Oregon Trail Personal History Outline (Writing Historical Fiction) Student: Date: One Night on the Oregon Trail Greetings to your friends on the trail I. Introduction: Who are you, where you are from, who is in your family? A. ____________________________________________________________________ II. III. IV. V. B. ____________________________________________________________________ C. ____________________________________________________________________ Your occupation, why are you coming west, what you want to do? A. ____________________________________________________________________ B. ____________________________________________________________________ C. ____________________________________________________________________ What troubles or experiences have you had along the way? A. ____________________________________________________________________ B. ____________________________________________________________________ C. ____________________________________________________________________ D. ____________________________________________________________________ E. ____________________________________________________________________ What do you see in your future? (For America or just you?) A. ____________________________________________________________________ B. ____________________________________________________________________ Conclusion: Remind us of your goals in moving west. A. ____________________________________________________________________ B. ____________________________________________________________________ Oregon Trail Personal History Outline (Writing Historical Fiction) Student: Date: Historical Fiction Checklist Organization The introduction tells the group who you are and where you came from. Historic Facts: 1.) ___________________________________________________ _ / 1 2.) ___________________________________________________ _ / 1 Each topic describes the west or reasons for traveling west. Story line is supported with historical facts. Paragraph Topic: _______________________________________________________ Historic Facts: 1.) ___________________________________________________ _ / 1 2.) ___________________________________________________ _ / 1 3.) ___________________________________________________ _ / 1 Paragraph Topic: _______________________________________________________ Historic Facts: 1.) ___________________________________________________ _ / 1 2.) ___________________________________________________ _ / 1 3.) ___________________________________________________ _ / 1 Paragraph Topic: _______________________________________________________ Historic Facts: 1.) ___________________________________________________ _ / 1 2.) ___________________________________________________ _ / 1 3.) ___________________________________________________ _ / 1 The conclusion reminds the audience who you are and why you are on your way west. Why Again? _________________________________________________________ _/1 Total Outline Points Available: _____ 12 Points Oregon Trail Personal History Outline (Writing Historical Fiction) Student: Date: Format For a sentence outline: Each outline entry is a complete sentence with a period at the end of the sentence. (0/2) Paper has been typed. (0/2) Spelling All words are spelled correctly. (0/2) All typing errors are corrected. (0/2) Peer Evaluation Checked by: the paper's author & __________________________ Date: _________________ Step A: Have another student read first draft, edit with correction pen, and sign at the bottom. Step B: Print a second copy of paper that is typed and edited for errors found in first draft. Step C: Have another student assist you in completing parts 1-4 Step D: Staple this grade sheet to first and second drafts and turn in before our Night on the Trail. Step E: Type up a second copy of story to have ready to read in class. Part 1 ___ / 12 points Part 2,3,4 ___/ 8 points Total Peer Edit Historical Fact Sheet 30 Points Historic Outline (Complete) 10 Points Peer Edit 20 Points / Checklist Teacher Evaluation 40 Points Total Historical Fiction Story value 100 Points & Checklist ___/ 20 Points Oregon Trail Personal History Outline (Writing Historical Fiction) Student: Date: Teacher Evaluation Historic Fiction Project 0 5 7 9 10 not evident minimal evidence of mastery adequate evidence of mastery strong evidence of mastery outstanding evidence of mastery Writing Traits ___/ 10 The paper is free from distracting spelling and grammatical errors. ___/10 Story is clear with precise and relevant evidence, including historic facts and logical reasoning The paper is clear and rich in details. The writing is original The paper integrates historic facts into the story's fiction in a way that demonstrates knowledge of the historic time period, artifacts, and people. Every piece of the writing adds something to the whole story. Historic Facts ___/ 20 The paper includes Historic facts dealing with time, people, and artifacts directly relevant to the Oregon Trail. (Two points per item which is adequately integrated into the story.) Teacher Evaluation ____ / 40 Points Costume / Decoration EX ____ / 0 Points Historical Fact Sheet ____ / 30 Points Required: Students must complete index cards and answer teacher questions during our Night on the Trail. TOTAL PROJECT GRADE: _____ / 100 Points Historic Outline (Complete) ____ / 10 Points Peer Edit / Checklist ____ / 20 Points 100-90 A 89-80 B 79-70 C 69-60 D