Frontline Management: discussion paper Prepared for Innovation and Business Skills Australia (IBSA) by Precision Consultancy March 2009 Contents Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 3 The Certificate III in Frontline Management ............................................................................................... 5 Key Management Skill Set ........................................................................................................................... 6 Certificate IV in Frontline Management ...................................................................................................... 6 Appendix A - Certificate III in Frontline Management ............................................................................ 11 Appendix B – Certificate IV in Frontline Management ............................................................................ 15 Appendix C – Key Management Skill Set ................................................................................................. 21 Appendix D – The Australian Qualifications Framework ......................................................................... 22 Frontline Management Discussion Paper March 2009 2 Overview This Discussion Paper is part of the consultation process for a project that will report on the outcomes of the research, interviews and the perspectives of key stakeholders regarding the demand and take up of the Frontline Management qualifications. The Frontline Management Initiative was developed following the Karpin Report’s (1995) call to boost the skills of Australian managers. Recommendation 11 in the Karpin Report was that "there be established a national training program for frontline managers" (page xli). The Karpin Report envisaged that participants would not have had any formal management training and that they would be "working in enterprises which are able to demonstrate the application of quality principles in their operations and their human resource development processes." The Task Force estimated that about 180,000 frontline managers in Australia were without formal management training; and estimated that approximately 80,000 to 100,000 of these would qualify "by working in quality committed enterprises". 1 Since its inception the Frontline Management Initiative has proved enormously popular. Often the programs are delivered in-house: although this is not a requirement of the units of competence, management development lends itself to action and group learning in context. In its earliest form the FMI offered a Certificate IV and Diploma. Since then the units have undergone a number of revisions to conform to the changes in the vocational education and training system. Furthermore they have been revised in response to feedback from key stakeholders. In the course of the development of BSB07 (the ‘home training package’ of the Frontline Management and Strategic Management qualifications) some decisions were made to rationalise and consolidate management qualifications. The table below shows the changes. Management Qualifications before BSB07 BSB07 Management Qualifications Certificate III in Frontline Management Certificate III in Frontline Management Key Management Skill Set Certificate IV in Business Management Certificate IV in Business (Frontline Management) Diploma of Business Management Diploma of Business (Frontline Management) Advanced Diploma of Business Management Certificate IV in Frontline Management Diploma of Management Advanced Diploma of Management In the course of the consultations for BSB07 it was suggested that the Certificate III in Frontline Management be deleted – the reasons for this are listed below – and replaced with a Skill Set for people who were new to supervision or management and for people who may be keen to move into these roles. The skill set was developed and approved by the National Project Reference Group. However, at the later stage of the review there was a call to reinstate the Certificate III in Frontline Management and it was included in BSB07 without being revised. 1 C. Selby Smith, I. Roos and L. Wright "Provider Practice and the Frontline Management Initiative" Frontline Management Discussion Paper March 2009 3 The purpose of this paper is to: Consider how BSB07 can best meet the needs of those preparing for management roles Determine whether the Certificate III in Frontline Management meets the needs of industry and its intended audience, and ascertain levels of support for the Certificate III in Frontline Management Review the relationship between the Certificate III in Frontline Management, the Key Management Skill Set and the Certificate IV in Frontline Management Ascertain whether Skill Set/s might provide a more effective alternative for the required skills. Please note that there is another discussion paper on management skills and management development more broadly – it invites feedback on how we should be preparing for the challenges of management between now and 2020. . The paper is titled: The future of management development in Australia Appendices A and B provide the packaging rules for the Certificate III in Frontline Management and the Certificate IV in Frontline Management respectively . Appendix C provides the Key Management Skill Set and Appendix D provides information from the Australian Qualifications Framework. Frontline Management Discussion Paper March 2009 4 The Certificate III in Frontline Management Some of the specific issues raised in relation to the Certificate III in Frontline Management in the Review of BSB01 (which led to the development of BSB07) were: That while some providers had it on their scope of registration publicly available data showed