Document name: Controlled Drug Policy Section 14 Medicines Code Portfolio Document type: Medicines Management Policy Standard Operating procedures for the Management of Controlled drugs within SWYPFT All clinical staff Staff group to whom it applies: Distribution: Hard copy to all in-patient areas. Intranet How to access: Intranet Issue date: October 2012 Version 4 Next review: September 2014 Approved by: Drug and Therapeutics Sub Committee Executive Management Team Lynn Haygarth on behalf of the Drug and Therapeutics Committee Medical Director Director of Nursing Developed by: Director leads: Contact for advice: Ward Pharmacist Med.information 1 IN D E X SECTION A - Controlled Drug Policy 1 General…............................................................................................................. 2 Responsibility and Ratification….......................................................................... 3 Review….............................................................................................................. 4 Contributions…..................................................................................................... 5 Classification of Controlled Drugs (CDs)…........................................................... 6 Controlled Drugs Requiring Safe Custody Schedule 2 & 3…............................... 7 Other CDs coming under Schedules 4 & 5 requiring weekly monitoring.............. 8 Legal Requirements for Controlled Drug Prescriptions........................................ 10 Controlled Drug Prescription Form....................................................................... SECTION B – Standard Operating Procedures SOP 1 Ordering, receipt of pharmacy stock of controlled drugs ................................... SOP 2 Receiving, validating, dispensing, labelling and checking prescriptions for controlled drugs in the pharmacy.......................................................................... SOP 3 Checking stock of controlled drugs in pharmacy.................................................. SOP 4 Distribution of controlled drugs – Ward and Pharmacy Staff................................ SOP 5 Ordering and receipt of CD‘s on wards................................................................. Flowchart for ordering and receipt of CDs on wards............................................ Authorised signature form..................................................................................... Deviation from Medicine Code.............................................................................. SOP 6 SOP 7 SOP 8 SOP 9 SOP 10 SOP 11 SOP 12 SOP 13 SOP 14 SOP 15 SOP 16 SOP 17 4 5 7 7 8 10 11 12 14 17 21 26 28 30 31 32 34 Obtaining temazepam tablets for an in patient, out of hours, at Fieldhead Hospital 35 Local procedure for possession/storage of the controlled drugs cupboard keys 36 Administration to service users on wards............................................................. 37 Flowchart for administration of CD’s to in-patients............................................... 38 Recording of patient’s own CD’s on wards........................................................... 39 Flow chart for patient bringing in own CDs…………………………………………. 40 Flow chart of death of a patient on a ward …………………………………………. 41 Checking stock of controlled drugs on wards....................................................... 42 Flowchart for handling discrepancies on wards and departments........................ 44 Storage of controlled drugs................................................................................... 45 Flowchart for the receipt and storage of CD’s on wards....................................... 46 Return, disposal, destruction of unwanted CD’s................................................... 47 Flowchart for the return/disposal of unwanted CD’s on the wards....................... 50 Control of stationery.............................................................................................. 55 Returning controlled drugs to pharmacy when a ward closes 57 Compliance Aids with controlled drugs................................................................ 59 Procedure for dealing with suspected illicit substances handed in by or found on a service user on an in-patient unit................................................................. 60 Destruction of controlled drugs in pharmacy........................................................ 63 Security and transportation of CD’s...................................................................... 65 Controlled drug delivery log.................................................................................. 66 Controlled drug weekly satellite transport log....................................................... 67 Archiving controlled drug documentation.............................................................. 68 Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Equality Impact Assessment Tool........................................................... 69 Checklist for the Review and Approval of Procedural Document............. 70 Version Control Sheet………………………………………………………. 71 2 Abbreviations and terms used in this document AO CD D&T EMT GPhC RSP SOP Accountable officer Controlled drug Drug and Therapeutics Committee Executive Management Team General Pharmaceutical Council Royal Pharmaceutical Society Standard Operating Procedure Ward Manager Nurse in charge Authorised nurse signatory Nurse responsible for the ward Nurse responsible for the ward on that day/shift Nurse who is permanently working on the ward who has completed pre-ceptorship and induction 3 SECTION A - CONTROLLED DRUG POLICY 1 GENERAL The procedures contained within this document are to ensure all activity concerned with controlled drugs (CDs) is in accordance with the law and promotes the safe and effective use of these items within the Trust. Controlled Drugs are subject to numerous pieces of legislation including: Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 Medicines Act 1968 (and regulations) Misuse of Drugs (Safe Custody) Regulations 1973 Health Act 2006 Controlled Drugs (Supervision of Management and Use) Regulations 2006 The Health Act 2006 required all healthcare organisations to appoint an Accountable Officer and also requires Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to be available for the use and management of controlled drugs. SOPs are needed: To improve governance of controlled drugs within the Trust; To provide clarity and consistency for all staff handling CDs; To define accountability and responsibilities, and clarify where responsibility can be delegated; To ensure practices are in line with the regulatory frameworks; As a training tool for new and existing staff. The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 controls “dangerous or otherwise harmful drugs” which are designated “Controlled Drugs”. The primary purpose of the Act is to prevent the misuse of ‘controlled drugs’. It does that by imposing a total prohibition on the possession, supply, manufacture, import or export of controlled drugs, except as allowed by regulations or by licence from the Secretary of State. Recommendations made by the RPSGB as a result of the fourth Shipman report are included in this document: ‘Changes in the Management of controlled drugs affecting pharmacists in England, Scotland and Wales – Version 2 June 2006’ Therefore, the use of controlled drugs within the Trust is permitted by the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 and other regulations dealing with the safe custody of controlled drugs and the notification of and supply of drugs to treat and manage addiction. One of the most important roles of pharmacy is to prevent the misuse of these drugs within the Trust, by patients, staff or visitors. 4 2 RESPONSIBILITY AND RATIFICATION The Accountable Officer for SWYPFT is the Chief Pharmacist and is responsible for the safe use and management of CDs within the Trust. The designated ward managers are responsible for ensuring that controlled drugs are managed in line with the SOPs in their department. The Principal Pharmacist, Wakefield and Forensic based at Fieldhead is responsible for ensuring the Controlled Drugs are managed safely in line with SOPs in Fieldhead Pharmacy. The Lead Pharmacist in Barnsley is responsible for ensuring Controlled Drugs are managed safely in the BDU. The Principal Pharmacist for Calderdale and Kirklees is responsible for ensuring Controlled Drugs are managed safely in the BDUs. This policy has been submitted to the Director of Nursing, the Drug and Therapeutics Sub Committee and the Executive Management team for approval. Individual responsibilities relating to this document. Any member of staff should report any concerns relating to controlled drugs to the ward manager/ team leader or if preferred directly to the accountable officer or in her absence the deputy. Accountable Officer (AO) To complete a performance report that ensures the relevant checks have been carried out, noting any deficits and detailing incidents that have occurred. This will also list any remedial action that has been taken. Director of Nursing To ensure the SOPs are fit for purpose and advise of any updates required as a result of legislation affecting nurses. Business Development Units (BDUs) The General Managers in the BDUs are required to ensure that the AO has an up to date signatory list of all ward managers. Changes to ward managers must be immediately informed to the AO. The BDUs are responsible for ensuring the SOPs are implemented in the appropriate areas together with the Principal or Lead Pharmacist. WARD ACTIVITIES Ward Pharmacist Each ward pharmacist is responsible for ensuring a 3 monthly check of CDs is carried out by a pharmacist or designated senior pharmacy technician on their allocated wards. This includes a check of the most up to date authorised nurse signatory list for that unit. The secretary to the AO must be informed every three months that the checks have been carried out. The ward pharmacist must ensure the AO is informed of any discrepancies The ward pharmacist is responsible for destruction of patients’ own CDs unfit for use. Ward pharmacy technician Carries out weekly tablet count of drugs liable to misuse. 5 Authorised pharmacy technician This is a pharmacy technician who has been approved to carry out CD ward stock checks and support removal of unwanted stock from the ward to return to pharmacy. To carry out a weekly ward stock of CDs in current use and to ensure the ward orders the CD stocks required The authorised technician must ensure the ward pharmacist and dispensary manager for their location is immediately informed of any discrepancies. Immediately inform the ward or dispensary pharmacist of any discrepancies. S/he is not able to destroy CDs on the ward. Ward Manager To ensure the AO has their signature and to ensure the CD policy is being followed on their ward. To ensure the ward staff are clear about their responsibilities relating to CDs within the ward and Trust. To ensure the authorised nurse signatory list is kept up to date. To ensure a random check of the CDs requiring safe custody (held in the CD cabinet) is carried out every month on the ward. To inform the AO of any discrepancies. To inform the AO if they are leaving the ward. Nurse in charge of the ward for the shift To ensure the safety of the CD cupboard keys by ensuring they are only issued to the authorised nurse signatories and identified pharmacy staff. To carry out daily ward stock check of Controlled Drugs. For items in regular use this check can be carried out during the administration process. A check of all stock levels should be carried out independently of administration once a week. Authorised nurse signatories To hold the CD keys and ensure the safety of the CD cabinet. To order, receive, and administer CDs in line with the approved SOPs. Witness destruction of CDs unsuitable for use in line with the destruction policy. Carry out weekly tablet count of drugs liable to misuse together with the pharmacy team. Qualified nurses undergoing pre-ceptorship To check the administration of CDs to service users in line with the SOPs. To administer CDs under the supervision of the authorised signatory whilst undergoing medicines with respect training. Qualified nurses working as “Bank” on the ward To check the administration of CDs to service users in line with the SOPs. Other regular staff on the ward To act as messengers to collect the CDs from pharmacy. To check the administration of CDs if a deviation from the medicines code order is in place in individual circumstances— for example if no second registered nurse is available. 