Transport, Collection, Loading & Unloading of Recyclate
Ref: SSoW01v2
Risk Assessments &tc
Transport, collection, loading & unloading of recyclate
Vehicle Emergency Placard
File name
Vehicle Emergency
March 2004
March 2004
In accordance with Health and Safety regulations, Cae Post Ltd has adopted the following working procedure to establish and maintain a safe environment for our employees, contracted workers and the general public.
Employees must adhere to the following work system at all times.
The collection of recyclate involves travelling to and from collection points and ‘Bring’ sites, and involves a significant amount of manual handling and lifting. Collection operatives are required to load bags of recyclate onto the collection vehicle and to empty the recyclate into the bays at Cae Post depot, Trewern when they return.
Collection bags on average weigh around 19kg, when full of plastic bottles and although this weight can be handled by a single person the bulky size of the bags can be a problem.
Many collection sites are in public locations so employees need to pay particular attention so that they do not cause inconvenience or harm to members of the public.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Work Jacket/overalls
Work gloves
High visibility jacket
Hard hat
Work overalls and high visibility waistcoats must be worn at all times.
In colder weather High visibility jackets should be worn.
Heavy-duty work gloves must be worn during all loading and unloading procedures.
Protective eyewear is available for use at the operatives discretion but it is advised eyewear be worn during any activity where the operatives must lift the collection bags above eye level or where the bags appear to be wet.
In wet weather, collection staff must wear high visibility raincoats and waterproof trousers.
The rear unloading bays, and all external areas at Cae Post have been designated a hard hat area
Collection operatives will follow the schedule for washing and cleaning of all PPE
The collection vehicle is to carry a basic first aid kit, laminated emergency protocol card warning triangle and personal mobile telephone (credit to be supplied by Cae
Collection vehicles
At the start of each day, the collection vehicle driver must carry out the daily vehicle checks, complete the vehicle log sheet and load the tachometer.
Author: MR, CC
File name:726904849
Approved by: RJM Next review : March 2005
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Transport, Collection, Loading & Unloading of Recyclate
Ref: SSoW01v2
Any faults with the vehicle must be immediately reported to the Transport Supervisor or nominated deputy.
Vehicles must be kept clean and tidy. The vehicle-washing schedule will be applied for each vehicle. Only trained operatives shall undertake use of the high pressure cleaning equipment. All cleaning machinery and equipment shall be returned to the designated storage locations.
Only company-approved paperwork and materials may be carried in the collection vehicles unless specific permission has been given by the transport supervisor.
Only adequately trained and authorised members of staff are to drive the collection vehicles.
If two operatives are on a collection, both the driver and the driver’s assistant must be trained in hand signalling (banksman) techniques. A schedule for training collection operatives in hand signalling techniques will be maintained. and held at the
Cae Post Trewern depot. In a lone worker situation the driver must be trained in the use of the reversing camera.
A schedule for training staff to use any special equipment on the vehicle, e.g. lifts and hoists, reversing cameras, will be maintained.
A schedule for training collection operatives in manual handling will be maintained.
The driver must fully understand the use of the tachograph and statutory requirements concerning driving times and rest periods
Before leaving Cae Post depot, Trewern
The transport supervisor will maintain a standard collection route for each vehicle for each day of the week. Any changes to the standard collection route will be conveyed to the vehicle driver and logged onto the downstairs information board. An estimated time of return to the Cae Post depot must be logged.
All collection staff must complete a PPE check and obtain and sign for any replacement items as necessary.
The collection vehicle needs to be loaded with the appropriate number of empty collection bags, estimated from a prior knowledge of the collection route. If this is an unknown quantity the driver should ask the transport supervisor.
The collection vehicle loading doors/shutters are to be checked and secured in a closed position.
When leaving the depot, the driver must adhere to the speed limit and follow the predetermined vehicle routes. Any reversing manoeuvres should be carried out under supervision from an operative trained in hand signalling or using the reversing camera.
Author: MR, CC
File name:726904849
Approved by: RJM Next review : March 2005
Page 2 of 5
Transport, Collection, Loading & Unloading of Recyclate
Ref: SSoW01v2
Arriving at bring site
All drivers and collection operatives should familiarise themselves with the location and access points for each drop site or collection area. The Transport Supervisor maintains a register of locations.
When arriving at a bring site the collection team must be aware that they are entering a public area and conduct themselves with due care, attention and courtesy as ambassadors for Cae Post. Unless specified, vehicles should be driven at no more than 5mph in pedestrian zones.
Collection vehicles should be manoeuvred into a position as to minimise the handling distance of the collection bags. Any vehicle manoeuvres needed to achieve this should be kept to a minimum and carried out under the supervision of the drivers assistant whenever present.