minimal enrolments in the qualification; however it should be noted that management development is generally under-represented in National Centre for Vocational Education and Research data as most management development programs are not publicly funded and are commissioned or funded directly by the enterprise in order to grow managerial skills in employees. That there are questions about the suitability of a management qualification at Certificate III level and questions about the qualification’s consistency with the spirit of the AQF (see Appendix D excerpt from the AQF Implementation Handbook 2007) That the qualification was out of step with other qualifications in BSB and other training packages because it only required 6 units for completion (most other Certificates III require 12 or 13 units). That the units within the qualification did not reflect the skills or competencies required for a management or supervisory role i.e. that the qualification is incorrectly titled. In the revisions that were made to various units to create BSB07 the unit BSBCMN419A Manage projects was updated and raised one level to become BSBPMG510A Manage projects. This unit is listed as an elective in the Certificate III in Frontline Management. Whilst there are a number of qualifications in BSB07 which include units from a level higher or lower, the practice of including a unit which is two levels higher than the qualification has not previously occurred. Available data shows that the qualification is being used by some enterprises as a pathway qualification. Some enterprises provide training and skills to ensure that workers have the ability to provide leadership and work in an innovative environment. These workers would typically lead/manage small work groups in a routine environment and step into the role of supervisor if required. The Certificate III provides recognition of these skills and provides a management pathway. Qualification Structure The qualification requires 6 units (see Appendix A) comprising four core units plus 2 electives. Four core units must be drawn from the list below: BSBCMN311B Maintain workplace safety* BSBFLM303C Contribute to effective workplace relationships BSBFLM305C Support operational plan BSBFLM312B Contribute to team effectiveness BSBWOR301A Organise personal work priorities and development. * denotes mandatory unit. Frontline Management Discussion Paper March 2009 5 Note: Most other Certificates III in BSB07 require 12 or 13 units of competency. In general the number of units required for a qualification in BSB07 decreases as the qualification level increases – the trend is for lower level qualifications to prefer breadth i.e. more units, whilst higher level qualifications aim for depth and complexity.BSBCMN311B Maintain workplace safety, BSBFLM303C Contribute to effective workplace relationships, BSBFLM312B Contribute to team effectiveness and BSBFLM305C Support operational plan These units were all rationalised and merged to create new units for BSB07. Because the Certificate III in Frontline Management was marked for deletion and then reinstated at the last minute, there was no time to consult on it. The qualification essentially comprises units from the old training package. These units duplicate new units in BSB07. BSBWOR301A Organise personal work priorities and development This unit appears in many other qualifications in BSB07 e.g. Certificate III in Business Administration, Certificate III in Recordkeeping, Certificate III in Occupational Health and Safety, Certificate III in International Trade. Key Management Skill Set The Key Management Skill Set was developed when the Certificate III in Frontline Management was marked for deletion from BSB07. The skill set was intended to replace the Certificate III in Frontline Management and to address the needs of people who were transitioning in to management or supervisory roles. The units required for this skill set are: BSBMGT401A Show leadership in the workplace BSBMGT402A Implement operational plan BSBWOR402A Promote team effectiveness These units can all be credited to towards the Certificate IV in Frontline Management. They are drawn from the core units of the Certificate IV. Certificate IV in Frontline Management The current Certificate IV in Frontline Management is the result of a merger between the former Certificate IV in Frontline Management and the Certificate IV in Business Management. These two qualifications were merged because of duplication. Although there has been a long standing tradition that Frontline Management was delivered in the workplace and that ‘strategic’ management qualifications were delivered in institutional settings, there was nothing in the units that specified the setting for delivery. The AQTF 2007 specifies that all competencies should be assessed to the standards expected in the workplace. Frontline Management Discussion Paper March 2009 6 The broad concept of industry competency concerns the ability to perform particular tasks and duties to the standard of performance expected in the workplace. Competency requires the application of specified skills and knowledge relevant to effective participation in an industry sector or enterprise. Qualification Structure The Certificate IV in Frontline Management requires competency in 10 units: 4 core plus 6 electives. The core units are: BSBMGT401A Show leadership in the workplace BSBMGT402A Implement operational plan BSBOHS407A Monitor a safe workplace BSBWOR402A Promote team effectiveness. Your opinions are most welcome. Overleaf are some questions about the Frontline Management qualifications and the Key Management Skill Set. You are invited to comment on the qualifications, and may wish to write a