6 DISPENSARY ACTIVITIES at Fieldhead Pharmacy Designated Pharmacist responsible for CDs To ensure a three monthly check of CDs is carried out and the AO informed. To respond to any issues relating to CDs in the dispensary in line with the SOP. Responsible Pharmacists in charge for the shift To clinically check, dispense or accuracy check and complete the CD register in line with the SOPs. To respond to any queries and advise the designated pharmacist or AO of any discrepancies before leaving. Authorised Pharmacy technicians To carry out delegated activities relating to CDs in the pharmacy under the responsibility of the designated pharmacist. Qualified Pharmacy technicians To order, receive, dispense, accuracy check and make entries in the CD register in line with SOPs. Pre-Registration Pharmacists and Pharmacy technicians Under supervision and only when allocated to do so by the line manager/student supervisor, To order, receive, dispense, accuracy check and make entries in the CD register in line with SOPs. Locum Staff When induction complete. To order, receive, dispense, accuracy check and make entries in the CD register in line with SOPs. 3 REVIEW All SOPs should be reviewed routinely every two years. Incidents reported via Datix may require SOPs to be amended prior to a routine review. Changes in legislation will require an immediate review of SOPs affected by the changes. 4 CONTRIBUTIONS The following staff have contributed to the production of the SOPs: Lynn Haygarth Accountable Officer and Chief Pharmacist Paul Hardy Principal Pharmacist, Wakefield and Forensic Martine Wilkinson Senior Clinical Pharmacist Wakefield Mandy Spencer Ward manager Sarah Hudson Lead Pharmacist, Barnsley 7 5 CLASSIFICATION OF CONTROLLED DRUGS (CDs) Schedule 1 (Controlled Drug Licence) This schedule includes the hallucinogenic drugs (e.g. LSD and cannabis). A licence from the Home Office is required for production, possession or supply; such licences are limited to research and other special purposes. It would be unusual for the Trust to be conducting research involving the drugs in this schedule. Any such research would need to be approved by the Drug and Therapeutics Sub Committee and the Research and Development Approvals Group. Once approved, a licence must be obtained before possession. The licence would be held by the Chief Pharmacist and a copy would be kept in the relevant dispensaries involved. The only other reason for possession of schedule one drugs is where these substances are taken into possession for either destruction, or to hand over to the police. Please note that Sativex spray has been given an exemption by the home office and should be treated like a Schedule 2 drug if prescribed within our services See: Illicit substances.- Practical Guidance and Management in the document store Schedule 2 (Controlled Drug) This schedule includes the opiates (e.g. diamorphine, oxycodone morphine, methadone) major stimulants (e.g. amfetamines) and quinalbarbital. They may be supplied by a pharmacist to a patient on the authority of a prescription in the required form. They may be supplied by a pharmacist to a nurse in charge of a ward/unit on the authority of a requisition in the required form. Full storage, register and destruction requirements apply. Schedule 3 (Controlled Drug – No Register) This schedule includes a small number of drugs which are either not so likely to be misused as those in Schedule 2 or not so harmful if they are misused (e.g. phenobarbital, temazepam, buprenorphine and flunitrazepam). Different regulations apply regarding registers but this is very confusing for the wards and departments. The Trust has decided to enforce the controls applying to Schedule 2 drugs to also apply to Schedule 3 drugs therefore a register is required for these within the Trust. Schedule 4 (Part 1 – CDs Benzodiazepines & Part II – CDs Anabolic) This schedule contains most of the anabolic and androgenic steroids, growth hormones and the benzodiazepines. As there is not a restriction on the possession, record of supply, or safe custody requirements of these substances, when in the form of a medicinal product, these drugs are not regarded as “controlled drugs” under this Trust policy. However as these drugs are subject to misuse weekly reconciliation stock checks must take place both within the pharmacy and on the wards. Schedule 4 part 1 controlled drugs must be denatured before being placed into waste containers. Schedule 5 This schedule contains preparations of certain controlled drugs, such as codeine, pholcodine, cocaine, morphine, which are exempt from full control when present in medicinal products of low strength. 8 I Schedule Schedule 1 (CD Lic) Schedule 2 (CD POM) Schedule 3 (CD No Register) Schedule 4 Part I (CD Benz) Schedule 4 Part II (CD Anab) Schedule 5 (CD Inv) Examples Hallucinogenic drugs (e.g. LSD), ecstasy-type substances, cannabis Opiates (e.g. diamorphine), major stimulants (e.g. amfetamine), secobarbital Minor stimulants (e.g. benzfetamine), other drugs not thought so likely to be misused as those in schedule 2 (e.g. temazepam, buprenorphine, phenobarbital) Most of the benzodiazepines, ketamine Most of the androgenic and anabolic steroids, clenbuterol and growth hormones (5 polypeptide hormones) Includes preparations of certain controlled drugs such as codeine, pholcodine, cocaine and morphine at a sufficiently low strength to be exempt from full control Comments Production, possession and supply of drugs in this schedule is limited to research and other special purposes and a licence from the Home Office is required for lawful possession. Safe custody regulations apply. Safe custody applies to all schedule drugs except secobarbital. Safe custody applies to temazepam, buprenorphine and flunitrazepam. At SWYPFT these drugs are treated as schedule 2 drugs in terms of ordering, register and destruction. Safe custody does not apply. These must be denatured before adding to waste Safe custody does not apply. These must be denatured before adding to waste Safe custody does not normally apply. However it does apply in SWYPFT to Oromoph. 9 6 CONTROLLED DRUGS REQUIRING SAFE CUSTODY SCHEDULE 2 & 3 List of drugs to be stored in the CD cupboard and recorded in the CD register when safe custody requirements apply in the trust.. All drugs noted as CD2/CD3 CD4partI in the BNF See list of commonly used preparations below: This list is not exhaustive. Temazepam tablets and liquids Buprenorphine tablets – Temgesic®, Subutex® Buprenorphine patches - Butrans®, Transtec® Barbiturates o Amylobarbital (formerly amylobarbitone) o Butobarbital (formerly butobarbitone) o Phenobarbital (formerly phenobarbitone) o Secobarbital (formerly quinalbarbitone) Dexamfetamine tablets and liquid - Dexedrine® Diamorphine tablets and injection Dipipanone with cyclizine - Diconal® Fentanyl patches - Durogesic DTrans® Fentanyl buccal tablets, sublingual tablets, lozenges. Methadone mixture, tablets, injection Methylphenidate tablets/capsules - Ritalin®, Concerta®, Equasym®, Medikinet® Midazolam injection Midazolam buccal oral solution Morphine sulphate oral solution – Oramorph® Morphine sulphate MR tablets / capsules - MST/ Zomorph® Morphine sulphate tablets - Sevredol® Morphine sulphate injections Oxycodone M/R tablets - Oxycontin® Oxycodone capsules - Oxynorm® Oxycodone liquid, injections Pethidine tablets and injection Targinact tablets This list is not exhaustive. 10 DRUGS LIABLE TO MISUSE AND CDs COMING UNDER SCHEDULES 4 & 5 REQUIRING WEEKLY MONITORING NAME FORM STRENGTH CHLORDIAZEPOXIDE CAPSULES 5mg CHLORDIAZEPOXIDE CAPSULES 10mg CODEINE PHOSPHATE TABLETS 15mg CODEINE PHOSPHATE TABLETS 30mg DIAZEPAM TABLETS 2mg DIAZEPAM TABLETS 5mg DIAZEPAM TABLETS 10mg DIAZEPAM LIQUID 5mg/5ml LORAZEPAM TABLETS 1mg LORAZEPAM INJECTION 1mg/4ml NITRAZEPAM TABLETS 5mg ZOLPIDEM TABLETS 5mg ZOLPIDEM TABLETS 10mg ZOPICLONE TABLETS 3.75mg ZOPICLONE TABLETS 7.5mg STOCK LEVEL DATE DATE DATE DATE TOTAL ORDERED IN STOCK TOTAL ORDERED IN STOCK TOTAL ORDERED IN STOCK TOTAL ORDERED IN STOCK TOTAL ORDERED IN STOCK WARD / UNIT ………………………………………………………………. DATE Others Sign & print Pharmacy technician Stock checked and signed by Authorised Nurse 11 7 OTHER DRUGS LIABLE TO MISUSE AND CDs COMING UNDER SCHEDULES 4 & 5 REQUIRING WEEKLY MONITORING List of drugs that are subject to misuse where stock levels require to be monitored weekly to prevent misuse and mis-appropriation. These do not require to be stored in the CD cupboard or administered as per the full CD regulations but do require weekly checking of stocks to ensure the levels are reconciled. This is carried out by the ward pharmacy technician and an authorised nurse signatory (ideally the medicines champion for the ward). Commonly used preparations below: Chlordiazepoxide capsules Clonazepam tablets Codeine tablets and liquid Dihydrocodeine tablets Diazepam tablets Lorazepam 1mg tablets (no more than 2 boxes (56 tablets) to be stored at any one time) Lorazepam injection Loprazolam tablets Lormetazepam tablets Nitrazepam tablets Oxazepam tablets and capsules Zolpidem tablets Zopiclone tablets This list is not exhaustive. 8 LEGAL REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTROLLED DRUG PRESCRIPTIONS It is unlawful for a prescriber to issue a prescription, which does not comply with the requirements of the Misuse of Drugs Act. It is unlawful for a pharmacist to dispense such a prescription. 8.1 Inpatient prescription charts The written requirements for controlled drugs on these charts are the same as all other medicines: Drug name, strength, form Route Dose Frequency (if prn, minimal interval for administration must be specified, e.g. every 6 hours) Signed and dated 12 8.2 Prescriptions required for outpatients, for patients under the crisis resolution services, for leaves and for discharges No more than 30 days supply. These prescriptions must be written in accordance with the requirements of the Misuse of Drugs Act and subsequent Regulations. Prescriptions for schedule 2 & 3 drugs [except temazepam] (an outpatient CD prescription or is not required for temazepam except in Barnsley) must be in indelible ink and contain, in the prescribers own handwriting, the following details: Name and address of patient Drug form and strength Dose and frequency (‘as directed’ is not acceptable) Total quantity in words and figures Signature of prescriber Date The prescription must bear the work address of the prescriber and be signed and dated by the prescriber. Controlled drugs should be prescribed on the Trust official stationery or on FP10 prescriptions written for CDs to be supplied from community pharmacy. SWYPFT Controlled Drug Prescription. These are classed as controlled stationery and as such are covered by a full audit trail. Each prescription is individually numbered and this number will be indicated in the CD register in the dispensing pharmacy. These should be ordered from Pharmacy at Fieldhead or from your locality pharmacist in Barnsley, Dewsbury and Calderdale. In Barnsley an out patient prescription can be used. Controlled Stationery should NOT be photocopied. If controlled stationery cannot be found 13 please contact your locality pharmacist. CONTROLLED DRUG PRESCRIPTION FORM 9 (For discharge / out–patient use) The clear sections of this prescription must be written in the Doctor’s own handwriting. All sections must be completed The information requested is a legal requirement. For further information on the prescription requirements for controlled drugs please refer to “Controlled Drugs and Drug Dependence” in the “Guidance on Prescribing” section of the current BNF. Consultant Ward / OP Hospital No. Full name and address of patient (Do not use “patient sticker”) Date of birth NAME, FORM & STRENGTH OF PREPARATION Name of preparation (Dose form must be stated) Form of preparation Please ensure preparation being prescribed exists in the strength being prescribed Strength of preparation DOSE (If PRN the time interval must be stated) Total quantity to be supplied (i.e. the total number of tablets, ampoules, or mls of liquid to be supplied) This must be supplied in both words and figures, no more than 30 days supply Total quantity to be supplied Words Figures Signature of prescriber Date Name of prescriber (please print) Pharmacy Only Clinical Check by Collected by (tick by appropriate option) Dispensed by If H/C professional – name and address (e.g. of ward or unit) Checked by Date Proof of identity Handed out Requested Y/N By Provided Y/N Date Patient Patient’s rep H/C professional Signature of person collecting………………….. 14 SECTION B STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES OBJECTIVES To ensure all transactions involving controlled drugs in Clinical Areas/Departments within the Trust are made according to current legislation, professional guidelines and SWYPFT Medicine Code SCOPE Applies to Pharmacy and all Wards within the Trust RESPONSIBILITY and APPLICABILITY The Accountable Officer is responsible for the safe use and management of controlled drugs within the Trust. The Ward Manager is responsible for controlled drug activity within his/her Ward The Nurse in charge of the ward is responsible for controlled drug activity during his/her period of duty. Authorised Nurses Signatories are responsible for their CD register entries of controlled drugs in Wards. Medical Staff are responsible for signing CD registers in the event that they performed the administration A second responsible person is responsible for acting as a witness to CD register entries This is normally a second registered nurse. In patients own homes where CDs are being administered by a community nurse a second checker is not required. Pharmacy staff are responsible for the safe storage, dispensing and receipt of controlled drugs in pharmacy. For community patients it is their responsibility of the patient or their family to return CDs to the Community Pharmacy 15 16 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 1 Ordering, receipt and storage of Pharmacy (Fieldhead) Stock of Controlled Drugs 1.1 Ordering of CDs from Pinderfields General Hospital (PGH) To order a Controlled Drug a qualified pharmacist or qualified pharmacy technician needs to call 01924 541359 to speak to a member of staff in the pharmacy stores at Pinderfields Hospital. State the drug name and the quantity required. Stock levels should be kept to a minimum that are compatible with demand and replenishment. Minimum stock levels displayed inside CD cabinet. BUT The following situations will need a signed order to obtain the CD from PGH dispensary: Order for a CD which may be delayed as a minimum order quantity needs to be met before PGH can order, in this instance the order needs referring back to Fieldhead Pharmacy so a signed order can be generated. Order for an urgent CD needs a signed order generating. 