPM ACS R G Smith, Stephanie Risk Perception Of Potential Reduced-Exposure Products In Adolescent Girls And Their Likelihood To Use A Nicotine Product 12/1/2002 HPM AMERLF R Steinwachs, Donald Psychiatrists' Adoption Of Schizophrenia Guidelines 5/16/2002 HPM NIMH Steinwachs, Donald Consumer Internet Education About MH Quality 12/1/2003 HPM NIMH Teret, Stephen Changing Social Norms Regarding Handguns In Homes With Children 1/1/2003 HPM Teret, Stephen Law And The Prevention Of Tobacco-Related Disease 12/1/2004 Webster, Daniel Evaluating And Developing Policies To Regulate Licensed Gun Dealers: Using Science And Law To Evaluate And Improve Gun Policy Webster, Daniel Targeting Corrupt Gun Dealers: Strategies To Reduce Illegal Gun Sales Weiner, Jonathan Training In Health Services Research Winstanley, Erin Barriers To Adolescent Behavioral Health Services Winstanley, Erin Barriers To Adolescent Behavioral Health Services Wissow, Lawrence Trial Of Psychosocial Training For Pediatric Generalists Wissow, Lawrence Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 17 Starting Date Department Funding Agency or Organization Project Type Grant/Contract New/Renewal Sponsored Research Macho Support 1/1/2003 ID MACHO R C NP 256,260 25,629 281,889 JHU Center For Public Health Preparedness 7/8/2002 ID ASPH R G NP 1,872,878 136,894 2,009,772 Links, Jonathan State Homeland Security Program 7/1/2005 ID MEMA T C NP 14,407 2,593 17,000 Baqui, Abdullah Neonatal And Environmental Antibiotic Use In Rural Bangladesh 2/1/2004 IH STCF O C NP 26,654 4,526 31,180 Barlow, Mary Family Strengthening In Native American Communities Barlow, Mary Replication And Dissemination Of A Family Strengthening Initiative For American Indian Teen Parents, Children And Communities Barlow, Mary Vaccine And Well Baby Care Promotion For Ai Children Barlow, Mary 2005 Native Vision Youth Football Camp Black, Robert Global Research Activity Partnership Brooks, Abdullah Principal Investigator Project Lawrence, Robert Links, Jonathan Direct Costs Indirect Costs Total Amount 3/1/2003 IH FORDFDNA R G RN 363,637 36,363 400,000 12/1/2004 IH CASEY O G NP 71,428 3,572 75,000 4/1/2005 IH WYETH O G NP 25,000 4,700 29,700 4/1/2005 IH NFLYFF O G NP 50,000 - 50,000 10/1/2003 IH USAID O CA NP 4,867,831 3,223,061 8,090,892 Icddr,B Salary Assignment 7/1/2001 IH ICDDR O IPA NP 571,999 - 571,999 Burke, Donald Measles Vaccine Initiative: Developing Country Training 9/1/2000 IH GATES O G A 2,730,001 545,999 3,276,000 Burke, Donald Regional Centers Of Excellence (Res) Subaward From University Of Maryland (Niaid) 6/6/2003 IH UMAB R S NP 1,513,181 917,453 2,430,634 Burke, Donald Harmonic Decomposition And Compartmental Models In The Analysis Of Epidemiologic And Climatic Data: An Analysis Of Dengue In Se Asia 7/1/2004 IH NOAA R G RV 106,240 67,463 173,703 Burke, Donald Computational Models Of Infectious Disease Threats 5/1/2004 IH NIGMS O G RV 2,328,126 758,088 3,086,214 Burke, Donald Measles Vaccine Initiative: Mathematical Modeling 9/1/2000 IH GATES O G A 466,665 93,335 560,000 Burnham, Gilbert Security In Humanitarian Crises 4/1/2004 IH USIP R G NP 30,000 - 30,000 Burnham, Gilbert Health Impact Of Improving Water In Afghanistan 3/1/2005 IH TWB O C NP 653,850 44,895 698,745 Burnham, Gilbert Building Afghanistan’s Capacity To Address Aids, Tb And Malaria: Monitoring And Evaluation 1/1/2005 IH MOHAFG O C NP 123,570 8,650 132,220 Burnham, Gilbert HIV/Aids Program Assessment 4/1/2004 IH SMRTN O C NP 7,576 2,424 10,000 Burnham, Gilbert Partner Support For Emergency Malaria And Malaria-Related Disease Prevention And Control In Liberia 9/29/2003 IH USAID O C NP 752,928 177,463 930,391 Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 18 Department Funding Agency or Organization Project Type Grant/Contract New/Renewal Sponsored Research Direct Costs Burnham, Gilbert Evaluation Of Procter & Gamble’s Point-Of-Use Water Purification Technology In Refugee/Emergency Setting(s) 9/1/2003 IH PG R G NP 16,000 3,200 19,200 Caballero, Benjamin Cooperation In Research, Clinical Support, And Administration Of Studies In Human Nutrition 9/4/2002 IH USDA R CA NP 2,610,619 210,407 2,821,026 Caballero, Benjamin Cartenoid Absorption In Humans 12/1/2003 IH USDA R CA NP 220,000 22,000 242,000 Caulfield, Laura Supplemental Zinc And Fetal Development: Four-Year FollowUp 7/1/2002 IH NICHD R G NP 730,044 216,940 946,984 Caulfield, Laura Zinc And Biobehavioral Development In Early Childhood 9/30/2004 IH NICHD R G RV 1,565,238 298,035 1,863,273 Charron, Karen Iavi R&D Training Project 7/1/2002 IH IAVI T C NP 404,395 40,440 444,835 Cheskin, Lawrence Physician Nutrition Specialist Salary Support Award 7/1/2004 IH AMERSCN T G NP 60,000 - 60,000 Cheskin, Lawrence Efficacy Of Parent-Child Dieting Plans Incorporating Medifast Meal Replacements For Weight Loss 4/1/2004 IH MEDIFAST R C NP 270,244 48,644 318,888 Cheskin, Lawrence A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Multicenter Study To Assess The Safety, Tolerability, And Efficacy Of L000753721 In Obesity 11/1/2003 IH MERCK R C NP 186,655 37,331 223,986 Chotani, Rashid Assessment Of Plague, Anthrax And Tuleremia In Selected Regions Of Uzbekistan (Uz-1) 1/28/2005 IH CRDF O C RV 37,822 12,178 50,000 Christian, Parul Evaluation