submission from your organisation. Alternatively you may wish to answer the questions that are provided overleaf. Please send your responses (preferably by email) to: Michelle Wong Precision Consultancy Suite 2, Level 5, 167-169 Queen St., Melbourne VIC 3000 e: t: 03 9606 0118 f: 03 9606 0119 Responses must be received by close of business, Friday 17th April 2009. Frontline Management Discussion Paper March 2009 7 Questions Name: Title: Organisation: Address: Email: Telephone: 1. Are you from a Registered Training Organisation, or an enterprise RTO? Yes No If no, please go to question 2 Do you deliver or award the Certificate III in Frontline Management? Yes No If yes, how many people were awarded the Certificate III in Frontline Management the 2008 calendar year? Please go to question 3 Frontline Management Discussion Paper March 2009 8 2. Are you from an enterprise/company, without an RTO? Yes No Were any of your staff awarded the Certificate III in Frontline Management in the 2008 calendar year? Yes No If yes, how many staff Do you intend to use the Certificate III in Frontline Management in the future? Yes No If yes, approximately how many staff? 3. Do you believe there are any changes that should be made to the Certificate III in Frontline Management (e.g. new title or descriptor, revisions to units, different packaging rules, delete qualification etc.) Yes No Please explain your answer. Frontline Management Discussion Paper March 2009 9 4 Do you deliver or award the Key Management Skill Set? Yes No Are there any comments you would like to make about the Key Management Skill Set? 5. Are there any comments you would like to make about the relationship between the Certificate III and other supervision, management or leadership qualifications (in BSB07 or elsewhere)? 6. Are there any comments you would like to make? Frontline Management Discussion Paper March 2009 10 Appendix A - Certificate III in Frontline Management BSB31207 Certificate III in Frontline Management Descriptor This qualification reflects the role of individuals who provide supervision in a wide range of organisational and industry contexts. They are likely to have existing technical skills in a broad range of vocations or professions, but require some training in the basics of supervision. Typically they would report to a supervisor or team leader. At this level frontline managers provide basic leadership and guidance to small groups of others and have limited responsibility for the effective functioning and performance of a unit and its work outcomes. Job Roles Job roles and titles vary across different industry sectors. Possible job titles relevant to this qualification include: Unit leader Leading Hand Qualification Pathways Prerequisite requirements There are no prerequisite requirements for individual units of competency. Pathways into the qualification Preferred pathways for candidates considering this qualification include: after achieving the BSB20107 Certificate II in Business or other relevant qualifications OR providing evidence of competency in the majority of units required for BSB20107 Certificate II in Business or other relevant qualifications OR with some vocational experience of working within a team or unit but no formal supervisory qualification. Frontline Management Discussion Paper March 2009 11 Examples of indicative job roles for candidates seeking entry based upon their vocational experience include: Clerical Worker Data Entry Operator Lance Corporal/Corporal or equivalent in other Defence Forces Tradesperson This breadth of expertise would equate to the competencies required to undertake this qualification. Pathways from the qualification After achieving the BSB31207 Certificate III in Frontline Management, candidates may undertake the BSB40807 Certificate IV in Frontline Management, or a range of other Certificate IV qualifications. Licensing, Legislative, Regulatory or Certification Considerations There is no direct link between this qualification and licensing, legislative and/or regulatory requirements. However, where required, a Unit of Competency will specify relevant licensing, legislative and/or regulatory requirements that impact on the unit. Qualification Rules Total number of units = 6 4 core units plus 2 elective units At least 2 of the core units must be selected from the Management Units in the range of Core Units listed below and BSBCMN311B Maintain workplace safety. At least 1 of the elective units must be selected from the Management units listed below. Elective units must be relevant to the work outcome, local industry requirements and the qualification level. Core Units Select 4 units from the following list including BSBCMN311B Maintain workplace safety. Common BSBCMN311B Maintain workplace safety Frontline Management BSBFLM303C Contribute to effective workplace relationships BSBFLM305C Support operational plan BSBFLM312B Contribute to team effectiveness Workplace Effectiveness BSBWOR301A Organise personal work priorities and development Frontline Management Discussion Paper March 2009 12 Elective Units Customer Service BSBCUS301A Deliver and monitor a service to customers Innovation BSBINN301A Promote innovation in a team environment IT Use BSBITU203A Communicate electronically Frontline Management BSBFLM306C Provide workplace information and resourcing plans BSBFLM309C Support continuous improvement systems and processes BSBFLM311C Support a workplace learning environment Management BSBMGT404A Lead and facilitate off-site staff Project Management BSBPMG510A Manage projects Risk Management BSBRSK401A Identify risk and apply risk management processes Note: The rules applying to this qualification are different from the general pattern of