1.2 Receipt Once a Controlled Drug order for Fieldhead has been received at Pinderfields pharmacy store, the stores staff will notify Fieldhead Dispensary by telephone. Fieldhead dispensary will notify the porters at the Fieldhead site. The porters will make a collection from the Pinderfields store at some point in the same day. On collection of a sealed bag containing Controlled Drugs and delivery note from Pinderfields Pharmacy, Fieldhead porters will sign to acknowledge receipt of Controlled Drugs for delivery to Fieldhead pharmacy. A qualified pharmacist /qualified technician will open the bag and check the contents against the delivery note. If there are any discrepancies, refer to a pharmacist for advice. The pharmacist / technician will sign the porter’s form to acknowledge receipt from the Fieldhead porter, and return a copy to him/her and a copy needs to be filed in the designated storage box in the Controlled Drugs room. The Controlled Drugs need to be entered into the Controlled Drugs Register. Controlled Drugs waiting to be entered into the register must be stored in a secure area. A register must be kept of all receipts of schedule 2 and 3 Controlled Drugs. Controlled Drugs must be entered into the register on the same working day that they are received. The register entry may be made by a pharmacist or qualified technician. Qualified pharmacists/qualified technicians may make entries without a witness. All other staff, e.g. during training, must have their entry countersigned by a qualified pharmacist/qualified technician. 17 The register entry must include the following details: Date of receipt Order number Name and address of supplier Amount received Form in which received The balance must be checked and initialled as correct by the person making the entry. A three way check should be carried out, JAC/ Controlled Drugs Register/ stock in the Controlled Drugs Cupboard. 1.3 The pharmacist / technician needs to sign the delivery note and fax it to the Pinderfields pharmacy store (fax number 01924 541361), to verify safe receipt of the items. The delivery note needs to be filed at the top position in the CD Invoices box file which is kept in the CD room. Delivery notes (invoices) for schedule 3 drugs must be retained by Pharmacy for two years. The stock must be put away into the appropriate section of the Controlled Drug cabinet. The Controlled Drug cabinet must be kept locked when not in use. Storage Controlled Drugs must be stored in a cabinet which meets the British standard for complying with the safe storage of medicines. This must be held in a secure room or department and kept locked at all times if it is unattended. Access to the keys is restricted to the pharmacist in charge of the dispensary and can be issued to appropriate pharmacy staff so that they can carry out their dispensary duties. 18 Date Pinderfields General Hospital Aberford Road Wakefield West Yorkshire WF1 4DG Pharmacy Department Fieldhead Hospital Ouchthorpe Lane Wakefield West Yorkshire WF1 3SP Tel: 01924 327067 Fax: 01924 327076 Signed order for a controlled drug Please supply the following controlled drug to Fieldhead Pharmacy Department for dispensing purposes. Name Formulation Strength Quantity in words Quantity in figures Signature of pharmacist Name of pharmacist Chair: Joyce Catterick OBE Chief Executive: Steven Michael 19 TRANSPORT OF CONTROLLED DRUGS BETWEEN PINDERFIELDS AND FIELDHEAD PHARMACY DATE/TIME ……………………………………………………………….. This is to acknowledge that the portering staff have collected a sealed pouch from Pinderfields Hospital pharmacy containing ward controlled drugs for delivery to Fieldhead Hospital pharmacy. SIGNED ……………………………………………………………………. This is to acknowledge that the portering staff have delivered a sealed pouch containing ward controlled drugs to Fieldhead Hospital pharmacy. SIGNED ……………………………………………………………………. 20 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 2 Receiving, Validating, Dispensing, Labelling and Checking Prescriptions for Controlled Drugs in Fieldhead Pharmacy The Misuse of Drugs Act requires certain prescribing and record keeping legislation to be followed. These are adhered to within this procedure. The components of this procedure are:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2 Validating the prescription/requisition Completing the Register Dispensing the item Accuracy checking Delivery Validating the prescription/requisition Prior to dispensing, a clinical check should be carried out by a pharmacist to identify if the request is for an item held on stock. If it is for a new item or new patient, the pharmacist must have authorised the prescription by means of a clinical check and a patient profile should be available with details of the dose and administration. If this is not available it must be clinically checked prior to dispensing. If it is an outside unit then a fax of the prescription and administration chart should be sent to pharmacy and clinically checked by a pharmacist before dispensing. 2.1 Ward requisitions These must be received in pharmacy in the ward CD order book. The requisition must be written by an authorised signatory and state: Hospital or full authorised name of outside unit Ward/Department Drug name, form and strength Quantity required Signature and name of nurse o – this must be printed and be identifiable on the ward authorised signatory list Date The second (pink) copy must be identical to the top (white) copy. They must be validated by checking the signature of the person writing the requisition against the list kept in the pharmacy department. They will be validated by the person DISPENSING the item. If the requisition does not comply with the above, it should be returned to the ward to be altered before dispensing. 21 2.2 Prescriptions Use approved Controlled Drug Prescriptions. These must be used for all types of dispensing that will be taken off-site, e.g., prescriptions for patients of the crisis resolution teams, medicines required for leave, discharge and out-patient prescriptions. These are individually numbered and treated as controlled stationery and should state: Prescriber’s address. Patient’s name and address. Name, form, strength of drug. Dose (maximum dose and daily dose if prescribed ‘when required’ e.g. ‘One or two up to six times a day when required’ is acceptable but ‘when required’ is not). Total quantity of each individual product to be dispensed in words and figures (like writing a cheque); the total quantity in milligrams is not acceptable. These must be validated by the pharmacist performing the clinical check. 2.3 Signatures Ward Requisitions These must be signed by a nurse who is an authorised signatory. The pharmacy will have a list of authorised signatories for ward controlled drug order books, controlled drug checks and signature checks. The list should be checked and updated at each three-monthly ward controlled drug check. This is the responsibility of the ward pharmacist. New signatures must be authorised by the Ward/Unit Manager and the list updated and retained in pharmacy. Only authorised staff working regularly on the ward (not ‘bank or agency’ staff) are able to order controlled drugs. Prescribing by Doctors The list of doctors’ signatures is held by the pharmacy office and a copy of all new doctors’ signatures is sent to the relevant pharmacist. This will be the lead pharmacist for each locality. The prescription should be validated by the pharmacist performing the clinical check. If there is any doubt about the validity of the signature, the prescriber should be contacted in order to verify their authority to prescribe. If a prescription does not comply with the above, it should always be returned to the prescriber to be altered before dispensing. In exceptional circumstances, where the intentions of the prescriber are clear to the pharmacist, the prescription may be dispensed (eg a provision permitted following the Shipman enquires. 2.4 Completing the register The register must be completed under the authority of a registered pharmacist. It is the view of SWYPFT pharmacy department that this task may be undertaken by: Any registered pharmacist under their own authority. Any technician under the authority of any registered pharmacist. Pharmacy assistant/student technician/pre-reg pharmacist who is being trained by any competent member of pharmacy staff. Each drug form and strength is given a different page in the register. An index is kept in the register. The register entry must be made in black ink. 22 If a mistake is made it must be clearly bracketed and annotated as an error and a new entry is then made, stating date, balance checked and correct, signed by the member of staff. Under no circumstances may crossings out, alternations or tippex be used. The Register entry must include: Person collecting schedule 2 and 3 CD (patient/patients representative/healthcare professional), and if a healthcare professional collecting their name and address. Was proof of identify requested of patient/patients representatives (yes/no). Was proof of identify of person collecting provided (yes/no) Date of transaction. Name and address of person supplied. Licence or authority of person supplied. Amount supplied. Form in which supplied (but not necessary in each individual entry; see above). The identification number on the CD prescription. COLUMN IN REGISTER “Date of transaction” WARD REQUISITION Date dispensed Name and address from who received. Also write requisition number in this box “Name of person Name of nurse supplied” “Address of person Ward/dept name supplied” and hospital name “Authority of person supplied to be in possession” “Amount received” “Amount supplied” “Balance” Status of professional, e.g. RMN, RGN PRESCRIPTION Date dispensed INTERDISPENSARY TRANSFER Date supplied Name of patient Name of pharmacist Patient’s home address or address on discharge Name of prescribing doctor Dispensary name and hospital name MRPharmS Leave blank or put a small line Write in quantity supplied Write in total balance remaining. Check balance, tick and initial as correct. A rolling stock check must be carried out after each transaction. 23 2.5 Fieldhead Pharmacy Dispensing of Controlled Drugs This should be carried out by a Registered Pharmacist, Technician or by a Pre-Registration Pharmacist or technician under supervision. 2.6 Ward Stocks Each carton, syringe or bottle must be labelled individually. Do not label outer wrappers that are likely to be discarded. The label must state: 2.7 Drug name, form and strength Quantity “Store in controlled drug cupboard and enter each dose in a controlled drug register” Department dispensed to Date of issue Expiry date if dispensed from bulk Keep out of reach of children Address of pharmacy Out-patients/Self Medication/Discharge Prescriptions/Crisis/Leave Medication These will be labelled in accordance with SWYPFT Labelling Procedure. In addition Self medication/crisis/leave medication/discharge medication will be put in a dispensing bag and prominently labelled: “STORE IN A CONTROLLED DRUG CUPBOARD” for ward staff information prior to the patient leaving the hospital. 2.8 Dispensing the item in Fieldhead pharmacy Ward Stock Method Check that all copies of the order are identical to each other. Produce the label. – o All items will be labelled in accordance with the SWYPFT Pharmacy Labelling Procedure. Always use earliest expiry date stock, including split packs. Different batch numbers may be merged if of the same appearance. Check you have picked the correct drug and strength. Select appropriate container and lid. Dispense required quantity. If dispensing from bulk liquids, powders etc annotate the bulk quantity remaining. Place label on pack carefully, so as not to obscure important information. Check and sign the labels Add expiry date label if information not already on pack. Add Patient Information Leaflets. Sign the order. Complete entry in the register 24 2.9 Place with signed order for checking. Carry out a 3 way check that level remaining in cupboard equals register and pharmacy computer system. Tick and initial balance. NB – Liquids and other bulk stocks often include an overage. This should be measured and entered in the register as an overage. This amendment to the register level must be witnessed and signed by a second member of pharmacy staff. The pharmacy computer system level should also be amended if applicable during the three monthly stock check. Accuracy checking Accuracy checking must be carried out in accordance with SWYPFT Accuracy Checking Policy, i.e., the person performing the accuracy check must have successfully completed their training and proven their competency during the simulation exercise. The accuracy checker MUST check that all copies of the prescription or requisition for the controlled drug are the same, i.e. the second (pink) copy of the ward requisition must match the top (white) copy; all copies of the discharge prescription must state the same details. It is particularly important to check the quantity and strength ordered. The entry in the CD register must be checked by the accuracy checker. The item must be placed in the designated secure area to await collection or delivery. 