Of Anthelminthics And Multivitamins For Treatment Of Severe Anemia In Pregnant Women And Children In Pakistan 7/1/2003 IH THRASHER R G NP 274,297 2,534 276,831 Christian, Parul Influence Of Maternal Nutrition On Pregnancy Outcome In Alaska Native Populations 10/1/2001 IH ANTHC R S NP 75,983 19,561 95,544 Cunningham, Shayna STD - Related Care Seeking Among Adolescents In Baltimore 6/1/2003 IH NIMH T G NP 169,212 - 169,212 Darmstadt, Gary Topical Therapy For Prevention Of Infections In Pre-Term Infants 1/1/1999 IH THRASHER O C RV 128,808 8,013 136,821 Darmstadt, Gary Development And Validation Of A Hand-Held Weighing Scale With Three Weight Categories For Use In Low-Resource Settings 10/1/2003 IH SNL O G RV 94,992 10,953 105,945 Denison, Julie HIV Counseling And Testing Among Adolescents In Zambia 3/24/2003 IH NIMH T G NP 111,716 - 111,716 Principal Investigator Project Starting Date Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 Indirect Costs Total Amount 19 New/Renewal Total Amount G NP 528,925 42,315 571,240 NP 430,600 64,140 494,740 C RV 8,402,712 5,335,724 13,738,436 O C NP 337,860 - 337,860 WU R S NP 114,000 27,000 141,000 NIAID R G RN 3,631,197 529,654 4,160,851 IH NIAID T G NP 424,510 32,762 457,272 2/1/2002 IH WELLCOME R G NP 395,472 - 395,472 7/1/2004 IH NIH R G NP 275,000 72,720 347,720 9/5/2003 IH FOGARTY R G RN 801,947 38,010 839,957 9/30/2001 IH TUMC R S NP 125,323 30,618 155,941 8/11/2004 IH NIMH R G NP 405,000 100,275 505,275 3/1/2004 IH HAWAII R S NP 110,209 28,120 138,329 4/1/2005 IH IH R G NP 748123 154377 902,500 9/22/2004 IH USDA R G RV 90,909 9,091 100,000 9/20/2002 IH AAHP O S NP 1,119,147 358,942 1,478,089 3/1/2003 IH AVEPAS R C NP 490,615 72,465 563,080 12/30/2004 IH MDHMH R G NP 663,478 174,089 837,567 4/1/2001 IH MERCK R C NP 116,538 29,134 145,672 Starting Date Project Type Indirect Costs Project Funding Agency or Organization Direct Costs Principal Investigator Department Grant/Contract Sponsored Research Dueger, Erica Rapid Sampling For Resistant S. Pneumoniae In Guatemala 9/30/2003 IH FOGARTY O Durbin, Anna Rhesus Macaque Model For Dengue, Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever/Shock Syndrome 9/1/2004 IH IVI R G Durbin, Anna Operation Of A Facility For The Testing Of Malaria Vaccines In Adult Human Subjects 9/30/2004 IH NIAID R Edward-Raj, Anbarasi MCH Consultancy 10/1/2001 IH WR Gilman, Robert H. Pylori Population Genetics And Genome Evolution 6/1/2003 IH Gilman, Robert Integrated Approach For Control Of Taenia Solium Cysticercosis (Peru) 9/1/1999 IH Gilman, Robert Tutorial In Tropical Health At JHU/Peru Overseas Site 9/15/2000 Gilman, Robert New Insights In The Epi And Control Of T. Solium Taeniasis/Cysticercosis Gilman, Robert Transmission Dynamics Of Cryptosporidium Sp. Gilman, Robert Infectious Diseases Training Program In Peru Gilman, Robert Practical Diagnostics For Aids-Related Pediatric Tb, Peru Ginsburg, Golda Depression Prevention In Pregnant Ai Teens Using Cbt Gittelsohn, Joel Healthy Living In The Pacific-Healthy Pacific Children Program Gittelsohn, Joel Sustaining And Expanding Food-Store Based Program Gittelsohn, Joel Evaluation Of A Feasibility Study For A Food Store-Based Intervention For Low Income Residents Of Baltimore City Halsey, Neal Clinical Immunization And Safety Assessment Halsey, Neal Evaluation Of IPV Vaccine Schedules For Guatemalan Infants Harrison, Lee Maryland Emerging Infections Program Harro, Clayton Probe Study Of Safety, Tolerability, & Immunogenicity Of Hiv-1 Gag Dnavaccine Formulated W/Aluminum Phosphate (Aipo4) Followed By Adenovirus Serotype 5 (Ad5) Hiv-1 Gag Vaccine In A Prime... Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 20 IH MERCK R New/Renewal 6/1/2002 Grant/Contract Starting Date Project Type Project Funding Agency or Organization Principal Investigator Department Sponsored Research Direct Costs Indirect Costs Total Amount C NP 145,664 36,416 182,080 Harro, Clayton A Probe Study Of The Safety, Tolerability And Immunogenicity Of A Three Dose Regimen Of The Mrkad5 Hiv-1 Gag Vaccine In Healthy Adults Harro, Clayton Merck V526-001 4/1/2005 IH MERCK R C NP 61,525 10,205 71,730 Harro, Clayton A Multicenter, Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Probe Study With An Additional Open-Label Control Arm To Evaluate The Safety And Immugenicity Of A 3-Dose Regimen of The Mrkad5 Hiv-1 Gag Vaccine In Subjects With Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection, V520/022-00 5/15/2004 IH MERCK R C NP 68,257 13,651 81,908 Humphrey, Jean HIV Care And Prevention Programs For Mothers And Children In Zimbabwe 10/1/2003 IH MCGILL O U NP 233,772 - 233,772 Hyder, Adnan Rti Network Road Traffic Injuries 4/1/2003 IH GFHR O G NP 411,000 - 411,000 Hyder, Adnan Public Health Interventions For Motorcycle Safety In The Developing World 8/1/2004 IH FIA R G NP 128,492 12,849 141,341 Hyder, Adnan Rti Network Road Traffic Injuries 5/19/2004 IH GFHR O G S 33,000 - 33,000 Hyder, Adnan Unintentional Injury Prevention Apw 5/3/2004 IH WHO O G NP 30,000 - 30,000 Hyder, Adnan A New Challenge To Child Survival In Developing Countries: An Increasing Burden Of Urban Road Traffic Injuries 10/1/2003 IH VOLVO R G NP 130,096 13,009 143,105 Hyder, Adnan Gfhr Contribution Agreement 8/6/2004 IH GFHR