AP mitosis reading review

Mitosis Reading Review
_____1. The process by which the chromosomes are equally divided and distributed to the two new cells
during cell division is called
a) mitosis
b) cytokinesis
c) apoptosis
d) cell cycle
e) metastasis
_____2. Which is not true about bacteria chromosomes?
a) There is generally only one chromosome in each bacteria cell.
b) A bacteria chromosome is present in a single copy per cell.
c) A bacteria chromosome is attached to the plasma membrane.
d) A bacteria chromosome is in a loop.
e) A bacteria chromosome contains both DNA and associated histones.
_____3. The structure that contains the genetic information in a bacteria cell is called the
a) nucleus
b) nucleoid
c) nucleolus
d) nucleosome
e) nucleoprotein
_____4. The speed of binary fission used by bacteria is
a) considerably slower than mitosis of advance organisms since bacteria are so primitive.
b) considerably faster than mitosis of advance organisms.
c) essentially the same speed as mitosis in advance organisms.
_____5. Virtually all specialized cells of a multicellular organism
a) develop through mutations from less specialized cells of the organism.
b) contain more genetic material than less specialized cells of the same organism.
c) contain less genetic material than less specialized cells of the same organism.
d) have the same amount of DNA and the same number of chromosomes as all other cells of the organism.
_____6. Which is not true about chromosomes of a multicellular organism?
a) They are made up of DNA and protein.
b) Each chromosome is a replicated into two chromatids during the S phase of interphase.
c) Each chromosome separates into daughter chromosomes by binary fission.
d) All cells contain chromosomes that carry the same genetic information.
_____7. Which statement is not true about eukaryotic chromosomes?
a) There is only one chromosome of each type in each body cell.
b) Chromosomes condense from chromatin at the start of mitosis.
c) Chromosomes contain both DNA and associated histones.
d) Chromosomes disperse back into chromatin at the end of mitosis.
e) Chromosomes are not located within the nuclear envelope during mitosis.
_____8. Consider a plant cell that has 14 chromosomes and is undergoing prophase in mitosis.
At this time there are _____ chromatids and _____ centromeres.
a) 14, 14 b) 14, 28
c) 0, 14
d) 0, 28
e) 28, 14
_____9. The haploid number (1n) of chromosomes for humans is
a) 23
b) 24
c) 44
d) 46
e) 48
_____10. Which statement is Not true about mitosis?
a) Mitosis is a process that duplicates and divides the nuclear contents only.
b) Mitosis produces two daughter cells that contain the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.
c) Mitosis produces two daughter cells that contain the same kinds of chromosomes as the parent cell.
d) Mitosis uses a 2n parent cell to form daughter cells containing n chromosomes.
e) Mitosis is involved in development of a fertilized egg into a multicellular organism.
_____11. Which represents the correct sequence of stages in the cell cycle?
a) G1, G2, S, M
c) G1, G2, M, S
b) G1, M, G2, S
d) G1, S, G2, M
_____12. The critical checkpoints that control the cell cycle are at the
a) G1 to S stage and G2 to M stage
b) S to G2 stage and G2 to M stage
c) M to G1 stage and G2 to M stage
d) M to G1 stage and S to G2 stage
e) S to G2 stage and G2 to M stage
_____13. During which stage of the cell cycle is cell growth and replication of organelles most significant?
a) M phase b) G1 phase c) G2 phase d) S phase e) G0 phase
_____14. Which stage is most associated with a cell that is unable to divide again, such as a muscle or
nerve cell?
a) M phase b) G1 phase c) G2 phase d) S phase e) G0 phase
_____15. ____ molecules are a common way for the cell to turn on metabolic pathways.
a) Inhibitory b) Respiratory c) Cytochrome d) Ionized e) Phosphorylated
_____16. Which sequence of stages in mitosis correct?
a) prophase, anaphase, prometaphase, metaphase, telophase
b) prophase, telophase, anaphase, prometaphase, metaphase
c) prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
d) telophase, prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase
e) anaphase, telophase, prophase, prometaphase, metaphase
_____17. Which occurs in metaphase?
a) Centrioles move to opposite poles.
b) Chromosomes line up along the equator of the dividing cell.
c) Chromosomes move to opposite poles.
d) The nuclear envelope disappears.
_____18. Which occurs in anaphase?
a) Centrioles move to opposite poles.
b) Chromosomes line up along the equator of the dividing cell.
c) Chromosomes move to opposite poles.
d) The nuclear envelope disappears.
_____19. Plant cells differ from animal cells in mitosis in all Except which of these ways?
a) Plants lack centrioles, but animals have them.
b) Plants lack microtubules and spindles, but animals have them.
c) Plants lack cell furrow, but animals have them.
d) Plants from a cell plate, but animal do not.
e) Plants develop a cell wall between daughter cells, but animals do not.
_____20. Cytokinesis in plant cells differ from this process in animal cells because
a) the plant endoplasmic reticulum form a cell plate.
b) microtubules are laid down in a plywood like cell plate pattern.
c) the Golgi apparatus produces vesicles that migrate along the microtubules and fuse to become a cell
d) the inner plasma membrane divides by cytokinesis as in animal cells and then secretes a cellulose cell
e) asters coalesce to form a fibrous plate that reinforces with cellulose.