25 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 3 Checking Stock of Controlled Drugs in Fieldhead Pharmacy The register level, the actual drug level and the pharmacy computer should always tally. If one or more of these levels does not tally, this discrepancy must be investigated and resolved. It is important to remember that a discrepancy may indicate misuse. Stock checking must include a review of security and a reconciliation of balances. All reconciliation of balances will be documented on the next line of the relevant page of the controlled drugs register, using the following format: Date Balance checked and correct Signature Balance Tick and initial A record must be made of all stock checks and retained for two years, as part of the register and as rolling stock sheets. It is the responsibility of the designated pharmacist at Fieldhead Pharmacy to ensure that pharmacy controlled drug stocks are checked at least once every three months. The stock check for temazepam should be carried out weekly. This task may be carried out by a pharmacist, or a trained Pharmacy Technician. .The check must include: . A reconciliation of levels including the pharmacy computer system. Removal of time-expired or poor quality stock; to be booked out of the register and pharmacy system and booked into the controlled drug waste register for destruction. A rolling stock take should also be performed at the same time. Signing the register as in 4 above. The Police Inspection Officers may call upon the dispensary at random to inspect the registers. 3 Controlled Drug Discrepancies in the dispensary Where a discrepancy is found between the register/actual balance and the pharmacy system, the following must be carefully checked: All transactions in the register have been entered onto the pharmacy computer All transactions on the computer are correct according to the register If the error or omission is traced, contact a Senior Pharmacist who will witness the amendment as it is done. 26 Where a discrepancy is found between the register and the actual balance, the following must be carefully checked: All orders received have been entered into the correct page of the register. All supplies made have been entered into the register. All returns from wards have been entered into the register. Items have not been accidentally put into the wrong place in the cupboard. If the error or omission is traced, contact the Senior Pharmacist and if necessary the Ward/Unit Manager, who will witness the amendment as it is done. If the cause of the discrepancy (i.e. the transaction error) cannot be found, contact the Medicines Management Pharmacist who will then check that the checks above have been correctly carried out. All unresolved discrepancies must be reported to the Accountable Officer for CDs currently the Chief Pharmacist. If no error is found, the accountable officer will decide, in conjunction with local managers, what action needs to be taken. This may include a decision to notify the police or other outside agencies. If the discrepancy is on a ward, the Ward Manager and Service Manager must also be informed. An incident form must be completed. 27 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 4 Distribution of Controlled Drugs - Ward and Pharmacy Staff 4.1 Signatures At each point where a controlled drug moves from the authorised possession of one person to another, a signature for receipt should be obtained by the person handing over the drug. A record will be maintained in pharmacy of all controlled drugs distributed, showing the following details: Date Name, form, strength and quantity of drug Name and signature of person taking possession Destination This information will be recorded on the pharmacy copy of the order. 4.2 Distribution The following methods of distribution may be used: Collection by ward staff from Fieldhead pharmacy or Lloyds in Barnsley. o In Barnsley, for Lloyds, where a taxi is used a staff member must accompany the CD. Collection by the patient or their representative from pharmacy OR ward. Collection by external customer or their representative. Collection by pharmacy staff. Delivery by pharmacy staff. Trust delivery service. Lloyds pharmacy delivery service (Barnsley). 4.3 Ensuring Security of Delivery Trust Delivery Service (including porters, drivers, security): Check valid ID badge. Ensure destination is known. Ensure person making delivery is aware of safe storage and security and the importance of handing over item and obtaining a signature for delivery. Obtain signature. Commercial Delivery: Check valid ID. Ensure destination is known. Ensure person collecting parcel is aware of the importance of delivery directly to destination and of not leaving the item at a general delivery point. Patients or their representatives: 28 Check name. Ask for address and check against the one on the prescription record name and address of representative and if possible proof of identity to be provided. The pharmacist must ascertain the role of anyone collecting a Schedule 2 or 3 Controlled Drug. It must be ascertained whether the person is the patient, the patient’s representative or a healthcare professional acting within their professional capacity as such. If a healthcare professional is collecting, their name and address must be obtained and if they are not known by the pharmacist, ID must be requested. 29 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 5 Ordering and Receipt of CD’s on wards 5.1 The responsibility for ordering, receipt and storage of CDs is that of the ward manager and nurses who are authorised signatories on the ward. CDs can only be ordered from the supplying pharmacy by submitting a requisition from the official CDs Requisition Book signed by an authorised nurse signatory. In Barnsley these need to be signed by a doctor. All CDs must be delivered to wards or departments in a tamper evident package. Where appropriate a porter or messenger may deliver CDs in a tamper evident package. The porter or messenger must sign a Drugs Delivery Record Sheet. A trained member of staff must receive the package and sign the Drugs Delivery Record Sheet. The trained member of staff signs for receipt of a tamper evident pharmacy container. If the CDs are to be collected by a trained member of staff the appropriate part of the CDs Requisition Book must be signed and the medicines transported back to the ward in a sealed package. An authorised signatory must check the contents of the package containing CDs against the requisition. o Any discrepancy must be reported to the pharmacy immediately. o If correct, the authorised signatory must sign the requisition. The authorised signatory must enter the new stock into the CDs register on the appropriate page, witnessed by another qualified nurse, a pharmacist or an authorised Employee who must verify the stock level and sign the register. o The balance should be adjusted to take account of the new stock received and the existing stock. The balance should be doubled checked. Each drug and each strength of the same drug must be entered on a separate page of the CD register o The number of the page should be indicated in the Index of the CD register o If it is a new item or strength then a new page should be identified o The name and strength of the drug should be written in the index and in block capitals at the top of the page identified. o When the page is complete a new page should be identified. At the bottom of the complete page it should say go to Page XX. The index should also be updated. The name and strength of the drug should be written in the index and in block capitals at the top of the page identified. The medicines must then be immediately locked away. Where sealed packs of CDs are supplied with tamper evident seals, there is no requirement to open these packs for stock checking purposes. CDs must be stored in a locked medicines cupboard, approved by pharmacy and reserved for the sole storage of CDs. Access must be limited to nurses who are Trust authorised signatories, qualified nurses regularly working on the ward, Pharmacists or Authorised Pharmacy Technicians. Registers and Requisition Books for CDs are controlled stationery and obtainable only from the pharmacy. Requisition books should be locked away. Orders and records must be in permanent ink and must be retained for seven years. 30 5.2 Flowchart for ordering and receipt of CD’s on wards Registered Nurse orders the CD by completing an entry in the CD requisition book for the ward/team. Book signed by a doctor in Barnsley. Book sent to pharmacy Pharmacy staff check the nurse is authorised to order CD’s by checking his/her details in the ‘register of authorised staff signatures for CDs’. Authorisation confirmed Dispense the CD and complete the necessary CD paperwork components Return the CD requisition book and the dispensed CD to the requisitioning ward/department in the sealed pharmacy bag Authorisation not confirmed Contact the requisitioning staff nurse and inform them that CD cannot be dispensed without written confirmation of an authorised signature Staff nurse completes the necessary paperwork for authorisation if appropriate OR Another authorised registered nurse goes to pharmacy and writes a new requisition for the CD and original is crossed ‘not dispensed’ Dispense the CD and complete the necessary CD paperwork components. Receipt at ward /department. A registered nurse must receive the pharmacy bag containing the CD and must sign for receipt of it. (Sign the requisition slip in the CD order book. Return the CD requisition book and the dispensed CD to the requisitioning ward/department in the sealed pharmacy bag. 31 Authorised signature form Staff authorised to sign for and order medicines and controlled drugs (All registered nurses) Ward…………………………………………………………………………………..........… Staff signing this form agree to have read and understood their responsibilities in the medicines code and the CD manual Signature Name Countersigned and dated by manager Revalidated at 3 monthly CD check by manager, to be initialled and dated. Received in Pharmacy by: Name………………………………………………….Date………………………….. Signature………………………………………………………………………………. 32 Authorised signature form Pharmacy Staff authorised to stock check and manage controlled drugs on wards and departments Pharmacy team based at ……………………………………………..........…………………….. Staff signing this form agree to have read and understood their responsibilities in the CD manual. Name Signature Pharmacy Manager’s signature Date Received on ward/department by: Name………………………………………………….Date………………………….. Signature………………………………………………………………………………. 33 5.4 Deviation from Medicines Code Local procedure for administration of Controlled Drugs Ward ………………………………………………………………………. Locality North Kirklees South Kirklees Wakefield Calderdale Forensic Barnsley (Please circle) The Medicines Code states that “the administration of all controlled drugs must be witnessed by a second practitioner”. Practitioner is a term used to describe a qualified nurse. In the above named circumstances it has been agreed that the witness may be another member of permanent (ie not bank/agency staff)…………………... (Ward name) staff to. This may be a healthcare support worker. The deviation acknowledges that at all times only one qualified nurse practitioner may be on night duty. All other requirements of the Medicines Code must be followed. Unit manager Signed ................................................................................................................................ Date ................................................................................................................................ Unit pharmacist Signed ................................................................................................................................ Date ................................................................................................................................ 34 5.5 Procedure for obtaining temazepam tablets for an in patients at Fieldhead Hospital when the Fieldhead Hospital pharmacy is closed. If an in patient at requires temazepam tablets out of hours, the on call pharmacist can ask the nurse in charge on Chantry Ward to write the supply in their CD order book (a box containing 6 X 10mg tablets). The nurse in charge on Chantry Ward will write that the supply has been transferred to the requesting ward and will also sign the transfer note. The nurse in charge on the receiving ward will sign the transfer note to confirm that the ward has received the supply. If it is an off site in-patient unit then the unit manager would be required to arrange transport. 