R G NP 225,000 - 225,000 Hyder, Adnan Gfhr Contribution Agreement 8/13/2004 IH GFHR O C NP 19,759 - 19,759 Kalter, Henry Technical Assistance Program To Maternal And New Born Care (Mnc) Programme 5/2/2004 IH UNICEF O C NP 71,916 7,686 79,602 Kalter, Henry Maternity Homes Project 2/16/2005 IH JSI O C NP 76,401 14,363 90,764 Katz, Joanne Impact Of Adolescent Pregnancy On Nutritional Status 4/1/2005 IH NICHD R G NP 100,000 63,376 163,376 Kerrigan, Deanna Gender, Environment And Adolescent Sexual Risk Behavior 9/28/2001 IH NIMH T G RN 439,781 34,839 474,620 Leonard, Lori Narch Pneumococcal Disease Prevention 10/1/2001 IH ANTHC O C NP 39,069 - 39,069 Leonard, Lori The Chad Pipeline Project: Local Ecologies And Health 7/1/2003 IH FOGARTY R G NP 331,921 89,735 421,656 Leontsini, Elli Pvo Mini University 12/23/2004 IH MACRO O S NP 30,864 9,938 40,802 Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 21 New/Renewal Total Amount C NP 4,464,528 3,005,506 7,470,034 NP 1,708,749 709,771 2,418,520 C NP 531,883 138,227 670,110 R G NP 199,779 - 199,779 EGPAF R G NP 159,994 31,999 191,993 THRASHER R G NP 168,080 11,398 179,478 IH CHIRON O C NP 50,000 - 50,000 IH PFIZERF R G NP 77,438 19,360 96,798 9/30/2001 IH WMAT R S NP 367,283 92,272 459,555 6/1/2000 IH WAL R C NP 834,981 165,097 1,000,078 Surveillance For Invasive Pneumococcal Disease Among American Indians Following A Pncrm7 Efficacy Trial 11/1/2003 IH WHO R G NP 196,797 - 196,797 O'Brien, Katherine Ipa With Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium 10/1/2001 IH ANTHC R IPA NP 50,172 - 50,172 O'Brien, Katherine A Phase 3 Study Of Medi-524 (Numax), An Enhanced Potency Humanized Respiratory Syncytial Virus Monoclonal Antibody, For The Prevention Of RSV Disease Among Navajo And White Mountain Apache Infants 9/1/2004 IH MEDIMMUN R C NP 21,540,248 4,308,049 25,848,297 O'Brien, Katherine Long Term Impact Of Conjugate Pneumococcal Vaccine 10/1/2004 IH CDC R G NP 48,525 12,131 60,656 O'Brien, Katherine Long Term Impact Of Conjugate Pneumococcal Vaccine On Pneumococcal Nasopharyngeal Colonization 4/1/2005 IH THRASHER R G NP 279,146 19,540 298,686 Project Type Indirect Costs Funding Agency or Organization Direct Costs Starting Date Department Grant/Contract Sponsored Research Proposal To Host The Pneumococcal Adip At Jhbsoph 3/1/2003 IH GAVI R Latency And Reactivation Tuberculosis: The Rabit Model 6/1/2002 IH NHLBI R G 3/15/2005 IH BERNA R Nrsa Fellowship - HIV Counseling In Tanzania 9/1/2003 IH NIMH Moss, William Measles And Measles Immunization In HIV-Infected Children 4/1/2003 IH Moss, William Measles Vaccine Coverage And Safety In HIV-Infected Children Following A Mass Measles Immunization Campaign 2/1/2004 IH Moulton, Lawrence Chiron Consultancy 1/20/2004 Nuermberger, Eric In Vivo Efficacy Of Azithromycin For Pneumococcal Pneumonia Using The Murine Aerosol Infection Model 5/3/2004 O'Brien, Katherine Narch Training Program At The White Mountain Apache Tribe And Johns Hopkins University O'Brien, Katherine Eval. Of Long-Term Effectiveness & Indirect Effects Of Prevnar Pneumococcal Dis. Among Navajo & Apache Populations And Evalu. Of Potential Shifts In Serotype Specific Diseases After Intro .. O'Brien, Katherine Principal Investigator Project Levine, Orin Manabe, Yukari Mckenzie, Robin Safety And Immunogenicity Of One And Two Doses Of The Live Attenuated Oral Etec Candidate Vaccine Bb01 In Healthy Adults (Stage I) Followed By A Conditional Challenge Stage With A Virulent Etec Strain (Stage Ii) ƒ A Phase I, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study Medley, Amy Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 22 New/Renewal Total Amount G NP 419,305 77,295 496,600 RV 122523 77489 200012 S RV 31,256 10,004 41,260 O C NP 1,779,130 538,116 2,317,246 WHO O C NP 76,750 - 76,750 NIMH T G NP 238,656 - 238,656 IH MCIN O C NP 281,999 43,687 325,686 1/1/2004 IH MCIN O C NP 130,900 - 130,900 5/1/2005 IH MCIN R C NP 56,060 5,606 61,666 Predoctoral Fellowships For Students With Disabilities 3/1/2002 IH NICHD T G NP 122,407 - 122,407 Sack, Richard Epi And Ecology Of Vibrio Cholerae In Bangladesh 9/1/2003 IH NIAID R G RN 5,697,037 310,604 6,007,641 Salmon, Daniel Decision Making Of Parents To Vaccinate Children 7/1/2004 IH NIAID O G RV 372,000 29,760 401,760 Salmon, Daniel Evaluation Of Parents Claiming Exemptions To School Entry Immunization Requirements 9/30/2004 IH CDC R G NP 303,004 96,961 399,965 Santosham, Mathuram Epi & Effects Of Prevnar On Pneumococcal Disease Among Navajo Adults 6/1/2000 IH WAL R C NP 345,174 67,133 412,307 Santosham, Mathuram Etiology, Prevention And Treatment Of Neonatal Infections In The Community 4/1/2002 IH WELLCOME O G NP 840,129 - 840,129 Santosham, Mathuram Native American Research Centers For Health (Narch)/Narch Ii Training Grant 10/1/2002 IH WMAT T G NP 407,962 75,277 483,239 Santosham, Mathuram Community Based Interventions To Reduce Neonatal Mortality In Bangladesh 9/24/2001 IH STCF R S RV 933,928 102,731 1,036,659 Sazawal, Sunil Childrens Milk Infection Rate Study 8/24/2001 IH NZDB R C NP 1,140,864 83,795 1,224,659 Seaton, Paul Health And Child Survival Fellows Program 1/31/2001 IH USAID R CA NP 3,515,961 5,071,505 8,587,466 Starting Date Project Type Indirect Costs Project Funding Agency or