qualifications at the same level within the Business Services Training Package. The number of units is much lower than for other qualifications. Employability Skills Summary BSB31207 Certificate III in Frontline Management The following table contains a summary of the Employability Skills required by industry for this qualification. The Employability Skills facets described here are broad industry requirements that may vary depending on qualification packaging options. Employability Skill Industry requirements for this qualification include: Communication communicating verbally with team members and managers to ensure open communication channels and to clarify issues writing a range of simple documentation and communications supporting other team members conveying workplace procedures and work instructions to team members resolving issues and conflicts with team members developing strategies and processes to improve team work practices and team effectiveness within the constraints of documented procedures identifying and suggesting improvements to support the development of improved work practices and team effectiveness Teamwork Problem solving Initiative and enterprise Frontline Management Discussion Paper March 2009 13 Employability Skill Industry requirements for this qualification include: Planning and organising contributing to planning processes with team members to meet expected outcomes monitoring and adjusting team performance by preparing short-term plans, acquiring resources and reporting on performance gathering, organising and applying workplace information for the organisation’s work processes and information systems actively seeking feedback on own performance from clients and colleagues prioritising tasks developing a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of products and services identifying priorities and pursuing personal work goals in accordance with organisational objectives using information communication technology to communicate with team members or clients Self-management Learning Technology Frontline Management Discussion Paper March 2009 14 Appendix B – Certificate IV in Frontline Management BSB40807 Certificate IV in Frontline Management Descriptor This qualification reflects the role of individuals who take the first line of management in a wide range of organisational and industry contexts. They may have existing qualifications and technical skills in any given vocation or profession, yet require skills or recognition in supervisory functions. Typically they would report to a manager. At this level frontline managers provide leadership and guidance to others and take responsibility for the effective functioning and performance of the team and its work outcomes. Job Roles Job roles and titles vary across different industry sectors. Possible job titles relevant to this qualification include: Coordinator Leading Hand Supervisor Team Leader Qualification Pathways Prerequisite requirements There are no prerequisite requirements for individual units of competency. Pathways into the qualification Preferred pathways for candidates considering this qualification include: after achieving the BSB31207 Certificate III Frontline Management or other relevant qualification/s OR providing evidence of competency in the majority of units required for the BSB31207 Certificate III in Frontline Management or other relevant qualification/s Frontline Management Discussion Paper March 2009 15 OR with some vocational experience in a supervisory role but no formal qualification. Examples of indicative job roles for candidates seeking entry based upon their vocational experience include: Accounts Clerk Customer Service Advisor Import/Export Clerk Office Administrator Student Services Officer. This breadth of expertise would equate to the competencies required to undertake this qualification. Pathways from the qualification After achieving the BSB40807 Certificate IV in Frontline Management, candidates may undertake the BSB51107 Diploma of Management, or a range of other Diploma qualifications. Licensing, Legislative, Regulatory or Certification Considerations There is no direct link between this qualification and licensing, legislative and/or regulatory requirements. However, where required, a unit of competency will specify relevant licensing, legislative and/or regulatory requirements that impact on the unit. Qualification Rules Total number of units = 10 4 core units plus 6 elective units At least 3 of the elective units must be selected from the elective units listed below. The other 3 elective units may be selected from the remaining elective units listed below, the BSB07 Business Services Training Package or any other currently endorsed national Training Package. If not listed below, 1 unit may be selected from either a Certificate III or Diploma qualification. Elective units must be relevant to the work outcome, local industry requirements and the qualification level. Units selected from other Training Packages must not duplicate units selected from or available within the BSB07 Business Services Training Package. Frontline Management Discussion Paper March 2009 16 Core Units Management BSBMGT401A Show leadership in the workplace BSBMGT402A Implement operational plan Occupational Health and Safety BSBOHS407A Monitor a safe workplace Workplace Effectiveness BSBWOR402A Promote team effectiveness Elective Units Customer Service BSBCUS401A Coordinate implementation of customer service strategies BSBCUS402A Address customer needs BSBCUS403A Implement customer service standards Financial Administration BSBFIA402A Report on financial activity General Administration BSBADM409A Coordinate business resources Information Management