35 Deviation from Medicines Code Local procedure for possession/storage of the controlled drugs cupboard keys: Name of Service…Crisis and Home Based Treatment Teams Locality North Kirklees South Kirklees Wakefield Calderdale Barnsley (Please circle) The Medicines Code states that “the keys for the CD cupboard are held for the duration of the shift by the nurse in charge of the shift and only given to nurse authorised signatories for administration of medicines or designated pharmacy staff for the checking of medicines” It has been agreed that in certain community based teams it is not practicable for the designated nurse in charge to personally be in possession of the controlled drugs key. The designated nurse in charge of a shift is usually required to leave the base unit to conduct home visits etc. The key may have to change hands many times over a shift, thus risking inadvertent misplacement. In this situation the controlled drugs key is to be stored in the medicines key code safe together with the other medicines keys. All other requirements of the Medicines Code must be followed. Unit manager Signed .............................................................................................................. Date ............................................................................................................. Unit pharmacist Signed ................................................................................................................ Date ................................................................................................................ Chief Pharmacist / Accountable Officer Signed………………………………………………………………………………… Date…………………………………………………………………………………… 36 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 6 6A Administration to service users on wards 6.1 (a) normal local The administration of all CDs must be witnessed by a second practitioner. In circumstances this will be by a second qualified nurse. In certain circumstance a policy for deviation from this may be approved as in 5.4. 6.2 (a) An entry must be made in the ward or department CDs register, including: o Date and time of administration. o Name of service user. o Dose administered. o Full signature of both practitioners. o Remaining stock balance must be checked. o Any medicine prepared and not used, or only partly used, must be destroyed in the presence of a second practitioner. An entry must be made in the CD register and signed by both practitioners. 6.3(a) If a mistake is made in the CD register it should bracketed in such a way that the original entry is still clearly legible. This should be signed ,dated and witnessed by a second registered nurse or other registered professional. The witness may be a healthcare support worker if a deviation from the medicines code is in place.. The witness should also sign the correction. 6.4(a) Any discrepancies must be brought to the notice of the ward manager as soon as possible and to the responsible pharmacist on the next working day and reported immediately on Datix. 6 B Administration to service users in their own homes 6.1 (b) There is no need for the CD administration to be checked by a second nurse, however in this situation the administering nurse should be extra vigilant. 6.2 (b) The administration of the Controlled Drug should be recorded on the patient’s Controlled Drug Medication administration record. The remaining stock balance should be checked 6.3 (b) Any discrepancies must be brought to the attention of the patient, their carer and where this cannot be resolved this must be reported on DATIX as soon as possible. 37 6.5(a) Flowchart for administration of CDs to in-patients 6A Patient requires administration of a CD as per their prescription Single nurse administration does not apply here. Registered nurse along with a second registered nurse as checker must process the prescription. (In certain circumstances a deviation form may be completed .5.4) Remove the appropriate CD as per prescription from the CD cupboard Check the following particulars of the selected CD against the prescription: Name of the drug Strength required Formulation required (tabs/caps/liquid/injection) Quantity of drug requested Expiry date of the drug Once happy that the correct drug has been selected measure out using an appropriate measuring apparatus/count out the quantity of drug required Second nurse should check that the correct drug and quantity has been selected at this point First nurse will enter the particulars of the drug to be administered in the CD record book as follows: Date and time of administration Name of client to be administered to Quantity to be administered Signature of the administering registered nurse Signature of the checking nurse Running balance Registered nurse will check the ‘running balance figure’ with the quantity of the CD remaining in the cupboard NB This procedure can be followed either in the clinic room or at the patient’s bedside Balance in cupboard and record book CORRECT Registered nurse initial the running balance figure as being correct Balance in cupboard and record book INCORRECT Follow the procedure for handling CD discrepancies after the CD has been administered Administer the measured out CD to the named patient – checking their identity before administration and the prescription against the CD selected one last time Annotate the prescription that the drug has been administered Return the stock CD box/bottle to the CD cupboard. Lock the cupboard. 38 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 7 Recording of Patient’s own CD’s on wards (At MVH, NRU (Barnsley) this is a separate book.) If a patient brings in his/her own supply of Controlled Drugs they must be entered separately in the ward CD register on a separate page. This is allocated towards the back of the CD register. If they are to be administered to the patient then records as in 6 above must be made or in a separate book in Mount Vernon and NRU Clearly identify that the drug on the page is patients own. Identify if the medicines is suitable for use. If they are deemed suitable for use, see flow chart below, On the death of a patient on the ward (this applies to patients own drugs and not ward stock) Patients’ own Controlled Drugs must never be returned to a relative or carer and must be kept on the ward in quarantine in the Controlled Drugs Cupboard for two weeks in case they are requested by the coroner. The CDs must be booked out of the CD register and an entry made stating “Patient deceased”. The CDs, together with other PODs must be placed in a sealable bag with the patient’s name on it. A list of these medicines, along with their quantities, must be entered both on RiO and in the ward diary and the entry dated and the date after which they can be destroyed. This should be witnessed and signed by two nurses, or a nurse and a member of the pharmacy team. The bag should then be sealed and the two people involved in witnessing the sealing should sign across the seal along with the date. The bag should then be stored in the CD cupboard. CDs will have been booked out of the CD register; they do not need checking when the weekly CD check is done. If the Coroner asks for the medicines they can be released to his or her approved representative. The wording “Handed over to the Coroner” along with the date handed over should be written against original entry in the ward diary and on RiO and this should be signed by the coroner’s representative removing them and by a nurse who must witness the removal. The name of the coroner’s representative must also be documented on RiO. If after two weeks the Coroner has not asked for the medicines, inform pharmacy who will arrange for the return to pharmacy in the sealed bag. The wording “Returned to pharmacy” along with the date returned, should be written against original entry in the ward diary, on RiO and in the CD register and this should be signed by the member of the pharmacy team removing them and by a nurse who must witness the removal. If the relatives or carer insist on collecting the medicines after the two weeks, advice should be sought from the Chief Pharmacist or Deputy Chief Pharmacist. In Barnsley CDs must not be returned to pharmacy. An authorised witness should be asked to attend the ward to destroy the CDs.. 39 Patient brings in own CDs. Registered nurse checks the suitability of them for continued use whilst on the ward (see Medicines code Section 13). The following to be checked: Good appearance and quality Accuracy of drug and label Be in their original dispensed container Expiry date, or if no expiry date is available, dispensed within last six months Continue to use and record details in the patient’s own section of the CD record book or the patient’s own register. Store in CD cupboard. Action should be checked by a second qualified nurse or pharmacist/authorised pharmacy technician. Page heading should include: Name Strength Form of CD Patient’s name Ward Not suitable for use. Contact designated pharmacist to remove from ward for disposal. Record details in record book under patient’s own meds and store in CD cupboard. Action should be checked by a second qualified nurse. Return of patient’s own controlled drugs to the patient Patient’s own controlled drugs may be returned to the patient upon discharge if appropriate Return to patient Document in patient’s own section of the ward controlled drug register or the patient’s own register. Unfit for return to the patient or not appropriate Must be destroyed with the patient’s consent Item must be destroyed by a registered pharmacist witnessed by a registered nurse Document in CD register under patient’s own section 40 Flowchart on the death of a patient on a ward *Do not return CDs to a relative or carer* Patient’s own CDs and medicines to be put in a sealed bag with patient’s name on it and quarantined in the CD cupboard for two weeks Entry to be made in the CD register stating “Patient deceased” Enter in ward diary, in patient’s notes in the diary and on RiO name of medicines, quantity of each medicine, date of the entry, state the date after which the medicines can be destroyed. Require to be kept for 2 weeks in case the Coroner requests them. Entry to be witnessed and signed by two nurses or a nurse and a member of the pharmacy team. The witnesses need to sign across the seal of the bag and add the date. If requested by coroner CDs and medicines can be released to the coroner’s approved representative Enter the following in the ward diary on RiO and the ward CD register against original entry handed over to coroner, time and date handed over. Entry in ward diary and CD register to be signed by representative removing the medicines and nurse authorising removal. If after 2 weeks and the coroner has NOT requested the medicines, inform pharmacy to arrange for a pharmacist to denature the CD’s and dispose of the other medicines as per Trust waste procedure. Enter the following in the ward diary on RiO and the ward CD register against original entry medicines wasted / denatured on the ward, date and time. Entry in ward diary and the CD register to be signed by the pharmacist and the nurse authorising the denaturing/wasting of CDs/medicines 41 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 8 Checking Stock of Controlled Drugs on Wards 8.1 Nursing responsibilities 8.2 Controlled drug stock should be checked on a daily basis by the nurse in charge.. For items in regular use this check can be carried out during the administration process. A check of all stock levels should be carried out independently of administration once a week. There is no need to open packs with intact tamper evident seals for stock checking purposes. Where possible there should also be verification of entries in the register against entries made on individual prescriptions. The nurse in charge must be an authorised nurse signatory for the ward. A record indicating this check has been carried out must be kept in a separate record book/sheet or in the CD register and must confirm the stock is correct. The record must be dated and signed by both practitioners. The ward manager must ensure that these checks are carried out. The ward manager must undertake a random check of all CD cupboards at least once a month and record it in the ward register. It is good practice that stock balances of individual preparations be checked after every administration. An exception to this are liquid medicines where stock balances can only be checked when the bottle is empty. Any discrepancy must be reported to the nurse in charge who must inform the ward pharmacist or AO. The need for more frequent checks will be decided by the ward manager in liaison with the AO A pharmacist or authorised pharmacy technician must check the CDs balance a minimum of every three months and when overall responsibility for the medicines change e.g. change of appointment of the ward manager. Where possible there should also be verification of entries in the register against entries made on individual in-patient prescriptions. In the event of a discrepancy between the stock balance and register for CDs the nurse in charge must immediately and thoroughly investigate the loss together