Organization Direct Costs Principal Investigator Department Grant/Contract Sponsored Research O'Brien, Kimberly Maternal/Fetal Bone Health In Pregnant Adolescents 12/1/2004 IH USDA R O'Brien, Kimberly Mechanisms Of Bone Loss In Children With Crohn's 8/1/2004 IH SFHMC R S O'Brien, Kimberly Calcium Stable Isotope Analyses 9/1/2004 IH NASA O Peters, David Monitoring And Evaluation Technical Support To The Ministry Of Health, Kabul, Afghanistan 3/15/2004 IH MHFW Peters, David Innovative Strategies For 'Scaling Up' Health Services Delivery 6/17/2004 IH Rajkotia, Yogesh Research Training Proposal For Yogesh Rajkotia 8/5/2003 IH Robinson, William Sub-Grant Agreement With JHU-BSPH For Activities To Be Carried Out Under The Undp-Funded Assistance On The China-Dprk Border 1/1/2004 Robinson, William Independent Contractors/Consultant Agreement Robinson, William Monitoring And Evaluation Program-Based Research In Aceh Roess, Amira Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 23 New/Renewal Indirect Costs Total Amount C NP 475,706 - 475,706 G NP 289,706 8,722 298,428 R C NP 66,720 16,680 83,400 AVEPAS R C NP 45,115 4,860 49,975 Project Type Direct Costs Starting Date Funding Agency or Organization Project Department Principal Investigator Grant/Contract Sponsored Research 10/1/2001 IH BALT R 2/1/1996 IH THRASHER O 7/15/2002 IH WYETH 8/1/2004 IH Seaton, Paul Health And Child Survival Fellows Program/Urban Child Survival Fellow Steinhoff, Mark Effect Of Maternal Immunization On Infant Antibody Responses To Pneumococcal Vaccine Steinhoff, Mark Immunogenicity Of Pneumococcal Vaccine In Infants Of Mothers Who Have Or Have Not Received Pneumococcal Vaccine Steinhoff, Mark Randomized Comparison Of Maternal And Infant Strategies To Prevent Pneumococcal Disease Steinhoff, Mark Pilot Study Of Surveillance For Invasive Childhood Pneumococcal Disease In An Urban Community In India 12/1/2004 IH GSK R C NP 49,142 12,777 61,919 Sweat, Michael Evaluation Of A 3-Component IDU Intervention 9/25/2001 IH NIDA R G NP 1,546,660 353,495 1,900,155 Sweat, Michael Community - Based VCT : Tanzania 9/25/2003 IH NIMH R G RV 3,891,457 979,693 4,871,150 Sweat, Michael HIV Intervention Effectiveness In Developing Countries 3/15/2004 IH NIMH R G NP 700,000 354,979 1,054,979 Taylor, David A Phase Ii- Multi-Center, Randomized Dose Finding Trial Of Rpa-102 Vaccine In Healthy Volunteers (Vax006) 2/15/2004 IH VAXGEN R C NP 232,997 56,999 289,996 Taylor, David Rfid 2001: A Single Center Randomized Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial To Evaluate The Prophylactic Use Of Rifaximin To Prevent Diarrhea In Subjects Challenged WithShigella Flexneri 3/8/2004 IH SALIX R C NP 305,409 76,352 381,761 Tielsch, James Newborn Antiseptic Washing And Neonatal Mortality - Nepal 8/6/2003 IH NICHD R G NP 1,133,241 428,998 1,562,239 Tielsch, James Baltimore Pediatric Eye Survey 9/30/2002 IH NEI R G RN 3,706,102 1,062,273 4,768,375 Tielsch, James Impact Of Zinc Supplementation Child Mortality In Nepal 9/15/2000 IH NICHD R G NP 2,412,762 980,570 3,393,332 Wall, Earl The Nepal Child Porter Study 2/1/2005 IH DTI O C NP 36,830 6,924 43,754 Wang, Youfa Obesity Prevention In African American Schoolchildren Wang, Youfa Sexual Maturation, Obesity And Risks Of Chronic Disease Waters, Hugh Economic Evaluation Of Neonatal Health Interventions 6/1/2005 IH NIH R G NP 69,000 38,000 107,000 1/15/2005 IH UOI R S NP 14,064 3,516 17,580 7/1/2004 IH STCF O C NP 320,302 42,998 363,300 Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 24 Grant/Contract 5/16/2005 IH WBG O C New/Renewal Starting Date Project Type Project Funding Agency or Organization Principal Investigator Department Sponsored Research Direct Costs Indirect Costs Total Amount NP 40,910 7,690 48,600 Waters, Hugh Good Practice In Health Financing: Lessons From Experiences With Health Financing Reforms In Low And Middle-Income Countries Watt, James Native American Research Center For Health (Narch) Project 9/1/2004 IH WMAT R S NP 71,419 18,570 89,989 West, Keith Micronutrient Deficiency Study - Jivita (Off Campus) 8/1/2000 IH GATES O G A 4,141,284 756,879 4,898,163 West, Keith Micronutrient Deficiency Study - Jivita (On Campus) 8/1/2000 IH GATES O G A 3,270,504 653,099 3,923,603 West, Keith Micronutrient Deficiency Study - Core 8/1/2000 IH GATES O G A 3,164,650 617,830 3,782,480 Alexandre, Pierre Economic Aspects Of Alcohol Use And Abuse 9/1/2004 MH NIAAA T G NP 348,835 27,906 376,741 Breitner, John Epi Of Alzheimer’s Dementia In Cache County, Utah Carlson, Michelle Cognitive Pathways To Disability Carlson, Michelle 9/1/1999 MH NIA R G RN 2,278,642 786,482 3,065,124 9/30/2002 MH NIA R G RV 1,529,647 967,678 2,497,325 Evaluating A Novel Cognitive Tool To Detect Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease 1/1/2005 MH BECHTEL R C RV 46,296 3,704 50,000 Chilcoat, Howard Nida Epi Training Program 8/1/2003 MH NIDA R G RN 2,928,981 174,300 3,103,281 Chilcoat, Howard Understanding Problems Related To Extramedical Use Of Analgesics 12/6/2004 MH JP R G NP 48,785 12,196 60,981 Chilcoat, Howard Early Drug Use Susceptibility And Protection 1/1/2000 MH NIDA R G NP 253,476 161,633 415,109 Dipietro, Janet Fetal Neurobehavioral Development And Postnatal Continuity 3/1/2002 MH NICHD R