BSBINM401A Implement workplace information system Innovation BSBINN301A Promote innovation in a team environment Interpersonal Communication BSBCMM401A Make a presentation IT Support BSBITS401A Maintain business technology Management BSBMGT403A Implement continuous improvement BSBMGT404A Lead and facilitate off-site staff Marketing BSBMKG413A Promote products and services Project Management BSBPMG510A Manage projects Relationship Management BSBREL401A Establish networks Research BSBRES401A Analyse and present research information Risk Management BSBRSK401A Identify risk and apply risk management processes Workplace Effectiveness BSBWOR401A Establish effective workplace relationships Frontline Management Discussion Paper March 2009 17 BSBWOR404A Develop work priorities Writing BSBWRT401A Write complex documents Selecting Elective Units for Different Outcomes The context for this qualification varies and this must guide the selection of elective units. Examples of appropriate elective units for particular outcomes follow. Frontline Management Discussion Paper March 2009 18 Supervisor, Sales Team 4 core units plus 6 elective units BSBCMM401A Make a presentation BSBINN301A Promote innovation in a team environment BSBINM401A Implement workplace information system BSBLED401A Develop teams and individuals BSBMKG413A Promote products and services BSBREL401A Establish networks Team Leader, Business Unit 4 core units plus 6 elective units BSBFIA402A Report on financial activity BSBITS401A Maintain business technology BSBREL402A Build client relationships and business networks BSBRKG403B Set up a business or records system for a small office BSBRSK401A Identify risk and apply risk management processes BSBWRT401A Write complex documents Employability Skills Summary BSB40807 Certificate IV in Frontline Management The following table contains a summary of the Employability Skills required by industry for this qualification. The Employability Skills facets described here are broad industry requirements that may vary depending on qualification packaging options. Employability Skill Industry requirements for this qualification include: Communication communicating with team members and management to ensure open communication channels and to clarify issues resolving conflict and disputes in the work team being a role model for other team members consulting and developing objectives with the work team developing risk management approaches developing techniques to address faults and inefficiencies Teamwork Problem solving Frontline Management Discussion Paper March 2009 19 Initiative and enterprise identifying and developing opportunities for improved work practices Planning and organising monitoring and adjusting operational performance by producing short-term plans, planning and acquiring resources and reporting on performance preparing work plans and budgets actively seeking feedback on own performance from clients and colleagues prioritising tasks Learning coaching and mentoring colleagues and team members to support the introduction of change Technology using business technology such as computer programs and telecommunications to collect and manage information Self-management Frontline Management Discussion Paper March 2009 20 Appendix C – Key Management Skill Set Key Management Skill Set Target Group This skill set is for people newly promoted to the position of supervisor, leading hand or team leader. Units BSBMGT401A Show leadership in the workplace BSBMGT402A Implement operational plan BSBWOR402A Promote team effectiveness Pathway These units provide credit towards a number of qualifications including the BSB40807 Certificate IV in Frontline Management. Suggested form of words for Statement of Attainment These competencies from the BSB07 Business Services Training Package meet the industry requirements for a supervisor. Frontline Management Discussion Paper March 2009 21 Appendix D – The Australian Qualifications Framework Excerpt form the AQF Implementation Handbook 2007 Certificate III Guideline 1. Purpose To assist employers; employees; professional associations; unions; Training Package, course and curriculum developers; accrediting bodies; and the wider public, including students, parents, and education and training bodies, to understand factors determining the level of the qualification. Also, to assist developers of Training Packages and courses of training to assign appropriate AQF qualifications within a Training Package, or to a course to be submitted for accreditation. 2. Context These Guidelines replace the RATE Descriptions, which have previously been used to provide guidance on qualification levels. The Guideline for the Certificate III qualification, which is authorised by the vocational education and training sector, takes into account developments under the National Skills Framework – the introduction of Training Packages and the implementation of the Australian Quality Training Framework 2007 (AQTF 2007). Training Packages use competency standards to describe the skills and knowledge needed to perform effectively in the workplace. These competency standards are packaged into units of competency. Units of competency are components of AQF qualifications. It is a requirement of the AQTF 2007 that competency standards from relevant Training Packages be used where they exist. Qualifications developed outside Training Packages must not duplicate qualifications contained in Training Packages. Registered Training Organisations and/or State/Territory Course Accrediting Bodies will need to be satisfied that any qualification proposed outside a Training Package cannot be achieved by the customisation and flexibility offered within a Training Package or by the issuance of a Training Package qualification together with one or more Statements of Attainment. The National Quality Council, the body responsible for the endorsement of Training Packages, also has responsibility for the endorsement of national competency standards that are not part of Training Packages. These Guidelines apply equally to qualifications based on these competency standards. In the vocational education and training sector there are a number of useful reference documents, which are listed in the Appendix. 