_____21. Binary fission by bacteria differs from mitosis because
a) the chromosome copies attach to the plasma membrane and are pulled apart by cell growth.
b) the chromosome is a simple DNA strand without complex proteins and no spindle forms.
c) there is no nuclear membrane to breakdown and rebuild.
d) All of the above are correct.
_____22. In multicellular organisms, mitosis is
a) the means of tissue growth and repair.
b) a way to generate new kinds of mutant or recombinant organisms.
c) the means of sexual reproduction.
d) not useful in stem cell lines that constantly replace skin, etc.
e) able to occur in only a few cells of specialized tissues.
_____23. Which of the following is not true about cancer cells?
a) They never fully differentiate.
b) They exhibit contact inhibition.
c) They exhibit uncontrolled growth.
d) They exhibit disorganized growth.
e) They may undergo metastasis.
_____24. Apoptosis refers to cell death and
a) is always biologically detrimental to an organism.
b) is merely the accumulation of genetic errors.
c) can be programmed and is essential to normal development.
d) is a failure in the translation or transcription mechanism.
e) is any failure of the genetic machinery to work properly.
_____25. Which does not occur in telophase?
a) Cytokinesis is under way.
b) The nuclear envelope is being constructed.
c) The centromeres split apart.
d) Chromosomes de-condense into chromatin.
e) The nucleolus reforms.
_____26. Which of the following statements about mitosis is correct?
a) Mitosis makes up 80 percent of the cell cycle.
b) The order of mitosis is prophase, anaphase, prometaphase, metaphase, and telophase.
c) Single celled eukaryotes undergo mitosis as part of asexual reproduction.
d) Mitosis is performed by prokaryotic cells.
e) Cell plates are formed in animal cells during mitosis.
_____27. During this phase the split sister chromatids, now considered to be chromosomes, are moved to
the opposite poles of the cell.
a) Prophase b) Metaphase c) Anaphase d) Telophase
e) Cytokinesis
_____28. During this phase the nucleus deteriorates and the mitotic spindle begins to form.
a) Prophase b) Metaphase c) Anaphase d) Telophase
e) Cytokinesis
_____29. During this phase the two daughter cells are actually split apart.
a) Prophase b) Metaphase c) Anaphase d) Telophase
e) Cytokinesis
_____30. During this phase the sister chromatids line up along the equator of the cell, preparing to split.
a) Prophase b) Metaphase c) Anaphase d) Telophase
e) Cytokinesis
_____31. Which of the following is not known to be involved in the control of cell division?
a) Cyclins b) Protein kinases c) Checkpoints d) Fibroblast cells e) Growth factors
_____32. If a cell has 46 chromosomes at the beginning of mitosis, then at anaphase there would be a total
a) 23 chromatids
b) 23 chromosomes c) 46 chromosomes d) 46 chromatids
e) 92
_____33. All of the following statements are true except
a) Spindle fibers are composed largely of microtubules.
b) Centrioles consists of nine triplets of microtubules arranged in a circle.
c) All eukaryotic cells have centrioles.
d) All eukaryotic cells have a spindle fiber.
e) Many of the microtubules in a spindle apparatus attach to kinetochores of chromosomes.
_____34. DNA replication occurs during
a) anaphase
b) interphase c) metaphase
d) prophase
e) telophase
_____35. The division of the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell is called
a) mitosis
b) binary fission
c) cytokinesis
d) karyokinesis
e) None of the above.
_____36. After the DNA molecule is duplicated it consists of two connected pieces called
a) duplicates
b) centromeres c) chromatins
d) sister chromatids
e) diploids
_____37. The G0 phase
a) includes all of the mitotic phases.
b) is a "resting" stage that occurs prior to the G1 phase.
c) is a "resting" stage that occurs during the G1 phase, prior to possibly resuming division.
d) occurs only in rapidly dividing cell.
e) occurs after G2 but just prior to mitosis, allowing the cell to prepare for the actual nuclear division.
_____38. What structure not found in animal cells forms along the midline of a dividing plant cell?
a) cleavage furrow
b) centrioles
c) cell plate
d) kinetochore
_____39. A specialized disk shaped structure on the chromatids that attaches the mitotic spindle to the
centromere is called the
a) apoptosis b) aster
c) kinetochore
d) centriole
e) cyclin
_____40. The collapsing and folding of the DNA molecule is accomplished with the aid of special ______
which are called ______.
a) proteins, histones
b) carbohydrates, cellulose
c) lipids, phospholipids
d) membranes, vesicles
e) proteins, histamines
_____41. Chromatids are
a) dense patches within the nucleus
b) bacterial chromosomes
c) joined strands of duplicated genetic material.
d) prokaryotic nuclei
_____42. A protein disk that attaches two chromatids to each other in a chromosome is called a(n)
a) kinetochore fiber b) centromere
c) centriole
d) centrosome
_____43. Which of the following structures would allow one to determine if a cell division involved plants or
a) Presence of spindle fibers.
b) Alignment of chromosomes at the middle during metaphase.
c) Presence of cell plate.
d) Separation of chromosomes during anaphase.
e) Disappearance of nucleus during prophase.
_____44. A spindle fiber is a specialized form of
a) microtubule
b) flagellum
c) cilium
d) chromosome
_____45. Mitosis is a process by which
a) DNA is replicated
c) cytokinesis occurs
b) cells grow in size
d) a cell nucleus divides