G RN 1,035,000 657,227 1,692,227 Eaton, William Evolution Of Psychopathology In The Population 7/1/2002 MH NIMH R G RV 3,652,834 1,690,156 5,342,990 Eaton, William Psychiatric Epi Training Program 7/1/2001 MH NIMH T G RN 2,610,896 182,144 2,793,040 Eaton, William Pilot Studies For Baltimore Cpp/Pathways Follow Up 9/17/2004 MH NIMH R G RV 100,000 63,250 163,250 Eaton, William Birth Risk And Severe Disorders In Denmark Eaton, William Eca Longitudinal Survey Neo Ii Eaton, William Ialongo, Nicholas Ialongo, Nicholas Center For Prevention & Early Prevention Ialongo, Nicholas Development And Malleability From Childhood To Adulthood 2/5/2001 MH NIMH R G RN 500,000 186,245 686,245 9/27/2004 MH NIA O S NP 99,500 - 99,500 Nida Epi Training Program: Ichorta 2/1/2004 MH NIDA T S NP 214,879 12,488 227,367 Preventive Research Training In MH 7/1/2003 MH NIMH T G RN 586,736 246,537 833,273 9/24/2004 MH NIMH R G RV 5,533,944 2,006,072 7,540,016 9/1/2004 MH NIDA R G RV 725,000 460,375 1,185,375 Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 25 New/Renewal Total Amount S NP 28,905 17,777 46,682 RV 57,473 36,495 93,968 S RV 77,642 21,953 99,595 R G RN 1,908,211 678,364 2,586,575 R G NP 1,589,848 859,308 2,449,156 NIDA R G RV 1,786,882 1,134,670 2,921,552 NIDA R G RV 1,974,119 1,253,565 3,227,684 MH NIMH R G RV 2,778,977 168,139 2,947,116 MH NIMH R G RV 2,606,541 552,835 3,159,376 9/30/2004 MH ISFK R S NP 62,907 39,211 102,118 9/13/2004 MH MANILA R S NP 62,800 20,222 83,022 9/30/2000 MH CDC R G RV 3,468,838 1,593,775 5,062,613 1/1/2000 MH JHBFI O G NP 97,955 7,045 105,000 Cognitive Sequelae Of Early And Mid-Life Depression 4/1/2004 MH NIMH R G RV 754,893 57,902 812,795 Prevalence Of Gambling Disorders & Its Association With Drug Use & Psychiatric Comorbidity In Adolescents Living In Baltimore 1/1/2005 MH CHA R C RN 20,000 3,000 23,000 Miech, Richard SES Disparities In Illegal Drug Use And Treatment 4/1/2002 MH NIDA R G RV 624,017 47,604 671,621 Nestadt, Gerald Epi Of Personality Disorders 5/1/2005 MH NIMH R G NP 857,643 179,385 1,037,028 Ramchand, Rajeev Adolescent Work Experience And Drug Involvement 5/2/2005 MH NIDA T G RV 91,510 - 91,510 Rebok, George Active Phase II: JHU Field Site 9/1/2003 MH NIA R G RV 551,142 347,976 899,118 Rebok, George The Effects Of A Mind-Body Training Program On Cognition, Physical Activity And Functional Performance In Healthy Older Adults 6/4/2004 MH ERICKSON R G NP 35,798 - 35,798 Stone, Andrea Parental Pathology Among Youth Drug Users And Non Users 9/26/2003 MH NIDA O G RV 125,957 - 125,957 Storr, Carla Drug Use And Latent Structure Of Adolescent MH 4/1/2004 MH NIDA R G RV 450,000 285,750 735,750 Project Type Indirect Costs Funding Agency or Organization Direct Costs Starting Date Department Grant/Contract Sponsored Research Environmental Strategies For Violence And Aod Prevention 4/1/2005 MH PACINST R Early Antecedents Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder 7/1/2004 MH MICHIGAN R S 9/17/2002 MH AIR R Periodic Follow-Up Of Two Interrentive Preventive Trials 7/1/2003 MH NIH Neurobehavioral Model Of HIV In Injection Drug Users 7/5/2001 MH NIDA Neurological Influences On Drug Prevention Interventions 9/25/2003 MH Youth Drug Abuse Family And Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 8/10/2003 MH Child MH Services And Service System Research 7/1/2002 Mh Outcomes Of Pbis Whole School Interventions 12/1/2003 Leaf, Philip MH Effects Of Internet-Mediated Violence On Children Leaf, Philip National Registry Of Effective Programs And Practices (Nrepp) Subcontract Leaf, Philip JHU Center For The Prevention Of Youth Violence Leaf, Philip Baltimore Child Development - Community Policing Program Lee, Hochang Martins, Silvia Principal Investigator Project Ialongo, Nicholas Ialongo, Nicholas Ialongo, Nicholas Prevention Services In Schools For Early Drug Use Abuse Risk Ialongo, Nicholas Latimer, William Latimer, William Latimer, William Leaf, Philip Leaf, Philip Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 26 Principal Investigator Project Starting Date Department Funding Agency or Organization Project Type Grant/Contract New/Renewal Sponsored Research Storr, Carla Cross National Studies Of Drug Involvement: Wmh2000 11/1/2004 MH MICHIGAN R S NP 57,480 35,924 93,404 Zandi, Peter Epi Of Dementia In Cache County, Utah 7/15/2002 MH DUKE R S RN 544,394 345,056 889,450 Zandi, Peter Bioinformatics For Gene Discovery In Psychiatric Illness 2/1/2005 MH NIMH R G NP 671,408 52,672 724,080 Zandi, Peter Novel Approaches For Linkage Analysis Of Bipolar 7/1/2004 MH NARSAD R G NP 59,619 - 59,619 Zandi, Peter Maternal-Fetal Incompatibility And Autism Risk 7/1/2003 MH NAAR R G NP 48,116 4,812 52,928 Bishai, William Transmission Blocking Vaccines For Tuberculosis 10/1/2001 MMI ELLISON R G NP 600,217 381,141 981,358 Carruthers, Vernon Proteomics Analysis Of Gene Knockout Phenotypes In Toxoplasma 7/1/2002 MMI NIAID R G NP 300,000 178,753 478,753 Carruthers, Vernon Toxoplasma Tissue Tropisms 3/1/2005 MMI STAMED R G NP 26,611 3,992 30,603 Carruthers, Vernon Microneme Function In Toxoplasma 7/1/2005 MMI NIH R G RN 970,000 618,100 1,588,100 Carruthers, Vernon Parasite Proteases As Unique Targets For Treating Toxoplasma-Associated Schizophrenia 8/1/2004 MMI STAMED R G NP 