with the ward pharmacist. A missing entry must be sought but, after an unsuccessful investigation, the discrepancy must be reported immediately to the senior manager responsible for the ward or department and the AO who can then consider whether or not the police should be notified. An incident report must be completed Pharmacy responsibilities All stocks of Controlled Drugs outside pharmacy will be checked by a pharmacist or authorised pharmacy technician at least every 3 months and at other times when requested by the Ward/Department Manager or at the discretion of the Chief Pharmacist. Security and quality of record keeping will be reviewed at each stock check. The list of authorised signatures for ordering will be updated. A system will be in place to draw Ward Manager’s and Ward Pharmacist’s attention to exceptional usage of a particular Controlled Drug. (NB: The procedure of the acute trust must be followed at Calderdale Royal Hospital and the Dewsbury District Hospital) 42 8.3 Equipment required a) Signature list of Nursing Staff authorised to order Controlled Drugs for a Ward/Department. NB – This must be checked for accuracy at each ward CD check and be in date. 8.4 Quality and quantity check on the Ward/Department Arrange with the Ward/Department Manager a suitable time to carry out the check. The check must be carried out in conjunction with the Ward Manager/nurse in charge. Review the quantities and range of Controlled Drugs on the ward with the Ward Manager/nurse in charge. Start at page 1 of the ward controlled drug register and gradually work through the book. At each page check the quality of record keeping – look for crossings out, deletions and other anomalies that may indicate incorrect record keeping. At the bottom of each page ensure stock balances are correctly transferred to a new page. At each current stock entry check the following: The controlled drug has not reached its expiry date and appears to be in good condition. The balance in the register matched the number in stock. The container is appropriate. If the controlled drug is correct make an entry in the register in BLACK ink in the following style: Date 1/1/2005 8.5 Quantity in words ‘checked and correct’ Twelve ampoules checked and correct Signature F Bloggs Quantity in figures in the balance column and circled (12) Security Check the security arrangement for the storage and ordering of Controlled Drugs. Take to the ward a photocopy of the authorised signature list. Give the Ward Manager the copy of the authorised signatures and ask for it to be updated and then sent to the pharmacy for filing (where it will replace the original). Review the report of Controlled Drug supplies and highlight any unusual trends to the Ward Manager. 8.6 Discrepancies The pharmacist must inform the Ward Manager and the AO of any discrepancies and complete a Datix Report. 43 8.7 Flowchart for Handling Discrepancies on wards and departments Running balance discrepancy noted by registered nurse Notify appointed practitioner in charge of the discrepancy Both practitioners to thoroughly investigate all previous entries and checks made with specific prescriptions if necessary Discrepancy identified Inform the designated pharmacist of the discrepancy Designated pharmacist together with one of the designated practitioners involved will adjust the balance stating an explanation of the discrepancy in the record book entry with the adjusted running balance. Both the designated practitioner and pharmacist to sign against the entry. Discrepancy not identified Inform the designated pharmacist and the senior manager responsible for the ward / department to further investigate the discrepancy Discrepancy identified Discrepancy not identified Balance adjusted by the designated pharmacist and explanation stated in the record book. Both the designated pharmacist and appointed practitioner in charge to sign the entry. Contact the Trust Accountable Officer to further investigate the discrepancy. The Accountable Officer will decide if the police need to be informed 44 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 9 Storage of Controlled Drugs 9.1 The Misuse of Drugs (Safe Custody) Regulations 1973 cover the safe custody of controlled drugs in certain premises. The Regulations also set down certain standards for safes and cabinets used to store controlled drugs. 9.2 All CDs must be stored in a locked cupboard which can only be opened by a person who can lawfully be in possession, such as pharmacist or a Ward/Unit Manager, and an authorised nurse signatory. The keys for the CD cupboard must be stored on a key ring that is able to be separated from the rest of the keys for the clinic room and from the other medicines keys. The keys for the CD cupboard are required to be held for the duration of the shift by the nurse in charge of the shift and only given to nurse authorised signatories for administration of medicines or designated pharmacy staff for the checking of medicines. Pharmacy staff must ensure the keys are returned to the nurse in charge of the ward or an authorised nurse signatory. 9.3 In the Trust, the following standards apply to the storage of controlled drugs: Cupboards must be kept locked when not in use The lock must not be common to any other lock in the hospital Keys must only be available to authorised members of staff The cupboard must be dedicated to the storage of controlled drugs. No other medicines or items may be stored in the controlled drug cupboard. (except where a deceased patients drugs must be stored Controlled drugs must be locked away when not in use. In addition, the following standards relating to the actual cupboard should be met: Ward Cupboards must conform to BS2881 or be otherwise approved by the Pharmacy Department. Pharmacy cupboards should comply with the advice given by the Police Crime Prevention division i.e.: Able to withstand attack for 15 minutes after the departmental alarm has been triggered. Not located on an external wall. Ideally the contents should not be visible to patients or visitors when the cupboard is open. 9.4 There are no storage requirements for the storage of CDs in patients’ own homes. However nursing visiting should provide advice on safe and appropriate storage of controlled drugs. 45 9.5 Flowchart for the receipt and storage of CDs on wards Receipt of CDs into ward/department The registered nurse receiving the pharmacy bag containing the CD must immediately put away the CD safely. Check the CD received against the requisition. Checking for: Correct drug, strength, formulation, quantity An in-date expiry date Any discrepancies must be reported to pharmacy immediately Place the CD in the cupboard Enter the details of the received CD into the ward CD record book. To include: Date and time received. Received from pharmacy – requisition serial number Quantity received. Signature of receiving nurse and signature of checking nurse (registered if available otherwise an authorised health care worker). Running balance. Check the running balance figure with the quantity in the CD cupboard. Balance in cupboard and record book CORRECT Balance in cupboard and record book INCORRECT Follow the procedure for handling CD discrepancies Lock CD cupboard. Safely file away CD record book and requisition book in the appropriate place in the clinic room (usually inside the CD cupboard). Lock the clinic room on exit and return the CD cupboard keys to the authorised member of staff (nurse in charge of the ward) 46 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 10 Return/Disposal/Destruction of unwanted CDs Destruction of Controlled Drugs at ward level 10.1 Patients own Controlled drugs These can be destroyed using an approved denaturing kit by the ward pharmacist together with either the ward manager or an authorised nurse signatory. Consent should be given by the patient prior to destruction of the CDs. An entry must be made in the patient’s own section on the relevant page stating that the CD has been destroyed. Both the authorised nurse and the pharmacist must sign the book to say the CD has been destroyed including the date the time and any medicines left on the ward. The denaturing kit is now classed as “waste medicines” and can be disposed of in line with the Trust policy for disposal of medicines. 10.2 Ward stock 10.2.1 Units that are supplied by Fieldhead Pharmacy On the ward When there is stock that is no longer required on the ward this should be returned to pharmacy. This should be done together by an authorised nurse signatory and the ward pharmacist/authorised pharmacy technician. Make an entry in the ward controlled drugs register stating that the CD has been returned to pharmacy. Make an entry the ward CD order book stating the name, form, strength and quantity of drug being returned to pharmacy. These should be signed by both the authorised nurse signatory and the ward pharmacist/authorised pharmacy technician. The book should then be returned with the CDs to pharmacy. The appropriate section of the page in the book should then be signed by the member of pharmacy receiving the CDs. The medication and ward CD order book must be transported to pharmacy in a sealed tamper evident container. If it is an outside unit appropriate transport arrangements MUST be made. Excess stock should be returned to pharmacy as soon as possible and NOT left on the ward to incur daily stock checks. See section 1.10 47 In the pharmacy at Fieldhead Stock returned to pharmacy must be entered into the pharmacy register that working day. This entry MUST be witnessed by another pharmacist or a qualified pharmacy technician. 10.2.2 Wards and departments in Barnsley and any other areas where ward stock cannot be returned to the supplying pharmacy. The CDs should be destroyed using the denaturing kit in the presence of an authorised witness together with the ward manager or the nurse in charge of the ward. The nurse is required to be an authorised nurse signatory. Make an entry in the ward controlled drugs register stating that the CD has been destroyed. The de-naturing kit is now classed as “waste medicines” and can be disposed of in line with the Trust policy for disposal of medicines. The Controlled drug destruction record should be completed. 10.2.3 In patients’ homes. CDs should be returned to the community pharmacy by the patient’s own family or carers. SWYPFT staff should only return CDs for patients in exceptional circumstances and this should be recorded in the notes. Under no circumstances should any waste medicines be returned to hospital sites from patients’ homes. 48 Date : 10.2.3 Controlled Drugs Destruction Record Location : Stock / Patient Return Authorised Designation) Details (drug description, quantity destroyed & patient initials [if applicable]) Witness (Name & Second Witness ( Name & Designation) Comments (if required): (please continue overleaf or separate sheet if necessary) Lynn Haygarth Accountable Officer, South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Trust. D 49 10.3 Flowchart for the return/disposal of unwanted CD’s on the ward (this does not apply in Barnsley) CD is no longer required, or CD has expired (out of date) Authorised nurse signatory to contact the ward pharmacist to remove the CD from the ward / department Ward pharmacist will remove the unwanted CD from the CD cupboard in the presence of an authorised nurse signatory Ward pharmacist will make an entry in the CD record book to include: Date and time of the removal Reason for removal of the CD Enter the appropriate stock balance – checking against the stock in the CD cupboard and indicating if it is correct by initialing the balance figure The authorised nurse signatory will countersign the entry as a witness A copy will be made in the CD order book stating medicines returned to pharmacy. The book will accompany the medication in the temper evident package. The pharmacist will return the unwanted CD to the pharmacy. Fieldhead Pharmacy It is the pharmacist’s responsibility to ensure the following occurs: Drugs are returned on the pharmacy computer system Drugs will be entered into the register and placed in the correct location within the controlled drugs cupboard. If the drugs are deemed unsuitable for recycling, they will be entered directly into the pharmacy destruction register. They will not be returned onto the pharmacy computer system. This process must be witnessed by another pharmacist or qualified pharmacy technician. CDs to be denatured must be stored in a designated area of the CD cupboard separate from other stock CDs. Patient’s own medication can be entered into the destruction register under patients own medication section and can be denatured by a pharmacist 50 Form 2 Record of Drugs Requiring Denaturing in Fieldhead Pharmacy All CDs and drugs liable to misuse denatured by pharmacy (pharmacy stock / patient’s own returns etc.) must be recorded on this form. Records must be kept on the ward/area for a minimum of 2 years Date Drug Name Strength Quantity Reason for denaturing Denatured by Witnessed by 51 10.4 Ward Disposal/Destruction of Prepared/Partly-Used or CDs not administered Any dose of a CD that is prepared but not administered, including partly used syringes used in syringe driver pumps shall be destroyed on the ward or department. The destruction of the CD must be in