H.R. No. 317 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Tuesday, March 2, 1993, has been selected as Graham-Young County Day at the State Capitol to honor the area and the people of that illustrious city and county and to recognize their outstanding contributions to the State of Texas; and WHEREAS, Created from Bosque and Fannin counties on February 2, 1856, Young County was named for Colonel William C. Young, and after its reorganization in 1874, Graham became the county seat; and WHEREAS, Located in North Central Texas, the county has an area of more than 900 square miles, and through its fertile soil flows the historic Brazos River; and WHEREAS, Long a center of farming and stock raising, the area also has profited from coal mining and, after the drilling of the Lindy Lou Well in 1917, from oil deposits which, by 1946, had produced more than 3,500,000 barrels; and WHEREAS, Young County's tremendous agribusiness potential is based on an abundance of wheat, cotton, grain sorghums, and the raising of cattle, hogs, sheep, and goats; and WHEREAS, The city of Graham was founded in 1872 by brothers Gustavus and Edwin S. Graham, and its early enterprises included a salt works, gristmill, sawmill, and gin, and in 1877 the Cattle Raisers' Association of Texas was organized there; and WHEREAS, The Brazos River provides the area with an abundance of natural beauty, and Lake Graham and Possum Kingdom Lake are the county's crown jewels, renowned for a myriad of water activities including boating and fishing; another unique outdoor activity, the one-arm dove hunt, takes place at Olney; and WHEREAS, The city of Graham, which has continued in the pioneer spirit of its founding fathers, is home to many fine churches and an outstanding school system; and WHEREAS, Blessed with a fine heritage, abundant natural resources, and a dynamic citizenry, Young County is truly one of the state's most outstanding counties, and the efforts of its residents truly merit special legislative praise and recognition; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 73rd Texas Legislature hereby recognize March 2, 1993, as Graham-Young County Day at the State Capitol and join the citizens of Graham and Young County in paying tribute to one of Texas' finest communities and counties; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Young County as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. Finnell Laney Alexander Allen Alonzo Alvarado Averitt Bailey Berlanga Black Blackwood Bomer Bosse Brady Brimer Cain Campbell Carona Carter Chisum Clemons Coleman Combs Conley Cook Corte Counts Crabb Craddick Cuellar of Webb Cuellar of Hidalgo Culberson Danburg Davila Davis De La Garza Dear Delco Delisi Denton Driver Duncan Dutton Earley Eckels Edwards Erickson Finnell Flores Gallego Gallegos Giddings Glaze Goodman Goolsby Granoff Gray Greenberg Grusendorf Gutierrez Haggerty Hamric Harris Hartnett Heflin Hernandez Hightower Hilbert Hilderbran Hill Hirschi Hochberg Holzheauser Horn Hudson Hunter of Taylor Hunter of Nueces Jackson James Johnson Jones of Lubbock Jones of Dallas Junell Kamel Krusee Kubiak Kuempel Lewis Linebarger Longoria McCall McCoulskey McDonald Madden Marchant Martin Maxey Moffat Moreno Mowery Munoz Naishtat Nieto Oakley Ogden Oliveira Park Parra Patterson Pitts Place Price Puente Rabuck Ramsay Rangel Raymond Rodriguez Romo Rudd Sadler Saunders Schechter Seidlits Shields Siebert A. Smith of Harris D. Smith of Harris Smithee Solis Stiles Swinford Tallas Talton Telford Thompson of Tarrant Thompson of Harris Turner of Coleman Turner of Harris Uher Van de Putte Vowell West Williamson Willis Wilson Wolens Yarbrough Yost Zbranek _______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 317 was adopted by the House on March 2, 1993, by a non-record vote. _______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House