121,740 18,260 140,000 Carruthers, Vernon Kinetic Modeling Of Toxoplasma Invasion 7/1/2005 MMI AHA O G NP 40,000 - 40,000 Coppens, Isabelle Nutrient Uptake By Toxoplasma Gondii With Special Reference To Cholesterol 7/1/2003 MMI AHA R G NP 195,000 - 195,000 Coppens, Isabelle Host Nutrient Uptake And Regulation By Toxoplasma 6/1/2004 MMI NIH R G NP 1,025,000 628,015 1,653,015 Darman, Jessica Glial Cells In The Immune Response To Alphavirus (Nrsa) 4/1/2003 MMI NINDS T G NP 167,996 - 167,996 Dimopoulos, George Genome Expression Analysis Of Mosquito Slivary Gland Function And Characterization Of Specific Promoters 4/1/2003 MMI WHO R G NP 116,116 - 116,116 Dimopoulos, George Characterization Of A Pattern Recognition Receptor Family In Anopheles Gambiae 7/1/2004 MMI ELLISON R G NP 185,184 14,816 200,000 Dimopoulos, George Microarray Dissection Of Immune Regulatory Pathways 1/1/2005 MMI UCAL R S RV 110,440 68,805 179,245 Doolan, Denise N.M.R.C Ipa Agreement 11/1/2004 MMI NMRC O IPA NP 196,500 - 196,500 Graczyk, Thaddeus Environmental Tolerance-Dependent Competition Between Adult C. Ariakensis And C. Virginica In Recovering And Retaining Waterbone Disease Agents In Relation To WaterSalinity 4/1/2005 MMI NOAA R G NP 74,219 22,266 96,485 Griffin, Diane Immune Responses During Measles Virus Infection 7/1/2003 MMI NIAID R G RN 1,021,792 648,838 1,670,630 Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 Direct Costs Indirect Costs Total Amount 27 Starting Date Department Funding Agency or Organization Project Type Grant/Contract New/Renewal Sponsored Research Neuroprotective Strategies For Viral Encephalitis 1/1/2002 MMI DANA R G NP 500,000 - 500,000 Measles Vaccine Initiative: Developing Country Infrastructure 9/1/2000 MMI GATES O G A 2,333,335 466,665 2,800,000 Griffin, Diane Measles Vaccine Initiative: Animal Purchase & Care, And Equipment 9/1/2000 MMI GATES O G A 1,646,400 329,280 1,975,680 Griffin, Diane Control Of Alphavirus Replication In The Nervous System 7/1/2001 MMI NINDS R G RV 741,167 470,641 1,211,808 Griffin, Diane Measles Vaccine Initiative: Evaluation Of Responses To Vaccines 9/1/2000 MMI GATES O G A 3,027,733 605,547 3,633,280 Griffin, Diane Measles Vaccine Initiative: Phase I Phase Ii Clinical Trials 9/1/2002 MMI GATES O G A 3,733,334 746,666 4,480,000 Griffin, Diane Training In Molecular And Cellular Bases Of Infectious Disease 7/1/2005 MMI NIH T G RN 2,011,672 105,370 2,117,042 Griffin, Diane Acute Alphaviral Encephalitis 7/1/2005 MMI NIH R G NP 231,250 145,688 376,938 Griffin, Diane Development Of New Vaccine Delivery Devices For Experimental Vaccines 6/30/2003 MMI BDC R G NP 422,728 27,272 450,000 Griffin, Diane Acute Alphaviral Encephalitis 9/1/2004 MMI NINDS R G RN 1,387,500 881,064 2,268,564 Halsey, Neal Measles Vaccine Initiative - Karachie Measles Surveillance Project 1/1/2002 MMI GATES O G A 208,333 41,667 250,000 Hardwick, J The Bcl-2 Homologues Of Gamma Herpes Viruses 7/2/2002 MMI NCI R G RN 875,000 555,625 1,430,625 Hardwick, J Regulation Of Viral Infection By Cellular Genes 2/15/2005 MMI NINDS R G RV 416,250 256,388 672,638 Hardwick, J The Bcl-2 Homology Of Human Herpesvirus 8 9/30/1996 MMI NCI R G NP 1,201,701 744,680 1,946,381 Hardwick, J Role Of Smn In Neuronal Apoptosis 4/15/2002 MMI NINDS R G RV 950,000 598,043 1,548,043 Hardwick, J Regulation Of Apoptosis ByBcl-Xl And Other Factors 12/1/2004 MMI NINDS R G RN 925,250 574,472 1,499,722 Irani, David Linking Innate Immune Responses To The Cns To GlutamateMediated Excitotoxicity: Studies In Acute Alpavirus Encephalomyelitis In Mice 7/1/2004 MMI DANA R G NP 300,000 - 300,000 Jacobs-Lorena, Marcelo Targeting Mosquito Organs With Phage Display Libraries 7/1/2003 MMI NIAID R G NP 637,500 404,813 1,042,313 Jacobs-Lorena, Marcelo Molecular Analysis Of The Mosquito Peritrophic Matrix 7/1/2003 MMI NIAID R G NP 366,670 232,835 599,505 Principal Investigator Project Griffin, Diane Griffin, Diane Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 Direct Costs Indirect Costs Total Amount 28 Department Funding Agency or Organization Project Type Grant/Contract New/Renewal Sponsored Research Direct Costs Jacobs-Lorena, Marcelo Analysis Of Plasmodium Development In The Mosquito 7/1/2003 MMI NIAID R G NP 923,700 586,550 1,510,250 Kerr, Douglas Es Cell-Derived Motoneeurons From Sma Transgenic Mice 4/1/2005 MMI NINDS R G NP 231,250 144,821 376,071 Kerr, Douglas Utilization Of Embryonic Stem Cells In Motor Neuron Diseases Kerr, Douglas Es Cell-Derived Motoneurons From Sma Transgenic Mice Kerr, Douglas Kerr, Douglas Ketner, Gary Double Strand Break Repair: Inhibition By Adenovirus E4 Ketner, Gary Undergraduate Biological Sciences Education Program Klein, Sabra Principal Investigator Project Starting Date Indirect Costs Total Amount 7/1/2004 MMI MDA R G NP 198,063 22,005 220,068 8/29/2003 MMI FOSMA R G NP 88,000 7,040 95,040 Stem Cell-Derived Motoneurons In The Adult Mammalian Cns 2/4/2005 MMI NINDS R G NP 231,250 146,844 378,094 Utilization Of Embryonic Stem Cells In Motor Neuron Diseases 8/1/2004 MMI ALS R G NP 225,000 - 225,000 1/19/2001 MMI NCI R G RV 739,375 469,874 1,209,249 9/1/2004 MMI HHMI O G A 500 - 500 Cellular And Molecular Mediators Of Hantavirus Infection 9/1/2003 MMI NIAID R G NP 881,000 551,815 1,432,815 