the presence of a second registered nurse. The appropriate entry should be made in the CD register, which includes the signatures of the 2 practitioners involved in the destruction. In the community the nurse should place any unwanted or unusable partly used drugs in the sharps bin with the other paraphernalia. Dose of a CD that is prepared and not administered for whatever reason (e.g. contaminated, fell on floor, broken capsule) Destroy on the ward/department by the registered nurse using a denaturing kit (obtained from pharmacy) or in the sharps bin. An entry made in the CD record book to include: Date and time of destruction Reason for destruction Signatures of both practitioners Running balance One designated practitioner to initial the balance if the stock and record book balances are correct 52 10.5 Destruction of CDs Type of drug Where Person who must destroy drug Person who must witness destruction Pharmacist Authorised nurse signatory Where register entry must be made Ward CD register Notes Patient’s own unsuitable for use On the ward Patient’s own – unsuitable for use handed in directly to Pharmacy by patient Ward stock – unfit for use The Pharmacy to which they have been handed in Pharmacist Pharmacist Authorised pharmacy technician Pharmacy Destruction Register Return to pharmacy or Pharmacist Pharmacist Authorised pharmacy technician Ward controlled drug register On the ward Trust authorised witness Authorised nurse signatory On the ward – Authorised nurse signatory Registered nurse, pharmacist, or doctor Ward controlled drug register Ward register must state name of patient and details of dose/wastage e.g. 5mg given/5mg wasted. Authorised nurse signatory Registered nurse, doctor, or pharmacist Ward controlled drug register Register must state name of patient and reason for nonadministration. Person who Where Wastage from part doses drawn up on ward for individual patient, e.g. when giving 5mg dose from 10mg ampoule. Dose drawn up on ward for individual patient but not given Type of Or Trust authorised witness. or In a denaturing kit or in the sharps bin On the ward – In a denaturing kit or in the sharps bin Where Person who Patient’s own drugs may be kept on the ward for destruction after the patient has been discharged. The patient should consent to the destruction. The patient must consent to the destruction. The destruction Register must be kept for 7 years Notes 53 drug must destroy drug must witness destruction register entry must be made Ward CD register (separate section or separate register for suspected illicit substance) Suspected illicit drug or substance. Ward Pharmacist or Police Officer Authorised nurse signatory Suspected illicit substance/d rug taken away by police CDs in patient’s home when patient has died N/A Police officer Authorised nurse signatory Ward register Return to community pharmacy preferably by family member or carer. N/A N/A N/A No patient name required Possession is illegal unless for the purpose of destruction or handing to the police; such disposal must be timely. These substances must never under any circumstances be handed back to the patient. See Pg 17-18 Record required in ward CD register of drug being removed by police Record required on a CD administration card in patient’s own home. NB when a sharps bin contains Pharmaceuitcal waste it should be labelled “Contains mixed Pharmaceutical waste and sharps for incineration” 54 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 11 Control of Stationery 11.1 All stationery stored on the ward, which is used to order controlled drugs, must be kept in a locked cupboard or drawer. 11.2 All stationery stored in pharmacy which is used to order controlled drugs must be kept in a secure area which is locked when there is no one present. 11.3 A written order must be received for supply of stationery. 11.3.1 Stationery may be ordered from pharmacy using the ward-controlled drug requisition book. 11.3.2 Stationery includes: FP10 Prescriptions Controlled drug order books Controlled drug ward register CD prescriptions (these must not be photocopied, they are numbered). Lloyds out patient prescriptions Stationery may be ordered by Ward Manager or an authorised nurse signatory or by Ward Pharmacy staff. In the case of a new ward opening, stationery will be authorised by the Ward Pharmacist/Pharmacy Manager. 11.4 A record must be kept for the supply of stationery. 11.4.1 The record of supply will include the following details: Date Ward/Department Name of person ordering the stationery Type of stationery issued Quantity Signature of pharmacy staff making the supply The attached Proforma may be used. 11.4.2 Any unused stationery returned to pharmacy will be recorded as a return in the supply record; giving the details above. 11.5 Loss or theft of any controlled stationery which may be used to order drugs must be reported immediately to the ward pharmacist or the AO. 11.6 Transfer of balances to a new ward register may be carried out on the ward by ward staff. 11.7 Completed ward requisition books and registers must be retained for two years from the date of the last entry. CD registers to be kept for seven years if records of destruction of CDs on ward are in the register. These should be retained on the ward. If the ward closes, they should be retained by the relevant nursing management. 55 11.8 CONTROLLED DRUGS STATIONERY Record of Issue from Pharmacy DATE WARD/DEPT NAME OF TYPE OF PERSON STATIONERY ORDERING ISSUED STATIONERY QUANTITY (serial number if appropriate) SIGNATURE OF PHARMACY STAFF 56 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 12 12A Returning Controlled Drugs to Pharmacy when a Ward Closes (Not applicable in Barnsley ) When a ward closes for a short period (less than 3 months), Controlled Drugs must be returned to Pharmacy. This is for security reasons. 12.1 The Controlled Drugs must be removed from the Ward cupboard in the presence of a registered nurse and a second person who will act as a witness; this may be another registered nurse or a pharmacist who is going to return the Controlled Drugs to the pharmacy department for safe storage. 12.2 Each drug will be signed out of the appropriate section of the ward register by the nurse. The witness will countersign the entry. The entry will state that the drugs have been temporarily taken to Pharmacy for safe storage. 12.3 The Controlled Drugs will be sealed into a container, for example, a tamper evident container. The seal will be signed by both persons. The container will clearly state: Date Name of both persons Ward area 12.4 The container will be taken to pharmacy and placed for safe storage into the pharmacy Controlled Drug cabinet. 12.5 When the Ward re-opens the sealed container will be returned to the Ward. Once on the Ward, the container will be opened by a registered nurse, witnessed by a second nurse or a Pharmacist. An entry in all of the appropriate sections of the register will be made, stating that the drugs have been returned to the Ward; this entry will be signed by the nurse and the witness. 12.6 The contents of sealed containers that are being stored in pharmacy WILL NOT BE ENTERED INTO THE PHARMACY STOCK REGISTER. 12.7 Controlled Drugs that are being transported between wards and pharmacy must be carried in a safe and secure tamper evident container. When a ward closes permanently all Controlled Drugs must be removed from the Ward. 12.8 If the drugs are fit for re-use, they must be returned to pharmacy and the returns policy followed. 12.9 If the drugs are not fit for use, they must be destroyed following the destruction of controlled drugs policy. 12.10 The ward register and other controlled stationery will be retained by the 57 appropriate nursing manager. They will not be stored in Pharmacy. STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 12 B 12 B When a Ward closes in Barnsley When a ward closes in Barnsley for a short period (less than 3 months) CDs must be placed in a tamper evident bag and transferred to a neighbouring ward. 12.1 The Controlled Drugs must be removed from the Ward cupboard in the presence of a registered nurse and a second person who will act as a witness; this may be another registered nurse or a pharmacist who is going to return the Controlled Drugs to the pharmacy department for safe storage. 12.2 Each drug will be signed out of the appropriate section of the ward register by the nurse. The witness will countersign the entry. The entry will state that the drugs have been temporarily taken to Pharmacy for safe storage. 12.3 The Controlled Drugs will be sealed into a container, for example, a tamper evident container. The seal will be signed by both persons. The container will clearly state: Date Name of both persons Ward area 12.4 The container will be taken to pharmacy and placed for safe storage into the pharmacy Controlled Drug cabinet. 12.5 When the Ward re-opens the sealed container will be returned to the Ward. Once on the Ward, the container will be opened by a registered nurse, witnessed by a second nurse or a Pharmacist. An entry in all of the appropriate sections of the register will be made, stating that the drugs have been returned to the Ward; this entry will be signed by the nurse and the witness. 12.6 The contents of sealed containers that are being stored in pharmacy WILL NOT BE ENTERED INTO THE PHARMACY STOCK REGISTER. 12.7 Controlled Drugs that are being transported between wards and pharmacy must be carried in a safe and secure tamper evident container. When a ward closes permanently all CDs must be destroyed. 58 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 13 Compliance Aids with Controlled Drugs 13.1 Prescriptions requesting compliance aids may include requests for controlled drugs. Controlled drugs may be dispensed into compliance aids IF THE COMPLIANCE AID PROCEDURE IS FOLLOWED unless:- The patient is being discharged to a Nursing Home The patient is using the compliance aid in hospital under the Trust’s SelfMedication guidelines. Such drugs would require entry into the register so this would not be practical. The drug is unsuitable for dispensing into a compliance aid, e.g.. Hygroscopic medicines. See SWYPFT compliance aid policy for full details. 13.2 Where a controlled drug is dispensed into a compliance aid, it must be labelled in accordance with SWYPFT Labelling Procedure. In addition, if the compliance aid is prescribed for self-medication or discharge, the box and bag must be labelled “Store in a controlled drug cupboard” for the information of the Ward staff. 59 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 14 Procedure for dealing with suspected illicit substances handed in by or found on a service user on an in-patient unit Philosophy Service users with mental health problems co-morbid with substance misuse form a substantial and significant proportion of in-patients. The principle underlying this procedure is to engage the service user in treatment and harm reduction rather than into the criminal justice system. Illicit substances handed in by/found on a service user will be disposed of in accordance with Trust policy. Procedure If a substance handed in by/found on a patient is thought to be a suspected illicit substance it should be dealt with on the ward by two members of staff as follows: Wear disposal gloves Retain the substance – exceptions are syringes which must be disposed of in the sharps bin immediately Place item in a self sealing bag labelled with the following details i. Found by: ii. Found in possession of: iii. Ward: iv. Date ……… Time…..…. Inform the nurse in charge of the ward Nurse in charge to complete Suspected Illicit Drug Confiscation Form For small quantities _ _ _ Place substance in controlled drug cupboard In the Controlled Drugs register designate a page for suspected illicit substances and enter the details as in 3 above. Inform the ward pharmacist within 24 hours or on the next working day in the case of weekends and bank holidays. Inform bleep holder who will inform the police if necessary. (e.g. large quantities/class A drugs). For larger quantities 60 _ _ _ Seal in a designated container and hand to West or SouthYorkshire Police for storage or disposal Police and Bleep holder to sign confiscation form. The police will take possession of suspected illicit substance. Balance between treatment and pursuit of criminal prosecution should be clear in the care plan. It may be necessary to convene a CPA meeting to determine course of action. Inform RMO at the earliest opportunity. Copies of the confiscation form will be handed to the police (where informed) or Ward Pharmacist, the Unit Manager and the ward will retain a copy. Complete Health and Safety incident/SUI form Destruction Small quantities of suspected illicit substances should be destroyed or disposed of by the ward pharmacist together with the nurse in charge of the ward. This will be carried out using the approved controlled drug denaturing kit. The destruction must be recorded and signed by the ward pharmacist and the nurse in charge of the ward, witnessed and countersigned using the controlled drug register and the confiscation form. The Ward Manager and Modern Matron or Senior Manager (on call manager if necessary) must be informed immediately (that working day). 