3. Learning Outcomes 3.1 Authority In the vocational education and training sector, qualifications are based on nationally endorsed competency standards where they exist or on competency standards developed by relevant industry, enterprise, community or professional groups. Frontline Management Discussion Paper March 2009 22 The qualifications certify achievement of learning outcomes generally identified as sets of competencies for levels of workplace performance reflected in the characteristics and distinguishing features of each qualification. The focus in the vocational education and training sector is on the capacity to assess directly the performance criteria in the competencies specified within the Training Package or accredited course. Authorisation of alignment of competency standards to AQF qualifications occurs as follows: National Industry Skills Councils and other recognised bodies including relevant enterprises, through the process of developing Training Packages, determine the relevant qualification for each set of national competency standards in their respective Training Packages. This determination is subject to endorsement by the National Quality Council. State/Territory Course Accrediting Bodies, or Registered Training Organisations with delegated authority to self-manage accreditation, through the course accreditation process determine the relevant qualifications for any combined sets of national competency standards for which there is a training need, derived either from more than one Training Package and/or other endorsed sets of competency standards. The title of the new qualification must be clearly distinct from those in the related Training Packages. Where there is no relevant Training Package, State/Territory Course Accrediting Bodies, through the course accreditation process, determine the relevant qualification for other sets of competency standards developed by relevant industry, enterprise, community or professional bodies to meet an identified training need. 3.2 Characteristics Characteristics of competencies include: performance of a defined range of skilled operations, usually within a range of broader related activities involving known routines, methods and procedures, where some discretion and judgement is required in the selection of equipment, services or contingency measures and within known time constraints; breadth, depth and complexity of knowledge and competencies would cover selecting, adapting and transferring skills and knowledge to new environments and providing technical advice and some leadership in resolution of specific problems. This would be applied across a range of roles in a variety of contexts with some complexity in the extent and choice of options available; and applications may involve some responsibility for others. Participation in teams including group or team coordination may be involved. 3.3 Distinguishing Features Where additional information is required to assist in determining the qualification level, the following chart could be used to help determine the most compatible match. It is emphasised that the chart is not intended to be used as a checklist which all Certificate III qualifications must include, or to replace the authority statement above. Frontline Management Discussion Paper March 2009 23 Table 7 Distinguishing Features: Certificates II, III and IV Certificate II Certificate III Certificate IV Do the Competencies enable an individual with this qualification to: Do the Competencies enable an individual with this qualification to: Do the Competencies enable an individual with this qualification to: demonstrate basic operational knowledge in a moderate range of areas demonstrate some relevant theoretical knowledge demonstrate understanding of a broad knowledge base incorporating some theoretical concepts apply a defined range of skills apply a range of well developed skills apply known solutions to a limited range of predictable problems apply known solutions to a variety of predictable problems apply solutions to a defined range of unpredictable problems perform a range of tasks where choice between a limited range of options is required perform processes that require a range of well developed skills where some discretion and judgement is required identify and apply skill and knowledge areas to a wide variety of contexts with depth in some areas assess and record information from varied sources interpret available information, using discretion and judgement identify, analyse and evaluate information from a variety of sources take limited responsibility for own outputs in work and learning take responsibility for own outputs in work and learning take responsibility for own outputs in relation to specified quality standards take limited responsibility for the output of others take limited responsibility for the quantity and quality of the output of others Note: italicised words emphasise distinguishing features of the competencies between qualifications. In order to assist determining the relevant qualification, the most compatible set of features should be selected. Not all features will necessarily apply. Frontline Management Discussion Paper March 2009 24