Kumar, Nirbhay A DNA Vaccine To Prevent Transmission Of Human Malaria 3/1/2000 MMI NIAID R G NP 925,000 314,825 1,239,825 Kumar, Nirbhay Molecular Dissection Of P. Falciparum Sexual Development 2/1/2000 MMI NIAID R G NP 1,117,225 689,920 1,807,145 Kumar, Nirbhay Malaria Research & Training Program In Zimbabwe 9/29/2000 MMI FOGARTY T G NP 734,201 31,215 765,416 Kumar, Nirbhay Asm Indo-Us Visiting Professor 2/1/2004 MMI ASM O C NP 3,000 - 3,000 Margolick, Joseph Interleukin 2 As Immune Therapy In Early HIV Infection 8/15/2003 MMI NIH R G NP 1,356,932 549,322 1,906,254 Margolick, Joseph Occurrence And Outcome Of Dual Hiv-1 Infection 4/1/2000 MMI WU R S NP 73,142 45,988 119,130 Margolick, Joseph Multicenter Aids Cohort Study - Part B (Baltimore Site) 4/1/2005 MMI NIAID R G NP 9,017,470 2,412,651 1,430,121 Margolick, Joseph Multicenter Aids Cohort Study-Part B (Baltimore Site) 5/1/2004 MMI NIAID R CA RN 0,991,665 2,963,258 3,954,923 Margolick, Joseph A Randomized Trial of Haart In Acute/Early HIV Infection 5/1/2004 MMI NIAID R G RV 2,487,983 892,057 3,380,040 Markham, Richard Drug Abuse And Resistance To Antiretroviral Therapy 8/24/2000 MMI NIDA R G NP 1,190,000 745,361 1,935,361 Markham, Richard Anti-Icam-1 Scfv From Lactobacilli As A Mocrobicide 7/1/2003 MMI NIAID R G NP 300,000 111,125 411,125 Markham, Richard Ani I Cam-1 Scfv From Lactobacilli As A Microbicide 7/15/2004 MMI OSEL R G NP 290,887 183,943 474,830 Moss, William Impact Of HIV On Measles & Measles Immunization 4/1/2000 MMI WELLCOME O G NP 750,333 - 750,333 Schwartz, David Induced Resistance To In Vitro HIV Challenge 9/30/2000 MMI NIAID R G NP 1,065,000 672,323 1,737,323 Shah, Keerti HPV DNA Testing Using The Hybrid Capture 11 7/15/2003 MMI PAHO O G NP 169,000 54,080 223,080 Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 29 New/Renewal Total Amount G NP 100,000 51,435 151,435 NP 170,452 - 170,452 G NP 2,181,048 796,433 2,977,481 R C NP 49,343 9,869 59,212 R G RV 2,188,010 1,009,654 3,197,664 NIAID R G NP 1,000,000 614,363 1,614,363 NIAID R G NP 1,460,712 923,649 2,384,361 Project Type Indirect Costs Funding Agency or Organization Direct Costs Starting Date Department Grant/Contract Sponsored Research Bladder Cancer And Urinary Schistosomiasis 9/1/2003 MMI NCI R Zinc Metabolism In Plasmodium Falciparum 9/1/2003 MMI NIGMS T G Viral & Host Factors On HIV Transmission/Pathogenesis 9/30/2000 MMI NIDA R Yu, Xiaofang Vital Corporation Contract 4/15/2001 MMI VITAL Yu, Xiaofang Implications Of HIV In Low Hcv Clearance In Chinese IDU’s 9/15/2003 MMI NIDA Yu, Xiaofang Role of Cul5 E3 Ubiquitin Ligasae In HIV Vif Function 6/1/2004 MMI Zavala, Fidel Effector And Memory Anti-Malaria Cd8+ Cell Responses 2/1/2003 MMI Zavala, Fidel Immunology Of Malaria Infections Workshop Zenilman, Jonathan Johns Hopkins Training Program In STI’s Zhang, Ying Zhang, Ying Principal Investigator Project Shiff, Clive Sullivan, David Yu, Xiaofang 9/1/2004 MMI ELLISON T G NP 7,500 - 7,500 9/30/2001 MMI NIAID T G NP 1,109,570 63,885 1,173,455 Structure Function Analysis Of Tb Pyrazinamidase 4/1/2001 MMI NIAID R G NP 1,137,500 707,523 1,845,023 Microarray Detection Of Mdr-Tb 5/1/2005 MMI LIBO R S NP 95,136 60,868 156,004 Zhang, Ying Mode Of Action Of Pyrazinamide In Tubercle Bacillus 2/1/2005 MMI NIH R G RV 400,000 249,500 649,500 Agree, Emily Comparative Study Of Health Transitions In Later Life 9/1/2002 PFHS UMICH T S NP 61,442 39,015 100,457 Alexander, Cheryl Trial Activity For Adolescent Girls (Taag) 8/2/2002 PFHS UM R S NP 238,041 59,980 298,021 Alexander, Cheryl Engaging Youth As Trainers 7/1/2003 PFHS WTGRANT R G NP 68,182 6,818 75,000 Astone, Nan Multidisciplinary Training In Population 5/4/2001 PFHS NICHD O G NP 763,670 40,074 803,744 Astone, Nan School, Parents And Outcomes In Adolescence Adulthood 8/1/2005 PFHS NIH R G RV 124,500 78,487 202,987 Bishai, David Impact Of DNA - Based Paternity Testing On Families 9/1/2003 PFHS NICHD R G NP 100,000 63,500 163,500 Blum, Robert Impact Of Parenting On Adolescent Sexual Risk Blum, Robert Helping Families Help Adolescents: The Experience Of The Developing World Blum, Robert Borzekowski, Dina Burke, Jessica 4/1/2005 PFHS OPA R G NP 109,281 48,719 158,000 10/1/2004 PFHS WHO O C NP 61,896 6,429 68,325 Morgan/JHSPH Postdoctoral Program 9/1/2004 PFHS MOSU T S NP 163,723 40,931 204,654 A Paper On International Policies On Food Marketing To Children 3/1/2005 PFHS KFF O U NP 7,500 - 7,500 State Training In Recent Advances In Statistical Analysis Applied To Health Disparities 9/28/2004 PFHS UOT R S NP 31,721 2,538 34,259 Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 30 New/Renewal Total Amount G NP 301,733 78,246 379,979 NP 521,740 78,260 600,000 G NP 217,391 32,609 250,000 O G NP 1,763,609 264,542 2,028,151 AAP O C NP 21,449 2,145 23,594 NIAID R G RV 8,693,527 575,016 9,268,543 PFHS FOGARTY T G NP 1,016,428 64,992 1,081,420 PFHS DDCF R G RV 730,000 12,000 742,000 4/20/2003 PFHS IBM O C NP 30,000 - 30,000 9/1/2002 PFHS COLUMBIA R S NP 364,335 15,000 379,335 12/1/2002 PFHS CF O G NP 45,073 4,057 49,130 7/1/2003 PFHS HRSA O G RN 72,222 5,778 78,000 12/1/2002 PFHS CF O G NP 45,739 4,117 49,856 9/30/2000 PFHS HARVARD R S NP 729,684 265,477 995,161 The Hopkins Population Center 7/10/2003 PFHS NICHD R G RN 1,106,696 