Once in position, the vehicle is to be stopped, the handbrake firmly applied and the keys removed and retained by the driver.
Loading the vehicle
All loading doors/shutters on the collection vehicle and the ‘bring’ site storage container are to be firmly secured in an open position before loading commences.
Collection operatives should first assess the weight of an individual bag before attempting to move it. Using this estimation, the operative is to decide whether the bag can be moved by one person or whether they need assistance from their colleague. If a single operative is undertaking the collection and they deem a bag to be too heavy to move, the material should, if possible, be divided into more than one collection bag, otherwise the bag should be left at the bring site and reported to the transport supervisor for special collection.
Employees must also visually assess the condition of the collection bags and contents. Extra caution should be taken if there is liquid seeping from the bags or on the bag surface and protective eyewear is to be worn.
Once in position, each bag needs lifting into the collection vehicle. Cae Post has deemed this to be a two person activity unless a lifting aid is used.
Once inside the vehicle, the bags are to be stacked evenly and firmly.
A count of all bags collected at a site is to be entered on the collection log sheet and a corresponding number of bags is to be left in the bring sites storage container.
Where necessary a record should be made of the site conditions or of any special problems noted during the visit.
Leaving the bring site
Before leaving the bring site, the driver must ensure that the area around the site has been left clean and tidy.
Doors/shutters on the collection vehicle and the storage container are to be secured and locked in a closed position.
As on arrival, any complicated manoeuvres are to be kept to a minimum and carried out under the supervision of the drivers assistant whenever present.
Author: MR, CC
File name:726904849
Approved by: RJM Next review : March 2005
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Transport, Collection, Loading & Unloading of Recyclate
Ref: SSoW01v2
Unloading at Trewern depot
The collection vehicle is to be manoeuvred into a correct unloading position within the bay under the supervision of a trained Cae post operative. When in position, the vehicle is to be stopped and the handbrake firmly applied. Wheel chocks must be applied to the rear wheels of the collection vehicle before unloading.
Special care is to be taken when opening the vehicle loading doors/shutters as bags may have moved in transit.
Bags are to be emptied directly into the corresponding bay using correct manual handling techniques.
Protective eyewear to be used during unloading due to the high possibility of splashes from the bottom of the collection bags.
Once empty, the vehicle is to be parked-up in its designated storage area.
At the end of the working day, the driver is to report to the office, log the last load if this is not already done and return the vehicle keys.
Any problems with the collection vehicles or related equipment should be reported immediately to the Transport supervisor.
Any damages or problems found at the bring sites should be reported to Transport supervisor.
Employees should be aware of the risk of wasp stings especially in warm weather.
Any known allergic reactions should be reported to the Transport Supervisor. Due to the possible contact with materials contaminated by rat and mouse urine collection staff must carry the Leptospirosis card issued to them and follow instructions on the card if they need to visit their doctor.
In the event of an encounter with a violent or abusive member of the public, staff are to calmly leave the area as quickly as possible and report the situation promptly to the Transport Supervisor. Do not be tempted to respond to the situation.
In case of Breakdown
If possible, move the vehicle to the nearest safe location and use the safety warning triangle to reduce the hazard for other vehicles.
The collection crew shall not attempt to fix the vehicle unless the problem is very simple or obvious and the repair does not present a risk of injury to themselves or others.
Crew should contact Cae Post depot, Trewern using personal mobile phones. Out of office hours contact the breakdown service number on the emergency card.
In case of emergency
Follow the advice on the emergency card: assess the situation, take the most appropriate immediate course of action and contact the Cae post depot at the earliest opportunity using the emergency mobile telephone.
Author: MR, CC
File name:726904849
Approved by: RJM Next review : March 2005
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Transport, Collection, Loading & Unloading of Recyclate
Ref: SSoW01v2
In case of Accident
Where there is no injury to any individual, all relevant details about the accident should be reorder on the vehicle log, including the time, names, vehicle registrations and telephone numbers of all the parties involved. If possible, the driver should record the names and addresses of any witnesses. This information should then be handed to the Transport supervisor on return to Cae Post depot. The driver should give his name, the Cae Post address and insurance details if requested by a third party. Do not admit liability to any third party involved in the accident.
Special provisions for lone working
Drivers must check the availability of collapsible warning sign to be used during any complicated manoeuvres and use them appropriately.
Lone workers should not overexert themselves during loading/unloading but rather should leave heavy sacks at the ‘bring sites’ for re-loading into other sacks or for collection at a later date.
Author: MR, CC
File name:726904849
Approved by: RJM Next review : March 2005
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