61 14.1 SUSPECTED ILLICIT DRUG CONFISCATION FORM Date: Time Found: Name of Patient or Visitor: Patient’s Hospital Number: Ward / Department: Details of suspected illicit substance and circumstances surrounding incident: Signature of Staff Member (1)…………………………………. Print Name: Signature of Staff Member (2)…………………………………..Print Name: Details of disposal: Signature of pharmacist destroying the substance Witnessed by (Senior Nurse on duty) To be completed by Bleep Holder Date and time police contacted (If applicable): Handed to police by (signature / print name): Receiving police officer (signature / print name): Copy: (please circle) Ward /team/ CSM / Chief Pharmacist /Audit 62 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 15 Destruction of Controlled Drugs in Pharmacy 15.1 General Principles Controlled drugs must be destroyed in accordance with the requirements of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 1985. This policy is based upon the guidelines laid down in the South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Medicines Code. It is intended to provide a timely method of destroying controlled drugs that are unfit for use. Controlled drugs may only be destroyed in the presence of a witness authorised by the accountable officer e.g. RPSGB inspectors, police chemist liaison officers and Home Office inspectors, executive officers of the Trust and officers reporting to executive officers. Destruction must occur in such a way that the drug is denatured or dissipated so that it is incapable of being retrieved, reconstituted or used. Destruction must occur in a timely fashion, so that excessive quantities are not stored awaiting destruction. All destruction must be documented in the appropriate section of the register (see below). It must be witnessed by a second authorised person. Both persons must sign the register. A separate register of drugs awaiting destruction will be kept in pharmacy for all drugs that must be destroyed within the pharmacy. These drugs will be stored separately from pharmacy stock controlled drugs. A separate section of the destruction register should be maintained for suspected illicit substances. Pharmacy stock controlled drugs for destruction must be booked out of the pharmacy computer system to the relevant cost centre. If a controlled drug is spilled in pharmacy. It must be booked out on the pharmacy computer system to the Pharmacy waste cost centre and booked out of the register. The register must be countersigned by a second member of pharmacy staff. At least one witness must be a Pharmacist. 15.2 Method of Destruction Wherever possible the out of date controlled drugs will be disposed of using the approved controlled drug denaturing kit. This will then be disposed of as pharmaceutical waste. Patches will be destroyed by removing the backing and folding the patch over upon itself. The patch will then be disposed of using the approved denaturing kit. 63 Ampoules should be opened, the liquid transferred to a denaturing kit and the ampoule itself be put in a sharps bin. An ampoule that contains powder can have water added to it to dissolve the power and the resulting mixture transferred to a denaturing kit. Following the Shipman report it has been deemed appropriate for a the Accountable officer to nominate senior officers of the Trust who do not take part in the day to day activity of use of CDs to destroy controlled drugs. The following are nominated to destroy CDS Sue Barton Sarah Hudson Chris Bontoft Anne Hoyle Simon Plummer Sean McDaid Deputy Director of Business Development Lead Pharmacist Barnsley Service Manager Kirklees Head of nutrition and dietetics Clinical Lead Learning Disabilities Nurse Consultant AWA Wakefield An appointment must be made by the pharmacist in charge of Fieldhead Pharmacy with the relevant person to when there is a need to destroy Controlled drugs. In Fieldhead Pharmacy all entries should be checked and enough denaturing kits available to ensure safe and effective destruction of the controlled drugs. A minimum of five minutes per item should be allocated An authorised witness form will be completed and signed by the AO. This and the approved Trust ID should be taken when requested to destroy Controlled drugs. When there is a requirement to destroy Controlled drugs on a ward or unit by the authorised witness the ward or unit manager should make an appointment with the authorised witness An audit trail of destroyed Controlled drugs must be available using the approved Controlled drugs destruction record (see SOP 10). 64 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 16 Security and Transportation of CDs In principle CDs should be transported in a sealed secure container which will be accompanied by the appropriate requisition book and delivery paperwork for signing for receipt of the container by the requesting ward/department. If there is any breach of security in transportation this should be notified to the accountable designated practitioner requesting the CD to be transported and the designated pharmacist so that the situation can be investigated thoroughly. If necessary the Trust’s Accountable Officer may become involved. 16.1 Transportation within Fieldhead site:See Standard Operating Procedure 5 (Ordering and Receipt of CD on wards) Medicines must be transported within hospitals by members of staff. Medicines must not be left unattended at any time during transport. 16.2 Transport to satellite units with trust approved transport:- The driver signs the appropriate section of the CD order sheet to confirm collection of the bag at FHH pharmacy. The delivery point column of the CD delivery log (see 16.3) is completed by a member of the pharmacy staff and the medication and CD order book is then put into a sealed tamper evident bag, the CD delivery log must be handed to the driver. 1 sheet per pouch. A log of the delivery must be kept at Pharmacy for audit purposes. (see 16.4) The medication and CD order book are delivered to the satellite unit/ ward. Delivery vans should be externally distinguishable from other Health Service vans. DELIVERY VANS SHOULD NOT CARRY ANY UNAUTHORISED PASSENGERS. Delivery vans must be locked when unoccupied. Where pouches do not arrive directly to the ward base the second column must be completed for a change of carrier, the second signature is also a confirmation the seal is still in tact, where a number of the seal is recorded this must be checked at all locations where a transfer occurs. On transfer to ward staff the transfer 2 column is completed and the log faxed back to the pharmacy. The member of the ward staff will need to provide ID. On entering the CD’s into the ward register the nurse will then break the seal and check the contents of the bag and sign the appropriate section of the CD order sheet. 16.3 Community Nursing Staff Community Nursing Staff should not transport controlled drugs in their cars unless there is an urgent clinical need. Where this is the case this should be documented appropriately. 65 16.3 Controlled Drug Delivery Log from Pharmacy department: - Fieldhead Date ___________ Time__________ Delivery point Drivers name ______________ Signature__________________ Complete on collection Transfer 1 from Pharmacy Complete on transfer to second vehicle / security Fieldhead desk Number of Is the bag Received by Received by Is the Red sealed? print name Signature Bag still Controlled (ID must be sealed? Drug seen) Pouches Transfer 2 To be Completed by ward staff Name of person collecting from ward (ID must be checked) Signature of person collecting from ward Where 2nd carrier or interim holder is not used complete only transfer 2 column On completion immediately fax sheet to Fieldhead Pharmacy on 01924327076. Return original copies to Fieldhead Hospital Pharmacy in the next available pharmacy pouch All sheets must be returned to pharmacy Fieldhead hospital for audit purposes Completed sheets to be kept for 2 years 66 16.4 Date Time Controlled Drug weekly satellite transport log Delivery point Driver Fax received Original received Comments Week commencing ___________ Completed sheets to be kept for 2 years 67 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 17 Archiving controlled drug documentation 17.1 Stationery that has been used in conjunction with controlled drugs must be retained in accordance with the Misuse of Drugs Act. 17.2 The standards given in the Pharmacy Services Guidelines for Archiving document must be followed. A copy should be found in each dispensary in the Operational Services Core Procedure file. 17.3 The time periods for archiving controlled drug documentation is as follows:- Requisitions Registers Extemporaneous worksheets Aseptic worksheets (adult) Aseptic Worksheets (paed) External orders and delivery notes Prescriptions (inpatients) Prescriptions (outpatients) Clinical trials CD destruction 17.4 2 years 7 years 13 years 13 years 26 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 15 years 7 years Ward registers and controlled drug requisition books are to be archived by the ward or Nursing Management. They will not be stored in Pharmacy. 68 Appendix 1 - Equality Impact Assessment Tool To be completed and attached to any policy document when submitted to the Executive Management Team for consideration and approval. Yes/No 1. Comments Does the policy/guidance affect one group less or more favourably than another on the basis of: Race Ethnic origins travellers) No (including gypsies and No Nationality No Gender No Culture No Religion or belief No Sexual orientation including lesbian, gay and bisexual people No Age No Disability - learning disabilities, physical disability, sensory impairment and mental health problems No 2. Is there any evidence that some groups are affected differently? No 3. If you have identified potential discrimination, are any exceptions valid, legal and/or justifiable? No 4. Is the impact of the policy/guidance likely to be negative? No 5. If so can the impact be avoided? N/A 6. What alternatives are there to achieving the policy/guidance without the impact? N/A 7. Can we reduce the impact by taking different action? N/A If you have identified a potential discriminatory impact of this policy, please refer it to the Director of Corporate Development or Head of Involvement and Inclusion together with any suggestions as to the action required to avoid/reduce this impact. For advice in respect of answering the above questions, please contact the Director of Corporate Development or Head of Involvement and Inclusion. 69 Appendix 2 - Checklist for the Review and Approval of Procedural Document To be completed and attached to any policy document when submitted to EMT for consideration and approval Title of document being reviewed: 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. Comments Title Is the title clear and unambiguous? Yes Is it clear whether the document is a guideline, policy, protocol or standard? Yes Policy Rationale Are reasons for development of the document stated? 3. Yes/No/ Unsure Yes Development Process Is the method described in brief? Yes Are people involved in the development identified? Yes Do you feel a reasonable attempt has been made to ensure relevant expertise has been used? Yes Is there evidence of consultation with stakeholders and users? N/A Content Is the objective of the document clear? Yes Is the target population clear and unambiguous? Yes Are the intended outcomes described? Yes Are the statements clear and unambiguous? Yes Evidence Base Is the type of evidence to support the document identified explicitly? Yes Are key references cited? Yes Are the references cited in full? Yes Are supporting documents referenced? Yes Approval Does the document identify which committee/group will approve it? Yes If appropriate have the joint Human Resources/staff side committee (or equivalent) approved the document? NA Dissemination and Implementation Is there an outline/plan to identify how this will be done? Yes Does the plan include the necessary training/support to ensure compliance? Yes 70 Title of document being reviewed: 8. 9. 10. 11. Yes/No/ Unsure Comments Document Control Does the document identify where it will be held? Yes Have archiving arrangements for superseded documents been addressed? Yes Process to Monitor Compliance and Effectiveness Are there measurable standards or KPIs to support the monitoring of compliance with and effectiveness of the document? Yes Is there a plan to review or audit compliance with the document? Yes Review Date Is the review date identified? Yes Is the frequency of review identified? If so is it acceptable? Yes Version 3 Overall Responsibility for the Document Is it clear who will be responsible implementation and review of the document? Appendix 3 - Yes Version Control Sheet This sheet should provide a history of previous versions of the policy and changes made Version Date Author Status Comment / changes 1 2 Feb 2010 Lynn Haygarth 3 Oct 2011 Lynn Haygarth Information on management of medicines after death. Introduction of BDU responsibility. Information on compliance with the recently introduced information on destruction of controlled drugs. Strengthening of the ward qualified nursing responsibilities of controlled drugs on each shift change. Included Barnsley locality where possible. Indicated where the pharmacy policies relate specifically to Fieldhead pharmacy. 71