702,752 1,809,448 Hill, Kenneth Population Training For Policy And Programs 11/1/2004 PFHS WFHF T G NP 550,000 - 550,000 Hindin, Michelle Intergenerational Influences/Adolescent Transitions 8/28/2002 PFHS NICHD T G NP 544,940 43,595 588,535 Koblinsky, Marjorie Initiative For Maternal Mortality Program Assessment 9/1/2002 PFHS UCUOA O C NP 785,609 115,741 901,350 Koenig, Michael Determinants And Consequences Of Domestic Violence 3/1/2002 PFHS NICHD R G RV 225,000 142,875 367,875 Starting Date Project Type Indirect Costs Project Funding Agency or Organization Direct Costs Principal Investigator Department Grant/Contract Sponsored Research Dreyfuss, Michele Iron Supplementation Among Adolescent Girls In India 10/1/2004 PFHS CDC R Gillespie, Duff Voluntary HIV Testing And Counseling Integrated With Contraceptive Services Study In Ethiopia (Vics Study) 1/4/2005 PFHS PACKARD R G Gillespie, Duff Voluntary HIV Testing And Counseling Integrated With Contraceptive Services Study In Ethiopia (Vics Study) 3/1/2005 PFHS WFHF R Grason, Holly Dyson Foundation National Evaluation 7/1/2000 PFHS DYSON Grason, Holly Pediatrics Collaborative Care (Pedscare) Program Supplement 7/1/2004 PFHS Gray, Ronald Male Circumcision Trial For HIV Prevention, Rakai, Uganda 9/15/2002 PFHS Gray, Ronald International Training And Research In Population And Health 9/29/2000 Gray, Ronald Infrastructure And Training Support For The Rakai Research Collaboration 12/1/2003 Gray, Ronald Ibm Specimen Storage Gray, Ronald A Randomized Trial Of Male Circumcision For Prevention Of HIV And Std Infection In Women, Rakai, Uganda Guyer, Bernard National Evaluation Of The Healthy Steps For Young Children Program: Publication And Dissemination Guyer, Bernard BSPH MCH Epi Training Program Guyer, Bernard Evaluating The Healthy Steps Program - The Effect Of A Pediatric Intervention To Promote Child Development For Low Income And Vulnerable Children And Families Hill, Kenneth Measurement Of Adult Mortality In Developing World: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Latin America Hill, Kenneth Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 31 Department Funding Agency or Organization Project Type Grant/Contract New/Renewal Sponsored Research Direct Costs Mcneely, Clea School Social Structure, School Connectedness And HealthRelated Behaviors 7/1/2004 PFHS WTGRANT R G NP 152,611 11,739 164,350 Mcneely, Clea Southeast Youth Academy After-School Program Evaluation 5/1/2005 PFHS SEYA O S NP 17,130 4,368 21,498 Mcneely, Clea State Level Evaluation Of W.K. Kellogg School - Based Health Care Policy Program 5/1/2005 PFHS MASBHC O G NP 25,588 4,810 30,398 Mcneely, Clea Preparing The Next Healthy Generation 6/1/2005 PFHS ASPH O S NP 31,360 3,136 34,496 Minkovitz, Cynthia Parenting Effects Of Healthy Steps: Health Care Utilization And Expectations For Pediatric Care 5/1/2002 PFHS AHCPR R G RV 856,638 318,866 1,175,504 Muyeed, Adaline Ethnic Differences In The Consequences Of Depression 3/24/2001 PFHS NIMH T G NP 197,088 - 197,088 O'Campo, Patricia Subcontract For Behavioral And Academic Adjustment In Elementary School: Social and Ecological Correlates 2/1/2002 PFHS UTSWMC R S RV 234,812 112,748 347,560 O'Campo, Patricia State Training In Recent Advances In Statistical Analysis Applied To Health Disparities 9/30/2003 PFHS HRSA O C RV 100,812 9,446 110,258 O'Campo, Patricia Baltimore City Child Health Research Collaborative 7/15/2003 PFHS NICHD O G NP 124,996 63,566 188,562 Sonenstein, Freya Update Of Involving Males In Preventing Teen Pregnancy 7/1/2003 PFHS CAWF R G NP 89,565 10,435 100,000 Sonenstein, Freya Transition To Fatherhood 3/10/2005 PFHS CORNELL R S NP 139,102 88,330 227,432 Sonenstein, Freya Nsam: Wave 4: HIV / STD Risk Trajectories 3/1/2005 PFHS NICHD R G NP 1,003,572 300,068 1,303,640 Sonenstein, Freya Strengthening The Capacity Of Family Planning Agencies To Improve The Quality Of Family Planning Services 9/30/2004 PFHS OPHS R CA NP 289,461 168,040 457,501 Sonenstein, Freya Evaluating The Impact Of Family Planning Male Reproductive Health Research Grants 10/1/2004 PFHS UI R C NP 65,413 40,481 105,894 Sonenstein, Freya Center For Adolescent Health Promotion And Disease Prevention 9/30/2004 PFHS CDC R CA RV 1,200,260 289,725 1,489,985 Stanton, Cynthia Immpact 4/1/2004 PFHS UCUOA O C RN 261,990 13,100 275,090 Strobino, Donna Leadership Education In Maternal & Child Health Programs 7/1/2000 PFHS HRSA T G RN 2,199,733 116,082 2,315,815 Strobino, Donna Maternal Depressive Symptoms And Children’s Growth 9/1/2004 PFHS HRSA R G NP 105,627 33,873 139,500 Tsui, Amy Bill And Melinda Gates Institute For Population And Reproductive Health 7/1/2002 PFHS GATES R G NP 8,820,643 4,971,602 3,792,245 Principal Investigator Starting Date Project Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 Indirect Costs Total Amount 32 3/21/2005 PFHS PACKARD R G Appendix VI.1 as of June 30, 2005 New/Renewal Grant/Contract An Evaluation Of Pathfinder International/Ethiopia’s Private Sector Franchise Initiative For Reproductive Health And Family Planning. Starting Date Project Type Tsui, Amy Project Funding Agency or Organization Principal Investigator Department Sponsored Research Direct Costs Indirect Costs Total Amount NP 130,435 19,565 150,000 33